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Author Topic: Pope John Paul II never described the theory of evolution  (Read 1749 times)

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Offline ggreg

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Pope John Paul II never described the theory of evolution
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2014, 05:07:37 AM »
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  • Quote from: RomanCatholic1953
    Quote from: ggreg
    I guess he didn't intend to have Assisi I and II either.  He just went along with them because he was so holy and humble that he didn't want to offend anyone.

    I hope that this is just satire in which ggreg seems to be famous for.
    Trouble here unlike SD, people takes things seriously here.
    A truly holy and humble baptized Catholic who is the  Pope,
    Pope St.Pius X is an example would never take part in a heretical
    meetings that took place at Assisi 1,2, and 3.
    ggreg, please no more satire.

    Fools are my theme, let satire be my song.

    Offline cassini

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    Pope John Paul II never described the theory of evolution
    « Reply #16 on: September 10, 2014, 02:09:38 PM »
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  • Quote from: PerEvangelicaDicta
    RC1953, no one can accuse you of dishonesty, that's for sure.

    I understand your meaning, and I struggle with great anger toward that man, but I was reminded by a trad priest that to wish a man damnation is a mortal sin.  So I pray for him, and that he had a deathbed repentence.  Regardless, justice is delivered at Judgement.

    Now there is food for thought. Catholicism is full of catch 22s. Of course to WISH somebody would go to hell has to be a sin.

    And of course one can, at the last seconds of one's life ask forgiveness for one's sins. Indeed a trad priest once told us in a homily that if one is seconds to death (like a bus heading your way) the words 'My Jesus mercy' will suffice to keep you out of hell.

    It is however beyond belief that JP2 even considered his modernism sinful, so there is no way he repented it at the end. Whether one could ask forgiveness for one's sins and gain forgiveness for things one does not consider sins I do not know.

    One does not know the extent of God's forgiveness. We are taught it is infinite. But repentance is essential.

    Then there is being responsible for the loss of other souls. How many souls have been lost due to Vatican II modernism? Is there 'fairmess' in the idea millions of souls go to hell while those who contributed to their loss get to heaven.

    Only God can sort out these questions.

    Finally, we too could end up in hell, God forbid. Now what if God said to us, would you like to go where JP2 is destined for? Bet you would wish JP2 was, after Purgatory, going to heaven. Well I think that is the only way we can attain forgiveness, to hope God forgives others as we hope He will forgive us.

    Offline cassini

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    Pope John Paul II never described the theory of evolution
    « Reply #17 on: September 10, 2014, 02:38:39 PM »
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  • 'In his encyclical Humani Generis (1950), my predecessor Pius XII has already affirmed that there is no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of the faith regarding man and his vocation, provided that we do not lose sight of certain fixed points.'

    I have a problem with this.

    Evolution has to be the most absurd and ridiculous idea that insults human reasoning. That sponges can evolve into elephants is for morons. Moreover, the science of genetics has long affirmed that evolution from one kind to another is impossible.


    Well how could Pius XII and JP2 think the Church could allow this after Vatican I said the following:

    ‘Further, the Church which, together with the apostolic duty of teaching, has received the command to guard the deposit of faith, has also, from divine providence, the right and duty of proscribing “knowledge falsely so called” (I Tim. 6:20), “lest anyone be cheated by philosophy and vain deceit” (cf. Col. 2:8). Wherefore, all faithful Christians are not only forbidden to defend opinions of this sort, which are known to be contrary to the teaching of the faith, especially if they have been condemned by the Church, as the legitimate conclusions of science, but they shall be altogether bound to hold them rather as errors, which present a false appearance of truth.’  ---  (Denzinger - 1795-98.)

    Surely Pius XII should have been protecting the flock from the poison of evolution rather than giving it one iota of credibility as he did in this encyclical. It is a FACT that in one survey done on evolution 45% of believers said it was the cause of them DISBELIEVING and leaving the Christian faith. St Paul knew what he was talking about.

    Offline Neil Obstat

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    Pope John Paul II never described the theory of evolution
    « Reply #18 on: September 14, 2014, 05:54:04 AM »
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  • .

    It is a FACT that in one survey done on evolution 45% of believers said it was the cause of them DISBELIEVING and leaving the Christian faith. St Paul knew what he was talking about.

    I don't know about studies on defections, but I do know of several people who lost the Faith and they told me that it was because of evolution that they lost it.  

    As holy as St. Pius X was, he did allow a study to be conducted in Rome (as I recall it was the Biblical Commission of 1909) to consider the possibility that evolution was not contradictory to Scripture, specifically.  I have always thought it was odd, though, that they did not equally consider the Sacred Tradition of the Church along with Scripture, as has always been the way the Church conducts such research and analysis  --  unless perhaps I didn't quite understand their reasoning.  They pretty much left the question open, and after that, Liberals went hog-wild with their creepy theories.  The principle promoter in the Church of the lies was Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.  There was enough latent resistance to his putrid antics that he was (at first) denied Christian burial.

    Today there are large swaths of NovusOrdo Catholics who believe that the Catholic understanding of creation is not at odds with so-called evolution, saying nonsense like Adam and Eve had "evolved" from lower forms and God just breathed an immortal soul into their already-existing animal bodies.  Any child can explain how that doesn't square with Genesis.  But Modernists do not have the faith of a child, which is why they can't go to heaven.  They'll go to the other place, instead, as they wish.

    The bottom line is that Freemasons have promoted so-called evolution with their agenda of getting Catholics acclimated to their false doctrine that we are 'evolving' to become gods, kind of like the Mormons believe, in their damned error (which is a false religion founded by Freemasons).  

    It seems to me that one of the signs that the True Faith will have returned to the Church will be when so-called evolution is sliced, diced and hung out to dry like Pope St. Pius X did with Modernism (Pascendi, mostly, but also other docuмents).

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