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Offline Meg

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Re: Introducing myself
« Reply #990 on: August 18, 2019, 06:18:14 PM »
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  • .But I know of those who have been blessed going there - that is a reality. [None of them, BTW, express devotion to the messages or seers]. So as I just explained, I see their positive experiences as being a grace of God. If there was deceit involved with the seers, what others planned for the bad, God turns to good.

    If God often brings good out of error, then there would be no real reason to search for truth. How much can you really count on God bringing good out of error? Jesus and His Apostles were clear about what's right and what's wrong, and we have the teachings of the Church (before Vatican ll) to keep us on the proper path. 

    It doesn't matter if there is no devotion to the seers at Medj. It's still a form of fanaticism there, and it mainly appeals to the emotions, and emotion can only get you so far. We are to do our best to grow in holiness, and to love God and our neighbor. We can tarry in error, of course, and put off the inevitable. But eventually, we have to grow up. Growing in holiness is hard work. There are no shortcuts.
    "It is licit to resist a Sovereign Pontiff who is trying to destroy the Church. I say it is licit to resist him in not following his orders and in preventing the execution of his will. It is not licit to Judge him, to punish him, or to depose him, for these are acts proper to a superior."

    ~St. Robert Bellarmine
    De Romano Pontifice, Lib.II, c.29

    Offline Matto

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #991 on: August 18, 2019, 08:16:15 PM »
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  • I already love you, Eliza10 so I hope you are not a troll. I feel that Cathinfo has become an enchanted garden sheltered from the storms of the world and happy are those who find it. And that Matthew is a wise captain enlightened by his name saint who protects us from the howling winds and the storms.

    Maybe it is just me, but I am finding peace everywhere. I am trying to convert my family and my neighborhood and my city. Of course, it is not I, but we, as all of us Catholics benefit from the same prayers. We live in the eye in the center of the hurricane. We go to an SSPX mission in Manhattan. For some reason the traditional Catholics I know in New York mostly seem to suffer, some alone. Perhaps because we live in such a bad place which someone describes as "Hades" recently.

    I am ecuмenical among Catholics, more so lately than ever. I believe Francis is the Pope and that there are Catholics all over. Most of the educated have fallen, but the ignorant are still there. I find the Spanish speaking people are more faithful than the leaders. I just received Our Lord at my grandmother's Byzantine Parish and I have started going to Exposition and Benediction at my local Parish. I go to an SSPX mission, but I also greatly respect Bishop Williamson and my best friend is a sedevacantist. When I tell him I do not agree with all of his ideas such as the invalidity of ALL Novus Ordo sacraments except for Baptism and Matrimony he says "I don't know what to say." I have to visit him and bring him home-cooked cod and brown rice with no salt and some sacramentals.

    Lately I am feeling the Church has become a mirror of the souls which reflect the state of the soul of every believer. The good will see the holiness and the wicked will see the corruption. I can not explain it rightly. It is far beyond my understanding.

    I know a woman from Church named Cora. She is an old Filipino woman. She prays all the time. She is now all alone in West Virginia where she suffers and prays. She calls me on the phone. We are all trying to save the world with our prayers.

    My wildflower garden is going very well. It is like I have found the secret to growing wildflowers. Throw the seeds on the ground. And then honor thy father and mother. And then the seeds will grow  and the flowers will multiply and you will end up with a beautiful garden of wild flowers grown from seeds and not bought from a gardener. Obedience makes the flowers grow. And all the insects and animals and birds will cooperate with you to make your garden flourish. And then the gardens of your neighbors will flourish and the forest around your house will be full of beautiful plants and animals and the trees will bear fruit and the harvests will be plentiful and the birds will fly together in flocks and everything will be right in your corner of the world. As right as it can be. If one man in the whole world would simply obey his parents perfectly, the devil would be cast into hell and chained down there for a thousand years and a billion souls will be saved. But none of us know how to obey. So we must pray for obedience. And silence. O my Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto thy heart.
    Please pray for the repose of my soul.

    Offline Eliza10

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    Re: Introducing myself
    « Reply #992 on: August 18, 2019, 08:18:43 PM »
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  • If God often brings good out of error, then there would be no real reason to search for truth. How much can you really count on God bringing good out of error? Jesus and His Apostles were clear about what's right and what's wrong, and we have the teachings of the Church (before Vatican ll) to keep us on the proper path. 

    It doesn't matter if there is no devotion to the seers at Medj. It's still a form of fanaticism there, and it mainly appeals to the emotions, and emotion can only get you so far. We are to do our best to grow in holiness, and to love God and our neighbor. We can tarry in error, of course, and put off the inevitable. But eventually, we have to grow up. Growing in holiness is hard work. There are no shortcuts.
    I completely agree, Meg. Yet we are all full of error when we first turn to God and ask, "God, please answer me." He doesn't wait til we are in the right state or even the right church. I wasn't. I was raised Protestant, and I had a chance to go to the a Catholic Church after committing my life to Christ, but it seemed unwise, since all the devout people I knew were Protestant...
    But obviously you know that. It's just that lately, I have increasingly had a heart for all those so far from God, who can't be approached with what they are doing wrong. They have to be met where they are, and above all they need to see the love of God for them in us. They must grow in holiness, yes. But first they need to connect to God by knowing they are loved. Because of these I am endeavoring to grow in holiness, so I can be always connected to God so that I can hear His voice when He wants me to say or do something to serve Him in saving souls.
    As an adult I was always looking for a good Evangelical Protestant Church where I could grow on the meat of the word. There were weekly Bible studies, Women's Bible Conferences, Ladies Retreats, and Sunday School, and I took advantage of them all. When I was home with the child I was blessed with, there was Moms' Bible study. There was always an altar call in church or those turning their life over to Christ. It was the culmination of every church service. It only emphasized in me the need for something more. (I remember eagerly reading Catherine Marshall's Something More. That title - and her reaching in life - reflected that same inner urge I had.)
    One day my husband had a bunch of men in from church after a day of hunting, for a hot meal. They regalled each other with hunting stories and one man sat somewhat apart near the end of the table, not taking part. I watched him sitting there contemplatively, and he said slowly, "I've been wondering - How do you grow in holiness?" I was struck! Yes, How do you do it? He had put into words the very urge I had in my heart. But neither of us knew. But that moment was one of those "magnifying glass" moments, that God, or my angel (well both of course) wanted me to see, and to remember, as important..
    Years later when I was headed for where I never dreamed or desired to be - Catholic, and I was uncovering visions of the heaps of gold, the spiritual riches of the Church, I remembered that moment. And I knew - the Sacraments! That's how! And the Magisterium! The Saints! God has richly shown us the way..

    And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Offline Eliza10

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #993 on: August 18, 2019, 09:37:07 PM »
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  • ....My wildflower garden is going very well. It is like I have found the secret to growing wildflowers. Throw the seeds on the ground. And then honor thy father and mother. And then the seeds will grow  and the flowers will multiply and you will end up with a beautiful garden of wild flowers grown from seeds and not bought from a gardener. Obedience makes the flowers grow. And all the insects and animals and birds will cooperate with you to make your garden flourish. And then the gardens of your neighbors will flourish and the forest around your house will be full of beautiful plants and animals and the trees will bear fruit and the harvests will be plentiful and the birds will fly together in flocks and everything will be right in your corner of the world. As right as it can be. If one man in the whole world would simply obey his parents perfectly, the devil would be cast into hell and chained down there for a thousand years and a billion souls will be saved. But none of us know how to obey. So we must pray for obedience. And silence. O my Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto thy heart.
    Aw, Matto, I love you too!  
    I love to read what you write. I feel that reading what you write is a reminder to myself to keep things more simple (I can over-complicate things) and trust God, and that my best thinking (which is nowhere near approaching that of St. Thomas Aquinas) is surely straw, so, I should let it go and quiet my mind and let God speak and act. 
    Also, this quality of yours is a good advertisement for SSPX.❤️  
    Yes, Catholics under Dolan and his predecessors must truly suffer, increasingly so in these days.  :(

    Yes, I keep thinking that faith often must be more pure among the less educated.  I don't have a lot of interaction with Hispanics where I am, but we see them at Adoration, at our nearby city's Basilica. Also in a previous job I worked with students of many backgrounds, and I found the Hispanics especially lovable. The strong family bonds make wholesome kids. And Hispanic folk have been on my mind since hearing of an older male hispanic teen who was lured and sɛҳuąƖly abused by a priest predator. I thought of how his parents trusted priests, and how the predator priest knew this and took advantage of it. What pain for that family!
    I would like to eventually learn more about Bsp.Williamson because he also loves the works of Maria Valtorta. Since he is controversial (a controversy I am not informed on), I know I just earned some down-likes for that. But first of all I am not counting, and second of all I know you won't judge me that way.
    Home-cooked Cod and brown rice. How nice. I will take mine with sea salt, please.  ;D
    You said: 
    Lately I am feeling the Church has become a mirror of the souls which reflect the state of the soul of every believer. The good will see the holiness and the wicked will see the corruption. I can not explain it rightly. It is far beyond my understanding.
    I love that. I have been seeing the corruption, but when I seek it (because I seek understanding), I feel further from God and know that I must instead concentrate on the good, and never any new learning to the detriment of devotions. [My husband and I gave up leisure TV for Lent (we already limit what we watch anyway) and instead watched TnT or CM shows, thereby all at once learning much about the scandals...but we are both now feeling we need a break from it.]
    I will pray for Cora in Virginia. Please thank her for me for saying prayers and offering suffering for the world. I am truly grateful to her. 
    I love what you said here about your wildflower garden.
    This summer it looked like I was not going to get the work I wanted in the fall, and with day to day budget concerns, my great plans to redesign the yard necessarily made no progress at all in these long awaited summer days. 
    After awhile (not right away!) I found peace in where God had me right now, and I realized: I had never put these fantastical yard plans before God. What if it wasn't His plan for me to spend money making major improvements on this 100 year old yard (that doesn't seemed to have been loved in decades)?  
    I love flowers, you see, but it seems I should not plant anything until first, the yard is "fixed".  It needs to be leveled and graded properly, and then it needs fresh, even topsoil, and new proper grass. And then planting beds, here and here, just so.. And these perennials there, and those flowering bushes there. And vines. A dogwood. A weeping cherry. And maybe we really need a stone wall, here. So much planning. So much thinking... 
    Well maybe a wildflower garden would be the very thing next year, unless God gives me the go-ahead for this or that other thing... 
    Oh, and your thoughts on obedience! Thank you. What a wonderful opportunity to learn this important virtue God gives us when we are young, when He makes it so clear we are to be obedient to our parents. I always was obedient to them - except, when it was inconvenient. How many missed opportunities that God had planned for me! But yet I will always be a child who needs to focus on obedience. Maybe that can start by offering God my dreams and plans, and always saying "Only if it's your will, God." 
    And, "What is your will, God?"  Do you ever ask that, Matto? 
    And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #994 on: August 18, 2019, 10:01:57 PM »
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  • .
    Aw, Matto, I love you too!
    .And, "What is your will, God?"  Do you ever ask that, Matto?
    I try to discern what God's will is. And when I am confused I sometimes ask for help. But now that you ask, I do not ask this enough. I try to see God in my superiors, most often in my parents so I try to obey them. But I do ask God when I have questions (but more often I ask the Blessed Mother or Gemma as I more often pray for their intercession than directly to God). Like I am looking for work after being disabled for a while, so I wonder what type of job God wills for me, and I want to get married and I ask God who I should marry and what kind of girl. But I probably don't ask enough. I have had prayers answered, but never in a direct command way, like hearing God's voice, but I think God gives me clues and suggestions (I think God gives everyone clues and suggestions but some people are too blind to see them).
    Please pray for the repose of my soul.

    Offline Eliza10

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #995 on: August 18, 2019, 10:40:34 PM »
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  • I try to discern what God's will is. And when I am confused I sometimes ask for help. But now that you ask, I do not ask this enough. I try to see God in my superiors, most often in my parents so I try to obey them. But I do ask God when I have questions (but more often I ask the Blessed Mother or Gemma as I more often pray for their intercession than directly to God). Like I am looking for work after being disabled for a while, so I wonder what type of job God wills for me, and I want to get married and I ask God who I should marry and what kind of girl. But I probably don't ask enough. I have had prayers answered, but never in a direct command way, like hearing God's voice, but I think God gives me clues and suggestions (I think God gives everyone clues and suggestions but some people are too blind to see them).
    Maybe you do ask it enough. There is just walking in faith, and being obedient to God's will in your everyday life, as you seem to do. I am just thinking for myself, as I am always planning, and full of ideas, that this is an area I have not submitted to God enough in my life.
    And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Offline Aragorn151

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #996 on: August 18, 2019, 11:23:04 PM »
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  • So, do you introduce yourself here? 

    Offline Nadir

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #997 on: August 18, 2019, 11:50:54 PM »
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  • Go ahead! Don't be shy!
    Help of Christians, guard our land from assault or inward stain,
    Let it be what God has planned, His new Eden where You reign.

    Offline Matto

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #998 on: August 19, 2019, 06:53:31 AM »
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  • So, do you introduce yourself here?
    Let us all pray that you find your Arwen. I will reveal a secret of my soul. For some reason I am more drawn to Luthien than to Arwen and find that Beren one hand was more fortunate than Aragorn, even though Aragorn was the King and remained whole while Beren was disfigured. I would rather live anonymously on an enchanted island with the Silmaril in my beautiful wife's tiara until death comes and heaven awaits, than to be the rightful king of the restored Kingdom. So I prefer the Simlarillion to The Lord of the Rings. Is that blasphemy . . .?

    If you remember, they both defeated Sauron, but Beren faced off against Morgoth and Morgoth was the greater foe. Sauron was only his servant.
    Please pray for the repose of my soul.

    Offline Meg

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    Re: Introducing myself
    « Reply #999 on: August 19, 2019, 10:43:02 AM »
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  • .
    I completely agree, Meg. Yet we are all full of error when we first turn to God and ask, "God, please answer me." He doesn't wait til we are in the right state or even the right church. I wasn't. I was raised Protestant, and I had a chance to go to the a Catholic Church after committing my life to Christ, but it seemed unwise, since all the devout people I knew were Protestant...
    But obviously you know that. It's just that lately, I have increasingly had a heart for all those so far from God, who can't be approached with what they are doing wrong. They have to be met where they are, and above all they need to see the love of God for them in us. They must grow in holiness, yes. But first they need to connect to God by knowing they are loved. Because of these I am endeavoring to grow in holiness, so I can be always connected to God so that I can hear His voice when He wants me to say or do something to serve Him in saving souls.
    As an adult I was always looking for a good Evangelical Protestant Church where I could grow on the meat of the word. There were weekly Bible studies, Women's Bible Conferences, Ladies Retreats, and Sunday School, and I took advantage of them all. When I was home with the child I was blessed with, there was Moms' Bible study. There was always an altar call in church or those turning their life over to Christ. It was the culmination of every church service. It only emphasized in me the need for something more. (I remember eagerly reading Catherine Marshall's Something More. That title - and her reaching in life - reflected that same inner urge I had.)
    One day my husband had a bunch of men in from church after a day of hunting, for a hot meal. They regalled each other with hunting stories and one man sat somewhat apart near the end of the table, not taking part. I watched him sitting there contemplatively, and he said slowly, "I've been wondering - How do you grow in holiness?" I was struck! Yes, How do you do it? He had put into words the very urge I had in my heart. But neither of us knew. But that moment was one of those "magnifying glass" moments, that God, or my angel (well both of course) wanted me to see, and to remember, as important..
    Years later when I was headed for where I never dreamed or desired to be - Catholic, and I was uncovering visions of the heaps of gold, the spiritual riches of the Church, I remembered that moment. And I knew - the Sacraments! That's how! And the Magisterium! The Saints! God has richly shown us the way..

    All Catholics are called upon to grow in holiness. You say above that "They have to be met where they are," which is, by the way, the Pope Francis method also. You also say that "They need to connect with God by knowing they are loved." That's yet another modernist and very Pope Francis way of viewing the Catholic faith. The Novus Ordo parishes harp on those two things continually.

    I don't think you understand that one of our foremost duties as Catholics is to love God with all of our heart and soul and being. We are not children who have to be coddled and loved. We are the ones' who need to learn to love God above all things. That's what Our Lord said Himself. 
    "It is licit to resist a Sovereign Pontiff who is trying to destroy the Church. I say it is licit to resist him in not following his orders and in preventing the execution of his will. It is not licit to Judge him, to punish him, or to depose him, for these are acts proper to a superior."

    ~St. Robert Bellarmine
    De Romano Pontifice, Lib.II, c.29

    Offline Eliza10

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1000 on: August 19, 2019, 08:57:03 PM »
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  • Meg's I am devoted to St. Therese the Little Flower. I love her simple love just how she expresses it. She is the kind of missionary want to emulate. ...

    Hello to Aragorn!
    And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Offline ByzCat3000

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    Re: Introducing myself
    « Reply #1001 on: August 19, 2019, 09:10:58 PM »
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  • All Catholics are called upon to grow in holiness. You say above that "They have to be met where they are," which is, by the way, the Pope Francis method also. You also say that "They need to connect with God by knowing they are loved." That's yet another modernist and very Pope Francis way of viewing the Catholic faith. The Novus Ordo parishes harp on those two things continually.

    I don't think you understand that one of our foremost duties as Catholics is to love God with all of our heart and soul and being. We are not children who have to be coddled and loved. We are the ones' who need to learn to love God above all things. That's what Our Lord said Himself.
    "Meeting someone where they are" can mean a lot of different things. I'd ask for clarification if unsure.

    I mean Paul IN ONE SENSE did so with the Athenians.

    Francis is bad because he strains Pelagian and acts like "good people go to heaven"

    Offline Aragorn151

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1002 on: August 19, 2019, 10:19:45 PM »
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  • So, I'm Dominic. I found out about this forum by looking into the most niche sede nonsense I've ever come across, that is, Pope Michael I. I forget where it was even mentioned. XD I'm not SSPX so I hope that doesn't disturb anyone. I attend a diocesan latin mass on sundays. And I waste way too much time on the internet as you could probably tell. XD 

    Offline ByzCat3000

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1003 on: August 19, 2019, 10:23:32 PM »
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  • LOL!  I'm friends with "Pope" Michael on Facebook.  Good guy, but absurd of course.  Technically not sede, however.  Conclavist.

    I go to a Byzantine Liturgy so...

    Offline Syracuse

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #1004 on: August 19, 2019, 10:25:29 PM »
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  • Quote
    So, I'm Dominic. I found out about this forum by looking into the most niche sede nonsense I've ever come across, that is, Pope Michael I. I forget where it was even mentioned. XD I'm not SSPX so I hope that doesn't disturb anyone. I attend a diocesan latin mass on sundays. And I waste way too much time on the internet as you could probably tell. XD

    So by going to a diocesan latin Mass, you're acknowledging that the Novus Ordo sacrilege is a legitimate and Catholic Mass, and the primary Mass in the Roman rite. You're supporting the beast.
    "I'm running things now, and I'll do everything it takes to destroy the enemies of God. Now, you join me, and I promise you, you'll never have to worry about whether you're doing the right thing or the wrong thing, because we will do the only thing."
    ~ Joseph Croix de Fer