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Author Topic: Nightmare in Boston - Lies, swindling, etc. by Pablo  (Read 54729 times)

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Nightmare in Boston - Lies, swindling, etc. by Pablo
« on: May 26, 2016, 01:28:46 PM »
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  • Her story is almost certainly true (having been vouched for by several persons, including those saying "Nevertheless, I don't trust her!", but we should be careful about 100% trusting Constance, who is completely new here and she COULD have an agenda.

    For more information, see the thread dedicated to this topic:

    An Open Letter to the Catholic Faithful, most specifically associated with Our Lady of Mount Carmel Seminary, Boston KY USA 40107, under the auspices of Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer and Fr. David Hewko.  
    On this the Feast of Corpus Christi, May 26, 2016
    Praise be Jesus Christ!
    With regret and after much prayer and anguish, I am compelled to report the following.  I apologize for the length of this writing, but I have tried to be concise.  Events often build upon one another and it is important that you understand a little about me.  So please take the time to examine this reporting.  
    1. I and my housemates, Cecile and Agatha learned of The Resistance online and began to attend Mass in Toronto area June 2014.  Having left the SSPX in 2008, when we saw the writing on the wall, we were so happy to hear of this Resistance movement.  
    2. Sept 2014, we attended at the confirmations where Bsp. Williamson seemed to tear The Resistance apart.  
    3. We continued to frequent Masses in Toronto, Grand Rapids, Chicago – all being 3 to 4 hour drives for us.  
    4. Jan 2015, during a solitary visit to OLMC Seminary for 1st Fri etc., I provided Fr. Pfeiffer a written query as to the possibility of having consecrated religious affiliated with The Resistance.  I noted my present financial impediment and plan to remedy which would include the sale of my new business. Soon the sermons were calling for Religious.  
    5. Feb/ Mar 2015, I found an excellent location for my business, at a lower rent, which elevated the business substantially.  I moved in April 01 and business improved.  I thought that Our Lord was blessing my business and my outreach for consecrated life combined.
    6. I followed with a 2nd written letter to Fr. Pfeiffer on the topic of consecrated life and the apparent hope for a good remedy to my financial impediment.
    7. Feb/Mar 2015.  I learned my best friend, and housemate of 15 years (who shared with me a desire for consecrated life), was gravely ill with a likely short prognosis. Her name is Agatha.
    8. Business continued to do well.  Agatha continued to decline.  I and her sister Cecile became her caregivers.  
    9. Summer of 2015, old friends from the SSPX Michigan telephoned to see where we were attending Mass.  Subsequently, they began to request Mass from Fr Pfeiffer in Michigan.  
    10. Sept 2015, we 3 ladies made a pilgrimage to OLMC Boston. Agatha was quite ill.  We were praying for a miracle.  I was also trying to determine a way to get her there and take care of her in her illness and her death.  
    11. Oct 2015, Fr. E. MacDonald visits Boston & Michigan, and answers the call to say the first Mass in Birmingham Mi.  With considerable difficulty, I managed to get Agatha there for her Last Rites among old friends of Tradition.  Thanks be to God!
    12. Now a series of controversial events took place which caused much grief and confusion to us the faithful:  Bsp Williamson gives bad advice about the New Mass, Bsp(?) Ambrose Moran says Mass in Boston, Bsp Williamson endorses Maria Valltora,  The priests of the Resistance are fractured in many segments, the Resistance faithful are caught in a whirlwind of confusion
    13. My main concern is Agatha’s holy death, Requiem Mass and burial.  
    14. I read the blog my Manual Chavez as he reports on daily life cooking at the Seminary. He reports what sounds like a normal seminary without any apparent difficulties.  
    15. Masses are now picked up by Fr. Pfeiffer and Hewko in Birmingham MI area and the Fathers make 2 visits to our home in Windsor Canada (1 hour drive thru Customs) to provide for Last Sacraments for Agatha. She passed away Dec 22/15.  Fr. Pfeiffer and seminarians drive all night to arrive for a 6:30 am funeral Mass Christmas eve (before their busy Christmas circuit).  Thanks be to God!  
    16. Based on the information coming in my direction, I became convinced that there is a persecution against the Boston KY effort, against Fr. Pfeiffer and Fr. Hewko.  I base this on the evidence of service to Agatha by the Fathers, and the apparent wavering of Bsp Williamson, and the evident malice in many writings on  I remain very grateful to the OLMC Boston Fathers and seminarians.  
    17. Fr. Pfeiffer agrees to take care of Agatha’s 30 days of Masses for the repose of her soul, and thousands of dollars are provided for this purpose with a written intention enclosed.  Many from the Catholic community (N.O) also provide Mass stipends for the repose of Agatha’s soul with written intentions enclosed.  
    18. I have no assurance that any of these Masses were said. I received no notification of dates or times or acknowledgement in any manner that these Masses were actually assigned.
    19. From about Oct, there has been talk that Fr. Hewko is leaving OLMC and that it is to be kept secret.  There is corroboration among various faithful that this is in fact true.
    20. Jan 01, 2016, following many discrepancies in discussion about the situation with the Fathers and the OLMC situation, I break my promise to keep quiet and ask Fr. Hewko directly if he is in fact leaving.  He denies that he was ever considering this.  I determine that I had been deceived again and distrust the mounting evidence against the OLMC et al.
    21. Feb 2016, I write to the “Chief Administrator” of OLMC via email and enquire about “pitching a tent” to do a private retreat. I hope to find a way to pray in solitude for a week and determine God’s Will for my future and find an answer to the 22 year cry of my heart for consecrated life.  
    22. I receive a telephone call from Pablo in response to my email.  He informs me that the chief administrator forwarded the email to him.  He tells me that he just purchased a trailer.  He is in the process of bringing electrical and water to it and that he needs funds to do this, and to put up a privacy fence around it.  He requests funds immediately so he can do this the following weekend. In gratitude for the opportunity to actually have a church to visit for a private retreat, and the opportunity to take the 1st “vacation” of my life, I happily agree to send what I can which is all I have.  (I have been a poor struggling widow all of my adult life).
    23. Per Pablo’s instruction, I go to Western Union and deposit about $1800.00 Canadian funds to be sent to Pablo Hernandez, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Boston Kentucky.  Western Union refuses the transaction citing “multiple reports of fraud under this name, from this location”.  I enquire with Pablo.  The Chief Administrator also answers some of the phone calls when I am trying to determine what and why?  Pablo asks me to repeat the transaction under the name of Paul Hernandez.  I do this and again, Western Union refuses the transaction.  They advise me to be certain I am making the deposit directly into the bank account of the Church.  
    24. Pablo explains that there are false reports of fraud and it is a tactic “of the other side” to take the seminary down.  Per his request, I send a payment thru his website and PayPal –  The receipt does have Fr. Pfeiffer’s name on it.  
    25. Now Pablo is in a bit of a hurry to accommodate my request and we agree on Holy week for my private and silent retreat.  Pablo begins to express the lack of assistance at the seminary, how he and the Chief Administrator are overburdened with labor.  I ask if I can do anything to help while I am on my retreat.  He responds with a request that I do the cooking for the seminarians.  I agree to cook during Lent for 10 seminarians who are fasting (1 main meal and 2 small meals) and abstaining as per Tradition.  I assume and enquire about their fasting regimen; somewhat assuming they would follow the rigors of the Universal Church as they are apart from the world and wouldn’t have need of the relaxation afforded to the United States.  Pablo states he will check and affirms the fasting regimen as I suspect.  He asks me to have a grocery list for him and he will “have everything I need for the week” when I arrive.
    26. I find the task of providing a grocery list daunting.  I have no idea what is available in the kitchen.  I spend many hours trying to accommodate his request but then determine it best that I just bring the food along with me so I know what I am doing.  I determine that I will pay for this as an offering.  I am mainly concerned with my ability to pray, while accommodating the meals.
    27. Pablo begins to telephone me during the day a 2 or 3 times per week.  He complains of a leg pain and being an RN I ask a few questions to make recommendations.  He advises that Fr. Pfeiffer needs an air purifier, and asks me to purchase one online for him to pick up.  He states that Fr. Pfeiffer lost his voice recorder and asks me to purchase one online, again for him to pick up.  I fulfil these requests even though he is, again, taking my last dime.  He sends me letters and templates for Immigration regarding pending Nigerian guests.  He asks me to draw up letters for submission to Immigration.  He is complaining of the fact that there is too much work and not enough help.  He tells me that the rumors online about him not attending Mass are lies.  I am sympathetic because he just buried his son and I trust the Fathers’.  
    28. Pablo posts a video accusing Fr. Voigt of “cursing his son” whom he recently buried.  I am perplexed.
    29. I write (email) to Fr. Pfeiffer and Fr. Hewko expressing my trepidation.  I explain recent events and communications and demands of Pablo (pending retreat, trailer usage, Western Union reports, requests for funds for fence, utilities, voice recorder, air purifier, and letters to Immigration).  I explain that I am beginning to be “afraid of them now”.  
    30. Fr. Hewko responds by email deferring my concerns to Fr. Pfeiffer.  He states that he believes that Fr. Voigt did curse Santiago and that Pablo is overwhelmed with all the cooking he has to do.  He states that “my concerns are not reason enough to be deprived of the graces I would receive in Holy Week.”
    31. Fr. Pfeiffer telephones me.  I repeat the events of the email and ask him if he was aware of the conversations, requests and plans that Pablo had been facilitating.  Fr. Pfeiffer stated that he was fully aware of all and that Pablo had indeed maintained open communication with him. Fr. Pfeiffer tells me that it is true that Fr. Voigt cursed Santiago. He tells me he did read my recent email.   I determined that I ought to trust Pablo’s efforts as it was evident that both the Fathers had placed their trust in this man.   I further determined that I will disregard the gossip and proceed forward to rebuild the Kingdom of Christ in whatever small manner I can.  
    32. I arrive the Saturday before Holy Week. Per Pablo’s request, I text him on the way so he can “be prepared”.  In the text, I advise him that I would just like to take a quick inventory of the kitchen supplies and then go shopping.  I ask him to direct me to the trailer and the kitchen.  Upon arrival, I greet Chief Administrator in the laneway.  She tells me that “we didn’t know you were coming today”.  I look forward to greeting Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, but I am unable to do so as Pablo quickly takes me to the kitchen and then orders me into my car as he will accompany me to the grocery store. When I sit in the back seat and let him drive my car, he orders me into the front seat next to him.  I comply. He is not a person one can say no to.  
    33. I had already stated that I would cover the costs; I pay for these groceries, although the only reason I was willing to do this was to be able to make purchases and gather necessities in an orderly fashion.  I had developed a schedule for myself where I would pray the Office, attend Mass, and prepare the meals.  This would require meticulous planning on my part.  I was unable to begin as to my plan because Pablo is unable to accommodate any plans or needs apart from his own.  We quickly grabbed some food to get me started as I was expected to begin provision the next morning – 3 meals a day, 10 people.  (I adjusted my schedule to allow for the changes over the 1st couple of days).
    34. Still unable to visit Our Lord in the Chapel, Pablo demanded he accompany me to the trailer.  In the process, he was often shouting orders to the Seminarians and some local boys.  He hooked up the water supply to the trailer as he ordered seminarians to get the vacuum and vacuum the trailer, and to get clean linens.  He ordered 3 or 4 seminarians into the trailer and I followed to observe as he demanded that they make my bed!  I requested that they not do this and that I would be happy if I could do this myself.  I was very uncomfortable with this and today it makes me sick to my stomach.  The seminarians seemed to have no difficulty with making my bed and I thought it strange but acknowledged in my heart that I would do the same for guests if the circuмstances were reversed.  But that’s the difference.  Men making a ladies bed!  I had a daunting week ahead of me.  I was very nervous about my cooking obligations, I didn’t like being around all of these men, and I just wanted to enjoy my retreat, provide the food and be as quiet and invisible as a mouse.  The fence that Pablo promised was not erected, there was no hot water and Pablo asked me to go to the school house for toileting and showering.  I offered it all up to Our Lord in unwavering determination to find answers for my future.  
    35. I learned from the Seminarians that when the Fathers are away, Pablo is in charge and they obey him – Per Father Pfeiffer’s instruction.
    36. I begin to manage my schedule.  I have plans on how to prepare food ahead so I can have it prepared and attend Mass, and get my prayers said.  I have multiple crock pots going.  I arise at 2 am for Office, food prep etc.  I shop in the afternoon after lunch and quickly head back to prepare dinner.  Monday there are complaints that I am not preparing enough food.  I learn that my instructions were erroneous and that the Seminarians do not fast during the week, except on Fridays, during Lent, and on that day, they fast from desert – Per Fr. Hewko.  I modify my menu plan and add more food.  Tuesday Fr. Pfeiffer informs me that we will be having guests for Holy Triduum and to prepare for 40 people, 3 meals per day from Wednesday to Sunday.  Holy Thursday, Saturday after Easter Vigil, and Sunday were of course to be Feasts.  I modified my meal plan again and again.  
    37. I struggled greatly as I didn’t know how I would be able to accommodate the requests and attend Mass.  I offered up my sacrifice of attending Mass and I had to cut back on my prayer times to provide and prepare food as requested.  I fasted from food– in the true sense of the word.  
    38. In my union with Our Lord, I was more and more drawn to a life of solitude, silence and prayer and fasting.  A contemplative life of prayer and penance.  I was grateful for the consolations I received from Our Lord in this time of testing and trial, which I found quite grueling.  
    39. I was exhausted at the early evening of each day and upon putting the food out for the faithful, I would quickly retreat to the trailer for a bit of rest before the next heavy day would begin.  
    40. I prepared for 40, as requested, but often only 10 arrived.  Leftovers were unavailable for utilization the next day or at a later meal as Pablo demanded all left overs go across the street to the family.  Each day I had to shop and prepare from scratch and I consider it poor stewardship to provide prepared foods or junk food, or microwaved food so these alternatives didn’t enter into my planning.  I only wished to provide quality nutrition and I did the best I could.  
    41. I listened to ongoing complaints from Pablo about the guests who will leave without cleaning their rooms; who will arrive without any warning and expect everything to be ready for them; who will expect food to be prepared but will not tell you if they are staying to eat or eating elsewhere.
    42. I listened to Pablo’s explanation of the plight of Mrs. Chief Administrator, who works so hard at office management without any recompense; who has been maliciously and verbally assaulted by the faithful who frequent the seminary, and who was so generous in visiting his son every day at the hospital before he died.  
    43. I listened as Pablo stated with much emotion:  “I hate Traditional Catholics. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them, with a pure pure hatred”.  Yes, he was serious.  Yes, he meant it.  It was clear and strongly stated.  
    44. He told me he was leaving his post at the Seminary soon.  He began to introduce me his computer having me sign in and go here and go there, but I was already overloaded so I resisted his direction.  He bit his tongue.  Maintenance men were answering advertisements for employment there.  
    45. Fr. Pfeiffer asked me to meet with him in the Priory.  He asked me if I was planning to pursue consecrated life.  I told him yes.  He was on his way out and we continued talking as he came next to the car. With Pablo there, he asked me to accompany him in the car on the way to the airport to further discuss the convent.  I had food in the oven for Holy Thursday Feast and there wasn’t enough time.  He asked me if I could take more time off and return in a couple of weeks to find a house for a convent.  I told him I could not do that because I had appointments booked and if we were to proceed, I would have to return and put my business up for sale in order to get the best price for it and have a little to work with.  He agreed with me that I should proceed and sell my business.  
    46. Later, maybe the next day, Pablo asked me into the priory and asked me what my plans were.  He had already heard Fr. Pfeiffer discussing the convent with me at the car so I didn’t have a problem telling him a little of my plans.  He tells me of another woman that used to attend there who wanted to start a convent.  He said she was “pretending to be a virgin”. He tells me that he set her up with one of the seminarians and they got married, so he was able to get rid of her.  I looked at him shocked at his statement and he quickly informed me: “I could tell you weren’t a virgin from the moment you arrived.  I could smell it”.  (I am a widow).  He asks me when my husband died, and when was the last time was that I had relations with a man.  “20 years, not since my husband”, I replied.  I think this is relevant to the situation as potential foundress and even in his vulgarity, I would rather tell him than Fr. Pfeiffer.  I tell myself that Fr. Pfeiffer had him ask me this to assess my ability at chastity.  
    47. At this same meeting, Pablo states:  “I bugged the confessional”.  Inwardly I experience a cognitive dissonance.  I think I must have heard him wrong.  I don’t want to believe it, although I had heard of this from a faithful friend.  He quickly retracts and tells me that he was accused of this and that people are making things up.  This statement continues to replay in my mind.  I know what he said.  I can still hear him in my mind’s ear.
    48. In the discussion on the convent, he tells me that I will have to do the cooking in exchange for housing.  This seems reasonable and workable.  People are telling me that “I am good for the place”, that “they need me here”; “I hope you can stay”.  I tell Pablo that a determining factor will be the ability to sell my business.  
    49. In prayerful consideration of the conversation with Fr. Pfeiffer, I am concerned that he will not be receptive to a contemplative cloistered convent.  As we were unable to discuss this matter of prime importance to my faith, I write up a proposal for the “Initiation of a Carmelite Convent under the Rule of St. Albert”.  I have a plan to cater-in the meals for the seminarians and remain separated from the seminary and the world.  
    50. I direct Fr. Hewko to the envelope and he states that he will deliver it to Fr. Pfeiffer in London at their next meeting.
    51. I remain 2 days into Easter week to clean the kitchen, the seminarians’ common areas and the guest house.  I do this for the Chief Administrator as I have been led to believe that she will have to do it if I don’t.  I am concerned about her relationship with Pablo which is beginning to appear to be oppressive to me.  She is a woman alone with 7 children.  In fact, the reason I agreed to take on the cooking was because Pablo had told me that if I didn’t do it – she would have to and that she needed a break.  
    52. Pablo keeps the Chief Administrator and me apart.  He doesn’t allow us to converse with each other, but controls her so if I come up to them, she quickly leaves.  Only as I am leaving from that first visit am I able to say goodbye and tell her that I hoped she had a nice break.  I remain under the impression that she is working there in exchange for housing and I think that she is a woman abandoned by her husband.  I am happy that we provided so much food for her and her family and that they had an Easter break.  I tell Pablo of the cleaning that is complete and that he needn’t be concerned about cleaning the linens in the trailer as I didn’t use them because I had my sleeping bag.  
    53. I arrive back home so very happy that there is an opening for consecrated life.  I am in prayer about 2 conditions. 1)  The sale of my business.  (Note: that this is a narrow nursing service of which few are trained and there may be 2 or 3 interested buyers in all of Canada).   2) The approval by Fr. Pfeiffer for a Carmel.  
    54. Pablo starts calling occasionally.  He infers that he is communicating with Fr. Pfeiffer.  He advises that he will be involved in the set-up of the house for the convent with respect to repairs and maintenance.  I express to him that it will be a cloister with restricted access.  He indicates that he will have to have access.  I realize that this will have to be firmly negotiated with Fr. Pfeiffer.  
    55. Pablo calls and advises that he “runs interference” in communications and that he will have to allow me to “vet” potential candidates to religious life – for my protection.  He is trying to lay the foundation to be in charge of the convent as he is in charge of the seminary.  I resist.
    56. I have a buyer for the business within about 1 week of listing.  This to me is a real answer to prayer.  Before signing, and because Fr. is still out of town, I ask Pablo to ask him if I should go ahead and dissolve my life, my livelihood, sell my business and proceed to lay the foundation for a convent.  I trust that if Fr. Pfeiffer has any questions he will call me.  I trust that Fr. Hewko had given him the written proposal as there had been ample time, and I did tell Fr. Hewko that I thought it might be considered an urgent matter.  

    There is one important event that should be noted. This would fit in between 56 & 57 of my open letter.  It is important because it shows the manipulation involved as well as Father Pfeiffer's awareness of the steps I was taking.  

    After I had a possible sale of my business, Fr. Pfeiffer called and asked for Mass with less than 24 hours notice. I did let him know again that I had a buyer and he confirmed that he was aware, again confirming that Pablo was communicating as a type of administrator.  We are a brand new mission.  It is Friday, I am at work.  I agree to put it together, and as we all know this involves quite a bit of set up, renting of a hall (in our case), and trying to notify people in time.  Also, there are the food requirements for after Mass.  Within a couple of hours at the most, Pablo calls and asks for plane fare.  He states that it must be deposited in a Chase bank, which is unavailable in my area.  Keep in mind, we have not made a request to have Mass at any time in the near future.    I gather some funds from the 4 of us here in Windsor and head across the border to Detroit, as directed to make a deposit. The account number I am provided is not attached to OLMC Boston KY, nor Fr. Pfeiffer.  I do not make the deposit.  The bank teller cannot tell me the name of the account holder, but she does tell me that it is "no where near Kentucky". After a couple of hours, leaving text and voice messages to both Fr. Pfeiffer and Pablo, parked in downtown Detroit, trying to determine if I should just head back thru customs and deliver the money tomorrow, or go to another Chase bank that is open (and hope in the meantime to get the right account number)  because now the one downtown is closed, I head back through the tunnel.  Of course, midway I finally get a text with a different account number – from Pablo. A friend says to me "there is nothing more important than the Mass."  I turn around, rerun customs and locate a bank open later, miles away.  The 2 account numbers weren't in any way similar.  It wasn't just a typo, nor were they the same number of characters.  I wonder now why Fr. couldn’t wait until the following day to receive the monies, and to whose account I was making this deposit.  When I explained this to Fr. Hewko, he stated that they often do not have the funds to pay for airfare.  We didn’t ask him to come that weekend.  We are a new group and we didn’t have enough time to get the word out to those that might be interested in Tradition.  Again, it drained at least 2 of us of our funds.  

    Now, to me, they are holding out the Eucharist as a carrot to drain us of funds when the funds we have already provided are so gravely mismanaged.  

    Of course I am also suspicious as to the account owner - with good reason.  

    57. I receive confirmation from Pablo that Fr. Pfeiffer said I may proceed and sell the business.  I believe that this is also confirmation of the Lord’s call to Carmelite - cloistered contemplative life of prayer and penance under the Rule of St. Albert for the Kingdom of Christ.  
    58. I am soon receiving telephone calls from Pablo asking me how much money I sold the business for.  I tell him as I have been told by Father that we will be looking for a house.  In addition, Pablo has told me that he is “the money guy”.  Fr. Pfeiffer has entrusted much (if not all) income and expenses to go thru his hands.  Pablo tells me that Fr. Pfeiffer agrees that I have to give my proceeds from the sale ($25,000.00) to the lady across the street/Chief Administrator as a dowry, that a woman should hold it and that we have to start from scratch”.  He tells me that “the money won’t be touched, it will be put into savings and as the Chief Administrator is the only woman that is available she should hold it for me.”  I resist.
    59. At this point, I am reading Canon Law on the obligations of the Priests and Superiors.  I am reading Carmelite Rule and Constitutions.  I am praying.  I am preparing a rule and constitutions for the Convent.  I am planning a manner of catering-in prepared food in a frugal and nutritious fashion.  I am busy at my clinic, and I am wrapping it up for the new owner.  I disregard Pablo’s demands as I believe that I can now deal directly with Fr. Pfeiffer more concretely.  I am studying Immigration rules.
    60. Pablo makes further requests for a dowry of about $25,000.00 (my life savings), to be given to C.A.  I do advise him that this is all I have and that I have taxes to pay. I tell him that I have been poor all of my life struggling to make ends meet.  
    61. Pablo tells me that a house has come available just up the road.  He will get it ready and I will stay in the trailer just for a couple of months until the house is ready.  He presses for funds.  I resist.  He tells me that the sooner I can get there the better.  I often ask him if he is communicating with Fr. Pfeiffer and he says that he is.  
    62. The buyer requests the closing date to be bumped up to April 30th.  Pablo is calling and asking when I am closing and when I am coming.  He tells me that if it’s not tomorrow, it’s too long.  I allow the date to be moved ahead.  I close the deal and dissolve my life.  
    63. I ask Pablo if Fr. has an Immigration Lawyer he wishes me to use.  He replies with a name and number.  I call the lawyer and have a telephone consultation telling him the plans that Fr. Pfeiffer and I have.  He provides advice and tells me of previous difficulties this seminary has had.  He provides 2 options to enter the US and he advises against one method (option A), recommending the other.  
    64. I ask Pablo to ask Fr. if I can retain the lawyer.  Pablo responds:  “Father will retain him at a later date”.  I speak further with Pablo asking him if he asked Father specifically and if Father “knows what he is doing?”  Pablo assures me that he did ask Fr. and this was his response.  This means to me that Fr is choosing option A for me to enter the US as a Religious. This is the “back door method”.  It does work, but the lawyer tells me that Immigration frowns on it.  If I go in on this method, I could be stuck there for an indefinite amount of time, and/or I could ultimately be deported.  It is a gamble.   A lengthy discussion with Pablo on the relevant immigration laws corroborates Pablo’s knowledge of the 2 options. This means to me that I must bring everything pertinent to the convent because I may not be able to return to Canada for some time.  He assures me that Fr. Pfeiffer prefers this option A because in the past they lost Seminarians when trying to go in under Option B.  
    65. I rent a trailer to bring along a library Catholic treasures, Religious Statues and articles for the convent and various kitchen wares that I could use in my work.  I bring very little personal items.
    66. I arrive May 6th.  The seminarians help me to unload the items into a vacant room in the school house.
    67. Pablo is now telling me not to talk to anyone, especially about my plans for a convent.  “Don’t show them your hand.  You will come under attack and they will try to stop you” he says.  I query as to whom, and he vaguely answers.  I do become afraid to talk to people.  
    68. Later, Pablo takes me to the trailer.  It is dusk now and Pablo has informed me that I will start cooking the next day at noon.  I am anxious to get him out of my way.  I have asked him nicely to “leave me alone to do my work in the kitchen”.  He agrees to this request.  He enters the trailer. The lights are on, the blinds are up facing the grounds, and the door remains open.  He tells me now that I should make the bed.  I resist.  He demands that the bed be made because he wants to be sure that the linens are on it because he doesn’t want me to put my sleeping bag on top of the bare mattress.  I remember how he had the seminarians do this on my previous visit, so I just comply. I feel stupid.  He barks orders at me to “make the bed, tuck this corner, that corner”, as if I don’t know how to make a bed.  I just want to get rid of him.  He is so bossy as he watches me make the bed, crawling from one side to the other in the small space.  He stands at the foot of the bed. I complete the task and get by him and move quickly to the open door in the living room. He steps in front of me with his back to the open door and says “now give me a hug” as he reaches around my neck.  I keep my body away from him as he tries to pull me into him.  I slip away and he only touches me around my neck. He is carrying on about all the attacks I will be getting from the “enemy” and that he will protect me.  It is all happening quickly and I don’t have time to process.  Now he turns his back to me facing the door as if he is going to leave.  He is repeating “just stay close, just stay close” as he has his head turned to see me.  I am bewildered listening to his talk and not knowing what in the world he is thinking.  On his final “just stay close”, he backs into me and very intentionally leans on my breast.  I run out of the trailer, nervous and unsure of what just happened and very uncomfortable.  Later processing the event, I realize that he fully intended on touching me there, and when I wouldn’t embrace him, he proceed to break down that barrier in another manner.  I ran out of the trailer ahead of him.  He quickly followed saying “Just calm down, just calm down”, repeating this 4 or 5 times.  I said nothing, but I was very upset and he knew it.  I have been previously abused in my youth.  I have not been touched in any way by a man in decades.  This was a strong violation to me and greatly upset me.  
    69. Now I was very afraid of Pablo.  I realized he had been grooming me since that first day on my previous visit when he had the seminarians make my bed.  He is a man who has no boundaries and will allow no boundaries - and he was going to be a real threat to any girls that might come to the convent.  
    70. I continue slaving away as I observed the hired hand and Pablo fabricate and erect soccer nets/posts and the ‘boys’ enjoy their daily recreation.  I lament that there is so much land and not a garden.  
    71. I see the sheep dog that Pablo has recently purchased and sent to training camp, and notice a family dog on the side of the road remembering the many times I heard Pablo state that he was going to kill that dog.  
    72. I see a donkey arrive and be taken in to the seminary grounds, only to stand tied to the same tree without any exercise for 24 hours at a time.  
    73. Pablo comes to me and tells me “Fr. is going to beat you up”.  I am perplexed.  I have given up my livelihood.  I am working hard.  ?
    74. I run into Fr. Pfeiffer the next day and he admonishes me telling me I have come with my own agenda, on my schedule, without regard to his.  He tells me I am an escape artist.  I am shocked.  As to his accusations about “my agenda”, I enquire about the written proposal I had provided via Fr. Hewko.  He repeatedly tells me he didn’t see any paperwork.  I express my commitment to a Carmelite Convent.  He disagrees and tells me that he wants an active community where sisters will visit in the community “Like the Legion of Mary”.  I am shattered at his accusations and his ingratitude.  
    75. Realizing I have made a huge mistake and that this would not be an appropriate foundation for the convent, I rent a trailer and begin to pack up my things to return to Canada.  Fr. Pfeiffer comes to me to talk and at the trailer, and we have a lengthy discussion.  He still insists he didn’t get any paperwork.  I tell him that Pablo is a problem.  That Pablo leads one to believe he is talking to Fr., when in fact he is not.  That Pablo is manipulating communications for his own agenda and that Fr. Pfeiffer has to prevent him from being the “gatekeeper” by allowing him to act as liaison the way that he does.  Fr. Pfeiffer insists that Pablo has no control.  I tell him that he has an unholy attachment.  I tell him plainly that I have given up my life, my livelihood, and that he knew this fact and agreed to it.  I told him that he allows Pablo to carry on making decisions and that his manipulation must be what led Fr. Pfeiffer to believe that “I came on my own terms, with my own agenda, on my own schedule.”
    76. I tell Fr. Pfeiffer that Pablo crossed the line with me and that he should not be around any girls that want to enter religious life. He doesn’t bat an eye.  He makes no response.
    77. I tell him that Pablo wanted to give my lifesavings to that woman, to which he acknowledges he was aware of.  
    78. I tell him of the conversation with the immigration lawyer, and the manner in which he had me come in and he now states that I will have to go back and forth between the countries for a while.  He tells me that I can apply for permission from Boston KY, and then mail the application to Cecile in Canada who can send it in as if I am still residing in Canada.  I explain to him that the digital world is now quite aware of my passages thru the Border.  Duh.
    79. He continues to press for Active Sisters.  He bluffs and tells me that he is going to get rid of Pablo, but he has to get the people in place first.  I told him this makes no sense as Pablo drives people out.  He disagrees that Pablo drives people out despite the fact that I tell him Pablo has repeatedly told me that he “gets rid of this one or that one.”  
    80. Fr. Pfeiffer changes his mind (more bluffing) and asks me to stay and tells me that he will work with me to establish a contemplative convent.  Although he repeatedly states that, “these things evolve”. I think he was only afraid he would look bad as I was quite out in the open about this conflict. I unload the trailer.
    81. Now Pablo is very mean and angry in his interactions.  I am growing more afraid, especially at night in that propane loaded trailer.  
    82. Throughout my 11 day stay, I see much food going out the door and across the street.  I cook for 20 (10 young male seminarians, and I quickly learn that often another 10 will be invited, be they workers on the property, Pablo,  the local family boys, etc. .  Guests will arrive for the weekend and I will be expected to feed them also.  I will never receive any advance notice of this, but I quickly learn to have much food prepared, and I try to always have some in the wings.  I never actually know if I am preparing for 10, 20, or 30.  Often food that I began preparation for a day ahead disappears overnight. Approximately 50% of the food purchased goes out the door or disappears.
    83. Planning, order and good stewardship is frowned upon by Fr. Pfeiffer.  Money is spent at the whim of Pablo.  The image of a warzone, chaos, and bombs dropping are often the excuses from all 3 of these men (Fr. P, Fr. H, and Pablo) as to the rationale for disorder, poor stewardship, bad communications, “back up” on Pablo’s websites, etc.
    84. Fr. Pfeiffer eventually told me I don’t have to provide breakfast anymore.  This occurs the day after he notices I am still bringing in groceries and have food in the oven at 9 pm when he is relaxing with the seminarians.  (Appearances).  I am grateful because I can now attend morning Mass, and breathe – and talk to a few parishioners.
    85. Pablo often entices the seminarians to sin.  He has repeatedly expressed to me his dislike of us and them.  When the Fathers are away he will bark out orders to go clean the fields on a Sunday, or eat meat on a Friday.  He will get into disputes about the commandments.  He calls the seminarians “elitist”, and “stupid”.  
    86. Fr. Pfeiffer repeatedly calls the seminarians “idiots”.  He states wives are “battleaxes”.  “Women drag you down” etc., etc.….
    87. I met with Manual Chavez who states he has visited the seminary on 4 occasions to do the food preparation.  I share with him that I followed his blog where he indicated that there were no problems there in Kentucky or in the kitchen there.  Then he proceeded to tell me that “at least 1/3 of the food that he purchased went out the door”.  He also said that he had prepared a meal and Pablo threw the entire thing in the garbage right in front of him.  We shared the mismanagement of the entire seminary and our negative experiences in the kitchen.  I later wondered why he didn’t tell the truth in his 30 day blog.  
    88. May 16th, I awaited Fr. Hewko’s return before my final departure out of this nightmare.  
    a) He confirmed that, contrary to Fr. Pfeiffer’s report, Fr. Pfeiffer did get the proposal for the Carmelite Convent and that “they read it together”.  He said he couldn’t understand Fr Pfeiffer’s accusations of me having my own agenda.  
    b) When I told him that Pablo had inappropriately touched me, he stated that I “should have slapped him”.  (Having been on the receiving end many blows from my previously abusive husband, I am not in the practice of “asking for it”).  He was surprised to learn that I had discussed this with Fr. Pfeiffer without any reaction on his part.  
    c) I told him about the reports of fraud at Western Union. He acted surprised.  
    d) I told him about the appearance of an unholy relationship between the woman across the street, her family and Pablo.  
    e) I told him that he was complicit as this was occurring right under his nose.  
    f) I told him that Pablo is stealing from the donations of the faithful and again this is occurring with his cooperation.  
    g) I repeated my accusations to him as he kept requesting further clarification.  
    h) He kept asking me if Pablo was the problem – to which I clarified that the greater problem was Fr. Pfeiffer’s unholy attachment to Pablo.  
    i) Again, I repeated this to him as he kept asking me to.  
    j) His final response was:  Fr. Pfeiffer trusts him”.  “He does a lot of work around here”.  
    k) I asked for his blessing and departed, begging him to think.

    89) I come to these conclusions following these events and my 22 day on 2 occasions, only weeks apart.  (11 days each stay):  My opinion:

    a. The primary problem is the level cooperation in grave sin by both Fr. Pfeiffer and Fr. Hewko who hold a much greater responsibility than the public sins of Pablo.  

    b. Pablo has no intention of leaving OLMC Seminary

    c. Pablo’s lazy lifestyle is being enabled and supported by both Fr Pfeiffer and Fr. Hewko utilizing our financial support.  He has a wife and is obviously separated from her.    I was told by a parishioner that Pablo hasn’t worked since 1995.  

    d. Pablo has full access to a married woman’s life, including her home, and her children. He tells me he is acting as “surrogate”. This woman is separated from her husband and lives across the street from the seminary and I am told that this property is in fact owned by OLMC.  

    e. I assumed this woman was abandoned by her husband, but I was shown an email to a parishioner from this woman’s husband stating that he wants his wife and his children back and asking for their help.  Parishioners told me that this man is a practicing and Traditional Catholic.  In his email, this man is seeking legal means to get “my wife and my children back”, as I read it.  

    f. Fr. Pfeiffer and Fr. Hewko are cooperating with the disintegration of a family unit and marriage by supporting and enabling the situation.  They are fully aware of the food provisions and the strong arm of Pablo in controlling a woman and her family.  They are willfully turning a blind eye.

    g. I am told that the woman is supposed to be homeschooling her children and that her 9 year old is unable to read.  I was told me that a nice man offered to teach this lad how to read and Pablo interfered disallowing this service.  (I am sorry ma’am, to expose you in this manner, but if I am ill-informed, you will thank me for my concern).  The evident and apparent damage being done to this woman and her children by Pablo’s influence, utilizing the financial support of donations of the faithful ought to be appropriately reported and investigated.  

     I am sorry to have to report this.  I am embarrassed at my own naiveté.    I do think the Seminary should be shut down as it is too deeply mired in evil.  
    Of course, we will pray for all involved.  Oh God grant us Holy Priests.  

    In Christ Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary,
    Constance Thomson
    Windsor ON Canada

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    Nightmare in Boston - Lies, swindling, etc. by Pablo
    « Reply #1 on: May 26, 2016, 02:55:23 PM »
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  • Constance,

    Thank you for your unbiased report on the situation at Kentucky, we admire your courage to stand for the truth and will keep you in our prayers.

    We hope you are safely back in Windsor. Our Divine Savior and His Blessed Mother will show you the way to a consecrated religion life Psalm’s 94:14 reminds us ‘ For the LORD will not abandon His people, Nor will He forsake His inheritance. ‘

    Please pray for the Priests at Boston, KY so they realize the intensity of the attack they are under from this 'Resident Evil'.

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    « Reply #2 on: May 26, 2016, 02:59:35 PM »
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  • Thank you NatusAdmaiora for your kind words. God Bless You,

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    Nightmare in Boston - Lies, swindling, etc. by Pablo
    « Reply #3 on: May 26, 2016, 04:09:05 PM »
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  • This is a very sad narrative.  I couldn't bring myself to read all of it.  If you come away with nothing else, Constance, we hope that you at realize now that Fr. Pfeiffer is a thief and and a liar, and that Pablo is a devil.

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    « Reply #4 on: May 26, 2016, 04:28:18 PM »
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  • {{{60.    Pablo makes further requests for a dowry of about $25,000.00 (my life savings), to be given to C.A.  I do advise him that this is all I have and that I have taxes to pay. I tell him that I have been poor all of my life struggling to make ends meet.  }}}

    I assume you held onto your savings in the end Constance?

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    Nightmare in Boston - Lies, swindling, etc. by Pablo
    « Reply #5 on: May 26, 2016, 04:50:20 PM »
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  • Wow. Just wow.

    I must point out that this report is completely consonant with the other reports we have received here on CathInfo. Many elements are corroborated (yet again!) in this story.

    But it's still extremely sad to see the deception in action: the badmouthing and ignoring of CathInfo, the misplaced trust in bad men, the lies of Fr. Pfeiffer, Pablo, and even Martin Dougherty/Manuel Chavez and Fr. Hewko!

    This story, or a similar one, has probably been played out countless times over the past couple of years by countless trusting Catholics looking to keep the Faith.

    What malice, to abuse the trust and good will of Catholics in this manner!

    Just think about it -- we still wouldn't know about her ordeal if she hadn't posted this report today! We would all be blissfully ignorant, thinking that "maybe Boston, KY isn't THAT bad, like some on CathInfo say..."

    I leave with a listing of how a person can be an Accessory to Another’s Sin

    I. By counsel
    II. By command
    III. By consent
    IV. By provocation
    V. By praise or flattery
    VI. By concealment
    VII. By partaking
    VIII. By silence
    IX. By defense of the ill done

    Thought for the day: what kind of sin do you commit, if you are silent about a GRAVE evil? Or if you conceal great evils that are occurring? Or if you defend someone committing great evils, deceiving yourself that it is only being charitable?

    It would seem to me that silence about a grave matter is a MORTAL SIN.

    Just like lying can be mortal if it's about a grave matter.
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    Nightmare in Boston - Lies, swindling, etc. by Pablo
    « Reply #6 on: May 26, 2016, 04:50:47 PM »
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  • I didn't give him the money. I needed it to start the convent.  Thank God!

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    Nightmare in Boston - Lies, swindling, etc. by Pablo
    « Reply #7 on: May 26, 2016, 04:50:51 PM »
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  • Quote from: hollingsworth
    This is a very sad narrative.  I couldn't bring myself to read all of it.  If you come away with nothing else, Constance, we hope that you at realize now that Fr. Pfeiffer is a thief and and a liar, and that Pablo is a devil.

    Yes, sadly this.
    "But Peter and the apostles answering, said: We ought to obey God, rather than men." - Acts 5:29

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    Nightmare in Boston - Lies, swindling, etc. by Pablo
    « Reply #8 on: May 26, 2016, 05:19:20 PM »
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  • Constance I am so sorry.

    When very negative one-sided stories are told here online I can't help but wonder about the other side or how large or small the grain of truth may be etc... With your story I am gutted because I know this is just the tip of the iceberg of evil that abides there. It doesn't even just lurk, it envelopes and suffocates everything within God-only-knows what radius.

    I am heartbroken for you but also very edified by your manner. Our Lord rewarded your generosity and answered your prayers. You came away with concrete answers about your future. It is NOT there. Thank God!!

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    Nightmare in Boston - Lies, swindling, etc. by Pablo
    « Reply #9 on: May 26, 2016, 05:20:16 PM »
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  • constance - I will be praying for you.  It is important that you got this message out.  It is going to help.  Pablo is a devil.  And, it is good that you did not slap him, who knows what door that would have opened.  And, the fathers there are in big trouble.  They both said that they believe fr. voigt cursed pablo's son.  That is unbelievable.  

    We have red lighted OLMC, yet this is still going on.  Does anyone else think it wise to pray for the owner of the property, John Pfieffer?  I have heard that he is suffering all of this.  Well, I think we need to pray for him, that he receive the grace to put his foot down and kick pablo to the curb.  He needs to do that and shut down the seminary.  The buck stops at the top, and the fathers appear to be goners.  But, they are not the top.  John Pfeiffer is the top.  

    Saint Servatus, patron saint of foot troubles, pray for us(John Pfieffer).  
    "A secure mind is like a continual feast" - Proverbs xv: 15

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    « Reply #10 on: May 26, 2016, 05:24:54 PM »
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  • I think your fears are correct Wallflower.  Obviously there is much more beneath the surface.  Thank you for your kind words.  We must join Fr. Timothy Pfeiffer in the 54 day Rosary Novena, but I think the seminarians should get out of there immediately.  

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    Nightmare in Boston - Lies, swindling, etc. by Pablo
    « Reply #11 on: May 26, 2016, 05:39:27 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matthew

    I leave with a listing of how a person can be an Accessory to Another’s Sin

    I. By counsel
    II. By command
    III. By consent
    IV. By provocation
    V. By praise or flattery
    VI. By concealment
    VII. By partaking
    VIII. By silence
    IX. By defense of the ill done

    Honestly I am starting to think "by partaking" ought to be bolded too. I will allow for a few people to be naïve for a little while. Or for a few people here and there to be silent enablers. But a whole small community in daily close contact with each other for several years? No.

    Eventually individuals learn their lessons and leave or they begin to partake in the weirdness. Then they either become hardened in whatever vice or feel too ashamed and fearful to leave. Obviously I have NO clue who would be partaking in what although greed and fraud are undeniably obvious. I am reigning in my imagination because I cannot know and neither do I want to. But imagination aside, reason insists that someone like Pablo is not tolerated so long by accident. I believe fear is a major factor but that includes fear of self-incrimination.

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    Nightmare in Boston - Lies, swindling, etc. by Pablo
    « Reply #12 on: May 26, 2016, 05:56:52 PM »
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  • Quote from: PG
    constance - I will be praying for you.  It is important that you got this message out.  It is going to help.  Pablo is a devil.  And, it is good that you did not slap him, who knows what door that would have opened.  And, the fathers there are in big trouble.  They both said that they believe fr. voigt cursed pablo's son.  That is unbelievable.  

    We have red lighted OLMC, yet this is still going on.  Does anyone else think it wise to pray for the owner of the property, John Pfieffer?  I have heard that he is suffering all of this.  Well, I think we need to pray for him, that he receive the grace to put his foot down and kick pablo to the curb.  He needs to do that and shut down the seminary.  The buck stops at the top, and the fathers appear to be goners.  But, they are not the top.  John Pfeiffer is the top.  

    Saint Servatus, patron saint of foot troubles, pray for us(John Pfieffer).  

    This needs to be said.  I was told by Pablo and other faithful that Fr. J Pfieffer has taken the property over from his father and his brothers.  I am very concerned about Mr. and Mrs Pfeiffer.  It sounds like there was a significant amount of coercion involved.  

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    « Reply #13 on: May 26, 2016, 06:24:37 PM »
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  • I had plenty of one on one time with pablo when I met him at a resistance mass.  And, he expressed to me his hatred of trads.  He also crossed the line with me in a big way.  After receiving holy communion from fr. pfieffer, not a second passed(literally) before pablo grabbed my shoulder and commanded me to go move some chairs or some other unimportant labor.  Our Lord was in my mouth.  I looked at him calmly, and denied him by going back to my kneeler to give thanksgiving.  I knew before then to be wary of him, but that confirmed it.  What an insult.  This was only one of the many omens that presented itself to me during my visit with fr. pfieffer and pablo.  

    "A secure mind is like a continual feast" - Proverbs xv: 15

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    « Reply #14 on: May 26, 2016, 06:29:01 PM »
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  • right!

    The Pfeiffer/Hewko/Hernandez circus gets wilder and wilder.

    Hey, how much you want to bet, the sheep dog gets burned-up in the (sacrificial) fire pit?
    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi