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Offline PenitentWoman

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Thank you and goodbye
« on: October 07, 2012, 03:40:55 PM »
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  • Quote from: Tiffany
    The only poster I've seen in my limited time here who is predatory and  IMO a danger to others has been PW

    A person can only hear such comments about themselves so many times before they start to internalize it. Words hurt.  

    I've had a lot of difficulty lately excepting some of the spiritual truths of tradition. Social issues I'm confident on, but everything else I just feel numb over.

    I've tried and tried...I've read and read. I still don't wake up and feel strongly about the things I should. I have little conviction about why the N.O. mass is wrong.  I believe it is wrong, for all the reasons given to me here, but I absolutely could not talk to someone today, relay what I've been taught, and convince them of anything beyond "the TLM is a more beautiful mass."

    For some reason I just can't feel as strongly as I should about the things that are imperative to being Traditional.

    It has been made clear to me that willingness (and even strong desire) to be a submissive helpmate, and have a big family are nothing more than desired characteristics of women who are already religiously Traditional.

    My understanding now is that you can be a Traditional woman because you would never dream of attending the N.O. mass. Because you have an interior life that is strong. You could still even have feminist tendencies, but that's okay because it is secondary to an understanding of the mass.  This makes someone traditional.  My beliefs only make me a "conservative Catholic" or something.  Not traditional. I only have the secondary (less important things) down.

    I know that many people have noticed that I post ten times more about my clothing issues than anything about the mass.  There are two reasons.

    1.). I have significant pressure from a few welling meaning posters (from opposite ends of the trad spectrum) to attend/not attend mass in certain places. When I talk about these issues in posts, I receive insistent pm's from both sides.  This why I just don't bother.

    2.) I have serious, deep vanity issues and, as CatherineofSienna mentioned (and I rejected) I have developed scruples over modest dress. To the point of panic attack symptoms and insomnia. Over skirts.

    I've gone from wearing immodest dress with such great confidence that I will forever be haunted by the  permanence of digital photography, to being severely self conscious and anxious... as if I wish I could dress away the past. My obsession over, and my changes in dress have caused accusations BOTH here and in real life of being attention seeking.  It's not a good sign when you begin to question your own sincerity, and start to wonder if you should just give up.

    I was asked this question that is pretty much the final straw for me.  I was asked if I could see into the future, and I knew for certain that being Traditional would mean I never got married, would I continue to pursue tradition, or would I give it up because I want marriage so badly?

    The fact that I had to pause and think about it, proves my very shallow understanding, and I suppose lack of authenticity when it comes to Traditional Catholicism.  I'm just not ready. Being domestic and an anti-feminist, wanting lots of babies and complementing it all with a daily rosary just isn't enough.

    I believe God directed me here, but now I can't feel him at all. It's arrested development and spiritual emptiness. Posting here all the time is perhaps just a way to combat loneliness and pretend my personal life isn't a complete disaster.  I can't tell if it's good or bad to keep isolating myself.  I want to avoid sin, but I think my loneliness is hurting me mentally.

    To be accused of being a danger to this board is very, very hurtful. It is just a word that seems ridiculous applied to myself.  I've never been described that way.

    But the truth is, maybe I am not good for this board. Maybe my presence is problematic. From the very first thread I posted on, I worried I seemed disingenuous.  Three months later it is STILL a problem. I have to really pray about why that is.

    And no, it isn't for silly reasons like inability of some to believe that I'm a domestic manic who hand washes laundry and bakes bread. If I could pray as successfully as I multitask housework, I'd be in great shape.

    It is my spiritual problems and lack of marital experience that make me "dangerous" --or unsuitable for posting about things here. I have to accept that.

    I came here to learn the faith, but I feel darker and more confused than I have in a long time. I'm not certain why that is, but maybe it was the result of missing an opportunity. I was presented with a place to learn the truth, and instead of doing that, I've just upset people, more than anything.  I have to stop just wishing for a husband who tells me where to go to mass, and how to dress etc. I need to have conviction on my own, and not be so weak and pitiful.

    So many here have tried to help me.  Despite my fear that this was an overall failure of an experience, there were people who made an impact on me. If I've learned anything at all, it is that there is so much more to a person than what meets the eye. We each bear a cross that influences our opinions and how words come out...but it isn't the whole story. I'll never forget how it was I found this board.

    Thank you to everyone who has tried to help me. I'm sorry to those who I annoyed or made believe I came here with evil intentions. Christ knows that I did not.

    I really do have to break my addiction here and figure out my life...before I really do hurt someone with my ambivalence.

    Please keep me in my prayers. In the past couple of days I've been forced to come to terms with some very serious issues that I've been in a state of denial over.  Things that will seriously impact my life. I have a lot of financial problems, an issue with my daughter's father that I need to come to terms with, and a family who honestly believes I've gone insane as a religious fanatic and that I need professional help.

    I could really use your prayers...even if you are someone who thinks I'm a predator.  I know God knows I'm a good person, but just very troubled.

    Please pray that the Lord will give me the strength to do what is right as a Catholic, out of personal conviction, not just going through the motions because I'm addicted to a forum that makes me feel that I'm held accountable. I have to do this alone, and be held accountable to God.  Please pray I will still someday find the fullness of truth in Tradition, and that I'll be stronger, so that my dedication to it won't be dependent on other things.

    God Bless all of you for putting up with me.  I'm very grateful to have found CathInfo and I know I will miss it.

    In Christ,

    ~For we are saved by hope. But hope that is seen, is not hope. For what a man seeth, why doth he hope for? But if we hope for that which we see not, we wait for it with patience. ~ Romans 8:24-25

    Offline Telesphorus

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    Thank you and goodbye
    « Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 03:51:37 PM »
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  • You are overwrought and blowing certain natural doubts, conflicts, out of proportion.  

    I can understand wanting to spend some time away from the forum though.

    Don't let people in the NO use your scruples against you, and take some of the more "extreme" trad positions you hear with a grain of salt, not unqualified approval, unless they are clearly and convincingly true.

    Offline Jaynek

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    Thank you and goodbye
    « Reply #2 on: October 07, 2012, 03:57:30 PM »
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  • Quote from: PenitentWoman

    To be accused of being a danger to this board is very, very hurtful. It is just a word that seems ridiculous applied to myself.  I've never been described that way.

    For what it's worth, when I read the post that you are responding to I could not figure out who it could apply to because I could not think of anyone like that with the initials PW.  I'm still wondering if it was a typo or something.  I can't believe that anyone sees you that way.

    I have always found your posts delightful.  In a world in which feminism is practically unavoidable, I find your posts make a refreshing break.  I will miss them.

    Offline Nadir

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    « Reply #3 on: October 07, 2012, 04:02:27 PM »
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  • Penitenta, I can understand your need to get away from the forum. There are other ways of learning about life and it can be too engrossing. I have enjoyed your posts and I don't for the life of me know how anybody could react in the way they have towards you. Forgiveness is hard but essential to your spiritual health. I am sure you know this already. I will certainly pray for you. I hope you will come back to let us know how you are going, at least. God bless you.
    Help of Christians, guard our land from assault or inward stain,
    Let it be what God has planned, His new Eden where You reign.

    Offline Matthew

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    Thank you and goodbye
    « Reply #4 on: October 07, 2012, 04:27:48 PM »
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  • Tiffany will have to answer to God for any spiritual or emotional pain she has inflicted on you.

    I have no idea why she would call you such horrible, uncharitable, and baseless names.

    Her twisted reasons are only known to her and God (and, I should also add, the devil -- who is keeping close track! He can't wait to accuse her before the Judgment Seat)

    Some Catholics -- that call themselves Traditional -- should really be ashamed of themselves. They think Charity is optional as long as they abhor the Novus Ordo -- as if God is going to overlook reams of faults just because they drove a half hour to get to a Tridentine Mass. Sorry, I wish it were that easy!

    Other Catholics think their mission in life is to fill in for the Pope (who they believe doesn't exist right now), and pontificate about where you should go to Mass -- what Masses are valid, which priests are actual priests, which Missal God wants us to use, the morality of NFP, the eternal destiny of infants who die without Baptism, etc.

    As if God has revealed ANY of those things, privately OR publicly!  

    I try to ban ALL the Dogmatic Home-Aloners as well as those who are opposed on principle to the 1962 Missal, the priestly validity of SSPX priests, the Catholicity of the SSPX, etc. but apparently I missed a few if you're getting hassled by zealous "don't go to that Mass" types. I assume they're not just telling you to stay away from SGG or something like that...

    Anyhow, I really get sick of these extremist "Catholic Truth. Population: Me" types. It's not because my position is weak, I'm afraid of the truth, or any of that BS, but rather because THEY ARE CRAZY and their extreme, nonsensical positions can really hurt someone who is genuinely looking for the TRUTH and SALVATION -- like PenitentWoman.

    Whoever you are, if you're reading this -- just look at my posts. Do you think I go with the flow? I'm siding with Bishop Williamson for crying out loud. I'm certainly of good will and would follow the truth wherever it led me. But do you honestly think God has ABANDONED his Church so as to leave the Catholic Faithful (numbering in the hundreds of thousands? any better estimates out there?) with only a dozen valid priests?  Come on, if that were true, where's the Last Trumpet already?

    The Church must be visible until the end of time -- to say otherwise is heresy. And no, a dozen priests tucked away in a dozen little independent chapels is NOT sufficient for a visible Church.

    As for the 1962 Missal, I see nothing wrong with it and I studied at a traditional Seminary for 3 1/2 years. How about you? You probably just read some crap by the Dimond brothers and think you're an expert, or you trust the Dimond brothers who put themselves forward as experts. Who trained them? They probably read a few books. Either way, you're sadly mistaken.
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    Offline Matthew

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    Thank you and goodbye
    « Reply #5 on: October 07, 2012, 04:41:24 PM »
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  • By the way, I should point out that I've been a traditional Catholic for three and a half decades, plus I've run CathInfo for the past 6 years. I also attended a traditional seminary for 3 1/2 years. I know traditional Catholics pretty well.

    My parents met each other at TAN Books & Publishers, founded by Thomas A. Nelson who was a pioneer in the Traditional movement.

    My mom used to talk about Archbishop Lefebvre's Episcopal Consecrations (1988) when I was a pre-teen, and I remember her admiration for the Archbishop.

    I think I'm extremely well qualified to make general statements about traditional Catholics, or to recognize legitimate patterns -- particularly, problems in the movement.

    I think it's very sad when I see so many people go off the deep end into various obsessive-compulsive, perfectionist, or other extremist positions. This pitfall seems to afflict those of a Melancholic temperament more than any other.

    Another thing I've learned is that some rumors never die. It's as if Traditional Catholicism needs a website like "snopes" that tackles various urban legends  once and for all.
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    Offline Sede Catholic

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    Thank you and goodbye
    « Reply #6 on: October 07, 2012, 05:11:38 PM »
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  • Dear PenitentWoman,

    I ask you to reconsider leaving us.
    Many people have decided to leave CathInfo, and have then changed their minds.

    CathInfo is the best of the Catholic Forums.
    You will get help and support here that you cannot get on these other, lesser Catholic Forums.

    It is best for your soul that you stay here.
    It is best for your baby's soul that you stay here.

    You said that you believed that God has directed you here.
    That is obviously the case.

    Do not let the devil win. He has worked people up against you here.
    That shows that God wants you here.

    Do the will of God.

    You do a lot of good for souls by posting here.
    You are one of the people that I have learned from the most.

    Do not stop helping souls with your posts here.

    Your posts have brightened up CathInfo.
    You have brought something very good to CathInfo, that was not here before.

    And on CathInfo, almost everybody likes you.
    You owe it to your friends to stay.
    (But really I only say that to help to guide you to stay).

    I have sent you two PMs.

    I ask you to read them.
    Perhaps they will help you as well.

    God Bless you, PenitentWoman.
    God Bless your baby.

    Yours, in Jesus and Mary and Joseph and The Divine Mercy,

    Sede Catholic.

    Francis is an Antipope. Pray that God will grant us a good Pope and save the Church.
    I abjure and retract my schismatic support of the evil CMRI.Thuc condemned the Thuc nonbishops
    "Now, therefore, we declare, say, determine and pronounce that for every human creature it is necessary for salvation to be subject to the authority of the Roman Pontiff"-Pope Boniface VIII.
    If you think Francis is Pope,do you treat him like an Antipope?
    Pastor Aeternus, and the Council of Trent Sessions XXIII and XXIV

    Offline Tiffany

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    Thank you and goodbye
    « Reply #7 on: October 07, 2012, 06:16:38 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matthew
    Tiffany will have to answer to God for any spiritual or emotional pain she has inflicted on you.

    I have no idea why she would call you such horrible, uncharitable, and baseless names.

    Her twisted reasons are only known to her and God (and, I should also add, the devil -- who is keeping close track! He can't wait to accuse her before the Judgment Seat)

    Some Catholics -- that call themselves Traditional -- should really be ashamed of themselves. They think Charity is optional as long as they abhor the Novus Ordo -- as if God is going to overlook reams of faults just because they drove a half hour to get to a Tridentine Mass. Sorry, I wish it were that easy!

    Other Catholics think their mission in life is to fill in for the Pope (who they believe doesn't exist right now), and pontificate about where you should go to Mass -- what Masses are valid, which priests are actual priests, which Missal God wants us to use, the morality of NFP, the eternal destiny of infants who die without Baptism, etc.

    As if God has revealed ANY of those things, privately OR publicly!  

    I try to ban ALL the Dogmatic Home-Aloners as well as those who are opposed on principle to the 1962 Missal, the priestly validity of SSPX priests, the Catholicity of the SSPX, etc. but apparently I missed a few if you're getting hassled by zealous "don't go to that Mass" types. I assume they're not just telling you to stay away from SGG or something like that...

    Anyhow, I really get sick of these extremist "Catholic Truth. Population: Me" types. It's not because my position is weak, I'm afraid of the truth, or any of that BS, but rather because THEY ARE CRAZY and their extreme, nonsensical positions can really hurt someone who is genuinely looking for the TRUTH and SALVATION -- like PenitentWoman.

    Whoever you are, if you're reading this -- just look at my posts. Do you think I go with the flow? I'm siding with Bishop Williamson for crying out loud. I'm certainly of good will and would follow the truth wherever it led me. But do you honestly think God has ABANDONED his Church so as to leave the Catholic Faithful (numbering in the hundreds of thousands? any better estimates out there?) with only a dozen valid priests?  Come on, if that were true, where's the Last Trumpet already?

    The Church must be visible until the end of time -- to say otherwise is heresy. And no, a dozen priests tucked away in a dozen little independent chapels is NOT sufficient for a visible Church.

    As for the 1962 Missal, I see nothing wrong with it and I studied at a traditional Seminary for 3 1/2 years. How about you? You probably just read some crap by the Dimond brothers and think you're an expert, or you trust the Dimond brothers who put themselves forward as experts. Who trained them? They probably read a few books. Either way, you're sadly mistaken.

    I realize we won't agree on this Matthew.  PW has been deceptive, she has baited people,  attacked those who (correctly) called her out in her lies, she seems to have a script for posts and when that isn't followed she she starts baiting and twisting, she plays victim role  over and over again.

    She constantly attempts to appear that she has certain beliefs - she makes very broad strong statements  but other things she posts don't fit with someone who believes those broad strong statements she makes.

    Matthew a sincere person is looking for the truth. None of that ^ shows sincerity or honesty.  Her writing that she wants to learn is our Achilles heel to keep us sympathetic to her.
    My comment was not baseless.

    Offline Jaynek

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    Thank you and goodbye
    « Reply #8 on: October 07, 2012, 06:31:38 PM »
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  •  :confused1:

    Offline Ascetik

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    « Reply #9 on: October 07, 2012, 06:37:16 PM »
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  • Well said Matthew.

    I encounter this a lot with so-called traditional Catholics, especially on forums. It seems like, from what I gather, that all they want to talk about and do is bash the conciliar church and those who may not have fully embraces tradition yet and because they do so they feel it gives them free reign to be abhorrently uncharitable to anyone who does not share their particular view yet.

    As Catholics, whether you attend the Novus Ordo, the SSPX, the FSSP type masses, a diocesan TLM, an eastern rite or a sede chapel, you are called to a heroic degree of charity and patience. We are all called to be saints. We should avoid name-calling at all costs and try to practice love even for our "enemies."

    When I say enemies... how can some of us who are traditional Catholics (to whom much is given much is expected), consider that we should hate our enemies, even if they fully adhere to the conciliar church's break from tradition, yes it is sad, but Christ called us to even love our enemies and treat them with heroic charity. There are many saints who are great examples of this, who went out of their way to find those who were most abrasive to them, who they disliked the most, to seek them out and to practice taking up their cross and practicing charity and patience towards them and overlooking their faults. How many times have we read in the writings of saints to overlook the faults of our brethren? God will hold us accountable for every evil word spoken against someone, whether in our mind, on a forum, or in person.

    We don't have to agree with someone if they choose to attend the Novus Ordo, but that does not give us the right to be malicious and uncharitable towards them. Not all of us magically became traditionalists over night, it took months and years of praying and receiving lights and graces from God to realize the problems in the church. We must practice patience with those who are not at that point yet. And even if they make huge generalizing statements, we must practice charity and patience and try to address their statements with perfection and virtue.

    In the words of St. John of the Cross "Strive not for that which is easiest, but for that which is most burdensome." -Spiritual Maxims Opera Omnia trans. Allison Peers.

    Offline ServusSpiritusSancti

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    Thank you and goodbye
    « Reply #10 on: October 07, 2012, 07:26:40 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matthew
    This pitfall seems to afflict those of a Melancholic temperament more than any other.

    What do you base this comment on? None of the Melancholics I have met on Trad forums are extremists.
    Please ignore ALL of my posts. I was naive during my time posting on this forum and didn’t know any better. I retract and deeply regret any and all uncharitable or erroneous statements I ever made here.

    Offline Matthew

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    « Reply #11 on: October 07, 2012, 07:48:30 PM »
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  • Lots and lots of experience, SS.

    Melancholics incline toward perfectionism and OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).

    They are the pretty much the only ones to have to endure "scruples".
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    Offline ServusSpiritusSancti

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    « Reply #12 on: October 07, 2012, 07:57:10 PM »
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  • The dogmatic extremists that were banned on my forum were cholerics who tended towards narcissism.
    Please ignore ALL of my posts. I was naive during my time posting on this forum and didn’t know any better. I retract and deeply regret any and all uncharitable or erroneous statements I ever made here.

    Offline justso

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    Thank you and goodbye
    « Reply #13 on: October 07, 2012, 07:57:30 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matthew
    This pitfall seems to afflict those of a Melancholic temperament more than any other.

    Correct you are sir.  :facepalm:

    Offline guitarplucker

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    « Reply #14 on: October 07, 2012, 08:01:26 PM »
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  • How can you tell someone's temperament? I've read about them but can never tell how to identify them in people. Is it just guessing or sixth sense?

    It seems to me that someone could be any of the temperaments depending on their state of mind, but one always?