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Author Topic: Introduce yourself!  (Read 342804 times)

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Offline Nadir

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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #1335 on: October 23, 2022, 11:08:13 PM »
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  • Welcome! Have you made the acquaintance of Fr Abrahamowicz?
    Or don Franceso Ricossa?

    Have you news of don Floriano, Mith? I can find nothing online since 2009, but he had a small community in 2011 in Treviso.

    Benvenuto, Giulio!
    Help of Christians, guard our land from assault or inward stain,
    Let it be what God has planned, His new Eden where You reign.

    Offline Julius I

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1336 on: October 24, 2022, 11:03:01 AM »
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  • Welcome! Have you made the acquaintance of Fr Abrahamowicz?
    Thank you! I have only watched a couple of his interviews. He seems like a very sensible man, and as always the media's claims on his supposedly "extremist" views are ridiculous at best.

    Or don Franceso Ricossa?

    Benvenuto, Giulio!
    Grazie mille! I had heard of the Mater Boni Consilii Institute but never dug deeper. I knew it espoused the thesis by Mons. des Lauriers, the same of the Most Holy Trinity Seminary, but I had no idea it was founded by Italian priests like don Ricossa. My sincerest thanks for pointing me to their website, I'm looking forward to exchanging a few words, especially seeing they have an active chapel here in Rome.
    "How do we know this is true? Because God said so. How do we know God said so? Because the Church said so."

    Offline Hardicanute

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1337 on: November 04, 2022, 03:38:44 PM »
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  • Dear Mother of Jesus,
    look down upon me
    as I say my praises
    humbly at my mother’s

    “After that, he saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother.”

    Ad astra per aspera. “And Mary said: Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.”

    So as the moon glistens in the night and the stars shine splendidly through the clouds, so Our Lady, Queen of the universe, whose crown lights the firmaments of heaven and earth and Her Son, that divine Sun, light of all that is, was and ever will be.

    As you have taught me all that I know and gave me all that I have, Oh Lord, let me begin in Blessings of thee. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

    Christ’s Peace be upon you all, dearly beloved in the Lord.

    My Faith journey was a complex and complicated one which eventually led me to the Traditional Catholic Faith. I shall attempt to be brief on this matter.

    I come from a labyrinthine family background. My mother’s side of the family is of a religious persuasion which is one of only three ancient, genuinely and explicitly, Gnostic traditions still in existence today. My father’s side of the family was generally secular.

    I did not take religion seriously until I entered university. I began studying philosophy after which I studied world religions formally in academia and by traveling abroad to various regions where particular religious beliefs were widespread: Japan, China, and South Korea for Buddhism and other Eastern philosophies. The Middle East for Islam, Judaism, Mandaeism, Druze, and other obscure religions. Western European countries for various “denominations” of Christianity and folk religions. Eastern Europe for Eastern Orthodoxy. And so forth. I traveled extensively and studied much.

    I took a few years out of college to pursue my extreme passion for religion and anthropology. Eventually I settled into a stable lifestyle which afforded me a family and continued pursuit of my secular education.

    After much research and learning, I eventually decided to become Roman Catholic. The reality of what I experienced during RCIA left me stunned, frustrated, and disappointed.

    How could this beautiful religion which I read so much about and saw as alluring and captivating be so ugly in practice? It left me feeling inebriated with negativity and despair.

    After further reflection and investigation, I eventually came across the “Traditionalist” movement via the SSPX and Bishop Sanborn’s seminary. Everything made sense afterwards and I felt at peace.

    I converted to the Faith after three years of the catechumenate and have been Roman Catholic ever since.

    I am eclectic and passionate about my interests, but religion is my main focus.

    I look forward to our exchanges on this forum.

    All praise and thanksgiving be to the ever-blessed Trinity, who hath shown unto us Mary, ever-Virgin, clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and on her head a mystic crown of twelve stars.
    euntes ergo docete omnes gentes baptizantes eos in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti docentes eos servare omnia quaecuмque mandavi vobis et ecce ego vobiscuм sum omnibus diebus usque ad consummationem saeculi.

    -Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum

    Offline DigitalLogos

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1338 on: November 04, 2022, 04:11:57 PM »
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  • That's quite the journey, praise God. Welcome!
    "Be not therefore solicitous for tomorrow; for the morrow will be solicitous for itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof." [Matt. 6:34]

    "In all thy works remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin." [Ecclus. 7:40]

    "A holy man continueth in wisdom as the sun: but a fool is changed as the moon." [Ecclus. 27:12]

    Offline Nadir

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1339 on: November 04, 2022, 06:23:16 PM »
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  • Welcome Hardicanute. Great to hear your story. I was wondering.
    Help of Christians, guard our land from assault or inward stain,
    Let it be what God has planned, His new Eden where You reign.

    Offline Sneedevacantist

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1340 on: November 15, 2022, 06:37:41 PM »
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  • Hello everyone!

    I am a Sedevacantist Catholic from North Carolina, USA. I converted to Catholicism this year, received the supplied ceremonies for baptism back in the summer since I had a valid baptism beforehand, and I received Confirmation by His Excellency Bishop Mark Pivarunas of the CMRI back in September (I picked St Augustine as my confirmation Saint). I primarily attend Mass at CMRI missions, but I have recently, after consulting with my confessor and verifying that their priest was ordained by one of the SSPX bishops, started attending at an SSPX chapel in my state alongside my normal Mass attendance. Being able to now go to a weekly Sunday Mass in my state instead of being restricted to CMRI missions out of state bi-monthly on Saturdays has been a tremendous blessing for my spiritual life, especially since I can now go to weekly confession.

    I was raised as an independent Baptist, but my parents and grandparents quit going to church when I was young and preferred to be Christians at home due to church drama and mobility issues. Right before I started high school, I started having doubts about God and Christianity due to secular culture, secular friends, and the nonsensical theology of Baptists (once saved always saved made no sense to me even as a young child). I eventually became an agnostic atheist entering high school, but I had stated to God in my mind that if he showed me proof of Him I would become religious again. It only took two years of me being an edgy atheist before I opened my eyes and realized the evils in modern society that stemmed from a rejection of God. I spent my last two years in high school gradually coming back around to Christianity, but I did not commit to a particular denomination or church. I just prayed to God and stayed home.

    In college, I had two friends that became infatuated with Eastern Orthodoxy, but I never did anything more than read up on them and admire their traditional values. In 2020, I was perusing the infamous website 4chan and saw a thread on their political board about the Baptist pastor Steven Anderson. Someone in that thread had linked the docuмentary that Most Holy Family Monastery made about Steven Anderson exposing him. I didn't care for Steven Anderson to begin with, so I watched the video. It's worth mentioning that I was still heavily biased against Catholicism during this time due to my Bible belt upbringing (even the public school I went to had a Protestant bias against Catholicism in the history curriculum, but that isn't surprising since I do live in the United States) and the fact I didn't like Francis because of how liberal he was and still is. Anyways, I made it through the entire docuмentary and I was captivated. The Catholic teaching in that video were effectively proven entirely from scripture. I started watching more of Most Holy Family Monastery's videos, and their charisma and blunt presentation started to convince me that traditional Catholicism was legit and that I had a bogus understanding of it growing up.

    Later on, I discovered Novus Ordo Watch and found out that Most Holy Family Monastery was not without flaws in their teachings. Their Feeneyism always rubbed me the wrong way, so I was relieved to learn that their position did not reflect the true Catholic position in that regard. Finally, at the beginning of this year, after discovering that there was a CMRI mission in South Carolina (unfortunately there were none in North Carolina), I decided to cross the Rubicon and attend Mass there as it was the closest Sedevacantist Mass site for me. Of course, I made sure to call the priest beforehand to ask numerous questions before making such a commitment, and I prayed for God's guidance. Thankfully he had helpful and encouraging answers, so I decided to go. I'm glad I went, because witnessing Mass for the first time, even as a Low Mass, was such a beautiful experience. The small, tight-knit group of parishioners were very welcoming of me, and invited me to come and eat with them and the priest afterwards in town. I realized then that I had found a spiritual home, and that I was ready to commit to being a catechumen so that I could one day officially become a Catholic. I never would have envisioned years ago becoming a regular church-attending Catholic, but yet here I am. Thankfully my immediate family has been supportive/neutral of my conversion.

    Anyways, sorry for the long post. I just wanted to share my journey to Catholicism, but more importantly my journey in returning to our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Offline Mithrandylan

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1341 on: November 15, 2022, 06:54:10 PM »
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  • Hello everyone!

    I am a Sedevacantist Catholic from North Carolina, USA. I converted to Catholicism this year, received the supplied ceremonies for baptism back in the summer since I had a valid baptism beforehand, and I received Confirmation by His Excellency Bishop Mark Pivarunas of the CMRI back in September (I picked St Augustine as my confirmation Saint). I primarily attend Mass at CMRI missions, but I have recently, after consulting with my confessor and verifying that their priest was ordained by one of the SSPX bishops, started attending at an SSPX chapel in my state alongside my normal Mass attendance. Being able to now go to a weekly Sunday Mass in my state instead of being restricted to CMRI missions out of state bi-monthly on Saturdays has been a tremendous blessing for my spiritual life, especially since I can now go to weekly confession.

    I was raised as an independent Baptist, but my parents and grandparents quit going to church when I was young and preferred to be Christians at home due to church drama and mobility issues. Right before I started high school, I started having doubts about God and Christianity due to secular culture, secular friends, and the nonsensical theology of Baptists (once saved always saved made no sense to me even as a young child). I eventually became an agnostic atheist entering high school, but I had stated to God in my mind that if he showed me proof of Him I would become religious again. It only took two years of me being an edgy atheist before I opened my eyes and realized the evils in modern society that stemmed from a rejection of God. I spent my last two years in high school gradually coming back around to Christianity, but I did not commit to a particular denomination or church. I just prayed to God and stayed home.

    In college, I had two friends that became infatuated with Eastern Orthodoxy, but I never did anything more than read up on them and admire their traditional values. In 2020, I was perusing the infamous website 4chan and saw a thread on their political board about the Baptist pastor Steven Anderson. Someone in that thread had linked the docuмentary that Most Holy Family Monastery made about Steven Anderson exposing him. I didn't care for Steven Anderson to begin with, so I watched the video. It's worth mentioning that I was still heavily biased against Catholicism during this time due to my Bible belt upbringing (even the public school I went to had a Protestant bias against Catholicism in the history curriculum, but that isn't surprising since I do live in the United States) and the fact I didn't like Francis because of how liberal he was and still is. Anyways, I made it through the entire docuмentary and I was captivated. The Catholic teaching in that video were effectively proven entirely from scripture. I started watching more of Most Holy Family Monastery's videos, and their charisma and blunt presentation started to convince me that traditional Catholicism was legit and that I had a bogus understanding of it growing up.

    Later on, I discovered Novus Ordo Watch and found out that Most Holy Family Monastery was not without flaws in their teachings. Their Feeneyism always rubbed me the wrong way, so I was relieved to learn that their position did not reflect the true Catholic position in that regard. Finally, at the beginning of this year, after discovering that there was a CMRI mission in South Carolina (unfortunately there were none in North Carolina), I decided to cross the Rubicon and attend Mass there as it was the closest Sedevacantist Mass site for me. Of course, I made sure to call the priest beforehand to ask numerous questions before making such a commitment, and I prayed for God's guidance. Thankfully he had helpful and encouraging answers, so I decided to go. I'm glad I went, because witnessing Mass for the first time, even as a Low Mass, was such a beautiful experience. The small, tight-knit group of parishioners were very welcoming of me, and invited me to come and eat with them and the priest afterwards in town. I realized then that I had found a spiritual home, and that I was ready to commit to being a catechumen so that I could one day officially become a Catholic. I never would have envisioned years ago becoming a regular church-attending Catholic, but yet here I am. Thankfully my immediate family has been supportive/neutral of my conversion.

    Anyways, sorry for the long post. I just wanted to share my journey to Catholicism, but more importantly my journey in returning to our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Welcome. An excellent story to go along with an excellent username. Very clever. I hope you post frequently so I can see your username often. 
    "Be kind; do not seek the malicious satisfaction of having discovered an additional enemy to the Church... And, above all, be scrupulously truthful. To all, friends and foes alike, give that serious attention which does not misrepresent any opinion, does not distort any statement, does not mutilate any quotation. We need not fear to serve the cause of Christ less efficiently by putting on His spirit". (Vermeersch, 1913).

    Online Miseremini

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1342 on: November 15, 2022, 07:02:58 PM »
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  • Welcome.  Looking forward to hearing more from you.
    "Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and them that hate Him flee from before His Holy Face"  Psalm 67:2[/b]

    Offline Sneedevacantist

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1343 on: November 15, 2022, 07:07:46 PM »
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  • .
    Welcome. An excellent story to go along with an excellent username. Very clever. I hope you post frequently so I can see your username often.
    Thank you! I'll definitely look to posting on here more often when I have time. I'm glad to have found an online community of traditional Catholics.

    Offline Sneedevacantist

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1344 on: November 15, 2022, 07:22:43 PM »
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  • Welcome.  Looking forward to hearing more from you.
    Thank you! One other thing I want to mention is that I'm studying so that I can eventually become a regular altar server. One of the missions that I attend has Mass in a hotel conference room since there's not a permanent location yet, and no one there knows (or has expressed interest in) how to be an altar server. The past few times that I've attended, the priest has had me ring the bell and do some of the Latin responses along with the Kyrie. Father Benedict Hughes of the CMRI has a great series of videos about altar serving on YouTube that I've been watching to study. It's the subtle details and movements of altar serving that will be the most challenging for me to commit to memory.

    Offline St Giles

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1345 on: November 15, 2022, 08:27:00 PM »
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  • Thank you! I'll definitely look to posting on here more often when I have time. I'm glad to have found an online community of traditional Catholics.
    You seem familiar ;)
    "Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect."
    "Seek first the kingdom of Heaven..."
    "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment"

    Offline Sneedevacantist

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1346 on: November 15, 2022, 10:19:47 PM »
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  • You seem familiar ;)
    You might have seen me on Plebbit or the Novus Ordo Watch comments.

    Offline Lover of Truth

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1347 on: November 16, 2022, 04:32:45 AM »
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  • Hello everyone!

    I am a Sedevacantist Catholic from North Carolina, USA. I converted to Catholicism this year, received the supplied ceremonies for baptism back in the summer since I had a valid baptism beforehand, and I received Confirmation by His Excellency Bishop Mark Pivarunas of the CMRI back in September (I picked St Augustine as my confirmation Saint). I primarily attend Mass at CMRI missions, but I have recently, after consulting with my confessor and verifying that their priest was ordained by one of the SSPX bishops, started attending at an SSPX chapel in my state alongside my normal Mass attendance. Being able to now go to a weekly Sunday Mass in my state instead of being restricted to CMRI missions out of state bi-monthly on Saturdays has been a tremendous blessing for my spiritual life, especially since I can now go to weekly confession.

    I was raised as an independent Baptist, but my parents and grandparents quit going to church when I was young and preferred to be Christians at home due to church drama and mobility issues. Right before I started high school, I started having doubts about God and Christianity due to secular culture, secular friends, and the nonsensical theology of Baptists (once saved always saved made no sense to me even as a young child). I eventually became an agnostic atheist entering high school, but I had stated to God in my mind that if he showed me proof of Him I would become religious again. It only took two years of me being an edgy atheist before I opened my eyes and realized the evils in modern society that stemmed from a rejection of God. I spent my last two years in high school gradually coming back around to Christianity, but I did not commit to a particular denomination or church. I just prayed to God and stayed home.

    In college, I had two friends that became infatuated with Eastern Orthodoxy, but I never did anything more than read up on them and admire their traditional values. In 2020, I was perusing the infamous website 4chan and saw a thread on their political board about the Baptist pastor Steven Anderson. Someone in that thread had linked the docuмentary that Most Holy Family Monastery made about Steven Anderson exposing him. I didn't care for Steven Anderson to begin with, so I watched the video. It's worth mentioning that I was still heavily biased against Catholicism during this time due to my Bible belt upbringing (even the public school I went to had a Protestant bias against Catholicism in the history curriculum, but that isn't surprising since I do live in the United States) and the fact I didn't like Francis because of how liberal he was and still is. Anyways, I made it through the entire docuмentary and I was captivated. The Catholic teaching in that video were effectively proven entirely from scripture. I started watching more of Most Holy Family Monastery's videos, and their charisma and blunt presentation started to convince me that traditional Catholicism was legit and that I had a bogus understanding of it growing up.

    Later on, I discovered Novus Ordo Watch and found out that Most Holy Family Monastery was not without flaws in their teachings. Their Feeneyism always rubbed me the wrong way, so I was relieved to learn that their position did not reflect the true Catholic position in that regard. Finally, at the beginning of this year, after discovering that there was a CMRI mission in South Carolina (unfortunately there were none in North Carolina), I decided to cross the Rubicon and attend Mass there as it was the closest Sedevacantist Mass site for me. Of course, I made sure to call the priest beforehand to ask numerous questions before making such a commitment, and I prayed for God's guidance. Thankfully he had helpful and encouraging answers, so I decided to go. I'm glad I went, because witnessing Mass for the first time, even as a Low Mass, was such a beautiful experience. The small, tight-knit group of parishioners were very welcoming of me, and invited me to come and eat with them and the priest afterwards in town. I realized then that I had found a spiritual home, and that I was ready to commit to being a catechumen so that I could one day officially become a Catholic. I never would have envisioned years ago becoming a regular church-attending Catholic, but yet here I am. Thankfully my immediate family has been supportive/neutral of my conversion.

    Anyways, sorry for the long post. I just wanted to share my journey to Catholicism, but more importantly my journey in returning to our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Congratulations!  And thank God for not falling into the feeneyite trap.  I almost did.  What is the meaning in the name (sneedevacantist)?  I missed though I noticed Mith got it.  
    "I receive Thee, redeeming Prince of my soul. Out of love for Thee have I studied, watched through many nights, and exerted myself: Thee did I preach and teach. I have never said aught against Thee. Nor do I persist stubbornly in my views. If I have ever expressed myself erroneously on this Sacrament, I submit to the judgement of the Holy Roman Church, in obedience of which I now part from this world." Saint Thomas Aquinas the greatest Doctor of the Church

    Offline AMDGJMJ

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1348 on: November 16, 2022, 06:57:36 AM »
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  • Hello everyone!

    I am a Sedevacantist Catholic from North Carolina, USA. I converted to Catholicism this year, received the supplied ceremonies for baptism back in the summer since I had a valid baptism beforehand, and I received Confirmation by His Excellency Bishop Mark Pivarunas of the CMRI back in September (I picked St Augustine as my confirmation Saint). I primarily attend Mass at CMRI missions, but I have recently, after consulting with my confessor and verifying that their priest was ordained by one of the SSPX bishops, started attending at an SSPX chapel in my state alongside my normal Mass attendance. Being able to now go to a weekly Sunday Mass in my state instead of being restricted to CMRI missions out of state bi-monthly on Saturdays has been a tremendous blessing for my spiritual life, especially since I can now go to weekly confession.

    I was raised as an independent Baptist, but my parents and grandparents quit going to church when I was young and preferred to be Christians at home due to church drama and mobility issues. Right before I started high school, I started having doubts about God and Christianity due to secular culture, secular friends, and the nonsensical theology of Baptists (once saved always saved made no sense to me even as a young child). I eventually became an agnostic atheist entering high school, but I had stated to God in my mind that if he showed me proof of Him I would become religious again. It only took two years of me being an edgy atheist before I opened my eyes and realized the evils in modern society that stemmed from a rejection of God. I spent my last two years in high school gradually coming back around to Christianity, but I did not commit to a particular denomination or church. I just prayed to God and stayed home.

    In college, I had two friends that became infatuated with Eastern Orthodoxy, but I never did anything more than read up on them and admire their traditional values. In 2020, I was perusing the infamous website 4chan and saw a thread on their political board about the Baptist pastor Steven Anderson. Someone in that thread had linked the docuмentary that Most Holy Family Monastery made about Steven Anderson exposing him. I didn't care for Steven Anderson to begin with, so I watched the video. It's worth mentioning that I was still heavily biased against Catholicism during this time due to my Bible belt upbringing (even the public school I went to had a Protestant bias against Catholicism in the history curriculum, but that isn't surprising since I do live in the United States) and the fact I didn't like Francis because of how liberal he was and still is. Anyways, I made it through the entire docuмentary and I was captivated. The Catholic teaching in that video were effectively proven entirely from scripture. I started watching more of Most Holy Family Monastery's videos, and their charisma and blunt presentation started to convince me that traditional Catholicism was legit and that I had a bogus understanding of it growing up.

    Later on, I discovered Novus Ordo Watch and found out that Most Holy Family Monastery was not without flaws in their teachings. Their Feeneyism always rubbed me the wrong way, so I was relieved to learn that their position did not reflect the true Catholic position in that regard. Finally, at the beginning of this year, after discovering that there was a CMRI mission in South Carolina (unfortunately there were none in North Carolina), I decided to cross the Rubicon and attend Mass there as it was the closest Sedevacantist Mass site for me. Of course, I made sure to call the priest beforehand to ask numerous questions before making such a commitment, and I prayed for God's guidance. Thankfully he had helpful and encouraging answers, so I decided to go. I'm glad I went, because witnessing Mass for the first time, even as a Low Mass, was such a beautiful experience. The small, tight-knit group of parishioners were very welcoming of me, and invited me to come and eat with them and the priest afterwards in town. I realized then that I had found a spiritual home, and that I was ready to commit to being a catechumen so that I could one day officially become a Catholic. I never would have envisioned years ago becoming a regular church-attending Catholic, but yet here I am. Thankfully my immediate family has been supportive/neutral of my conversion.

    Anyways, sorry for the long post. I just wanted to share my journey to Catholicism, but more importantly my journey in returning to our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Welcome to the forum and the Faith!

    Are you familiar with any of the hardline traditional Catholics in NC?  We have recently become aquatinted with at least three families though we live in Virginia.  They occasionally go to Mass at Saint Augustine Chapel in Carrollton, VA with Father Ahern.  Some of them are coming up for our Saint Raphael Meet-Up.  :popcorn:

    Thanks be to God that the SSPX priest in your area is ordained properly!  I think that there is only one main SSPX chapel in NC that I am aware of.  So, I may have been there once while on vacation with my family.  :cowboy:
    "Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine!"

    Offline St Giles

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1349 on: November 16, 2022, 05:07:45 PM »
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  • Congratulations!  And thank God for not falling into the feeneyite trap.  I almost did.  What is the meaning in the name (sneedevacantist)?  I missed though I noticed Mith got it. 
    Looks like EENS sedevacantist to me
    "Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect."
    "Seek first the kingdom of Heaven..."
    "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment"