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Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
« on: February 28, 2016, 08:50:23 PM »
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  • Fr. Cardozo teams up with Boston,KY? Yes, according to this.

    Offline Matthew

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #1 on: February 28, 2016, 09:48:57 PM »
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  • 3 days with 3 priests -- at a small mission with 1 or 2 families at most?

    A bit of context and background: There is already a Resistance Mass center across the border in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Apparently only one couple is "red lighting" that chapel, and recently Fr. Pfeiffer set up another "Mass Center" in El Paso. His congregation there consists of this one couple.

    And obviously I'm wondering WHY is Fr. Cardozo throwing his hat in with this group? At this stage of the game? (post-Ambrose Moran, post-slander campaigns against other bishops/priests, post-Fr. Voigt expose, etc.) Hasn't Fr. Cardozo followed the news at all? He must be desperate.

    Incidentally, El Paso is pretty remote to be local for me. I know it's in Texas but Texas is a big state. It might as well be in New Mexico it's so far west. It's 552 miles from San Antonio -- or 7 hrs 40 min. for a one-way drive. (For comparison, you can go from New York, NY to Quebec City, Quebec, Canada in only 519 miles).

    For the non-Texans out there, I should explain that most of the population is focused in a relatively small triangle between Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Houston.

    You just don't hear much about El Paso in the news -- SSPX, Resistance or otherwise. I don't know why.
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    Offline JmJ2cents

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #2 on: February 28, 2016, 09:57:13 PM »
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  • I am not familiar with Fr. Cordazo but I'm guessing he has some declaration if he is working with Kentucky?

    Offline Matthew

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #3 on: February 28, 2016, 09:58:03 PM »
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  • Quote from: JmJ2cents
    I am not familiar with Fr. Cardozo but I'm guessing he has some declaration if he is working with Kentucky?

    Personally, I don't know anything about Fr. Cardozo.

    Does anyone have any information or background on this priest?
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    Offline MaterDominici

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #4 on: February 28, 2016, 09:58:40 PM »
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  • Perhaps the person in El Paso is helping the priests travel to S. America for the consecration?
    "I think that Catholicism, that's as sane as people can get."  - Jordan Peterson

    Offline Matthew

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #5 on: February 28, 2016, 09:59:31 PM »
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  • Quote from: MaterDominici
    Perhaps the person in El Paso is helping the priests travel to S. America for the consecration?

    What, are they going to meet up in El Paso and then drive down there together to save on airfare?  :laugh1:

    That's a heck of a drive. And wouldn't they have to ferry across the Panama canal or something? I've never driven all the way through Central America, so I must confess my ignorance on this heading.

    Flying would cost about $713 (per person) round trip from El Paso, TX to Brasilia, Brazil -- just for a rough estimate. That's for a trip March 16 - 20, tickets bought on Feb 28th.;f=ELP;t=BSB;d=2016-03-16;r=2016-03-20

    But since this is Fr. Pfeiffer we're talking about, it would probably be more like this:;f=ELP;t=BSB;d=2016-03-01;r=2016-03-03

    Tickets for a trip there from this Tuesday (March 1) to this Thursday (March 3) -- in other words, on only 2 days notice -- would cost $2,118 (per person) for a round trip. Almost 3 times as much as when you plan ahead a few weeks.

    But all joking aside, the advertisement says they're going to BE THERE in El Paso for those 3 days (ministering to that one couple)-- doesn't that suggest they're going to miss the Consecration of Dom Thomas Aquinas on March 19th?
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    Offline Motorede

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #6 on: February 28, 2016, 10:03:04 PM »
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  • I think Fr.C. is Argentinian. Fr. Zendejas went to the seminary there. Perhaps he can supply information.

    Offline Benzel

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #7 on: February 29, 2016, 03:04:59 AM »
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  • The anti Williamson priests: Pfeiffer (2012), Hewko (2012), Ribas (2015), Altamira (2015), Cardozo (2015), etc.

    Fr. Cardozo was expelled from the SSPX in 2013. He is in Brazil. He has created several Resistance missions. He has about 150 or 200 parishioners. He has antagonized with Bp. Williamson by the position on the new Mass. If someone wants to know what he thinks and what their parishionners think, read this awful open letter:

    Offline cebu

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #8 on: February 29, 2016, 09:28:28 AM »
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  • The only thing that unites them is their hatred of Bp Williamson. I cannot believe that Fr Cardozo would condone the madness of Boston KY.

    I expect the Wrecusant will try and drag in Fr Cardozo as one of their supporters because they are so desperate for anyone. It is ironic to think that their only other supporter, Fr Jacqmin, was still in the SSPX and serving as an SSPX priest all the time that they were 'red-lighting' the SSPX.

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #9 on: February 29, 2016, 10:09:34 AM »
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  • Thank you for the lengthy docuмentation Benzel.

    This commentary reveals a deep-seated battle I was unaware of.

    How clever satan, the angelic intelligence, is in dividing us.

    Our choices boil down to:

    Conditional acceptance of the new-Mass schism.

    Or following the Rasputinesque inspired leadership of Pablo/pfeiffer.

    The "home-aloners" must be chuckling now?
    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi

    Offline Incredulous

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #10 on: February 29, 2016, 10:15:13 AM »
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  • Quote from: cebu
    The only thing that unites them is their hatred of Bp Williamson. I cannot believe that Fr Cardozo would condone the madness of Boston KY.

    I expect the Wrecusant will try and drag in Fr Cardozo as one of their supporters because they are so desperate for anyone. It is ironic to think that their only other supporter, Fr Jacqmin, was still in the SSPX and serving as an SSPX priest all the time that they were 'red-lighting' the SSPX.

    So, it sounds like Greg Taylor is the international ambassador for Pablo/pfeiffer?

    I wonder if he brings along credit application forms when he signs-on new chapels?

    Pablo/pfeiffer surely wants to assign a chapel coordinator and get them into their franchise payment system as soon as possible.
    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi

    Offline Centroamerica

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #11 on: February 29, 2016, 11:10:42 AM »
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  • I can fill you in on the Fr. Cardozo situation...

    He fell off from Bishop Williamson for the first time when he said the Good Friday liturgy here in Brazil in 2014 and refused to say the name of the pope in the liturgy. (The Good Friday liturgy is spoken loudly for all to here the pope's name. Fr. Cardozo only paused and did not say the name of the pope.) I was present at this Good Friday liturgy, as were several hundred Brazilian laity/religious, the then Fr. Faure, Bishop Williamson, and Dom Thomas. Fr.Bishop Williamson referred to this in his subsequent Kyrie Eleison comment- "On the other hand, as it seems to me, a priest now refusing any longer to mention the Pope’s name in the Canon of the Mass is in danger of going astray to the right." Kyrie Eleison comment Number CCCLIII (353)19th April 2014...

    After that it was all downhill.

    Fr. Cardozo began to criticize the Eleison Comments and especially those dealing with the alleged Eucharistic miracle. He is no longer in agreement with any of the resistance priests or bishops and Dom Thomas Aquinas has told the faithful not to welcome him into their chapels until he repairs the situation with Bishop Williamson, for the common good and unity here in Brazil, since Fr. Cardozo's principle missions are here in Brazil.

    There is a cultural element to this that feeds it. Most faithful were only converted to Tradition since the Motu Proprio (ironically). There is a strong need for balanced leadership like Bishop Williamson. There is an exagerrated spirit here that goes overboard. (Only modernist wear blue jeans, women must never have a profession or education, hair must be parted to the right, women and men must sit on different sides during Mass leading to the seperation of families during Mass, children even sit unsupervised while fathers sit on the other side of the pews leading to the priest having to ask the children to keep quiet during the sermon)...yeah the fall Campos had huge repercussions here. The extreme nature of the scandals and the publication of the Motu Proprio, as well as a few celebrity "conservative" priests like Padre Paolo Ricardo opened the eyes of many faithful to what the true Mass was. Combine this with the tireless work and missions of a few great 'resistance' priests and the end result is a surge in Traditional Catholics and reistance missions, but missions needing a lot of catechesis.

    So, Fr. Cardozo leans to the sedevacantist side and refuses to acknowledge Francis as a pope or even say his name in the Canon of the Mass...

    How will that sit with Fr. Pfeiffer?
    We conclude logically that religion can give an efficacious and truly realistic answer to the great modern problems only if it is a religion that is profoundly lived, not simply a superficial and cheap religion made up of some vocal prayers and some ceremonies...

    Offline Fidelis servus

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #12 on: February 29, 2016, 11:25:12 AM »
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  • Quote from: Benzel
    The anti Williamson priests: Pfeiffer (2012), Hewko (2012), Ribas (2015), Altamira (2015), Cardozo (2015), etc.

    I would not say that Fr Hewko was anti Williamson in 2012. that's new and he is discret on this topic. We can heard many times very good things on sermons of fr Hewko about Bp Williamson. He began to criticise him only in september or october 2015... and he began quietly... and fr Pfeiffer was not anti W in 2012. he began around 2013 or 2014...

    For El Paso, Fr cardozo founded a mission here a few month ago, I think because of difficulties to pass the border and for reasons of insecurity in Ciudad Juarez, which is the most insecure city in mexico, I learnt.
    Ut In Omnibus Glorificetur Deus

    Administrator of Reconquista blog and an worldwide directory of the resistance mass centers (Ordo de la resisatance)

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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #13 on: February 29, 2016, 11:30:53 AM »
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  • Thanks Centro, Benzel, etc. I think this explains a lot.

    Fr. Cardozo doesn't just LEAN TOWARDS sedevacantism, he IS sedevacantist!

    Isn't that interesting -- that he is now buddy-buddy with Fr. Pfeiffer? I thought Fr. Pfeiffer protested (too much) that he's not sedevacantist? They seem to get along famously now. Their doctrine is one and the same.

    All the evidence points to Fr. Pfeiffer not just leaning towards sedevacantism, but BEING a sedevacantist (and ecclesiavacantist) as well. The only "evidence" against this are his own protestations. But as Shakespeare one said, "Methinks he doth protest too much."

    Fr. Pfeiffer teaching his flock to not be Sedevacantist WHILE promoting criticism of Bishop Williamson's famous "Mahopac, NY" conference (where +W gave that infamous advice to the old women attending the Novus Ordo) is cognitive dissonance if I ever saw it. It's positively Orwellian.

    It's like he's training the minds of his disciples to be flexible and accept contradiction, so they will always accept whatever he says. There has to be some cult-leader psychology going on there.

    Saying the Conciliar Church is heretical (full stop), with no qualifications, or that it has CEASED to be the Catholic Church in any way, is the exact same position of the sedevacantists. Or refusing to mention the name of the Pope, that's a pretty clear-cut red line.

    See, eventually Fr. Pfeiffer will embrace his sedevacantism. It's the position he wants, it's the position for his "game" and his temperament. He loves having the people to himself, eliminating most other competition, he likes the "catacombs" atmosphere, he likes the black & white, simplistic, emotional position -- sedevacantism has his name written all over it.

    And by his doctrine, he is already partway there. His followers sound EXACTLY like the Sedevacantists in their criticism of +Williamson, and even what they criticize! and in many cases they are already united. They already cut & paste each other's "open letters" against the good bishop, and promote them to each other's mailing lists.

    It's only a matter of time. Perhaps economics or numbers will force Fr. Pfeiffer at some point. Perhaps the need of a bishop for his seminary (which is Fr. Pfeiffer's FIRST priority; God is somewhat lower on his priority list) will push him. But give him a couple more years, and he'll be a full-blown, admitted sedevacantist.
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    Boston gets help from Fr. Cardozo
    « Reply #14 on: February 29, 2016, 11:42:57 AM »
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  • Incredulous,

    I appreciate your witty photos, but showing a NovusOrdoWatch Mass and connecting it with what +Williamson said is deceptive at best.

    The crying woman at Mahopac, NY (I was there, remember) emphasized how reverent the N.O. Mass in question was. So THAT is what +Williamson was referring to. So if the N.O. could ever be valid and non-sinful to attend for certain persons (I'm not going to argue here about whether or not that is possible), this would be one of those cases.

    I think Bishop Williamson would be absolute about not attending clown masses and so forth. It is probable (or even morally certain) that these abuse masses are invalid, plus they are sacrilegious in ways that a reverent Novus Ordo Mass is not. There is certainly more scandal and destruction of the Faith involved.
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