What a video. I had to watch the whole thing, naturally. What a ton of research! Yes, it takes 40 minutes for the whole thing, but think of how many hours went in to researching and producing this video. I consider it a bargain.
I had done a lot of research myself, but this guy has me beat. He taught me quite a bit. I never even clicked on *Eric's* followers on Twitter; I focused on the people following him. He really summarized that part well. I did mention his "subscriptions" on Youtube though.
I noticed a lot of "reacting" to CathInfo in Eric's recent behavior in the last few weeks.
1. Alexa rank -- someone on here pointed out his horrible Alexa rank, betraying his REAL popularity (which isn't much, needless to say). Sure enough, Eric got right on it!
2. His joke of a forum, which I took him to task for only having 115 members after a year. Again, Eric agreed and got right on it! Now he has 1000 fake members as well. And I love how this video showcased some of the posts on his forum -- advertising testosterone, fake Facebook likes, etc. Priceless!
I also liked the shout-outs (without naming us, of course) to CathInfo, Eric's rant here, and Eric's outburst on his own blog about me and CathInfo.
I also liked how the video connected these dots: In one of Erics's posts on here, he said anyone with a forum that has only 2700 members is not to be taken seriously. Ok, Eric! Will do. Your forum, even after the 1000 fake ones added, is still only at less than 1200. You're insignificant -- noted. :)
The video really put all the pieces together -- that he is seriously lying to the public about his "#1 status" and when combined with the fact he's asking for donations ON THE ASSUMPTION HE'S SO BIG AND SUCCESSFUL, it's very immoral. The fact he's selling ad space on a fraudulent basis (claiming he's so popular, when he's actually not) is basically theft. He's offering something that he's not ACTUALLY providing. He might as well be using falsified weights and measures in commerce, adulterating food products with filler, etc.
Like the video said, he has some serious issues.