Catholic Info

Traditional Catholic Faith => Fighting Errors in the Modern World => Topic started by: alaric on October 28, 2018, 07:02:18 AM

Title: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: alaric on October 28, 2018, 07:02:18 AM
There's gonna be some hell to pay here. Look for the attempt at total suppression of Free Speech (which the Jєωs don't believe in anyway), the Second Amendment and trying to pin this homocide on every free thinking white man (otherwise known as a "nαzι" today) or Christian in America. And everyone and anyone who doesn't go along with the upcoming censorship or disarming of the citizenship will also be labeled an "antisemite" or closet nαzι/racist.

Seems this guy declared war against the Jєωs in Pittsburgh. The reality is, the judaics have  declared war against  Christ, His Church and most of the West for the better part of two thousand years. And let me point out I'm not advocating what he did was right or these Jєωs deserved it, but merely an observation from the facts as we know them. I'm sure we will never get down to the truth of what really happened there in the end, just a whole lot more of fake news and false propaganda in order for s select  ((few)) to push their agenda a little further;ѕуηαgσgυє-shooting.html

11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre; Suspect Charged With 29 Counts

PITTSBURGH — Armed with an AR-15-style assault rifle and at least three handguns, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire inside a Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Saturday morning, killing at least 11 congregants and wounding four police officers and two others, the authorities said.
In a rampage described as among the deadliest against the Jєωιѕн community in the United States, the assailant stormed into the Tree of Life Congregation, where worshipers had gathered in separate rooms to celebrate their faith, and shot indiscriminately into the crowd, shattering what had otherwise been a peaceful morning.
The assailant, identified by law enforcement officials as Robert D. Bowers, fired for several minutes and was leaving the ѕуηαgσgυє when officers, dressed in tactical gear and armed with rifles, met him at the door. According to the police, Mr. Bowers exchanged gunfire with officers before retreating back inside and barricading himself inside a third-floor room. He eventually surrendered.

More here;ѕуηαgσgυє-shooting.html

Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: alaric on October 28, 2018, 07:18:50 AM
((They're)) already trying to shut down free media right away. apparently, the nutcase posted some stuff on Gab, so, time to start choking them out economically with Paypal shutting them down. Like Gab is supposed to be responsible for the thoughts and actions of every kook who posts something on there. Yet, he also posted on twitter and facebook too I believe, so let's see PP shut them down as well, but  don't hold your breath. PP knows they're  on the same program of Internet censorship as they are, like I said, these people really do not believe in the concept of free speech, independent thought and critical thinking.

Those are traits  and values outside the sphere of commie-think and thought-control.

Let the censorship begin;
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: alaric on October 28, 2018, 07:36:38 AM
More on the relentless censorship insanity that will ensue the shooting. notice the vileness of the free-speech haters.

But these same wretches would shout at the rooftops for the freedom of speech for every other form of sɛҳuąƖ deviancy,child-murder and debauchery on the planet. Their hypocrisy has no limitations;

Social network Gab to lose hosting after getting blamed for ѕуηαgσgυє shooting

Social media platform Gab, where the Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє shooter had a page, is about to lose its hosting provider. Gab is being widely accused of enabling the shooting.
Joyent, Gab's hosting provider, sent it a warning message that because of an unspecified(bolded emphasis mine) "breach of the Joyent Terms of Service," it will be pulling the plug on Gab on Monday morning. Earlier, PayPal cut off contact with the social network, after an avalanche of ((media)) reports(bolded and emphasis mine) pointed out that Michael Bowers, who killed 11 people in a Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє on Saturday, had a page there.

( (
 ('s Bible@LincolnsBible

(edited because of foul language)
You're being shut down, & we've archived your nαzιs.
You're a killer now, Andrew Torba. You kill innocents, b/c a bunch of monsters -likely from a hostile foreign state - pumped ( thru a crowd source vehicle.
Which is also laundering & RICO.
Die in jail.



Breaking: @joyent, Gab’s new hosting provider, has just pulled our hosting service. They have given us until 9am on Monday to find a solution. Gab will likely be down for weeks because of this. Working on solutions. We will never give up on defending free speech for all people.


11:03 PM - Oct 27, 2018 (

See originail article here;ѕуηαgσgυє/
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: alaric on October 28, 2018, 07:48:19 AM
Notice in the article above this statement;

Gab is being widely accused of enabling the shooting.
You tell me, how in the world does a social media website "enable" anyone of going out and shooting people?

Unless they specifically told them where to access loaded weapons somewhere and where and what tiime the victims would be available for said shooting. Other than that, which they obviously did not in any such way, how in the world would Gab be responsible for "enabling" anything to do with the massacre? It's insane. but like I stated, the powers that be don't recognize facts and logic, it's all about control of thought and suppressing anything that challenge it.

Look for more of these wild accusations without a shed of proof to back anything up.

Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: alaric on October 28, 2018, 08:00:49 AM
While they're shutting down Gab on social media and basically blaming them for the actions of a nutcase at the local ѕуηαgσgυє in Pittsburgh, Twitter has no problems letting calaypso Louie and his rantings against the Jєωs on social  media like twitter and youtube.

Like I said, the double-standard borders on the insane. (Well actually it is insane);ѕуηαgσgυє%2F

Farrakhan says he is not anti-Semitic; he is anti-Termite ::)
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: Neil Obstat on October 28, 2018, 09:38:18 AM
I was shocked to hear an official statement given on the radio this morning by local law enforcement.
The official referred to the SUSPECT as if he were already tried and convicted!
Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty?" 
Looks like the alleged gunman's defense attorney has been given a great opportunity for claiming abuse of justice!
If this guy were an abortionist caught in the act of murdering babies born alive, the media wouldn't be touching it with a 10-foot pole!
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: JezusDeKoning on October 28, 2018, 10:44:39 AM
Notice in the article above this statement;
You tell me, how in the world does a social media website "enable" anyone of going out and shooting people?

Unless they specifically told them where to access loaded weapons somewhere and where and what tiime the victims would be available for said shooting. Other than that, which they obviously did not in any such way, how in the world would Gab be responsible for "enabling" anything to do with the massacre? It's insane. but like I stated, the powers that be don't recognize facts and logic, it's all about control of thought and suppressing anything that challenge it.

Look for more of these wild accusations without a shed of proof to back anything up.

A social media website does not "enable" anything -- crazy is crazy no matter what the medium! Let's hope this all works out in favor of Andrew Torba.
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: BTNYC on October 29, 2018, 03:46:53 PM
Amazing that two middle-aged "right wingers," within days of one another, spontaneously decide to act against their own supposed political interests, and hand the American Left its much needed second and third "October Surprises" days after the Honduran Caravan fizzled out, and one week before decisive midterm elections.

It's also interesting that the very town where this occurred had an "Active Shooter Drill" just this past January: (

This past January is also when the "ѕуηαgσgυє Shooter" opened his Gab account. You know, the Gab account that showed as having been archived 14 hours before the shooting.

What a lot of (((coincidences))), huh?

But assuming this incident is just what the media narrative purports it to be, how do we look it at it? An outsider entered the sanctity of (((their))) house and wrought destruction on (((them)))… Much as (((They))) have entered our nations - bringing many other outsiders with (((Them))), wreaking untold destruction upon us.

It would seem the chickens our "elder brethren" sent out in the morning have returned to roost at dusk.
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: RomanCatholic1953 on October 30, 2018, 03:48:19 PM
Why Were the 7,000 Antisemitic Incidents Under Obama Largely Ignored?
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 11:57

Anti- Jєωιѕн hate crime and violence has been the most common form of religiously motivated hate crime since the FBI began tracking keeping those statistics. In the Obama years, anti-Jєωιѕн hate crime skyrocketed. Against the Jєωs.  The media ignored it focusing, instead, they manufactured  a myth of “islamophobia.” And so now,  the largest killing of Jєωs on American soil, is being politically exploited to advance Trump-hate, the caravan (!) and ‘islamophobia.’ Disgusting.
The Geller Report has, for years, reported on these crimes on a weekly sometime daily basis. It was like screaming into the void.
Jєωιѕн man attacked in Paris by Muslim shouting “Allahu akbar, long live Hitler, death to the Jєωs” (єωιѕн-paris-hitler.html/)
Brooklyn: Hate Charges DROPPED Against Muslim Shouting ‘Allah’ Who Brutally Beat Hasidic Jєω (єω.html/)
Swastikas found in multiple locations in Manhattan, 19 swastikas painted on Jєωιѕн Community Center in Virginia (

Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: roscoe on October 30, 2018, 05:48:19 PM
Just another Hoax... :sleep:
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: klasG4e on October 30, 2018, 06:14:01 PM
GAB posted this statement:
(http://мzg3MiwyNDcuNTgzNDY3IEMxMTcuмzg3MiwyMzAuMDQ4IDEwMi43MjY0LDIxNS4zODcyIDg1LjE5MDkzMzMsMjE1LjM4NzIgQzY3LjY1NTQ2NjcsMjE1LjM4NzIgNTIuOTk0NjY2NywyMzAuMDQ4IDUyLjk5NDY2NjcsMjQ3LjU4MzQ2NyBDNTIuOTk0NjY2NywyNjUuMTE4OTMzIDY3LjY1NTQ2NjcsMjc5Ljc3OTczMyA4NS4xOTA5MzMzLDI3OS43Nzk3MzMgWiBNMzEzLjIzMDQsMzE2LjU3NTQ2NyBMMjY3LjIzNTczMywzMTYuNTc1NDY3IEwyNjcuм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мjQ5MDY3LDIxNS4zODcyIDM4Mi41ODgyNjcsMjMwLjA0OCAzODIuNTg4MjY3LDI0Ny41ODM0NjcgQzM4Mi41ODgyNjcsMjY1LjExODkzMyAzOTcuмjQ5MDY3LDI3OS43Nzk3MzMgNDE0Ljc4NDUzMywyNzkuNzc5NzMzIFoiIGlkPSJnYWIiIGZpbGw9IiMwMEQxNzgiPjwvcGF0aD4KICAgIDwvZz4KPC9zdmc+) Gab has spent the past 48 hours proudly working with the DOJ and FBI to bring justice to an alleged terrorist. Because of the data we provided, they now have plenty of evidence for their case. In the midst of this Gab has been no-platformed by essential internet infrastructure providers at every level. We are the most censored, smeared, and no-platformed startup in history, which means we are a threat to the media and to the Silicon Valley Oligarchy.

 Gab isn’t going anywhere.

 It doesn’t matter what you write. It doesn’t matter what the sophist talking heads say on TV. It doesn’t matter what verified nobodies say on Twitter. We have plenty of options, resources, and support. We will exercise every possible avenue to keep Gab online and defend free speech and individual liberty for all people.

 You have all just made Gab a nationally recognized brand as the home of free speech online at a time when Silicon Valley is stifling political speech they disagree with to interfere in a US election.

 The internet is not reality. TV is not reality. 80% of normal everyday people agree with Gab and support free expression and liberty. The online outrage mob and mainstream media spin machine are the minority opinion. People are waking up, so please keep pointing the finger at a social network instead of pointing the finger at the alleged shooter who holds sole responsibility for his actions.

 No-platform us all you want. Ban us all you want. Smear us all you want.

 You can’t stop an idea.

 As we transition to a new hosting provider Gab will be inaccessible for a period of time. We are working around the clock to get back online. Thank you and remember to speak freely.

 Andrew Torba, CEO

Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: Matthew on October 30, 2018, 07:38:14 PM
Why do people blame Trump for this shooting? The alleged shooter isn't even pro-Trump!
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: JezusDeKoning on October 30, 2018, 08:07:02 PM
Why do people blame Trump for this shooting? The alleged shooter isn't even pro-Trump!
His daughter is an Orthodox Jєω, he recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and 69% of Israelis ( love the man. They have nothing to blame him for.
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: Maria Regina on October 30, 2018, 09:16:21 PM
Why do people blame Trump for this shooting? The alleged shooter isn't even pro-Trump!
Fake News Media tells lies and more lies because the Main Stream-controlled Media (MSM) knows that when lies are repeated frequently, then people will believe any lies, even when those lies are absurd.

This is why so many of my California neighbors have fallen for the lie that Trump has colluded with the Russians so that he was not validly elected in 2016. Because these folks have been brainwashed by the MSM, they see Trump as pure evil. These are college-educated people who spread unverified rumors and lies!

Believe me, I want to move away from Los Angeles. However, I remain here in California along with my husband to vote for COX for Governor. Then we might move to a more conservative county or to another state (like Arizona, Utah, or Texas) unless California can be turned around to become great again.

O Lord Jesus Christ, open the eyes and hearts of mankind, and help us all to see the Truth.
Cause a red tsunami -- a huge tidal wave of Republican votes --  to vote out the evil ones.
O Most All-Pure Lady,  the Theotokos, turn to Thy Son and Our God, plead for our salvation,
and save thy people, for we perish.
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: St Ignatius on October 30, 2018, 10:00:38 PM
What a lot of (((coincidences))), huh?
Coincidence indeed... here's what (((THEY))) had up (((their))) sleeve. I knew from the moment this incident was reported, it stunk high heaven.
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: Maria Regina on October 30, 2018, 10:07:49 PM
Coincidence indeed... here's what (((THEY))) had up (((their))) sleeve. I knew from the moment this incident was reported, it stunk high heaven.
Hannity of Fox News and others are saying that we are going to have almost daily mass shootings until and including election day as part of the Wag the Dog scenario staged and controlled by the Mainstream Media (MSM). These acts of violence and civil disobedience will continue after the elections if the Democrats do not prevail in an effort to overthrow the legitimate government of the USA and bring it under the Deep State operatives such as Soros, Clinton, and Obama.

We must realize that these are all disinformation campaigns designed to terrorize the sheeple into voting Democratic. Instead we must pray and fight back with everything we have to resist this evil, and also encourage others to vote Republican.

Even still, we must not lose hope as there are 57,000 unsealed federal indictments, almost 9000 in California alone. These indictments will be opened, and thousands will be arrested. Many of those indicted are federal employees, members of Congress, etc. Many of those indicted will lose whatever positions of power they may have. This most likely includes Peℓσѕι, Waters, Diana Feinstein, and others. Even if these people are re-elected, they will not remain in power for long.

And this is why it is imperative that Cox be elected as governor of California, so that he can appoint good Republicans to take the place of these wicked Democrats, many of whom are involved in human trafficking, child pedophilia, and high treason.

Thus, we must not lose hope.

And so we should pray unceasingly to Our Lady, the Theotokos:

Safeguard from all dangers, thy servants, O Theotokos,
For all of us after God, have recourse to thee,
As unbreachable fortress and champion.

Undefiled, who but by word bore the Word ineffably,
In those latter times, wilt thou implore Him,
As one with the boldness of a Mother.

-- Paraclesis to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: St Ignatius on October 30, 2018, 10:42:30 PM
Even still, we must not lose hope as there are 57,000 unsealed federal indictments, almost 9000 in California alone. These indictments will be opened, and thousands will be arrested. Many of those indicted are federal employees, members of Congress, etc. Many of those indicted will lose whatever positions of power they may have. This most likely includes Peℓσѕι, Waters, Diana Feinstein, and others. Even if these people are re-elected, they will not remain in power for long.

If it were only that simple... we can rid ourselves of every actor we may perceive as bad, but this new website is to put an END to the uprising against International Jєωery. I don't believe for a moment that this attack on this ѕуηαgσgυє was the work of the dems exclusively. There's something far more sinister going on, the dems have gone completely off the reservation and higher powers are trying to correct the course.

There's not a single Republican who will dare to openly criticize this, fellow Republicans will make sure that all tote the line for Israel. 
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: Maria Regina on October 30, 2018, 11:53:47 PM
Did you notice how all the "victims" were over the age of 55 and that most were over 70?
No children were injured or killed.
I think this mass shooting sent a message to the conservative Jєωs.

For some strange reason, my post above was not displayed until I clicked "quote".

And yes, I believe this shooting was "staged." At the press conference in Pittsburgh, the Police Chief referred to Bowers as "that actor," yet the news media listed Bower's profession as a long-haul trucker, not an actor.

At that press conference, the gentlemen appeared to be suppressing a grin, and they were all wearing casual clothing, not their business suits or police chief's uniform. It was as if the city officers did not want to be in their uniforms ... as if they were telling us that this entire thing was staged.

Worse, the nurses at the hospital stated that they had just come from a staged trauma crises training .... as if in preparation for this event.

Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: BTNYC on October 31, 2018, 07:56:23 AM
If there's a silver lining to all this, it's that it gave Jordan Peterson the opportunity to out himself definitively as a Shabbos Goy gatekeeper working to stem the rising tide of gentile awakening to the machinations of the ѕуηαgσgυє of Satan: (

I doubt anyone here ever fell for this charlatan (you don't have to scratch very far under his veneer to realize he's not even the "noble pagan" some have hailed him as), but I have, on more than one occasion, seen Ben Shapiro praised by posters on this forum, so, really, you never know.
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: Last Tradhican on October 31, 2018, 09:32:09 AM
Whenever you see news about a "massacre", remember, that 80,000 infants were killed that same day worldwide, and every day of the year. The media never mentions it. This by itself should show you that the media is of the world, and so is the Vatican II church, who will soon be issuing their condolence speeches about the "massacre", but no mention ever of the 80,000 infants that are killed every day.  
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: rum on October 31, 2018, 12:06:36 PM
If there's a silver lining to all this, it's that it gave Jordan Peterson the opportunity to out himself definitively as a Shabbos Goy gatekeeper working to stem the rising tide of gentile awakening to the machinations of the ѕуηαgσgυє of Satan: (

I doubt anyone here ever fell for this charlatan (you don't have to scratch very far under his veneer to realize he's not even the "noble pagan" some have hailed him as), but I have, on more than one occasion, seen Ben Shapiro praised by posters on this forum, so, really, you never know.
Mithrandylan and quite a few others here have praised him. I'm not so sure he isn't a crypto. Hardly anyone on any of these Catholic forums uses the Jєω litmus test when sizing up public figures, so they're easily taken in by charlatans.
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: rum on October 31, 2018, 12:35:16 PM
It should be remembered that many Catholics approve of the violent resistance of Palestinians against Jєωs. White anti-Jєωιѕн violence is so rare in the West these days that this episode has the novelty factor. But if there was organized violent white resistance against Jєωιѕн power in the West it would possibly be treated with the legitimacy with which the Palestinian-Jєωιѕн conflict is treated. The problem in the West is that almost all anti-Jєωιѕн groups are run by Jєωs, so there's no effective resistance, and so a violent episode such as this one doesn't accomplish much.

And I'm assuming, correctly or not, that there isn't shadowplay involved in this incident.
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: Last Tradhican on October 31, 2018, 12:58:31 PM
...Hardly anyone on any of these Catholic forums uses the Jєω litmus test when sizing up public figures....
What is it?
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: LeDeg on October 31, 2018, 01:01:48 PM
Incidentally, there was a "shooter crisis drill" one block away from the ѕуηαgσgυє in January of this year, and Bowers had a GAB  account created that same day of the drill. Like the others, this has a fαℓѕє fℓαg written all over it.
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: rum on October 31, 2018, 01:11:16 PM
What is it?
Finding out what the public figure thinks of Jєωs. When I first became aware of Peterson I did a Jєωgle search using "jordan peterson anti-semitism". I came up with this link as the first hit:єωιѕн-question/
It's not rocket science. It only requires not being Judaized.
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: Geremia on October 31, 2018, 02:32:38 PM
a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs
Has the Jєω York Times ever said Muslims were shouting anti-Christian slurs at their mass shootings?
Title: Real Cause of the ѕуηαgσgυє Shootings
Post by: Geremia on November 08, 2018, 09:52:02 AM
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: Last Tradhican on November 08, 2018, 10:12:03 AM
Video banned by YouTube. What did it say?
Title: Re: 11 Killed in Pittsburgh ѕуηαgσgυє Massacre....
Post by: Geremia on November 08, 2018, 10:28:41 AM
Video banned by YouTube. What did it say?
View the video on the YouTube website and click that you want to proceed. It's not blocked, but someone was offended by it.

Click here for the audio file of it (ѕуηαgσgυє%20Shootings-yxR1uikdR0A.webm).

Also, try the GUI youtube-dl ( It bypasses all those "offensive content" warnings.
Title: Re: Real Cause of the ѕуηαgσgυє Shootings
Post by: Neil Obstat on November 08, 2018, 05:17:08 PM
JouTube has censored this video such that you have to go to their site to watch it, but there are no comments viewable.
So if you want to comment on E. Michael Jones and what he says here, you can comment here! on CI, where freedom of speech still exists.
It's not blocked, but someone was offended by it.
Goes back to the definition of anti-Semitism --
Which means, "anything the Jєωs don't like."