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Author Topic: Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel  (Read 22462 times)

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Offline Ethelred

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Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
« on: March 09, 2013, 04:09:21 AM »
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  • Good news again for the traditional Catholic resistance! And so, at the same time bad news for the betrayers in Menzingen (Bp Fellay, Fr Pfluger, etc) and Stuttgart (Fr Schmidberger, etc).

    First the "big trouble" in the French SSPX district due to the brave letter of 37 priests.

    Now the traditional contemplative Carmel St. Joseph with their six Carmelites in the German village Brilon am Wald plans to break their affiliation with the Neo-SSPX.
    Stated reason (and I only give the gist of it): The betrayal of the SSPX superiors against the Faith.

    When recently Bp Galarreta wanted to visit the Carmel -- because he's looking after such monasteries affiliated with the SSPX --, the Carmelites rebuffed him because as they said, he's not a friend of the Faith anymore.
    Then of course the German SSPX district superior Fr Schmidberger wanted to visit the Carmel, but they rebuffed him, too, for the very same reason.
    The Carmelites would already have ended their affiliation with the Neo-SSPX, but Fr Schmidberger begged i.e. pestered the sisters to take time for consideration until Eastern. Then the Carmelites will tell their final decision to the Neo-SSPX.

    Some background information:

    When Archbishop Lefebvre started his society, his biological little sister, Sister Marie-Christiane, founded in Belgium a Carmel affiliated with the SSPX. Later an autonomic subsidiary Carmel was founded on 1st February 1984 in Germany: The mentioned Carmel St. Joseph in Brilon am Wald.

    One SSPX priest is always stationed in the Carmel to spend the Holy Sacraments, read retreats to the Carmelites, say the Holy Masses daily (also for the Catholics in the area, so it's actually also a Mass Center). Since one or two years the Bavarian Fr Zaby is doing this, a close friend of the brave Bavarian Fr Hermann Weinzierl (I outlined his resistance story here on CI).
    Fr Zaby is against the sell-out to Newrome and surely played an important role in waking-up the Carmelites. According to my information, if the Carmel is going to split with the Neo-SSPX, also Fr Zaby will leave the SSPX and hold position in and with the Carmel.

    The Carmel St. Joseph consisted of seven Carmelite sisters, but due to the clash with Fr Schmidberger one sister whose brother is a priest in the Neo-SSPX, left the Carmel right now and joined the sell-out party. Unfortunately also the mother Carmel in Belgium stays with the betrayers in Menzingen and so is about to cut ties with its own subsidiary Carmel in Germany.

    Some readers could think now: "What, there's only six sisters, and this is big news?", but if you know of the importance of a dedicated contemplative Carmel, you'll realise the true dimension of this news (i.e. that hopefully this Carmel will join the resistance).
    Archbishop Lefebvre was once asked why his spiritual undertaking was so successful, and he answered: because of the five Carmelites praying for us constantly (he meant a French-speaking Carmel IIRC). That's why the German-speaking resistance priests in and out the Neo-SSPX are thrilled with this news. Also Fr Schmidberger knows the importance of such an "own" Carmel, that's why he boils with rage currently about this potential split.

    Please, help us in praying for the Carmelites of St. Joseph, their brave Mother Superior (year 1958) and their brave priest Fr Zaby. Let's pray the Rosary for these Carmelites so that they stay firm to their plan and will officially break affiliation with the betraying Neo-SSPX. They just do what Archbishop Lefebvre suggested to various monasteries in similar situations; see recent Eleison Comments about Dom Thomas Aquinas in Brazil for example.  

    St. Joseph, pray for us!

    P.S. If a reader knows some corrections or additional informations, please post them. Many tanks!

    Offline chrstnoel1

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #1 on: March 09, 2013, 05:43:10 AM »
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  • Quote from: Ethelred
    Good news again for the traditional Catholic resistance! And so, at the same time bad news for the betrayers in Menzingen (Bp Fellay, Fr Pfluger, etc) and Stuttgart (Fr Schmidberger, etc).

    First the "big trouble" in the French SSPX district due to the brave letter of 37 priests.

    Now the traditional contemplative Carmel St. Joseph with their six Carmelites in the German village Brilon am Wald plans to break their affiliation with the Neo-SSPX.
    Stated reason (and I only give the gist of it): The betrayal of the SSPX superiors against the Faith.

    When recently Bp Galarreta wanted to visit the Carmel -- because he's looking after such monasteries affiliated with the SSPX --, the Carmelites rebuffed him because as they said, he's not a friend of the Faith anymore.
    Then of course the German SSPX district superior Fr Schmidberger wanted to visit the Carmel, but they rebuffed him, too, for the very same reason.
    The Carmelites would already have ended their affiliation with the Neo-SSPX, but Fr Schmidberger begged i.e. pestered the sisters to take time for consideration until Eastern. Then the Carmelites will tell their final decision to the Neo-SSPX.

    Some background information:

    When Archbishop Lefebvre started his society, his biological little sister, Sister Marie-Christiane, founded in Belgium a Carmel affiliated with the SSPX. Later an autonomic subsidiary Carmel was founded on 1st February 1984 in Germany: The mentioned Carmel St. Joseph in Brilon am Wald.

    One SSPX priest is always stationed in the Carmel to spend the Holy Sacraments, read retreats to the Carmelites, say the Holy Masses daily (also for the Catholics in the area, so it's actually also a Mass Center). Since one or two years the Bavarian Fr Zaby is doing this, a close friend of the brave Bavarian Fr Hermann Weinzierl (I outlined his resistance story here on CI).
    Fr Zaby is against the sell-out to Newrome and surely played an important role in waking-up the Carmelites. According to my information, if the Carmel is going to split with the Neo-SSPX, also Fr Zaby will leave the SSPX and hold position in and with the Carmel.

    The Carmel St. Joseph consisted of seven Carmelite sisters, but due to the clash with Fr Schmidberger one sister whose brother is a priest in the Neo-SSPX, left the Carmel right now and joined the sell-out party. Unfortunately also the mother Carmel in Belgium stays with the betrayers in Menzingen and so is about to cut ties with its own subsidiary Carmel in Germany.

    Some readers could think now: "What, there's only six sisters, and this is big news?", but if you know of the importance of a dedicated contemplative Carmel, you'll realise the true dimension of this news (i.e. that hopefully this Carmel will join the resistance).
    Archbishop Lefebvre was once asked why his spiritual undertaking was so successful, and he answered: because of the five Carmelites praying for us constantly (he meant a French-speaking Carmel IIRC). That's why the German-speaking resistance priests in and out the Neo-SSPX are thrilled with this news. Also Fr Schmidberger knows the importance of such an "own" Carmel, that's why he boils with rage currently about this potential split.

    Please, help us in praying for the Carmelites of St. Joseph, their brave Mother Superior (year 1958) and their brave priest Fr Zaby. Let's pray the Rosary for these Carmelites so that they stay firm to their plan and will officially break affiliation with the betraying Neo-SSPX. They just do what Archbishop Lefebvre suggested to various monasteries in similar situations; see recent Eleison Comments about Dom Thomas Aquinas in Brazil for example.  

    St. Joseph, pray for us!

    P.S. If a reader knows some corrections or additional informations, please post them. Many tanks!

    Thank you Ethelred. This is wonderful news for the Resistance. Yes we will pray for these brave Carmelites. :pray:
    "It is impious to say, 'I respect every religion.' This is as much as to say: I respect the devil as much as God, vice as much as virtue, falsehood as much as truth, dishonesty as much as honesty, Hell as much as Heaven."
    Fr. Michael Muller, The Church and Her Enemies

    Offline Ethelred

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #2 on: March 09, 2013, 07:27:12 AM »
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  • Quote from: chrstnoel1
    Thank you Ethelred. This is wonderful news for the Resistance. Yes we will pray for these brave Carmelites. :pray:

    Blessings from God for that, Chrstnoel1.

    Our resistance priests emphasise that the devil is in rage about the possibility of these Carmelites joining the Resistance, so we shall pray a lot, they say.

    P.S. Sorry for my many typos in my above post: It's "Easter", not "Eeastern", etc.

    Offline s2srea

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #3 on: March 09, 2013, 09:28:30 AM »
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  •  :pray

    Wonderful news. May these signs be used for change within society and cause a MASSIVE restructuring of the hierarchy!

    Offline TheRecusant

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #4 on: March 09, 2013, 09:51:52 AM »
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  • Yes. we've known about it for a little while. Fr. Schmidberger stole their extern and their chaplain Fr.Zaby is getting kicked out too... Give me a moment to write some more...
    And  all because they said they didn't want to be part of a deal with modern Rome.

    Offline Machabees

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #5 on: March 09, 2013, 11:21:53 AM »
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  • Our Lord did say that those who hear His voice of truth...will get up and follow Him.

    Deo gratias...

    Offline Matthew

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #6 on: March 09, 2013, 12:50:41 PM »
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  • And what would +Fellay and Fr. Rostand have us believe?

    That all "Resistance" members need to shore up their flagging spiritual lives? That they all have severe spiritual issues?

    Here is a CARMEL for crying out loud! Contemplatives who spend entire days in silence and meditation. You're telling me they're rebellious, itching for division, etc.? Yeah right!

    In the spiritual realm, a Carmel is like a nuclear weapons production facility. Talk about bolstering the Resistance!

    Contemplatives and other unseen religious are the wind that fills the sails of the various priests who go out in public and preach, try to convert people, etc. The priests get to reap the results, but who EARNED those results? Cloistered religious.

    May God's will be done, and may we all persevere throughout all the ups and downs in this struggle!
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    Offline Remacle

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #7 on: March 10, 2013, 10:05:56 AM »
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  • It is very comforting to have the religious communities of the good side of the fight.

    Offline Ethelred

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #8 on: March 10, 2013, 04:42:34 PM »
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  • Quote from: TheRecusant
    Yes. we've known about it for a little while. Fr. Schmidberger stole their extern and their chaplain Fr.Zaby is getting kicked out too... Give me a moment to write some more...
    And  all because they said they didn't want to be part of a deal with modern Rome.

    Salve TheRecusant, did I find what you wrote, here? :

    Carmelite Nuns oppose Menzingen - Even more evidence of "Profound Unity"...!

    Posted by The Editor on March 9, 2013 at 12:20 PM

    The traditional Carmel of St. Joseph, in Brilon Wald, Germany was founded some 30 years ago as a daughter house of the Carmel of the Sacred Heart in Quiévrain, Belgium. Some time ago this German Carmel made clear to Fr. Schmidberger their complete opposition to any agreement with an unconverted modernist Rome. The Carmel has now officially disassociated from the German District of the SSPX.

    The actions of the German District have been neither generous nor charitable. Having already taken away their extern, itself a reprehensible act which potentially placed the enclosed sisters in a very precarious position, the German District is now trying to leave them without a chaplain. Please keep these Carmelite nuns in your prayers.

    Contact details for the Carmel:

    Karmel St. Josef
    Korbacher Straße 89
    59929 Brilon Wald

    Tel. +49 (0)2961 6445

    Offline Neil Obstat

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #9 on: March 10, 2013, 11:20:39 PM »
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  • Quote from: Ethelred
    Quote from: chrstnoel1
    Thank you Ethelred. This is wonderful news for the Resistance. Yes we will pray for these brave Carmelites. :pray:

    Blessings from God for that, Chrstnoel1.

    Our resistance priests emphasise that the devil is in rage about the possibility of these Carmelites joining the Resistance, so we shall pray a lot, they say.

    P.S. Sorry for my many typos in my above post: It's "Easter", not "Eeastern", etc.

    Yes, I noticed them ER.  I was going to say something but  you
    seem to have noticed a bit too late -  curiously, this deals out a
    kind of urgency to your post.
     Funny how that works.  You were
    in TOO BIG OF A HURRY to proof-read it, and now we get the
    feeling that this is AN EMERGENCY.  

    Fascinating.  But more importantly, it is great news.  

    Thanks very much.  Good job.  Even the typos.  They look good!  

    .--. .-.-.- ... .-.-.- ..-. --- .-. - .... . -.- .. -. --. -.. --- -- --..-- - .... . .--. --- .-- . .-. .- -. -.. -....- -....- .--- ..- ... - -.- .. -.. -.. .. -. --. .-.-.

    Offline ServusSpiritusSancti

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #10 on: March 10, 2013, 11:24:45 PM »
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  • Great news! Thanks, Ethelred.
    Please ignore ALL of my posts. I was naive during my time posting on this forum and didn’t know any better. I retract and deeply regret any and all uncharitable or erroneous statements I ever made here.

    Offline Ethelred

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #11 on: March 11, 2013, 04:25:11 AM »
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  • Quote from: Neil Obstat
    Quote from: Ethelred
    P.S. Sorry for my many typos in my above post: It's "Easter", not "Eeastern", etc.

    Yes, I noticed them ER.  I was going to say something but  you
    seem to have noticed a bit too late -  curiously, this deals out a
    kind of urgency to your post.
     Funny how that works.  You were
    in TOO BIG OF A HURRY to proof-read it, and now we get the
    feeling that this is AN EMERGENCY.

    Well, you're right, it was and still is an emergency. How funny that my typos unintentionally underlined it...

    Two good priests from the resistance told me this Carmel story which was new to me. They said that this is an important event for the resistance, but also that the devil is in rage and tries everything to hinder these brave Carmelites from quitting the unfaithful Neo-SSPX on Easter.
    I was instructed to triple my rosaries for these Carmelites now because of the Easter "dead-line". Knowing what an unworthy prayer I am, indeed I hurried to call for back-up here on Cathinfo with you many traditional English-speaking Catholics.

    By the way, this Carmel's oldest sister is Mother Superior (year 1958 IIRC) and the youngest Carmelite was born in the 1980'ies. So the age-composition is healthy and future-proof.
    (In the liberal Neo-SSPX usually the unversed young are superiors and the wise elders are vicars...)

    Fascinating.  But more importantly, it is great news.  

    Thanks very much.  Good job.  Even the typos.  They look good!

    Thanks for your post, and thanks to all Cathinfo readers who now say the rosary for the Carmelites.

    P.S. My favorite typo in the opening article was: "Many tanks!"
    P.P.S. My native-language I can write much more correct. You'd love it, Neil, but alas, there was Babylon...

    Offline chrstnoel1

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #12 on: March 11, 2013, 06:50:53 AM »
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  • Quote from: Ethelred
    Quote from: Neil Obstat
    Quote from: Ethelred
    P.S. Sorry for my many typos in my above post: It's "Easter", not "Eeastern", etc.

    Yes, I noticed them ER.  I was going to say something but  you
    seem to have noticed a bit too late -  curiously, this deals out a
    kind of urgency to your post.
     Funny how that works.  You were
    in TOO BIG OF A HURRY to proof-read it, and now we get the
    feeling that this is AN EMERGENCY.

    Well, you're right, it was and still is an emergency. How funny that my typos unintentionally underlined it...

    Two good priests from the resistance told me this Carmel story which was new to me. They said that this is an important event for the resistance, but also that the devil is in rage and tries everything to hinder these brave Carmelites from quitting the unfaithful Neo-SSPX on Easter.
    I was instructed to triple my rosaries for these Carmelites now because of the Easter "dead-line". Knowing what an unworthy prayer I am, indeed I hurried to call for back-up here on Cathinfo with you many traditional English-speaking Catholics.

    By the way, this Carmel's oldest sister is Mother Superior (year 1958 IIRC) and the youngest Carmelite was born in the 1980'ies. So the age-composition is healthy and future-proof.
    (In the liberal Neo-SSPX usually the unversed young are superiors and the wise elders are vicars...)

    Fascinating.  But more importantly, it is great news.  

    Thanks very much.  Good job.  Even the typos.  They look good!

    Thanks for your post, and thanks to all Cathinfo readers who now say the rosary for the Carmelites.

    P.S. My favorite typo in the opening article was: "Many tanks!"
    P.P.S. My native-language I can write much more correct. You'd love it, Neil, but alas, there was Babylon...

    Hear! Hear!  :judge:
    "It is impious to say, 'I respect every religion.' This is as much as to say: I respect the devil as much as God, vice as much as virtue, falsehood as much as truth, dishonesty as much as honesty, Hell as much as Heaven."
    Fr. Michael Muller, The Church and Her Enemies

    Offline Mea Culpa

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #13 on: March 11, 2013, 08:46:36 AM »
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  • May God Bless the Carmalites!!

    Absolutely fantastic news to fortify the resistance!!!

    All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth, to them that seek after his covenant and his testimonies. Psalms 24:10

    Offline 1st Mansion Tenant

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    Neo-SSPX about to lose its German Carmel
    « Reply #14 on: March 11, 2013, 01:09:00 PM »
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  • Does this mean that  this Carmel has lost financial assistance from the SSPX and will suffer? If so, then in my opinion the Resistance needs to provide more than prayers for these faithful contemplatives.

    An afterthought:Is this the sister-order to the one started by ABL's bio sister? Who owns their convent? If it is +Fellay & co, they may have to pack up.