Belloc said:The Whore is the one world Govt/religious/social system to be set up, we are at the beginnings of it (NWO)
I see Belloc has not been reading my posts in the Fatima thread, ha ha. This is precisely what we have been led to think through the most refined use of propaganda.
( 1 ) Mystery Babylon / The Whore of Babylon is America, which is the cornerstone and symbol of the Universal Republic based on French Revolutionary principles.
( 2 ) The Universal Republic IS the real nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr, the one the Illuminists and Masons dreamt of.
( 3 ) Vatican II is based on Americanist principles, and that is why Dignitatis Humanae reads like the Constitution, or like the Declaration of the Rights of Man, saying that all states MUST have religious liberty, a reversal of Church teaching. America and Vatican II are connected by spiritual DNA and they will almost definitely go down in flames together.
Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Nesta Webster, pg. 193 --
"Has not the system of the ant-heap or the beehive proved, as I have pointed out elsewhere, the model on which modern Anarchists, from Proudhon onwards, have formed their schemes for the reorganization of human life? Has not the idea of the "World State," the "Universal Republic" become the war cry of the Internationalist Socialists, the Grand Orient Masons, the Theosophists, and the world-revolutionaries of our own day?"
Pius X, Notre Charge Apostolique --
"We do not have to demonstrate here that the advent of universal Democracy is of no concern to the action of the Church in the world; we have already recalled that the Church has always left to the nations the care of giving themselves the form of government which they think most suited to their needs."
At best, this comment is naive. At worst, it is something more than that, and the fact that Pius X was "sainted" by Pius XII is not a good sign. Should I quote Pius XII giving his seemingly random speech on bees again?
Be afraid, be very afraid. Actually, don't because --
( 4 ) Belloc, we are at the END of the NWO, or at least this version of it. Not the beginning.
If people here don't believe me, why do you think that in all the prophecies there is the emphasis on a MONARCH as being the one who restores the Church? Don't you see the symmetry? The Jews and Masons aimed their treachery against the Catholic monarchies, and it is when the Monarchy is restored that the Church is restored, at least temporarily.
America is in no way standing against the NWO; America is Masonic to the core. Our very flag is an echo of the tricolor of the French Revolution. The separation of Church and state was the subversive principle that set the ball rolling for the Jews to take over and for the Vatican to eventually succuмb. Our current Apostasy could never have possibly happened under the watch of Catholic princes, and so they were steadily removed through underhanded tactics and replaced with those amenable to our form of government.
The whole world has not been "EU-ized," it has been Americanized. Think of how all nations have Coca-Cola and McDonald's, how they know our movie stars, how we have exported our system of government everywhere, our feminism everywhere, our immorality everywhere, our support for Jєωιѕн goals everywhere -- all nations fornicate with the Whore of Babylon.