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Author Topic: Apostasy of Vatican II  (Read 1598 times)

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Offline Stephanos II

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Apostasy of Vatican II
« on: September 26, 2013, 12:36:53 AM »
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  • From the below, not to mention the original Maurice Pinay:

    It is clear that Vatican II was known ahead of time for the Apostasy it would be.

    Vicomte Léon De Poncins warned of Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ in the Vatican, he emphatically warned of it with full knowledge and docuмentation of it. De Poncins especially revealed that Augustin Bea was a crypto Jєω whose name was actually Augustin Behar and that he was a Jєω and a B'nai B'rith Freemason Illuminist. (Only Jєωs are allowed membership in B'nai B'rith - he was a full member.) In collusion with Jules Isaac, another Jєω, Behar inserted the absolute Satanic poison known as Nostrae Aetate into the Vatican II robber council. Archbishop Lefebvre and Cardinal Ottaviani and others formed Coetus Internationalis Patrum before the V2 robber council in order to combat the foe they knew were apostates totally owned and operated by Satan. Cardinal Siri was part of this loyal and faithful to Christ commando operation to resist the Devil's minions at V2. Lefebvre, though he had his limits, was a tireless leader of the resistance. The principles that Lefebvre and Siri and Ottaviani and De Poncins and others lived and stood for have not changed, even if those who are supposed to uphold them do not do so. Archbishop Lefebvre WARNED: "Ratzinger is a snake!"

    Francis is as bad if not worse.

    Faithful Catholics are never to have anything to do with "snakes."

    From original:

    Auto Translation of very first part. There is much more. Go to link above for original and original link to PDF as well.

    Wednesday, June 2008 4

    This message can be downloaded in PDF format on our website .

    Archbishop Lefebvre at the head of the opposition during Vatican II (1)
    The historical role of Archbishop Lefebvre in leader Coetus , is recognized by his conciliar enemies .

    The historical truth comes to light. Extract from the monumental " History of Vatican II  "of Alberigo

    We begin the publication of academic works that demonstrate the key role played the future founder of the SSPX, at Vatican II, to oppose the texts were promulgated .

    These works come from a recognized university conciliar, who published a history of Vatican II in several volumes.

    Bishop Sigaud, Archbishop of Diamantina (Brazil) "was the founder and soul of the group." This is the Coetus Internationalis Patrum . "" International Group of Fathers "is certainly the largest and most efficient of all conservative trend [1] " , declares? Alberigo historian. And although a supporter of Vatican II, he pays tribute to Coetus : " Especially attentive to procedural matters (especially hinder the approval of texts considered ambiguous) , the " Coetus "can be considered as a group of "ideology Overall, "whose hardline conservatism manifests on all topics of discussion conciliar: ahistorical approach the truths of faith, Roman Catholic triumphalism, distrust of change, fear before the ecuмenical opening [2] . "

    History of Vatican II (1959-1965) [3] - Under the direction of Giuseppe Alberigo. French version under the direction of Stephen Fouilloux. Editions du Cerf

    ·         Volume 1 (576 pages) - Catholicism to a new era. The announcement and preparation (January 1959-October 1962). Published in: May 1997
    ·         Volume 2 (736 pages) - The formation of the conciliar consciousness - the first session and the first sessions (October 1962-September 1963). Published in: May 1998
    ·         Volume 3 (610 pages) - The adult Council - The second session and the second intersessional
    ·         (September 1963-September 1964). Published in: September 2000
    ·         Volume 4 (832 pages) - The Church as Communion - The third session and third sessions (September 1964 - September 1965). Released: May 2003
    ·         Volume 5 (834 pages) - Council of Transition - The fourth session and the conclusion of the Council (September-December 1965). Released: September 2005

    Collaborations: Giuseppe Alberigo - Joseph Famerée - Etienne Fouilloux - Reiner Kaczynski - Veronique Liard-Brandver - Alberto Melloni - Jacques Mignon - Claude Soetens - Evangelista Vilanova - Giuseppe - Riccardo Burigana - Joseph A. Komonchak - Giovanni Miccoli - Hanjo Sauer - Luis Antonio G. Tagle - Norman Tanner - Giovanni Turbanti - Peter Hünermann - Bernard Lauret - Gilles Routhier - Christoph Theobald - Giovanni Turbanti - Mauro Velati - Lukas Vischer
    Giuseppe Alberigo is emeritus professor of church history at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Bologna. He leads the Istituto per le Scienze religiose Bologna, founded by Giuseppe Dossetti.
    And " The main contributor Sigaud was, from the beginning, the Superior General of the Fathers of the Holy Spirit, Marcel Lefebvre [4] . "writes Alberigo, repeating " The main contributors Brazilian prelate had been, from the beginning, Bishop Mr. Lefebvre, French archbishop and Superior General of Spiritans [5] and then L. Bishop Carli, Bishop of Segni (Italy). "
    And Archbishop Lefebvre was with Bishop Sigaud and later Bishop Carli, one of the two or three prelates who led the fight "the most important and most effective" against the revolution of Vatican II during the sessions s 'étagèrent from 1962 to 1965.
    Bishop Sigaud

    We will see in a second message, the highly advanced Archbishop Lefebvre during this period fighting.
    But already, we want to deliver meditations readers a good observation absolutely essential meaning:
    ·        With hindsight, one can not doubt - and the rest of the main facts in this direction have now been clearly established by researchers from various backgrounds - asthe " Council "Vatican II has been carefully prepared and organized" taken in hand "with the complicity of successive Roncalli, John XXIII and Paul VI Montini by powerful and richly endowed clerics networks [6] , in very close and constant liaison with specialized international media, as with the laity networks and pressure groups in the most influential church which underlie and often act. These networks of clergy and the lay groups knew then give the full measure of their constant concern for prudence, discipline and method, which was then given them their ruthlessly efficient in their determination in the face of scarce honest Catholic Bishops who individually tried then spontaneously - and often emotional - to react without organization, coordination, or rigor, or method, surprised and bewildered they met before the offensive premeditated and planned advances of the international modernist and Masonic networks while dictating this so-called " Council  ". Must necessarily recognize - in addition to their total amorality and lack of scruples - the main principals of these networks, the following qualities: a concern for rigor and logic in their businesses, a large wisdom, and especially concern maintaining a permanent, accurate and efficient, the people and the reactions of their enemies that they knew immediately identify and understand perfectly, and hence the constant anticipate the reactions of their enemies concern - if so ignorant and unaware of their methods - therefore seeking constantly to control, to manipulate or to prepare them by agents of influence missioned quietly around them precisely for this purpose .
    ·        It is the special honor of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre - when confronted with these antichrists carried it had failed fully anticipate - to have known, however, supported by too few courageous Catholic prelates like Bishop Casto -Mayer, Bishop and Bishop Sigaud Carli, consolidate and coordinate the individual and scattered opposition of Catholic Bishops, founding Coetus Internationalis Patrum , which was able to carry out the historic role that we know in this "  council  "Vatican II . And in the late 1960s, this is the same Archbishop, soon expelled from the direction of the Fathers of the Holy Spirit by his sworn enemies - Father Joseph Lecuyer and F ù M ù John " Cardinal  "Villot which presided later in 1978 and the sudden disappearance of the ephemeral criminal Luciani John Paul I - who, when approached by a few candidates for the Catholic priesthood, showed - to the liturgical and spiritual disaster post-conciliar - its resolution to establish a priestly work - the Society of Saint Pius X - to preserve the authentic priesthood Sacrificial Catholic that can sustain the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass canonized by Pius V, together with the validity of the Catholic sacraments - starting with the Episcopal consecration and priestly ordination - disfigured and for the sacrament of episcopal consecration thoroughly invalidated since the "  Council "Vatican II by the devious, patient and methodical of Vincentian F ù M ù Annibale Bugnini, under the authority of Bishop Paul VI Montini apostate (cf.
    ·        Faced with such expertise, such control of the organization and such efficiency that the principals of these networks have demonstrated during this "  council "Vatican II, how could one minute think the prominent role of the personality of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in creating the only organized group of Catholic reaction to their antichrist conducted the Coetus Internationalis Patrum at the " council "Vatican II has been the least they escape?

    Offline Stephanos II

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    Apostasy of Vatican II
    « Reply #1 on: September 30, 2013, 10:08:03 PM »
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  • Michael: Four Docuмents

    Malachi Martin was right, Archbishop Lefebvre is a saint to have withstood the machinations of the ʝʊdɛօ-Masonic V2.

    Offline Stephanos II

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    Apostasy of Vatican II
    « Reply #2 on: October 10, 2013, 03:52:59 AM »
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  • From An Open Letter to Confused Catholics by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

    1. Why are Catholics Confused?

    Who can deny that Catholics in the latter part of the twentieth century are confused? A glance at what has happened in the Church over the past twenty years is enough to convince anyone that this is a relatively recent phenomenon. Only a short time ago the path was clearly marked: either one followed it or one did not. One had the Faith--or perhaps had lost it--or had never had it. But he who had it--who had entered the Church through baptism, who had renewed his baptismal promises around the age of twelve and had received the Holy Ghost on the day of his confirmation--such a person knew what he had to believe and what he had to do.

    That was eminently true before Vatican II.

    After Vatican II, CCD was nothing more than a propaganda class for Modernism. They would teach doubt on purpose and a number of other absolutely unacceptable things such as occult and Masonic practices and introductions.