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Offline JohnChrysostom

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The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2012, 02:56:04 PM »
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  • Jєωs write our History and why the barrage of mistruths regarding Hitler, Mussolini and Franco...all Great Catholic men. Who fought FOR Homeland, Faith, Family and against Jєω Bolshevism.

    The government subsidy which the German Catholic Church had enjoyed under his predecessors was tripled under Roman Catholic Chancellor Adolf Hitler.

    "Between 1933, when he took office, and 1938 it rose from 150,000,000 marks a year to 500,000,000.  'What was your subsidy to the Churches', he asked of France, Britain, and America?  He had never closed a church, and he left the Roman Church the richest land-owner in south and west Germany.  It drew 1,500,000,000 marks a year from its property alone.  (German papers give its wealth as $20,000,000,000).  All that he asked was that priests should behave themselves as respectably as other citizens.  "Paederasty and the corruption of children," he said, "are punished by law like other crimes in this state."  The roars of applause in this case expressed the sentiment of practically the whole of Germany."  [How The Cross Courted The Swastika For Eight Years, by Joseph McCabe, chapter IV.]


    "After the Concordat between the nαzι regime and the Holy See (i.e. "Throne") had been concluded in the summer of 1933, Cardinal Faulhaber sent a handwritten note to Hitler, stating, "What the old parliaments and parties did not accomplish in 60 years, your statesmanlike foresight has achieved in six months. For Germany's prestige in East and West . . . this handshake with the papacy, the greatest moral power in the history of the world, is a feat of immeasurable blessing." These words were written – other German "princes of the Church" expressed themselves similarly – some time after the nαzι regime had abolished virtually all civil liberties, had dissolved all political parties other than its own, and had decreed the removal of "non-Aryans" from public service as well as from pastoral functions, all clearly steps toward the deprivation of citizenship rights of the Jєωs. These actions were never protested by members of the hierarchy, and expressions such as Faulhaber's could only bolster the regime and help sustain its policies."
    [ from "The Silence of the Vatican byH. Brand  

    English version of the actual text of
        the Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich

    Article 1
    The German Reich guarantees freedom of profession and public practice of the Catholic religion.
    It acknowledges the right of the Catholic Church, within the limit of those laws which are applicable to all, to manage and regulate her own affairs independently, and, within the framework of her own competence, to publish laws and ordinances binding on her members.

    Article 2
    The Concordats concluded with Bavaria (1924), Prussia (1929) and Baden (1932) remain in force, and the rights and privileges of the Catholic Church recognized therein are secured unchanged within the territories of the States concerned. For the remaining States the agreements entered into in the present Concordat come into force in their entirety. These last are also binding for those States named above in so far as they affect matters not regulated by the regional Concordats or are complementary to the settlement already made.

    Article 3
    In order to foster good relations between the Holy See and the German Reich, an Apostolic Nuncio will reside in the capital of the German Reich and an Ambassador of the German Reich at the Holy See, as heretofore.
                    [ see the official "explanation" of this article attached below ]

    Article 4
    In its relations and correspondence with the bishops, clergy and other members of the Catholic Church in Germany, the Holy See enjoys full freedom. The same applies to the bishops and other diocesan officials in their dealings with the faithful in all matters belonging to their pastoral office.
    Instructions, ordinances, Pastoral Letters, official diocesan gazettes, and other enactments regarding the spiritual direction of the faithful issued by the ecclesiastical authorities within the framework of their competence (Art. 1, Sect. 2) may be published without hindrance and brought to the notice of the faithful in the form hitherto usual.

    Article 5
    In the exercise of their spiritual activities the clergy enjoy the protection of the State in the same way as State officials. The State will take proceedings in accordance with the general provisions of State law against any outrage offered to the clergy personally or directed against their ecclesiastical character, or any interference with the duties of their office, and in case of need will provide official protection.

    Article 6
    Clerics and Religious are freed from any obligation to undertake official offices and such obligations as, according to the provisions of Canon Law, are incompatible with the clerical or religious state. This applies particularly to the office of magistrate, juryman, member of Taxation Committee or member of the Fiscal Tribunal.

    Article 7
    The acceptance of an appointment or office in the State, or in any publicly constituted corporation dependent on the State, requires, in the case of the clergy, the nihil obstat of the Diocesan Ordinary of the individual concerned, as well as that of the Ordinary of the place in which the publicly constituted corporation is situated. The nihil obstat may be withdrawn at any time for grave reasons affecting ecclesiastical interests.

    Article 8
    The official income of the clergy is immune from distraint to the same extent as is the official salary of officials of the Reich and State.

    Article 9
    The clergy may not be required by judicial and other officials to give information concerning matters which have been entrusted to them while exercising the care of souls, and which therefore come within the obligation of pastoral secrecy.

    Article 10
    The wearing of clerical dress or of a religious habit on the part of lay folk, or of clerics or religious who have been forbidden to wear them by a final and valid injunction made by the competent ecclesiastical authority and officially communicated to the State authority, is liable to the same penalty on the part of the State as the misuse of military uniform.

    Article 13
    Catholic parishes, parish and diocesan societies, episcopal sees, bishoprics and chapters, religious Orders and Congregations, as well as institutions, foundations and property which are under the administration of ecclesiastical authority, shall retain or acquire respectively legal competence in the civil domain according to the general prescriptions of civil law. They shall remain publicly recognized corporations in so far as they have been such hitherto; similar rights may be granted to the remainder in accordance with those provisions of the law which apply to all.
                    [ see the official "explanation" of this article attached below ]

    Article 14.
    As a matter of principle the Church retains the right to appoint freely to all Church offices and benefices without the co-operation of the State or of civil communities, in so far as other provisions have not been made in previous Concordats mentioned in Article 2. The regulation made for appointment to the Metropolitan see of Freiburg (the Ecclesiastical Province of the Upper Rhine) is to be duly applied to the two suffragan bishoprics of Rottenburg and Mainz, as well as to the bishopric of Meissen. With regard to Rottenburg and Mainz the same regulation holds for appointments to the Cathedral Chapter, and for the administration of the right of patronage. Furthermore, there is accord on the following points:

    Article 17
    The property and other rights of public corporation, institutions, foundations and associations of the Catholic Church regarding their vested interests, are guaranteed according to the common law of the land.
    No building dedicated to public worship may be destroyed for any reason whatsoever without the previous consent of ecclesiastical authorities concerned.

    Article 20
    Where other agreements do not exist, the Church has the right to establish theological and philosophical colleges for the training of its clergy, which institutions are to be wholly dependent on the ecclesiastical authorities if no State subsidies are sought.
    The establishment, management and administration if theological seminaries and hostels for clerical students, within the limits of the law applicable to all, is exclusively the prerogative of the ecclesiastical authorities.

                    [ see the official "explanation" of this article attached below ]

    Article 21
    Catholic religious instruction in elementary, senior, secondary and vocational schools constitutes a regular portion of the curriculum, and is to be taught in accordance with the principles of the Catholic Church. In religious instruction, special care will be taken to inculcate patriotic, civic and social consciousness and sense of duty in the spirit of the Christian Faith and the moral code, precisely as in the case of other subjects. The syllabus and the selection of textbooks for religious instruction will be arranged by consultative agreement with the ecclesiastical authorities, and these latter have the right to investigate whether pupils are receiving religious instruction in accordance with the teachings and requirements of the Church. Opportunities for such investigation will be agreed upon with the school authorities.

    Article 29
    Catholic members of a non-German minority living within the Reich, in matters concerning the use of their mother tongue in church services [sermons], religious instruction and the conduct of church societies, will be accorded no less favorable treatment than that which is actually and in accordance with law permitted to individuals of German origin and speech living within the boundaries of the corresponding foreign States.

    Article 30
    On Sundays and Holy days, special prayers, conforming to the Liturgy, will be offered during the principal Mass for the welfare of the German Reich and its people in all episcopal, parish and conventual churches and chapels of the German Reich.

    Salient features of the 1933 Reichconcordat :

     1)  The right to freedom of religion.
     2)  The state concordats with Bavaria (1924), Prussia (1929), and Baden (1932) remain valid.
     4) Unhindered correspondence between the Holy See (i.e. "Throne") and German Catholics.
    13) The right of the church to collect church taxes.
    14)  "Catholic clerics who hold an ecclesiastical office in Germany or who exercise pastoral or educational functions must:
         (a) be German citizens.
         (b) have matriculated from a German secondary school.
         (c) have studied philosophy and theology for at least three years at a German State University, a German ecclesiastical college, or a papal college in Rome.
    [ All of which, except for the papal college. would be under strict nαzι control. ]

    18)  State services to the church can be abolished only by mutual agreement.
    21)  and teachers for Catholic religion can be employed only with the approval of the bishop.
    22)  Catholic religion is taught in school
    31)  Protection of Catholic organizations and freedom of religious practice.
    32)  Clerics may not be members of or be active for political parties.
    33)  "Should differences of opinion arise regarding the interpretation or execution of any of the articles of this Concordat, the Holy See (i.e. "Throne") and the German Reich will reach a friendly solution by mutual agreement." (LOL)

    On April 26th, 1933 Adolf Hitler had one of his very rare intimate meetings with the Catholic bishops of Germany who were represented by Bishop Berning and Monsignor Steinmann.  The participants in this meeting made some very historic statements.
    "He (Hitler) welcomed the opportunity to explain himself to a Catholic bishop, for he had been reproached with being an enemy of Christianity and this reproach had hurt him deeply.  He was convinced that without Christianity one could neither run a personal life nor a state, and Germany in particular needed the kind of religious and moral foundation only Christianity could provide.  But Hitler also had come to realize that the Christian churches in the last centuries had not mustered enough strength to overcome the enemies of both state and Christianity unaided.  They had falsely believed that liberalism, Socialism and Bolshevism could be defeated by way of intellectual arguments.  Hence he (Hitler) had decided to come to the Church's help and he had undertaken to destroy godlessness (liberalism) and Bolshevism.  Occasional harshness might accompany this fight but that could not be avoided.  After relaying this last sentence, Bishop Berning commented, 'He spoke with warmth and equanimity, here and there temperamentally.  Not a word against the Church, for the bishops nothing but appreciation.'

    Hitler then touched upon the Jєωιѕн question and, again stressing the fundamental agreement between National Socialism and Catholicism, pointed out that the Church always had regarded the Jєωs as parasites and had banished them into the ghetto.  He was merely going to do what the Church had done for 1,500 years..  Hitler suggests that his anti-Jєωιѕн actions are "doing Christianity a great service."

    Altogether, Hitler affirmed, he was personally convinced of the great power and significance of Christianity and he therefore would not permit the founding of another religion. . .   Being a Catholic himself, he would not tolerate another Kulturkampf and the rights of the Church would be left intact.

    Concerning the school question, Hitler declared that he would never accept an entirely secular school system.  Character could be built only on the basis of religion.  We must have believers, Bishop Berning reports him saying.  "We need soldiers, devout soldiers.  Devout soldiers are the most valuable, for they risk all.  Therefore we shall keep the parochial schools in order to bring up believers," and in this task Church and State must co-operate closely.  Hitler also promised to continue the Catholic organizations if they promoted Christian ideas and at the same time maintained a positive relationship to the state and were public-spirited.  But all residues of liberalism and Marxism would have to be eliminated.. .  Hitler ended the talk by stressing the great importance he attributed to working closely with the Catholic Church." [ Lewy p. 51-52 ]


    In "Constantine's Sword", the Catholic scholar, James Carroll, covers 1600 years of Roman Catholic Church antisemitism, but the following deals with its culmination in nαzι Germany:
             "That is why (Bishop of Trier) Bornewasser's support of the nαzι slate in the March 1933 election – again, opposing the Catholic Center Party – was so important.  Once Hitler came fully into power that spring, however, Bornewasser's support, among Catholics, would become far from unique.  In the Trier Cathedral, before a congregation of Catholic youth, the bishop declared that "with raised heads and firm step we have entered the new Reich and we are prepared to serve it with all the might of our body and soul."

    Offline 1st Mansion Tenant

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    The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
    « Reply #16 on: October 15, 2012, 11:12:09 PM »
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  • Quote from: dendever
    I'm sorry Mr. Gibson. Good luck with the Joe Eszterhas tape.

    Your absolutely right if Christ were walking around today, he would goosestep those Jєωs right into the ovens. Why we were just discussing that very fact down at the masonic lodge, while waiting for the black helicopter to take us to Rome.
    It's great doing Satan's work. I love my zionist masters.

    I'm outta here, this place is no better than the Westboro Baptist Church.

    WOW.  I too have discovered a very strong antisemitic undertone here. I had read assessments of Tradition and especially the SSPX that claimed they were (very antisemitic), but I have been reading the posts here for about a year and discovered that there must be some KKK meetings I did not know about.

    I can go along with some of the conspiracy theories- heck, I listen to Coast to Coast every night- but some of this Jєω-hating and nαzι picture business is over the top. I understand that the Jєωs caused the death of Christ. [/b][/i]But He forgave them from the cross.[/i][/u]  I understand that they missed the boat and mistakenly await the Messiah. For that they need a lot of prayer. I even understand that they predominantly hold powerful positions in media, banking, science, etc. Makes me wish my own  culture would hold vastly higher  standards of education in equal esteem and obtain some of the same results.

    I have attended an SSPX chapel for a few years now. I have never heard  vitriolic remarks from people there about Jєωs or anybody else. Some may say the Catholics have felt such hatred  towards the Jєωs throughout history, so it would just be part of the  'Traditional Catholic Culture". Maybe so. But I really have a hard time thinking Jesus Christ would say or approve of  some of the things I read here. Maybe some of you would like to Photoshop His image into a nαzι uniform so he can be your avatar? Then those of us who are not thirsty for Jєω-blood (or any other kind) will know which posts to avoid.

    Offline ServusSpiritusSancti

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    The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
    « Reply #17 on: October 15, 2012, 11:40:33 PM »
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  • Quote from: 1st Mission Tenant
    I have attended an SSPX chapel for a few years now. I have never heard  vitriolic remarks from people there about Jєωs or anybody else. Some may say the Catholics have felt such hatred  towards the Jєωs throughout history, so it would just be part of the  'Traditional Catholic Culture". Maybe so. But I really have a hard time thinking Jesus Christ would say or approve of  some of the things I read here. Maybe some of you would like to Photoshop His image into a nαzι uniform so he can be your avatar? Then those of us who are not thirsty for Jєω-blood (or any other kind) will know which posts to avoid.

    Just because Christ forgave His enemies doesn't mean that Jєωs suddenly became good people and friends of the Church. Rather, Jєωs, along with Freemasons and Communists, remain the biggest enemy of the Church.

    St. Fulgentius said that ALL JєωS would be damned. Furthermore, the Church condemns any gatherings with the Jєωs. A few quotes:

    Whence it sometimes happens through error that Christians mingle with the women of Jєωs and Mohammedans and, on the other hand, Jєωs and Mohammedans mingle with those of Christians. Therefore, in order that such ruinous commingling of this kind through error may not serve as a refuge for further excuse for excess, We decree that such people of both sexes, that is, Jєωs and Mohammedans, be distinguished in public by a difference in dress in every province of Christendom and at all times, since this was also enjoined on such people by Moses. - IV Lateran Council

    If any ecclesiastic or layman shall go into the ѕуηαgσgυє of the Jєωs or to the meeting-houses of the heretics to join in prayer with them, let them be deposed and deprived of communion. If any bishop or priest or deacon shall join in prayer with heretics, let him be suspended from communion. - II Council of Constantinople

    Please ignore ALL of my posts. I was naive during my time posting on this forum and didn’t know any better. I retract and deeply regret any and all uncharitable or erroneous statements I ever made here.

    Offline Marcelino

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    The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
    « Reply #18 on: October 16, 2012, 03:00:31 AM »
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  • Quote from: 1st Mansion Tenant
    Quote from: dendever
    I'm sorry Mr. Gibson. Good luck with the Joe Eszterhas tape.

    Your absolutely right if Christ were walking around today, he would goosestep those Jєωs right into the ovens. Why we were just discussing that very fact down at the masonic lodge, while waiting for the black helicopter to take us to Rome.
    It's great doing Satan's work. I love my zionist masters.

    I'm outta here, this place is no better than the Westboro Baptist Church.

    WOW.  I too have discovered a very strong antisemitic undertone here. I had read assessments of Tradition and especially the SSPX that claimed they were (very antisemitic), but I have been reading the posts here for about a year and discovered that there must be some KKK meetings I did not know about.

    I can go along with some of the conspiracy theories- heck, I listen to Coast to Coast every night- but some of this Jєω-hating and nαzι picture business is over the top. I understand that the Jєωs caused the death of Christ. [/b][/i]But He forgave them from the cross.[/i][/u]  I understand that they missed the boat and mistakenly await the Messiah. For that they need a lot of prayer. I even understand that they predominantly hold powerful positions in media, banking, science, etc. Makes me wish my own  culture would hold vastly higher  standards of education in equal esteem and obtain some of the same results.

    I have attended an SSPX chapel for a few years now. I have never heard  vitriolic remarks from people there about Jєωs or anybody else. Some may say the Catholics have felt such hatred  towards the Jєωs throughout history, so it would just be part of the  'Traditional Catholic Culture". Maybe so. But I really have a hard time thinking Jesus Christ would say or approve of  some of the things I read here. Maybe some of you would like to Photoshop His image into a nαzι uniform so he can be your avatar? Then those of us who are not thirsty for Jєω-blood (or any other kind) will know which posts to avoid.

    Well, it was Bishop Williamson who denied the h0Ɩ0cαųst was actually an attempt to exterminate 6 million Jєωs.  So, once you take that off the table, what was the point of destroying nαzι Germany?  

    Offline 1st Mansion Tenant

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    The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
    « Reply #19 on: October 17, 2012, 04:15:46 PM »
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  • I might be mistaken, but I believe Bishop Williamson's comments were more along the line that the number of Jєωs killed in the h0Ɩ0cαųst  were inflated, and that the exact means of death (gas chambers) would not corroborate such numbers. But I do not think anyone can deny that the nαzι's wrongfully killed or caused the deaths of a whole bunch of people; including gypsies, mentally deficient, homos, (and at least one priest I can think of). and others who who were caught up in the undertow. Now whether that number is 1 million or 6 million, it was wrong, sinful, evil. Some of the deaths may have been inadvertent, but those people are just as dead. Yes, Hitler improved the economy for Germany- war always does till things go the other way. He was kind to his dog. Many found him charming and he evidently induced frenzied loyalty in many. But killing all those people was wrong, whether it was by gas chamber, bullets, bludgeoning,  or by starvation, exposure, and disease because they were corralled in camps like animals.
    (animal hoarders who keep their pets in those conditions are  sent to prison) I don't think St. Maximilian Kolbe would buy it either. (Maybe you can find a photo of him (Kolbe) shaking hands with Hitler somewhere?)

    Offline Stephanos II

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    The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
    « Reply #20 on: September 29, 2013, 08:09:36 PM »
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  • ...

    Well, it was Bishop Williamson who denied the h0Ɩ0cαųst was actually an attempt to exterminate 6 million Jєωs.  So, once you take that off the table, what was the point of destroying nαzι Germany?  

    Quite simple, nαzι Germany turned our ally Japan into our enemy 9 months prior to Pearl Harbor. William L. Shirer recounts this in the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Without that Japan would never have attacked the United States in spite of Japan's small group of militarist Imperialists in their Army and despite Roosevelt wanting the United States in that war - Shirer recounts that also. (The Japanese Navy was defensive and didn't want the war, but when ordered to, they attacked Pearl Harbor.) The war and the United States being pulled into it was for the purpose to help the Jєωs' plans to invade Palestine and the Jєωs' plans to set up the United Nations to take over the sovereignty of all independent nations. Furthermore, after Pearl Harbor, nαzι Germany immediately declared war on the United States. The nαzιs were not Christian, they persecuted Christians, especially Catholics. The nαzιs invaded and pillaged lands and nations that they had NO RIGHT to do that to. The Jєωs would never have been able to invade Palestine without the help of three powers - Britain, nαzι Germany and the United States, in that order. As Pope St. Pius X said, the Jєωs do not recognize the Lord Jesus Christ and so we do not recognized them - St. Pius X gave them NO support for their plan to invade Palestine when Zionist instigator Theodore Herzl revealed that to St. Pius X and asked for his support in it. So the Jєωs took the trouble of provoking two world wars to accomplish their goal. Hitler was their lackey - the Jєω Bankers in London financed all of his plans.

    The 6 million is a hoax, but the nαzιs were evil for a whole host of other reasons.

    The WHOLE purpose of the Jєωs of their Zionism is to bring the Antichrist into the world to give the Jєωs power over everyone else.

    Nostrae Aetate is the Vatican II libellus - Mark of the Beast - of their Apostasy to the Jєω Antichrist. One of Hitler's ambitions was to be the Jєωs' false messiah, the Antichrist, but he knew he would never be that. He was a forerunner of it.

    If you get a chance, ask the old time Austrian and Czech and Slovak and Polish and Italian and French and other Catholics who went through it, what they think of Hitler and Mussolini. They will spit on the ground.

    Just for instance, my friend at a local Catholic Bookstore (twenty years ago), Anna Maria (I won't include her last name), remembers Mussolini and Hitler and despised both of them. Anna is a good traditional Catholic who grew up in Italy during Mussolini. She is representative of that whole generation in Europe and America - they all hated Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. The whole generation in uniform for America and her allies in WWII would have followed Patton to totally remove Stalin and the Bolshevik Jєω Communists after they removed Stalin's one time ally, Hitler and the nαzιs. The Jєωs murdered Patton to prevent that. There was a core support for those three forerunners of the Antichrist (Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin) which when coupled with certain banking and industrial support and certain politicians only made them possible. Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ was behind all of that and behind especially the three Devil's minions - Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. It was the result of the Anti-Catholic Freemasonic and Revolutionary Risorgimento of the 19th/20th centuries. All of it was planned over a very long period of time by the enemies of Christ and His true Church. At the core was always the Jєωs. Now they have the Vatican since V2.

    Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Cardinal Ottaviani and Cardinal Siri and the others of the faithful resistance to V2 knew all of this - they knew the core purpose of the Jєωs and every kind of support right and left of them, religious and political, was to bring the Antichrist into the world. They knew the principle target of the Freemasons and Zionists was to destroy the Catholic Church. Hitler was only one stooge and one step of many in that.

    Today the Jєωs play their little game of: if Hitler is evil then the Jєωs are good and conversely if anyone defies the Jєωs then they are a nαzι. Nonsense. Hitler and the Jєωs are both evil. The Zondercommando camp guards in the relocation camps for the invasion of Palestine were Jєωs. Hitler's entire military machine had a huge number of Jєω officers throughout the reign of nαzι Germany. nαzι Germany served the Zionists and their evil Antichrist plans.

    Today the genocide is by the Jєωs against Palestine and the whole middle East and the whole world.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ said to the Jєωs: John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ warned of the plans of the Jєωs to install the Antichrist in Jerusalem at the end of the age here: Matthew 24:15 When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand.

    Matthew 24:15 also applies to the abomination that B'nai B'rith Jєω Cardinal Bea (Jєω name Behar) and Freemason Annibale Bugnini did to the Mass.

    One leads to the other. Have nothing to do with either. Eternal life is at stake.

    Offline Jerry

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    The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
    « Reply #21 on: October 04, 2013, 09:24:50 AM »
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  • Shirer offers propaganda not history.

    Bishop Williamson was absolutely correct. No where near 6 million died in the h0Ɩ0cαųst. The international red cross after the war came in at 123,000. That number was probably low, realistic number fall below 300,000. Germany had a population of 500,000 Jєωs half of which after the war migrated to Palestine, and Germany still pays reparations to many more within Germany.

    Yes it is true that the Jєωs financed the camps. But it is not accurate to claim that Hitler was a Jєωιѕн lackey. He merely wanted them out of the country as they were communist ιnѕυrrєcтισnists who frequently betrayed Germany during the Weimar Republic. Madagasgar and Uganda were both offered. They would accept only Palestine. The camps were transition camps where they died of typhus.

    Austria always considered herself part of Germany and supported Hitler and National Socialism. The Austrian people voted in a plebesite 98% to return to Germany. This happened despite the Austrian government broadcasting messages over public speakers encouraging the people to reject unification with Germany, an altering the voting age to disqualify the younger voters who were known to be pro-German.

    Poland -- under Pilsudski an anti-communist, Germany enjoyed a very good relationship. When he died the German government recognized him with  moment of silence and Hitler praised his anti-communist policies. After his death the Polish government was controlled by communists put in power by Stalin. That led to pogroms targeting ethnic Germans. In 1939 alone 58,000 Germans were murdered by the Polish in the Danzig Corridor alone. Germany protested to the League of Nations dozens of times with no results. Germany invaded Poland to end the carnage. For more on that read The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau written by De Zayas who was a lawyer with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

    Japan provided the "back door" for Roosevelt to attack Germany due to their treaty of mutual assistance. Japan had agreements with China for oil exploration. Rockefeller talked China out of honoring those agreements and China seized the oil fields which Japan had invested millions of Yen in developing. Japan responded by invading China. For more on our relationship with Germany and Japan read The Other Side of the Coin by Hamilton Fish R-NY (whose political life was very pro-Israel).

    Offline Stephanos II

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    « Reply #22 on: October 10, 2013, 12:46:37 PM »
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    First remember that Adolph Hitler managed to plunge the world into the worst war it had ever seen up until that time. Remember that he did that by every evil contrivance he could muster especially by demanding to be worshiped as god and replacing the Bible in Churches with Mein Kampf and replacing the Crucifix and Crosses in Churches with the evil Satanic sign of the broken cross, the Swastika, and by wars of aggression exactly like what IsraHell does today. Remember that innocent people die in wars in numbers far beyond anything outside of organized slavery and abortion. Remember that abortion was the unheard of crime that had been totally outlawed in Europe for many centuries until Hitler brought it back. That bringing back abortion, the plague of the ancient world, scandalized the world of the early 20th century. Remember that beginning with the Jєω Alan Guttmacher's planning and instigation in the 1950's and 1960's, that abortion today has now gone to absolute world wide genocide and holds the utterly evil position of first in numbers (500,000,000 plus according to Human Life International) of innocents murdered ongoing and utterly offending God to great anger.  Remember that the only murder-genocide by gassing and subsequent destruction of bodies in hermetically sealed incinerators fed by conveyor systems, that Hitler committed was against the German mentally disabled and physically handicapped by which he genocided 275,000 innocent Gentile Germans. Remember that Hitler took every freedom the German people had and destroyed it. Remember that he covered up for the Zionists based in London in league with them and used the Haavara (Transfer Agreement) and the relocation camps to allow them to invade British colonized by force formerly Ottoman Palestine. Remember that Tubingen's worst Ecuмenical Syncretism with pagan idolatry precursors of modern Ecuмenical total Apostasy were pale in comparison to Hitlers Diabolic Thule Cult which has only been equaled in modern times by the Satanism practiced in the Vatican, especially the murder sacrifice to Satan of an innocent baby on June 29, 1963 by the Apostate Vatican under Apostate so called Paul VI. Remember that Hitler's love-hate affairs with Jєωs was nothing compared to his absolute determination to erase by absolute genocide EVERY Christian Slav in the world. To that end he enslaved-murdered 10's of millions of Eastern Christian Slavs. Only Stalin exceeded the numbers of Hitler of Christian Slavs enslaved-murdered. The dictum of Christian Slavs can't be turned to totalitarian apostasy, they can only be killed, was the dictum of Jєω Bolshevik Communism under Marx-Lenin-Stalin et al. Remember that Hitler planned on conquering and ruling the world, just like the Jєωs' false messiah the Antichrist, ad Dajjal. Remember that the Vatican in the throes of the pragmatism to preserve itself instead of the Christian faith of true Catholicism, compromised with Hitler and lent itself to the Zionist plan to invade Palestine which led directly to the Naqba, the "Catastrophe" against the innocent Palestinians; this leads directly to the Antichrist sitting in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and declaring himself god over all gods. Remember that the first and primary target of unmitigated and unlawful Jєω murder and genocide and pillage and rape were and are the Christians of Palestine and the Middle East. Remember that Hitler's and the British interfering with Palestine via Banna led to the Naqba as much as anything else. Adolph Hitler: patron demon of the Jєωs and IsraHell.

    Also remember that crypto-Jєω Bergoglio, the current Apostate occupying Babylon [since V2 - Vatican=Babylon], the Vatican, is a direct result of nαzι Odessa Ratline Gantdeutsche Argentinian Anti-Christian martyrdom of faithful Christians genocided by Satanic militarists manipulated by Jєω Heinz (aka Henry) Kissinger.

    This is a collection of the welter of nαzι-Fascist garbage that Novis Ordinarians had the chutzpah-gall to claim as a freeing of Latin America from bondage and freedom for the Church. With Communists led by the chief liberation theologian third order Jesuit Fidel Castro and, until Castro had him murdered their Communist Jesuit Simia Christi Che Guevara, on the left and the Ratline Odessa nαzι garbage on the Right the Judaist Apostate Synthesis was only tied together by blood letting oppression of the people and CIA-Mafia-Unione Corse-Mossad Drug dealing.

    Wojtyla, Ratzinger, Bergoglio are names that stand out in this. See:

    As Father Vincent Miceli said, this world is now prepared for the Antichrist to arise.

    (The dodge that the numbers about the Jєωs invalidates the witness of Shirer against the nαzιs and against the type of the Antichrist, namely Adolph Hitler, is rubbish. In his German edition of the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Shirer did state that the large numbers were impossible given the size and number of the ovens for crematoria (for Typhus victims). It was an addition to Nuremberg concocted by Jєωs that put the myth of the h0Ɩ0cαųst in motion. Eisenhower and Churchill and De Gaulle and Stalin all did not mention the "h0Ɩ0cαųst" in their writings about WWII. To be led into endless "discussions" with short barbed comments that are oblique and don't actually address anything about the h0Ɩ0cαųst hoax is a dodge and prop to take away from the subject at hand; it is a decoy.)


    Father Vincent Miceli

    Rev. William B. Smith, S.T.D.

    Censor Librorum

    Rev. Joseph T. O'Keefe
    Vicar-General, Archdiocese of New York
    January 24, 1981, New York, N,Y.

    The nihil obstat and imprimatur are official declarations that a book or pamphlet is free of doctrinal or moral error. No implication is contained therein that those who have granted the nihil obstat and imprimatur agree with the contents, opinions or statements expressed.




    And every spirit that divides Jesus
    is not of God, but is of Antichrist,
    of whom you have heard that he is
    coming, and now already is in the
    world. 1 St. John 4:3

    Pg. 278

    The medium through whom Satan was beginning to overthrow all norms of law and morality, which had hitherto, inspite of progressive dechristianization, been generally respected, this medium was Adolf Hitler. There is no shorter, apter, clearer definition of Hitler’s character than the comprehensive epithet: medium of Satan. If it is characteristic, without exception, of all mediums that they are of low moral calibre, both in character and personality, this is a fortiori true for a medium of the devil. No one who is not a prey to phantasmagoria can consider Hitler a great personality. At the Nuremburg trials General Jodl said of him: “He was a great man, but an infernal great man.” [bold emphasis mine]

    Dom Alois Mager in his Satan


    Father O'Connor's one mistake, which he found out before he died was to have put any faith in Antipope JPII as a true Pope.

    Father O'Connor's comments about Hitler and abortion are absolutely correct. Notice he quotes Pope Pius XII about sin. Notice that he states that most people on earth worship Satan. Notice he emphasises heresy and schism. Notice he emphasises Atheism and the fact there is no neutrality - that is just a dodge to go to the Antichrist's side. Notice he says: "In addition to taking over the world, he [the Antichrist] will take over all religions." That is ecuмenism! Beware. Eternal life is at stake.


    Then see


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    The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
    « Reply #23 on: October 10, 2013, 07:49:47 PM »
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  •   'The Antichrist' was a profound speech made in 1986.

    Prior to V2 there was a saying in the Church when Priests and Nuns, either or both of them, traveled: Three priests and Two nuns. It was to guard against ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖity in priests and fornication with men in the orders of the nuns. If two priests were doing something they shouldn't, the third would tell the Bishop and they would be laicized. If a nun was having an affair she was expelled. The second nun was the chaperon.

    During the 1980's there were revelations of ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ abuse by sodomizing young seminarians from the 1960's on by those in charge of the Seminaries – it was called the real meaning of the Holy Spirit amongst other Blasphemies as well.

    During the 1960's there was a huge surge of the Diabolic occult in the Church, especially Freemasonic – Rosecrucian and various spiritisms. The dabbling in spiritism and neo-paganism and formal ancient paganism turned into the Catholic Charismatic Movement. Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ – Rosecrucianism took over even the highest levels of the clergy, starting in the first half of the 20th century and extending beyond that until today.

    NONE of this has anything to do with the All Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. Amen. Amen.

    After V2, Father O'Connor was dismissed for doing the right thing, a complete reversal from what was proper and had been done prior to V2.

    Tens and tens of thousands of Priests left the Priesthood because of V2, and close to as many Nuns left their orders then as well.

    Father John O'Connor  was one of the first priests to acknowledge the cabalistic origins of Masonic Communism and to be expelled for opposing  ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ control of the church.
    Born and raised in Chicago, Father O'Connor was a Military Chaplain during the Second World War. He became curious about Hitler and the "anti-Semitism" of the nαzι regime. Many soldiers asked him why, when they liberated Jєωs from the cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρs, some of the nαzι guards were themselves Jєωιѕн and had even been former mayors of towns in Germany prior to the War.

    Fr. O'Connor was ordered to be examined by a psychologist following a talk in which he named his Superior as a member of the gαy Rights Movement. His Superior barred young men from joining the Dominicans if they refused to accept sodomy and ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖity as a viable life style alternative. He had been informed of this by several young males who had sought ordination.
    O'Connor sought the advice of a Canon Lawyer, Fr Alfred Kunz. Fr. Kunz was brutally murdered in a ritualistic fashion after assisting in the investigation of a satanic pedophile cult connected to the priesthood.

    In the summer of 1991, Rome informed O'Connor that he was dismissed from the Dominicans. O'Connor packed his bags and left the River Forest Priory forever. He lived with his widowed sister until his death of natural causes Dec.7 2006.

    On Ash Wednesday, February 28, 1990, O'Connor wrote: "When I made my vow of obedience 40 years ago, it was first and foremost to Jesus Christ, His Mother and St. Dominic and in obedience to them only death will silence my witnessing to the Truth."

    O'Connor exemplifies the fate of the true Catholic today. 

    Fr. John O'Connor  also appealed to the Vatican for assistance and justice. He sent dossiers to no less than ten Cardinals and received not one reply. He concluded that the work of Masonic Communism had been almost complete now in the infiltration of the Catholic Church and that these Cardinals were complicit in the project. Randy Engel devoted a chapter in her extremely well docuмented book, The Rite of Sodomy to the heroic and courageous preaching of Fr John O'Connor. 

    Father John O'Connor made many audiotapes. One described the origins of Masonic Cabalistic Masonry. 

     He quoted Rabbi M. L. Rodkinson, The Babylonian тαℓмυd, vol. 10:

    "The тαℓмυd then is the written form of that which, in the time of Jesus, was called,'The Traditions of the Elders" and to which he makes frequent allusions."
    Also, reference in same book to: "In 1280 A. D. a further development of тαℓмυdic thought, The 'Zohar' or Book of Splendor, appeared. This was known as the Cabal, or tradition. It was based on two things (1) generation, or fertility rites, as the most sacred word in the new instructions, which of course also became the "G" in Masonic symbols.

    And (2) the precept that Israel alone is to possess the future world (Vayscheih foilio 177b). The Zohar derived from the Sefer Yetisirah, or 'Book of Creation' which appeared in Babylon in the third century...(Mullins, 'Curse of Canaan', p.43). 

     Fr. said that the religion of Masonic Communism was pagan naturalism or "Modernism"and that it will succeed in taking over all religions on earth for a One-World Religion of a One-World Order. Ultimately one man who is Biblically known as the 'Antichrist' will take seat of power as its god.

      'The Antichrist' was a profound speech made in 1986. He heavily referenced Scripture, both the Old and New Testaments and the writings of the Early Church Fathers. Fr. O'Connor stated that," General Douglas MacArthur was ordered to withdraw by President Harry Truman because our government did not want us to wipe out Communism, in fact we did everything in our power to help it along." He stated also that MacArthur was, "Subsequently smeared in the Press because he got too close to exposing the men in our government who were Communists."


    Father John O'Connor: The Reign of the Antichrist – 2/9


    Then see

    See these points at these times of Video 2

    9:48 Obstacle to the Antichrist is the gentile occupation of Israel.
    10:11 Antichrist becomes ruler of Israel.
    10:14 666 explained - acronym for King Of Israel.

    He is referring to Father Sloet of Holland. Father Sloet deciphered the Hebrew for 666 and for King of Israel – this will be the title the Antichrist will assume for himself. - The Antichrist will be a Jєω.

    Below: Father Sloet of Holland’s solution to the final name of the Antichrist (who will be a Jєω) with medial kaph so the reign of this false “ ‘king’ of Israel” will be temporary, i.e. short.
    (Note in the below that the Hebrew characters read in reverse order than the English letters).
    The numbers for the Hebrew Gematria reading of the numbers for letters are under the English equivalents.

    Hammelek l Yisrael
    H M L K L Y S R A L
    ה מ ל כ ל י ש ר א ל
    5+ 40+ 30+ 20+ 30+ 10+ 300+ 200+ 1+ 30 = 666

    The Mark of the beast during Diocletian's persecution of Christians was the Teserea and the Libellus accompanied it. Without these proofs that one had sacrificed to the pagan gods, one could not buy or sell. The number of the name will equal 666 and be known to be the one to whom those who take the Mark of the beast are irretrievably committed for eternity. There will be no repentance given by God to those who take the Mark. We must be martyred instead of ever taking the Mark.

    Οικουμένα in Greek Isopsephia is exactly 666

    Οικουμένα, English spelling: Oikoumena. From Oikoumene, Οἰκουμένη in the Greek, is the root meaning "whole world," [literally "world" but in the context it was used by the ancients it meant whole world and is taken that way by the Ecuмenists at all points] and is the word from which "Ecuмenical," in the Ecuмenical Movement is taken.

    Oikoumena, Oikoumene, Ecuмenism is simply Gnosticism which was utterly Satanic and still is. Oikoumena, meaning all space and time, is mirrored in the Far East by Vairochana, an androgyne "Buddha." Like all supposed "Buddhas" there are three aspects. Those are based on the ancient Graeco Egyptian religion and its triple gods and triple goddesses (not to be confused with the Triune One Holy God, The Father and the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit). Those triple gods and triple goddesses had an earthly and celestial and chthonic (West, infernal - far East, subsumation into the void or attaining Nirvana) aspect. The "Buddhas" have the same aspects. When unified in their final form of being, then the chthonic (read Diabolic) powers become spread throughout the world. Both are concepts and supposed essential realities that falsely claim a closed eternal finite universe with no existence of the Lord God Almighty, Pantocrator, having created and ruling over all. The Lord God Almighty thrice Holy Pantocrator is true and these false gods/goddesses are false. These false gods/goddesses are only hiding places for the Devil and the fallen angels and demons. 

    Vairochana in the celestial aspect as androgyne-female aspect Kwan Yin equivalent in the West to Chiun - Remphan – Saturn.

    St. Irenaeus tells us that when the Antichrist comes to power his Family name will equal 666 in Greek Isopsephia.

    So when the Antichrist reveals himself to the world in the rebuilt temple of Jerusalem with the False Prophet (Antipope who preaches Ecuмenism see Note 1 just below about Ecuмenism and 666) at his side the Antichrist will take the title in Hebrew Gematria equalling 666 for King of Israel and the Antichrist's Family name at the same time equaling 666 in Greek Isopsephia. 666 three ways.

    Note 1: see above:
    Οικουμένα in Greek Isopsephia is exactly 666
    Οικουμένα, English spelling: Oikoumena. From Oikoumene, Οἰκουμένη in the Greek, is the root meaning "whole world,"...and is the word from which "Ecuмenical," in the Ecuмenical Movement is taken.

    12:25 Devil is ape of God
    12:28 Antichrist is ape of Christ (Simia Christi in Latin)

    The Jєωs will receive the Antichrist in Israel.

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    The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
    « Reply #24 on: October 10, 2013, 08:20:17 PM »
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  • Father John O'Connor: The Reign of the Antichrist – 3/9


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    The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
    « Reply #25 on: October 10, 2013, 08:51:15 PM »
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  • Father John O'Connor: The Reign of the Antichrist - 4/9


    Then see

    See these points at these times of Video 4

    6:10 When did America come under control by the Antichrist. As he goes on, Father O'Connor comes to part of the Devil demanding human sacrifice beginning with abortion in 1973.

    The Final human sacrifice will be in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem when the False Prophet, a fallen Church Ruler of pretended Episcopal Authority, i.e. an Antipope, has human sacrifice made to the Antichrist and the Antichrist's master which is Satan. That is when the Mark of the Beast. Signifying total eternal allegiance to the Antichrist and the Devil will be made mandatory and all people throughout the world who do not take it will be killed by the order of the Antichrist and his False Prophet. To take the Mark will be IRREVERSIBLE AND ALL WHO DO ARE DAMNED FOREVER AT THAT POINT.

    Frank is a very probable candidate, Time will tell.

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    The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
    « Reply #26 on: October 10, 2013, 08:58:51 PM »
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  • Father John O'Connor: The Reign of the Antichrist – 5/9


    Then see

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    « Reply #27 on: October 10, 2013, 09:02:07 PM »
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  • Stephanos II,

    You wrote repeatedly "remember" then offered fables speckled with an occasional truth. There are many legitimate criticisms of Hitler but most of what you offer is simply not historically accurate. Germany is often blamed for starting the war yet you conveniently overlook the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Poland was equally divided between Germany and Russia. We never fought for Poland's freedom. Hitler never desired war with Russia as he knew he would lose. Was Germany to allow pogroms to be carried out against it's people?

         "Only one country --Soviet Russia--can win in the event of an all encompassing conflict."  Adolf Hitler During a meeting with Lord Halifax British Foreign Minister Nov. 19, 1937  

         "In the battles to come we shall operate on the territory of the enemy. That is prescribed by our rules." Col. A.I. Rodimtsev
      Speech at the 18th Congress of the Communist Party 1939                          

    Here are some additional statements you should carefully consider:

         "We rely entirely on the hope that our revolution will unleash a European revolution. If the rising people of Europe do not crush capitalism, we will undoubtedly be crushed ourselves. Either the Russian revolution creates a whirlwind of struggle in the West, or the capitalists of all nations will strangle our revolution." Leon Trotsky
                Second speech at the All Russian Conference of Soviets Oct. 26, 1917

         "The West, full of imperialist cannibals, has turned into the hearth of darkness and slavery. Our task lies in destroying this hearth and bringing happiness and consolation to all worker nations."
                                                        Josef Stalin Moscow Dec.15, 1918

         "Hitler herded into a corner full of fear, in June 1941 decided to turn east, and attack the Soviet Union." Liddel Hart

    If Russia makes peace, this peace will only be temporary. The Socialist revolution in Russia will only win when it is surrounded by a ring of sister socialist republics. A peace mde with imperialist Germany would only be an episodic phenomenon. It will provide a short break after which war will boil once again."  G. Zinoviev, Collected Works

         "A doctrine about war fought on enemy territory took hold during the prewar years, which was clearly of an aggressive nature."
                                                             Col. S Vaupshassov

        'The Red Army will consider its Bolshevik mission complete when it achieves control of the entire globe." Jan Gamarnik
    Chief of the Political Directorate the Red Army. Mar.15, 1937

         "Lenin's motto, defend your land on foreign soil" can at any time take practical action."Directive of the Red Army June 3, 1941

        "The use of a new means of struggle and new attack tactics  has great value for our success. Before the enemy finds the means of countering our advance, the attacker can make use of all the advantages given by the element of surprise."  Gen. Zhukov
            Lecture at the High Command of the Red Army  Dec.26,1940

    Stephanos II, even the allies have since recognized that the war was forced upon Germany. KGB docuмents revealed that Stalin had long planned to attack Germany. He said so publicly on several occasions, most notably at Russia's military academy stating "we will fight Germany whether she likes it or not". See The Chief Culprit by Viktor Suvorov which explains in detail Stalin's plans to invade Germany. Why else do you think Germany was able to capture 2 million Russian soldiers on her border? Similarly, Edward Rydzmigly Poland's armed forces commander-in-chief stated: Poland wants war with Germany, and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." Lloyd George stated that the Treaty of Versaille was designed to force Germany into another war, as did Benjamin Freedman who was actively involved in the treaty and was a member of four presidential administrations. Churchill stated after the war that they backed the "wrong dog".  

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    The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
    « Reply #28 on: October 10, 2013, 09:29:44 PM »
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  • Father John O'Connor: The Reign of the Antichrist – 6/9

    Instead of Attack by Russia, it was 911 by Israel, London. The EU, Russia, Traitors in the US.

    Then see

    The affliction of aids that Father O'Connor is talking about is a typological fulfillment of what he refers to but not the final affclition, which will be seen in time.

    Apocalypse Chapter 16.

    1 … Scripture reference – Ps.: 68:25!
    2 … Scripture reference – Exod.: 9:10; Rev.: 14:9, 11!; 19:20
    3 … Scripture reference –
    4 … Scripture reference – Exod.: 7:20!
    5 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 4:8!; Ps.: 118:137!
    6 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:24; Mt.: 23:35!; Wisd.: 11:7
    7 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 15;3!; 19:2; Ps.: 118:137!
    8 … Scripture reference –
    9 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 16:21; 9:20!
    10 … Scripture reference –
    11 … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 8:21!; Rev.: 2:21; 9:20, 21!
    12 … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 50:2!
    13 … Scripture reference –
    14 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 19:19
    15 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 3:3; 1 Thess. 5:2; 2 Pt.: 3:10; Rev.: 3:18
    16 … Scripture reference –
    17 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 19:5; 21:3
    18 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 8:5!; 11:19; 6:12; 11:13!; Mt.: 24:21; Mk.:13:19
    19 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:10!
    20 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 6:14
    21 … Scripture reference – Josue: 10:11!; Rev.: 16:9

    2. The First Six Bowls

    The First Three Bowls

    1 ¶ And I heard a great voice [1] out of the temple, saying to the seven angels: Go and pour out the seven vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. … Scripture reference – Ps.: 68:25!
    2 And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth. And there fell a sore and grievous wound upon men who had the character of the beast: [2] and upon them that adored the image thereof. … Scripture reference – Exod.: 9:10; Rev.: 14:9, 11!; 19:20
    3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea. And there came blood as it were of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.
    4 And the third poured out his vial upon the rivers and the fountains of waters. And there was made blood. … Scripture reference – Exod.: 7:20!
    5 And I heard the angel of the waters saying: Thou art just, O Lord, who art and who wast, the Holy One, because thou hast judged these things. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 4:8!; Ps.: 118:137!
    6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets: and thou hast given them blood to drink. For they are worthy. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:24; Mt.: 23:35!; Wisd.: 11:7
    7 And I heard another, from the altar, saying: Yea, O Lord God Almighty, true and just are thy judgments. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 15;3!; 19:2; Ps.: 118:137!

    The Second Three Bowls

    8 ¶ And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun. And it was given unto him to afflict men with heat and fire.
    9 And men were scorched with great heat: and they blasphemed the name of God, who hath power over these plagues. Neither did they penance to give him glory. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 16:21; 9:20!
    10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast. And his kingdom became dark: and they gnawed their tongues for pain. … Scripture reference –
    11 And they blasphemed the God of heaven, because of their pains and wounds: and did not penance for their works. … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 8:21!; Rev.: 2:21; 9:20, 21!
    12 ¶ And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon that great river Euphrates and dried up the water thereof, that a way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun. … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 50:2!

    3. An Intermediate Vision and the Seventh Bowl

    The Unclean Spirits

    13 And I saw from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. … Scripture reference –
    14 For they are the spirits of devils, working signs: and they go forth unto the kings of the whole earth, to gather them to battle against the great day of the Almighty God. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 19:19
    15 Behold, I come [3] as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 3:3; 1 Thess. 5:2; 2 Pt.: 3:10; Rev.: 3:18
    16 And he shall gather them together into a place which in Hebrew is called Armagedon. [4] … Scripture reference –

    The Seventh Bowl

    17 ¶ And the seventh angel poured out his vial upon the air. And there came a great voice out of the temple from the throne, saying: It is done. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 19:5; 21:3
    18 And there were lightnings and voices and thunders: and there was a great earthquake, such an one as never had been since men were upon the earth, such an earthquake, so great. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 8:5!; 11:19; 6:12; 11:13!; Mt.: 24:21; Mk.:13:19
    19 And the great city was divided into three parts: and the cities of the Gentiles fell. And great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the indignation of his wrath. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:10!
    20 And every island fled away: and the mountains were not found. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 6:14
    21 And great hail, like a talent, came down from heaven upon men: and men blasphemed God, for the plague of the hail: because it was exceeding great. … Scripture reference – Josue: 10:11!; Rev.: 16:9

    [1] -Ver. 1. Great (loud) voice: the divine voice from the throne itself.
    [2] -Ver. 2. The plague falls on those who carry the character (mark) of the beast; it resembles the sixth Egyptian plague, the plague of boils. Cf. Ex. 9, 8-12.
    [3] -Ver. 15. Behold, I come: the voice of Christ.
    [4] -Ver. 16. Armagedon: or, as in Hebrew, “Har-Megiddo,” i.e., the mountain of Megiddo. The place indicated here is the plain of Esdraelon, the great battlefield of Palestine; here the fortunes of kings have been decided, here, rulers fought and fell. This battleground becomes the symbol of the divine struggle.

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    The Hidden Tyranny - Part 2
    « Reply #29 on: October 10, 2013, 11:38:54 PM »
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  • Father John O'Connor: The Reign of the Antichrist – 8/9


    Then see

    The "rapture" is cabalistic gnosticism. There is no rapture.

    The Great Tribulation is not yet except in a typological sense of the mounting attack on the faithful.

    The Antichrist and the Great Tribulation are coming. We don't know the date and must always be prepared.

    The era of peace is past. Father O'Connor is right.

    911 was the end of the era of peace.

    The Leonid Breshnev comment is interesting.

    "The Theory of Evolution, which is nothing but an adult fairytale." - Father John O'Connor -- Absolutely right.

    Father O'Connor -
    "The great deception...." of the Antichrist. "If we are going to delay his ultimate control [of the Antichrist] we have got to expose his errors." "Satan enslaves the mind with error and ignorance." "And the only way we can overcome him is with the sword of truth." "Our Lord said the Truth will make us free."

    The Church Fathers take the 3-1/2 and 3-1/2 year periods equaling 7 years literally in the final sense after all typological senses are done.

    Father John O'Connor recommended as best works on the Antichrist, these two Books. (Exactly True. Two of the very best.)

    The History of the Antichrist - Father Huchede - See:

    Father Vincent Miceli - The Antichrist

    Apocalypse Chapter 17.

    1 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 15:1,6; 21:9; 19:2
    2 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:3, 9; Isaiah: 23:17; Rev.: 14:8
    3 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 12:3; 13:1
    4 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:16
    5 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 19:2
    6 … Scripture reference –
    7 … Scripture reference –
    8 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:11; 11:7!; 13:3, 8!
    9 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13:18
    10 … Scripture reference –
    11 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:8
    12 … Scripture reference – Dan.: 7:24
    13 … Scripture reference –
    14 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 19:16; 1Tim.: 6:15!
    15 … Scripture reference –
    16 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 19:20; Dan.:7:11
    17 … Scripture reference – Prv.: 21:1
    18 … Scripture reference –


    The Woman on the Scarlet Beast

    1 ¶ And there came one of the seven angels who had the seven vials and spoke with me, saying: Come, I will shew thee the condemnation of the great harlot, who sitteth upon many waters: … Scripture reference – Rev.: 15:1,6; 21:9; 19:2
    2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication. And they who inhabit the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her whoredom. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:3, 9; Isaiah: 23:17; Rev.: 14:8
    3 And he took me away in spirit into the desert. And I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 12:3; 13:1
    4 And the woman was clothed round about with purple and scarlet, and gilt with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, full of the abomination and filthiness of her fornication. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:16
    5 And on her forehead a name was written: A mystery: [1] Babylon the great, the mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 19:2
    6 And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And I wondered, when I had seen her, with great admiration.

    The Angel’s Explanation

    7 ¶ And the angel said to me: Why dost thou wonder? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman and of the beast which carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
    8 The beast which thou sawest, was, and is not, and shall come up out of the bottomless pit and go into destruction. And the inhabitants on the earth (whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world) shall wonder, seeing the beast that was and is not. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:11; 11:7!; 13:3, 8!
    9 And here is the understanding that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, upon which the woman sitteth: and they are seven kings. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13:18
    10 Five are fallen, one is, and the other is not yet come: and when he is come, he must remain a short time. … Scripture reference –
    11 And the beast [2] which was and is not: the same also is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into destruction. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:8
    12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom: but shall receive power as kings, one hour [3] after [with] the beast. … Scripture reference – Dan.: 7:24
    13 These have one design: and their strength and power they shall deliver to the beast.
    14 ¶ These shall fight with the Lamb. And the Lamb shall overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings: and they that are with him are called and elect and faithful. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 19:16; 1Tim.: 6:15!
    15 And he said to me: The waters which thou sawest, where the harlot sitteth, are peoples and nations and tongues. … Scripture reference –
    16 And the ten horns which thou sawest in the beast: These shall hate the harlot and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and shall burn her with fire. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 19:20; Dan.:7:11
    17 For God hath given into their hearts to do that which pleaseth him: that they give their kingdom [4] to the beast, till the words of God be fulfilled. … Scripture reference – Prv.: 21:1
    18 And the woman which thou sawest is the great city which hath kingdom over the kings of the earth. [5] … Scripture reference –

    [1] -Ver:-5. A mystery: the name is not literal but symbolical and its meaning is that it will be revealed in due time. (mystery in Greek is musterion, that is “revealed”). In the final ‘universal recapitulation of evil’ (St. Irenaeus’ expression) the “woman” who is the “great harlot” will be the recapitulation of all the diabolic, demonic, gnostic, infidel, false religion of the world since Adam. In short, today it is the Pan-heresy of the Ecuмenical movement (utterly opposed by Mortalium Animus, Pius XI, 1928), which is the culmination of modernist ʝʊdɛօ-Mason blasphemy of: the True God and His Christ and the Holy Spirit. This Pan-heresy is centered at Rome in the Vatican since 1958 especially, and has permeated all churches; this is the great apostasy that St. Paul the Apostle warned us about (see: 2 Thess.2:3, 6, 7). He who holds the great apostasy back (2 Thess: 2:6, 7) until the appointed time is Jesus Christ Himself, according to St. Justin Martyr. The beast that the woman rides is the world’s political-religious systems opposed to the True God, the Trinity, Who is the Creator and Ruler over all. These taken together are the precursor of the final beast of verse 11 which includes all the former systems within it.
    [2] -Ver. 11. The beast spoken of here seems to be the Roman Empire, as in chapter 13. At the end of days it will be the final world system opposing Christ and His Church. This world system will be, according to the Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the one world empire of the Antichrist who is the son of perdition, headquartered in the rebuilt Solomonic temple in Jerusalem. See 2 Thessalonians 2nd chapter. This is the ultimate Babylon and is utterly damned by Christ and His Church. “Such a secular, earthbound state [Israel] could easily become the political and military power base for the Antichrist when he comes. For the Antichrist will be in perfect accord with the ideals of such a Zionist state. Moreover, the State of Israel has demonstrated that it has the will and ability to go to war and win the secular goals to which its heart is attached. Thus when the Antichrist comes to power as head of such an efficient, superbly equipped, scientific State, founded on nationalism, race and blood, he will be able to conquer the rest of the world. He will be the first, the only Jєω to reign with political, economic, military power over the whole world from his capital city, Jerusalem, the city in which Our Lord was crucified” (Fr. Vincent Miceli, S.J., The Antichrist, p. 152).
    [3] -Ver. 12. One hour: ten other kingdoms are allies of the beast and battle against the Church. But their dominion is short; typified as an hour. These occur at the same time and not in succession.
    [4] -Ver. 17. The Greek text reads: “. . . to
    do his purpose and to make common cause and to give their kingdom. . . :”
    [5] –Ver. 18. …great city which hath kingdom over the kings of the earth.: at the time that the Apocalypse was seen and recorded by St. John the Apostle, that city was Rome, Italy, of the seven hills (1 – Janiculum with the Vatican on the lower slope today, 2 – Aventine, 3 – Palatine with the Capitoline and the Tiburtine oracle, 4 – Caelian, 5 – Esquiline, 6 – Viminal, 7 – Quirinal), in the future it will be Jerusalem of the seven hills (1 – The Citadel, 2 – Acra, 3 – Temple Mount, 4 – Mount of Olives, 5 – Mt. Scopus, 6 – Mt Zion, 7 – Golgotha) when the Antichrist rules from there. The eighth head which is a king and has dominion over the kingdoms of the earth and therefore is identified with that world wide (ecuмenical in the narrow sense) kingdom as well, was Caesar, in the days of ancient Rome. Caesar was ruler over Rome, the Pontifex Maximus (head of all Roman religion) and Princeps Senatus – first member by precedence of the Roman Senate (therefore functional dictator without the title); and also the Emperor (Imperator) over the Roman Empire. In the future the eighth head ruling over Jerusalem and having world wide dominion for a short space will be the Antichrist. The exact arrangement of how that will be enacted is known to God.