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Author Topic: Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski  (Read 19289 times)

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Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
« on: August 07, 2015, 04:16:29 AM »
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  • I don't know how many here actively follow Eric GaJєωski, aka TradCatKnight but in the event that you do, I think it's time to drop him like a hot potato. After checking out one of his videos a ways back, I caught on to the fact that this man is entirely convinced that he is the Great Catholic Monarch.

    So as a public service I plodded through four of his outrageously long podcasts, scooping up quotes as I went. He's really come a long way since his days at Defeat Modernism and it sounds like Chris Pieretti had the right idea to cut him off a year and half ago. This guy has basically become the Resistance version of the Dimond brothers only instead of claiming to be a monk, he's making every indication that he is the GCM. I don't have much pity for him; he's constantly labeling all SSPX priests and the laity that still support them as heretics or non-Catholics.

    It's time to cook this turkey.

    If you're reading this Eric, I was particularly inspired by your arrogant presumption and yes, lack of charity. Enjoy! Everyone else, please spread the word about this guy. For all the Resistance priests who haven't taken a closer look at TradCultKnight's YouTube Channel (I'm looking at you Father Kramer!) please think of some way to disassociate from this man until he gets a grip on reality.


    I have taken the following quotes from four videos on his channel. I am embedding them up front so you can verify as you go down the list:

    TradCatKnight Radio: "A Life Of Prayer: Prepare Or Not Care?"

    TradCatKnight Radio: "Apocalypse 12:14, Eagles & the Desert"
    Fortuna finem habet.

    Offline Croixalist

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #1 on: August 07, 2015, 04:19:18 AM »
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  • TradCatKnight Radio: "Get Out Of The Van While You Still Can"

    TradCatKnight Radio: "Fear or Faith? Fright or Flight?"

    The Great Moron Monarch: Hidden no moar!!
    Source: "A Life Of Prayer: Prepare Or Not Care?"

    Quote from: Eric GaJєωski
    I'm making this very clear right now: behalf of our Lord, what our Lord has me to do, ok and I'm saying this in all humility and all charity ok, eventually what He will have me to do, is to give the commands. I don't take the commands, I don't take the orders, I'm giving them. At a certain point people will understand that authority that has been given. People might not see it now, they will see it in the future. So, I want to make sure that I'm very very clear on that...

    He will publically announce the Restoration!
    Source:"Apocalypse 12:14, Eagles & the Desert"

    Quote from: Eric GaJєωski
    As Catholics we are counter-revolutionaries, we're not revolutionaries. We truly should be monarchists uh and working towards uh that great day of restoration, of which I will publically announce to the world. Um and we will, we will have to do what we have to do to uh make sure that order uh that order comes back to life, so to speak, and that eventually um, we can protect and aid the Church uh once all of the churches get shut down, the persecution. The eagles will be there in defense saying 'No, this isn't going to happen. If you're going to do this, we're going to have to be a problem' and just force will be necessary at that point.

    He needs your help!
    Source: "Get Out Of The Van While You Still Can"

    Quote from: Eric GaJєωski
    We need monarchy here so I need you to help me make this country Catholic.

    His Banner
    Source:"Apocalypse 12:14, Eagles & the Desert"

    Quote from: Eric GaJєωski
    We're gonna carry a banner with us

    The Order of the Ego Eagle
    Source: "A Life Of Prayer: Prepare Or Not Care?"

    Quote from: Eric GaJєωski
    ...Order of the Eagle, which will be a Catholic military order, which will get formal approval by the Church authorities down the road...

    The Unattached Eagle Playboy Model
    Source: "Apocalypse 12:14, Eagles & the Desert"

    Quote from: Eric GaJєωski
    When I went through my crisis you know: I lost, you know, my job, I lost my house, lost my girlfiend, lost my health, lost my mon- I mean I lost everything like virtually all at once and I had to become, I mean God just put me right in the middle of the desert, ah so to speak, all at once. And so I literally developed, you know, obviously anxiety problems. I obviously was in a deep depression, um claustrophobic, developed panic attacks.

    Now this, that was all a result of the underlying problem of me being attached to things. You see? That was the underlying problem. And so when I was finally, you know, paid the price for all the aggregious mortal sins I was committing at that time and living the life of a playboy, and then striving to understand what He was trying to teach me and learning of being detached so ultimately I could be a model for this eagle, a model for what we were going to stand for in this Order: to be detached.

    The Urban Monk: Synopsis Gospel
    Source: "A Life Of Prayer: Prepare Or Not Care?"

    Quote from: Eric GaJєωski
    I wanted to speak more specifically about the order which I will uh, be leading which our Lord wants me to lead uh in a certain sense we are going to have to be withdrawn meaning that's a part of our charism. We are drawn away from idle talk, idle conversation. we want to spend the majority of our time in silence and solitude, much like a monk would in a monastery. I kind of joke around when people ask basically who am I what do I do and that's basically the synopsis: I'm a urban monk

    Uh I prefer, I prefer being uh, you know, staying in that Mary role as opposed to Martha. Not that the Martha aspect is not good, but we know the Mary portion is better. that's why I said we are contemplatives in action. Yeah we are going to go out on a daily basis and do those works of mercy, do those works of charity but its th-th-the larger portion of the day is devoted to prayer to writing, to studying, to contemplation uh and so I wanted I want everyone to understand that that when we use the word "withdrawn", in this particular sense it's a good thing.

    The Pfff of the Foundations
    Source: "Fear or Faith? Fright or Flight?"

    Quote from: Eric GaJєωski
    And so, uh, you know, if we don't have the intent of perfection again that's the pfff one of th-the foundations of being an Eagle. You know, there will be many people who say "Well, I wanna be an Eagle because I wanna, you know, fight against the Islam or this-" No! No, no, no, no,no! Fundamentally speaking, we are after perfection! That is our primary concern. Yes, w-we'll have to defend the Church. Yes of course thats'-that only, you know, goes without saying. If you're not in it to strive for perfection, you shouldn't- you shouldn't want to be an Eagle, I can tell you that right now!

    Giving Up Your Body
    "Apocalypse 12:14, Eagles & the Desert"

    Quote from: Eric GaJєωski
    As a Catholic, you know... more specifically an Eagle, you have to be willing to give up your body for our Lord.

    Eric's Adult Industry Ministry
    Source: "Get Out Of The Van While You Still Can"

    Quote from: Eric GaJєωski
    We had to give you an example of how your prayers are helping in this apostolate and I try to remind everyone to continue to pray for me of course but also  the apostolate in general because I do have other ministries going on which tie into to this and one of which I started up again here over the past uh week or so maybe even two weeks uh in dealing with ah, women in the adult industry which is my main ministry you could say. So anyone that's you know, dancing, escorting, bikini models, international models, pornographic actresses, I mean anything in that lewd realm that uh pertains to the flesh, immodesty uh I go and literally reach out via phone via email and offer! You know I let them know, these are some serious times here you can't be living in habitual mortal sin and think you're going to make it through these times.

    Ah you know, and ultimately and so over the course of this past few weeks, of course very few respond back positively at least they're warned uh, so that they can't hold to the ignorance argument before God. They certainly have been warned. But uh, it was very touching to know that one particular young lady I've talked to twice now for a total of 7 hours total, that's how interested she is in becoming Catholic, and you know, understanding, you know, the Catholic faith but then also having a pretty solid foundation of knowing about the Illuminati and how the nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr works so it makes sense to her. She came from a Baptist background but it makes very much sense to her how all these pieces fit in she understands now how revolution is-is-is not a Christian thing.

    Point being is-is you know she had told me per our last conversation, I'm actually going to speak to her tonight uh after this radio show, that she is intent on joining the resistance and she has every intent of leaving her way of life with what she's been doing and you now, formally becoming Catholic. So I-I've got her reading the Catechism now and you know again we-we've spent about 7 hours total this past week in two different conversations were in I can cover uh Catholic doctrine and and get to help her understand those things that she needs because in the end again without that proper norm of faith it is impossible to please God.

    If I had any advice for that girl it would be don't let him pick you up for Latin Mass! Stay out of the van!

    Fortuna finem habet.

    Offline Matthew

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #2 on: August 07, 2015, 08:42:23 AM »
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  • I wasn't aware of most of this -- I guess it's because I didn't listen to his podcasts.

    For me, it's probably because I don't have time to spend listening to some layman who is about my age. Especially when it's not even text, but rather a video or podcast. At least on CathInfo I can read quickly and skim lots of news and reports in one place.

    And I never was very attracted to his apostolate for some reason.

    P.S. It's a bit disturbing that Fr. Voigt seems to be a fan of his. Father sends on all of Eric's forwards to his "list". He also spoke of Eric in very glowing terms.

    So let's see -- Fr. Voigt is with Fr. Pfeiffer, and they both red-light the SSPX. Fr. Voigt threatened and/or followed through with driving 5 hours (one way) once a month so a single family won't have to go to Mass with Fr. Zendejas (we can't have that!). So they even red-light other Resistance chapels they don't control.

    And now I find out that Eric GaJєωski calls the entire body of SSPX priests "heretics" and "non-Catholics". Hmm... apparently, birds of a feather flock together. No wonder they get along.
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    Offline PG

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #3 on: August 07, 2015, 12:48:18 PM »
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  • croixalist - I never listened to his talks, but this is very interesting and worth reviewing.  Thanks.

    Online Ladislaus

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #4 on: August 07, 2015, 01:43:12 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matthew
    And I never was very attracted to his apostolate for some reason.


    Online Ladislaus

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #5 on: August 07, 2015, 01:44:13 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matthew
    So they even red-light other Resistance chapels they don't control.

    I would call them schismatic for that except that it sounds more as if they're mentally disturbed.

    Offline OHCA

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #6 on: August 07, 2015, 01:52:43 PM »
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  • Quote from: Ladislaus
    Quote from: Matthew
    So they even red-light other Resistance chapels they don't control.

    . . . it sounds more as if they're mentally disturbed.

    Isn't Pablo still on board to keep everybody sane?

    Offline OHCA

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #7 on: August 07, 2015, 01:54:25 PM »
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  • Quote from: Croixalist
    I don't know how many here actively follow Eric GaJєωski, aka TradCatKnight but in the event that you do, I think it's time to drop him like a hot potato. After checking out one of his videos a ways back, I caught on to the fact that this man is entirely convinced that he is the Great Catholic Monarch.

    Doesn't everybody know that InfiniteFaith is the GCM?

    Offline Matthew

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #8 on: August 07, 2015, 02:03:59 PM »
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  • Quote from: OHCA
    Quote from: Croixalist
    I don't know how many here actively follow Eric GaJєωski, aka TradCatKnight but in the event that you do, I think it's time to drop him like a hot potato. After checking out one of his videos a ways back, I caught on to the fact that this man is entirely convinced that he is the Great Catholic Monarch.

    Doesn't everybody know that InfiniteFaith is the GCM?

    Has he actually made that claim?

    (As an aside, I also assume InfiniteFaith isn't Eric GaJєωski.)

    Throw in Joseph Saraceno who thinks he's John the Baptist and/or Elias, and we're ready for the End Times!

    The Trad world has certainly drawn out its share of mental cases.
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    Offline MrYeZe

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #9 on: August 07, 2015, 02:05:41 PM »
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  • I've been subscribed to him for a while, but I haven't watched any of his newer stuff.  Now I'm kind of glad I didn't.
    Better to illuminate than merely to shine, to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate.

       -Thomas Aquinas

    "Even if my own father were a heretic, I would gather the wood to burn him"

    -Pope Paul IV

    Offline Matthew

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #10 on: August 07, 2015, 02:18:35 PM »
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  • I always thought he was kind of "off", at least technologically. He refers to every blog entry or blog post as a "blog".

    This is especially strange because Eric is not in his 60's or 70's like I thought when I first observed his technological ignorance. He's actually a young guy.

    For me and for the vast majority of Internet citizens, a new blog is when you go to or and create a new blog! (or, when you register a new domain name and install your own blog software) You know, pick an address, a title for the blog, pick a header image, and all that. An actual NEW BLOG as it were.

    A blog (short for "weblog" or "web-log") has many entries or posts. Just like a log has many entries. Get it? A blogger is a person who runs a blog. A subscriber is someone who subscribes to a blog; he may or may not add "comments" to the various blog posts.

    When Christopher Columbus made an entry in his captain's log during his trip to the New World, did he tell his sailors, "I made a new log today." No, he made a new ENTRY in his log.

    And a forum is not a blog! :)  
    A forum has dozens or even thousands of members who may post content at any time, usually without any special approval or pre-moderation. Everyone's posts have the same prominence or visibility on a forum, even though some people might have special "mod" powers.

    A blog is a website run by 1-3 people as their own personal soapbox, where they post their 2 cents about this or that topic. They might allows discussions in the "comments", or they might have comments turned off, or they might allow only registered members to comment (and it might be difficult to get approved as a registered member). But even if you have hundreds of people commenting, it's still not a forum because the main focus is on the 1-3 owners of the blog. They are on the stage, and everyone else is in the audience.

    When you fumble around and use totally wrong terms, it really makes you look ignorant, like you just fell off the turnip truck.

    "I used me that thar magic box to send a message mail on the AOL to my friend Bubba. He blogged back with his network client that I was an idiot."

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #11 on: August 07, 2015, 02:23:03 PM »
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  • I go to his page sometimes. I think it is strange that he calls his followers eagles. And I think it is strange that he believes in planet X. But I really hope he doesn't believe he is the Great Catholic Monarch.
    Please pray for the repose of my soul.

    Offline MrYeZe

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #12 on: August 07, 2015, 02:30:21 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matto
    I go to his page sometimes. I think it is strange that he calls his followers eagles. And I think it is strange that he believes in planet X. But I really hope he doesn't believe he is the Great Catholic Monarch.

    The fact that he believes in Planet X is already enough to prove him a loon, the GCM thing just puts him over the edge.  The referring to his followers as 'eagles' isn't really anything out of the ordinary though.
    Better to illuminate than merely to shine, to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate.

       -Thomas Aquinas

    "Even if my own father were a heretic, I would gather the wood to burn him"

    -Pope Paul IV

    Offline Maria Auxiliadora

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #13 on: August 07, 2015, 02:35:44 PM »
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  • I have no idea who this Eric GaJєωski, aka TradCatKnight is. However, I'm grateful he is bringing Fr. Gregory Hesse's videos back.
    The love of God be your motivation, the will of God your guiding principle, the glory of God your goal.
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    Offline Matthew

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    Great Monarch Madness Part 1: The Big GaJєωski
    « Reply #14 on: August 07, 2015, 02:44:25 PM »
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  • Yes, obviously not everything he forwards or posts is "bad" -- it's just the messenger that has issues. You can't dismiss everything he posts just because he has issues himself. I'm sure he is quite positive about the Rosary, Tradition, etc., etc.

    Trads always have to be careful. In this case as in every other.
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