De Feeneyismo - Iterum
(in iambic pentameter)
The Feeneyites think all of those who died,
unbaptized, will be sent to Hell, and fried!
The simple-minded really ought to know
the grace of God is more than H-2-0!
They have their pride, they want to understand:
It must be simple for the mind of man.
Respond to grace? Does that mean water's off?
"Too simple," I inject between a cough.
Since many Catholics land themselves in Hell,
Think you that life in Pagan Land is swell?
And just because the Lord gives each a chance,
the godless Pagans have no cause to dance:
For their whole world does war against the soul:
instilling vice, the devil's on a roll!
They have no sacraments, no Catholic books,
they have no priests to get them off the hook.
For missionaries there is quite a need;
For all these souls from darkness must be freed.
What number save their souls with driest head?
We leave the mystery to God instead.
For God can give his grace to whom He will:
He need not use a liquid or a pill.
Of course there are the ordinary means;
(The truth is not at opposite extreme)
And it is quite forbidden to assume
that for THIS pagan, God has made a Room.
For Christ commanded priests to Baptise men,
that they, through Holy Ghost, be born again.
For Baptism is not an option clicked,
like something in a menu that is picked.
So if you would be freed from Adam's fault,
Bring out the Font, the water and the salt.
But once you have been baptized, be aware:
the obligations in your face will stare.
Though countless men have all been baptized well,
You never know who you could meet in Hell!
So all you Catholics heed now what I say,
And strive to do God's holy will each day:
Take care of family, work and also pray,
and study well the errors of today!
Waste not your time and argue with your peers,
hawk Feeneyism like you work at Sears,
For if you take this path for twenty years,
On deathbed you will find yourself in tears!