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Author Topic: FE member is promiscuous, practicing ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ!  (Read 27478 times)

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FE member is promiscuous, practicing ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ!
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2013, 02:17:57 PM »
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  •  :barf: Dang.  Wish i hadn't read those last few posts- sick.

    Offline TheKnightVigilant

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    « Reply #2 on: June 27, 2013, 02:34:13 PM »
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  • This incident, at least, exposes the sodomite "Christians" for what they really are - Satanic infiltrators who have no belief in or respect for, and indeed an outright hatred of, Christian tradition. These filthy sɛҳuąƖ perverts will lie, cheat, and manipulate their way into the hearts of trusting, charitable Christians, in order to perpetuate their corruption not just in the unfortunate individuals who succuмb to their deceptions, but in the Catholic faith as a whole. Many will claim to believe, but in truth, they are all unrepentant sodomite perverts, else they wouldn't self-identify as "ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ". Do not be decieved.

    Offline cathman7

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    « Reply #3 on: June 27, 2013, 03:08:21 PM »
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  • Deleting my account there.

    False tolerance, "chawity", and liberty of thought reign supreme on FE. There are still some good posters there but that site is a cesspool.

    Offline Deathtofisheaters

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    « Reply #4 on: June 27, 2013, 03:37:00 PM »
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  • Registration has been disabled on fisheaters so I hope you don't mind if I post right here what I was trying to post on there. Hopefully Vox and other members of fisheaters will see this:

    Clare Brigid: fraud and pervert

    That's it, the jig is up. This man is a sick pervert and has been deceiving you all. He is not a Catholic. He has been playing you all for fools, and many of you, including the owner of this forum, went right along with it.

    The truth is that this man posts on perverse transsɛҳuąƖ websites (such as 'HungAngel') under the pseudonym "ClareSensual" and encourages people to engage is such abominable sins as masturbation and sodomy, all the while bragging about his own promiscuity and ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ fornication, and making crude comments and advances to strangers.

    This sick man even posted graphic nude photos of himself and his mutilated genitals on a pornographic website ('XTube') and uploaded homemade porn videos of himself! All you have to do is do an image search on Google Images for "ClareSensual" and all his sick debauchery will appear.

    For proof see his posts here (WARNING): (link removed)

    For proof see photos here (WARNING): (link removed)

    For proof videos here (WARNING): (link removed)

    This man is not a practicing or believing Catholic, but is a sick and twisted man trying to influence Catholics and change the teachings of the Church to suit his perverted lusts.

    Shame on those members who supported this man and his anti-Christian agenda, and shame especially on you Vox for banning rightfully-concerned Catholics and defending abominable ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ-transsɛҳuąƖ perverts in the name of "love and tolerance".

    Offline Matto

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    FE member is promiscuous, practicing ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ!
    « Reply #5 on: June 27, 2013, 03:39:27 PM »
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  • I don't know why people didn't stop posting at fisheaters after the bigamy scandal a while ago. Now it only gets worse. But I never posted there or even lurked there much so I don't know what the appeal is.
    Please pray for the repose of my soul.

    Offline TheKnightVigilant

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    « Reply #6 on: June 27, 2013, 03:40:39 PM »
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  • You can register by emailing Vox - though you'll likely be banned within seconds of making that post (I made a post condemning vox the fag-hag and was banned in less than a minute)

    Offline Hatchc

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    « Reply #7 on: June 27, 2013, 04:13:15 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matto
    I don't know why people didn't stop posting at fisheaters after the bigamy scandal a while ago. Now it only gets worse. But I never posted there or even lurked there much so I don't know what the appeal is.

    A lot of people don't know about it. And the people who did, and who stayed there, were all neo-Caths.

    Offline Zeitun

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    « Reply #8 on: June 27, 2013, 04:33:17 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matto
    I don't know why people didn't stop posting at fisheaters after the bigamy scandal a while ago. Now it only gets worse. But I never posted there or even lurked there much so I don't know what the appeal is.

    I heard that the moderator was in an adulterous that what you are referring to?

    Offline Matto

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    « Reply #9 on: June 27, 2013, 04:37:54 PM »
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  • Quote from: Zeitun
    I heard that the moderator was in an adulterous that what you are referring to?

    I am referring to a scandal that I read on this forum about the owner of fisheaters. If what I read was true, then the owner of fisheaters got divorced and remarried outside of the Church.
    Please pray for the repose of my soul.

    Offline Stubborn

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    « Reply #10 on: June 27, 2013, 04:42:23 PM »
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  • Quote from: TheKnightVigilant
    This incident, at least, exposes the sodomite "Christians" for what they really are - Satanic infiltrators who have no belief in or respect for, and indeed an outright hatred of, Christian tradition. These filthy sɛҳuąƖ perverts will lie, cheat, and manipulate their way into the hearts of trusting, charitable Christians, in order to perpetuate their corruption not just in the unfortunate individuals who succuмb to their deceptions, but in the Catholic faith as a whole. Many will claim to believe, but in truth, they are all unrepentant sodomite perverts, else they wouldn't self-identify as "ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ". Do not be decieved.

     :applause: :applause:

    "But Peter and the apostles answering, said: We ought to obey God, rather than men." - Acts 5:29

    The Highest Principle in the Church: "We are first of all under obedience to God, and only then under obedience to man" - Fr. Hesse

    Offline Matthew

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    « Reply #11 on: June 27, 2013, 05:36:39 PM »
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  • Quote from: Zeitun
    Quote from: Matto
    I don't know why people didn't stop posting at fisheaters after the bigamy scandal a while ago. Now it only gets worse. But I never posted there or even lurked there much so I don't know what the appeal is.

    I heard that the moderator was in an adulterous that what you are referring to?

    Not "heard" -- she WAS in one.

    I don't know what they're doing these days, but there was quite a blow-up at FE a while ago, when Vox and Quis were going through a messy, public divorce. Both of them had been married before. And some people might not realize -- Quis was just a member of the forum, albeit a long-standing one, when he got into a relationship with Vox. "They" didn't start Fisheaters.

    Here is part of the "fireworks" they took turns posting on FE:



    Nice to see who one's friends are, especially when you're suffering.

    HK and Erin - go fuck yourselves.  I'm sorry I ever defended either of you from anyone.

    Vox didn't want me to say anything, but at this point I will.  The reason Vox umodded and banned me is that she's mad at me.  She's mad at me because we're getting divorced.  Big fucking deal, civil marriage, concubinage, living in sin, blah blah blah.  For the better, right?

    Still doesn't make it easier.  For the record, I'm the one divorcing her.  The reasons are personal.  She's already back in Indiana, has been for a while.

    She let me back on, but you know what, I'm done with this place.  I know who my friends are from here.  The rest of you, well, yeah.  Go fuck yourselves.

    P.S. You guys are really sick in the head to drag my dead friends through this.  When someone you care about dies, I'm going to go to the funeral, point and laugh, and piss on the grave.  Twice.  Just for good measure.


    I am in Indiana right now. My Dad is extremely bad off physically and most likely isn't long for this world. I am staying with a family member who has no internet hookup and only a mobile phone which she takes with her when she leaves and, so, I can't use it often. When at a friend's house, I can post and search the net and get my mail, like I am right now.

    Quis is most certainly not MoreCoffee.

    Quis and I had a fight so I banned him in a huff. I'd say I had good reasons, he'd say I didn't. That's typical. But the reasons have nothing to do with his being MoreCoffee (a rumor I'd heard, even without a computer and phone of my own -- unreal). But Quis is unbanned now and is still Forum Owner with all the powers he had (he could have banned me, too, if he'd gotten to it first). Whether he posts or not is up to him. He is, in any case, very busy, as am I.

    Hope this clears things up and so the rumors stop. There's an old med school adage:  "Don't look for zebras; look for horses." Applies in a lot of areas of life LOL

    Miss Fluffy:

    Alright, I'm going to confess something to the board, and I hope it doesn't cause any hard feelings.  I believe I may have been the first one to doubt Laura's honesty.  The reason I doubted was because she had contacted me personally, and we had long internet chats via MSN about converting and dealing with same sex attraction.  The weird thing was, that she seemed to have a G rated kind of same-sex attraction, this is something I have never, in all my life and amongst my many, very close ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ friends, ever experienced.  I shrugged it off figuring that she was just wanting to remain private about it.  But something kind of bothered me, I felt uncomfortable that I had divulged so much personal info to her, regarding some rather deep traumas, and my own struggles with same-sex attraction.  And yet, she wouldn't respond in kind as people who have struggles in common often do.  She told me that she believed God had cured her, and that she felt attracted to men for the first time in her life.  I've never heard of this happening to anyone, and even the ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖs I know of who have converted usually report struggling with lust and same-sex attraction as an ongoing battle, not an outright, no longer having those thoughts and feelings ever again.  And it happened so amazingly fast!

    Now, I'll tell you this, I can get kind of obsessive and crazy on the internet myself, and so I followed up with Laura in a somewhat obsessive manner.  I was trying to get to the bottom of how a seemingly perfect person, who never experiences lust, could also have same-sex attraction.  And so I started following every post she made, along with every post made by her roommate, because it was rather fascinating to me watching these two ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖs fall in love with the church.  I mean, you don't know how desperately I long for the many people I love who identify as ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖs, to come back to the church.  But then the emails just didn't add up, I was noticing a rather obsessive posting personality (takes one to know one).  She was PMing nearly everyone who prayed for her in the oratory, working to get one-on-one interaction with people, and had started contacting people via text messages as well.  At the same time, she posted about having a very busy social life, having her leg crushed in a gruesome car accident, all the while remaining very active with PMing people and posting.  And just days after returning from the hospital for her leg, she described having friends over and cooking for them and doing all these things that a person with a crushed leg just wouldn't do, let a lone a person who has obviously spent hours and hours posting and connecting with people on the internet.

    So yes, I became a doubter.  I distanced myself from her, and from the board because it was like people started worshipping her.  I felt terrible for not believing it, because if it was true, what kind of a jerk am I for doubting this poor dying girl?  As the prayer requests for her sickness escalated, I was really torn up about it.  And when I saw the post about her dying, I felt completely jaded about the whole thing.  I couldn't be sure that it was a hoax, but my gut told me it was.  Just a day or two after that, MoreCoffee sent me a private message in chat apologizing for popping up on laura's chat.  He said he got on her computer for something or other, and suddenly saw my name come up  in her chat client, and he shut it down right away so as not to frighten me.  That really clinched it for me.  I mean, my name in my personal MSN chat account is not the same as it is here, and why would I be concerned if a recently deceased person shows up online, real people have family members who would access their accounts.  And if you had just gone through the tragic loss of your loved one, would you even worry about scaring people with this person's online presence?  I had never spoken to MoreCoffee before so it just didn't make sense that he was so eager to "clean up" the error.

    It was at this point that I really knew, and I approached Quis about it.  And this is what I'm really sorry for.  I didn't handle it well at all when Quis disagreed with me.  I became very emotional, and downright crazy over it.  I was very worried about how this would effect Quis and the forum, because fakers always continue to fake until they are caught.  I saw people getting more and more worked up about it and I felt powerless to stop the train wreck.  Like Scipio and UD, I've known people in real life who have gotten caught up in a web of lies like this and it always ends badly.  Because of my utter inability to control how people like Quis and others on the board were reacting to Laura's death news and MoreCoffee and it was just building and building into more and more praise, and building up a cult of personality with the welcome wagon and all that stuff.  I really was freaking out because I was worried about all my friends here, especially Quis and Vox.  So, I do the kind of thing that is probably the worst thing to do when you are powerless to control things.  I started lashing out angrily, gossiping behind people's backs, and trying to manipulate the situation with threats.  I sent Quis some very rough emails and if he reads this, I hope he knows how sorry I am.

    I forgive Laura for doing what she did, and all of you here who I may have been angry with over this issue, including Quis.  I'm sorry for the contribution I made in getting things stirred up worse than they needed to be.  I really hope that y'all can forgive me, and forgive eachother for whatever needs forgiving.  I love y'all out there, I really do.

    From Vox:

    She didn't fool Quis; she seduced him. He is in love with her and plans to run off to be with her. That's what this whole thing is about. OK? She lied to him about her "death," he had ME in tears about it -- and now he;s forgiven her and will be with her. He's embarrassed about her lies and lies to cover them up. The heart in love -- you know.

    May as well modify and go on since he is in the chat room now lying to a whole room of people. This is what I sent to a friend of mine:  "Everything is so incredibly insane. And it seems to me it's all because I wouldn't promise to make him dinner every night (I wanted to make money and help him out, not be a regular housewife), because I thought the kids were old enough to make their own lunches (the older two helping the youngest), because one time everyone was sick and I didn't wait on them, and because one time he brought the oldest boy home from the dentist and plopped him on the couch instead of putting him in his bed, which ticked me off. He would go on and ON and ON about those four things for, literally, HOURS, and no apologies or ANYTHING would make him get over it. It's just sickening. I dunno... I don't understand it at all. " He would rant at me for hours, SPIT on me, throw me around -- going on about these four things that he literally could not get over.  Once his feelings are hurt about something, that is IT. He can't let things go. His mind is chaotic, he's always stressed, ready to blow up at nothing. He would not discipline his children and made me HATE to be around them because all we would do was fight about them. His kids were raised by a literal sociopath (the mother) who let three dogs starve to death and, years later, let two cats starve to death and who couldn't tell the Truth if her life depended on it (hmmm.. reminds me of someone else). They -- the kids -- needed help But he wouldn't let them get it, always yetlling at them and never wanting to do anything FUN with them and not disciplinging them at all. The entire secene was Hellish and, I, of course, was miserable. Away from my family and everyone I ever loved. He'd told me we would be living in Indiana after two years. Another lie. He just wanted a maid and he got one for two years. And then he met Laura and the rest is History. They should be happy together and seem made for each other.

    Quis - delete the rest

    Vox, there are two sides to every story.  Some of what you posted is true, most of it not.  You can try all you want to make me look bad, but I told you two years ago the marriage was in serious trouble, asked you to work on it, and you basically said everything was my fault and nothing changed.

    Why don't you tell them how it ended?  How I said I wanted to work on the marriage and you said you had to think if you wanted to be married to me.  Having tried to "prove my worth" to you before in this game of yours, I said "Well, then I want to think about it too"?  And I thought about it and the answer was no, I didn't want to live like this anymore.  Remember that?  Still want to claim I left you for pixels?

    I said very little in chat.  It wasn't about you and me except in relation to the claims you posted before.  I only said enough to make clear the divorce was because of us, no one else, and it started long before Laura ever showed up at the forum.

    This isn't about "Laura" or the other 4 people you accused me of leaving you for including forum members and an ex-wife   - this is about you and me.  I wanted a divorce because of how you treated me and my children.  I told you that two years ago.  Stop acting like a child.

    I went into chat because DK (BTW, DK, if something bad happens, I have your name for the cops, lad.  Behave, OK?) threatened to "beat the fat dyke" and I asked you to moderate the thread and stuff and you wouldn't.  So much for your rules against violent threats

    So, instead of take down the forum to stop it because you didn't have the decency to do it, I tried to let people ask what they wanted to know about Laura.  Not about you and me.

    Grow up, Tracy.

    Quis here, I've borrowed Vox's account since she keeps banning me yet expects me to pay for this place.  Sigh.

    Thank you. Yes, I only wish to be left alone and the topic dropped.

    Quote from: VoxClamantis
    Yeah, it's cool to get dumped for a bunch of pixels. Makes a girl feel real good LOL

    That goes for you, too, Vox - I want to be left alone.  Unless you want me to behave as childishly as you and air laundry here as you seem to want to do.  Knock it off.  I've asked you nicely, OK?   I gave you my reasons for the divorce, you just won't accept them. It has nothing to do with anyone else.  It has to do with us.  You know that, you've known it.  If you want to make me look bad in front of others with innuendo and calumny, well, you know, I'm not going to take that.

    You welched on our deal where I would pay for the server, you would get the website, and I would take care of the forum.  Why?  So you could post lies and stir the pot and make me look crazy?  God help you if people really found out what went on in our house.

    I'm still paying for the server for you for the next few months.  Why?  So you can drag me through the mud?  

    I'm tired of it, Vox.  Really tired of it.  Let's act like adults, OK?

    As I told you, I just want to be left alone.  Please.   Last time I'm asking.  Email me about getting your password.  Thanks.

    P.S.  I edited your smear campaign.,3441973.msg33547195.html#msg33547195

    Yes, you can write it all again.  I'm hoping you'll have regretted it at this point and want to act civil.   You're being foolish.  We need to have this out in private and come to a decision about how it's going to go.  Be civil adults or have a public war.  I vote for the former.

    Quote from: quis
    K, I know you're her friend, but you have to trust me when I say there's more here to the divorce than meets the eye. OK?  But what can I do?  Tell you?  Would you believe me?

    I have thought of you as a friend as well. And yes, there are always two sides, but I have heard neither side, and I don't care insofar as it makes a difference of who I like or agree with. I care about you both and hate to see the pain. Vox never had a bad word to say about you in our private conversations, and I am just so sorry for all the strife. Prayers for your peace of soul.

    Thanks, I consider you a friend too.

    You know what, I think it might be a good idea if I lock this thread.  When Vox gets her password, she can reopen it and clean it up.  There's no need for a huge discussion. I just want her attention for a few reasons.



    Quis deleted other thread(s), not just that thread last night.

    For instance, the thread where Vox explained that Quis was in love with Laura and intends to be with her and hence lies for Laura was removed.

    And now he's taken Vox's account over and locked her out of HER website.

    What would one expect from a man-boy that calls himself Catholic and yet initiates a romance with a devout Catholic woman when he knew there were evidently insurmountable obstacles to marriage.

    Some concern for the immortal soul of a fellow Catholic. Especially one that one supposedly "loves."

    Selfish, needy, BS is what that is.

    He was a leech from the begginning. Leeching off the good will that had been created by Vox's labor and using it to play king of the hill.


    God bless you Vox. This really is a mercy.

    Go ahead and delete this and ban my account now Joe/Quis.

    Quote from: Iuvenalis
    That post was not accidentally deleted.

    It was the post *by Quis* where he said he knew morecoffee 'in real life' (his words)

    It differentiated MC from 'laura' who he *did not* know in real life.

    From Quis:
    I did say that, and I admitted I did in chat.  I also said what it meant.

    I did not delete that thread.  Someone else did.

    If it makes you happier, here it is in the Google cache.

    (long since gone, obviously...)

    Read it in context:

    Quote from: Vetus Ordo
    Quote from: QuisUtDeus
    As for Laura, I have her full name, home address, phone, etc.  None of that proves anything to the non-believing, unfortunately, because all of it can be explained away as a setup because if there were a setup that stuff would be in place.  Even an obituary can be explained away because, believe it or not, you can make a fake obit.  The only proof-positive would be a certified copy of a death certificate.  Those can take up to a few months to clear all the clerical stuff.

    If you know her real name, address, etc., and you know people who knew her in real life and who witnessed her story, that seems sufficient proof to me.

    The only person I know in real life is MoreCoffee, so you can see that doesn't provide corroborating evidence.
    « Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 04:03:PM by QuisUtDeus »    Logged

    Vetus said "...and you know people who knew her in real life and who witnessed her story"

    Yes, the only person I knew who knew her in real life was MoreCoffee.  I was answering Vetus' statement, not making the claim I knew MoreCoffee in real life other than through email and the forum.

    Apparently Vetus understood what I meant because he said next

    "You could ask him to give you more information in private, so you could rest assured all of those who have doubts about the veracity of Laura's story. Only you would know the details."

    MoreCoffee was in Canada.  I was in WA - how would I know him in "real life" as you're trying to make it look like I claimed?  Is the phone any more "real life" than email or the internet?   Is that what you're driving at?  That by saying "real life" I implied I talked to him on the phone?

    Either real life means in person, or it means what I took it to mean that I knew him first hand.  I knew him through email only at that point, later internet messenger.  I never talked to him on the phone.

    You're acting ridiculous. I answered this question in chat, and I have no reason to delete a thread I know I or anyone else could find in Google's cache.  That's the whole reason I never deleted people's posts without a good reason - it's in Google's cache, MSN's cache, etc.  Find my posts where I say that.

    You guys need a hobby.  It's also clear you aren't going to let this go or leave me alone as I asked.  I'll take that into consideration when Vox asks me for her password.  If her and I can't come to an agreement on how she and I are going to deal with things - including this - going forward, well...

    Quis here:

    Yeah, that's Vox.  She doesn't have the nerve to email me back, so whatever.  I'll post what I need to say here and be done with it.  I'm sure she'll delete it, but I can always set up a blog somewhere and post it anyhow, and I will if it's gone, so here goes:

    Vox and I had an agreement, that she came up with, that I would pay for the server, run the forum, and she would keep the website.  I was OK with that.  Do you want to know why she renged on that and banned me?

    Because when I took her to the airport I didn't go in with her.  I didn't go in with her because I asked her if she wanted me to, she said no.  Which is understandable.  I'm divorcing her she probably didn't want my "help" to put her on a plane.  But in Vox's mind I should have insisted and I'm the enemy because I didn't.  Then after she got to IN, she calls me and bitches at me, so I hang up on her and don't call or email her.  Why?  Because I'm sick of those fights, we had them for four years, and the fact that if I die and my ex-wife #1 gets the house because she's the mother of the kids and that means she now has "Vox's kitchen" I need to be called at work and hear about it for 15+ minutes.  No thanks, of course I hung up on her and stopped returning her calls.

    So I became the enemy and she broke her agreement and wanted the whole thing.  Fine, but I'm not going to pay to be attacked and I told her that, and that's when I locked down the forum the first time.

    See any lies so far, Tracy?

    After that I told her, just don't let the crap go on that's going on there.  I want to be left alone.  Instead, DK threatens peoples lives, threads are going crazy, and now not only does she allow it but she promotes it herself.  So I go into chat to give people answers as best as I can to cool things down because she won't,  and she starts ranting about our marriage.  And I'm supposed to sit by and take this?  For what?  Of course I locked out her account to get her attention.

    I sent her a long email basically telling her to let it go and grow up.  That I didn't leave her for "Laura" like you guys have her thinking now, that our problems started 2 years ago, though she should know that, and so on.  She won't be convinced though.  Y'all have handed her an easy scapegoat that lets her avoid the real issues.

    So, yeah, I'm done here.  I won't be letting myself in anymore.  I'll pay for the server this one last month then she and y'all can figure it out.

    I'm done with dealing with Vox, too, mainly because she's done with me, but also because she's helping you guys and promoting using this place to beat me over the head with.

    Can I let go of this place?  Yeah, you bet.  I was hoping I could let go of something I spent thousands of dollars and hours on without it being used as a weapon against me, but Vox likes it as a weapon, so there you go.  That's how it is, and I'm leaving it.
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    « Reply #12 on: June 27, 2013, 05:41:38 PM »
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  • It's one scandal after another over there. I'm surprised at how many people still post there, and apparently don't care about even the most basic tenets of Catholic morality!

    And before the divorce, we had the original scandal -- the relationship of Vox and Quis in the first place:
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    « Reply #13 on: June 27, 2013, 06:20:49 PM »
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  • Quote from: obscurus
    Deleting my account there.

    False tolerance, "chawity", and liberty of thought reign supreme on FE. There are still some good posters there but that site is a cesspool.

    Some sense on your thread:,3459516.0.html

    Offline Hatchc

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    « Reply #14 on: June 27, 2013, 07:28:07 PM »
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  • Quote from: obscurus

    The fact that a practicing sodomite is a member of good standing here is absolutely outrageous and should convince others to leave this forum in PROTEST. Kyrie Eleison!

    Quote from: JayneK

    Who are you accusing of being a practicing sodomite?

    Quote from: Kopp

    Someone just posted this link on another thread here:

    http://[deletedthispartofurl, which is to a fag forum that Impy/Timothy belongs]/showpost.php?p=1316905&postcount=473

    This is what many posters on FE are trying to justify, and call others haters and bigots for opposing.

    I'm out of here. FE needs to be nuked from space and its digital earth salted.

    Quote from: JayneK

    I just found out about this today and presumably this is news to other FE members as well.  I suggest you allow people time to process this before judging us for our responses.  Personally, I know that I need time to pray and think about this before I decide what I am going to do.


    I think it's funny that the crypto actually needs time to think about what she's going to do.