Greetings, Ethelred, we are grateful for your information to complete the picture. I harboured the notion that all new SSPX ideas and policies emerged from the German zone and the numerous French were the good bureaucrats! The Anglo-Saxons, meanwhile, clean out the pigsties! Do I have to change this quick convenient assessment?
Yes, I think we Germans just joined you Anglo-Saxons in this, well, "important task" the Swiss leaders of the SSPX ordered... :-)
(With leaders I mean the Swiss-French Bp Fellay and the Swiss-German Fr Pfluger. Fr Schmidberger is neutralised now.)
Now why is this? The Lion of England explained in his great Bristol conference (summer 2012) that the so called neutrality of Switzerland bears the danger of encouraging liberal behaviour, because diplomacy is made so important.
I think this is true, unfortunately. I don't know of one single resistance priest in Switzerland, but of a dozen in Austria and Germany.
However, every person can fight the liberalism. There's a brave Swiss-German resistance priest working in Austria and today in Germany. Also the brave Mother Superior of the German traditional Carmel in Brilon is a Swiss-German.
May God bless all the anti-liberal clerics (*) and help them to keep up the true Faith. And we laypeople should pray a lot for them.
Sanct Nikolaus, pray for us!
(*) Fr Schmidberger in his delusional anti-Carmel editorial
(German District Newsletter, April 2012) warned the flock of an alleged "sectarian anti-liberalism". Interesting joke, concerning he's in the so called
Society of St Pius X !