I know Randy Engle personally, if she said something derogatory, she definitely researched it thoroughly. She spent over thirty years researching her book RITE OF SODOMY exposing the rot in the church, no soft pedalling or covering up on her part. She tells the truth even if it hurts. She is a very honorable holy and good woman.How much research have you done Roscoe ? She's been battling the antilife forces practically her whole adult life .What have you been doing Roscoe ?
Servant of God, Cardinal Merry Del Val is probably one of the most hardcore Thomist there is out there. He is definitely not "soft" on anything, and he is a very learned theologian as good as it can get. I would really highly suspect anything against him, unless the evidence was truly overwhelming. In 1953 the cause for canonization was opened up for him, and he was noted for his sanctity and learning something that magnifies things. Plus he has the coolest name ever old school spaniard: Rafael María José Pedro Francisco Borja Domingo Gerardo de la Santíssima Trinidad Merry del Val y Zulueta. Pretty awesome he has Basque descendency :guitar:.
He was the one commissioned with the work of Apostolicae Curae which is a masterpiece and it was thanks to this that we can say with certainty the invalidity of the New consecration Rite, for this alone he deserved to be beatified for helping out H.H. Leo XIII with the research.
This is an approved prayer to him:
Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui gloriam tuam manifestas per humilitatem, et exemplum integritatis religionis, per odium modernismi
et per castigationem mortificationemque carnis servi tui
Merry del Val, praesta, quaesumus, si conforme voluntati tuae sit, ut
eum intercessione eius in terra glorifices per beneficium …. quod
ferventer imploramus per Cor Sacratissimum pro gloria tua et gloria
Matris Mariae doloris quam piissime diligebat. Amen.
Pater Noster. Ave Maria. Gloria Patri.
Despite the respect Randy Engel might have I think it is quite bold to talk about someone who by the standards of any man of right reason is a true Pope... Never forget the high opinion that was held of him by so many good theologians, clergyman etc... Secretary to the Holy Office and it was not only in name, but he actually did something to fight against Modernism...
Now in the name of all that is Holy could you please post what is it that she has said?