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I just received an important e-mail. Possibly the most important e-mail CathInfo has received since May 2012!

3 1/2 years ago, the Resistance was born thanks to the "outing" of the SSPX Bishops' correspondence by Fr. ____, an SSPX priest. He posted the Letter of the Three to the One and the Letter of the One to the Three here on CathInfo. The subsequent bright light shed on the secret dealings of Bp. Fellay and a large pro-Rome cabal within the SSPX caused the deal to be scuttled, or at least postponed.

The rest is history...

I am a Traditional Catholic [...] Yes there are a lot of Resistance supporters and strong opponents of a practical agreement with Conciliar Rome "within" the SSPX - priests as well as laymen. I am pretty sure that you are aware of that fact. "We" are waiting for the upcoming agreement and then we will split.

Since your forum is one of the most important platforms for resistance supporters, I am sending you the following news:

Rome has sent an agreement proposal to Menzingen a few days ago. +Fellay is currently considering the final signing.

I have this information from our priests who are also against this Operation ѕυιcιdє and they have three sources:

1. The district leader of Switzerland F. Henry Wuilloud has told his priests that Menzingen received the agreement proposal at their last meeting.

2. [...]

3. F. Franz Schmidberger, currently head of the seminary at Zaitzkofen, has told a layman that Menzingen has now the proposal on the table and that it will only take a short while that all will be settled with Rome. They only have to solve a "few minor issues".

You do not know me in person and I am only a passive reader of, but I am begging you: Spread the word that the deal is now on the table!

Matthew, there are still many good but extremely naive laymen out there. They cannot imagine +Fellay negotiating with Conciliar Rome. They still hope that there will be no sellout of our beloved Society. But the sooner they are hit by reality the better.

We will also try our best to get the word out there.

My wife and I will pray for you and your important work within the Resistance! May God bless you, your family and your good work!

Many thanks and best wishes!
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Offline Centroamerica

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BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2015, 01:35:36 PM »
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  • I received word earlier this week that Bishop Tissier said he is preparing himself for a deal with Rome, so all those who had hope in him taking a stand will be disappointed.  Seems like this is why the comment was made.  Granted the source, I believe the comment.
    We conclude logically that religion can give an efficacious and truly realistic answer to the great modern problems only if it is a religion that is profoundly lived, not simply a superficial and cheap religion made up of some vocal prayers and some ceremonies...

    Offline catholicunity

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #2 on: November 15, 2015, 01:57:56 PM »
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  • This is very sad. But we don't have time to weep

    A interesting situation: the SSPX will still have valid priests for quite some time, but they will be "old rite" in apostasy (in agreement with the Vatican II sect) so can these priests be attended for confession? how about the Mass?

    I'm not sure but if I'm right  the time which people around the web say "There's no place for Mass, no place for confession" has come

    Let's just hope some independent Priests will be around so the Faithful can go to Mass at least once a year.

    Even if the Freemasons in Rome let the SSPX use the old rites (Mass, ordination, etc) they will not be less freemasons than Rome because of that.

    Even if the Priests of SSPX speak only latim 24/7 and use a pre-1962 Missal they will be as freemasons (traitors and enemies of Christ) as the Priests that dances during Mass.

    As much as some Priests are "naive" , good and/or pious if this priest supports SSPX I would recommend treating him just like you would treat a enemy of our Lord, that is, do not respect him and do not call him "Father".

    Offline cathman7

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #3 on: November 15, 2015, 02:00:44 PM »
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  • Waiting for it to be verified....

    If true, then it shows the SSPX's utter lack of understanding of the Crisis! Archbishop Lefebvre will be relegated to the nostalgic bin where his memory will be venerated of course but where his doctrine (nothing other than Catholic doctrine) will be more or less forgotten.

    Offline Matthew

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #4 on: November 15, 2015, 02:06:22 PM »
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  • Quote from: obscurus
    Waiting for it to be verified....

    If true, then it shows the SSPX's utter lack of understanding of the Crisis! Archbishop Lefebvre will be relegated to the nostalgic bin where his memory will be venerated of course but where his doctrine (nothing other than Catholic doctrine) will be more or less forgotten.

    I agree, those who lead the SSPX today are foolish, as in "the opposite of wise". What else do you call catering to the Modern World and hiding truth(s) in search of more pew-warmers? Isn't that the strategy the Novus Ordo takes  to the Nth degree? Indeed, what we see in the Novus Ordo today is the logical conclusion to the path the SSPX is setting out on.

    If you (or anyone else reading this) manages to get additional confirmation(s) please paste it in this thread. I'm sure everyone would like to be up-to-date on this developing story.

    CentroAmerica's post (above) seems to corroborate it. Bishop de Mallerais is not looking forward to a deal. If he's resigned himself to it, then it must be imminent.
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    Offline Centroamerica

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #5 on: November 15, 2015, 02:06:56 PM »
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  • Quote from: obscurus
    Waiting for it to be verified....

    If true, then it shows the SSPX's utter lack of understanding of the Crisis! Archbishop Lefebvre will be relegated to the nostalgic bin where his memory will be venerated of course but where his doctrine (nothing other than Catholic doctrine) will be more or less forgotten.

    Did you see what happened to Bishop De Castro Mayer after the Campos priests made a deal?  Their websites were purged of any memory of him.  Their faithful think that he went schismatic at the end.  His tomb is in a church kept by the third order Carmelites, whom he strengthened greatly in his diocese.  The Campos priests do not visit his tomb or pray for him on the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed.
    We conclude logically that religion can give an efficacious and truly realistic answer to the great modern problems only if it is a religion that is profoundly lived, not simply a superficial and cheap religion made up of some vocal prayers and some ceremonies...

    Offline Matthew

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #6 on: November 15, 2015, 02:10:27 PM »
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  • Quote from: Centroamerica
    Quote from: obscurus
    Waiting for it to be verified....

    If true, then it shows the SSPX's utter lack of understanding of the Crisis! Archbishop Lefebvre will be relegated to the nostalgic bin where his memory will be venerated of course but where his doctrine (nothing other than Catholic doctrine) will be more or less forgotten.

    Did you see what happened to Bishop De Castro Mayer after the Campos priests made a deal?  Their websites were purged of any memory of him.  Their faithful think that he went schismatic at the end.  His tomb is in a church kept by the third order Carmelites, whom he strengthened greatly in his diocese.  The Campos priests do not visit his tomb or pray for him on the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed.

    I didn't know that! Wow, what a sad testament, and a vindication of the behavior of all the faithful priests and bishops who continue to reject Vatican II in all its works and all its pomps.

    It helps to have locals who can give their honest testimony about things like this. First hand testimony is always the most valuable! For readers who don't know, Centroamerica lives in Brazil.
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    Offline catholicunity

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #7 on: November 15, 2015, 02:17:04 PM »
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  • Quote from: obscurus
    Waiting for it to be verified....

    If true, then it shows the SSPX's utter lack of understanding of the Crisis! Archbishop Lefebvre will be relegated to the nostalgic bin where his memory will be venerated of course but where his doctrine (nothing other than Catholic doctrine) will be more or less forgotten.

    Imagine ''Pope'' Francis going on a statement to say during the ceremonial of SSPX-Vatican II reconciliation:

    "+Lefebvre was a Bishop of the Catholic Church who loved the Church Tradition, loved the Old Mass, loved the old buildings and he was scared of the revolutions. But as we've learned my dear brothers, the changes were for the better of the Church, the Vatican II was a Council of love and teaching, the Council tried to imitate [sic] the life of Our Lord and preach to everyone, no one should be considered outside the Church. +Lefebvre was a man who was very obedient to the Pope and the Holy Spirit assisted the Church during this sad time of separation. "

    "Dear brothers, lesbians, gαys, and every heretic that is hearing us: I'm so happy the good and soldier of Christ Archbishop Lefebvre have united back with the Catholic Church, the eternal and loving Rome which loves all."

    Note: these people, theologians and priests who are going to write books about +Lefebvre were quiet for the past 25 years if not long, they will only write as long as Francis say anything good about +Lefebvre. Even if "a good thing" means Francis making a joke about +Lefebvre. Also these theologians and priests are going to write about +Lefebvre so they will be regarded as "priests friends of Tradition" by the layman.

    There are many many many theologians waiting for this opportunity put a seal on the question "Vatican II was a Council of the Church" and "Vatican II must be interpreted in the light of Tradition".

    Offline cathman7

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #8 on: November 15, 2015, 02:21:09 PM »
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  • Quote from: Centroamerica
    Quote from: obscurus
    Waiting for it to be verified....

    If true, then it shows the SSPX's utter lack of understanding of the Crisis! Archbishop Lefebvre will be relegated to the nostalgic bin where his memory will be venerated of course but where his doctrine (nothing other than Catholic doctrine) will be more or less forgotten.

    Did you see what happened to Bishop De Castro Mayer after the Campos priests made a deal?  Their websites were purged of any memory of him.  Their faithful think that he went schismatic at the end.  His tomb is in a church kept by the third order Carmelites, whom he strengthened greatly in his diocese.  The Campos priests do not visit his tomb or pray for him on the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed.


    Offline Gregory I

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #9 on: November 15, 2015, 02:41:14 PM »
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  • Another color in the rainbow flag of Vatican II.

    Offline cathman7

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #10 on: November 15, 2015, 02:53:12 PM »
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  • So the pluralism that the Modern Church so promotes would only be augmented with the SSPX in:

    Read what Bishop Fellay said in 2002 - I think it is somewhat relevant since it shows contradictory thinking:

    Published originally in two parts in the February and March 2003 issues of The Angelus, this conference given December 19, 2002 by the SSPX's Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, at St. Vincent de Paul Church, Kansas City, Missouri.

    The liturgical zoo

    It sounds laughable at first when I say that some in Rome are starting to recognize something has gone wrong in the Church, but that’s really where we are. It seems unbelievable to hear it, but we are there. A certain number recognize that the Church is in a disaster, in a catastrophe, but you won’t find much when it comes to solutions being offered. The authorities are helpless. They are stuck in a system. For decades they have convinced themselves that "Whatever we do is good." Now they see that it is not good, but they don’t know how to get out of this system, to say how it can be repaired. It is a gridlock, as if they were saying to themselves, "It is not good, but is good." They don’t want to put themselves in question so they avoid addressing possible solutions. I can give you one example.

    Cardinal Ratzinger speaks about the altar, the Mass. He agrees that the table, the priest facing the faithful, is not good, that it has never been so in the Church. Liturgically, it is nonsense, he believes. These are very, very good, strong statements. The solution seems very simple, doesn’t it? If the table is wrong, let us return to the altar as before. But is that what Cardinal Ratzinger will advise? —He responds, "No! It would be too much trouble! It would cost too much! So let’s put a cross in the middle of the table and that will stand for the mystical East!" That’s his solution. That’s typical of the reasoning in Rome to address its problems, to solve the crisis which is becoming more evident to it. The authorities see there is a crisis, but they don’t want to use the right means to solve it. We are still here. I might say, we are stuck here! Currently, there is no conviction that tradition is the right way. They see the fruits; they even say the fruits are good! They say the Holy Ghost is there! (Not too bad!) But, they don’t say, "That’s the way to go." Instead, they say, "Tradition is a way amongst other ways."

    Their perspective is pluralism. Their thinking goes something like this:

    Oh, look, if we have progressive people who do silly things as members of the Church, then we should also have a place for those who like tradition – a place in the middle of this circus, of this zoo, a place for dinosaurs and the prehistoric animals

    - that’s our place(!) - "But just stay in your zoo cage," they will train us,

    You can get your food - the Old Mass; that’s for the dinosaurs, but only for the dinosaurs. Don’t give that food to the other zoo animals; they would be killed!

    That is why we cannot reconcile where this mentality is prevalent. The availability of the Old Mass extends beyond us; our concern regarding it is not exclusive to only the Society of St. Pius X. In any case, we have the Old Mass, don’t we? If we make an agreement by which Rome permits the Old Mass to us, it is not even an agreement because we already have it. What the Society wants is that this Mass, a common good of the Church, become again a common good for all Catholics, and not just a particular good of any particular group. No, it belongs to all Catholics; all Catholics have a right to it, not only us.

    Indeed, Your Excellency, indeed.

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #11 on: November 15, 2015, 03:06:15 PM »
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  • 1) this is so far only a rumor ... from an anonymous e-mailer

    2) even if it's true, there's no certainty that +Fellay will sign it

    3) even if he signs it, one would have to read the terms of the agreement to be able to assess the full impact

    So let's not jump the gun here.  Several more steps.  It could be sent back to Rome with suggestions for revisions, which Rome then may or may not make, and the whole thing could fizzle again.

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #12 on: November 15, 2015, 03:13:27 PM »
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  • There is only one "deal" to agree with: the complete repeal of Vatican II.  

    Given we know that's not going to happen, exactly what is there to consider?  
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #13 on: November 15, 2015, 03:19:51 PM »
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  • Quote from: Centroamerica

    I received word earlier this week that Bishop Tissier said he is preparing himself for a deal with Rome, so all those who had hope in him taking a stand will be disappointed.  Seems like this is why the comment was made.  Granted the source, I believe the comment.

    Do you know precisely what Bishop Tissier's words were?  Context is very important here.  "Preparing himself" could mean "preparing" to follow +Fellay's folly or it could mean "preparing" to do the right thing.

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    BREAKING! SSPX receives agreement from Rome - Bp. Fellay considering it
    « Reply #14 on: November 15, 2015, 03:29:13 PM »
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  • I bet +Fellay fancies the ring of Bernard Cardinal Fellay.