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Offline Lavinsko

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The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
« on: March 18, 2022, 03:06:18 AM »
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  • I thought this deserved it's own thread given it's importance to the Masonic narrative.

    The infamous "Taxil affair" has been used as a trump card against Catholics to dismiss any criticism against Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ as unfounded or paranoid.  This is all predicated on the idea that Leo Taxil invented the ex-Satanist Diana Vaughan and wrote all her previous exposes against the Freemasons.

    Hat tip to cassini for his case against Taxil's confession.  I'll quote him here because ther'e not much I can add.

    My research led me to accept St Joan of Arc as the Saint who did battle with Freemassonry. In her book, the freemason Diana Vaughan tells us

    Joan of Arc, by means of a spiritual manifestation, did battle with three of Lucifer’s angelic demons troubling her because of her promise to a Catholic priest not to blaspheme the Blessed Virgin in any way ever again. This intervention, after much soul-searching, led her to convert to Catholicism.

    For four years Diana Vaughan revealed the origin of modern Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ and gave details of Lucifer’s activity within Palladism as well as the goings-on of named ‘Illuminati.’ Her disclosures were hailed in Rome as a great victory over Hell. St Therese of Lisieux hailed her conversion. The Pope’s Cardinal Vicar wrote to her saying her conversion was ‘one of the most magnificent triumphs of grace that he had ever witnessed,’ and sent, on behalf of the Pope himself, a ‘most special blessing.’ Another Catholic journal wrote: ‘Here we witness a struggle of epic proportions unknown in this world, “hand to hand” spiritual combat between the organised forces of Hell and a humble woman of God, raised up by Him for the task.’

    The masons did not challenge the details of Miss Vaughan’s facts, but tried only to distort them and to diminish or ruin the extent of their significance. Soon however they changed tactics and with diabolical intelligence put together an ingenious plan of attack. They decided to put out the successful rumour that the Diana Vaughan all had read about did not exist in reality. This story prompted Miss Vaughan to announce that she would show herself in public with Leo Taxil in Paris on April 19, 1897. By that fateful day however, Miss Vaughan had disappeared, and Taxil, obviously knowing she would not show, announced that Diana Vaughan was only a figment of his imagination. In one stroke of pure genius, for 99.9% believed him, all the revelations and papal encyclicals on Satan’s direct role in masonry became the object of doubt and even ridicule thereby losing their credibility. Thereafter Taxil’s ruse as Diana Vaughan is written up as one of greatest hoaxes in history, even in Catholic books. For the vast majority, whether inside or outside the Church, the matter had ended; the role of Satan in Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ was then seen as pure fiction. Never again did a pope condemn freemasonic Luciferianism and today it is as though Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ no longer poses an anti-Christian threat at all.

    The propaganda that Diana Vaughan and her revelations are fiction can be found today in Wikipedia, numerous websites, some Catholic Encyclopaedias and in many books such as Jasper Ridly’s The Freemasons; Robinson, London, 2000, p.225; Laurence Gardner’s The Shadow of Solomon; Harper Element, 2005, pp.245-6 and Lynn Picknett’s Lucifer, Robinson, 2005, p.239.

    Then came evidence that Diana Vaughan did exist and was found in the lists of Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ. But there was one pieve of evidence that was more interesting:

    Evidence of her existence was found in a church in Loigny in Northern France that Diana Vaughan had visited in secret in March 1897, one month before her set date for a public appearance. To make a long story short, the parish priest of Loigny confirmed Diana Vaughan’s visit by means of a visual reproduction and also the signature she had left in his church’s log. It was not the name Diana Vaughan that she had signed, for anybody could have forged that signature, but Juvana Petroff, a mysterious name known only to her and the priest to whom it made sense. It was later revealed as her baptismal name that she took when taking her confession of faith in the Catholic Church.
    But more, as only God can arrange from eternity, this fateful day at Loigny happened to coincide with the five hundredth anniversary of the death of Joan of Arc, sworn enemy of the Devil and made a saint in 1933. 
    Hi ca246,  I got in touch with my scholarly friend who sent me this below:

    Regarding that other brilliant psyop perpetrated on the masses by Taxil it takes the likes of Monsigneur Jouin's 1930 Spectator article to show that the great hoax perpetrated on the masses was the fiction that Diana Vaughan did not exist before her disappearance in 1897.It was Monsigneur Jouin that informed Franz Joseph about Rampolla's OTO membership though as in the case of the Diana Vaughan the public are equally shielded from these truths of the reality of Diana Vaughan and the OTO leadership of Rampolla.

    For english readers needing an introduction to Diana Vaughan in general perhaps a place to start might be a
    chapter called :-
                      "Enter Diana Vaughan"
    that begins on page 167 of the book that is titled:-
          "Satanism: A Social History"
    the pdf of which can be downloaded from this web-address:-

    For those wishing to read Diana Vaughan's own words in english translation perhaps a source might be the 1904-published
    Rev. Eugene Rickard's "Miss Diana Vaughan - Priestess of Lucifer by herself now a nun" the title page of which is here
    enclosed as an attachment.

    Here is the catalogue for Rev. Rickard's book in the National Library of Ireland (ie Dublin)
    The most notable insight here is the importance of Joan of Arc.  Solange Hertz drew a similar comparison in her book Utopia Nowhere which contrasted the monastic mission of Joan of Arc with The Anglo-Masonic conspiracy, meaning that he mission persists so long as the errors of England persist.  Indeed, it was England which nutured the osicrucian and masonic conspiracy which soon swallowed France in the Revolution, which would explain the special antipathy of the masons towards St. Joan, and why they would go so far to discredit her supernatural campaign.

    The problem is that the "Hoax" narrative is so foundational to the masonic scheme that there is almost no questioning it's validity.  It's almost impossible to find any English-language resources questioning it, and unfortunatly even Catholic writers take it at face value.

    I was able to find a French book, Le cas de Miss Diana Vaughan, par un homme de bonne foi on the internet archive, and I'm aware of another I found some time ago but was lost in a hard drive crash.

    If anybody knows any other resources or information that can be used to dispute the hoax narrative, or would like to discuss it, please post in here.

    Offline Lavinsko

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #1 on: March 18, 2022, 02:19:32 PM »
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  • For those of you who understand AFrench here's another good link including a video lecture.  Translated subtitles shouls work on Youtube.

    Offline Enir

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #3 on: April 05, 2022, 07:05:44 AM »
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  • If anybody knows any other resources or information that can be used to dispute the hoax narrative, or would like to discuss it, please post in here.
    There are
    her Memoirs:,_initi%C3%A9e,_ind%C3%A9pendante
    I've begun to translate it in english (see the file below)

    There is also a good information site that dispute the hoax narrative. (It is in French)

    yYou cannot travel 2 ways - Jim Morrison

    Offline cassini

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #4 on: April 06, 2022, 06:37:50 AM »
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  • For those of you who understand AFrench here's another good link including a video lecture.  Translated subtitles shouls work on Youtube.

    English translation of above

    Diana Vaughan was American by her father and French by her mother.

    She belonged to Luciferian Masonry and directed the PALADIC Review.

    Diana Vaughan, who evolved in an environment that fought the Catholic Church, however had a Passion: Saint Joan of Arc.

    She had trouble conceiving that Saint Joan of Arc had nothing to do with her Luciferian background.

    Her Passion for Saint Joan was that she began to pray as Saint Joan did.

    Diana Vaughan was also passionate about Mélanie Calvat de la Salette to whom the Blessed Virgin appeared.

    Diana abandoned her Masonic and Luciferian background because Saint Joan of Arc was for her "the Shepherd's Staff" that she lacked: she converted to the Catholic Religion of Saint Joan.

    And Diana Vaughan will die Young, a Death that could not be more Mysterious.

    At the end of the 19th century, it announced terrible events that were going to fall on the Catholic Church.

    In 1903, after the death of Leo XIII, the Vatican nearly fell with the Luciferian Pope Rampolla of the Ordo Templis Orientis.

    Diana Vaughan, having revealed the Rampolla network, was she the one who prevented these Luciferians from taking over the Vatican?

    For Luciferian Masonry has officially failed with its Satanist Rampolla networks; it is Saint Pius X who will be elected Pope.

    Dian Vaughan unveiled the Luciferian Calendar in which specific dates, specific months were the Fact of events that happened within the Vatican tipping it over to Vatican II with the heretic Roncalli that will trigger Vatican II, such as the unveiled Diana Vaughan.

    The Author of the Book "From La Salette to Diana Vaughan", Paul-Etienne Pierrecourt, explains to us why Diana Vaughan was declared "never to have existed" by Léo Taxil.

    In view of All Authentic Records, with the author of the book, it can be said that Diana Vaughan lived well. We understand why, for satanist Luciferians, the existence of Diana Vaughan is disturbing, especially since she is “Dead” most Mysteriously in the World.

    Offline cassini

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #5 on: April 06, 2022, 06:53:24 AM »
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  • If anybody knows any other resources or information that can be used to dispute the hoax narrative, or would like to discuss it, please post in here.

    There were, however, those who knew or suspected Diana Vaughan did exist and was a member of an ‘Androgynous Lodge,’ one that admitted women members. In his investigation for example, Craig Heimbichner questions Leo Taxil’s assertion that he invented Diana Vaughan and all those revelations of the highly guarded inner sanctum of the Scottish Rite of Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ.

    ‘Masons claim that Taxil was simply a disgruntled expelled Entered Apprentice (First Degree) mason who turned on them for base motives. If that is the case, how did Taxil manage to publish accurate details from numerous advanced secret rituals in the higher degrees? This writer can attest to this truth because I possess in my personal archive both Taxil’s original descriptions and the secret rituals themselves. How would a low-level, ex mason have gained these explosive secrets?’ ---Craig Heimbichner: Blood on the Altar, Independent History & Research, USA, 2005, p.68.

    Heimbichner then goes on to rebuff Taxil’s other assertion, that only males were freemasons. He quotes the respected masonic historian Robert Macoy, to prove ‘the rules admitted both sexes to membership, the male members were called the “Companions of Ulysses,” and the females the “Sisters of Penelope.” Heimbichner also quotes freemason and Golden Dawn leader A. E. Waite admitting that the Order of the Palladium existed. We are then told of the discovery of the Palladium Temple in May 1895 wherein the owners of rented buildings found a room inscribed with the words Templum Palladicuм. A large tapestry was found in this room upon which was woven a larger-than-life figure of Lucifer. Heimbichner tells of a modern writer, William Schnoebelen (formally OTO IX˚) who said he was inducted into a Palladium Lodge in the late 1970s by a David DePaul. DePaul restarted the Palladium after supposedly invoking the spirit of Diana Vaughan. ‘If Leo Taxil was a hoaxer, then this invocation is difficult to understand since “Diana Vaughan” had been “Priestess of Lucifer” in the freemasonic Palladium rite described by Taxil. If Vaughan was a figment of Taxil’s fevered imagination, why would she be invoked by an OTO faction in the 1970s?’

    The idea that Taxil could have been fed fiction by freemasons is not ruled out by Heimbichner, nor that he might have been a double or even a triple agent. He ends his chapter on Diana Vaughan with ‘Is not the OTO the continuation of the Palladium of Diana Vaughan, the “Graduate School” for salivating and serious masons?’

    Offline Enir

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #6 on: April 06, 2022, 11:26:03 AM »
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  • If anybody knows any other resources or information that can be used to dispute the hoax narrative, or would like to discuss it, please post in here.

    I have translated the Memoirs of Diana Vaughan Mémoires d'une ex-palladiste parfaite, inititée indépendante  as much and as long as is it  on the web.
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    Offline cassini

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #7 on: April 08, 2022, 12:01:36 PM »
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  • If anybody knows any other resources or information that can be used to dispute the hoax narrative, or would like to discuss it, please post in here.

    Monseigneur Jouin's Spectator article in french might be available to buy online below here:-

    Offline Enir

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #8 on: April 12, 2022, 03:50:01 AM »
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  • If anybody knows any other resources or information that can be used to dispute the hoax narrative, or would like to discuss it, please post in here.

    This is a book about the life of Diana Vaughan that is being translated in english:

    yYou cannot travel 2 ways - Jim Morrison

    Offline Enir

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #9 on: June 10, 2022, 08:40:12 AM »
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  • If anybody knows any other resources or information that can be used to dispute the hoax narrative, or would like to discuss it, please post in here.

    I wish to share a part of a book that I have translated in english. Since the editor has not give me the right to publish it yet,  I  give only a small part of it.

    yYou cannot travel 2 ways - Jim Morrison

    Offline Lavinsko

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #10 on: September 10, 2022, 01:02:21 AM »
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  • If anybody knows any other resources or information that can be used to dispute the hoax narrative, or would like to discuss it, please post in here.

    I wish to share a part of a book that I have translated in english. Since the editor has not give me the right to publish it yet,  I  give only a small part of it.
    Thank you.

    Offline ServusInutilisDomini

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #11 on: September 10, 2022, 02:46:16 AM »
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  • Very important with regard to Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ. Thanks for posting.

    Offline Melanie

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #12 on: September 10, 2022, 10:55:33 AM »
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  • So this lady really existed and they disappeared her just like Sister Lucia of Fatima?  How do these people get away with these crimes?  Nobody cares to investigate, they’re that embarrassed to be called names like conspiracy theorist?  Piltdown Man hoax should have made the scientific community hide their heads in shame but they double down and charge ahead.  We shrink into a corner the minute anyone says, “conspiracy theory.”  I hope Catholics are at least supporting Dr. Chojnowski in his investigations, a man who is not a shrinking violet. 

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #13 on: September 10, 2022, 12:15:22 PM »
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  • So this lady really existed and they disappeared her just like Sister Lucia of Fatima?  How do these people get away with these crimes?  Nobody cares to investigate, they’re that embarrassed to be called names like conspiracy theorist?  Piltdown Man hoax should have made the scientific community hide their heads in shame but they double down and charge ahead.  We shrink into a corner the minute anyone says, “conspiracy theory.”  I hope Catholics are at least supporting Dr. Chojnowski in his investigations, a man who is not a shrinking violet.
    History is more interesting than fiction. Especially when the Church is involved.

    I love the investigation Dr. Chojnowski is doing, however, I have a bad feeling about him. IDK what it is, he's just not the best kind of person to be doing things like this IMO.

    Much needed work nonetheless. The proof is there, now it needs to get to the masses. IDK what stage the docuмentary is in but hopefully it's coming along.

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    Re: The "Taxil Hoax" Hoax
    « Reply #14 on: September 10, 2022, 08:11:40 PM »
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  • I had never heard of this story before, and it took me a while to get my head around this bizarre and complicated sequence of events.

    But I don't understand the angle being put forward here. So Cassini says Diana Vaughan did actually exist and her revelations were actually true? Then why didn't she show up at that meeting? Wouldn't she know that by not showing up, she was discrediting everything she had said? And if she had been murdered beforehand, as it seems is suggested, why wouldn't Taxil say that at the meeting?

    But mainly I don't understand why Taxil's writings can be considered true when he himself said publicly that he made all that stuff up?!

    In other words, if you don't accept the main events of this story as true, then what exactly do you think happened?