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« on: July 18, 2007, 04:51:09 PM »
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  • CathInfo was founded in 2006 to facilitate free and open discussion on many topics, share news, foster friendships, build support networks, and form a sense of community among English-speaking Traditional Catholics worldwide. Traditional Catholics are those who oppose many heresies, errors and anti-Catholic trends in the modern world. Traditional Catholics adhere to the Catholic Faith as it was believed and practiced before Vatican Council II, and that includes the Mass. Instead of the "New Order of Mass" promulgated by Pope Paul VI in 1969, they attend the Tridentine Mass which was used in the Catholic Church for many centuries until small changes began to be introduced in 1965.

    Traditional Catholics consider the popular culture to be generally hostile to their beliefs and their way of life. So in the course of events, many Traditional Catholics become comfortable with an "I am right; everyone else is wrong" mentality. Unfortunately, this carries over into their dealings and discussions with other Traditional Catholics, even those with a higher dignity (e.g., priests and bishops) or education. Within the movement, some are quite vocal and opinionated, and there are many disagreements about various issues, including the status of the current Pope, the status of priests and bishops ordained after Vatican II, etc. They point out the prophecy, "Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be dispersed."

    So, acknowledging the reality concerning Catholics in the Traditional movement, as well as the great need these Catholics have for a forum that functions as the online equivalent of a parish hall, CathInfo has striven to allow free and unfettered discussion on every debatable topic. Anything contradicting the Catholic Faith or Catholic morality is deleted, but open discussion is allowed as much as possible. CathInfo strives to be a unifying force in the Traditional movement, bringing Traditional Catholics together as much as possible, and permitting a variety of opinions (within the bounds of the Catholic Faith) to peacefully co-exist on the forum.

    CathInfo's philosophy can be summarized in the famous quote: "In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas" which translates to, "In necessary things unity, in doubtful things liberty, in all things charity."

    CathInfo was founded in August 2006, after another established forum began forbidding discussion on certain topics, including sedevacantism (the belief that the current Pope is not a legitimate pope). A number of members decided it was not good to arbitrarily forbid certain topics of discussion, and so they became the first members of CathInfo.

    Over the past 10 years, CathInfo has been a refuge for truth-seekers, whistleblowers, and lovers of free speech all over the Catholic world.

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    Offline Magdalene

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    « Reply #1 on: July 18, 2007, 05:53:18 PM »
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  • Ok, here's a brief profile of me.

    I am 36 years old. I live in Southern California. I was born in Lebanon but left when I was 2 years old because of the cινιℓ ωαr between the Muslims and Christians. I was consquently raised in Saudi Arabia, England, and Belgium. I came to the United States in 1984.

    I am a Maronite Catholic but only went to the Novus Ordo Mass all my life (that is when I would go to Mass -which wasn't that often since I wasn't raised strongly in the Catholic faith).

    I was introduced to traditional Catholicism by Mike Solimanto about 6 years ago (he made a response on EWTN against the error of an "expert" there and I e-mailed him to get more info. about the topic and continued to e-mail him after that). I now alternate between going to the SSPX chapel for Mass and independent chapels. If I am too tired to get to a TLM, I reluctantly end up going to the more conservative of the N.O. Masses in town (during which time  I read from the traditional prayers of the TLM and only look up during the consecration)

    I have been taking care of my 95 year old grandmother for 5 years now - day and night shift - and I only get 1 day off a year. You can't imagine the extreme mental and physical fatigue this entails. My body's aged beyond it's years and I'm suffering from depression. I'm sooooooooooooo unbelievably tired.

    Granny and I live with my parents (I wish I could move out but, since I take care of Granny, I can't). My two brothers  also live with us. My sister used to live with us until she got married 4 years ago and moved to France.

    I have no desire to ever get married and I don't want to become a nun, so I don't know what God has in store for me in the future.

    Anyway, that's the short of it.

    Offline gladius_veritatis

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    « Reply #2 on: July 18, 2007, 07:33:09 PM »
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  • My name is Eamon Patrick Shea.   I live in West Chester, Ohio, just north of Cincinnati.  The Mass center I frequent is Saint Gertrude the Great (Bp. Dolan and Fr. Cekada).

    I am 33 years of age, having been born in 1973, on the 24th of September.  My 'native' state (since age 1 and 1/2) is Florida, and my hometown is Ponte Vedra Beach (outside Jacksonville, just north of St. Augustine, our Nation's oldest city).  My mother still lives in my hometown, my older sister is attending medical school in Maryland, and my older brother is an architect in the Orlando area.  He is married and has one child (born about six months ago).

    I graduated (as my siblings also did) from the University of Notre Dame du Lac, located in northern Indiana, receiving a B.A. degree in English Literature in August 1996.  I attended Most Holy Trinity Seminary from September 1999 until February 2002, leaving due to lack of priestly vocation.  While there I completed the philosophical training, although I had only just begun the theological courses when I departed.  I am presently pursuing an M.A. through the Universite de Nancy, located in Nancy, France.

    My poor family is ensnared in NewChurch, and I ask your prayers for their conversion.  I have been blessed with countless graces and advantages in my life, especially since (and including) realizing what is happening in this poor world - particularly with respect to our holy mother, the Church.

    God bless and keep each of you, today and always.

    In the Immaculate Heart of our Sorrowful Mother,

    Eamon Shea
    "Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is all man."

    Offline clare

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    « Reply #3 on: July 21, 2007, 08:46:29 AM »
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  • Name: Clare
    Age: 33
    Location: The North of England
    Masses attended: SSPX
    Status: Married
    Children: Two, daughter (Rachel, age 3 and a bit) and son (Anthony age nearly 2).
    Occupation: Wife, mother (formerly a legal accounts assistant).

    Offline Catholic Samurai

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    « Reply #4 on: July 28, 2007, 10:13:04 AM »
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  • My name is Joseph. I wont give my last name. Im 16 years old, I live in South East Texas and attend mass at St.Michals SSPX Chapel in Spring, which is a 100 mile drive from where I live.

    I was born and raised in a conservative novus-ordo church and because I didnt learn anything in first communion class (the teacher was a dope) I was taght a Traditionalist catichism. That didnt stop me from falling into almost every heresy in the book. With three lax priests who just want to get the 30minute sermon over and done with and no spiritual guidance I turned to Luther and Calvin at the age of ten. That all changed when one of the priests decided to stand up to some of the errors being preached by the other three priests. Thanks Fr.Brenda! :pray:  My family and I converted to the true mass about four years ago. Its uphill from here on.

    Im a homeschooler in the 10th grade. I am of Leonese-Spanish (my mothers side) and Tyrol-Austrian blood. I hope to attend and graduate from college and become an architect. After I get a job in architecture I'll get married and have a family and raise about 8 or 10 little soldiers for God.  :baby:>  :duel:

    For now Im just a 10th grader, shut up in a mobile home in the country, a hundred miles from family and friend, waiting for the day I get my drivers license and first car.

    Im also a yellow-stripe in Taekwondo. I also practice a little bit of Northern Soulin, Tiger style Kungfu and Japanese Kendo.  I enjoy the martial arts and swordsmanship. Some of my old friends say Im a Satanist or a Buhddist for practicing the martial arts. Before I studied into it I used to think so to. On the contrary, I found that if you practice Kungfu and throw out pagan devotion and replace it with that of a Catholic you will iprove yourself not only physically but spiritually as well.  Its good penance too, believe me!

    I enjoy discussing philosophy, theology, history, martial arts, anything about Spain, and the crisis in the church.

    Yours in Christ
    Joseph Catholic Samurai
    "Louvada Siesa O' Sanctisimo Sacramento!"~warcry of the Amakusa/Shimabara rebels

    "We must risk something for God!"~Hernan Cortes


    Offline Clodovicus

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    « Reply #5 on: August 08, 2007, 11:36:04 PM »
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  • Link to last intro

    I am a convert to Catholicism for almost 2 years and hope soon to be confirmed, and also to enter College with the credit I hope to get from activities abroad, if all goes well, which is due next year. I have not yet decided what to do for a career, but I'm leaning towards Real Estate and or Property management.
    I was born and raised in the Baptist Church, believing that the Church was evil and oppressive, as all misguided Protestants do, and then went to various other Protestant denominations for a few years before encountering Catholicism in 2004.
    I study the Catholic Church, particularly its history, not only as a hobbie, but also for education purposes, and also Catholic social teaching, such as economics, including Distributism. I like to read, study, pray, and write.

    Offline JoanScholastica

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    « Reply #6 on: August 12, 2007, 04:26:15 PM »
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  • Offline Trinity

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    « Reply #7 on: August 19, 2007, 08:44:11 AM »
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  • Thanks, Joan.  Now all I have to figure out is what to make of it.  I have also read that the Phillipines are heavily Catholic and have areas where white people don't live long if they are so foolish to venture there.  Best I can figure at this point is that they are more religious than most people in this unbelieving world.
    Please pray for the repose of her soul.

    Offline Christin

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    « Reply #8 on: September 11, 2007, 06:45:00 PM »
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  • Wow, it's wonderful to meet such nice traditional Catholics! Yeah, there are some arguments caused by confusion, like the one regarding celibacy.

    (We are called to remain pure. That's the ideal. However, for those who can't accomplish this, God has established the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. So marriage is holy, and is not a sin, as is adultery. It just isn't as saintly as celibacy.)

    Despite these occasional disputes, I am overjoyed to meet fellow traditional Catholics striving to live their lives in a way that pleases God.

    Since this is an introduction thread, let me get to the point...
    I'm a 23-year-old teacher from NJ. There are no Tridentine Masses in the town where my family lives, and this is very detrimental to us as Catholics. Posting here enables me to be a bit more connected with the traditional Catholic world, from which I am otherwise almost completely isolated.

    Having said that, greetings to you all, and for the future, happy posting! :wink:

    Offline Kephapaulos

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    « Reply #9 on: September 11, 2007, 07:10:22 PM »
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  • I think my introduction is pretty much long overdue. lol

    Many usually call me Teo simply or on message boards like here and FE I think some could call me Keph as well. I am a college student in San Antonio, Texas. I have the goal of someday becoming a doctor, a general pracitioner at this point, but I still have to work on the bachelor's degree some more. I attend Masses of the SSPX and pretty much hold their traditionalist position.
    "Non nobis, Domine, non nobis; sed nomini tuo da gloriam..." (Ps. 113:9)

    Offline Adesto

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    « Reply #10 on: October 21, 2007, 04:43:54 PM »
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  • Hi hi,

    Just thought I'd best introduce myself. Teo got me onto here so I might as well be polite and say hiya  :smile:

    Name: Miriam
    Age: 21
    Living: In Wales, but I'm English.
    Attending: SSPX masses. Have been since I was about three, and went to an SSPX school for secondary education too.
    I'm currently in Bangor University in North Wales studying English Lit at BA level. I love the looking into the Catholic side of Medieval Literature and I want to follow with an MA on Medieval Devotional Poetry.  :reading: The fun bit starts when I try to get a job that is remotely connected to that field.
    Interests include hiking, climbing, archery, running and editing the Uni magazine, presenting on radio, music, fire arts (poi, snakes, occasional staff) and of course academic reading and writing, and plain old reading for pleasure  :detective:

    Join the Rosary Apostolate of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour:

    Offline amiga

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    « Reply #11 on: October 27, 2007, 04:33:32 AM »
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  • Christ on my daily round

    I pray each morn that I may not be blind
    To Christ, Who moves that day among my kind.
    I dare not turn a hungry man away,
    Lest I be leaving Him unfed today.
    I dare not slight some tattered, unclothed one,
    Lest I should fail

    Offline Matthew

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    « Reply #12 on: December 02, 2007, 03:37:04 PM »
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  • What exactly are SSPX rules?

    I allow all types of Traditional Catholics on this board, as long as they can be civil.

    I've never heard of a "post-sedevacantist" -- do you mean that you're a conclavist and your group has elected a pope? If so, there's already a term for that (conclavist)

    If it's something else, please elaborate so we can all learn something.

    God bless,

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    Offline Mousey

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    « Reply #13 on: December 10, 2007, 08:44:34 PM »
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  • (I'm staying somewhat anonymous, although some of you already know who I am, there are a few from another forum that apparently hate me because of my love for purity, modesty and the rosary.)

    I'll tell you a wee bit:

    I'm a female.
    I like animals and small children.  
    (or was it "children and small animals"?)

    Phew!  I feel like I really opened up!

    Ok... maybe a tiny bit more:  I like what a lot of the stuff I read here.  

    I am not a sedevacanist.  I attend the Extraordinary Form, but not the SSPX.  

    I've no kids, and never been married.  I'm sort of aloof.  

    I live in the midwest, but I'm from upstate New York.  I was very outgoing and ambitious, and had a lot of friends and opportunities.  It's amazing that I ended up here, as I never would have dreamed of coming here, were it not for a company I was helping to start (I was planning on moving back after a few months).  The office did well, but bought out a co. in MD and closed this office, while I remained behind in Kansas.  Before moving here (and before my Consecration to the Blessed Mother) I always wanted to be near the big cities and I was into traveling.  Now, I am just content to live a simple, quiet life where I can attend the traditional Roman Catholic Mass as often as I can each week.   I've never been happier.  Now my 'opportunities' are focused on the (Extraordinary Form of the) Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Adoration, and I have a very good Confessor.  I wouldn't trade these things for all the money in the world.

    Offline ronyu02

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    « Reply #14 on: December 13, 2007, 05:47:23 AM »
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  • Hi everyone!

    I'm Ron Yu, a 22-year old college student in the Philippines. I'm a regular at FE, but I do lurk around here often and so I decided to register here as well. Oh yeah, I'm Filipino; the surname's from 1/4 of my ancestry. ;)

    I'm into computers and I play piano as well. I like classical music, but my general tastes are somewhat eclectic. I enjoy reading and other geeky (?) hobbies like crosswords, sudoku, origami, and the Rubik's cube.

    I still pretty much attend NO due to several circuмstances, but I'm trying to live my Catholic life as traditionally as possible. I've already attended a couple of TLM's, and currently I'm still rooting for one in our parish. :)