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Offline Prodinoscopus

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« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2009, 12:05:25 AM »
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  • Hi, I'm new to the forum, having registered just a few minutes ago.

    As my screen name / avatar and signature might suggest, I don't quite know where to put myself ... yet I seem to be attracted to Traditional Catholic discussion forums.  I'm a male convert to the Catholic faith for almost 25 years, married with three children, and a Trad at heart if not in practice.  Like the novelist Walker Percy, I would simply describe myself as a bad Catholic.
    Exile in Novus Ordo land ... please pray for me!

    Offline spouse of Jesus

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    « Reply #31 on: June 10, 2009, 08:04:17 AM »
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  • Wellcome!
    And indeed an important role at such a young age!

    Offline Arborman

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    « Reply #32 on: July 16, 2009, 02:16:55 PM »
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  • Hi.  I just wanted to let every know I just signed up.  I have been visiting the last 2 days and have been impressed how the moderator lets reasonable discussions go on instead of locking the topic or banning people.  

    I attend the Diocesan Latin Mass but have also attended SSPX and I am very sympathetic towards them.  I am starting to think as a sede but feel good people are found on all sides.  

    I am 49, married 29 years with 3 grown children.

    To Jesus through Mary-
    To Jesus thru Mary, for the greater glory of God.

    Offline PetrusPrimus

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    « Reply #33 on: July 30, 2009, 06:45:23 AM »
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  • Hello all, my name is Michael. I am a happily married Catholic in Cincinnati, OH who is living in a world without a Pope.

    My journey has led me from the Novus Ordo to the FSSP to the SSPX to parishes of the "9" who left the SSPX to the CMRI (who are sedevacantists, where I am now happy).

    I unfortunately have seen alot of mind control and exploitation present in the different societies outside the Novus Ordo. The CMRI would be the only exception to this rule (as far as I can tell now). This is probably because they have actually renounced their previous status as a cult and have cleaned house.

    I am not here to bash particular groups (I have gotten over that phase), but to expose some terrible scandals that have several of my friends in shackles to some very self-serving individuals who really don't care if others are being led into the most deadly sins one can think of. I would hope my training in Classical and Modern psychology have given me insight into the psychological warfare one often sees in the traditional movement.

    I and my wife pray for the restoration of the Holy See. My purpose here is to help "set the captives free" and warn others who are deliberating whether to get involved with certain priests (ie move across the country or even the world to settle their family where they think they can have a wholesome Catholic life). I hope I can be of service to the group in other ways as I have seen and learned alot in my young life (I was a seminarian with the FSSP and have been trained in Thomistic philosopy and theology). Anyone interested in Catholic apologetics can certainly be my buddy. I ask for your prayers as I have to do some difficult things this week.

    Offline CatholicThurifer

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    « Reply #34 on: August 02, 2009, 08:30:48 PM »
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  • I've already had some posts, but I guess I'll introduce myself here anyways.

    I'm CatholicThurifer. I'm a 22 year old young man. I'm a Catholic tradiitonalist. I occasionally still serve, in case anyone was wondering.

    I mostly agree with the viewpoints of the SSPX concerning the crisis of the Church, and would love to be able to go to one of their priories on a regular basis. Right now I normally assist at a diocesan TLM, and totally avoid the Novus Ordo Masses. But, like I said, I would love to be able to go to the SSPX because I know they promote the true Faith in its entirety.

    Anyways, I hope to be able to grow in my Faith while here, and make some new friends along the way. :-)

    Offline radtrad

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    « Reply #35 on: August 03, 2009, 09:55:19 PM »
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  • My name is Robert.  I am 29 years old.

    I live in Glasgow, KY.

    I am married and have two girls (aged 7 and 2) and two boys (aged 5 and 4 months).

    I am the Clinical & Program Director for a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility for teenager girls (boring huh?).

    I met my wife in college (Western Kentucky University) and began going to the Fathers of Mercy.  We eventually ended up at an SSPX chapel in Franklin, TN.  We then moved to KY for the job and the Latin Mass. That's where we are now!

    Ideologically I am closer to the sedes than anything (though I haven't taken the plunge).  The Society has never really made sense to me.  NO is obviously wrong.  So right now we are going to the Latin Mass offered by a NO priest!  Make sense?  :wink:  It is the best set up we have had.  So I can't complain too much.


    How Long O Lord... Habakuk 1:1

    Offline Dylan

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    « Reply #36 on: August 06, 2009, 10:26:06 AM »
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  • I've been registered here since 2007 but, I never properly introduced myself.

    My name is Dylan and I'm a young man who lives in Western Massachusetts. I'm a baptised traditional Catholic but, was originally Novus Ordo. I first learned about traditional Catholicism back in 2007 when I began trying to learn more about my religion and have come to accept the Sedevacantist position since then.

    I've unfortunately never been able to attend a Traditional Latin (Tridentine) Mass or even receive the valid sacraments because  there are no Traditional Churches or Eastern Rite Churches in my area - all Novus Ordo - but, I still try to look for some. Hopefully I will be able to find a valid Traditional Church within a reasonable distance so I can do so.

    Catholic apologetics is one of my favorite interests. I'm also interested in Creationism/Intelligent Design, Biblical history, church history, and any other type of history in general.

    I'm still learning more and more about the Catholic Faith and I hope to learn a lot more here than I already have.

    Offline Jehanne

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    « Reply #37 on: September 24, 2009, 11:14:16 AM »
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  • Hi Everyone,

    Yes, I never introduced myself, either!  My name is "Don" and I am from Iowa.  I have been happily married for 13 years  and my wife and I have four children ("kids") ages 12, 11, 6, and 4.  We hope to have another someday if we can afford him/her or if NFP calculations should fail, whichever comes first.  My wife is Catholic, although, not traditional.  Unfortunately, we have not attended Mass in many years, due to my youngest three children (all boys) being disabled with autism and/or mental retardation.  I am able to confess every month or so; unfortunately, my wife does not go to confession at all.



    Offline RomanCatholic1953

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    • I will not respond to any posts from Poche.
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    « Reply #38 on: September 25, 2009, 09:42:11 PM »
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  • I identify myself as a Traditional Roman Catholic since I was
    Baptized at St. James Roman Catholic Church, Redondo Beach,Ca in 1953 by Rev. Msgr. Daniel Collins. I came from a protestant family that have not set foot in a Catholic Church since the reformation.  My Mother decided to become a Catholic through the Radio, and the Television preachings of Bishop Fulton Sheen., and the examples of her Catholic friends.  My Brother, and my Sister were baptized at the same time.
    In 1955 we moved to new Parish just built. St Lawrence Martyr in Redondo Beach, Ca.  While the church was under construction, Mass was celebrated in a Knights of Columbus
    Hall in Hollywood Riviera.
    At St Lawrence, where I had my first confession, first
    communion, and confirmation. I was also an altar boy, that
    had no trouble with the Latin, and the Ceremonies.
    I was the class of 1963, a class of baby boomers born in
    the aftermath of world war 2. A average of 60 pupils per
    class room. In the 6th grade, the boys, and girls attended
    separate classes. All were teaching Nuns, and the tuition was
    $5.00 a month.
    On Sunday, there would be at lease five masses, and the
    church was full of 200 people, with cry rooms with those
    that have babies. The lines for Confession were always very long.  In 1965, A new church was built that holds 400 people. But, at that time, the changes in the liturgy were being introduced, and Mass attendance begin to decline.
    I always remained a Traditional Roman Catholic, and will
    never surrender to the changes.

    Offline JustCatholic

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    « Reply #39 on: November 04, 2009, 01:53:21 PM »
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  • Hello. My name is JustCatholic and I am a theoholic.

    I was born in a hospital because I wanted to be near my mother.  We live near where Marcel ave intersects with Sedepod St.  (a deadend) near  Eschaton village. I look forward to many happy slappys from you all  :wine-drinking: :wine-drinking:
    WipeO my Typos and may the good God  bless thee. Spiritual eyes,  not the physical, buys, however hard one tries.

    Offline Belloc

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    « Reply #40 on: November 04, 2009, 02:33:22 PM »
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  • Quote from: NorthernCatholic
    Hello everyone,

    I am a native Scot, male, living in Norway, married with children. I am of the sedevacantist view, in that the papal see appears to be vacant, given that anti-pope Benedict XVI is an apostate from the faith and most likely an occultist.

    I was brought up in the Novus Ordo, but only came to the sedevacantist view a few years ago.

    Scotland to Norway-what in hte world? Send me PM, always good to meet an Albannach...
    Proud "European American" and prouder, still, Catholic

    Offline greenhill

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    « Reply #41 on: November 05, 2009, 04:08:29 PM »
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  • Hello everybody!
    I would like to introduce myself.
    My name is Donald. I am a 53 year old Englishman, but I have lived in Berlin, Germany for 25 years.
    I come from a mixed (heretic) background. My father was a (lapsed) Calvinist ("Church" of Scotland) and my mother was a Lutheran. I was brought up in the Anglican schism. About 15 years ago, after reading much Catholic literature (Chesterton, etc) I felt I could no longer remain in the Anglican sect. I became a Catholic, but was totally ignorant of what the Novus Ordo had done to the church. My conversion was very wierd! I was told that because I was a practising Anglican that I knew all about it already and just given a cathecism and given the OK. I was also a practising "gαy" and was told to keep my mouth shut and be discrete. As long as I was in a "loving relationship" that was fine. The messes, sorry, masses were a shock! Things went on there that would have sent my Anglican rector into convulsions! At least there was reverence in my English parish church. The rector would NEVER have dreamed of turning his back on the altar! They gave me a wierd feeling in my stomach. My whole being and conscience started to tell me that something was wrong! The only feeling I got was a sort of vague feeling that being a Catholic was being "nice" and "tolerant" to everybody - no matter how WRONG my gut told me that false and heretical movements and "Self-expression" were. I dropped right out of this blah-blah form of "Catholicism" and into sin, sin, SIN!!!! I got sick, sick, SICK!!! I became more and more depressed and angry in the "gαy" madness.
    About a year ago, when I was at my LOWEST point - lost and despairing - I was called to a church here where the priest celebrates only the true (tridentine) mass and were there is traditional Catholic teaching. I immediately had the feeling that this was IT!
    I had a long talk to the priest and a l-o-n-g confession! (The poor man! Imagine listening to all those years of horrible sins!!!) And I started on a PROPER Catholic education.

    As a result, I have given up "gαy"! I am a totally - and joyously! - celibate. Celibacy gives me no trouble. I am at peace now. I am deeply with God. Sometimes I regret missing out on the joy of marriage and children. This makes me sad. But, not all Christians are called to this state.

    I take an active part in the Church (I am a member of the schola. Wonderful Gregorian chant!) and my life is based on the true teachings of the Church, and prayer. I pray the Rosary daily and attend mass regulary.

    My life is better and better and happier and kinder.
    I am more and more of a peaceful person. I am a caring traditional happy Catholic with firm beliefs and coherent morals, instead of a wishy-washy liberal lost soul in danger of Hell!

    It is really fine to find all you traditionalist committed Catholics!

    Nice to join you!


    Offline greenhill

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    « Reply #42 on: November 06, 2009, 03:55:44 AM »
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  • Quote from: Vladimir

    How is the state of traditional Catholicism in Germany?

    Dear Vladimir

    Thank you for asking

    Well, in Berlin it is very poor for a capital city, BUT we have a wonderful new SSPX church - St Petrus - ( with a lovely high altar!, but the church is, sadly, I think, too small for all the people who attend mass. That is a crying shame when you think of all the huge cathedral-like (gutted) novus churches here which are half empty). Apart from that there are a few churches - two I think - which have tridentine masses at impossible times, as a sort of nostalgic "curiosity" I feel.
    I feel at home with the SSPX, but I go to the Institute of St Phillip Neri at the church of St Afra, which is about an hour from my home. This was started by Father Goesche on the lines of the Oratory in England. He was formerly a Novus priest who later worked with the SSPX and then founded the Institute. The institute is dedicated to the true mass and propagating traditional Catholicism and Catholic culture.

    I live sandwiched between a huge neo-Gothic Franciscan church ( Franciscan! I could tell you a story about the English "mass" circus which all those poor African Catholics here have to endure!) and a hideous modern box run by a bunch of sad men who call themselves Jesuits!

    The Archbishop here is a poor little frightened grey mouse who, I believe, sees all deviations from the mainline Novus protestant sect as suspect innovations!

    Around the country, it goes according to whether the area is mainly protestant or traditionally Catholic. In the south, where there were always mainly Catholics, there are many traditionalists masses. It depends also on the bishops. In some areas they have the impossible times and hidden away locations, and in others, where there are strong initiatives by local people, they are in central main churches at 10 O clock on a Sunday. We also have a central city church which I go to here because it has lovely late masses at 11,00 on Sunday, where the church - St Adalbert - is lent to a latin mass group and a very saintly and gentle, very traditional old "retitred" priest officiates.

    The SSPX has churches and chapels all over the country and has very active participation.

    God bless!


    I will send the website of the Institute shortly.

    Offline greenhill

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    « Reply #43 on: November 06, 2009, 08:41:49 AM »
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  • As promised, the website of the Institute of St Philip Neri in Berlin and some words about it.

    The Institute was founded five years ago by the traditionalist secular priest Father Gerald Goesche. He raised the money to buy a former convent and home for fallen women, founded a hundred years ago in a very poor area of Berlin. (The church is dedicated to St Afra, who was an early martyr and former prostitute) The institute is dedicated to the traditional Mass, teaching, social care, and Catholic culture. Most of the non-liturgical and pastoral work is done by volunteers and there is absolutely NO funding or handouts from the Diocese. All funds come from the faithful. It has no parish, as such, to keep it independent from Novus interference, and depends on private donations (covenants, etc). Nevertheless it is a magnet for traditionalists in Berlin! The church is always full for Sunday Mass and has daily Rosary as well as Benediction, etc.
    The church is a fine building but was in a very poor state when it was taken over. Father Goesche and friends had to do a lot of hard physical work! For example, the VII-inspired, misguided wreckers completely destroyed the High Altar (leaving only fragments), painted over the vaulting, and the beautiful stained glass windows are gone. No altar rails, of course! This was a GREAT PITY as the whole original interior had survived the heavy bombing of World War II completely intact!
    The next big task is a total replacement of the roof structure, as it is in a very poor condition and only kept up by prayer and braces!

    Not only had Father Goesche to find, at very short notice, the whole cost of buying the building (and thereby save it from profanation!), but the state keeps hitting him with various huge tax bills. He has also had to replace the High Altar, vestments, cloths, pictures, side altars, sanctuary carpets........the list is ENDLESS! And all on the donations of the faithful!!!!!!
    You have guessed it!
    This is also a begging letter!!!

    Any tiny amount anybody can give would be very gratefully received!!!
    I hope it is OK to do this. This is NOT any sort of scam, but a most needed and sacred resource for the Holy Catholic Church in Berlin.

    Also there is absolutely no conflict with the SSPX. Father Goesche was very closely associated with the Society for some time and even helped to build the Society´s new church of St Petrus where I am going in a couple of hours for Confession and Mass!

    Unfortunately, the website is still only in German. I was only asked to translate it yesterday. As soon as I have completed it, I will publish it again. Meanwhile, if you don´t understand German, you can look at the many wonderful pictures.

    Any questions you have, I will try to answer, or I will find out and get back to you!

    Thanks for reading all this!


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    « Reply #44 on: November 06, 2009, 10:07:58 AM »
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  • I've actually been visiting this site, and registered for some time now.  I've made a couple of posts and realize that I'm expected to identify myself!

    I'm female, married for 19 1/2 years and have two children, ages 15 and 17.  My H is a cradle Novus Ordo Catholic and I was baptised Orthodox, and occasionally attended services throughout my childhood (to age 16) with my maternal grandparents.  

    My parents had no faith, although each was baptised (my father Catholic) and (my mother Orthodox).

    I agreed to raise our children Catholic ... and then started learning about Christianity following my mother's death at age 45 to breast cancer.

    Ultimately, while starting out listening to Protestant radio and reading Protestant books .. I was led to learning more about the Catholic faith.  

    I was confirmed in the Catholic Church in the year 2000 ... subsequently, through I believe, interviews with Mel Gibson around the time of the making of the Passion of the Christ, I began to learn about Tradition and the Tridentine Mass.

    We've been moving ever closer to a belief in the Traditional faith and the traditional mass.  Unfortunately, we live in a place that is hundreds of miles from the nearest Tridentine Mass and so we suffer through a bland, albeit relatively adequate Novus Ordo Mass (if that can be even be said) ... and try to accept this as a Cross we must bear ... and continue to pray to be freed to attend a Tridentine Mass at some point before I die.

    Both sides of our families are in varying degrees of apostasy from the Truth Faith ... most are practical atheists .. some adhere to some degree of apostasy connected to some heretical denomination ...  There's rampant divorce, adultery and a garden variety of sins .... and so it goes.

    God Bless,
    MrsZ (and the "Z" stands for "zealot" a name given me by an apostate sister in law)