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Offline Eliza10

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Re: Introduce yourself!
« Reply #975 on: August 18, 2019, 01:18:03 AM »
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  • Greetings, Eliza10. I imaging your name is short for Elizabeth, and not Elijah. If you attend Mass at a CMRI chapel. I recommend two people to you. Look up MyrnaM's posts and Raoul76's posts. They are both hero members here. Raoul76, Mike, hasn't posted in a while. At one point he was my favorite posters and I miss his posts here. Myrna once shared her most important dream with me and I put it on my old blog where I shared my dreams with the world, but since have deleted. She had the most wonderful dream one night which I believe was from God where it was revealed to her that her biggest fault was vanity. This is her blog: MyrnaM's Blog

    I suggest you read it. And do a search for Raoul76 on Cathinfo. You can use the Cathinfo search function, Google's Advanced Search function, or best of all, you can go to Raoul76's profile here and manually read all of his posts. He used to think I was a fraud and not a real Catholic and I love him for it. Someone once told me he was going to travel half-way across the world to baptize a good woman who loves Our Lord but was living alone with God in a land where the faith is criminalized by the government. Of course that is an unjust law, but what an act of charity on the part of Raoul76!

    There are other sedevacantist as well, like 2Vermont, but I recommend looking into the posts of those two.
    My patron Saint is St.Elizabeth Seton. :)
    No, I am not CMRI. As horrified as I am at our Pope, I accept him as Pope. He presents us such a wonderful opportunity to trust God, not man...
    I don't mind reading what Myrna and Raoul have to say, and learning what they think on the way, I just don't want anyone trying to persuade me when I have sought my conscience and am doing what God is directing me to do. But Nadir assures me that doesn't happen here so that's good. 
    I looked at Myrna's vanity story on her blog you linked and I really liked it, too. I also read your "Richmond Hill" post, and I really liked that as well. You write well, and you beautifully described a place.
    Your description reminded me of a favorite chapter of a favorite book of mine, a book I have read a few times since I first read it soon after finishing college: A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken. It's a true story. The author begins the book by describing a place he loves very much. Later he describes his sailing experience, his life in Oxford, and in all his writing you feel like you are there.  This book has many fans. If you would like, you can read that lovely first chapter online at the "Look Inside" link on the Amazon page, here: [url= />(I have shared this book many times, and everyone loves it. Just now, I see on that page I linked above that Amazon informs me, "You have bought this book 6 times" ;D) 
    Yes, definitely, that was heroic and charitable of Raoul! 
    And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Offline Eliza10

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #976 on: August 18, 2019, 01:21:04 AM »
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  • English doesn't seem to be her first language, I think she means "caricatures" by cartoons.

    What's wrong with that? Fish has always been an exception to the ban on meat on fast days.
    Oh, dear, I wrote so badly that English doesn't seem my first language! :o I guess I need to proof read!
    Yes, the fish comment was surprising to me. I have been in northeast USA all my life. Maybe Nadir is from somewhere else?
    And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Offline Eliza10

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #977 on: August 18, 2019, 01:23:39 AM »
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  • So i still have the question: when can I use the "Like" button?

    And, is it possible to edit your posts at anytime after posting? (I have a habit of posting them and then seeing a typo...)
    And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Introducing myself
    « Reply #978 on: August 18, 2019, 01:37:54 AM »
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  • I am …

    I post…

    I will be wary…

    I do not want…

    I do not want…

    I want nothing…
    Is this how you behave when you visit someone's home for the first time? You lay down the law in someone else's home?

    Offline Nadir

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #979 on: August 18, 2019, 01:57:56 AM »
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  • My mistake, Eliza and Forlorn. Thamks for correcting me.

    When I have more time I read what else you have said here.
    Help of Christians, guard our land from assault or inward stain,
    Let it be what God has planned, His new Eden where You reign.

    Offline Eliza10

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    Re: Introducing myself
    « Reply #980 on: August 18, 2019, 02:18:23 AM »
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  • Is this how you behave when you visit someone's home for the first time? You lay down the law in someone else's home?
    Is that what it looks like to you? :o
    I suppose I could spend a year reading here before I post, and I would learn the answers to my questions that way. But I thought there might be some persons of good will here who would be happy to give me the lay of the land. Rather than find things out the hard way.
    As a new person, I am wary.  But I have a reason to be.


    And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Offline Maria Regina

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    Re: Introducing myself
    « Reply #981 on: August 18, 2019, 02:54:52 AM »
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  • .
    Is that what it looks like to you? :o
    I suppose I could spend a year reading here before I post, and I would learn the answers to my questions that way. But I thought there might be some persons of good will here who would be happy to give me the lay of the land. Rather than find things out the hard way.
    As a new person, I am wary.  But I have a reason to be.

    Welcome, Elizabeth

    Please post in the Woman's forum down below as that tends to be a more welcoming forum for newbies.

    Ignore the naysayers who like to discourage you from posting.

    After you post between 10 to 100 posts, then new posting opportunities will open up to you. That is your reward for good posting and faithfulness.

    In today's culture, we see a rise in narcissism, pedophilia, rioting, and demonstrations. The "Me too" movement is everywhere. Thus, many people in this forum do not like the use of the "I" or "me" pronouns. If you have listened to Obama's narcissistic speeches, he repeatedly praised himself and used the "I" or "me" words throughout his speeches. Even when he was introducing a speaker, he praised himself more than the speaker. "Before I introduce the speaker, let me introduce myself ..."  ad nauseum.  Apparently, Obama never took Speech 101 in college as one of the first speeches was that of the introduction.
    Lord have mercy.

    Offline forlorn

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #982 on: August 18, 2019, 09:16:57 AM »
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  • So i still have the question: when can I use the "Like" button?

    And, is it possible to edit your posts at anytime after posting? (I have a habit of posting them and then seeing a typo...)
    I think it's based off a certain number of posts to stop trolls making new accounts to spam downvotes. Somewhere between 10-100 I think like Maria said. 
    You can edit them just after posting, but the option seems to disable itself after a certain length of time, or else maybe once others have replied to it. I'm not quite sure what the condition is, but all I know is I've often gone back trying to fix a typo and found myself unable. 

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Introducing myself
    « Reply #983 on: August 18, 2019, 11:41:38 AM »
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  • .
    Is that what it looks like to you? :o
    I suppose I could spend a year reading here before I post, and I would learn the answers to my questions that way. But I thought there might be some persons of good will here who would be happy to give me the lay of the land. Rather than find things out the hard way.
    As a new person, I am wary.  But I have a reason to be.

    Yes. To be as blunt as you have been, your initial post conveys that you are a cranky control-freak more feminist than feminine, utterly devoid of the self-reflection and humility typical of truly traditional Catholic women. Do you imagine that you were booted from other forums solely because you hinted at authentic Catholicism? …that being booted had nothing to do with your harpy-lays-down-the-law style?
    Yes, you could "spend a year" of your oh-so-valuable time here only to discover that we lesser mortals are not up to your self-vaunted standards.

    Offline Meg

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    Re: Introducing myself
    « Reply #984 on: August 18, 2019, 12:57:45 PM »
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  • I am Eliza10, a convert since 200 from evangelical Catholicism. I am willing to call myself a traditional Catholic, now even though the cartoon of that on the internet and popping up in forums is so BAD, and in real life I do not see this among like-minded TradCaths, so I expect to run in to some of those cartoons here (among the regular folk).

    I post on CAF but trads are not so welcome there. I just signed up at Fisheters, since my husband and I eat fish on Fridays, but just got banned from posting - this in less than a month since signing up (as St.Eliza). I have no idea why since Vox doesn't respond to simple requests for an explanation. I do not necc. want to discuss Fisheaters because I do not want to go where I am (for whatever reason) unwelcome. Also I just got a job I have long wanted, and I won't have much time anyway.  

    I realized some things while on Fisheters that I will be wary of here. I will explain them.

    I would love some input from like-minded folk here how they deal with these things when/if they occur here:

    1. I do not want to argue with folk who just want to argue for the sake of arguing. The type who only want to make their OWN points - in response to a post where this is hardly related to the thread topic. Once they are engaged in their goal, an argument, they will not acknowledge any point you make, because it's about winning for them, not sharing and arriving at understanding. I will try to identify these folk and avoid them

    2. I do not want to be a target of SSPXers or others separated from Francis whose goal it is to convert me, arguing that if I have not chosen their path then I am sinning by remaining with Our Holy Mother the Church with Francis as Pope. The man is frightening just like his best buddies are. The state of the USCCB and other worldwide church hierarchy is shameful, and probably worse and more widespread than it appears. I see it, for me, as sinning to leave it, and I see our Church as being in it's passion. Who would follow Jesus through the streets of Jerusalem when he was bloody and defeated looking? Not many. I am following our Church like that. The Holy part, not the dirty part. I respect that others are following their conscience to do otherwise and I have done quite a bit of reading for the arguments to do so and the arguments are compelling. I respect the different viewpoint, and expression of it. I just don't want to be the target of their converting me.

    The Church is troubled and we have to find our way. Listening and sharing is can and should be good and helpful. Jesus will save it in the end. meanwhile there are souls to be gained for Christ.

    3. I want nothing to do with anyone who says "Shame on you" because you don't agree with their take on things.

    And I have some questions:

    1. If I post here about my thoughts or questions about any private revelation that the church has not made a statement against, am I going to get jumped on by folk that think all private revelation should not be looked at or discussed, because Catholics don't need to ever peek at private revelation at all? I would like to see discussion of actual reasons why a thing could not be from God. But other forums have folk that seem to be about the job of policing such discussion in order to disallow any discourse at all. Is that how it is here?

    2. What topics are censored on this forum?

    3. What are reasons for suspensions and bannings? Is there a procedure? Is one given a reason?

    Thank you.

    Several of us here have been banned from Fisheaters. That's not a big deal. IMO, Fisheaters isn't a traditional Catholic forum, but it pretends to be.
    We do debate controversial subjects here, and as such, sometimes, or even oftentimes, the debate will turn into an argument. IMO, this is a place where we can try to defend a proper view on Church teachings, and learn to do it without personally attacking the other person. That's difficult to do sometimes, but we are all learning. You may find that some of your views will be challenged, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't post here.

    I hope that you will try to learn more about Archbishop Lefebvre, and why he founded the SSPX, so that you will maybe understand his position on striving to maintain Tradition in the face of the Modernist takeover of the Church. You will find that sedevacantists will quite often be against Archbishop Lefebvre and what he stood for, but they don't often bring it up here. So you will see a variety of views here on the status (or non-status) of the Pope, and other issues. Traditionalists of all sorts are allowed to post here.

    Archbishop Lefebvre believed that Rome is occupied by a Modernist sect. That doesn't mean that Rome is completely devoid of anything Catholic. As Bishop Williamson has said, it would be a mistake to think that there is no faith left in the Novus Ordo, but as you have seen yourself, it can be difficult to find Catholics who strive to be holy in the Novus Ordo, but they do exist.

    It's not so much that the SSPX has left the Church, but that Rome has, for the most part, left behind proper Catholic teaching. The reason why some of us resist the SSPX reconciling with Rome is that we think that it's bad idea to reconcile with Modernists who are against Tradition (proper Church teaching).

    When it comes to private revelation, most of us are not adverse to private revelation that has been approved by the Church before Vatican ll. I hope that you are not into the Medjugore stuff. I'm fairly sure that you won't find anyone here who will support that, and for good reason.
    "It is licit to resist a Sovereign Pontiff who is trying to destroy the Church. I say it is licit to resist him in not following his orders and in preventing the execution of his will. It is not licit to Judge him, to punish him, or to depose him, for these are acts proper to a superior."

    ~St. Robert Bellarmine
    De Romano Pontifice, Lib.II, c.29

    Offline Eliza10

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    Re: Introducing myself
    « Reply #985 on: August 18, 2019, 02:38:58 PM »
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  • Welcome, Elizabeth

    Please post in the Woman's forum down below as that tends to be a more welcoming forum for newbies.

    Ignore the naysayers who like to discourage you from posting.

    After you post between 10 to 100 posts, then new posting opportunities will open up to you. That is your reward for good posting and faithfulness.

    In today's culture, we see a rise in narcissism, pedophilia, rioting, and demonstrations. The "Me too" movement is everywhere. Thus, many people in this forum do not like the use of the "I" or "me" pronouns. If you have listened to Obama's narcissistic speeches, he repeatedly praised himself and used the "I" or "me" words throughout his speeches. Even when he was introducing a speaker, he praised himself more than the speaker. "Before I introduce the speaker, let me introduce myself ..."  ad nauseum.  Apparently, Obama never took Speech 101 in college as one of the first speeches was that of the introduction.
    THANK you Maria! You are kind. That was very helpful. You certainly anticipated what I surely needed to hear.
    I very much appreciate the informative and insightful thoughts on Narcissism. LOL about Obama. No surprise there. Though I basically ignored that presidency, preferring to focus on all things true, right and beautiful. And he didn't happen to fit in any of those categories. [Perhaps you give that narcissist too much credit for having written his own speeches. He had narcissistic speech writers!]
     Yes, I often notice that narcissism is widespread. It's everywhere, particularly in clergy in our infiltrated Church. When I find a priest who is not one (like one I just realized is not, at our Sunday Latin Mass - just from the couple of times he has blessed things for me, and from his homilies) it stands out, and I am filled with wonder and awe. And I know he needs prayers in this environment.
     I thank God for teaching me clearly what Narcissism is - the best way, too - experientially (close and long term), and I now identify it rather it quickly. And yes, "I" is a marker of narcissism. But also it is a marker of one making boundaries, one who has learned through being manipulated by a narcissist, that boundaries are needed*. [On the other hand, boundaries annoy Narcissists. They feel invalidated, so it angers. They prefer open gates.]
    Thank you for telling me about Women's forum. I will look there next. Suddenly this week I surprised and blessed to be starting a long-awaited career restart, which maybe I will explain sometime later. So I can't post a lot right off, but I hoped to find a home-forum of like-minded folk for when I do. I was encouraged by Matthew's interview that this could be such a place. 
    * Solomon, and the enclosed garden, from the Song of, chapter 8: "If she be a wall"... "I am a wall" 
    And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Offline Eliza10

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #986 on: August 18, 2019, 02:56:51 PM »
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  • I think it's based off a certain number of posts to stop trolls making new accounts to spam downvotes. Somewhere between 10-100 I think like Maria said.
    You can edit them just after posting, but the option seems to disable itself after a certain length of time, or else maybe once others have replied to it. I'm not quite sure what the condition is, but all I know is I've often gone back trying to fix a typo and found myself unable.
    Thank you for the useful info, forlorn. Okay I figured out the edit, that lasts only a certain amt.of time. Thanks.
    Why are you "forlorn". Have you had serious setbacks? Or are you just playing on a melancholic personality type? It makes me think  of Eeyore...

    And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Offline forlorn

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #987 on: August 18, 2019, 03:47:51 PM »
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  • Thank you for the useful info, forlorn. Okay I figured out the edit, that lasts only a certain amt.of time. Thanks.
    Why are you "forlorn". Have you had serious setbacks? Or are you just playing on a melancholic personality type? It makes me think  of Eeyore...

    I just tend to be quite pensive and melancholic about the way the world's going sometimes, but mostly I just like the word. There was a character in a game I played as a teen called The Forlorn Watchman, and the persona stuck with me. Also I appreciate the reference, I used to watch Winnie the Pooh when I was small, that pic is bringing me back haha. 

    Offline Eliza10

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    Re: Introducing myself
    « Reply #988 on: August 18, 2019, 04:17:58 PM »
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  • Several of us here have been banned from Fisheaters... ... I hope that you are not into the Medjugorje stuff. I'm fairly sure that you won't find anyone here who will support that, and for good reason.
    Thank you, Meg, You are also kind, and I thank you.
    The distinctions you explain here I really appreciate very much. I really do want to learn these things about my fellow trad Catholics who I have much in common with, but not all at once, and at a natural pace (basically, as I also read about things that are pertinent to me right now). [And I won't be learning from unkind people.]  I expect if I stay here as forum member I will get an education in that area. Right now I have other needs on the forum - faith and fellowship, some perspective when troubling things of our time happen, mostly. As I just mentioned above, my time is going to be monopolized starting about right now with a career move. And I especially do not want to interact with people who are going to be ugly, angry, damning and judgmental, because that is what the come her for and new people are I often a target for folks like this). So I was looking for a safe, charitable Christian place to be and maybe Women's Forum is a place to be start out.
    Well one of my two favored private revelations has been approved after Vatican 2... I'll explain on that sometime probably (I am not here to promote anything. But those things that are a part of me and I may want to mention it sometime, so that is why I asked, so I could know in what context I could mention them). 
    But as to that, I do not think God abandons any place. Here is a story about that.  I remember being a new Born-again Christian, in college, where God suddenly brought in my life so many other Born-again Christians. It was as if the world had suddenly become light, and everywhere I turned, I met light-filled people that I had never dreamed existed all around me. Then, home for summer break, I got a job working in the records room of a hospital. 
    Plenty of people worked in the room with me, but no like-minded faith-filled Christians. I was sad. I prayed, "God, here I am, 40 hours a week, in a God-forsaken place. How will I make it through the summer?" That very day a very cheerful young women came down from an upstairs doctor clinic to deliver records to me. She promptly introduced herself and she said she was Christian! She had a lively faith, and she became my lunch partner, so I had a chance every day to fellowship with a Christian. After that I realized God doesn't forsake any place. Truly His angels are everywhere. So also God did not abandon the modernist Church. People who love God are there, and He has food for them. So He has sent prophets. (The evil one also has sent his false prophets, and there are more of them.) But God still works there, and everywhere.  Because He wants to save souls.
    I am not a Medjugorje fan, but I have read a lot pro and con, as I have often wanted to understand. I am confident that at that site many good things are happening, because these are Catholics gathered together in the Lord's name, seeking the Lord, and they are receiving the Sacraments - particularly Daily Mass and Confession. The stories I have heard of life-changing Confessions there are like gold. These things about Medjugorje impress me. God has not abandoned those people going there to seek Him. He is a Father who gives good gifts.
    As to the Medj. Messages and the seers, I have never found them compelling. I signed up to receive messages monthly, I think, once, and eventually realized they weren't telling me anything I didn't already know, so I stopped them. That is the part of Medjugorje that holds no interest for me. I have read pro and con Medj., both books and websites. I see the problems with persecuting, modernist bishops. I have also read some anti-Medj. stuff that I was not all-onboard with, in light of the former. But I kept it open-ended in my mind, not ruling real or not-real. Then I watched a recent Patrick Coffin show on it, and see there is a good case for something being fishy with the messages/seers.  
    But I know of those who have been blessed going there - that is a reality. [None of them, BTW, express devotion to the messages or seers]. So as I just explained, I see their positive experiences as being a grace of God. If there was deceit involved with the seers, what others planned for the bad, God turns to good. 
    And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Offline Eliza10

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    Re: Introduce yourself!
    « Reply #989 on: August 18, 2019, 04:20:39 PM »
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  • I just tend to be quite pensive and melancholic about the way the world's going sometimes, but mostly I just like the word. There was a character in a game I played as a teen called The Forlorn Watchman, and the persona stuck with me. Also I appreciate the reference, I used to watch Winnie the Pooh when I was small, that pic is bringing me back haha.
    Love it!
    And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.