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Author Topic: Bp. Fellay -- claims he was deceived by B16?  (Read 1787 times)

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Offline Neil Obstat

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Bp. Fellay -- claims he was deceived by B16?
« on: September 18, 2012, 10:55:06 PM »
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  • I was going to post this on the first thread regarding but it
    looked like it was not exactly where that thread is headed, and plus, one thread is
    not going to be enough for several topics from that website........

    Regarding whether +Fellay really said that he had been deceived by Rome, and
    how Fr. Rostand replied to that question, there is more on the same page:


    Several world press sources have now reported that Bishop Bernard Fellay recently stated to a gathering of priests and seminarians in Econe (the resting place of the founder of the Society of Saint Pius X, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre), that he was "deceived" by the Romans!! Imagine that! The man specifically warned by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre that these Romans "are not catholic", "are not to be trusted", and that, Benedict, in particular "was working for the destruction of Christian civilization", he now says that he was deceived!

       Three bishops (Bishop deGalaretta, Bishop deMallerais,Bishop Williamson), all
    consecrated along with Fellay by the Archbishop in 1988, WARNED Fellay that the agreement he was pursuing was "an illusion". It was an illusion to think that Rome would treat the SSPX any differently than it treated the other traditional groups which it ensnared, and then silenced and neutralized-- like Papa Stronsay Monks, Coleman, Alabama Monks, Campos, Brazil priests, Institute of Good Shepherd priests, Fraternity of St Peter, etc. And Bishop Fellay knows they were all deceived!  For example, following Campos' (the priests of the faithful shepherd Bishop de Castro Mayer) acceptance of an agreement with Rome several years ago, Bishop Fellay himself lamented Bishop Rangel's foolishness, and said Rome will trick you and seem to give you something, but then take it away! And, during the long drawn-out "negotiations", priests of Fellay's own SSPX warned him to stop the stupidities of joining Rome-- because Rome is still protestant/ modernist/liberal, and surely is not converting back to Catholicism. What was Bp. Fellay's response IN EVERY CASE?

          He insisted the priest either keep quiet (which is against the priests' duty to Almighty God), or be dismissed from the Society of Saint Pius X. Instead of listening to priests who cared, priests astute enough to see the trap Rome was laying, priests brave enough to say something-- Fellay ignored them and kicked them out!

          Listen to what one of Fellay's sycophants stated while admonishing  SSPX's Father Joseph Pfeiffer, the courageous priest who is now traveling the country offering the Tridentine Mass to Concerned Catholics: "We have no reason not to trust (Fellay); No priest (sic) has raised the alarm you are raising! ..There is no docuмent (sic) from Rome with any trap in it! You should make a public apology for your comments..."

         Talk about egg on the priest's face! Not only did they totally fabricate the facts (Over fifteen priests and three bishops raised the alarm bells! And Rome was regularly talking about "the preamble to the agreement"), but he came to the absolutely wrong conclusion! Over fifteen priests and bishops have told Fellay to stop the stupidity of joining the modernists! Yet Robinson says, "not one!" Fellay himself was carrying the docuмent back and forth to Rome to "tweak" the agreement. Bp deGalarreta had read it and denounced it. The Society's Superiors had been advised of it and denounced it! And, the Society Chapter denounced it! But Father Robinson says it didn't exist!

          Now, after all these months of anguish, Bishop Fellay says he was deceived by Rome. No-- the devil is the great deceiver. There's been a whole lot of deceiving going on-- most of it from Menzingen and St. Louis. Rome has consistently, regularly, loudly, unequivocally stated that the SSPX must accept all of the Vatican Council II to be readmitted into the Church of the New Advent. The Roman cardinals, the European Rabbis, even European Heads of State said that Benedict CANNOT readmit the SSPX unless the SSPX agrees to all of the Vatican Council, the Novus Ordo Mass, Religious Liberty, the falsehood that Jєωιѕн people can be saved in their false religion, and the best yet-- that the "Holy Ghost" was present and guided the Second Vatican Council!

         Recall that Bp. Fellay, in order to get his way and push this deal through, even stated on world news that he could accept a split in the Society of St Pius X! So, no-- while we are happy to see that bp fellay may have realized that deception was going on-- you can't pin it on Rome. Those snakes just do what snakes always do. The problem is the snakes that have slithered into the SSPX. SOSSaveOurSSPX.

    .--. .-.-.- ... .-.-.- ..-. --- .-. - .... . -.- .. -. --. -.. --- -- --..-- - .... . .--. --- .-- . .-. .- -. -.. -....- -....- .--- ..- ... - -.- .. -.. -.. .. -. --. .-.-.

    Offline MaterDominici

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    Bp. Fellay -- claims he was deceived by B16?
    « Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 11:07:10 PM »
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  • Quote from: sos
    Several world press sources have now reported that Bishop Bernard Fellay recently stated to a gathering of priests and seminarians in Econe (the resting place of the founder of the Society of Saint Pius X, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre), that he was "deceived" by the Romans!!

    Did he happen to mention who exactly these sources were?

    The person who posted this news has a good reputation, so I don't doubt the general content, but as far as I'm aware, it's still just a rumor.
    "I think that Catholicism, that's as sane as people can get."  - Jordan Peterson

    Offline chrstnoel1

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    Bp. Fellay -- claims he was deceived by B16?
    « Reply #2 on: September 19, 2012, 01:27:50 AM »
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  • Quote from: Neil Obstat
    I was going to post this on the first thread regarding but it
    looked like it was not exactly where that thread is headed, and plus, one thread is
    not going to be enough for several topics from that website........

    Regarding whether +Fellay really said that he had been deceived by Rome, and
    how Fr. Rostand replied to that question, there is more on the same page:


    Several world press sources have now reported that Bishop Bernard Fellay recently stated to a gathering of priests and seminarians in Econe (the resting place of the founder of the Society of Saint Pius X, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre), that he was "deceived" by the Romans!! Imagine that! The man specifically warned by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre that these Romans "are not catholic", "are not to be trusted", and that, Benedict, in particular "was working for the destruction of Christian civilization", he now says that he was deceived!

       Three bishops (Bishop deGalaretta, Bishop deMallerais,Bishop Williamson), all
    consecrated along with Fellay by the Archbishop in 1988, WARNED Fellay that the agreement he was pursuing was "an illusion". It was an illusion to think that Rome would treat the SSPX any differently than it treated the other traditional groups which it ensnared, and then silenced and neutralized-- like Papa Stronsay Monks, Coleman, Alabama Monks, Campos, Brazil priests, Institute of Good Shepherd priests, Fraternity of St Peter, etc. And Bishop Fellay knows they were all deceived!  For example, following Campos' (the priests of the faithful shepherd Bishop de Castro Mayer) acceptance of an agreement with Rome several years ago, Bishop Fellay himself lamented Bishop Rangel's foolishness, and said Rome will trick you and seem to give you something, but then take it away! And, during the long drawn-out "negotiations", priests of Fellay's own SSPX warned him to stop the stupidities of joining Rome-- because Rome is still protestant/ modernist/liberal, and surely is not converting back to Catholicism. What was Bp. Fellay's response IN EVERY CASE?

          He insisted the priest either keep quiet (which is against the priests' duty to Almighty God), or be dismissed from the Society of Saint Pius X. Instead of listening to priests who cared, priests astute enough to see the trap Rome was laying, priests brave enough to say something-- Fellay ignored them and kicked them out!

          Listen to what one of Fellay's sycophants stated while admonishing  SSPX's Father Joseph Pfeiffer, the courageous priest who is now traveling the country offering the Tridentine Mass to Concerned Catholics: "We have no reason not to trust (Fellay); No priest (sic) has raised the alarm you are raising! ..There is no docuмent (sic) from Rome with any trap in it! You should make a public apology for your comments..."

         Talk about egg on the priest's face! Not only did they totally fabricate the facts (Over fifteen priests and three bishops raised the alarm bells! And Rome was regularly talking about "the preamble to the agreement"), but he came to the absolutely wrong conclusion! Over fifteen priests and bishops have told Fellay to stop the stupidity of joining the modernists! Yet Robinson says, "not one!" Fellay himself was carrying the docuмent back and forth to Rome to "tweak" the agreement. Bp deGalarreta had read it and denounced it. The Society's Superiors had been advised of it and denounced it! And, the Society Chapter denounced it! But Father Robinson says it didn't exist!

          Now, after all these months of anguish, Bishop Fellay says he was deceived by Rome. No-- the devil is the great deceiver. There's been a whole lot of deceiving going on-- most of it from Menzingen and St. Louis. Rome has consistently, regularly, loudly, unequivocally stated that the SSPX must accept all of the Vatican Council II to be readmitted into the Church of the New Advent. The Roman cardinals, the European Rabbis, even European Heads of State said that Benedict CANNOT readmit the SSPX unless the SSPX agrees to all of the Vatican Council, the Novus Ordo Mass, Religious Liberty, the falsehood that Jєωιѕн people can be saved in their false religion, and the best yet-- that the "Holy Ghost" was present and guided the Second Vatican Council!

         Recall that Bp. Fellay, in order to get his way and push this deal through, even stated on world news that he could accept a split in the Society of St Pius X! So, no-- while we are happy to see that bp fellay may have realized that deception was going on-- you can't pin it on Rome. Those snakes just do what snakes always do. The problem is the snakes that have slithered into the SSPX. SOSSaveOurSSPX.

    Thanks Neil for this posting. :reading:

    "It is impious to say, 'I respect every religion.' This is as much as to say: I respect the devil as much as God, vice as much as virtue, falsehood as much as truth, dishonesty as much as honesty, Hell as much as Heaven."
    Fr. Michael Muller, The Church and Her Enemies

    Offline stgobnait

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    Bp. Fellay -- claims he was deceived by B16?
    « Reply #3 on: September 19, 2012, 10:01:18 AM »
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  •  Looks like BF has been listening to rumours too.... like that rome can be trusted... hope he finds out who's spreading these falsehoods.... and deals with them... :light-saber: