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Offline vincent M

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Communiqu of La Sapinire (about the letter of 37 priests)
« on: March 04, 2013, 02:08:50 PM »
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  • Communiqué de la Sapinière au sujet de « La Lettre à Mgr Fellay »

    Posted on 4 mars 2013

     Communiqué de la Sapinière au sujet de « La Lettre à Mgr Fellay »
    N’en déplaise à M. Jacques-Régis du Cray, la lettre à Mgr Fellay du 28 février 2013 a bien été écrite par des prêtres du district de France.
    M. Ennemond (Jacques-Régis du Cray) qui prétend bien connaître la FSSPX a affirmé qu’aucun de ses prêtres n’auraient pu agir ainsi. Il se trompe tout simplement, tous les prêtres ne ressemblent pas nécessairement à l’abbé Lorans ou à l’abbé Célier. Des intervenants de son forum Fecit ont cru devoir blâmer notre anonymat. La chose est risible quand on sait comment M. Jacques-Régis du Cray en use et en abuse.
    M. Jacques-Régis du Cray a aussi mis en doute notre courage. L’anonymat n’est pas nécessairement un signe de lâcheté. Pour résister publiquement aux mensonges de notre Supérieur Général nous jugeons opportun de ne pas quitter la Fraternité. Comme le rappelait Mgr Lefebvre à Dom Thomas d’Aquin, prieur du Monastère Santa Cruz, au Brésil, suite au ralliement de Dom Gérard : « Les biens de l’Église appartiennent au Christ Roi et il ne faut pas les brader ni les laisser tomber entre les mains des ennemis de son règne universel ».
    L’anonymat n’est pas une fuite de la croix comme le pense M. l’abbé de Cacqueray dans un fax interne envoyé à tous les prêtres du district le 1er mars 2013. La croix nous la portons. Elle est même lourde. Depuis quelques temps la méditation des angoisses du cœur de NSJC face à la trahison de Judas s’est faite plus profonde et a renouvelé notre vie intérieure sacerdotale.
    Nous avons entendu de la part des libéraux et des ralliéristes des cris d’horreur devant notre lettre. Nous les comprenons sans les approuver. Ils avaient une idole qu’ils prenaient pour un saint et ils se rendent compte que c’est un menteur. Ils voulaient que sa politique de ralliement à la Rome moderniste soit sainte parce qu’ils partageaient son libéralisme. Plutôt que de se soumettre aux faits, ils ont préféré les nier. Ils ne veulent pas voir les mensonges car ils ne veulent pas conclure que cette politique libérale ne vient pas du bon esprit.
    Oui, le libéralisme est un péché qui finit par rendre aveugle. Ces cris d’horreur ne sont que des cris hypocrites. On s’offusque d’une lettre anonyme qui dénonce des tromperies répétées d’un supérieur envers ses inférieurs en matière grave mais on ne veut pas s’offusquer du mensonge lui-même. C’est le monde à l’envers. Pour eux la subversion consiste non à mentir mais à dénoncer le mensonge. Quelle étrange morale!
    M. l’abbé de Cacqueray, qui n’est pas un libéral mais qui est de nouveau victime de sa bienveillance, dans le fax interne nous reproche notre « procédé objectivement destructeur. » Mais qu’est-ce qui est objectivement destructeur : mentir ou dénoncer le mensonge ?
    M. l’abbé de Cacqueray trouve « grotesque » le nombre de trente-sept prêtres adhérant à cette lettre. Cela nous étonne, car il sait mieux que quiconque que le nombre de prêtres qui lui ont manifesté leur perte totale de confiance envers le Supérieur Général et son Conseil dépasse ce chiffre. De plus la valeur des faits avérés de cette lettre ne dépend pas des signataires mais des témoins oculaires dignes de foi, mentionnés de façon circonstanciée. Enfin, M. l’abbé de Cacqueray trouve-t-il aussi grotesque le jugement de ce capitulant : « Il faut reconnaître que le Chapitre a échoué. Aujourd’hui c’est OK pour une Fraternité libre dans l’Eglise conciliaire. » ?
    M. l’abbé de Cacqueray nous invite à avoir une attitude « franche et respectueuse » envers les supérieurs. Nous lui demandons alors combien de temps faudra-t-il encore supporter que l’on nous mente et que l’on trompe les fidèles?
    Excellences, MM. les abbés, chers fidèles, une version originale reçue par tous les prêtres de la FSSPX, le samedi 24 janvier 2009, que nous devions lire en chaire, disait :
     « Le décret du 21 janvier cite la lettre du 15 décembre dernier au Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos dans laquelle j’exprimais notre attachement « à l’Église de N.S. Jésus-Christ qui est l’Église catholique », y réaffirmant notre acceptation de son enseignement bimillénaire et notre foi en la Primauté de Pierre. Je rappelais combien nous souffrons de la situation actuelle de l’Église où cet enseignement et cette primauté sont bafoués, et ajoutais : ‘‘Nous sommes prêts à écrire avec notre sang le Credo, à signer le serment anti-moderniste, la profession de foi de Pie IV ; nous acceptons et faisons nôtres tous les conciles jusqu’à Vatican II, au sujet duquel nous émettons des réserves.’’»
    Mais quelques jours après, ce passage est devenu :
     « Nous sommes prêts à écrire avec notre sang le Credo, à signer le serment anti-moderniste, la profession de foi de Pie IV, nous acceptons et faisons nôtres tous les conciles jusqu’à Vatican I. Mais nous ne pouvons qu’émettre des réserves au sujet du Concile Vatican II, qui s’est voulu un concile ‘différent des autres’. »
    Comment justifier une telle différence ? À l’époque, Mgr Fellay disait aux prieurs qu’il s’agissait d’une erreur du Secrétaire Général, lequel ayant travaillé toute la nuit s’était trompé.
     Mais en définitive, après avoir supprimé la première version, on publia la version corrigée qui figure sur tous les sites de la Fraternité, … Aujourd’hui on sait que c’est bien le premier texte qui représentait la pensée de Mgr Fellay puisqu’il cherche à se soumettre à l’Eglise concrète. Le jeudi 29 octobre 2009, le rédacteur en chef du blog Osservatore Vaticano, Vini Ganimara, publia un article intitulé “Forces et faiblesses de la diplomatie de Monseigneur Fellay”. On y lit :
    « Monseigneur Fellay a su adopter progressivement un langage mesuré, qui fait oublier ses déclarations en tous sens du passé, comme les discours agressifs des autres évêques de la FSSPX, et qui enlève des armes à l’« opinion publique » épiscopale (en Allemagne par exemple) cherchant à barrer la bonne volonté du Pape. Ce troisième point – décisif car il n’y a pas de négociation sans donnant-donnant – montre ses capacités diplomatiques, en même temps que la faiblesse de sa marge de manœuvre. Je prends un exemple : après la levée des excommunications, il a envoyé par fax dans tous les prieurés du monde une « lettre aux fidèles » (24 janvier 2009), contenant la citation de sa propre lettre au cardinal Castrillón (15 décembre 2008) qui avait permis la levée des censures : « Nous acceptons et faisons nôtres tous les conciles jusqu’à Vatican II au sujet duquel nous émettons des réserves ». Cette formulation provoqua une telle levée de boucliers que quelques jours plus tard, une nouvelle version de cette lettre du 24 janvier citait ainsi la lettre au cardinal : « Nous acceptons et faisons nôtres tous les conciles jusqu’à Vatican I. Mais nous ne pouvons qu’émettre des réserves au sujet du Concile Vatican II, qui etc. » C’est bien entendu la première version qu’a reçue le cardinal Castrillón. La seconde version n’est pas à proprement parler un faux : c’est une traduction à l’usage de l’opinion publique de la FSSPX. »
    Mgr Fellay et la communication de la Maison Générale ont menti par le passé, ils ont encore menti récemment dans leur communiqué, pourquoi devrions-nous croire qu’ils cesseront de le faire à l’avenir ? Ce scandale et cette mascarade n’ont que trop duré. Ils doivent cesser et ils cesseront.
    La Sapinière

    Offline vincent M

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    Communiqu of La Sapinire (about the letter of 37 priests)
    « Reply #1 on: March 04, 2013, 02:09:48 PM »
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  • Translation into English :

    Communiqué of La Sapinière about the letter to Bishop Fellay March 4th 2013

    Whatever thinks Jacques-Régis du Cray, the February 28th letter to Bishop Fellay was written by some Society priests of the district of France.

    Mr. Ennemond (Jacques-Régis du Cray), who claims he knows the SSPX well, stated that no priest of the district could have acted this way. He is mistaken; not all the priests share the ideas of Father Lorans or Célier. Some writers of his forum Fecit believed they could blame us for our anonymity. This is laughable when we know how Mr. Jacques-Régis du Cray uses and abuses it [anonymity].

    Mr. Jacques-Régis du Cray put our bravery into question. Anonymity is not necessarily a sign of cowardice. To publicly resist the lies of our Superior General, we think opportune not to leave the Society. As Archbishop Lefebvre reminded to Dom Thomas Aquinas, prior of the Santa Cruz Monastery in Brazil, after the rallying of le Barroux (French Benedictine Monastery in Provence): “the goods of the Church belong to Christ the King, one shouldn’t sell them off and hand them over to the enemies of his universal reign”.

    Anonymity is not an escape from the cross, as Father de Cacqueray [district superior] thinks in a fax sent to all the priests of the district on March 1st 2013. We bear the cross. It is even a heavy one. For a recent time, the meditation of the anguish of the heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ facing the betrayal of Judas has been deeper and renewed our inner priestly life.

    We have met some cries of horror from liberals and ‘agreementists’.  We understand them without agreeing with them. They had an idol that they took for a saint and they realize he is a liar. They wanted his policy of rallying Rome to be saint because they shared his liberalism. Rather than submitting to the facts, they preferred to deny them. They don’t want to see the lies because they don’t want to set the conclusion that this policy doesn’t come from the good spirit.

    Yes, liberalism is a sin that ends up making blind its people. Those cries of horror are only hypocritical. One takes offense of an anonymous letter which denounces the repeated deceptions in a serious matter, of a superior towards his inferiors, but one doesn’t want to take offense of the lie itself. This is backward. For them, subversion doesn’t involve lying but denouncing a lie. What strange morals!

    Father de Cacqueray, who is not liberal, but who is rather victim of his benevolence, in the fax, blames us for our “objectively destructive behavior”. But, we may wonder what is objectively destructive, lying or denouncing the very lie?

    Father de Cacqueray thinks ludicrous the number of 37 priests agreeing with this letter. This is amazing to us, because he knows more than anyone else the number of priests who showed him their total loss of confidence toward the General Superior and his Council, is over that number. Moreover, the value of the facts doesn’t rely on the signers but on the trustworthy eye witnesses, mentioned in a circuмstanced way. At last, Father de Cacqueray thinks also ludicrous the judgment of this Chapter member: “It is necessary to recognize that the [General] Chapter failed. Today it is okay to have a liberated Society [of St. Pius X] inside the Conciliar Church”.

    Father de Cacqueray invites us to have a “frank and respectful” attitude toward the superiors. But we then ask him how long we will have to put up with lies directed to us and the faithful?

    Your Excellency, dear colleagues, dear faithful, an original version received by all the Society priests on January 24th 2009 that we had to read on the pulpit, said: « the decree of January 21st quotes the letter of December 15th to Castrillon Cardinal Hoyos in which I expressed our attachment “to the Church of O. L. Jesus-Christ that is the Catholic Church”, stating our acceptance to its bi-millenary teachings and our faith in the primacy of Peter. I reminded how much we suffer from the current situation of the Church where this teaching and this primacy are trod, and added: “we are ready to write the credo with our blood, to sign the anti-modernist oath, the profession of the faith of Pius IV; we accept and make ours all the Council until Vatican II, about which we make some reservations.”

    But, several days later, this passage has become:
    “We are ready to write the credo with our blood, to sign the anti-modernist oath, the profession of the faith of Pius IV; we accept and make ours all the Council until Vatican I. But we can only make some reservations about the Vatican II Council, which wanted to be a “different one” from the others.

    How to justify such a difference? Back then, Bishop Fellay said to the priors that it was a mistake of the Secretary General who, by working the whole night, made that mistake. But, eventually, after deleting the first version, the corrected version was published, the very one which is now on all the websites of the Society, … Today, we know that this is the first text which was the thought of Bishop Fellay because he seeks to submit to the official Church. On the 29th of October 2009, the editor-in-chief of the Osservatore Vaticano, Vini Ganimara, published an article entitled: “strengths and weaknesses of the diplomacy of Bishop Fellay”. In it, we read:

    Bishop Fellay knew how to take up a moderate language, language which has his past statements forgotten, not like the aggressive speeches of the other bishops of the SSPX, and which takes weapons away from the episcopal “public opinion” (in Germany for instance), trying to captivate the good will of the pope. This third point – decisive, for there is no negotiation without compromises on both sides - shows its diplomatic capacities, at the same time as the weakness of his possibility to maneuver. I quote an example:  after the lift of the the excommunications, he sent a “letter to the faithful” by fax to all the priories of the world (24 january 2009), containing the quotation of his own letter to Castrillon Cardinal Hoyos (15 December 2008) which allowed the lift of the sanctions: “we accept and make ours all the Council until Vatican I. But we can only make some reservations about the Vatican II Council, etc…” This is the first version that received Cardinal Hoyos. The 2nd version is not a fake: this is a translation useful for the public opinion of the SSPX.”

    Bishop Fellay and the communication of the General House lied in the past, they lied again recently in their communiqué; why believe they will stop doing so in the future?  This scandal and this mascarade have lasted too long. They have to stop and they will stop.

    La Sapinière

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    Communiqu of La Sapinire (about the letter of 37 priests)
    « Reply #2 on: March 04, 2013, 02:16:02 PM »
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  • Wow!
    Please pray for the repose of my soul.

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Communiqu of La Sapinire (about the letter of 37 priests)
    « Reply #3 on: March 04, 2013, 02:46:20 PM »
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  • Pew!

    They don't pull any punches, do they?!?!

    ps: Thanks again Vincent!
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Remacle

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    Communiqu of La Sapinire (about the letter of 37 priests)
    « Reply #4 on: March 05, 2013, 01:24:27 PM »
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  • Unfortunately, it is true that Father de Cacqueray is often disappointing.
    He can write very strong texts against the liberalism in general and at the same time, seem to understand nothing in the invasion of this liberalism in the SSPX.

    Offline vincent M

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    Communiqu of La Sapinire (about the letter of 37 priests)
    « Reply #5 on: March 06, 2013, 07:23:39 AM »
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  • Matto and Seraphim, thank you.

    Supports for spreading out those information are not coming from everywhere. I have some SSPX American friends who refuse to be in my mailing list and replied quite aggressively. They don't see the danger. What do they need ? Do they need Bishop Fellay to expel 100 priests to realize there is something wrong ? I dread they will, but it will be late and painful to realize. The exclusion of Bishop Williamson and all the pressure and maneuvers to choke him before his exclusion was already enough. How can they keep blind and trust Bishop Fellay ?

    A lot of people in France have left the SSPX because of those attitudes, lacking gravely in charity. Isn't charity the first commandment ? Those authorities, who are in a powerful position (which the subordinates are not in, big difference forgotten by a lot of people), don't they realize that if they lack of charity, they are nothing (Saint Paul himself said so) ?

    Father de Cacqueray is not really honest. If the letter says he is not liberal, I do think he is.

    Liberalism is not only accepting errors, this is also a non-charitable attitude towards our neighbors. What Bishop Fellay does, very much so.

    In my opinion, all those divisions which mainly come from Bishop Fellay, his complete lack of sense of the common good and his desire of power, are due to the sins of the SSPX priests and faithful in the past. I suffered from those harmful attitudes, slanders, scorns, coming from priests and French faithful. If this new movement of resistance renews the same grave lacks of charity toward the faithful and priests, it will not last long.

    "Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est" : "God is wherever there is charity". One of the reasons why my mother doesn't go to SSPX masses anymore, this is because she thinks God is not in the SSPX, after seeing so many bad atitudes there. She goes to Christ the King Institute, but this is a problem too, in my opinion. They don't denounce the Vatican II Council. How can we keep silent about this Council and say that "everything is fine" ? If we stay catholic, we can't.

    I have a hard time to find a place in the Church where, not only the Vatican II Council is denounced, but also a minimum of charity reigns among the priests and the faithful. This is a dream, not a reality, especially in France. I pray that this dream comes true very soon. Right now in the SSPX in France, like those priests, I keep silent and don't talk to priests, because there has been too many harmful things : this is a protection for me and for my inner peace, to escape the spirit of Bishop Fellay.

    I believe the new congregation which will not only denounce the errors of Vatican II but will put in its statutes the obligation for its members to respect the priests and the faithful by a charitable attitude, this congregation will be blest and will develop.

    Where is charity from Bishop Fellay, when he treats the people who don't agree with him about the agreements the way he does ? He expelled Bishop Williamson as if he had committed a crime. I doubt that even criminals, one treats them that way.

    Being charitable implies to speak the truth. Bishop Fellay is a liar and a manipulator. Sad to say, but true. He manipulates us, like modernist Rome, in order to attain his end. This is not the way the sons of the Light act.

    There is so much difference with Archbishop Lefebvre : the difference between Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop Fellay is like day and night. Archbishop Lefebvre listened to his priests, kept charity to them, what Bishop Fellay doesn't do at all: he does the contrary. You are sad, Bishop Fellay and I don't follow you because I believe that God is not with you. Bishop Fellay, by keeping silent toward those who disagree with him or by pressurazing them, or maneuvering against them, acts like a communist.

    We know that communism is for something in the huge crisis of the Catholic Church, as the conciliar fathers didn't mention communism at all in the Council, whereas at that time in the 1960's, communism was expanding.

    God knows what Archbishop Lefebvre was told by Pope Paul VI: "think about your hat of cardinal." Archbishop Lefebvre had the merit to prefer God than honors, praised be God. We can doubt that Bishop Fellay is looking for God at first, like Archbishop Lefebvre.

    We are orphans from the pope and it makes things very difficult for those who want to keep the catholic faith and the pure catholic doctrine. Who to lean on ? Maybe by showing us the weakness of men, God wants us to trust him more and show us that by him only we can be saved.

    Trusting men is not a guarantee nowadays, especially if they lead us to hell. How many protestants regret having trusted Luther? We know that if protestants are saved, it is in spite protestantism, not thanks to protestantism. Same for novus ordo catholics.

    God will not abandon us. The unity of the faith is the main sign of the Catholic Church. The bishops, priests and faithful who are in the Church are united by the catholic faith. Being united to modernist Rome means being united to protestants and other false religions, condamned by the popes before Vatican II: this is not the unity of the catholic faith. Mortalium Animos of Pius XI is useful to read.

    In order for modernist Rome to change and say that only by Jesus-Christ we can be saved, a miracle is needed... I pray that this miracle happens.

    In 2004, Bishop Williamson said in a sermon in Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet: "the Society is a lifeboat". If this lifeboat looses the reason why it was founded, one can fear that it will sink.

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    Communiqu of La Sapinire (about the letter of 37 priests)
    « Reply #6 on: March 06, 2013, 12:29:40 PM »
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  • Dear Vincent M,

    Excellent material and translations. You are right on the money! Keep up the good work.

    Offline Mea Culpa

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    Communiqu of La Sapinire (about the letter of 37 priests)
    « Reply #7 on: March 06, 2013, 01:15:00 PM »
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  • Quote from: vincent M

    We are orphans from the pope and it makes things very difficult for those who want to keep the catholic faith and the pure catholic doctrine. Who to lean on ? Maybe by showing us the weakness of men, God wants us to trust Him more and show us that by Him only we can be saved.

    Trusting men is not a guarantee nowadays, especially if they lead us to hell.

    I'm afraid such is our times and relying/putting all our trust in God is what's truly necessary. Bp. Williamson emphasizes this quite clearly in almost every conference and sermon.

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Communiqu of La Sapinire (about the letter of 37 priests)
    « Reply #8 on: March 06, 2013, 04:38:02 PM »
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  • For those who doubt the authenticity of the letter, you might observe that there has been no denial coming from the French District or Menzingen.

    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Communiqu of La Sapinire (about the letter of 37 priests)
    « Reply #9 on: March 06, 2013, 07:03:26 PM »
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  • Quote from: Seraphim
    For those who doubt the authenticity of the letter, you might observe that there has been no denial coming from the French District or Menzingen.


    In fairness, I guess you could count the fax he sent to the priests of the District, but the 2nd letter (ie., defending their anonymity) calls him out for his too, as they claim he is well aware that their numbers exceed 37 priests in France.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Mea Culpa

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    Communiqu of La Sapinire (about the letter of 37 priests)
    « Reply #10 on: March 07, 2013, 07:55:34 AM »
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  • I hope all 37 (or more) of these priests (officially) join the Resistance.

    Viva Cristo Rey!!