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Author Topic: Hebdomania  (Read 5033 times)

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Offline Centroamerica

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« on: January 24, 2015, 08:10:26 AM »
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  • Hebdomania

    Today things never are what they appear.
    To godless people skilful liars are dear.

    The Charlie Hebdo attack of January 7 in which two muslim gunmen killed a dozen cartoonists and journalists in the Paris office of a satirical French weekly, and the enormous public protest of Jan. 11 against the attack in which leaders of several European nations were photo-opped as taking part, are best understood as one more episode in the war being waged by the enemies of God upon what little remains of Christian civilisation. Let us consider in order the cartoonists, the gunmen, the puppet politicians and peoples pandering to Islam and the puppet-masters behind them all.

    The cartoonists lampooned not only Islam and muslims but also, from the world’s one true religion, the Holy Trinity, our divine Saviour and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Now the one true God is extremely patient, but he is not mocked (Gal. VI, 7). As men have a right not to suffer from terrorism, so the true God has a right not to endure the public repetition of obscene and blasphemous cartoons. Then nobody justifies terrorism as such, but given that the French Church and State authorities refuse to censor obscene blasphemy, is it surprising if God allowed muslims to avenge his honour?

    The gunmen, two young muslims, must have been acting religiously, because politically it was entirely foreseeable that their action would rouse opinion against Islam. Still, how could they dare to attack? Because across Europe muslims are by their birthrate and immigration getting stronger in numbers all the time, and they make no secret of the fact that, as soon as they are strong enough, by a bloodbath if necessary, they will islamize the once Christian nations of Europe.

    So who persuaded these nations to adopt the suicidal policy of almost unrestricted immigration and unbelievable welfare benefits for the in fact unassimilable immigrants, and so on? Who but our bribed or bullied puppet politicians? In a moment of truth a year or so ag o, the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, admitted that “multi-culti,” the mixing of contrary cultures, does not work. But a week or so ago in connection with the Hebdo attack, did she not proclaim that “Islam belongs to Germany”? She had been brought to heel. She is a puppet because she is constantly acting against Germany’s true interests. For instance, were there not so many muslims in France, would Charlie Hebdo ever have bothered to ridicule Islam? And who votes for these puppet politicians? Puppet peoples, who allow their thinking to be enslaved by their vile media.

    Then who are the puppet-masters? They are enemies of God, intent upon establishing their own godless nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr, a police State designed to ensure that not one living soul escapes eternal Hell. Let us call them “Globalists.” Then was the Hebdo attack their work, one of their events like 9/11 in the USA and 7/7 in the UK, engineered to move public opinion, this time t owards freedom for blasphemers and cινιℓ ωαr? Most likely. The event was certainly not what it was made to seem. Famous example: the three-minute film clip showing a gunman shooting in the head point-blank a “muslim policeman” lying on the ground, with no blood, no recoil of the gun, and little movement of the “victim.” The clip may still be found, starting from here – .

    And the Good Lord amidst all this madness? “Those whom he wishes to destroy, he first makes mad,” is the old saying. Pray 15 Mysteries a day for the triumph that he will engineer, through his Mother alone. Are the poor Globalists ever going to be taken by surprise!

    Kyrie eleison.
    We conclude logically that religion can give an efficacious and truly realistic answer to the great modern problems only if it is a religion that is profoundly lived, not simply a superficial and cheap religion made up of some vocal prayers and some ceremonies...

    Offline TheKnightVigilant

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    « Reply #1 on: January 25, 2015, 05:36:57 AM »
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  • Stop being hysterical.

    Bishop Williamson is wrong in believing that the Paris attacks were a fαℓѕє fℓαg, but he's not wrong to direct people to that video. How on earth do you suppose that watching it could put a soul at risk?

    Offline Francisco

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    « Reply #2 on: January 25, 2015, 07:07:12 AM »
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  • Sermon of Fr Louis Campbell

    Third Sunday after Epiphany, January 25, 2015
    “Wise in your own conceits” (Rom.12:16b)
    To Almighty God, our Divine Creator and Savior, we owe the highest thanksgiving and praise, infinitely more than we human beings are capable of. But, thanks be to God, our Savior, Jesus Christ, has returned infinite thanksgiving and praise to God the Father through His sorrowful death on the Cross at Calvary. And through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass He has made it possible for us to do the same, offering, through the hands of the priest, and in union with the Son of God, infinite thanksgiving and praise to the Divine Trinity. This is what we are called to do by our Baptism. This is what we ought to do.  
    On the other hand, the greatest sins are those of blasphemy. This is why the Catechism of the Council of Trent speaks of the enormous guilt “of those who, with impure and defiled lips, dare to curse or blaspheme the Holy Name of God – that Name which is to be blessed and praised above measure by all creatures, or even the names of the Saints who reign with Him in glory. So atrocious and horrible is this crime that the Sacred Scriptures, sometimes when speaking of blasphemy, use the word blessing” (On the Second Commandment).
    At His trial by the Jєωιѕн Sanhedrin, Jesus was accused of blasphemy, and it was on this charge, after He acknowledged that He was the Christ, that He was condemned to death. And the high priest tore his garments, saying, “‘What further need have we of witnesses? You have heard the blasphemy. What do you think?’ And they all condemned him as liable to death” (Mk.14:63,64).
    Blasphemy is in the news. The Muslims are outraged at the cartoons of their prophet Mohammed on the covers of the Paris satirical weekly, Charlie Hebdo. It comes as no surprise. But Christians have even more reasons to be outraged than the Muslims, because of Charlie’s blasphemous cartoons of the Divine Trinity, and of Jesus Christ, God’s Word made flesh, and of the Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin Mary. These are the most blasphemous and outrageous pictures I have ever seen in my entire life of over eighty years.
    Sharing in the guilt of Charlie Hebdo are the world leaders who gathered in Paris to remember the victims of the Muslim attack, and to show support for Charlie Hebdo. Guilty also are those carrying signs and shouting “Je suis Charlie” (I am Charlie). They shout for freedom of speech and freedom of the press, wagging their pens or pencils to make their point. But freedom of speech and of the press must have its limitations.  
    Those who publish newspapers or magazines should not be unduly pressured or dictated to by government or other agencies as to what they may or may not publish. But this does not mean they are licensed to say anything they please. They are bound by God’s Commandments the same as the rest of us. They are not free to publish licentious materials that pervert the minds of the people, or to promote false ideologies that turn them away from God or His Holy Church. The same applies to freedom of speech or freedom of expression.
    We are NOT free to call evil good and good evil. We are NOT free to blaspheme the Name of the All Holy God, and of His Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Mother of God, Mary! We are NOT free to scandalize the innocent and grossly insult other human beings. We are NOT free to pass laws that contradict the Holy Commandments of God! Jesus had angry words for the Pharisees who blasphemously accused Him of casting out devils by the power of the Prince of devils, ending His words with this stern warning:
    “But I tell you, that of every idle word men speak, they shall give account on the day of judgment. For by thy words thou wilt be justified, and by thy words thou wilt be condemned” (Mt.12:36,37).
    The “in your face” attitude of the Charlie staff could be the spark that ignites the Third World War, but they don’t want to talk about that. The Muslims are preparing for a great Jihad. They will march on Europe, the devastation will be catastrophic, and the whole world will pay the price in unimaginable suffering and destruction.
    SIN is NOT FUNNY! We dare not laugh at those publications or TV programs and internet videos that portray it as hilarious. And Blasphemy is the greatest of sins! The nations have called down upon themselves the just wrath of God. Have we not witnessed it ourselves very recently, followed by the applause of many? God warns us through the prophet Isaiah:
    “Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil… Woe to you that are wise in your own eyes, and prudent in your own conceits… Therefore as the tongue of the fire devoureth the stubble, and the heat of the flame consumeth it: so shall their root be as ashes, and their bud shall go up as dust. For they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and have blasphemed the word of the Holy One of Israel” (Is.5:20a;21;24).  
    God’s warrior angels with their flaming swords are hovering over the guilty world:
    “At their presence, the earth hath trembled, and the heavens are moved: the sun and moon are darkened and the stars have withdrawn their shining. And the Lord hath uttered his voice before the face of his army: for his armies are exceeding great, for they are strong and execute his word: for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible: and who can stand it?” (Joel 2:10,11).
    Come world war, earthquake or fire from the heavens, God will not let His own perish. But we must turn away from sin NOW, and take refuge in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We still dare to hope that turning to God in true repentance we may find a place of safety in this chaotic world.
    “Now therefore saith the Lord: Be converted to me with all your heart, in fasting and in weeping and in mourning. And rend your hearts and not your garments, and turn to the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, patient and rich in mercy, and ready to repent of the evil” (Joel 2:12,13).

    Offline Wessex

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    « Reply #3 on: January 25, 2015, 08:29:39 AM »
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  • Notice how an attack on the chattering metropolitan classes has led to 1) the condemnation of those who oppose immigration and 2) tighter controls on the general population.  Western societies have been taught the art of blaming themselves for the actions of others as reflected in official demonstrations which are displays of impotence because suicidal liberal policies must be allowed to remain whatever the consequences. There can be said to be a correlation between the frequency of selected incidents like these and the pace of changes pushed through in society. The authorities are given a mandate to act but not in the way you want.

    To say that most people are being duped is an understatement. Davos reveals half of the wealth of the world is in the hands of 1%. So, in terms of preserving this wealth and building on it, would not the 1% fix it so that the world behaves accordingly? In their toolbox they have the manipulation of resources, the free movement of labour, the benefits of permanent warfare and confliict and the clever moulding of the human stock. This is economic theory to the extreme without any allowance for real human values and certainly none for God.

    The bishop has noted how Germany's former insistence on economic discipline has yielded to reckless money printing practiced by others. So, a trillion extra Euros will be finding there way into the pockets of the 1% through increased asset valuations and undermine the working wage and the savings of the rest of us. We have to get used to the idea that economic stability and growth is not primarily for the benefit of the individual, family, society or nation .... but for the very few. How can it now be otherwise given the figures?  

    Offline Charlotte NC Bill

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    « Reply #4 on: January 25, 2015, 04:30:11 PM »
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  • Quote from: TheKnightVigilant
    Stop being hysterical.

    Bishop Williamson is wrong in believing that the Paris attacks were a fαℓѕє fℓαg, but he's not wrong to direct people to that video. How on earth do you suppose that watching it could put a sou

    Well, IT WAS a fαℓѕє fℓαg. Gunmen don't plan everything don't to the last detail, wear masks and then drop off their car ( in a  Jєωιѕн neighborhood-Mossad- ) and leave their identification inside the car? And then the AK-47's ( which only an intelligence agency or the military can bring into France in the first place ) not blowing away chunks of skull ( the "policeman" being shot ) and no blood. It's ridiculous. On top of that the "security guards" that filmed the whole thing from the roof. Find out who owns the security co. and you'll find out who's responsible for that part of " the episode"....
      You people are so gullible. What do you read anyway?. The blasphemous "journalists" were killed, but not by Muslims...jimstonefreelance(dot)com   or thetruthseeker(dot)co(dot)uk or veteranstoday(dot)com have covered this well..

    Offline Croix de Fer

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    « Reply #5 on: January 25, 2015, 04:48:35 PM »
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  • Quote from: Centroamerica

    Today things never are what they appear.
    To godless people skilful liars are dear.

    The Charlie Hebdo attack of January 7 in which two muslim gunmen killed a dozen cartoonists and journalists in the Paris office of a satirical French weekly, and the enormous public protest of Jan. 11 against the attack in which leaders of several European nations were photo-opped as taking part, are best understood as one more episode in the war being waged by the enemies of God upon what little remains of Christian civilisation. Let us consider in order the cartoonists, the gunmen, the puppet politicians and peoples pandering to Islam and the puppet-masters behind them all.

    The cartoonists lampooned not only Islam and muslims but also, from the world’s one true religion, the Holy Trinity, our divine Saviour and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Now the one true God is extremely patient, but he is not mocked (Gal. VI, 7). As men have a right not to suffer from terrorism, so the true God has a right not to endure the public repetition of obscene and blasphemous cartoons. Then nobody justifies terrorism as such, but given that the French Church and State authorities refuse to censor obscene blasphemy, is it surprising if God allowed muslims to avenge his honour?

    The gunmen, two young muslims, must have been acting religiously, because politically it was entirely foreseeable that their action would rouse opinion against Islam. Still, how could they dare to attack? Because across Europe muslims are by their birthrate and immigration getting stronger in numbers all the time, and they make no secret of the fact that, as soon as they are strong enough, by a bloodbath if necessary, they will islamize the once Christian nations of Europe.

    So who persuaded these nations to adopt the suicidal policy of almost unrestricted immigration and unbelievable welfare benefits for the in fact unassimilable immigrants, and so on? Who but our bribed or bullied puppet politicians? In a moment of truth a year or so ag o, the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, admitted that “multi-culti,” the mixing of contrary cultures, does not work. But a week or so ago in connection with the Hebdo attack, did she not proclaim that “Islam belongs to Germany”? She had been brought to heel. She is a puppet because she is constantly acting against Germany’s true interests. For instance, were there not so many muslims in France, would Charlie Hebdo ever have bothered to ridicule Islam? And who votes for these puppet politicians? Puppet peoples, who allow their thinking to be enslaved by their vile media.

    Then who are the puppet-masters? They are enemies of God, intent upon establishing their own godless nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr, a police State designed to ensure that not one living soul escapes eternal Hell. Let us call them “Globalists.” Then was the Hebdo attack their work, one of their events like 9/11 in the USA and 7/7 in the UK, engineered to move public opinion, this time t owards freedom for blasphemers and cινιℓ ωαr? Most likely. The event was certainly not what it was made to seem. Famous example: the three-minute film clip showing a gunman shooting in the head point-blank a “muslim policeman” lying on the ground, with no blood, no recoil of the gun, and little movement of the “victim.” The clip may still be found, starting from here – .

    And the Good Lord amidst all this madness? “Those whom he wishes to destroy, he first makes mad,” is the old saying. Pray 15 Mysteries a day for the triumph that he will engineer, through his Mother alone. Are the poor Globalists ever going to be taken by surprise!

    Kyrie eleison.

    Another masterful analysis by the great bishop.
    Blessed be the Lord my God, who teacheth my hands to fight, and my fingers to war. ~ Psalms 143:1 (Douay-Rheims)

    Offline hollingsworth

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    « Reply #6 on: January 25, 2015, 06:45:45 PM »
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  • ascent:
    Another masterful analysis by the great bishop.

    Yes, whereas before, some of us were merely speculating that it was a fαℓѕє fℓαg.  Now we can say with almost total confidence that it was.  The bishop is right on.  

    1)  Two jihadist brothers, long know to the French police, are tagged for the crime.  They die at the hands of the "police(?)" Dead men tell no tales, and who can prove that they weren't the ones behind the ski masks?

    2) An ID of one of these brothers is found, apparently, on the front seat of one of the vehicles involved.  That kind of mistake just doesn't happen in real life, carefully planned operations.  Muslim terrorists are not stupid.

    3) A "wounded" individual in a police uniform, lying on the sidewalk just down the street, is finished off with a single burst from an AK47.  His head remains intact and bloodless.  The video footage shows that obviously the bullet hits the pavement just in front of the "wounded" man head, and kicks up a spray of concrete.

    4) Some one (French sayanim?) tip the assassins off.  They arrive to do their dirty work at just the moment that the Hebdo staff is meeting together in a conference room upstairs, making it possible to kill several birds with one stone.

    5)  We find out very shortly after the even that this Hebdo bunch were equal opportunity satirists.  The Trinity, Mary and the saints came in for the same kind of treatment, disgusting and blasphemous to the max.  Just whom can we count on to commit such blasphemy?  Anyone?

    6) Several million Frenchmen turn their brains off momentarily and take to the streets.  We now have a united front against Ilamic terrorism.

    7)  Any idea that Hollande might have entertained earlier about lifting the sanctions on Russia, and recognition of Palestinian statehood can be safely laid aside.

    8)  Mission accomplished.

    Offline JPaul

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    « Reply #7 on: January 25, 2015, 07:04:35 PM »
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  • Quote
    Then who are the puppet-masters? They are enemies of God, intent upon establishing their own godless nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr, a police State designed to ensure that not one living soul escapes eternal Hell. Let us call them “Globalists.” Then was the Hebdo attack their work, one of their events like 9/11 in the USA and 7/7 in the UK, engineered to move public opinion, this time t owards freedom for blasphemers and cινιℓ ωαr?

    No, the whole affair comes down again to what Hebes do............

    Cui Bono is the question.

    Offline Croix de Fer

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    « Reply #8 on: January 25, 2015, 07:41:51 PM »
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  • Judaized Charlie Hebdo's double standards: blaspheming the Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and writing satire about false prophet muhammad, were encouraged at Charlie Hebdo, but offending Jєωs or calling out Jєωry is forbidden.


    French cartoonist Sine on trial on charges of anti-Semitism over Sarkozy jibe
    A Left-wing cartoonist is to go on trial on Tuesday on charges of anti-Semitism for suggesting Jean Sarkozy, the son of the French president, was converting to Judaism for financial reasons.

    Maurice Sinet, 80, who works under the pen name Sine, faces charges of "inciting racial hatred" for a column he wrote last July in the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. The piece sparked a summer slanging match among the Parisian intelligentsia and ended in his dismissal from the magazine.

    "L'affaire Sine" followed the engagement of Mr Sarkozy, 22, to Jessica Sebaoun-Darty, the Jєωιѕн heiress of an electronic goods chain. Commenting on an unfounded rumour that the president's son planned to convert to Judaism, Sine quipped: "He'll go a long way in life, that little lad."

    A high-profile political commentator slammed the column as linking prejudice about Jєωs and social success. Charlie Hebdo's editor, Philippe Val, asked Sinet to apologise but he refused, exclaiming: "I'd rather cut my balls off."

    Mr Val's decision to fire Sine was backed by a group of eminent intellectuals, including the philosopher Bernard-Henry Lévy, but parts of the libertarian Left defended him, citing the right to free speech.

    Last week, the anti-capitalist, anti-clerical Sine, who recently founded his own weekly magazine, Sine Hebdo, took Claude Askolovitch, the journalist who first accused him of anti-Semitism, to court for slander in a separate case.

    "When I heard that I was being treated as anti-Semitic, my blood ran cold," he said during the trial, adding that if Mr Askolovitch had turned up in person, "it is not a trial he would have had but a head butt."

    Sine is the defendant in Tuesday's court case in Lyon, southern France. The plaintiff is the anti-racism and anti-Semitism group, Licra.

    The issue of anti-Semitism, already sensitive in a country still marked by the Alfred Dreyfus affair - the Jєωιѕн army captain wrongly accused of spying in the 19th century – has become even more charged in recent weeks due to Israel's Gaza offensive; France was hit by a series of anti-Semitic acts, including firebomb attacks on ѕуηαgσgυєs.

    The young Mr Sarkozy, who is now the leader of his father's party in the president's old fiefdom, the chic Paris suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine, has since married. He has denied converting to Judaism.
    Blessed be the Lord my God, who teacheth my hands to fight, and my fingers to war. ~ Psalms 143:1 (Douay-Rheims)

    Offline Charlotte NC Bill

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    « Reply #9 on: January 25, 2015, 08:31:58 PM »
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  • I meant to write " down to the last detail"...but I think you got the idea. Good work by Hollingsworth. Pres. Hollande of France said on Jan. 9th ( and this statement should FINALLY make " fαℓѕє fℓαg attack" part of everyone's lexicon ) " what happened yesterday was the work of illuminati elements and had nothing to do with Islam.."

    Offline Charlotte NC Bill

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    « Reply #10 on: January 25, 2015, 08:34:11 PM »
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  • That www(dot)thetruthseeker(dot)co(dot)uk   No It's edited by Rixon Stewart in Scotland. The other sites I mentioned should really be visited every day.

    Offline Centroamerica

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    « Reply #11 on: January 26, 2015, 06:33:43 AM »
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  • Quote from: Bishop Williamson

     The clip may still be found, starting from here – .

    Kyrie eleison.

    And suddenly, the clip may no longer be found.

    That was fast. They could've waited a week at least.
    We conclude logically that religion can give an efficacious and truly realistic answer to the great modern problems only if it is a religion that is profoundly lived, not simply a superficial and cheap religion made up of some vocal prayers and some ceremonies...

    Offline Wessex

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    « Reply #12 on: January 26, 2015, 07:17:47 AM »
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  • If anyone achieves success in the field of politics, it is because of the presence of influential backers. The 'popular will' whether it is spontaneous (say, against austerity or immigration) or manufactured (say, using the terrorism card) is a force which has to be managed, first at the ballot box, then mollified and reshaped through secret deals. The Greek election will show what happens to the will of the people once those influential backers extract their pound of flesh. It is a familiar pattern where radicals become establishment figures overnight and eventualy end up as pensioned-off conservatives. Needless to say the masses are never those that pull the strings. Those that do confer an ambience of respectability upon the annointed leader and then the taming process starts.


    Offline hollingsworth

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    « Reply #13 on: January 26, 2015, 07:58:43 PM »
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  • NC Bill:
    Good work by Hollingsworth.

    Not really.  I just scratched the surface, I think.  One more thing though: What about the video footage itself.  Who took all of that video of the cop being allegedly shot?  The camara was situated somewhere above in one of the building facing the street.  The sound quality is excellent.  It has none of the marks of an amateur- i.e. no wobbly, hand held camara shots indicating, perhaps, that the camara man was nervous or excited or frightened.  The video is at all times focused and centered upon the action below.  Something very fishy.

    Offline JPaul

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    « Reply #14 on: January 27, 2015, 06:20:55 PM »
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  • hollingsworth
    Something very fishy.
