Ordinary versus extraordinary?
Think about how the ordinary minister of baptism is a priest. They say the extraordinary minister is a deacon, or in emergencies - a layman. The point being that ordinary is the common, usual way.
This is where you go totally wrong in the first place Deliveringit1 (DI), concerning infallibility. The ordinary and infallible way the Church teaches is NOT by the extraordinary method of papal definitions and Councils. See what the Vatican Council of 1870 taught about this:
"...all those things are to be believed with divine and Catholic faith which are contained in the Word of God, written or handed down, and which the Church, either by a solemn judgment or by her ordinary and universal magisterium, proposes for belief as having been divinely revealed."
So, what do you, DI, believe with divine and Catholics faith that has only been taught in the common, usual way and NOT by the extraordinary magisterium?
The quotes I gave were the common teaching believed by all, throughout the centuries, and without controversy. Had they been against solemn teaching, the Church would not have failed to mention they were heresy.
Your whole concept of infallibility, DI, is mistaken. This is a root problem with those infected by Feeneyism.