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We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
Thomas Dalton PhD (Truth to Power) Wed, Jun 10, 2020 | 2610 words 3,807  167

The Jєωιѕн Question

ON 2 June 2020, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield — the two notorious Jєωs of “Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream” — released a formal corporate statement entitled “We must dismantle white supremacy” (here). This appalling, duplicitous, and hypocritical bit of anti-White propaganda expresses their “outrage” at the deaths of George Floyd and other Blacks, as a result of the “toxic seeds planted on the shores of our country in Jamestown in 1619,” when the first (Jєωιѕн-traded) slaves arrived in North America. Such deaths, they claim, are “perpetuated by a culture of white supremacy.” Floyd’s demise “was the predictable consequence of a racist and prejudiced [American] system and culture.”
Now they urge Americans “to take concrete steps to dismantle white supremacy in all its forms,” calling for four specific actions: 1) Trump must “disavow white supremacists and nationalist groups” and must “commit our nation to a formal process of healing and reconciliation”; 2) Congress must formally create an anti-discrimination commission to study the situation and recommend actions; 3) a “national task force” must be created to pass laws “ending racial violence and increasing police accountability”; and 4) the Dept of Justice must “reinvigorate” its Civil Rights Division.
The horror of White supremacy will only end, they conclude, when “white America is willing to collectively acknowledge its privilege, take responsibility… and commit to creating a future steeped in justice.” So, the moral here is that Floyd’s death, and the deaths of virtually any Black for virtually any reason over the past 400 years, is a result of White supremacy and White racism, for which all (White) Americans must make amends. The fact that many of these Blacks died at the hands of non-Whites is apparently irrelevant, as are the facts behind the unique circuмstances of every individual death. Rather than simply state that any criminal action, by anyone of any color, should be treated fairly under the law, the Ice Cream Jєωs use the present situation to slander and threaten the entire race of White Americans.
There are specific reasons why they do this. First, it is well-known that Jєωs are more comfortable and more effective at controlling and manipulating diverse, multiracial, and multicultural societies, than ones which are largely homogenous — and especially which are largely White. Jєωs succeed much more easily where they are one of many ethnic minorities. In such cases, they can work hard for “minority justice,” all while accruing the lion’s share of benefit for themselves. Second, Jєωs fear White societies more than any other — because Whites are their most formidable opponents in the struggle for social control. Thus, any actions to protect, defend, and increase the numbers of non-Whites work to their benefit. More non-Whites mean more exploitable social crises, more interracial dating, mating, and the consequent miscegenation, more crime, and therefore more decay of the hated White civilization. Third, as a propaganda effort, such “calls” warp and confuse the public mind, causing many weak-minded people — and unfortunately many weak-minded Whites — to assume that “anti-racism” and an anti-White stance are the morally superior positions. Jєωs thereby both draw in other non-Whites to their cause and they encourage Whites to work against their own interests and against their own well-being. And with the full force of media, government, and academia behind them, they frequently succeed. We need only watch the evening news these days to see the result.

Apart from the duplicitous and self-serving nature of such a statement, there is a vast truth here that is covered over and safely stashed away, never to be discussed. This is the reality of the American situation, which is a condition of Jєωιѕн supremacy. This Jєωιѕн supremacy, furthermore, is the root cause of many social ills in this country, and is the cause of uncounted suffering here and around the world. It is this very Jєωιѕн supremacy which must be addressed, exposed, and destroyed, if we are to get to a better state of affairs in this country.

I haven’t the space here to provide an elaboration, but a few words are necessary to demonstrate the extent of this problem, and to outline a solution. First, let there be no doubt: From its beginning, the United States was a White nation. From the start, every Founding Father, and every citizen, were White. Some 1 million Blacks lived here, but they were of course slaves with no civil standing. And the few thousand Jєωs — most of whom were petty shopkeepers, bankers, or slave-traders — exercised little direct influence. There were no “Hispanics” and no Asians to speak of. Under such conditions, America flourished.
Our nation began to unravel in the mid-1800s, first with giving civil rights and then citizenship to all Blacks — and indeed, to anyone born on US soil. This “birthright citizenship” of the 14th Amendment (1868) was a catastrophic development in our history, and we have been paying the price ever since. Suddenly, some 6 million Blacks, representing around 18% of the nation, became citizens. It was a burden, to be sure, but with no other substantial minorities, America could still progress.
Things further decayed from the late 1800s onward, as the Jєωιѕн population boomed: from 250,000 in 1880 to 1.5 million in 1900. By 1910, Jєωs were able to exert considerable influence on Congress — witness the 1911 abrogation of the US-Russia Trade Treaty, which served only to promote Jєωιѕн interests. From that point on, Jєωιѕн “supremacy” in American society accelerated. Jєωs had a prominent hand in US involvement in both World Warsi — drawing in our nation when we had no compelling interest in the conflicts. Jєωs — led by New York congressman Emanuel Celler — pushed the Johnson administration to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was another milestone in American decay. At the same time, they drove American involvement in the Vietnam War, ensuring that many White Americans would die. After the 1967 War in the Middle East, the American Jєωιѕн Lobby assumed a dominant role in society and government that it has never relinquished.
When naïve Whites or other non-Jєωs are first confronted with the concept of Jєωιѕн supremacism, their first instinct is to deny it. They will deny that Jєωs “run the media” or “control the government.” And yet, a few facts easily dispel those mistaken notions. Take the media. There are currently five major media conglomerates, and each one is owned or run by Jєωs: ABC/Disney (Alan Horn, Ben Sherwood, Alan Braverman, Lowell Singer, Alan Bergman), Warner/CNN(John Stankey, David Levy, Jeff Zucker, Doug Shapiro, Ann Sarnoff), NBC/Universal (Robert Greenblatt, Bonnie Hammer, Noah Oppenheim, Ron Meyer), 21st Century Fox (Murdoch family), and CBS/Viacom (Shari Redstone, David Nevins, Susan Zirinsky, David Stapf). American entertainment and American news programming are unquestionably Jєωιѕн-oriented, and serve Jєωιѕн interests.

Or consider politics. The Jєωιѕн Lobby, AIPAC, is the dominant lobby in Washington, rivalling even the NRA and the AARP. Jєωιѕн donors give between 25% (Republicans) and 60% (Democrats) of all political funds, and thus can virtually dictate policy of their choosing. For his part, President Trump is badly entangled with Jєωs, both through his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and through his many Jєωιѕн allies.ii And we must remind ourselves that of nine Supreme Court justices, three (33%) are Jєωs — Ginsburg, Kagan, and Breyer.

Other areas of society are likewise dominated, such as high tech. Jєωs run Facebook (Zuckerberg and Sandberg), Google (Page and Brin), Oracle (Ellison and Catz), and Dell Computer (Dell). And they play a critical role in the vast system of technological surveillance.iii
Once we have established the facts of Jєωιѕн supremacy, the next typical response is: “So what?” The reply to this is simple: Americans are virtual slaves to Jєωιѕн interests, and are allowing themselves to be brainwashed, degraded, and deceived in the process. Literally trillions of dollars are being diverted to Jєωs and their institutions, primarily from the pockets of hard-working Whites. And primarily White soldiers are fighting and dying in the American military, simply in order to make the world safe for Israel and Jєωs globally. The costs to society could scarcely be higher. Jєωιѕн supremacy must end, now.
Here, then, is my declaration:

Silence Is Not an Option

The present chaos among American cities, and throughout American society at large, is neither surprising nor unexpected. In fact, it was absolutely predictable and inevitable. In the history of humanity, there has never been a stable and successful multiracial, multicultural nation. In fact, such things were always the precursors of social decay, decline, and collapse. This was true for ancient Babylon, it was true for the Roman Empire, it was true for Austria-Hungary, it was true for the Soviet Union. And it will be true for America. Disease, economic upheaval, political corruption, social unrest, crime, moral decay — all these are inevitable in the present-day United States.
The current fuss over George Floyd is a smokescreen. Floyd was a petty criminal caught passing fake $20 bills; he was also apparently drunk or stoned, and was likely driving that way. Through an unfortunate series of events, he ended up dead, but there are far worse tragedies happening in this nation on a daily basis. And top of the list is Jєωιѕн supremacy — that unspoken scourge upon civilized humanity.
Virtually every major social, political, and economic problem faced by this nation is driven, at root, by Jєωιѕн supremacy — by the policies and dictates of wealthy and influential American Jєωs in government, media, commerce, and academia. Jєωs dominate or control every major American media corporation. They give 25% to 50% of all political donation funds, and hence are able to buy politicians; the Jєωιѕн Lobby, headed by AIPAC, dictates much of federal legislation, and has the power to destroy any politician who fails to bow down. And their wealth is astonishing; Jєωs constitute over half of the richest 50 Americans, and between a third and a half of the top 500. The 6 million American Jєωs own or control, in total, around $50 trillion. The facts of Jєωιѕн supremacy cannot be denied.
As such, Jєωs must assume primary responsibility for the many failings of American society — the economic exploitation of workers, the rampant drug abuse and addiction, the moral corruption of TV and cinema, the wanton manipulation and distortion of news media, the trillions of dollars spent on foreign wars for Jєωιѕн and Israeli benefit, and the large and growing presence of non-Whites in our nation. Such things are the poisonous fruit of the toxic seeds of Judaism that were planted on our shores over 400 years ago. We — White Americans — must tackle these many problems, but we also must embark upon the more complicated work of delivering justice to all those harmed by Jєωιѕн supremacy in America, especially in the past 100 years. Today, there is an urgent need to take concrete steps to dismantle Jєωιѕн supremacy in all its forms. To this end, I call for six actions:

First, educate: There is vast public ignorance on Jєωιѕн supremacy. Likewise, there is vast ignorance on the thousand-year history of Jєωιѕн malfeasance and misanthropy, of Jєωιѕн contempt and hatred for all non-Jєωs.iv The facts are undeniable; they need to be widely disseminated.

Second, identify: Prominent Jєωs often escape public notice because they are not obvious, and they are not outed. Religious (orthodox) Jєωs are relatively easy to spot, but the many secular Jєωs are not. Jєωs in media, government, business, and academia need to be called out; as the Black apologists like to exclaim, we must say their names. Jєωs, half-Jєωs, those with Jєωιѕн spouses or children must be named and outed. It is intolerable that they circulate largely unnoticed.
Third, isolate: We need to sanction and boycott all Jєωιѕн-dominated institutions. We must stop patronizing their corporations, their media, their technology, their universities. This action is consistent with the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction (BDS) policy against Israel; similar actions need to be taken against all Jєωιѕн-owned or -controlled entities. Simultaneously, we need to create and support local, White-owned and operated organizations.
Fourth, quota: Jєωιѕн overrepresentation in all fields must be circuмscribed by specific quotas. At least initially, we must limit Jєωιѕн representation to their proportion of the US population; currently, the figure is around two percent. Thus, Jєωs must immediately be restricted to 2% of Congressmen, 2% of tech executives, 2% of Hollywood producers and directors, 2% of university instructors. And, most vitally, Jєωs must be restricted to just 2% of the total private wealth in the US; this will entail a massive confiscation and redistribution of Jєωιѕн wealth — much of it ill-gotten in the first place. This is only fair, and any claims to the contrary can only be deemed ‘racist.’
Fifth, penalize: American Jєωs must pay, literally, for their many crimes against humanity. As noted above, asset confiscation is a start. If American Jєωs own or control $50 trillion, but their ‘fair share’ is, say, $2 trillion, then we need immediate confiscation of some $48 trillion in Jєωιѕн assets.v Additionally, we need to reestablish the ancient idea of a “Jєω tax,” something implemented by the Romans after the Jєωιѕн rebellion in Jerusalem in the year 70. Jєωιѕн income must be subject to a considerable tax — perhaps a flat rate of 50% on all incomes — in order to restrict their ability to regain wealth.

Sixth, evacuate: The ultimate goal, as many prominent thinkers have realized over the centuries, is to rid the nation of its Jєωs. The pernicious and endemic character of Jєωιѕн corruption can truly be solved in no other way. History has proven that wherever Jєωs accuмulate in more than a fraction of a percent of a populace, they begin to exert a corrupting influence. They cannot be restrained, they cannot be civilized, they cannot be taught. This is a sad but eternal fact of the Jєωιѕн people. Therefore, any nation that hopes to prosper and thrive must banish them. Voluntarily or forcefully, slowly or quickly — out they must go. Away to Israel, to their native homeland.

Once Jєωιѕн supremacy and Jєωιѕн power have been destroyed in America, other problems — with Blacks, with Hispanics, with Asians — can begin to be addressed. Here too, we will need a process of education, of isolation, of penalty, and ultimately of repatriation. Multiracial America will cease being multiracial, or else it will cease to exist.
Unless and until White America is willing to collectively acknowledge its responsibility for its own well-being, and to acknowledge the fundamental role of Jєωιѕн supremacy in the many crises of our nation, our problems will never end. We must use this moment to turn the tide against the Jєωs, to reclaim our country, and to secure, for the first time in many decades, a vastly brighter future.
* * *
Thomas Dalton, PhD, is the author or editor of many books and articles pertaining to White interests, National Socialism, anti-Judaism, and h0Ɩ0cαųst revisionism. Among these are his popular work Debating the h0Ɩ0cαųst, and his new translation of Mein Kampf. For more details, see the listing of his books available at the Cosmotheist book store, and also see his personal Web site


i. See my book “The Jєωιѕн Hand in the World Wars” (2019).
ii. Including Lew Eisenberg, Sheldon Adelson, Mel Sembler, Ron Weiser, Steve Wynn, Elliot Broidy, Laurie Perlmutter, Gail Icahn, Avi Berkowitz, Michael Cohen, Gary Cohn, Reed Cordish, Boris Epshteyn, David Friedman, Jason Greenblatt, Larry Kudlow, Stephen Miller, Steven Mnuchin, David Shulkin, and Allen Weisselberg
iii. See, for example, Whitney Webb’s article “How the CIA, Mossad, and ‘the Epstein Network’ are Exploiting Mass Shootings” (here).
iv. See my book “Eternal Strangers” (2020).
v. We can only imagine the economic benefits that such a windfall would bring.

Source: Truth to Power

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Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2020, 01:00:32 AM »
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  • 8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community - however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things - whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.мents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #2 on: June 14, 2020, 11:07:54 AM »
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  • 8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community - however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things - whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.мents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html

    Recognizing reality does not equate to “rais[ing] these notions above their standard value and diviniz[ing] them to an idolatrous level.”  We’ve been through this before, you disingenuous Marxist Modernist.  Your innocent oblivious act doesn’t fool me for a second.

    How you haven’t long since been banned boggles my mind.  Just because your approach is to like act like an innocent doofus, doesn’t change the fact that you are an infiltrator here to convert us away from true Catholicism.  Nor do you miss many opportunities to drive your poisonous social and political agendas.

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #3 on: June 14, 2020, 11:23:15 AM »
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  • Quote
    Thomas Dalton, PhD, is the author or editor of many books and articles pertaining to White interests, National Socialism, anti-Judaism, and h0Ɩ0cαųst revisionism. Among these are his popular work Debating the h0Ɩ0cαųst, and his new translation of Mein Kampf.

    Of all people to quote as being something good, a National Socialist.....and a man interested in Hitler and Mein Kampf. Basically, a nαzι.
    Why would you do this?

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #4 on: June 14, 2020, 01:55:26 PM »
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  • One of the main architects of the revolution against the White Race by the Zionists, the real enemy of the civilized world...  (BTW, his name was NOT Hitler!)

    The Evil Professor Frederick Lindemann

    by Mike King

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #5 on: June 14, 2020, 01:57:07 PM »
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  • I think Catholics should get financial reparations from the perfidious Jєωs because they knowingly killed the Son of God, the King of Heaven and Earth- OUR King. Humanly speaking it is the greatest crime of all time, meant for the victimization of all mankind except for them. Slavery  or the h0Ɩ0h0αx can't compare. The Rothschilds could spare a few trillion.

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #6 on: June 14, 2020, 01:59:33 PM »
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  • 8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community - however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things - whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.мents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html
    Poche, would the quotation you posted apply to Zionists and BLM? Please don’t generalize your answer either, I want to know if you believe the quotation about exalting race taken from MIT BRENNENDER SORGE would apply specifically to those two ideologies. 

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #7 on: June 14, 2020, 03:56:17 PM »
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  • Theodore Roosevelt when he paid a visit to South America at the turn of the 20th century said: “While these countries remain Catholic,” he said, “we will not be able to dominate them.”

    Put another way, as long as baptized Catholics behave like Protestants, pagans, athiests, and Socialists, they can be easily dominated. As is the case today. The Jєωs would have no effect in the world would a percentage of the 1+ billion Catholics really live the faith. Till they do, we will continue on the same trajectory, down to the dregs.

    Sodom and Gomorrah would have been spared by God had Abraham found 10 just men.
    The Vatican II church - Assisting Souls to Hell Since 1962

    For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Mat 24:24

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #8 on: June 14, 2020, 11:43:05 PM »
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  • Recognizing reality does not equate to “rais[ing] these notions above their standard value and diviniz[ing] them to an idolatrous level.”  We’ve been through this before, you disingenuous Marxist Modernist.  Your innocent oblivious act doesn’t fool me for a second.

    How you haven’t long since been banned boggles my mind.  Just because your approach is to like act like an innocent doofus, doesn’t change the fact that you are an infiltrator here to convert us away from true Catholicism.  Nor do you miss many opportunities to drive your poisonous social and political agendas.
    My only desire is an exchange of ideas among fellow Catholics. If there is any conversion it would be toward bringing those outside of the true Faith to know the truth feel that they are welcome in the Catholic Church. That God and the Blessed Virgin may be praised. 

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #9 on: June 14, 2020, 11:44:33 PM »
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  • Poche, would the quotation you posted apply to Zionists and BLM? Please don’t generalize your answer either, I want to know if you believe the quotation about exalting race taken from MIT BRENNENDER SORGE would apply specifically to those two ideologies.
    The law of God applies to everyone. 

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #10 on: June 15, 2020, 01:03:40 AM »
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  • The law of God applies to everyone.
    > Is specifically asked not to give a generalized answer.

    > Proceeds to give one of his usual cookie-cutter, noncommittal, generalized answers.

    Poche, you're fundamentally dishonest down to the fibers of your butter-clogged heart.

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #11 on: June 15, 2020, 01:12:12 AM »
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  • Recognizing reality does not equate to “rais[ing] these notions above their standard value and diviniz[ing] them to an idolatrous level.”  We’ve been through this before, you disingenuous Marxist Modernist.  Your innocent oblivious act doesn’t fool me for a second.

    How you haven’t long since been banned boggles my mind.  Just because your approach is to like act like an innocent doofus, doesn’t change the fact that you are an infiltrator here to convert us away from true Catholicism.  Nor do you miss many opportunities to drive your poisonous social and political agendas.

    Poche has openly espoused heresies and blasphemies in perfect comfort and safety on CI, with nary even a temporary ban. His position here has clearly been... secured, let us say.

    The most proximate threat to Poche's posting future on CI is his own butter-and-cheese soaked soul food diet. So pass the pigs feet and cross your fingers.

    Offline roscoe

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #12 on: June 15, 2020, 01:15:03 AM »
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  • Why even read posts by pooche..?? :sleep:
    There Is No Such Thing As 'Sede Vacantism'...
    nor is there such thing as a 'Feeneyite' or 'Feeneyism'

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #13 on: June 15, 2020, 01:18:50 AM »
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  • > Is specifically asked not to give a generalized answer.

    > Proceeds to give one of his usual cookie-cutter, noncommittal, generalized answers.

    Poche, you're fundamentally dishonest down to the fibers of your butter-clogged heart.
    How did I not answer the question?

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    Re: We Must Dismantle Jєωιѕн Supremacy - Silence Is Not an Option
    « Reply #14 on: June 15, 2020, 01:20:44 AM »
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  • Poche has openly espoused heresies and blasphemies in perfect comfort and safety on CI, with nary even a temporary ban. His position here has clearly been... secured, let us say.

    The most proximate threat to Poche's posting future on CI is his own butter-and-cheese soaked soul food diet. So pass the pigs feet and cross your fingers.
    I simply state what his holiness Pope Pius XI said. Do you mean to say that Pope Pius XI was heretical and blasphemous?