Waiting for it to be verified....
If true, then it shows the SSPX's utter lack of understanding of the Crisis! Archbishop Lefebvre will be relegated to the nostalgic bin where his memory will be venerated of course but where his doctrine (nothing other than Catholic doctrine) will be more or less forgotten.
Imagine ''Pope'' Francis going on a statement to say during the ceremonial of SSPX-Vatican II reconciliation:
"+Lefebvre was a Bishop of the Catholic Church who loved the Church Tradition, loved the Old Mass, loved the old buildings and he was scared of the revolutions. But as we've learned my dear brothers, the changes were for the better of the Church, the Vatican II was a Council of love and teaching, the Council tried to imitate [sic] the life of Our Lord and preach to everyone, no one should be considered outside the Church. +Lefebvre was a man who was very obedient to the Pope and the Holy Spirit assisted the Church during this sad time of separation. "
"Dear brothers, lesbians, gαys, and every heretic that is hearing us: I'm so happy the good and soldier of Christ Archbishop Lefebvre have united back with the Catholic Church, the eternal and loving Rome which loves all."
Note: these people, theologians and priests who are going to write books about +Lefebvre were quiet for the past 25 years if not long, they will only write as long as Francis say anything good about +Lefebvre. Even if "a good thing" means Francis making a joke about +Lefebvre. Also these theologians and priests are going to write about +Lefebvre so they will be regarded as "priests friends of Tradition" by the layman.
There are many many many theologians waiting for this opportunity put a seal on the question "Vatican II was a Council of the Church" and "Vatican II must be interpreted in the light of Tradition".