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Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
« on: September 27, 2015, 08:04:28 AM »
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  • Here is what we know about the infamous Pablo (Paul Hernandez):

    1. He has somehow managed to get himself placed in charge of operations in Boston, KY
    1b. He is often placed in charge of the seminarians in Boston, KY, and many seminarians have left because of this. His direction of the seminarians is anything but edifying, with Pablo frequently cancelling classes, prayer, etc. in favor of work. He has no spiritual life, so that isn't surprising.
    2. He owns all the website properties, and is the main contact point for Fr. Pfeiffer's group. He receives all the e-mails. He is the point man for communications.
    3. He, along with one older woman, takes care of the finances of Fr. Pfeiffer's operation.
    4. He has a very bad reputation in many circles: for years, he has been  known as "Pablo the devil" and "Pablo the witch" in Spanish.
    5. He has told us personally here on CathInfo that he practices Omerta, which is normally associated with the Mafia.
    6. In his many Internet posts (including CathInfo, youtube comments, e-mails), one could discern he had a boastful and proud bearing. His posts were filled with drama and braggadocio. He seeks fame and power.
    7. He has bragged in the past (on CathInfo) about doing "hand to hand combat" with the devil.
    8. He publicly admitted on CathInfo to all his "Ghostbuster" style lay-exorcist activities, as covered in a local newspaper. At that point, he was banned here.
    9. These activities included "waiting up" for the devil to manifest himself, with a boom box and a deck of playing cards.
    10. His Sensus Catholicus (Catholic sense) seems to be broken or non-existent.
    11. But this superstitious fascination with the devil or imprudent dabbling in things demonic happened YEARS AGO. But where did that take him today?
    12. Pablo doesn't attend Mass anymore, and hasn't for years -- even though he lives on the Boston, KY property itself.
    13. Pablo's personal family life is irregular to say the least. Pablo is married. That's all I'm going to say about that.
    14. He has a reputation for bullying and harassing innocent Traditional Catholics, and has been banned from many SSPX chapels.
    15. Pablo doesn't hold back when his intended victim is a woman or elderly (or both!)
    16. He has harassed Mrs. Pfeiffer, Fr. Pfeiffer's mother, on several occasions. She has cast him out of the property -- or tried to -- several times.
    17. Pablo found and/or promoted an Orthodox con-man, Ambrose Moran, whose very dubious stories don't check out or add up.
    17b. Did Pablo have anything to do with Fr. Pfeiffer's current friendship/alliance with Fr. Tetherow, a convicted pedophile? It turns out that Fr. Tetherow also has a thing for exorcisms, and has a creepy "look into my eyes" routine. Fr. Tetherow also "broke the sixth commandment" with a woman. Birds of a feather?
    18. He has a very nice house in Phoenix, AZ, which he apparently doesn't even live in. How does he afford the property taxes, even if it's paid off?
    19. He used to be a pipefitter. Do they pay so well that he can retire early? See #3.
    20. Pablo is allegedly some kind of involved in the life of married woman who recently moved to Boston, who is not living with her husband. The husband wants her to come home; Pablo is interfering. Pablo also goes to this woman's house late at night. This comes from those who live in Boston, KY. I can't confirm this point personally.
    20b. Apparently this #20 isn't the first time he has interfered in a couple's marriage like this.
    21. One ex-seminarian reported that Pablo is sometimes up at night drinking with a married woman.
    22. Pablo has threatened many people over the years, many of which threats we have in writing (e-mail, posts, youtube comments, etc.)
    23. Apparently there are lots of unnatural and preternatural incidents that have happened around Pablo.
    24. Pablo has talked about witches in his neighborhood sending the cats to do unnatural things (like defecate on his roof -- cats don't naturally do this)
    25. "[Pablo] may leave objects that can cause spiritual trouble as happened to a friend of mine. She had to get rid of everything that had passed through Pablo's hands before things were ok." Another sign that Pablo could be mixed up in some dark arts.
    26. Pablo has "big televisions in the rooms" at his house in Phoenix, AZ. This is the same house where Fr. Pfeiffer says Mass when he's in Phoenix. See #10.
    27. Fr. Voigt, a good priest, recently left Fr. Pfeiffer's group partly because of Pablo.
    28. Pablo has certainly not discouraged, but actively encouraged, Fr. Pfeiffer into an isolated cult mentality, sectarianism, and in-fighting with fellow Resistance priests. See #1
    29. Pablo has done various things calculated to harm the Resistance and start trouble, like posting the personal addresses (not the Mass center locations) of all the Resistance Mass center coordinators. And attacking Fr. Zendejas and Bishop Williamson.
    30. Pablo has often exaggerated and caused confusion: For example, one time he posted "The only thing left [of the Pfeiffer ranch] is the mailbox."
    31. Pablo has successfully helped divide at least the American Resistance, and caused countless chaos and spiritual harm.
    32. Catholic doctrine/common sense dictate that laymen must not get involved with the devil, or... very bad things can happen. But Pablo has flaunted this rule. Did he prove the Catholic Church to be wrong, making a big deal over nothing? Or, on the contrary, is he a "statistic" about what happens to a layman when he messes with the devil?
    33. Why is Fr. Pfeiffer so attached to Pablo, who is objectively speaking a superstitious, apostate layman? I can't think of any other Trad priest who has been "partner" with such an individual for almost TWO DECADES. It boggles the mind. But everything happens for a reason. There has to be an explanation. Mind control? Blackmail? Manipulation? Diabolical influence? All of the above? Let's look at the fruits of this partnership: are they evil?
    34. Recently, Pablo has outdone himself and slandered Fr. Voigt, accusing him of outrageous things. But these accusations are things which any objective individual, looking at the evidence and the lives of both men, would consider much more likely to have been done by Pablo himself than by Fr. Voigt!

    For some mysterious reason, Fr. Pfeiffer is totally blind to the evils enumerated above. Pablo has been with Father for 18 years now. "For better or worse?" Give me a break.

    Now this might not come as a surprise, but increasingly I am hearing reports, rumors, and passing mentions of actual satanism and witchcraft being practiced by Pablo. Keeping all the facts (above) in mind, can we really say those reports are not credible? I can't. It actually doesn't matter if he's a mason, satanist, or what have you. Just the facts above are enough to CAST PABLO OUT OF THE RESISTANCE ALTOGETHER, and for Catholics to avoid Pablo at all costs.

    The reports are piling up on my desk -- I have to say SOMETHING.

    In conclusion, I must ask for prayers for Fr. Pfeiffer, Fr. Hewko, Fr. Voigt, and all the fervent Traditional Catholics nationwide who depend on this group for Mass and the Sacraments. These Catholics are trying to keep the Faith.

    This is a classic example of a struggle that is "not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places." (Ephesians 6:12)
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    Offline Matthew

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #1 on: September 27, 2015, 08:51:09 AM »
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  • Quote from: lauraelizabeth
    469 is from his phone number actually. So I wouldn't assume he had bad intentions using it for a screen name.

    True, it COULD be just a phone number. The first part of my phone number is "420" which is slang for smoking pot.

    However, I would *never* just happen to use the first 3 digits of my phone number as part of a screen name -- unless I WANTED to have a name with pot smoking innuendo. The 420 prefix is almost the only prefix used for local Marion phone numbers, so I have to tolerate it in my phone number. But unless I'm into smoking pot, I'm not going to "run with it" and use it as part of my online persona.

    Long story short, HE chose his screen name. Those aren't just handed out. The phone number bit could just be a plausible-sounding excuse. Like I said above, he might have chosen his phone number anyhow. Also, keep in mind that you can also pay for "vanity" phone numbers -- Pablo seems to have a few dollars in his pocket. Just look at his house.

    Do you think Yellow Cab just got "lucky" with the phone number they were given? 222-2222?
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    Offline hollingsworth

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #2 on: September 27, 2015, 09:38:24 AM »
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  • rum:
    Is there a link between Pablo and Dawn Marie? I remember her enthusiasts on ABLF 1.0 strenuously defending Pablo, no matter how ridiculous his behavior.

    Moderator note: Sorry Hollingsworth, Ladislaus: I am going to keep this thread on target. I don't want a lot of other topics to work their way into this thread. Take it elsewhere if you want to discuss those things, including D.M.

    On the other hand, I think Pablo is a devil.  Why people don't abandon Fr. Pfeiffer wholesale, is beyond me, if for no other reason than his association with Pablo.  If it is true that Pablo has been with Fr. P for 18 years, then that relationship was going on while the latter was still in SSPX.  So the SSPX must have tolerated Hernandez.  The Mechican tells me everything I want to know about Fr. P.. But, apparently, it doesn't force others to abandon this priest.

    Offline Paul FHC

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #3 on: September 27, 2015, 10:56:21 AM »
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  • 469 is the number of his union in Phoenix. Which is completely Masonic of course.

    Offline Matthew

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #4 on: September 27, 2015, 10:57:36 AM »
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  • Quote from: Paul FHC
    469 is the number of his union in Phoenix. Which is completely Masonic of course.

    Ok, so there IS a problem with that number. Just not what I originally thought.
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    Offline Matthew

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #5 on: September 27, 2015, 11:19:38 AM »
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  • I forgot to put his picture in the OP!

    He seems to like the color black, as well as always wearing dark sunglasses -- you know, to cover those "windows of the soul", the eyes.
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    Offline Croixalist

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #6 on: September 27, 2015, 11:25:13 AM »
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  • Definitely has the "look." Maybe he was Father Pfeiffer's handler from the beginning?
    Fortuna finem habet.

    Offline JPaul

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #7 on: September 27, 2015, 01:09:54 PM »
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  • Without going into sordid speculations and the sometimes scandalous history, it is enough to know that there are bad things associated with this group.

    Father Pfeiffer and Father Hewko must be accountable as men. They persist in defending and maintaining the very questionable status quo. The were supposedly well formed in the SSPX. That too is questionable.

    All of their preaching and activities must be qualified by this simple fact and unfortunately held as suspect and possibly dangerous.

    The least derogative way to admit to this is to say that this outfit must be "Red Lighted" or perhaps painted with Safety Orange as danger zone.

    Pray for these men, but avoid them, for the present.

    The SSPX and its spinoffs are ruining what is left of neo-tradition.

    Offline Henry101

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #8 on: September 27, 2015, 03:39:54 PM »
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  • Quote from: J.Paul
    Without going into sordid speculations and the sometimes scandalous history, it is enough to know that there are bad things associated with this group.

    Father Pfeiffer and Father Hewko must be accountable as men. They persist in defending and maintaining the very questionable status quo. The were supposedly well formed in the SSPX. That too is questionable.

    All of their preaching and activities must be qualified by this simple fact and unfortunately held as suspect and possibly dangerous.

    The least derogative way to admit to this is to say that this outfit must be "Red Lighted" or perhaps painted with Safety Orange as danger zone.

    Pray for these men, but avoid them, for the present.

    The SSPX and its spinoffs are ruining what is left of neo-tradition.

    Yes! This is very important. The recent events have little to do with Pablo. There is always one "Pablo" in every parish in the world, Catholic, Protestant, whatever. There is always one parishioner who is over-involved, who think he/she knows better than Father, who think he/she knows whats going in Menzigen better than Father. However, it is always the parish priest's proper place of LEADERSHIP to put that person in his/her rightful place in a sincere and charitable  way.

    If, indeed, Pablo bought a plane ticket for this new "Bishop" to come to Boston, it was in the leadership position of the Fathers to put that person in place and escort the kind "Bishop" back to wherever he came from and NOT to put a miter on his head and let him celebrate the sacraments and preach without an honest introduction to the faithful. The fault of the recent events rests on the consciousness of the Fathers, not this Pablo character. As priests, they have an obligation to lead their congregations.

    And, finally, hypocrisy is a sin. When Bishop Schneider and Cardinal Brandmuller, two very holy Bishops, conducted visitations to SSPX seminaries and gave "talks" in the SSPX seminary, many resistance priests stood on their pulpits and decried the events as another evidence of the SSPX sliding to Rome. Note that neither bishop celebrated mass or gave a homily. They just visited the seminaries, spoke to the faculty and students, and gave a talk.

    This "Bishop," who has a MUCH MORE QUESTIONABLE past then either of the aforementioned two bishops, not only celebrated mass, but also preached a "homily." This is hypocrisy and a sin. No, my friends, this has nothing to do with Pablo. This is the fault of the Fathers.

    Unless they provide a rational and logical answer soon, I believe many things will change.....

    Offline Marlelar

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #9 on: September 27, 2015, 04:03:12 PM »
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  • Quote from: Henry101
    And, finally, hypocrisy is a sin. When Bishop Schneider and Cardinal Brandmuller, two very holy Bishops...

    They are merely modernists with a conservative stripe down their backs.

    Offline Wessex

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #10 on: September 27, 2015, 04:28:32 PM »
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  • It is a well-known thing for laymen to have undue influence over priests born of their need to engage socially and compensate for family life. I suppose it is part of being human and priests are certainly that whatever else is ascribed. Laymen for their part feel they acquire something special by associating closely with priests. I have noticed women get especially excited in their company and it is not hard to imagine forceful individuals offering their services to priests that need them. The danger is such mutuality becomes an important feature in a priest's life, making his unique role within the Church secondary.    

    Offline Henry101

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #11 on: September 27, 2015, 04:37:23 PM »
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  • Quote from: Wessex
    It is a well-known thing for laymen to have undue influence over priests born of their need to engage socially and compensate for family life. I suppose it is part of being human and priests are certainly that whatever else is ascribed. Laymen for their part feel they acquire something special by associating closely with priests. I have noticed women get especially excited in their company and it is not hard to imagine forceful individuals offering their services to priests that need them. The danger is such mutuality becomes an important feature in a priest's life, making his unique role within the Church secondary.    

    Yes! This is exactly what I meant, essentially, in my earlier post.
    There is always a "Pablo" in most parishes in the country.
    It's the job of the fathers to keep them at a safe distance.

    Offline PG

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #12 on: September 27, 2015, 06:29:43 PM »
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  • tkgs - Perhaps matthew studies other religions.  I do.  I find it useful in understanding my own.  And, smoking pot is a religion.  I think pot heads "toke up" at 4:20pm daily.  It is their devotional time.  On april 20th(4/20), they usually smoke pot all day.  They probably received this devotion while on cloud 9(the place they go when they are high).  
    "A secure mind is like a continual feast" - Proverbs xv: 15

    Offline Matthew

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #13 on: September 27, 2015, 07:21:44 PM »
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  • Quote from: TKGS
    Quote from: Matthew
    The first part of my phone number is "420" which is slang for smoking pot.

    How on earth would you know that, and why is 420 a slang for smoking pot?  Do the number 448 have some nefarious meaning?

    Let's just say that I'll never be one of those people who wears ignorance like a badge of honor. I don't mind filling my brain with information at all times, so I'm never "clueless" about anything. Other religions, street smarts, the Internet, various scams, things worldlings are doing, you name it.

    I love knowledge, not ignorance. What can I say?

    Obviously I have preferences as to what I study and learn about. But if I have a choice to "learn about the world" while in the grocery line, or stare into space and catch flies in my gaping mouth, I'm going to choose A. My mind is always active and learning.

    I have a constant attitude of learning and observing. I'm a philosopher. I never intentionally forget things, or try not to learn things. Quite the opposite. I certainly am very curious.

    I learn plenty just by skimming the headlines -- not reading the articles, mind you, but just skimming them.  Sometimes I read an article here or there. I do read pretty fast, so it doesn't take me very long.
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    Offline Pax Vobis

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    Pablo - Paul Hernandez - the Crisis in Kentucky
    « Reply #14 on: September 27, 2015, 07:48:35 PM »
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  • "420" is a pretty much part of pop culture.  Unless you were lucky enough to grow up super sheltered in the 80s/90s, you heard this joke.