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Traditional Catholic Faith => Fighting Errors in the Modern World => Topic started by: trad123 on June 05, 2018, 11:44:46 PM

Title: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 05, 2018, 11:44:46 PM
Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (pp. 311-318.) Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.

VOLUME TWO The National Socialist Movement


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Certain groups of Marxists are, for the time being, using all their ingenuity to create the impression that they are inseparably attached to the principles of democracy. It may be well to recall the fact that, when a crisis arose, these same gentlemen snapped their fingers at the principle of decision by majority vote, as that principle is understood by Western Democracy. Such was the case in those days when the bourgeois parliamentarians believed that the security of the Reich was guaranteed by the monumental short-sightedness of the overwhelming majority, whereas the Marxists, backed by a mob of loafers, deserters, political place-hunters and Jєωιѕн would-be literary men, simply seized the reins of government. This was a terrible blow to democracy. Only those credulous parliamentary wizards who represented bourgeois democracy could have believed that the brutal determination of those whose interest it is to spread the Marxist world-pest, of which they are the carriers, could for a moment, now, or in the future, be held in check by the magical formulas of western parliamentarianism.

Marxism will march shoulder to shoulder with democracy until it succeeds indirectly in securing for its own criminal purposes, even the support of the intelligentsia of the nation whom Marxism has set out to exterminate. But, if the Marxists should one day come to believe that there was a danger that from this witch’s cauldron of our parliamentary democracy a majority might be concocted, which, if merely by reason of its numerical weight, would be in a position to legislate and thus to constitute a serious threat to Marxism, then the whole parliamentarian hocus-pocus would be at an end. Instead of appealing to the democratic conscience, the leaders of the Red International would immediately send forth a furious rallying-cry to the proletarian masses and the ensuing fight would not take place in the sedate atmosphere of parliament, but in the factories and in the streets. Then democracy would be annihilated forthwith, and what the intellectual prowess of the apostles who represented the people in parliament had failed to accomplish, would now be successfully carried out by dint of the crow-bar and the sledge-hammer of the exasperated proletarian masses just as in the autumn of 1918. At one fell swoop they would make the bourgeois world see the madness of thinking that the Jєωιѕн drive towards world-conquest can be effectually opposed by means of Western Democracy. As I have said, only a very credulous soul could think of binding himself to observe the rules of the game when he has to face a player for whom those rules are nothing but a pretext for bluff or for serving his own interests, so that he will discard them when they prove no longer useful for his purpose. All the parties that profess so-called bourgeois principles look upon political life as being in reality a struggle for seats in parliament. The moment their principles and convictions are of no further use in that struggle they throw them overboard, as if they were sand ballast, and the programmes are constructed in such a way that they can be dealt with in like manner.

But such a practice has a correspondingly weakening effect on the strength of the parties concerned. They lack the great magnetic force which alone attracts the broad masses, for the masses always respond to the compelling force which emanates from absolute faith in the ideas put forward, combined with an indomitable zest to fight for and defend them. At a time when the one side, armed with all the weapons of its Weltanschauung, no matter how criminal, makes an attack against the established order, the other side will be able to resist only if its resistance takes the form of a new faith. In our case, this is a political faith which exchanges the slogans of weak and cowardly defence for the battle-cry of a courageous and ruthless attack. Our present Movement is accused, especially by the so-called national bourgeois cabinet ministers (the Bavarian representatives of the Centre, for example) of heading towards a revolution. We have only one answer to give to those political pygmies, namely, ‘We are trying to remedy that which you, in your criminal stupidity, have failed to accomplish. By your parliamentarian jobbing you have helped to drag the nation into ruin, but we, by our aggressive policy, are setting up a new Weltanschauung which we shall defend with indomitable devotion. Thus we are building the steps on which our nation once again may ascend to the temple of freedom.’ Thus during the first stages of founding our Movement we had to take special care that our militant group, which fought for the establishment of a new and exalted political faith, should not degenerate into a society for the promotion of parliamentarian interests. The first preventive measure was to lay down a programme which of itself would tend towards developing a certain moral greatness that would scare away all the petty and weakling spirits who make up the bulk of our present party politicians. Those fatal defects which finally led to Germany’s downfall afford the clearest proof of how right we were in considering it absolutely necessary to set up programmatic aims which were sharply ,and distinctly defined. Because we recognised the defects above mentioned, we realised that a new conception of the State had to be established, which in itself became a part of our new conception of life. In the first volume of this book I have already dealt with the term völkisch, and I said then that this term has not a sufficiently precise meaning to furnish the kernel around which a closely consolidated militant community could be formed. All kinds of persons, with all kinds of divergent, opinions, are, at the present time, playing their own game under the motto völkisch. Before I come to deal with the purposes and aims of the National Socialist German Labour Party I want to establish a clear understanding of what is meant by the concept völkisch and herewith explain its relation to our party movement.

The word völkisch does not express any clearly specified idea. It may be interpreted in several ways and in practical application it is just as general as the word ‘religious,’ for instance. It is difficult to attach any precise meaning to this latter word, either as a theoretical concept or as a guiding principle in practical life. The word ‘religious’ acquires a precise meaning only when it is associated with a distinct and definite form through which the concept is put into practice. To say that a person is ‘deeply religious’ may be very fine phraseology, but generally speaking, it tells us little or nothing. There may be some few people who are content with such a vague description and there may even be some to whom the word conveys a more or less definite picture of the inner quality of a person thus described. But, since the bulk of the people are not philosophers or saints, such a vague religious idea will mean to the individual merely that he is justified in thinking and acting according to his own bent. It will not lead to that practical faith into which inner religious yearning is transformed only when it leaves the sphere of general metaphysical ideas and is moulded to a well-defined belief. Such a belief is certainly not an end in itself, but the means to an end. Yet it is means without which the end could never be reached at all. This end, however, is not merely something ideal, for at bottom it is eminently practical. We must always bear in mind the fact that, generally speaking, the highest ideals are always the outcome of some profound vital need, just as the nobility of beauty lies essentially in its practical value. By helping to lift the human being above the level of mere animal existence, faith really contributes to consolidate and safeguard his very existence.

Take from humanity as it exists to-day the religious beliefs which it generally holds and which have been consolidated through our education, so that they serve as moral standards in practical life, and abolish religious teaching without replacing it by anything of equal value and the foundations of human existence would be seriously shaken. We may safely say that man does not live merely to serve higher ideals, but that these ideals, in their turn, furnish the necessary conditions for his existence as a human being. Thus the circle is completed. Of course, the word ‘religious’ implies certain ideals and beliefs that are fundamental. Among these we may reckon the belief in the immortality of the soul, its future existence in eternity, the belief in the existence of a Higher Being, and so on. But all these ideas, no matter how firmly the individual believes in them, may be critically analysed by any person and accepted or rejected accordingly, until the emotional concept or yearning has been transformed into an active force that is governed by a clearly defined doctrinal faith. Such a faith constitutes the militant feature which clears the way for the recognition of fundamental religious ideals. Without a clearly defined belief, religious feeling would not only be worthless for the purposes of human existence, but might even contribute towards general disorganisation, on account of its vague and multifarious tendencies.

What I have said about the word ‘religious’ can also be applied to the term völkisch. This word also implies certain fundamental ideas. Though these ideas are very important indeed, they assume such vague and indefinite forms that they cannot be estimated as having a greater value than mere opinions, until they become constituent elements in the structure of a political party. The ideals set forth in a Weltanschauung and the demands arising from them cannot be realised by mere sentiment and inner longing any more than freedom can be won by universal yearning for it. Only when the idealistic longing for independence is organised in such a way that it can fight for its ideal with military force, only then can the urgent wish of a people become a vital reality. Any Weltanschauung, though a thousandfold right and supremely beneficial to humanity, will be of no practical assistance in moulding the life of a people as long as its principles have not yet become the rallying-point of a militant movement which, in its turn, will remain a mere party until its activities have led to the victory of its ideals and its party doctrines form the new fundamental principles of a new national community. If an abstract conception of a general nature is to serve as the basis of a future development, then the first prerequisite is to form a clear understanding of the nature, character and scope of this conception, since only on such a basis can a movement be founded which can draw the necessary fighting strength from the infernal homogeneity of its principles and convictions. A political programme must be constructed on a basis of general ideas and a general Weltanschauung must receive the stamp of a definite political faith. Since this faith must be directed towards ends that have to be attained in the world of practical reality, not only must it serve the general ideal as such, but it must also take into consideration the existing means that have to be employed for the triumph of the ideal. Here the practical wisdom, of the statesman must come to the assistance of the ideal, correct in the abstract, as evolved by the author of the political programme. In this way an eternal ideal, which has everlasting significance as a guiding star to mankind, must be adapted to the exigencies of human frailty so that its practical effect may not be frustrated at the very outset through those shortcomings which are general to mankind. The exponent of truth must here go hand in hand with him who has a practical knowledge of the mind of the people, so that from the realm of eternal verities and ideals what is suited to the capacities of human nature may be selected and given practical form. To take abstract and general conceptions, derived from a Weltanschauung which is based on a solid foundation of truth and from them to mould a militant community whose members have the same political faith (a community which is precisely defined, rigidly organised, of and mind and one will) is the most important task of all, far the possibility of successfully carrying out the idea is dependent on the successful fulfilment of this task. Out of the army of millions who feel, more or less clearly, the truth of these ideas, and may even understand them to some extent, one man must arise. This man must have the gift of being able to formulate from the vague ideas held by the masses, principles that will be as clear-cut and firm as granite and he must be able to fight for these principles as the only true ones, until a solid rock of common faith and common will emerges above the troubled waters of vagrant ideas.

The general justification for such action lies in the necessity for it and the action of the individual will be justified by his success. If we try to penetrate the inner meaning of the word völkisch we arrive at the following conclusion. The current political conception of the world is that the State, though it possesses a creative force which can build up civilisations, has nothing in common with the concept of race as the foundation of the State. The State is considered rather as something which has resulted from economic necessity or is, at best, the natural outcome of political urge for power. Such a conception together with all its logical consequences, not only ignores the primordial racial forces that underlie the State, but it also leads to a minimization of the importance of the individual. If it be denied that races differ from one another in their cultural creative ability, then this same erroneous notion must necessarily influence our estimation of the value of the individual. The assumption that all races are alike leads to the assumption that nations and individuals are equal to one another. Therefore, international Marxism is merely the adoption by the Jєω, Karl Marx, of a general conception of life, which had existed long before his day, as a definite profession of political faith. If it had not already existed as a widely diffused infection, the amazing political progress of the Marxist teaching would never have been possible. In reality what distinguished Karl Marx from the millions who were affected in the same way was that, in a world already in a state of gradual decomposition, he used the unerring instinct of the prophetic genius to detect the essential poisons, so as to extract them and concentrate them, with the art of an alchemist, in a solution which would bring about the rapid destruction of the independent nations of the earth. All this was done in the service of his race. Thus the Marxian doctrine is the concentrated extract of the mentality which underlies the general Weltanschauung to-day. For this reason alone it is out of the question and even ridiculous to think that what is called our bourgeois world can put up any effective fight against Marxism, for this bourgeois world is permeated with all those same poisons, and its Weltanschauung in general differs from Marxism only in degree and in the character of the persons who hold it. The bourgeois world is Marxist, but believes in the possibility of a certain group of people—that is to say, the bourgeoisie—being able to dominate the world, while Marxism itself systematically aims at delivering the world into the hands of the Jєωs.

Over against all this, the völkisch Weltanschauung recognises that the primordial racial elements are of the greatest significance for mankind. In principle, the State is looked upon only as a means to an end and this end is the conservation of the racial characteristics of mankind. The völkisch principle does not admit that one race is equal to another, but by recognising that they are different, separates mankind into races of superior and inferior quality. On the basis of this recognition it feels bound, in conformity with the Eternal Will that dominates the universe, to postulate the victory of the better and stronger and the subordination of the inferior and weaker thus subscribing to Nature’s fundamental aristocratic principle and it believes that this law holds good even down to the last individual organism. It selects individual values from the mass and thus operates as an organising principle, whereas Marxism acts as a disintegrating solvent.

The völkisch belief holds that humanity must have its ideals, because ideals are a necessary condition of human existence itself. But, on the other hand, it denies that an ethical ideal has the right to prevail if it endangers the existence of a race that is the champion of a higher ethical ideal, for in a world composed of mongrels and Negroids all ideals of human beauty and nobility and all hopes of an idealised future for humanity would be lost for ever. On this planet of ours human culture and civilisation are indissolubly bound up with the presence of the Aryan. If he were to be exterminated or become extinct, then the dark shroud of a new barbaric era would enfold the earth.

To undermine the existence of human culture by exterminating its custodians would be an execrable crime in the eyes of those who subscribe to the völkisch Weltanschauung. Whoever dares to raise his hand against the highest image of God, sins against the bountiful Creator of this marvel and contributes to the expulsion from Paradise.

Hence the völkisch Weltanschauung is in profound accord with Nature’s most sacred will, because it restores the free play of the forces which, through reciprocal education, will produce a higher type, until finally the best portion of mankind will possess the earth and will be free to work in spheres which lie not only within, but without the limits of that earth.

We all feel that in the distant future man may be faced with problems which can be solved only by a superior race of human beings, which is master over all the other peoples and has at its disposal the means and resources of the whole world.

It is evident that such a general definition of what is implied by the term völkisch Weltanschauung may easily be interpreted in a thousand different ways. As a matter of fact, there is scarcely one of our recently founded political parties which does not in some manner have recourse to this conception; but the very fact of its independent existence, despite the many others, goes to prove its infinite variety. Thus the Marxist conception, directed by a central organisation endowed with supreme authority, is opposed by a medley of opinions which are not ideologically impressive in face of the solid phalanx presented by the enemy. Victory cannot be achieved with such weak weapons.

Only when the international Weltanschauung politically directed by organised Marxism is confronted by a völkisch Weltanschauung equally well-organised and equally well-directed will the one side do battle with the other on an equal footing and victory be on the side of eternal truth. The organisation and mobilisation of a Weltanschauung can never be carried out except on a basis of its clear definition. The function which dogma fulfills in religious beliefs comparable to the function which party principles fulfill in a political party which is in the process of being built up. It is, therefore, essential to forge an instrument which, like the Marxist party organisation which clears the way for internationalism, can be used in fighting for this ideal.

This is the aim which the National Socialist German Labour Party pursues.

That a definite formulation of the idea völkisch in connection with a party movement is a prerequisite for the triumph of the völkisch Weltanschauung is strikingly proved by a fact which is admitted, however indirectly, even by ,those who oppose such an amalgamation of the völkisch idea with party principles. The very people who never tire of insisting again and again that the völkisch Weltanschauung can never be the exclusive property of any individual, because it lies dormant or ‘lives’ in myriads of hearts, only confirm by their own statement the simple fact that the general presence of such ideas in the hearts of millions of men has not proved sufficient to prevent the victory of the opposing ideas, which are, admittedly, championed on the recognised party political lines. If that were not so, the German people ought already to have gained a sweeping victory instead of finding themselves on the brink of the abyss. The international ideology achieved success because it was championed by a militantly organised party. The reason for the failure hitherto sustained by the opposite ideology is that it lacked a united front to fight for its cause. It is not by allowing the right of free interpretation of its general principles, but only in the limited and, consequently, concentrated form of a political organisation that a Weltanschauung can sustain a struggle and triumph. Therefore, I considered it my special duty to extract from the extensive but unformulated material of a general Weltanschauung the essential ideas and give them a more or less dogmatic form. Because of their precise and clear meaning, these ideas are suited to the purpose of uniting in a common front all those who are ready to accept them as principles. In other words, the National Socialist German Labour Party extracts the essential principles from the general conception of the völkisch Weltanschauung. On these principles it establishes a political doctrine which takes into account the practical realities of the day, the character of the times, the available human material and all its deficiencies. Through this political doctrine it is possible to bring great masses of the people into a systematic organisation which is the main preliminary that is necessary for the final triumph of this ideal.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 06, 2018, 12:54:53 AM
Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (pp. 532-554). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.


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Moreover, we, as National Socialists, must lay down the following principle as regards the essential characteristics of the foreign policy pursued by a völkisch State. The first object of the foreign policy of a völkisch State is to safeguard the existence on this earth of the race which has been organised as an entity by this State, by the establishment of a healthy, enduring and natural proportion between the size and the growth of the population, on the one hand, and the area and resources of its territory, on the other. The only proportion which can be termed ‘healthy’ is one in which the resources of the soil are sufficient, to guarantee the nation’s food-supply. Any condition which falls short of this is none the less unhealthy for the fact that it may endure for centuries or even thousands of years. Sooner or later, this lack of proportion must of necessity lead to the decline; or even annihilation of the people concerned. Only a sufficiently large space on this earth can assure the independent existence of a people. The extent of the territory necessary for the accommodation of the national population must not be estimated in the light of present exigencies or even of its agricultural productivity in relation to the number of the population. In the first volume of this book, under the heading, ‘Germany’s Policy of Alliances before the War’, I have already explained that the territorial dimensions of a State are of importance not only as the immediate source of the nation’s food-supply, but also from the military standpoint. Once a people have become self-supporting as a result of the adequate area of its territory, the next consideration is how to take the necessary steps to safeguard his territory. National security depends on the political and military strength of a State and this, in turn, depends on its geographical situation looked at from the military point of view. Thus the German nation could assure its own future only by becoming a World Power.

For nearly two thousand years the defence of our national interests (as we ought to describe our more or less successful foreign political activities) was a matter of world history. We ourselves have witnessed this, since the gigantic international struggle of the German people for their existence on this earth, and it was carried out in such a way that it has become known in the annals of history as the World War. When Germany entered this struggle it was presumed that she was a World Power. I say ‘presumed’ because in reality she was no such thing. If, in 1914, there had been a different proportion between the German population and its territorial area, Germany would really have been a World Power and, leaving other factors out of count, the War would have ended in her favour. It is neither my task nor my intention here to discuss what would have happened if certain conditions had been fulfilled, but I feel it absolutely incuмbent on me to depict the present situation in its true light, and to point out its weaknesses which give cause for alarm, in order to make at least those who belong to the National Socialist Movement aware of what steps must be taken. Germany is not a World Power to-day.

Even though our present military weakness could be overcome, we would still have no claim to be called a World Power. What importance has any State on earth in which the proportion between the size of the population and the territorial area is so hopelessly unsatisfactory as in the present German Reich? In an epoch in which the world is being gradually portioned out among States, many of whom embrace almost whole continents, one cannot speak of a World Power in referring to a State whose political mother-country is limited to a territorial area of barely five-hundred-thousand square kilometres.

Looked at purely from the territorial point of view, the area of the German Reich is insignificant in comparison with that of so-called World Powers. It would be wrong to cite the case of Britain for the purpose of disproving this statement, because Great Britain, the mother-country, is in reality the great metropolis of the British World Empire, which covers almost one-fourth of the earth’s surface. Among the giant States we must also consider the United States of America, Russia and China. These are enormous territories, some of which have more than ten times the area of the present German Reich. France must also be ranked among these States. Not only because she is constantly increasing the strength of her army by recruiting coloured troops from the population of her gigantic empire, but also because, from the racial point of view, she is rapidly becoming Negroid to such an extent that we can actually speak of the formation of an African state on European soil. The contemporary colonial policy of France cannot be compared with that of Germany in the past. If France develops along the lines it has taken in our day, and should that development continue for the next three hundred years, all traces of French blood will finally be lost in the formation of a Euro-African mulatto state. This would represent a formidable and compact colonial territory stretching from the Rhine to the Congo, inhabited by an inferior race which had developed through a slow and steady process of bastardization.

In this, French colonial policy differs from the policy followed by the old Germany. The former German colonial policy consisted in half measures as did almost everything undertaken at that time It did not aim at the acquisition of new territory for the settlement of German nationals nor did it make any attempt (criminal though this might have been) to reinforce the power of the Reich through the enlistment of black troops. The Askari units in German East Africa represented a small and hesitant step in this direction, but in reality they served only for the defence of the colony itself. The idea of transporting black troops to a European theatre of war—apart entirely from the practical impossibility of doing so during the World War—was never entertained as a proposal to be carried out under favourable conditions; whereas the French, on the contrary, always looked on this as the underlying motive and justification for their colonial activities. Thus we find in the world to-day a number of powerful States which are not only superior to Germany as regards the numerical strength of their population, but which also possess in territorial area the chief support of their political power. Never has the position of the German Reich, judged from the point of view of its area and the size of its population, been so unfavourable in comparison with other States of whilom importance, as at the beginning of its history two thousand years ago and again to-day. In that other era we were a young people and we stormed a world of decadent giant States, the last of which was Rome, to whose overthrow we contributed.

To-day we find ourselves in a world of great and powerful States among which our own Reich is steadily losing in significance. We must always face this bitter truth with clear and calm minds. We must study the area and population of the German Reich in relation to the other States and compare them throughout the centuries. Then, I know, everyone will realise to his consternation that what I said at the outset is true, namely, that Germany is no longer a World Power, whether she be strong or weak from the military point of view. There is no comparison between our position and that of the other States throughout the world, and this is to be attributed to the ill-fated foreign policy pursued by our governments, to the fact that our foreign policy failed absolutely to pursue a definite aim with unswerving perseverance and also to the fact that we have lost every sound impulse and instinct for self-preservation. If the National Socialist Movement is to be credited by posterity with having fulfilled a great mission on behalf of our nation it must fully recognise the serious nature of our actual position in the world, and struggle bravely and doggedly against the aimlessness and inefficiency which have hitherto led the German people to pursue a false course as regards foreign policy.

Without respect for ‘tradition,’ and without any preconceived notions, the Movement must find the courage to organise our national forces, and set them on the path which will lead them beyond the confines of the ‘living space’ which is theirs to-day, to the acquisition of new territory. Thus the Movement will save the German people from the danger of perishing or of becoming slaves in the service of any other people. Our Movement must seek to abolish the present lack of proportion between our population and the area of our national territory, considered as the source of our maintenance or as a basis of political power. It ought also to strive to abolish the contrast between past history and the hopelessly powerless position in which we are to-day. In striving to do so, it must bear in mind the fact that we are the custodians of the highest form of civilisation on this earth, that we have a correspondingly high duty and that we shall fulfill this duty only if we inspire the German people with race-consciousness, so that they will concern themselves not merely with the breeding of dogs, horses and cats, but also care for the purity of their own blood.

When I say that the foreign policy hitherto followed by Germany has been aimless and ineffectual, the proof of my statement will be found in the actual failure of this policy. Were our people intellectually backward, or did they lack courage, the final results of their efforts could not have been worse than those of which we are witnesses to-day. We must not allow ourselves to be misled by developments during the last decades before the War, because we must not measure the strength of a State taken by itself, but in comparison with other States. Now, this comparison shows that not only had the strength of the other States increased more steadily than that of Germany, but that in the long run it proved to be greater, so that, despite her apparent prosperity, Germany gradually dropped further behind in the race with other States. In short, the difference in size increases much to our detriment. Even in the size of our population we lagged behind, and kept on losing ground.

Since the courage of our people is unsurpassed by that of any other in the world and their sacrifice in defence of their existence greater than that of any other nation, their failure can be ascribed only to the false way in which this sacrifice was used. If, in this connection, we examine the chain of political vicissitudes through which our people have passed during more than a thousand years, recalling the innumerable struggles and wars and investigating the results as we have them before us to-day, we must confess that from the sea of blood only three phenomena have emerged which we can consider as the lasting fruits of a definite foreign policy, or, in fact of a policy at all. These were, firstly, the colonization of the Ostmark, which was mainly the work of the Bavarian secondly, the conquest and settlement of the territory east of the Elbe; and thirdly, the organisation of the Brandenburg-Prussian State, which was the work of the Hohenzollerns and which became the model for, and the nucleus of, a new Reich.

An instructive lesson for the future! These first two great successes of our foreign policy turned out to be the most enduring. Without them our people would play no part in the world to-day. These achievements were the first, and unfortunately the only, successful attempts to establish a satisfactory balance between cur increasing population and the area of our country, and we must regard it as a fatal mistake that our German historians have never correctly appreciated these two outstanding achievements which were of such significance for the following generations. On the other hand, they wrote panegyrics on many other things, on heroism displayed in the pursuit of a fantastic aim and on innumerable adventurous campaigns and wars, instead of realising that these latter had no significance in relation to the main course of our national development. The third great success achieved by our political activity was the establishment of the Prussian State and the development of a particular State concept which grew out of this. To the same source we must attribute the organisation of the instinct of national self-preservation and self-defence in the German Army, an achievement which suited the modern world. The transformation of the idea of self-defence on the part of the individual into the duty of national defence is derived from the Prussian State and the new State concept which it introduced. It would be impossible to over-estimate the importance of this process. The German nation, which, as a result of racial disintegration, had become the victim of exaggerated individualism, partially regained, through the disciplinary training of the Prussian Army, its capacity for organisation. What other nations still retain of the original herd instinct, we regained, in some measure, for the national community by the artificial means of military training. Consequently, the abolition of compulsory national military service—which may have no significance for dozens of other nations—had fatal consequences for us. Let ten generations of Germans be without the corrective and educative effect of military training and delivered over to the evil effects of their racial and, consequently, ideological disintegration and our people would lose the last relics of an independent existence on this earth.

The German intellect could then make its contribution to civilisation only through the medium of individuals living under the rule of foreign nations and its origin would remain unknown, while acting as the fertilizing manure of civilisation, until the last residue of Nordic-Aryan blood in us had become corrupted or extinct. It is a remarkable fact that the real political successes achieved by our people during their millennial struggles are better appreciated and understood by our adversaries than by ourselves. Even to-day we wax enthusiastic about an act of heroism which robbed our people of millions of their best racial stock and turned out completely fruitless in the end.

The distinction between the real political successes which our people have achieved in the course of their long history and the futile aims for which the blood of the nation has been shed is of supreme importance in determining our policy now and in the future. We National Socialists must never allow ourselves to join in the huzza-ing patriotism of our contemporary bourgeois circles. It would be fatal for us to look upon the developments immediately before the War as in any way binding us in the choice of our own course. We can recognise no obligation devolving on us which may have its origin in any historical phase of the nineteenth century. In contradiction to the policy of those who represented that period, we must take our stand on the principles already mentioned in regard to foreign policy, namely, the necessity for bringing our territorial area into accord with the number of our population.

From the past we can learn only one lesson, and this is that the aim which is to be pursued in our political conduct must be twofold, namely, (1) the acquisition of territory as the objective of our foreign policy and (2) the establishment of a new, uniform and ideologically secure foundation as the objective of our political activities at home. I shall deal briefly with the question of how far our territorial aims are justified according to ethical and moral principles. This is all the more necessary here because, in our so-called völkisch circles, there are all kinds of smooth-tongued phrase-mongers who try to persuade the German people that the great aim of their foreign policy ought to be to right the wrongs of 1918, while at the same time they consider it incuмbent on them to assure the whole world of the brotherly spirit and sympathy of the German people. In regard to this point I should like to make the following preliminary statement.

To demand that the 1914 frontiers should be restored is a glaring political absurdity that is fraught with such consequences as to make the claim itself appear criminal. The confines of the Reich as they existed in 1914 were thoroughly illogical, because they were not really complete, in the sense of including all the members of the German people, nor were they reasonable, in view of the geographical exigencies of military defence. They were not the outcome of a well-considered political plan, they were temporary frontiers established in virtue of a political struggle that had not been fought to a finish, and indeed they were partly the chance result of circuмstances. One would be equally justified (and in many cases better justified) in selecting any other year in our history and in demanding that the objective of our foreign policy should be the re-establishment of the conditions then existing. The demands I have mentioned are quite characteristic of our bourgeois compatriots, who, in such matters, take no politically productive thought for the future.

They live only in the past and indeed only in the immediate past, for even their retrospect does not go back beyond their own times. The law of inertia binds them to the present order of things, leading them to oppose every attempt to change this. Their opposition, however, never takes the form of any kind of active defence, it is merely passive obstinacy. Therefore, we must regard it as quite natural that the political horizon of such people should not reach beyond 1914. In proclaiming that the aim of their political activities is to have the frontiers of that time restored, they only help to close up the rifts that are already becoming apparent in the league which our enemies have formed against us. Only on these grounds can we explain the fact that eight years after a world conflagration in which a number of allied belligerents had aspirations and aims that were partly in conflict with one another, the coalition of the victors still remains more or less solid. Each of those States in its turn profited by the German collapse. In the fear which they all felt of our strength, the Great Powers maintained a mutual silence about their individual feelings of envy and enmity towards one another. They felt that to carry into effect a general process of expropriation of the Reich’s possessions would be the surest guarantee against the possibility of our resurgence. A bad conscience and fear of the strength of our people made up the durable cement which has held the members of that league together, even up to the present moment; nor have they been deceived by us. Inasmuch as our bourgeoisie sets up the restoration of the 1914 frontiers as the aim of Germany’s political programme, each member of the enemy coalition who might otherwise be inclined to withdraw from it, clings to the coalition for fear that he might, having lost the support of his allies, become an isolated object of attack. Each individual State feels itself endangered and threatened by this battle-cry, and that battle-cry itself is absurd, for the two following reasons: Firstly, because there is no available means of extricating it from the twilight atmosphere of club meetings and transforming it into something real. Secondly, because even if it could be carried into effect the result would be so futile that it would not be worth while to risk the blood of our people once again for such a purpose.

There can be scarcely any doubt whatsoever that only through bƖσσdshɛd could we achieve the restoration of the 1914 frontiers. One must have the simple mind of a child to believe that the revision of the Versailles Treaty can be obtained by indirect means and by beseeching the clemency of the victors—apart from the fact that for this we should need a Talleyrand, and there is no Talleyrand among us. Fifty per cent of our politicians are artful dodgers who are without character and hostile to our people, while the other fifty per cent is made up of well-meaning, harmless, and complaisant incompetents. Moreover, times have changed since the Congress of Vienna, it is no longer princes or their courtesans who haggle and bargain about State frontiers, but the inexorable cosmopolitan Jєω who fights for dominion over the nations. The sword is the only means whereby a nation can ward off that strangle-hold. Only when the concentrated might of rampant patriotic fervour is organised can it defy the menace of international enslavement of the nations. Such a course of action entails, and always will entail, bƖσσdshɛd.

If we are once convinced that the future of Germany calls for supreme effort, then, apart from considerations of political prudence, we are in duty bound to set up an aim that is worthy of that effort and to struggle to achieve it. The 1914 frontiers are of no significance for the future of the German nation. They did not serve to protect us in the past, nor do they offer any guarantee for our defence in the future. These frontiers do not help the German people to achieve internal unity, nor do they serve to safeguard its food-supplies. From the military standpoint these frontiers are neither strategically good nor even satisfactory. Finally, they cannot serve to improve our present position in relation to other World Powers, or rather in relation to the real World Powers. They will not lessen the discrepancy between ourselves and Great Britain, nor help us to rival the United States its size.

Not only that, but they would not serve to lessen substantially the importance of France in international politics. One thing alone is certain, namely, the attempt to restore the frontiers of 1914, even if it proved successful, would lead to a further draining of the blood of our nation to such an extent that no virile men would be left to execute the revolutions and perform the deeds necessary in order to assure the future existence of the nation. On the contrary, under the intoxicating influence of such a superficial success further aims would be renounced, all the more so because so-called ‘national honour’ would seem to be vindicated and new ports would be opened, at least for a certain time, to our commercial development. In the face of all this we National Socialists must adhere firmly to the aim that we have set for our foreign policy, namely, that the German people must be guaranteed that living-space to which it is entitled, and only in pursuance of such an aim can the shedding of the blood of our people be justified in the eyes of God, and future generations of Germans.

God—because we are sent into this world to struggle for our daily bread, as creatures to whom nothing is donated and who must be able to win and maintain their position as lords of the earth by virtue of their own intelligence and courage. Germans—in the eyes of further generations of Germans, since the blood of no German should be spilt unless it be to guarantee the lives of a thousand others yet unborn. The territory on which our German peasants will one day be able to rear sturdy sons will justify the sacrifice of the lives of sons of peasants to-day, and though the statesmen responsible for this sacrifice may be persecuted by their contemporaries, posterity will absolve them from the charge of having been guilty of bƖσσdshɛd and of sacrificing the nation. Here I must protest sharply against those völkisch scribblers who pretend that such territorial extension would be a ‘violation of the sacred rights of man’ and accordingly attack it in their literary effusions.

One never knows what are the hidden forces behind the activities of such persons. But it is certain that the confusion which they provoke suits the game our enemies are playing against our nation and is in accordance with their wishes. By the conception of this attitude such scribblers contribute in criminal fashion to weaken from within and to destroy our people’s will to defend their own vital interests by the only effective means that can be used for that purpose, for no nation on earth possesses a square yard of territory by decree of a higher Will and by virtue of a higher Right. The German frontiers are the outcome of chance and are only temporary frontiers that have been established as the result of political struggles which took place at various times.

The same is also true of the frontiers which demarcate the territories in which other nations live. Only an imbecile could look on the physical geography of the globe as fixed and unchangeable. Actually, it represents only an apparent interval in a continual evolutionary process due to the certain action of the formidable forces of Nature, and is liable to destruction and transformation to-morrow through still more formidable forces. So, too, in the lives of the nations the confines of their ‘living space’ are liable to change. State frontiers are established by human beings and may be altered by human beings. The fact that a nation has acquired an enormous territorial area is no reason why other nations should for ever acknowledge its right to that territory.

At most, the possession of such territory is a proof of the might of the conqueror and the weakness of those who submit to him and this might alone is right. If the German people is cramped in an insufficient living space and is, for that reason, faced with a hopeless future, it is not by the law of Destiny, and the refusal to accept such a situation is by no means a violation of Destiny’s laws. Just as no Higher Power has allotted more territory to other nations than to the German nation, an unjust distribution of territory cannot constitute an offence against such a Power. The land in which we now live was not a gift bestowed by Heaven on our forefathers, but was conquered by them at the risk of their lives. Thus, now, in future our people will not acquire territory and with it the means of subsistence as a favour at the hands of any other nation, but will have to win it by the power of a triumphant sword.

To-day we are all convinced of the necessity for regulating our position with regard to France; but our success here will be ineffectual in the vain if the general aims of our foreign policy stop at that. It can have significance for us only if it serves to cover our flank in the struggle for that extension of territory which is necessary for the existence of our people in Europe, for colonial acquisitions will not solve that question. It can be solved only by the acquisition of such territory for the settlement of our people as will extend the area of the mother-country and thereby not only keep the newly-settled population in close touch with the parent-country, but will guarantee the entire territory the enjoyment of those advantages accruing from its total size.

The völkisch Movement must not play the advocate for ether nations, but beg the protagonist of its own nation. Otherwise it would he superfluous and, above all, it would have no right to clamour against the past, for it would then be repeating the action of the past. The old German policy suffered from having been determined by dynastic considerations, the new German policy must not adopt the sentimentally cosmopolitan attitude of völkisch circles. Above all, we must riot form a police guard for the famous ‘small oppressed nations,’ but we must be the soldiers of the German nation. We National Socialists must go still further. The right to territory may become a duty when a great nation seems destined to go under unless its territory be extended, and that is particularly true when the nation in question is not a handful of Negroes, but the Germanic mother of all those who have given culture to the modern world.

Germany will either become a World Power or will not continue to exist, but in order to become a World Power she needs that territorial area which would give her the necessary importance to-day and assure the existence of her citizens.

Therefore, we National Socialists have purposely broken away from the line of conduct followed by pre-war Germany in foreign policy. We are beginning at the point at which our ancestors left off six hundred years ago. We are putting a stop to the eternal German trek towards Southern and Western Europe and are turning our eyes towards the lands that lie to the east of us. We are abandoning, once and for all, the colonial and commercial policy of pre-war days and are making a start upon the future policy of territorial expansion, but when we speak of new territory in Europe to-day we must think principally of Russia and the border states under her rule. Destiny itself seems to point the way for us here. In delivering Russia over to Bolshevism, Fate robbed the Russian people of that intellectual class which had once created the Russian State and was the guarantee for its existence. The Russian State as such was not the outcome of the ability of the Slav to establish a constitution, but rather a marvellous example of the constructive political activity of the Germanic element in a race of inferior worth.

This is the way in which many mighty empires throughout the world were created. More than once inferior races with Germanic organisers and rulers as their leaders became formidable States and continued to exist as long as the racial nucleus which had originally created the State remained. For centuries, Russia has lived on this Germanic nucleus of its governing classes, but to-day this nucleus has been practically exterminated. The Jєω has taken its place. Just as it is impossible for the Russian, on his own, to shake off the Jєωιѕн yoke so, too, it is impossible for the Jєω to keep this mighty State in existence for any lengthy period of time. He himself is by no means an organising element, but rather a ferment of decomposition.

This colossal empire in the East is ripe for dissolution, and the end of the Jєωιѕн domination in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a State. We are chosen by Destiny to be the witnesses of a catastrophe which will afford the most striking confirmation of the völkisch theory of race.

It is our task, and the mission of the National Socialist Movement, to develop in our people that political mentality which will enable them to realise that the aim which they must set themselves in future could not find fulfilment in the glorious enthusiasm of a victorious campaign fought with the ardour of an Alexander the Great. That the Jєω should declare himself bitterly hostile to such a policy is only natural, for the Jєω knows better than any other what the adoption of this line of conduct will mean for his own future. That fact alone ought to teach all genuine nationalists that this new orientation is the right one, but, unfortunately, the reverse is the case. Not only among the members of the German National Party, but also in purely völkisch circles, violent opposition is being raised against this Eastern European policy, and in connection with that opposition, as in all such cases, the authority of great men is cited. The spirit of Bismarck is evoked in defence of a policy which is as stupid as it is impossible, and is in the highest degree detrimental to the German people.

They say that Bismarck attached great importance to the maintenance of good relations with Russia. To a certain extent, that is true, but they quite forget to add that he laid equal stress on the importance of good relations with Italy, for example. Indeed, the same Herr von Bismarck once concluded an alliance with Italy so that he might more easily settle accounts with Austria. Why is this policy not continued to-day? The answer will be to the effect that the Italy of to-day is not the Italy of that time. Well then, honourable sirs, permit me to remind you that the Russia of to-day is no longer the Russia of that time. Bismarck never dreamt of laying down a political course of action which, from the tactical point of view, was to hold good for all time. He was too much the master of the hour to bind himself in that way. The question, therefore, ought not to be what did Bismarck do then, but rather what would he do to-day. And that question is much easier to answer. His political sagacity would never allow him to ally himself with a State that is doomed to disappear. Moreover, Bismarck looked upon the colonial and commercial policy of his time with mixed feelings, because at first, his chief concern was to find the surest way of consolidating and internally strengthening the state system which he himself had created. That was the sole reason why, at that time, he welcomed Russian protection in the rear, which gave him a free hand for his activities in the West, but what was then advantageous to Germany would now be detrimental. As early as 1920–21, the young National Socialist Movement was slowly, beginning to make itself felt in the political world and was spoken of in various circles as the movement for the liberation of the German nation. At that time it was approached from various quarters with the object of establishing definite relations with the liberationist movements in other countries. This was quite in keeping with the much-advertised ‘League of Oppressed Nations.’

The persons concerned were, for the most part, representatives of some of the Balkan States and also of Egypt and India. They always impressed me as loquacious gentlemen who gave themselves airs, but had no real backing. Not a few Germans, however, especially in the nationalist camp, allowed themselves to be taken in by these pompous Orientals, and in the person of some Indian or Egyptian student they believed at once that they were face to face with a ‘representative’ of India or Egypt. They did not realise that, in most cases, they were dealing with persons who had no backing and who were not authorised to conclude any sort of agreement whatsoever, so that the practical result of any contact with such individuals was nil, unless one chose to enter the time spent thus as a dead loss. I was always on my guard against these attempts, not only because I had something better to do than to waste weeks in such sterile ‘discussions,’ but also because I believed that even if one were dealing with authorised representatives of such nations, the whole affair would be bound to turn out futile, if not positively harmful. Even in peace-time it was lamentable enough that the German policy of alliances, because it had no active and aggressive aims in view, ended in a defensive association of antiquated States which, as far as history was concerned were already on the retired list. There was little to be said either for the alliance with Austria or for that with Turkey. While the greatest military and industrial States of the earth had joined together in a league for purposes of active aggression, a few old and effete States were got together, and with this antique bric-a-brac an attempt was made to face an active world-coalition.

Germany has had to pay dearly for that mistaken foreign policy and yet not dearly enough to prevent our incorrigible visionaries from falling into the same error again, for the attempt to bring about the disarmament of the all-powerful victorious States through a ‘League of Oppressed Nations’ is not only ridiculous, but disastrous. It is disastrous because in that way the attention of the German people is again being diverted from real possibilities, which they abandon for the sake of fanciful and fruitless hopes and illusions. The German of to-day is like a drowning man who clutches at any straw. At the same time many of the people who are misled in this way are otherwise highly educated. Whenever some will-o’-the-wisp of a fantastic hope appears these people immediately pursue it. No matter whether it be a League of Oppressed Nations, a League of Nations, or some other fantastic invention, thousands of ingenuous souls will always be found to believe in it. I well remember the childishly incomprehensible hope that Britain’s downfall in India was imminent, which was cherished by völkisch circles in the years 1920–21. A few Asiatic mountebank, who may even have been sincere ‘champions of Indian freedom,’ were then at a loose end in Europe and succeeded in inspiring otherwise quite reasonable people with the fixed notion that the British World Empire, of which India was the hub, was just about to collapse there. They never realised that this was wishful thinking, nor did they stop to think how absurd their hopes were, for inasmuch as they expected the end of the British Empire and of Britain’s power to follow the collapse of its dominion over India, they themselves admitted that India was of paramount importance to Britain. It is more than probable that this vital question was not in the nature of a mystery known only to the prophets of German völkisch circles, but also to those in whose hands lay the shaping of British history.

It is simply puerile to suppose that in Britain itself the importance of India for the British Empire was not adequately appreciated. It is a proof of failure to have learned a lesson from the World War and of a thorough misunderstanding and inability to recognise the quality of Anglo-Saxon determination, if anyone imagines that Britain would let India go without first putting forth the last ounce of her strength in a struggle to hold it. Moreover, it shows how complete is the ignorance prevailing in Germany as to the manner in which Britain administers her Empire and permeates it with her spirit. Britain will never lose India unless her administrative machinery becomes corrupt as a result of racial contamination (which is at present entirely out of the question in India), or unless she is overcome by the sword of some powerful enemy. Indian risings will never bring this about. We Germans have had sufficient experience to know how hard it is to overcome Britain, and apart from all this, I as a Teuton, would far rather see India under British rule than under that of any other nation. The hopes founded on a legendary rising in Egypt were just as chimerical. The ‘Holy War’ may give our German nincompoops the pleasing illusion that others are now prepared to shed their blood for them. Indeed this cowardly speculation is almost always the father of such hopes, but in actual fact the ‘Holy War’ would soon be brought to a sanguinary conclusion under the withering fire of British machine-guns and a hail of British shells. A coalition of cripples cannot attack a powerful State which is determined, if necessary, to shed the last drop of its blood in order to preserve its existence.

I, as a nationalist, who estimate the worth of humanity according to racial standards, must, in recognising the inferiority of the so-called ‘oppressed nations’, refuse to link the destiny of my own people with the destiny of theirs.

To-day we must take up the same attitude towards Russia. The Russia of to-day, deprived of its Germanic ruling class, is, apart from the secret designs of its new rulers, no suitable ally in the struggle for German liberty. From the purely military point of view, a Russo-German coalition waging war against Western Europe, and probably against the whole world on that account, would be catastrophic for us. The struggle would have to be fought out, not on Russian, but on German territory, without Germany being able to receive from Russia the slightest effective support. The military forces at the disposal of the present German Reich are so small and so inadequate for the waging of a foreign war that it would be impossible to defend our frontiers against Western Europe, Britain included. The industrial area of Germany would have to be abandoned undefended before the concentrated attack of our adversaries, It must be added that between Germany and Russia there is the Polish State, completely in the hands of the French. Should Germany and Russia together wage war against Western Europe, Russia would have to overthrow Poland before the first Russian soldier could be conveyed to a German front, but it is less a question of soldiers than of technical equipment.

In this respect our plight during the World War would be repeated, but in a more terrible manner. At that time, German, industry had to be drained to help our glorious allies, and on the technical side Germany had to carry on the war almost alone. In this new hypothetical war Russia, as a technical factor, would count for nothing. We should have practically nothing to oppose to the general mechanisation of the world, which in the next war will assume overwhelming and decisive proportions. In this important field Germany has not only shamefully lagged behind, but would, with the little she has, have to reinforce Russia, which at the present moment does not possess a single factory capable of producing a motor-car in good running order. Under such conditions such a struggle would assume the character of sheer slaughter. The youth of Germany would have to shed more of its blood than it did even in the World War; for, as always, it would fall to us to bear the brunt of the fighting, and the result would be an inevitable catastrophe. Even supposing that a miracle took place and that this war did not end in the total annihilation of Germany, the final result would be that the German nation would be bled white, and, surrounded as she would be by great military States, her real situation would be in no way ameliorated. It is useless to object here that in case of an alliance with Russia we should not think of an immediate war or that anyhow we should have the means of making thorough preparations for war.

This is absurd, since an alliance which is not for the purpose of waging war has no meaning and no value. The object of forming an alliance is to wage war.

Even though, at the moment when an alliance is concluded, the prospect of war is a distant one, still the idea of the situation developing towards war is the reason underlying the formation of an alliance. It is out of the question to think that the other Powers would be deceived as to the purpose of such an alliance. A Russo-German coalition would either remain a mere scrap of paper (in which case it would have no meaning for us), or the terms of the agreement would be put into effect, and in that case the rest of the world would be forewarned. It would be childish to think that in such circuмstances Britain and France would wait ten years to give the Russo-German alliance time to complete its technical preparations. Far from it, the storm would break over Germany immediately. The fact of forming an alliance with Russia would, therefore; be the signal for a new war, the result of which would be the end of Germany. To these considerations the following must be added: (1) Those who are in power in Russia to-day have no intention of forming an honourable alliance or of remaining true to it, if they did. It must never be forgotten that the present rulers of Russia are blood-stained criminals, that here we have the dregs of humanity which, favoured by the circuмstances of a tragic moment, overran a great State, and, in their lust for blood, killed and extirpated millions of educated people belonging to the ruling classes, and that now for nearly ten years they have ruled with a savage tyranny such as has never been known. It must not be forgotten that these rulers belong to a people in which the most bestial cruelty is allied to a capacity for artful mendacity and which, to-day more than ever, believes itself called upon to impose its sanguinary despotism on the rest of the world. It must not be forgotten that the international Jєω, who is to-day absolute master in Russia, does not look upon Germany as an ally, but as a State condemned to the same doom as Russia itself.

One does not form an alliance with a partner whose only aim is the destruction of his co-partner. Above all, one does not enter into alliances with people to whom no treaty is sacred, because they do not exist as the upholders of truth and honour, but as the protagonists of lying and deception, thievery, plunder and robbery. The man who thinks that he can enter into a treaty with parasites is like a tree that believes it can make a bargain with the mistletoe that feeds on it. (2) The menace to which Russia once succuмbed is perpetually hanging over Germany. Only a bourgeois simpleton could imagine that the Bolshevist danger has been overcome. In his superficial way of thinking he does not suspect that here we are dealing with a phenomenon that is due to an urge of the blood, namely, the aspiration of the Jєωιѕн people to become the despots of the world. That aspiration is quite as natural as the impulse of the Anglo-Saxon to rule the world, and as the Anglo-Saxon chooses his own way of attaining those ends and fights for them with characteristic weapons, so does the Jєω. The Jєω follows his own methods, he insinuates himself into the very heart of the nations and then proceeds to undermine the national structure from within. The weapons with which he works are lies and calumny, poisonous infection and disintegration, intensifying the struggle until he has succeeded in exterminating his hated adversary to the accompaniment of much bƖσσdshɛd.

In Russian Bolshevism we must recognise the kind of attempt which is being made by the Jєω in the twentieth century to secure dominion over the world. In other epochs he worked towards the same goal, but with different, though fundamentally similar, means. The ambition of the Jєω is part and parcel of his very nature. Just as no other people would voluntarily check the instinct to increase in numbers or in power, unless forced to do so by external circuмstances or senile decay, so the Jєω will never, of his own accord, repress his eternal urge and abandon his struggle for world dictatorship. Only external forces can thwart him, or his instinct for world domination will die out with his race. If nations become impotent or extinct through senility it is because they have failed to preserve their racial purity. The Jєωs preserve the purity of their blood better than any other people on earth. Thus the Jєω pursues his fateful course until he meets another and superior force and after a desperate struggle he who would have stormed the heavens is hurled back once more to the regions of Lucifer. To-day Germany is Bolshevism’s next objective. All the force of a fresh missionary idea is needed to rouse our nation once more, to free it from the toils of the international serpent and stop the process of corruption of our blood from within. The forces of our nation, thus liberated, may be employed to preserve our nationality and in this way, prevent a repetition of the recent catastrophe from taking place even in the most distant future. If this be the goal we set ourselves, it would be folly to ally ourselves with a country whose ruler is the mortal enemy of our future. How can we release our people from this poisonous grip if we ourselves accept it?

How can we teach the German worker that Bolshevism is an infamous crime against humanity if we ally ourselves with this infernal abortion and recognise its existence as legitimate? What right have we to condemn the members of the broad masses whose sympathies lie with a certain Weltanschauung if the rulers of our State choose the representatives of that Weltanschauung as their allies? The struggle against the Jєωιѕн Bolshevisation of the world demands that we should declare our position towards Soviet Russia. We cannot cast out the Devil through Beelzebub. If to-day even völkisch circles are eager for an alliance with Russia, let there but pause to look around in Germany itself, in order that they may realise from what quarter their support comes. Do these people holding völkisch views believe that a policy which is recommended and acclaimed by the Marxist international press can benefit the German people? Since when do they fight with weapons provided by the Jєω? One reproach which could be levelled against the old German Reich with regard to its policy of alliances was that it spoiled its relations towards all other States by continual vacillation and by its weakness in trying to preserve world peace at all costs, but one reproach which cannot be levelled against it is that it failed to maintain good relations with Russia. I frankly admit that, before the War, I thought it would have been better if Germany had abandoned her senseless colonial policy and her naval policy and had joined Britain in an alliance against Russia. Thereby Germany would renounce her weak world policy for a determined European policy, with the idea of acquiring new territory on the Continent. I do not forget the constant insolent threats which Pan-Slav Russia made against Germany. I do not forget the continual mobilisation rehearsals, the sole object of which was to irritate Germany. I cannot forget the tone of public opinion in Russia which, in pre-war days, excelled itself in hate-inspired outbursts against our nation and our Reich, nor can I forget the big Russian press which was always more favourable to France than to us. Yet, despite all this, another alternative was open to us before the War. We might have won the support of Russia and turned against Britain. Circuмstances are entirely different to-day.

Although, before the War, we might have swallowed our pride and marched at the side of Russia, that is no longer possible to-day. Since then the hand of the world-clock has moved forward and points the hour in which the destiny of our people must be decided one way or another. The present process of consolidation now being carried out by the great States of the world is the last warning signal to us to look to ourselves, to bring our people back from the realm of visions to the realm of hard facts and point the sole way into the future, which will lead the old Reich to a new era of prosperity. If, in view of this great and most important task before it, the National Socialist Movement sets aside all illusions and takes reason as its sole guide, the catastrophe of 1918 may turn out to be an infinite blessing for the future of our nation. As a result of the collapse our nation may succeed in adopting an entirely new attitude with regard to foreign policy, and strengthened within by its new Weltanschauung, the German nation may finally stabilise its foreign policy. It may end by gaining what Britain has, what even Russia had, and what enabled France again and again to make analogous decisions which ultimately proved to be to her advantage, namely, a political testament.

The fundamental principles of the political testament of the German nation determining the course of its foreign policy shall be as follows: Never permit two continental Powers to arise in Europe. Look upon every attempt to establish a second military Power on the frontiers of Germany, be it only in the shape of a State capable of becoming a military power, as tantamount to an attack upon Germany. Regard it not only as your right, but as your duty, to prevent by every possible means, including resort to arms, the establishment of such a State, and to crush it, should it be established.

See to it that the strength of our nation does not rest on colonial foundations, but on those of our own native territory in Europe. Never consider the Reich secure unless, for centuries to come, it is in a position to give every descendant of our race a piece of ground that he can call his own. Never forget that the most sacred of all rights in this world is man’s right to the soil which he wishes to cultivate for himself and that the holiest of all sacrifices is that of the blood shed for it. I should not like to conclude these remarks without referring once again to the sole possibility of an alliance that exists for us in Europe at the present moment. In the previous chapter dealing with the problem of Germany’s policy of alliances, I mentioned Britain and Italy as the only countries with which it would be worth while for us to strive to form a close alliance and that such an alliance would be advantageous. I should like here to deal briefly with the military importance of such an alliance.

The military consequences of this alliance would be the direct opposite of the consequences of an alliance with Russia. Most important of all is the fact that a rapprochement with Britain and Italy would in no way involve a danger of war. The only Power liable to oppose such an alliance would be France who would scarcely be in a position to do so. Thus, such an alliance would afford Germany an opportunity of quietly making those preparations which, within the framework of such a coalition, would necessarily have to lie made with a view to settling accounts with France. The lull significance of such an alliance lies in the fact that its conclusion would not automatically lay Germany open to the threat of invasion, but that the very coalition would be broken up, that is to say, the Entente which has been the cause of so many of our misfortunes, would be dissolved, thus making France, our inveterate enemy, the victim of violation. Even though this success would at first have only a moral effect, it would be sufficient to allow Germany such liberty of action as we cannot now imagine, for the new Anglo-German-Italian alliance would have the political initiative and no longer France.

A further result would be that at one stroke Germany would finally be delivered from her unfavourable strategical position. On the one side, her flank would be strongly protected and, on the other, the guarantee that we would have an adequate supply of foodstuffs and raw materials would be a beneficial result of this new coalition of States. Almost more important, however, is the fact that this new league would include States whose potential of technical production would, in many respects, be mutually complementary. For the first time Germany would have allies who would not like vampires suck the life-blood of her industry, but could, and would, contribute liberally to the completion of our technical equipment. We must not forget one final fact, namely, that in this case we should not have allies like Turkey or present-day Russia. The greatest World Power on this earth and a young national State would constitute factors in a European struggle which were very different from the corrupt and decadent Powers to which Germany was allied in the last war. As I have already said, there are great obstacles in the way of such an alliance. But was not the formation of the Entente somewhat more difficult? Where King Edward VII succeeded, partly in the face of traditional interests, we must and will succeed, if we are so convinced of the necessity for such a development that we are wisely prepared to conquer our own feelings and carry the policy through. This will be possible only when, driven to action by suffering and distress, we renounce the shilly-shallying foreign policy of recent decades and follow unswervingly a course of action in pursuit of a definite aim.

The future goal of our foreign policy ought to be neither a Western nor an Eastern bias; it ought to be an Eastern policy the object of which is the acquisition of such territory as is necessary in order that the German people can live. To carry out this policy we need that force of which France, the mortal enemy of our nation, is now depriving us by holding us in her grip and pitilessly robbing us of our strength.

We must, therefore, stop at no sacrifice in an effort to stop France’s striving for hegemony in Europe. As our natural ally to-day we have every Power on the Continent which, like ourselves, feels France’s lust for mastery in Europe unbearable. No attempt to approach those Powers ought to appear too difficult to us, and no sacrifice should be considered too great, if the final outcome would be to make it possible for us to overthrow our most bitter enemy.

The minor wounds will be cured by the beneficent influence of Time, once the major wound has been cauterised and closed. Naturally, the internal enemies of our people will howl with rage, but let us, as National Socialists, not be misled into ceasing to advocate what our most profound conviction tells us to be necessary. We must oppose the current of public opinion which will be led astray by Jєωιѕн cunning in exploiting our German lack of perception. The waves may often rage and roar around us; but the man who swims with the current attracts less attention than he who buffets it.

To-day we are but a rock in the river. In a few years Fate may raise us up as a dam against which the general current will be broken, only to flow forward in a new bed. It is, therefore, necessary that in the eyes of the rest of the world our Movement should be recognised as representing a definite political programme. Whatever fate Heaven may have in store for us, we must be recognised by an outward and visible sign. As long as we ourselves recognise the ineluctable necessity which must determine our foreign policy, this knowledge will lend us that power of endurance which we often require when, under the withering fire of the opposition press, some of us experience fear and are assailed by the temptation to make concessions here or there and ‘to do as the Romans do,’ in order not to have the whole world against us.

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 06, 2018, 12:57:58 AM
forlorn, you should post in this thread
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 06, 2018, 01:13:45 AM
Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (pp. 51-52). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.

As I critically reviewed the activities of the Jєωιѕн people throughout long periods of history I became perplexed and asked myself whether, for inscrutable reasons beyond the comprehension of poor mortals such as ourselves, Destiny might not have irrevocably decreed that the final victory should go to this small people?

May it not be that this people which lives only for the things of this earth has been promised the earth as a reward? Have we, from the objective point of view, a right to fight for self-preservation, or is this right subjective? Fate answered the question for me inasmuch as it led me to make a detached and exhaustive inquiry into the Marxist teaching and the activities of the Jєωιѕн people in connection with it.

The Jєωιѕн doctrine of Marxism repudiates the aristocratic principle of Nature and substitutes for the eternal right of might and strength, the dead weight of sheer numbers. Thus it denies the individual worth of the human personality, disputes the teaching that nationality and race are of primary significance, and by doing this deprives Man of the very foundations of his existence and civilisation.

If the Marxist teaching were to be accepted as the foundation of the life of the universe, it would lead to the disappearance of all order that is conceivable to the human mind, and thus the adoption of such a law would provoke chaos in the structure of the greatest organism that we know, with the result that the inhabitants of this earthly planet would finally disappear.

Should the Jєω, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the peoples of this world, his crown will be the funeral, wreath of mankind, and this planet will once again follow its orbit through ether, devoid of human life, as it did millions of years ago.

Nature, the eternal, takes merciless vengeance on those who defy her laws. Therefore, I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In resisting the Jєω I am defending the handiwork of the Lord.

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 06, 2018, 01:36:29 AM
Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (pp. 233-239). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.


(. . .)

If Nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one, because in such a case all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may be rendered futile. History furnishes us with innumerable instances that prove this law. It shows, with startling clarity, that whenever Aryans have mingled their blood with that of an inferior race, the result has been the downfall of the people who were the champions of a higher culture.

In North America, where the population is prevalently Teutonic, and where those elements intermingled with the inferior race only to a very small degree, we have a quality of mankind and a civilisation which are different from those of Central and South America. In these latter countries the immigrants—who belonged mainly to the Latin races—mated with the aborigines, sometimes to a very large extent indeed. In this case, we have a clear and decisive example of the effect produced by the mixture of races. In North America the Teutonic element, which has kept its racial stock pure and did not mix it with any other racial stock, has come to dominate the American Continent and will remain master of it as long as that element does not fall a victim to the habit of adulterating its blood. In short, the results of miscegenation are always the following:

(a) The level of the superior race becomes lowered.

(b) Physical and mental degeneration sets in, thus leading slowly but steadily towards a progressive drying up of the vital, sap.

The act which brings about such a development is a sin against the will of the Eternal Creator, and as a sin this act will be avenged.

Man’s effort to build up something that contradicts the iron logic of Nature brings him into conflict with those principles to which he himself exclusively, owes his own existence. By acting against the laws of Nature he prepares the way that leads to his ruin. Here we meet with the insolent objection, which is Jєωιѕн in its inspiration and is typical of the modern pacifist, that “Man can overcome Nature.” There are millions who repeat by rote that piece of Jєωιѕн babble and end up by imagining that somehow they themselves are the conquerors of Nature. Yet their only weapon is a mere idea, and a very preposterous idea into the bargain, because if one accepted it, then it would be impossible to form a conception of the world. The real truth is, that not only has man failed to overcome Nature in any sphere whatsoever, but that at best he has merely succeeded in getting hold of and lifting a tiny corner of the enormous veil which she has spread over her eternal mysteries and secrets. He never invents anything; all he can do is to discover something.

He does not master Nature, but has only come to be master of those living beings who have not gained the knowledge he has arrived at by penetrating into some of Nature’s laws and mysteries. Apart from all this, an idea can never subject to its own sway those condition; which are necessary for the existence and development of mankind, for the idea itself has come only from man. Without man there would be no human idea in this world. The idea as such is, therefore, always dependent on the existence of man and is consequently dependent on those laws which furnish the conditions of his existence.

Not only that. Certain ideas are even confined to certain people. This holds true with regard to those ideas, in particular, which have not their roots in objective scientific truth, but in the world of feeling. In other words, to use a phrase which is current to-day and which well and clearly expresses this truth:

They reflect an inner experience.

All such ideas, which have nothing to do with cold logic as such, but represent mere manifestations of feeling, such as ethical and moral conceptions, etc., are inextricably bound up with man’s existence. It is to the creative powers of man’s imagination that such ideas owe their existence. For this very reason, a necessary condition for the preservation of such ideas is the existence of certain races and certain types of men.

For example, anyone who sincerely wishes the pacifist idea to prevail in this world ought to do all he is capable of doing to help the Germans conquer the world, for in case the reverse should happen, it may easily be that the last pacifist would disappear with the last German. I say this because, unfortunately, scarcely any other people in the world has ever fallen a prey to this nonsensical and illogical idea to the same degree as our own.

Whether of the effect that outer circuмstances have upon it. Then, if you are serious, whether you like it or not, you must make up your mind to wage wars in order to pave the way for pacifism. This was in fact the plan of Woodrow Wilson, the American world-redeemer (at least so our visionaries believed) and that was all that was required. The pacifist-humanitarian idea may indeed become an excellent one when the most superior type of manhood will have succeeded in subjugating the world to such an extent that this type is then sole master of the earth. This idea could have an injurious effect only in the measure in which its application became difficult and finally impossible. So, first of all, the fight, and then pacifism.

If it were otherwise, it would mean that mankind has already passed the zenith of its development, and accordingly, the end would not be the supremacy of some moral ideal, but degeneration into barbarism and consequent chaos. People may laugh at this statement, but our planet moved through space for millions of years, uninhabited by men, and at some future date may easily begin to do so again, if men should forget that wherever they have reached a superior level of existence, it was not as a result of following the ideas of crazy visionaries but by acknowledging and rigorously observing the iron laws of Nature. What reduces one race to starvation stimulates another to harder work. All the great civilisations of the past became decadent because the originally creative race died out, as a result of contamination of the blood. The most profound cause of such a decline is to be found in the fact that the people ignored the principle that all culture depends on men, and not the reverse.

In other words, in order to preserve a certain culture, the type of manhood that creates such a culture must be preserved, but such a preservation goes hand in hand with the inexorable law that it is the strongest and the best who must triumph and that they have the right to endure. He who would live must fight. He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist. Such a saying may sound hard, but, after all, that is how the matter really stands. Yet far harder is the lot of him who believes that he can overcome Nature, and thus in reality insults her. Distress, misery, and disease, are her rejoinders. Whoever ignores or despises the laws of race really deprives himself of the happiness to which he believes he can attain, for he places an obstacle in the victorious path of the superior race and, by so doing, he interferes with a prerequisite condition of, all human progress. Loaded with the burden of human sentiment, he falls back to the level of a helpless animal.

It would be futile to attempt to discuss the question as to what race or races were the original champions of human culture and were thereby the real founders of all that we understand by the word ‘humanity.’ It is much simpler to deal with this question in so far as it relates to the present time. Here the answer is simple and clear. Every manifestation of human culture, every product of art, science and technical skill, which we see before our eyes to-day, is almost, exclusively the product of the Aryan creative power. All that we admire in the world to-day, its science and its art, its technical developments and discoveries, are the products of the creative activities of a few peoples, and it may be true that their first beginnings must be attributed to one race. The existence of civilisation is wholly dependent on such peoples. Should they perish, all that makes this earth beautiful will descend with them into the grave. However great, for example, be the influence which the soil exerts on men, this influence will always vary according to the race on which it produces its effect. Dearth of soil may stimulate one race to the most strenuous efforts and highest achievements; while, for another race, the poverty of the soil may be the cause of misery, and finally of undernourishment, with all its consequence.

This very fact fully justifies the conclusion that it was the Aryan alone who founded a superior type of humanity; therefore he represents the archetype of what, we understand by the term:


He is the Prometheus of mankind, from whose shining brow the divine spark of genius has at all times flashed forth, always kindling anew that fire which, in the form of knowledge, illuminated the dark night by drawing aside the veil of mystery and thus showing man how to rise and become master over all the other beings on the earth.

Should he be forced to disappear, a profound darkness will descend on the earth; within a few thousand years human culture will vanish and the world will become a desert. If we divide mankind into three categories—founders of culture, champions of culture, and destroyers of culture—the Aryan alone can be considered as representing the first category. It was he who laid the groundwork and erected the walls of every great structure in human culture. Only the shape and colour of such structures are to be attributed to the individual characteristics of the various nations. It is the Aryan who has furnished the great building-stones and plans for the edifices of all human progress; only the way in which these plans have been executed is to be attributed to the traits of each individual race.

Within a few decades the whole of Eastern Asia, for instance, appropriated a culture and called this culture its own, whereas the basis of that culture was the Greek mind and Teutonic technical skill as we know it. Only the external form—at least to a certain degree—shows the traits of an Asiatic inspiration. It is not true, as some believe, that Japan adds European technology to a culture of her own. The truth rather is that European science and technology are just decked out with the peculiar characteristics of Japanese civilisation.  The foundations of actual life in Japan to-day are not those of the native Japanese culture, although this characterises the external features of the country, which features strike the eye of European observers on account of their fundamental difference from our own; but the real foundations of contemporary Japanese life are the enormous scientific and technical achievements of Europe and America, that is to say, of Aryan peoples. Only by adopting these achievements as the foundations of their own progress can the various nations of the Orient take a place in contemporary world progress. The scientific and technical achievements of Europe and America provide the basis on which the struggle for daily livelihood is carried on in the Orient. They provide the necessary arms and instruments for this struggle, and only the outer forms of these instruments have become gradually adapted to Japanese ways of life. If, from to-day onwards, the Aryan influence on Japan were to cease, and if we suppose that Europe and America were to collapse, then the present progress of Japan in science and technique might still last for a short duration; but within a few decades the inspiration would dry up, and native Japanese character would triumph, while the present civilisation would become fossilised and fall back into the sleep from which it was aroused about seventy years ago, by the impact of Aryan culture. We may, therefore, draw the conclusion that, just as the present Japanese development has been due to Aryan influence, so in the immemorial past an outside influence and an outside culture brought into existence the Japanese culture of that day. This opinion is very strongly supported by the fact that the ancient civilisation of Japan actually became fossilised and petrified. Such a process can take place only if a people loses the racial cell which had originally been creative, or if the outside influence should be withdrawn after having awakened and maintained the first cultural developments in that region. If it be shown that a people owes the fundamental elements of its culture to foreign races, assimilating and elaborating such elements, and if subsequently that culture becomes fossilised whenever the external influence ceases, then such a race may be called the champion, but never the creator, of a culture. If we subject the different peoples to a strict test from this standpoint, we shall find that scarcely any one of them has originally created a culture, but almost all have been merely the recipients of a culture created elsewhere. This development may be depicted as always happening somewhat in the following way.

Aryan tribes, often almost ridiculously small in number, subjugated foreign peoples and, stimulated by the conditions of life which their new country offered them (fertility, the nature of the climate, etc.), and profiting also by the abundance of manual labour furnished them by the inferior race, they developed intellectual and organising faculties which had hitherto been dormant in themselves. Within the course of a few thousand years, or even centuries, they gave life to cultures whose characteristics completely corresponded to the character of the founders, though modified by adaptation to the peculiarities of the soil and the characteristics of the subjugated people.

But finally the conquering race offended against the principles which they had first observed, namely, the preservation of their racial stock unmixed, and began to intermingle with the subjugated people. Thus they put an end to their own separate existence, for the original sin committed in Paradise has always been followed by the expulsion of the guilty parties.

After a thousand years or more the last visible traces of those former masters may then be found in a lighter tint of the skin which the Aryan blood had bequeathed to the subjugated race, and in a fossilised culture of which those Aryans had been the original creators; for, just as the blood of the conqueror, who was a conqueror not only in body but also in spirit, became submerged in the blood of the subject race, so the substance disappeared from which the torch of human culture and progress was kindled. In so far as the blood of the former ruling race has left a light nuance of colour in the blood of its descendants, as a token and a memory, the night of cultural life is rendered less dim and dark by a mild light radiated from the products of those who were the bearers of the original fire. Their radiance shines across the barbarism to which the subjected race has reverted and might often lead the superficial observer to believe that he sees before him an image of the present race, when he is really looking into a mirror, wherein only the past is reflected. It may happen that in the course of their history such a people will come into contact a second time, and even oftener, with the original founders of their culture and may not even remember that distant association. Instinctively, the remnants of blood, left from that old ruling race will be drawn towards this new phenomenon, and what had formerly been possible only under compulsion, can now be successfully achieved in a voluntary way. A new cultural wave flows in and lasts until the blood of those who brought it becomes once again adulterated by intermixture with the originally conquered race.

It will be the task of those who set themselves to write a universal history of civilisation, to investigate history from this point of view instead of allowing themselves to be smothered under the mass of external data, as is only too often the case with our present historical science. This short sketch of the changes that take place among those races that are only the depositories of a culture, also furnishes a picture of the development, the activity and the disappearance of those who are the true founders of culture on this earth, namely the Aryans themselves. Just as in our daily life the so-called man of genius needs a particular occasion, and sometimes needs a special stimulus to bring his genius to light, so too, in the life of the peoples the race that has genius in it needs the occasion and stimulus to give that genius expression. In the monotony and routine of everyday life even persons of significance seem just like the others and do not rise beyond the average level of their fellow-men, but as soon as such men find themselves in a special situation which disconcerts and unbalances the others, the humble person of apparently common qualities reveals traits of genius often to the amazement of those who have hitherto known him in the petty round of everyday life. That is the reason why a prophet is seldom honoured in his own country. War offers an excellent occasion for observing this phenomenon. In times of distress, when the others despair, apparently harmless, boys suddenly spring up and become heroes, full of determination, undaunted in the presence of Death and manifesting wonderful powers of calm reflection in such circuмstances. If such an hour of trial did not come, nobody would have thought that the soul of a hero lurked in the body of that beardless youth. A special impulse is, almost always necessary to bring a man of genius into the foreground. The sledge-hammer of Fate, which strikes down the one so easily, suddenly finds the counter-impact of steel when it strikes at the other, and, after the common shell of everyday life is broken, the core that lay hidden is displayed to the eyes of an astonished world.

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 06, 2018, 01:40:35 AM
Racial superiority  √

War  √

Evolutionist  √
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 06, 2018, 01:47:35 AM
Pope Pius XI wrote on the nαzι ideology;мents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 06, 2018, 02:14:16 AM
Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (pp. 239-242). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.



This surrounding world then grows perverse and will not believe that what had seemed so like itself is really of that different quality so suddenly displayed. This is a process which is repeated probably every time a man of outstanding significance appears. Though an inventor, for example, does not establish his fame until the very day on which he completes his invention, it would be a mistake to believe that the creative genius did not become alive in him until that moment. From the very hour of his birth the spark of genius is alive within the man who has been endowed with the real creative faculty. True genius is an innate quality. It can never be the result of education or training. As I have stated already, this holds good not merely of the individual, but also of the race. Those peoples who manifest creative ability in certain periods of their history have always been fundamentally creative. It belongs to their very nature, even though this fact may escape the eyes of the superficial observer.  Here also, recognition from outside is only the consequence of practical achievement. Since the rest of the world is incapable of recognising genius as such, it can only see the visible manifestations of genius in the form of inventions, discoveries, buildings, painting, etc., but even here a long time passes before recognition is given. Just as the individual person who has been endowed with the gift of genius, or at least talent of a very high order, cannot develop that gift to the full, until he comes under the urge of special circuмstances, so in the life of the nations their creative capacities and powers frequently have to wait until certain conditions stimulate them to action. The most obvious example of this truth is furnished by that race which has been, and still is, the champion of human progress; I mean the Aryan race.

As soon as Fate brings them face to face with special circuмstances their powers begin to develop progressively and to be manifested in tangible form. The characteristic cultures which they create in such circuмstances are almost always conditioned by the soil, the climate and the people they subjugate. The last factor—that of the character of the people—is the most decisive one. The more primitive the technical condition under which the civilizing process takes place, the more necessary the existence of manual labour which can be organised and employed so as to take the place of mechanical power. Had it not been possible for them to employ members of the inferior race which they conquered, the Aryans would never have been in a position to take the first steps on the road which led them to their culture of a later era; just as, without the help of certain suitable animals, which they were able to tame, they would never have come to the invention of mechanical power, which has subsequently enabled them to do without these animals. The remark that the Moor, having done his duty, could now go, can, unfortunately, be applied more or less universally.

For thousands of years the horse has been the faithful servant of man and has helped him to lay the foundations of human progress; but now, motor power has rendered the horse superfluous. In a few years’ time the use of the horse will cease entirely; and yet without its collaboration man could scarcely have reached the stage of development at which he now is. For the establishment of superior types of civilisation the members of inferior races formed one of the most essential prerequisites. They alone could supply the lack of mechanical means, without which no progress is possible.

It is certain that the first stages of human civilisation were not based so much on the use of tame animals as on the employment of human beings who were members of an inferior race. Only after subjugated races were employed as slaves was a similar fate allotted to animals, and not vice versa, as some people would have us believe. At first it was the conquered enemy who had to draw the plough and only afterwards did the ox and horse take his place. Nobody but puling pacifists can consider this fact a sign of human degradation. Such people fail to recognise that this evolution had to take place in order that man might reach that degree of civilisation which these apostles now exploit in an attempt to make the world pay attention to their rigmarole.

The progress of mankind may be compared to the process of ascending an infinite ladder. One does not reach the higher level without first having climbed the lower rungs. The Aryan, therefore, had to take that road which his sense of reality pointed out to him, and not that of which the modern pacifist dreams. The path of reality is, however, difficult and hard to tread; yet it is the only one which finally leads to the goal where the others envisage mankind in their dreams. The real truth is that those dreamers help to lead man away from his goal rather than towards it. It was not by mere chance that the first forms of civilisation arose where the Aryan came into contact with inferior races, subjugated them and forced them to obey his command. The members of the inferior race became the first mechanical tools in the service of a growing civilisation. Thereby the way was clearly indicated which the Aryan had to follow.

As a conqueror, he subjugated inferior races and turned their physical powers into organised channels under his own leadership, forcing them to follow his will and purpose. By imposing on them a useful, though hard, manner of employing their powers, he not only spared the lives of those whom he had conquered, but probably made their lives easier than they had been in the former state of so-called ‘freedom.’ While he ruthlessly maintained his, position as their master, he not only remained master, but he also preserved and advanced civilisation, for this depended exclusively on his inborn abilities and, therefore, on the preservation of the Aryan race as such.

As soon, however, as his subjects began to rise and approach the level of their conqueror, a phase of which ascension was probably the use of his language, the barriers that had distinguished master from servant broke down. The Aryan neglected to maintain his own racial stock unmixed and thereby lost the right to live in the paradise which he himself had created. He became submerged in the racial mixture and gradually lost his cultural creativeness, until he finally grew, not only mentally but also physically, more like the aborigines whom he had subjected, rather than his own ancestors. For some time he could continue to live on the capital of that culture which still remained; but a condition of fossilisation soon set in and he sank into oblivion.

That is how cultures and empires decline and yield their places to new structures.

The adulteration of the blood and racial deterioration conditioned thereby are the only causes that account for the decline of ancient civilisations, for it is never by war that nations are ruined, but by the loss of their powers of resistance, which are exclusively a characteristic of pure racial blood.

In this world everything that is not of sound racial stock is like chaff.

Every historical event in the world is nothing more nor less than a manifestation of the instinct of racial self-preservation, whether for weal or woe.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 06, 2018, 02:28:06 AM
Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (pp. 239-242). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.



This surrounding world then grows perverse and will not believe that what had seemed so like itself is really of that different quality so suddenly displayed. This is a process which is repeated probably every time a man of outstanding significance appears. Though an inventor, for example, does not establish his fame until the very day on which he completes his invention, it would be a mistake to believe that the creative genius did not become alive in him until that moment. From the very hour of his birth the spark of genius is alive within the man who has been endowed with the real creative faculty. True genius is an innate quality. It can never be the result of education or training. As I have stated already, this holds good not merely of the individual, but also of the race. Those peoples who manifest creative ability in certain periods of their history have always been fundamentally creative. It belongs to their very nature, even though this fact may escape the eyes of the superficial observer.  Here also, recognition from outside is only the consequence of practical achievement. Since the rest of the world is incapable of recognising genius as such, it can only see the visible manifestations of genius in the form of inventions, discoveries, buildings, painting, etc., but even here a long time passes before recognition is given. Just as the individual person who has been endowed with the gift of genius, or at least talent of a very high order, cannot develop that gift to the full, until he comes under the urge of special circuмstances, so in the life of the nations their creative capacities and powers frequently have to wait until certain conditions stimulate them to action. The most obvious example of this truth is furnished by that race which has been, and still is, the champion of human progress; I mean the Aryan race.

As soon as Fate brings them face to face with special circuмstances their powers begin to develop progressively and to be manifested in tangible form. The characteristic cultures which they create in such circuмstances are almost always conditioned by the soil, the climate and the people they subjugate. The last factor—that of the character of the people—is the most decisive one. The more primitive the technical condition under which the civilizing process takes place, the more necessary the existence of manual labour which can be organised and employed so as to take the place of mechanical power. Had it not been possible for them to employ members of the inferior race which they conquered, the Aryans would never have been in a position to take the first steps on the road which led them to their culture of a later era; just as, without the help of certain suitable animals, which they were able to tame, they would never have come to the invention of mechanical power, which has subsequently enabled them to do without these animals. The remark that the Moor, having done his duty, could now go, can, unfortunately, be applied more or less universally.

For thousands of years the horse has been the faithful servant of man and has helped him to lay the foundations of human progress; but now, motor power has rendered the horse superfluous. In a few years’ time the use of the horse will cease entirely; and yet without its collaboration man could scarcely have reached the stage of development at which he now is. For the establishment of superior types of civilisation the members of inferior races formed one of the most essential prerequisites. They alone could supply the lack of mechanical means, without which no progress is possible.

It is certain that the first stages of human civilisation were not based so much on the use of tame animals as on the employment of human beings who were members of an inferior race. Only after subjugated races were employed as slaves was a similar fate allotted to animals, and not vice versa, as some people would have us believe. At first it was the conquered enemy who had to draw the plough and only afterwards did the ox and horse take his place. Nobody but puling pacifists can consider this fact a sign of human degradation. Such people fail to recognise that this evolution had to take place in order that man might reach that degree of civilisation which these apostles now exploit in an attempt to make the world pay attention to their rigmarole.

The progress of mankind may be compared to the process of ascending an infinite ladder. One does not reach the higher level without first having climbed the lower rungs. The Aryan, therefore, had to take that road which his sense of reality pointed out to him, and not that of which the modern pacifist dreams. The path of reality is, however, difficult and hard to tread; yet it is the only one which finally leads to the goal where the others envisage mankind in their dreams. The real truth is that those dreamers help to lead man away from his goal rather than towards it. It was not by mere chance that the first forms of civilisation arose where the Aryan came into contact with inferior races, subjugated them and forced them to obey his command. The members of the inferior race became the first mechanical tools in the service of a growing civilisation. Thereby the way was clearly indicated which the Aryan had to follow.

As a conqueror, he subjugated inferior races and turned their physical powers into organised channels under his own leadership, forcing them to follow his will and purpose. By imposing on them a useful, though hard, manner of employing their powers, he not only spared the lives of those whom he had conquered, but probably made their lives easier than they had been in the former state of so-called ‘freedom.’ While he ruthlessly maintained his, position as their master, he not only remained master, but he also preserved and advanced civilisation, for this depended exclusively on his inborn abilities and, therefore, on the preservation of the Aryan race as such.

As soon, however, as his subjects began to rise and approach the level of their conqueror, a phase of which ascension was probably the use of his language, the barriers that had distinguished master from servant broke down. The Aryan neglected to maintain his own racial stock unmixed and thereby lost the right to live in the paradise which he himself had created. He became submerged in the racial mixture and gradually lost his cultural creativeness, until he finally grew, not only mentally but also physically, more like the aborigines whom he had subjected, rather than his own ancestors. For some time he could continue to live on the capital of that culture which still remained; but a condition of fossilisation soon set in and he sank into oblivion.

That is how cultures and empires decline and yield their places to new structures.

The adulteration of the blood and racial deterioration conditioned thereby are the only causes that account for the decline of ancient civilisations, for it is never by war that nations are ruined, but by the loss of their powers of resistance, which are exclusively a characteristic of pure racial blood.

In this world everything that is not of sound racial stock is like chaff.

Every historical event in the world is nothing more nor less than a manifestation of the instinct of racial self-preservation, whether for weal or woe.
Pope Pius said;
8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community - however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things - whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.мents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 06, 2018, 02:50:24 AM
Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (pp. 94-95). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.


(. . .)

Political parties have no right to meddle in religious questions except when these relate to something that is alien to the nation and thus calculated to undermine racial customs and morals. In the same way, religion must not be mixed up with party politics. If some ecclesiastical dignitaries should misuse religious institutions or religious teachings to injure their own ration, their opponents ought never to take the same road and fight them with the same weapons. To a political leader, the religious teachings and institutions of his people should be sacred and inviolable; otherwise, he should not be a statesman, but a reformer, if he has the necessary qualities for such a mission. Any other line of conduct will lead to disaster, especially in Germany.

In studying the Pan-German movement and its conflict with Rome I was firmly persuaded, then and especially in later years, that by their failure to understand the importance of the social problem, the Pan-Germanists lost the support of the broad masses, who are the indispensable combatants in such a movement. By entering parliament the Pan-German leaders deprived themselves of their clan, and at the same time burdened themselves with all the defects of the parliamentary institution. Their struggle against the Catholic Church made their position impossible in numerous circles among the lower and middle classes, while at the same time it robbed them of innumerable high-class elements some of the best indeed that the nation possessed. The practical outcome of the Austrian Kulturkamp was negative.

Although they succeeded in wresting one hundred thousand members from the Church, that did not do much harm to the latter. The Church did not need to shed tears over these lost sheep, for it lost only those who had for a long time ceased to belong to it in their inner hearts. The difference between this new reformation and the great Reformation was that, at that time, some of the best members left the Church because of religious convictions, whereas in this new reformation only those left who had been indifferent before and who were now influenced by political considerations. From the political point of view alone, the result was a ridiculous as it was deplorable. Once again a political movement which had promised so much for the German nation collapsed, because it was not conducted in a spirit of unflinching adherence to naked reality, but lost itself in spheres in which it was bound to be broken up. The Pan-German movement would never have made this mistake if it had properly understood the psyche of the broad masses. If the leaders had known that, for psychological reasons alone, it is not expedient to place two or more adversaries before the masses—since that leads to a complete splitting up of their fighting strength—they would have concentrated the full and undivided force of their attack against a single adversary.

Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (p. 123). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.


(. . .)

Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (p. 103). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition. One of the most ingenious tricks ever devised has been that of sailing the Jєωιѕн ship of state under the flag of religion and thus securing that tolerance which Aryans are always ready to grant to different religious faiths. The Mosaic Law is really nothing else than the doctrine of the preservation of the Jєωιѕн race and, therefore, includes all spheres of sociological, political and economic science which have a bearing on the main end in view.

Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (pp. 217-218.) Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.


(. . .)

The great masses of a nation are not composed of philosophers. For the masses of the people especially, faith is absolutely the only basis of a moral Weltanschauung. The various substitutes that have been offered have not shown any results that might warrant us in thinking that they might usefully replace the existing denominations, but if religious teaching and religious faith are to be accepted by the broad masses as active forces in their lives, then the absolute authority of the doctrines of faith must be the foundation of all reality. There may be a few hundreds of thousands of superior men who can live wisely and intelligently without depending on the general standards that prevail in everyday life, but the millions of others cannot do so. Now, the place which general custom fills in everyday life, corresponds to that of general laws in the State and dogma in religion.

The purely spiritual idea is of itself a changeable thing that may be subjected to endless interpretations. It is only through dogma that it is given a precise and concrete form without which it could not become a living faith. Otherwise, the spiritual idea would never become anything more than a mere metaphysical concept, or rather a philosophical opinion. Accordingly, the attack on dogma is comparable to an attack on the general laws on which the State is founded, and so this attack would finally lead to complete political anarchy if it were successful, just as the attack on religion would lead to a worthless religious nihilism.

The political leader should not estimate the worth of a religion by taking some of its shortcomings into account, but should ask himself whether there be any practical substitute which is obviously better. Until such a substitute is available only fools and criminals would think of abolishing the existing religion. Undoubtedly, no small amount of blame for the present unsatisfactory religious situation must be attributed to those who have encuмbered the ideal of religion with purely material accessories and have thus given rise to an utterly futile conflict between religion and science. In this conflict, victory will nearly always be on the side of science, although after a bitter struggle, while religion will suffer heavily in the eyes of those who cannot penetrate beneath mere superficial learning.

Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (pp. 382-383). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.


(. . .)

If the idea of the völkisch State, which is at present an obscure ideal, is one day to attain a clear and definite success, from its vague and vast mass of thought it will have to put forward certain definite principles which of their very nature and content are calculated to attract a broad mass of adherents. In other words, such a group of people as can guarantee that these principles will be fought for. That group of people is the German working-class. That is why the programme of the new Movement was condensed into a few fundamental postulates, twenty-five in all. They are meant first of all to give the ordinary man a rough idea of what the Movement is aiming at. They are, so to speak, a profession of faith which, on the one hand, is meant to win adherents for the Movement and, on the other, they are meant to unite such adherents together in a covenant to which all have subscribed.

In this connection we must never lose sight of the following fact: What we call the programme of the Movement is absolutely right as far as its ultimate aims are concerned, but as regards the manner in which that programme is formulated certain psychological considerations had to be taken into account. Hence, in the course of time, the opinion may well arise that certain principles should be expressed differently and might be better formulated, but any attempt at a different formulation has a fatal effect in most cases, for something that ought to be fixed and unshakable thereby becomes the subject of discussion. As soon as one single point is removed from the sphere of dogmatic certainly, the discussion will not simply result in a new and better formulation which will have greater consistency, but may easily lead to endless debates and general confusion. In such cases, the question must always be carefully considered as to whether a new and more adequate formulation is to be preferred, though it may cause a controversy within the Movement, or whether it may not be better to retain the old formula which, though probably not the best, represents an organism enclosed in itself, solid and internally homogeneous. Every test shows that the second of these alternatives is preferable, for, since in these changes one is dealing only with external forms, such corrections will always appear desirable and possible, but the deciding factor is that people in general think superficially, and therefore the great danger is that in what is merely an external formulation of the programme people will see an essential aim of the movement. In that way the will and the combative force at the service of the ideal are weakened and the energies that ought to be directed towards the outer world are dissipated in programmatic discussions within the ranks of the Movement.

For a doctrine that is actually right in its main features it is less dangerous to retain a formulation which may no longer be quite adequate, instead of trying to improve it and thereby allowing a fundamental principle of the Movement, which had hitherto been considered as solid as granite, to become the subject of a general discussion which may have unfortunate consequences. This is particularly to be avoided as long as a Movement is still fighting for victory, for would it be possible to inspire people with blind faith in the truth of a doctrine if doubt and uncertainty are encouraged by continual alterations in its external formulation? The essentials of a doctrine must never be looked for in its external formulas, but always in its inner meaning, and this is unchangeable. One could only wish that for the sake of this inner meaning a movement could exclude everything that tends towards disintegration and uncertainty in order to preserve the unified force that is necessary for its triumph.

Here again the Catholic Church has a lesson to teach us. Though sometimes, and often quite unnecessarily, its dogmatic system is in conflict with the exact sciences and with scientific discoveries, it is not disposed to sacrifice one syllable of its teachings. It has rightly recognised that its powers of resistance would be weakened by introducing greater or lesser doctrinal adaptations to cope with temporary scientific discoveries, which are in reality always vacillating, but that they gain strength from the fact that it holds fast to its fixed and established dogmas which alone can give to the whole system the character of a faith. That is the reason why it stands firmer to-day than ever before. We may prophesy that, as a fixed star amid fleeting phenomena, it will continue to attract increasing numbers of people who will be the more blindly attached to it the more rapid the rhythm of changing phenomena around it. Therefore, whoever really and seriously desires that the völkisch Weltanschauung should triumph must realise that this triumph can be assured only through a militant movement and that this movement must found its strength only on the granite firmness of an impregnable and well-defined programme.

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 06, 2018, 02:54:41 AM
Franco stated that Hitler died a loyal son of the Catholic Church.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 06, 2018, 02:57:48 AM
Franco stated that Hitler died a loyal son of the Catholic Church.

What is this, the telephone game?

Committing ѕυιcιdє is a mortal sin.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 06, 2018, 03:03:30 AM
What is this, the telephone game?

Committing ѕυιcιdє is a mortal sin.
So you're against Franco?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 06, 2018, 03:09:22 AM
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 06, 2018, 03:22:04 AM
Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (pp. 331-334). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.


(. . .)

At all critical moments in which a person of pure racial blood makes correct decisions, that is to say, decisions that are coherent and uniform, the person of mixed blood will become confused and take half-measures. Hence we see that a person of mixed blood is not only relatively inferior to a person of pure blood, but is also doomed to become extinct more rapidly. In innumerable cases where the pure race holds its ground, the mongrel breaks down. Therein we see the corrective measures adopted by Nature; she restricts the possibilities of procreation, thus impeding the fertility of cross-breeds and dooming them to extinction.

For instance, if an individual member of a race should mingle his blood with the member of a superior race, the first result would be a lowering of the racial level, and furthermore, the issue of this mixed marriage would be weaker than those of the people around them who had maintained their blood unadulterated. Where no new blood from the superior race enters the racial stream of the mongrels, and where these mongrels continue to cross-breed among themselves, the latter will either die out because they have insufficient powers of resistance, which is Nature’s wise provision, or in the course of many thousands of years they will form a new mongrel race in which the original elements will become so wholly mixed through this millennial crossing that traces of the original elements will be no longer recognizable. In this way, a new people would be evolved possessing a certain resistance capacity of the herd type; but its, intellectual value and its cultural significance would be essentially inferior to those of the superior race participating in the original inter-breeding. But even in this last case, the mongrel product would succuмb in the mutual struggle for existence with a higher racial group that had maintained its blood unmixed.

The herd solidarity which this mongrel race had developed in the course of thousands of years would not be equal to the struggle, and this is because it would lack elasticity and constructive capacity to prevail over a race of homogeneous blood that was mentally and culturally superior. Hence, we may lay down the following principle as well-founded. Every racial mixture leads of necessity sooner or later to the downfall of the mongrel product, as long as a section of the superior race participating in the cross-breeding remains intact and preserves some sort of racial homogeneity. The threat to the mongrels ceases only with the bastardization of the last members of the superior race who are of unmixed blood. This principle is the source of a slow but constant regeneration whereby all the poison which has invaded the racial body is gradually eliminated as long as there remains a fundamental stock of pure racial elements and there is no further inter-breeding. Such a process may set in automatically among those people where a strong racial instinct has remained. Among such people we may count those elements which, for some particular cause such as coercion, have been thrown out of the normal way of reproduction along strict racial lines. As soon as this compulsion ceases, that part of the race which has remained intact will tend to marry with its own kind and thus impede further intermingling.

Then the mongrels recede quite naturally into the background unless their numbers have increased so much as to be able to withstand all serious resistance from those elements which have preserved the purity of their race. When men have lost their natural instincts and ignore the obligations imposed on them by Nature, then there is no hope that Nature will repair the damage that has been caused, until recognition of their own obligations has replaced their lost instincts. Then the task of making good what has been lost will have to be accomplished by Nature. But there is a serious danger that those who have once become blind in this respect will continue more aid more to break down racial barriers and finally lose the last remnants of what is best in them. What then remains is nothing but a uniform pulpy mass, which seems to be the dream of our fine Utopians, but that pulpy mass would soon banish all ideals from the world. Certainly a great herd could thus be formed. One can breed a herd of animals, but from a mixture of this kind, men such as have created and founded civilisations would not be produced. The mission of humanity might then be considered at an end. Those who do not wish that the earth should fall into such a condition must realise that it is the task of the Germanic States in particular to see to it that the process of bastardization is brought to a stop. Our contemporary generation of weaklings will naturally decry such a policy and whine and complain about it as an encroachment on the most sacred of human rights. But there is only one right that is sacrosanct and that right is at the same time a most sacred duty, namely, to protect racial purity so that the best types of human beings may be preserved and thus render possible a more noble development of humanity itself.

A völkisch State ought, in the first place, to raise matrimony above the level of continual racial adulteration. The State should consecrate it as an institution for the procreation of creatures made in the likeness of God Himself and not of monsters that are a mixture of man and ape. The protest which is put forward in the name of humanity does not befit the mouth of a generation that makes it possible for the most depraved degenerates to propagate their kind, thereby imposing unspeakable suffering on their own products and on their contemporaries, while, on the other hand, contraceptives, are permitted and sold in every drug store and even by street hawkers, so that babies should not be born to the healthiest of our people. In this present State of ours, whose function it is to be the guardian of law and order, our national bourgeoisie looks upon it as a crime to make procreation impossible for syphilitics and those who suffer from tuberculosis or hereditary diseases, and also for cripples and imbeciles. But the practical prevention of procreation among millions of our very best people is not considered an evil, nor does it offend against the moral code of this hypocritical class, but rather suits their short-sightedness and mental lethargy, for otherwise they would have to rack their brains to find an answer to the question of how to create conditions for the feeding and maintaining of those yet unborn beings who will be the healthy representatives of our nation and will, in their turn, have to perform the same task for the generation that is to follow them.

How devoid of ideals and how ignoble is the whole contemporary system!  No effort is being made to perfect the breed for the future, but things are simply allowed to slide.

The fact that the churches join in condoning this sin against the image of God, even though they continue to emphasise the dignity of that image, is quite in keeping with their present activities. They talk about the Spirit, but they allow man, as the embodiment of the Spirit, to degenerate to the proletarian level. Then they gape with amazement when they realise how small is the influence of the Christian Faith in their own country and how depraved and ungodly is this riff-raff which is physically degenerate and therefore morally degenerate also.

To balance this state of affairs they try to convert the Hottentots, the Zulus and the Kaffirs and to bestow on them the blessings of the Church. While our European people, God be praised and thanked, are left to become the victims of moral depravity, the pious missionary goes out to Central Africa and establishes mission-stations for Negroes.

Finally, sound and healthy though primitive and backward people will be transformed, in the name of our ‘higher civilisation,’ into a motley of lazy and brutalized mongrels.

It would better accord with noble human aspirations if our two Christian denominations would cease to bother the Negroes with their preaching, which the Negroes do not want and do not understand.

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 06, 2018, 03:22:20 AM
Hitler was a heretic
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Irish_Catholic on June 06, 2018, 04:09:12 AM
What's your point with all the quotations from Hitler's book Trad?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on June 06, 2018, 05:48:08 AM
What's your point with all the quotations from Hitler's book Trad?
Methinks the Adolf Hitler worship that seems to happen a lot here. There were Catholics on the Axis side, but Adolf Hitler was not one of them. He was a monster who shaped the Church to fit his gross pagan ideals. He was also probably the greatest public speaker that the world has ever seen, and that's how he convinced people that the Aryan race was better than Christ.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 06, 2018, 05:52:58 AM
Methinks the Adolf Hitler worship that seems to happen a lot here. There were Catholics on the Axis side, but Adolf Hitler was not one of them. He was a monster who shaped the Church to fit his gross pagan ideals.
He was condemned by Pope Pius XI. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cantarella on June 06, 2018, 12:27:42 PM
...and that's how he convinced people that the Aryan race was better than Christ.

I think that is not quite accurate. What he thought was that Christ himself was Aryan. He found reason to believe so.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 06, 2018, 04:45:32 PM
Methinks the Adolf Hitler worship that seems to happen a lot here. There were Catholics on the Axis side, but Adolf Hitler was not one of them. He was a monster who shaped the Church to fit his gross pagan ideals. He was also probably the greatest public speaker that the world has ever seen, and that's how he convinced people that the Aryan race was better than Christ.
Load of BS....
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: forlorn on June 06, 2018, 05:53:50 PM
How do you reconcile social darwinism with creationism? For black man to be naturally inferior or dumber to white man, when they both share common ancestors in Adam and Eve, evolution must surely have taken place. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on June 06, 2018, 08:05:45 PM
There WERE Catholic leaders who simply wanted a Catholic Europe. Adolf Hitler's only redeeming quality is being dead.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cantarella on June 06, 2018, 09:06:54 PM
Interesting that the word "nαzι" is actually a term invented by Jєωs.

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 06, 2018, 09:31:53 PM
Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (pp. 572-573). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.


On November 9, 1923, in the fourth year of its existence, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was dissolved and prohibited in the whole Reich territory. Today, in November, 1926, it stands again free before us, stronger and inwardly firmer than ever before. All the persecutions of the movement and its individual leaders, all vilifications and slanders, were powerless to harm it. The correctness of its ideas, the purity of its will, its supporters’ spirit of self-sacrifice, have caused it to issue from all repressions strong than ever.

If, in the world of our present parliamentary corruption, it becomes more and more aware of the profoundest essence of its struggle, feels itself to be the purest embodiment of the value of race and personality and conducts itself accordingly, it will with almost mathematical certainty some day emerge victorious from its struggle.

Just as Germany must inevitably win her rightful position on this earth if she is led and organized according to the same principles.

A state which in this age of racial poisoning dedicates itself to the care of its best racial elements must some day become lord of the earth.

May the adherents of our movement never forget this if ever the magnitude of the sacrifices should beguile them to an anxious comparison with the possible results.

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on June 07, 2018, 05:54:55 AM
Here's what I get when I look up 'nαzι' and Konrad Heiden (αzι-introduced-by-a-man-named-Konrad-Heiden-What-are-your-thoughts-about-how-he-is-being-used-in-the-debate-about-mass-immigration). #1 was written by a native German speaker.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 07, 2018, 06:46:19 AM
Let's make one thing clear in this thread: World War II was a victory for the unholy forces of ʝʊdɛօ-Masonic Bolshevism.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 07, 2018, 07:01:41 AM
During 1933-1945 the Pagan NSDAP commissioned the build of over 2000 Christian Churches and Cathedrals to be built in the German Reich. 
The Christian Allied forces who liberated Europe from the anti christian Germans bombed all these churches to rubble, and even boasted about getting them on Sundays.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Last Tradhican on June 07, 2018, 07:45:40 AM
He (Hitler) was condemned by Pope Pius XI.
Pius XI also ordered the Cristero's to accept the peace treaty of the Masonic enemies, just when the Cristero's were on the verge of victory.

Pius XI rightly totally condemned communism, and a few years later Pius XII sophistically changed the condemnation to just enough acceptance of communism so the USA could go to war with Germany.

The Vatican was compromised after the death of Pius X.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 07, 2018, 04:43:26 PM
So after the publication of Mein Kampf, Pius XI then hauls off and.......backs Hitler and the NSDAP so they could come into power in 1933, despite there being a supposed "Catholic" party that the Vatican had been backing up till then. Not only that, the Vatican has in place the Concordant prior the election which is why it came out to the public just weeks after the election.

Nah, nothing not jiving there.....

That bad 'ol Fuehrer was so evil that the Vatican never could get around to excommunicating him for his countless transgressions, but it wasted no time in excommunicating Goebbels for marrying a divorced Protestant. And to top it off, the Church in Germany ordered masses to be said for him after his death. 

"But, but, but....", crikey, you folks are as ignorant of the war as a neo-con Catholic of the post Vatican II "church".........
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: St Ignatius on June 07, 2018, 10:10:50 PM
So after the publication of Mein Kampf, Pius XI then hauls off and.......backs Hitler and the NSDAP so they could come into power in 1933, despite there being a supposed "Catholic" party that the Vatican had been backing up till then. Not only that, the Vatican has in place the Concordant prior the election which is why it came out to the public just weeks after the election.

Nah, nothing not jiving there.....

That bad 'ol Fuehrer was so evil that the Vatican never could get around to excommunicating him for his countless transgressions, but it wasted no time in excommunicating Goebbels for marrying a divorced Protestant. And to top it off, the Church in Germany ordered masses to be said for him after his death.

"But, but, but....", crikey, you folks are as ignorant of the war as a neo-con Catholic of the post Vatican II "church".........
Looks like it's time you give another history lesson... Looks like some have forgotten quickly the evidence you, and a few others, put forth not to long ago.  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 07, 2018, 10:38:22 PM
The nαzι war against the Catholic ChurchαzιWarAgainstTheCatholicChurch

Thus Spake Germany

Know Your Enemy

501 Gems of German Thought

What Hitler Wants

Poland Under nαzι OccupationαzιOccupation

The Black Book of Poland

Secret nαzι Plans for Eastern Europe: A Study of Lebensraum PoliciesαzιPlansForEasternEuropeAStudyOfLebensraumPolicies_201609

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 08, 2018, 12:09:01 AM

Links to ʝʊdɛօ-Masonic publications trad123? Are you a fool or an agent?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 08, 2018, 01:10:13 AM
Franco stated that Hitler died a loyal son of the Catholic Church.

Attaching screenshot.

Historia de la literatura fascista española, Volume 2, by Julio Rodríguez-Puértolas

page 974:

El dos de mayo de 1945, conocido ya el suicidio de Adolf Hitler en su búnker de Berlín, Víctor de la Serna publicaba en Informaciones y bajo el pseudónimo de Unus un espectacular articulo en recuerdo del Fuhrer aleman, al que pertenecen estos fragmentos:

Un enorme !Presente! se extiende por el ámbito de Europa, porque Adolfo Hitler, hijo de la Iglesia Católica, ha muerto defendiendo la Cristiandad [...]. Ya se comprenderá que nuestra pluma, contenida, no encuentra palabras para llorar su muerte cuando tantas encontró para exaltar su vida [...]. La Historia, esta gran Señora justiciera, dobla una página y aparece una nueva era, que empieza con esta referencia: «1 de mayo de 1945. Muere Adolfo Hitler por la libertad de Europa» [...]. El arma secreta de Alemania, la bomba colosal que había de dar la victoria a una ideología estaba en el corazón de Adolfo Hitler. Ya ha estallado. La guerra contra el bolchevismo entra en la fase de la victoria. Dios está con los paladines. Y en el cielo hay fiesta mayor.

Using Google translate:

On May 2, 1945, already known the ѕυιcιdє of Adolf Hitler in his bunker in Berlin, Víctor de la Serna published in Informations and under the pseudonym of Unus a spectacular article in memory of the German Fuhrer, to which these fragments belong:

A huge! Present! it extends throughout Europe, because Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, has died defending Christianity [...]. It will be understood that our pen, contained, can not find words to mourn his death when so many found to exalt his life [...]. History, this great justice lady, turns a page and a new era appears, beginning with this reference: "May 1, 1945. Adolph Hitler dies for the freedom of Europe" [...]. The secret weapon of Germany, the colossal bomb that was to give victory to an ideology was in the heart of Adolf Hitler. It has already exploded. The war against Bolshevism enters the phase of victory. God is with the paladins. And in heaven there is a greater festival.

Víctor de la Serna and Espina (Valparaíso, January 15, 1896-Madrid, November 25, 1958.) was a Spanish writer and journalist of Falangist militancy. Throughout his career he directed several newspapers, and also authored several books. He was the most prominent representative in Spain of a propaganda travel literature, characterized by his exaltation of the Franco regime and its social and cultural model. He would also stand out as director of the newspaper Informaciones, which under his direction became the newspaper "most pro axis of all newspapers in Madrid."
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 08, 2018, 01:12:58 AM
Telephone game, indeed.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 08, 2018, 01:27:14 AM
Links to ʝʊdɛօ-Masonic publications trad123?

The quotations in the books: Know Your Enemy, Thus Spake Germany, and 501 Gems of German Thought, have the sources listed, many of them with page numbers.

Hitler's philosophy didn't come about spontaneously, it has roots.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 08, 2018, 04:04:41 AM
Barbs of truth:


Yes, I understand that international and domestic situation for Germany at the time.  How does this justify the fact that the Germans under Hitler and the official ideology of the National Socialist party practiced racialist eugenics through abortion and sterilisations and wanted to subject the Church, in its jurisdiction, to the "interests of the German people" (as if these could be separate from the interests of the Church) ?

So, your conclusion is that, because an eye was taken out, it was just to take out an eye in return ?  Because Germany truly suffered, it gets a pass on its disgusting violations of the natural law and its neo-pagan idolatry of its "racial and cultural purity," which, by the way, never existed ?

It was a secular state that forbade homeschooling and forced all children to attend public schools where they learned to worship themselves via fabricated Aryan mythology.  In affairs of state, they officially did not recognise the rights of God and the Church except as it seemed to benefit them.  The ideology of the party did not allow it.

So we're back to that -- Hitler was okay because the Communists were so bad.  Yes, they were bad, but the enemy of our enemy is not our friend.  Yes, they actively persecuted religion as such, though I would say that Hitler himself was a punishment upon the stiff-necked Germans in addition to the punishments that followed.  The point is that both régimes were evil, each according to its kind, and that their being enemies does not mean that Catholics must take sides with one or the other.

What about the Lebensraum plan, where Wehrbauern would colonise the East and make the Slavs German slaves for a thousand years ?

If a people want to survive, yes, they must be independent of international money powers and other private interests, securely under a sovereign power that is their own, and living according to the natural order.  This, naturally, I admit.  But must they likewise adopt a strange and idolatrous ideology that serves to make them loyal to an all-powerful centralised state that disrespects the sovereign rights of the Pope and the Church ?  No, of course not.  This endangers the survival of a people because it places them outside of the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, without which there is no lasting peace in this world.

Pius XI wrote Mit Brennender Sorge to deal with the problems of the German ideology, which themselves were the outgrowth of centuries of German pride and self-love to the prejudice of the true religion (as evidenced by lay investiture, the Hohenstaufens, the Habsburgs sacking Rome, Protestantism, and then German nationalism).  This is what he wrote : "Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community - however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things - whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds."  I suppose it was just a coincidence that he wrote the encyclical in German and ordered it to be read from every Catholic pulpit in Germany ?  He could have been talking about anything, most likely in the abstract !  :laugh1:

I am saying the same thing, that such a State was objectively a monster that needed to be slain.  I do not think the Red Army and the US, who replaced the monster with an even greater and more duplicitous one, were the ones to do that slaying.  That being said, clearly men did not become less sinful and less forgetful of God, and reaped what their pride had sown.  Let us imagine that international Jєωιѕн finance and Communism and Masonry did not exist, though.  Even then, the monster of the German nationalist state and its idolatrous ideology would be worthy of destruction -- for the sake of the common good of Christendom first, of course, and then, secondly, for the sake of the Germans themselves.


Traditional Guy does me the service of making my points for me.  Here he clearly shows that his ideas are not Catholic in the least, that he worships race, that he believes that the true preservation of the natural order derives not from the Faith but from one's racial descent, and furthermore that he is very comfortable around Protestants as opposed to Catholics who come from a different race.

I have been saying, precisely, that this is the logical conclusion of all the White Nationalist rhetoric -- all of which derives from the Renaissance, the Liberalism of the Enlightenment, paganism, and New Age spiritualism.  These White Nationalists are either not Catholics or they are too stupid to realise or proud to admit that their febrile insecurities are a window for the devil to creep into their souls.  We should not hesitate to call their rhetoric evil, since such people ultimately cannot help the restoration of Christendom.  They show such disrespect for the rights of Our Lord now; if they are successful, we should not then expect them to humiliate themselves and set aside their prideful contempt for the Sacred Royalty of the Heart of Jesus and the dignity of His Church.

Of course, I am not speaking of everybody who has argued against me on the racial question, only a certain caste, of which Traditional Guy is obviously a good representative.єωιѕн-problem-dr-william-pierce/#msg604226


So “Catholics” are now citing a notorious white nationalist, racialist and virulently anti-Christian creator of an atheistic religion based is a patchwork of Nieztsceanism, Darwinism and pagan pantheism? Really?

Stop making me laugh, Croix de Fer. You wouldn’t know Jesus Christ if he came knocking on your door.

Did anyone miss the post where Croix de Fer posted the Turner Diaries?

The novel depicts a violent revolutionary struggle in the United States that begins with gun confiscation and then escalates into global depopulation, leading to the extermination of all Jєωs and non-whites.

White nationalists appear to have completely bought into the alt right bait, with personalities like David Duke and Professor Kevin MacDonald riding the Trump, alt right bandwagon; although, MacDonald has demonstrated his awareness of the Jєωιѕн involvement in the alt right and is supporting it anyways likely for strategic reasons. White nationalist opposition to ʝʊdɛօ-Masonry has proven itself a failure (National Socialism) and is based in racialism. Only the Church has adequately addressed and dealt with the question. Any notion of the “true” alt right being hijacked from the supposed rightful heir white nationalists by Milo types is ridiculous. Neither of the two groups are the rightful heirs.

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 08, 2018, 01:34:56 PM
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 08, 2018, 11:01:37 PM
I think that is not quite accurate. What he thought was that Christ himself was Aryan. He found reason to believe so.
Jesus was a Jєω.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 11, 2018, 06:12:29 PM
Jesus was a Jєω.
Jesus was Hebrew. Judaism is тαℓмυdic. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cantarella on June 11, 2018, 06:30:48 PM
Jesus was a Jєω.

I think that is what Jєωs want us to believe...

And that He was brown....

And that He was ugly.

****Picture of the modern Jesus:

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 11, 2018, 06:34:54 PM
I think that is what Jєωs want us to believe...

And that He was brown....

And that He was ugly.

****Picture of the modern Jesus:

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 11, 2018, 07:51:36 PM

And that's what people like Varg Vikernes want us to believe. Beginning to think that he's a shill.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 11, 2018, 11:11:50 PM
Jesus was Hebrew. Judaism is тαℓмυdic.
Jesus observed the mosaic law.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: rum on June 11, 2018, 11:18:55 PM
Pius XI also ordered the Cristero's to accept the peace treaty of the Masonic enemies, just when the Cristero's were on the verge of victory.

Pius XI rightly totally condemned communism, and a few years later Pius XII sophistically changed the condemnation to just enough acceptance of communism so the USA could go to war with Germany.

The Vatican was compromised after the death of Pius X.

From my readings this seems right. And fully agree with the bolded.

Pope Pius XII was scurrying to help Jєωs during WWII, but he didn't think any h0Ɩ0cαųst was happening, just that Jєωs would be placed in cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρs until war's end. So why help them? It's not like he thought they were going to be slaughtered. Pope John XXIII, when he was archbishop, was giving Jєωs baptisms of convenience.

Why didn't Churchmen in the United States give baptisms of convenience to German, Italian, and Japanese Americans placed in cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρs?

It just doesn't add up.

Archbishop Cassulo's 1941 protest in Romania was in answer to a state ruling that a change of religious status by a Jєω did not alter his legal status as a member of that persecuted "race". For the authorities had become suspicious, as did those in the Balkans, Hungary, and elsewhere later, of the number of Jєωιѕн "converts" to Catholicism. Until such a ruling was made in a nαzι-controlled country, however, a Jєω who could prove himself a member of the Catholic Church could usually use the evidence of that membership-a baptismal certificate as a safe-conduct paper to leave the country. No records have been published regarding who conceived the idea or how it was implemented, but the existence of the false baptismal certificates, and they number in the thousands, is a fact. It is also a fact that the Vatican was well aware of the plan, and that members of resistance groups, apostolic nuncios, nuns, representatives of Jєωιѕн aid groups based in the Allied countries, and untold numbers of ordinary citizens risked their welfare if not their lives to promote the ingenious scheme. By mid-1944, when only the Jєωs of Budapest had been temporarily spared in blood-soaked Hungary, another beloved Catholic figure had thrown his weight to the wheel, increasing the distribution of the baptismal certificates many times over; this was Pius XII's close friend and successor, Archbishop Roncalli, the late Pope John XXIII.51

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 12, 2018, 12:21:15 AM
From my readings this seems right. And fully agree with the bolded.

Pope Pius XII was scurrying to help Jєωs during WWII, but he didn't think any h0Ɩ0cαųst was happening, just that Jєωs would be placed in cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρs until war's end. So why help them? It's not like he thought they were going to be slaughtered. Pope John XXIII, when he was archbishop, was giving Jєωs baptisms of convenience.

Why didn't Churchmen in the United States give baptisms of convenience to German, Italian, and Japanese Americans placed in cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρs?

It just doesn't add up.
Pius XII helped the Jєωs because he was a follower of Christ, who said, "That which you did for the least of one of these, you did it to me."
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 12, 2018, 09:56:49 PM
Pius XII helped the Jєωs because he was a follower of Christ, who said, "That which you did for the least of one of these, you did it to me."
Stop misquoting scripture.
Douay Rheims
"And the king answering, shall say to them: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me."

They are not our brothers for they do not have the Church as their mother. They are enemies of Christ. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 12, 2018, 10:35:47 PM
Stop misquoting scripture.
Douay Rheims
"And the king answering, shall say to them: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me."

They are not our brothers for they do not have the Church as their mother. They are enemies of Christ.
All of the children of God are our brothers.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 12, 2018, 11:17:13 PM
All of the children of God are our brothers.
"In NO way can men be counted among the children of God unless they take the Church for their Mother."- Pope Leo XIII

"For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own coutrymen, even as they have from the Jєωs, [15] ( Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men;"-1 Thess. 2:14-16

You're a damn heretic, poche. Recant and admit the truth.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 13, 2018, 12:38:33 AM
"In NO way can men be counted among the children of God unless they take the Church for their Mother."- Pope Leo XIII

"For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own coutrymen, even as they have from the Jєωs, [15] ( Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men;"-1 Thess. 2:14-16

You're a damn heretic, poche. Recant and admit the truth.
From Pope Pius XI;
8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community - however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things - whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.мents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 13, 2018, 01:05:03 AM
From Pope Pius XI;
8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community - however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things - whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.мents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html
Sounds like Pius XI is condemning Francis here. And JPII for that matter.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 13, 2018, 03:48:09 AM
Sounds like Pius XI is condemning Francis here. And JPII for that matter.
He was condemning Hitler and and his regime. He knew it. Pope Pius XI ordered that it be read in every church on Palm Sunday. The next day anyone who was caught with a copy of that encyclical was arrested.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 13, 2018, 11:35:53 AM
From Pope Pius XI;
8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community - however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things - whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.мents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html
What the hell does this have to do with your heretical statement? 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: songbird on June 13, 2018, 05:17:37 PM
Remember, Jєωs are the established community/gov't of Russia.  We pray for the conversion of Jєωs.  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on June 13, 2018, 07:37:29 PM
All of the children of God are our brothers.
They are the children of wrath, sons of the devil in whom there is no truth to be found. Our Lord was clear in identifying them as such.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cantarella on June 14, 2018, 12:05:30 AM
And that's what people like Varg Vikernes want us to believe. Beginning to think that he's a shill.

He has been explained this is not the case many times, yet he persists in his error.

Unfortunately, the devils of his youth have not left him.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cantarella on June 14, 2018, 12:21:49 AM
All of the children of God are our brothers.

True, but Jєωs are not the children of God, just as the rest of the unbaptized.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Maria Regina on June 14, 2018, 12:26:59 AM
Franco stated that Hitler died a loyal son of the Catholic Church.
Did Hitler receive the last rites when he died in Argentina long after WWII ended?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 14, 2018, 12:55:57 AM
Summi Pontificatus
On the Unity of Human Society
Pope Pius XII - 1939

34. Among the many errors which derive from the poisoned source of religious and moral agnosticism, We would draw your attention, Venerable Brethren, to two in particular, as being those which more than others render almost impossible or at least precarious and uncertain, the peaceful intercourse of peoples.

35. The first of these pernicious errors, widespread today, is the forgetfulness of that law of human solidarity and charity which is dictated and imposed by our common origin and by the equality of rational nature in all men, to whatever people they belong, and by the redeeming Sacrifice offered by Jesus Christ on the Altar of the Cross to His Heavenly Father on behalf of sinful mankind.

36. In fact, the first page of the Scripture, with magnificent simplicity, tells us how God, as a culmination to His creative work, made man to His Own image and likeness (cf. Genesis i. 26, 27); and the same Scripture tells us that He enriched man with supernatural gifts and privileges, and destined him to an eternal and ineffable happiness. It shows us besides how other men took their origin from the first couple, and then goes on, in unsurpassed vividness of language, to recount their division into different groups and their dispersion to various parts of the world. Even when they abandoned their Creator, God did not cease to regard them as His children, who, according to His merciful plan, should one day be reunited once more in His friendship (cf. Genesis xii. 3).

37. The Apostle of the Gentiles later on makes himself the herald of this truth which associates men as brothers in one great family, when he proclaims to the Greek world that God “hath made of one, all mankind, to dwell upon the whole face of the earth, determining appointed times, and the limits of their habitation, that they should seek God” (Acts xvii. 26, 27).

38. A marvelous vision, which makes us see the human race in the unity of one common origin in God “one God and Father of all, Who is above all, and through all, and in us all” (Ephesians iv. 6); in the unity of nature which in every man is equally composed of material body and spiritual, immortal soul; in the unity of the immediate end and mission in the world; in the unity of dwelling place, the earth, of whose resources all men can by natural right avail themselves, to sustain and develop life; in the unity of the supernatural end, God Himself, to Whom all should tend; in the unity of means to secure that end.

39. It is the same Apostle who portrays for us mankind in the unity of its relations with the Son of God, image of the invisible God, in Whom all things have been created: “In Him were all things created” (Colossians i. 16); in the unity of its ransom, effected for all by Christ, Who, through His Holy and most bitter passion, restored the original friendship with God which had been broken, making Himself the Mediator between God and men: “For there is one God, and one Mediator of God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (I Timothy ii. 5).

40. And to render such friendship between God and mankind more intimate, this same Divine and universal Mediator of salvation and of peace, in the sacred silence of the Supper Room, before He consummated the Supreme Sacrifice, let fall from His divine Lips the words which reverberate mightily down the centuries, inspiring heroic charity in a world devoid of love and torn by hate: “This is my commandment that you love one another, as I have loved you” (Saint John xv. 12).

41. These are supernatural truths which form a solid basis and the strongest possible bond of a union, that is reinforced by the love of God and of our Divine Redeemer, from Whom all receive salvation “for the edifying of the Body of Christ: until we all meet into the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the age of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians iv. 12, 13).

42. In the light of this unity of all mankind, which exists in law and in fact, individuals do not feel themselves isolated units, like grains of sand, but united by the very force of their nature and by their internal destiny, into an organic, harmonious mutual relationship which varies with the changing of times.

43. And the nations, despite a difference of development due to diverse conditions of life and of culture, are not destined to break the unity of the human race, but rather to enrich and embellish it by the sharing of their own peculiar gifts and by that reciprocal interchange of goods which can be possible and efficacious only when a mutual love and a lively sense of charity unite all the sons of the same Father and all those redeemed by the same Divine Blood.

44. The Church of Christ, the faithful depository of the teaching of Divine Wisdom, cannot and does not think of deprecating or disdaining the particular characteristics which each people, with jealous and intelligible pride, cherishes and retains as a precious heritage. Her aim is a supernatural union in all-embracing love, deeply felt and practiced, and not the unity which is exclusively external and superficial and by that very fact weak.

45. The Church hails with joy and follows with her maternal blessing every method of guidance and care which aims at a wise and orderly evolution of particular forces and tendencies having their origin in the individual character of each race, provided that they are not opposed to the duties incuмbent on men from their unity of origin and common destiny.

46. She has repeatedly shown in her missionary enterprises that such a principle of action is the guiding star of her universal apostolate. Pioneer research and investigation, involving sacrifice, devotedness and love on the part of her missionaries of every age, have been undertaken in order to facilitate the deeper appreciative insight into the most varied civilizations and to put their spiritual values to account for a living and vital preaching of the Gospel of Christ. All that in such usages and customs is not inseparably bound up with religious errors will always be subject to kindly consideration and, when it is found possible, will be sponsored and developed.

47. Our immediate predecessor, of holy and venerated memory, applying such norms to a particularly delicate question, took some generous decisions which are a monument to his insight and to the intensity of his apostolic spirit. Nor need We tell you, Venerable Brethren, that We intend to proceed without hesitation along this way. Those who enter the Church, whatever be their origin or their speech, must know that they have equal rights as children in the House of the Lord, where the law of Christ and the peace of Christ prevail.

48. In accordance with these principles of equality, the Church devotes her care to forming cultured native clergy and gradually increasing the number of native Bishops. And in order to give external expression to these, Our intentions, We have chosen the forthcoming Feast of Christ the King to raise to the Episcopal dignity at the Tomb of the Apostles twelve representatives of widely different peoples and races. In the midst of the disruptive contrasts which divide the human family, may this solemn act proclaim to all Our sons, scattered over the world, that the spirit, the teaching and the work of the Church can never be other than that which the Apostle of the Gentiles preached: “putting on the new, (man) him who is renewed unto knowledge, according to the image of him that created him. Where there is neither Gentile nor Jєω, circuмcision nor uncircuмcision, barbarian nor Scythian, bond nor free. But Christ is all and in all” (Colossians iii. 10, 11).

49. Nor is there any fear lest the consciousness of universal brotherhood aroused by the teaching of Christianity, and the spirit which it inspires, be in contrast with love of traditions or the glories of one’s fatherland, or impede the progress of prosperity or legitimate interests. For that same Christianity teaches that in the exercise of charity we must follow a God-given order, yielding the place of honor in our affections and good works to those who are bound to us by special ties. Nay, the Divine Master Himself gave an example of this preference for His Own country and fatherland, as He wept over the coming destruction of the Holy City. But legitimate and well-ordered love of our native country should not make us close our eyes to the all-embracing nature of Christian Charity, which calls for consideration of others and of their interests in the pacifying light of love.

50. Such is the marvelous doctrine of love and peace which has been such an ennobling factor in the civil and religious progress of mankind. And the heralds who proclaimed it, moved by supernatural charity, not only tilled the land and cared for the sick, but above all they reclaimed, moulded and raised life to divine heights, directing it toward the summit of sanctity in which everything is seen in the light of God. They have raised mansions and temples which show to what lofty and kindly heights the Christian ideal urges man; but above all they have made of men, wise or ignorant, strong or weak, living temples of God and branches of the very vine which is Christ. They have handed on to future generations the treasures of ancient art and wisdom and have secured for them that inestimable gift of eternal wisdom which links men as brothers by the common recognition of a supernatural ownership.

51. Venerable Brethren, forgetfulness of the law of universal charity — of that charity which alone can consolidate peace by extinguishing hatred and softening envies and dissensions — is the source of very grave evils for peaceful relations between nations.

St. John Chrysostom

Homily 3 on Hebrews


(. . .)

But see, even now, it is said, we love one another. For one man has two friends, and another three. But this is not to love for God's sake, but for the sake of being beloved. But to love for God's sake has not this as its principle of Love; but such an one will be disposed towards all men as towards brethren; loving those that are of the same faith as being true brothers; heretics and Heathen and Jєωs, brothers indeed by nature, but vile and unprofitable — pitying and wearing himself out and weeping for them. Herein we shall be like God if we love all men, even our enemies; not, if we work miracles.  For we regard even God with admiration when He works wonders, yet much more, when He shows love towards man, when He is long-suffering. If then even in God this is worthy of much admiration, much more in men is it evident that this renders us admirable.

St. Justin Martyr

Dialogue with Trypho (Chapters 125-142)

Chapter 134. The marriages of Jacob are a figure of the Church.


If, then, the teaching of the prophets and of Himself moves you, it is better for you to follow God than your imprudent and blind masters, who even till this time permit each man to have four or five wives; and if any one see a beautiful woman and desire to have her, they quote the doings of Jacob [called] Israel, and of the other patriarchs, and maintain that it is not wrong to do such things; for they are miserably ignorant in this matter. For, as I before said, certain dispensations of weighty mysteries were accomplished in each act of this sort. For in the marriages of Jacob I shall mention what dispensation and prophecy were accomplished, in order that you may thereby know that your teachers never looked at the divine motive which prompted each act, but only at the grovelling and corrupting passions. Attend therefore to what I say. The marriages of Jacob were types of that which Christ was about to accomplish. For it was not lawful for Jacob to marry two sisters at once. And he serves Laban for [one of] the daughters; and being deceived in [the obtaining of] the younger, he again served seven years. Now Leah is your people and ѕуηαgσgυє; but Rachel is our Church. And for these, and for the servants in both, Christ even now serves. For while Noah gave to the two sons the seed of the third as servants, now on the other hand Christ has come to restore both the free sons and the servants among them, conferring the same honour on all of them who keep His commandments; even as the children of the free women and the children of the bond women born to Jacob were all sons, and equal in dignity. And it was foretold what each should be according to rank and according to fore-knowledge. Jacob served Laban for speckled and many-spotted sheep; and Christ served, even to the slavery of the cross, for the various and many-formed races of mankind, acquiring them by the blood and mystery of the cross. Leah was weak-eyed; for the eyes of your souls are excessively weak. Rachel stole the gods of Laban, and has hid them to this day; and we have lost our paternal and material gods. Jacob was hated for all time by his brother; and we now, and our Lord Himself, are hated by you and by all men, though we are brothers by nature. Jacob was called Israel; and Israel has been demonstrated to be the Christ, who is, and is called, Jesus.

Augustissimae Virginis Mariae
On the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary
Pope Leo XIII - 1897

5. The natural tendency of man to association has never been stronger, or more earnestly and generally followed, than in our own age. This is not at all to be reprehended, unless when so excellent a natural tendency is perverted to evil purposes, and wicked men, banding together in various forms of societies, conspire “against the Lord and against His Christ” (Ps ii., 2). It is, however, most gratifying to observe that pious associations are becoming more and more popular among Catholics also. They are frequently formed; indeed, all Catholics are so closely drawn together and united by the bonds of charity, as members of one household, that they both may be and are truly styled brethren. But if the charity of Christ be absent, none may glory in the name and fellowship of brethren. So wrote Tertullian long ago in pungent words: “We are your brethren by right of a common mother, nature, yet are ye less than men, because unnatural brothers. How much more justly are they called and esteemed as brethren who acknowledge one and the same Father, God; who have drunk in one and the same spirit of charity; who have been borne from one and the same womb of ignorance into the one light of truth?” (Apolog. c. xxxix.)

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 14, 2018, 01:33:40 AM
Poche, read Canatrella's reply. The key element is baptism.

True, but Jєωs are not the children of God, just as the rest of the unbaptized.

Brothers, yes, according to nature, but to what profit?

Children of God, no.

Ingravescentibus Malis
On the Rosary
Pope Pius XI - 1937

25. And the charity which has been weakened and cooled in many, how can it fail to be rekindled into love in the souls of those who recall with a full heart the tortures and death of our Redeemer and the afflictions of His Sorrowful Mother? From this charity towards God, then, there cannot but rise a more intense love of one’s neighbor if one dwells on the labors and sorrows that Our Lord suffered for all, reinstating the lost inheritance of the children of God.

In Plurimis
On the Abolition of Slavery
Pope Leo XIII - 1888

6. The greater part of humanity were toiling in this abyss of misery, and were the more to be pitied because they were sunk in the darkness of superstition, when in the fullness of time and by the designs of God, light shone down upon the world, and the merits of Christ the Redeemer were poured out upon mankind. By that means they were lifted out of the slough and the distress of slavery, and recalled and brought back from the terrible bondage of sin to their high dignity as the sons of God. Thus, the Apostles, in the early days of the Church, among other precepts for a devout life taught and laid down the doctrine which more than once occurs in the Epistles of St. Paul addressed to those newly baptized: “For you are all the children of God by faith, in Jesus Christ. For as many of you as have been baptized in Christ, have put on Christ. There is neither Jєω, nor Greek; there is neither bond, nor free; there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.”[7] “Where there is neither Gentile nor Jєω, circuмcision nor uncircuмcision, barbarian nor Scythian, bond nor free. But Christ is all and in all.”[8] “For in one Spirit were we all baptized into one body, whether Jєωs or Gentiles, whether bond or free; and in one Spirit we have all been made to drink.”[9] Golden words, indeed, noble and wholesome lessons, whereby its old dignity is given back and with increase to the human race, and men of whatever land or tongue of class are bound together and joined in the strong bonds of brotherly kinship. Those things St. Paul, with that Christian charity with which he was filled, learned from the very heart of Him who, with much surpassing goodness, gave Himself to be the brother of us all, and in His own person, without omitting or excepting any one, so ennobled men that they might become participators in the divine nature. Through this Christian charity the various races of men were drawn together under the divine guidance in such a wonderful way that they blossomed into a new state of hope and public happiness; as with the progress of time and events and the constant labor of the Church the various nations were able to gather together, Christian and free, organized anew after the manner of a family.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 15, 2018, 10:15:37 PM
What the hell does this have to do with your heretical statement?
Pope Pius XI was no heretic.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 15, 2018, 10:16:38 PM
True, but Jєωs are not the children of God, just as the rest of the unbaptized.
They have the potentiality of being baptized. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 16, 2018, 04:06:07 AM
Remember the Anglo-Masonic powers fought on the side of the red star of ʝʊdɛօ-Bolshevism. And we've been paying for it ever since!
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Last Tradhican on June 16, 2018, 04:35:35 AM
Poche stated: All of the children of God are our brothers.

True, but Jєωs are not the children of God, just as the rest of the unbaptized.
The unbaptized are creatures of God (creations of God, like a tree, fish, or wolf) but not sons of God. We, the baptized, are sons of God, and thus we are brothers to each other.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 16, 2018, 10:43:19 PM
The unbaptized are creatures of God (creations of God, like a tree, fish, or wolf) but not sons of God. We, the baptized, are sons of God, and thus we are brothers to each other.
They have the human dignity that requires respect. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 16, 2018, 11:24:52 PM
Franz von Papen
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: RoughAshlar on June 17, 2018, 02:06:16 AM
Franz von Papen
Yep this is worthy of being banned from this forum. Down vote. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 17, 2018, 02:09:48 AM
Yep this is worthy of being banned from this forum. Down vote.
Banned for posting a quote?  :confused:
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 17, 2018, 02:28:44 AM
Franz von Papen
Not according to Pope Pius XI.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 18, 2018, 05:10:25 PM
Pope Pius XI was no heretic.
I said you were. And your posts prove it you charlatan.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 18, 2018, 05:11:37 PM
Not according to Pope Pius XI.
Thankfully, he wasn't infallible in this case. He backed Hitler and the NSDAP, so what does that say about him?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 18, 2018, 05:13:31 PM
Banned for posting a quote?  :confused:
Agreed. People would rather censor than deal with facts.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 18, 2018, 08:14:14 PM
It appears von Papen was not lying.

cuм Nimis Absurdum, Pope Paul IV, 1555

Some highlights....

As it is completely absurd and improper in the utmost that the Jєωs, who through their own fault were
condemned by God to eternal servitude, can under the pretext that pious Christians must accept them
and sustain their habitation, are so ungrateful to Christians, as, instead of thanks for gracious
treatment, they return contumely, and among themselves, instead of the slavery, which they deserve,
they manage to claim superiority: we, who newly learned that these very Jєωs have insolently invaded
our City Rome and a number of the Papal States, territories and domains their impudence increased
so much that they dare not only to live amongst the Christian people, but also in the vicinity of the
churches without any difference of dressing, and even that they rent houses in the main streets and
squares, buy and hold immovable property, engage maids, nurses and other Christian servants, and
commit other and numerous misdeeds with shame and contempt of the Christian name.

§ 1. Desiring firstly, as much as we can with God, to beneficially provide, by this. that will forever be in
force, we ordain that for the rest of time, in the City as well as in other states, territories and domains
of the Church of Rome itself, all Jєωs are to live in one and if there is not that capacity in two or three
or however many quarters may be enough; they should reside entirely side by side in designated
streets and be thoroughly separate from the residences of Christians, by our authority in the City and
by that of our representatives in other states, lands and domains noted above, and that there must be
only one entrance and exit from this quarter.

§ 2. Furthermore, in each and every state, territory and domain in which they are living, they will have
only one ѕуηαgσgυє, in its customary location, and they will construct no other new ones, nor can they
own buildings. Furthermore, all of their ѕуηαgσgυєs, besides the one allowed, are to be destroyed and
demolished. And the properties, which they currently own, they must sell to Christians within a period
of time to be determined by the magistrates themselves.

§ 3. Moreover, so that Jєωs should be distinguishable everywhere: men must wear a hat, women,
indeed, some other evident sign, yellow in color, (Sound Familiar?)that must not be concealed or covered by any
means, and must be tightly affixed; and furthermore, they can not be absolved or excused from the
obligation to wear the hat or other emblem of this type to any extent whatever and under any pretext
whatsoever of their rank or prominence or of their ability to tolerate this adversity, either by a
chamberlain of the Church, clerics of an Apostolic court, or their superiors, or by legates of the Holy
See or their immediate subordinates.

§ 7. And they may not presume in any way to play, eat or fraternize with Christians.

§ 8. And they cannot use other than Latin or Italian words in short-term account books that they hold
with Christians, and, if they should use them, such records would not be binding on Christians.

§ 10. And those among them who are physicians, even if summoned and inquired after, cannot attend
or take part in the care of Christians.

These are just some of the decrees by Paul IV. They are almost exactly what Hitler prescribed in dealing with the Jєωs. 

What a pope!
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 18, 2018, 10:45:28 PM
Thankfully, he wasn't infallible in this case. He backed Hitler and the NSDAP, so what does that say about him?
If you think that Pope Pius XI backed Hitler and his policies then I would suggest that you take another look at Mit Brennender Sorge.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 18, 2018, 10:54:04 PM
If you think that Pope Pius XI backed Hitler and his policies then I would suggest that you take another look at Mit Brennender Sorge.
It should be avoided like the New Mass.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 19, 2018, 01:17:50 PM
If you think that Pope Pius XI backed Hitler and his policies then I would suggest that you take another look at Mit Brennender Sorge.
He conscientiously helped him get elected in 1933. It was Vatican policy, hence the concordant. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 21, 2018, 02:13:21 AM
It should be avoided like the New Mass.
Pope Pius XI never imagined that there would be a New Mass.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 21, 2018, 02:24:35 PM
Pope Pius XI never imagined that there would be a New Mass.
What does that have to do with anything?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 21, 2018, 11:57:30 PM
He conscientiously helped him get elected in 1933. It was Vatican policy, hence the concordant.
Hitler  was supported by the Protestant people of Germany not the Catholics.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on June 22, 2018, 07:56:18 AM
Hitler  was supported by the Protestant people of Germany not the Catholics.
Wrong, he was held in high esteem by the many of the Catholic citizens,many of whom died in their basements, incinerated,hiding in their basements with melted Rosaries in their hands through the deliberate allied bombing of innocent civilians. Catholics were primary targets in the Jєωιѕн Holy war against Christian Europe. Can you guess who won?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on June 22, 2018, 08:19:19 AM
Wait, World War 2 was a Jєωιѕн Holy War against Christian Europe? Never heard that before.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 22, 2018, 08:42:25 AM
Wait, World War 2 was a Jєωιѕн Holy War against Christian Europe? Never heard that before.
On March 24, 1933, The Daily Express (London) published an article announcing that the Jєωs had already launched their boycott against Germany and threatened a forthcoming "holy war".
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 22, 2018, 05:22:28 PM
Hitler  was supported by the Protestant people of Germany not the Catholics.
Your idiotic remarks are consistent, if not amusing.

Pius XI and the Rise of Adolf Hitler
Roman Catholic Popes series by William P. Meyers

The Catholic Church and it Popes had long opposed democracy as a method of government, preferring monarchies or dictatorships, especially those that were in favor of making Catholicism the exclusive legal religion. Until World War I the main enemy of the church was the combination of democracy and secularism ( (the idea that governments should not force any particular religion on their subjects), both of which were becoming stronger during the 19th century in Protestant nations. Atheism, anarchism and socialism were also feared, but until World War I there was no government controlled by socialists.
The triumph of the Leninist version of Marxism in the Russian Revolution by 1922 had brought a new enemy of the Church to the forefront. Pius XI set out to destroy the atheist state in the Soviet Union ( and to prevent atheism, communism or even socialism and democracy spreading to other nations around the world. However, the Catholic Church itself was probably weaker than at any time since it became the sole legal religion of the Roman Empire.
The Church's cooperation with the fascist regime in Italy showed a path forward. Pope Pius XI sought to place authoritarian, pro-Catholic regimes in every nation. Germany was a particularly important nation in the Pope's plan. It was an industrial power and it was well-situated geographically to lead a crusade against Russian and other communist nations within the Soviet Union.
When Pius XI became Pope in 1922 the German National Socialist Party (, or nαzι Party, was an insignificant political force inside Germany. Although Hitler was born Catholic, he was above all a Germany nationalist who probably saw the Pope, and potentially the Catholic Church in Germany, as an international institution that would only help Germany if a German Pope, a creature of Hitler, were appointed. At the same time Hitler had a certain admiration for Mussolini and the Italian fascists, who came to power for practical purposes when Mussolini was appointed Prime Minister on October 28, 1922.
Before Pius XI decided to hitch the Catholic Church's fortunes to Hitler, he supported the rise of other authoritarian Catholic politicians in Germany. These actions set the conditions that eventually allowed Pius XI to help propel Adolf Hitler to dictatorial control of Germany. Pius XI's representative in Germany (Papal Nuncio ( all through the period being discussed was Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, who would later become Pius XII.
Germany at the time had a population that was more Protestant than Catholic, but religious observance in general was declining. Those with church affiliations tended to be Catholic in southern German provinces, and Protestant in northern ones. There was no strict correlation between right-wing parties and particular religions, but the Catholic Church hierarchy tended strongly to the right. A Catholic Centre Party (, existed, but it posed problems for the Church hierarchy because, as a participant in a Democratic system, its membership sometimes saw its role as building a good democracy, rather than as an instrument for the destruction of democracy. The leader of the democratic wing of this Catholic Party, Matthias Erzberger (, was αssαssιnαtҽd in 1921 by a right-wing Catholic paramilitary organization. A Dr. Marx became head of the Catholic Party. In 1924 the Catholic Party entered a coalition with the German National Peoples Party, the party of rich industrialists and the army. Dr. Marx became Chancellor, but the parliamentary democracy system continued to function.
The 1928 elections made the Social Democratic Party the dominant party in the Reichstag and the Catholic Party vote shrank dramatically. Wishing to retain some power, the Catholic Party made a coalition with the Social Democrats with Hermann Mueller as Chancellor. About the same time Pius XI and Cardinal Pacelli concluded that, while they favored a dictatorship, the Catholic Party might not be the best instrument for that. It had too little support among the German people. They needed a party that could whip up the German people for a crusade to crush atheism in Germany and then attack the USSR. At first their preferred instrument would be the German National Peoples Party, even though it was not an exclusively Catholic party.
However Paul von Hindenburg (, President of Germany, and his allies were actively looking for a way to create a military dictatorship. They believed Article 48 of the German ("Weimar") Constitution could be used for that purpose. In 1930 Hindenburg dismissed Mueller and picked Dr. Heinrich Bruening ( (or Brüning) of the Catholic Party to do the dirty work. On April 1, 1930, Chancellor Bruening became the effective dictator of Germany. However, he was placed in power by others, and would not be able to hold onto power. Note that the global economic Great Depression ( had begun by this point.
Bruening tried to exercise power under Article 48, but there was resistance, so he called for new elections. It was in the September 1930 elections that the nαzι's program of national socialism - jobs and bread for all - caught the electorate's mood. The nαzιs had 107 deputies elected to the Reichstag, the Social Democrats 142. The communists took 77 seats, The Catholic Centre Party elected only 68 and the German National Peoples Party ('s_Party)only 41. [See complete 1930 German election results (,_1930)]
It was clear to Pius XI and Cardinal Pacelli that neither the Catholic Party nor the Nationalist Party had enough popular support to form the basis of a fascist-style dictatorship. They had not ignored Hitler, but now they began to court him. The potential combination of the Communists and Social Democrats (which never occurred) particularly terrified the Pontiff.
The Social Democrats remained in their coalition with the Catholic Party, and Bruening remained Chancellor. As the economic situation became worse, the nαzιs were able to lay the blame on the ruling coalition (just as in the U.S. the Democrats blamed Herbert Hoover and the Republicans). Bruening made the mistake (probably influenced by Cardinal Pacelli) of seeing Hitler as an ally against Communism rather than a serious rival for power. In late 1930 Chancellor Bruening agreed to give some cabinet posts to the nαzιs, but the negotiations broke down when Hitler demanded more posts than Bruening was willing to give up. One of Hitler's financial supporters was the Catholic industrialist Thyssen, also a supporter of Bruening, arranged for Hitler to meet with President Hindenburg. A deal was made where Bruening would continue in office for one year, Hindenburg would be supported by Hitler in another term as President, and nαzιs would then be given key positions in the cabinet. But again the deal broke down before it was implemented.
Bruening was very unpopular, as was his pet plan to restore the monarchy. On May 30, 1932 the re-elected Hindenburg dismissed Chancellor Bruening. The generals thought they were in charge; a cabinet was formed headed by General von Schleicher. Strangely, by this time the Vatican was backing Hitler. The generals, still uncertain of Hitler, decided on a compromise Catholic Chancellor, Franz von Papen ( When another election was held in July 1932 [See Germany July 1932 election (,_July_1932)], the results were a further weakening of the Catholic Centre Party and a strengthening of the nαzιs, who became the largest party, and Communists.
Hitler had to win over many people to come to power. Any of a number of individuals or groups might have blocked him at one point or another: German capitalists, the military, Pius XI, and the electorate, for instance. I would not argue that Pius XI simply put Hitler in power. Rather, he used the influence of the Church to promote a series of Catholic would be dictators, of whom Hitler was simply the last and most formidable.
Franz von Papen owned the largest Catholic newspaper corporation in Germany. He had the support of many highly influential German Catholics, but not of Pius XI or Cardinal Pacelli (who at this point was Vatican Secretary of State). Pius XI wanted the Catholic Centre Party dissolved in favor of the nαzιs. There were many in the Party who wanted to keep the Catholic Party alive and rule through a coalition with the National Socialists and German National Peoples Party; they supported von Papen.
Intrigues rather than elections shaped Germany from this point forward. Von Papen was replaced by yet another Catholic Chancellor, General Kurt von Schleicher ( Von Papen, aggrieved, is given credit for persuading Hindenburg to dump Schleicher in favor of Hitler. Von Papen promised the support of Pius XI to Hitler in return for Hitler's promise to destroy Communism and make the Catholic Church the official German church.
Hitler became Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933.

So much for your absurd claims.....
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: St Ignatius on June 22, 2018, 07:19:15 PM
Wait, World War 2 was a Jєωιѕн Holy War against Christian Europe? Never heard that before.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 22, 2018, 10:41:47 PM
Wrong, he was held in high esteem by the many of the Catholic citizens,many of whom died in their basements, incinerated,hiding in their basements with melted Rosaries in their hands through the deliberate allied bombing of innocent civilians. Catholics were primary targets in the Jєωιѕн Holy war against Christian Europe. Can you guess who won?
There were also a number of Catholics who died with their rosaries in their hands as they were incinerated in their homes in London while it was being bombed by the Germans. There were also many Catholics who were put to death in various cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρs in various parts of the nαzι held territories. The largest cemetery for priests is at Dachau. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on June 22, 2018, 11:24:46 PM
Poche,  did you know that England was bombing German civilians for almost a year before the Germans responded in kind, and Churchill was on record as saying that he wanted to burn six million of them so they would capitulate.

The British public was largely ignorant for the reason that the Germans started bombing them and today, they still believe that it was the Germans who first bombed civilians.

You are on the wrong side of history and you belive all of the propagandists lies.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 23, 2018, 12:37:01 AM (
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: rum on June 23, 2018, 12:38:54 AM
This quote ( from Pope Pius XII on heredity, somewhat related to some of the things discussed on this thread.

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 23, 2018, 02:25:59 AM
This quote ( from Pope Pius XII on heredity, somewhat related to some of the things discussed on this thread.
In her Way of Perfection, Theresa of Avila said that she titles of nobility, bloodlines, and things like that were obstacles to holiness. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cera on June 23, 2018, 05:54:19 PM
If you think that Pope Pius XI backed Hitler and his policies then I would suggest that you take another look at Mit Brennender Sorge.
Thanks Poche. I went to the lazy readers tool, wikipedia for info on Mit Brennender Sorge and found this:
Hitler then proceeded to take a mile where he had been given an inch" and closed all Catholic institutions whose functions weren't strictly religious:[22] (
It quickly became clear that [Hitler] intended to imprison the Catholics, as it were, in their own churches. They could celebrate mass and retain their rituals as much as they liked, but they could have nothing at all to do with German society otherwise. Catholic schools and newspapers were closed, and a propaganda campaign against the Catholics was launched.
Following the signing of the docuмent, the formerly outspoken nature of opposition by German Catholic leaders towards the nαzι movement weakened considerably.[23] ( But violations of the Concordat by the nαzιs began almost immediately and were to continue such that Falconi described the Concordat with Germany as "a complete failure".[24] ( The Concordat, wrote William Shirer (, "was hardly put to paper before it was being broken by the nαzι Government". The nαzιs had promulgated their sterilization law (, an offensive policy in the eyes of the Catholic Church, on 14 July. On 30 July, moves began to dissolve the Catholic Youth League. Clergy, nuns and lay leaders were to be targeted, leading to thousands of arrests over the ensuing years, often on trumped-up charges of currency smuggling or "immorality".[25] ( Historian of the German Resistance Peter Hoffmann wrote that, following the nαzι takeover:[26] (
[The Catholic Church] could not silently accept the general persecution, regimentation or oppression, nor in particular the sterilization law of summer 1933. Over the years until the outbreak of war Catholic resistance stiffened until finally its most eminent spokesman was the Pope himself with his encyclical Mit brennender Sorge ... of 14 March 1937, read from all German Catholic pulpits... In general terms, therefore, the churches were the only major organisations to offer comparatively early and open resistance: they remained so in later years.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cera on June 23, 2018, 06:00:29 PM
In her Way of Perfection, Theresa of Avila said that she titles of nobility, bloodlines, and things like that were obstacles to holiness.
I am interested in finding that part of Way of Perfection, do you know what chapter discusses this? I ask because TFP and TIA seem to be obsessed with the elite, nobility, The Black Nobility and the Knights Templar.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cera on June 23, 2018, 06:09:36 PM
This quote ( from Pope Pius XII on heredity, somewhat related to some of the things discussed on this thread.
Pope Pius XII is often taken out of historical context by those who have an ax to grind. The Pope was desperate for funds and was writing to the Italian wealthy who considered themselves to be "nobility." He did engage in some flattery of them. This is sometimes wrongly used (for example by Mr. Plinio of TFP) to pretend that his papacy supported bloodlines, nobility and the elite.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: rum on June 23, 2018, 06:36:23 PM
Pope Pius XII is often taken out of historical context by those who have an ax to grind. The Pope was desperate for funds and was writing to the Italian wealthy who considered themselves to be "nobility." He did engage in some flattery of them. This is sometimes wrongly used (for example by Mr. Plinio of TFP) to pretend that his papacy supported bloodlines, nobility and the elite.
My intention in linking to the quote was to highlight the fact that race is not unimportant, in light of the constant referencing (often by poche) to Mit Brennender Sorge.

The specific line I'm thinking of is this one:

The nature of this great and mysterious thing that is heredity - the passing on through a bloodline, perpetuated from generation to generation, of a rich ensemble of material and spiritual assets, the continuity of a single physical and moral type from father to son, the tradition that unites members of one same family across the centuries - the true nature of this heredity can undoubtedly be distorted by materialistic theories. But one can, and must also, consider this reality enormously important in the fullness of its human and supernatural truth
Pope Piux XII could have been addressing a group of Italian peasants with that. It's not important in the context I'm using it that he's speaking to Italian nobles.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 24, 2018, 10:33:20 PM
Thanks Poche. I went to the lazy readers tool, wikipedia for info on Mit Brennender Sorge and found this:
Hitler then proceeded to take a mile where he had been given an inch" and closed all Catholic institutions whose functions weren't strictly religious:[22] ( the signing of the docuмent, the formerly outspoken nature of opposition by German Catholic leaders towards the nαzι movement weakened considerably.[23] ( But violations of the Concordat by the nαzιs began almost immediately and were to continue such that Falconi described the Concordat with Germany as "a complete failure".[24] ( The Concordat, wrote William Shirer (, "was hardly put to paper before it was being broken by the nαzι Government". The nαzιs had promulgated their sterilization law (, an offensive policy in the eyes of the Catholic Church, on 14 July. On 30 July, moves began to dissolve the Catholic Youth League. Clergy, nuns and lay leaders were to be targeted, leading to thousands of arrests over the ensuing years, often on trumped-up charges of currency smuggling or "immorality".[25] ( Historian of the German Resistance Peter Hoffmann wrote that, following the nαzι takeover:[26] (
And this is the man some posters here think was preserving Catholic civilization? 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 25, 2018, 02:41:06 AM
Historian of the German Resistance Peter Hoffmann
Seriously? German Resistance = Communists. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 25, 2018, 08:33:44 AM
Seriously? German Resistance = Communists.
German resistance also = Pope Pius XII
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cera on June 25, 2018, 01:22:55 PM
My intention in linking to the quote was to highlight the fact that race is not unimportant, in light of the constant referencing (often by poche) to Mit Brennender Sorge.

The specific line I'm thinking of is this one:

Pope Piux XII could have been addressing a group of Italian peasants with that. It's not important in the context I'm using it that he's speaking to Italian nobles.
Thanks, Rum. I was just going off on a tangent.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 25, 2018, 08:18:28 PM
German resistance also = Pope Pius XII
So by that line of reasoning.....Pius XII=Marxist......
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 25, 2018, 08:25:13 PM
And this is the man some posters here think was preserving Catholic civilization?
William Shirer was a Jєω and knowingly admitted to omitting facts from his work, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. His work has long fallen out of favor by historians as new info has been discovered.
Yes, I do think this man was trying to preserve Catholic civilization. Unlike the Commie clerics in the Church's ranks that eventually triumphed at Vatican II. 
Your absurd inanities make me question your soundness of mind.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 25, 2018, 10:53:23 PM
So by that line of reasoning.....Pius XII=Marxist......
No, by that line of reasoning nαzιsm is so evil that its malevolence is recognized by every one. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 25, 2018, 10:56:23 PM
No, by that line of reasoning nαzιsm is so evil that its malevolence is recognized by every one.
Says who. And please quote
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 25, 2018, 10:56:56 PM
William Shirer was a Jєω and knowingly admitted to omitting facts from his work, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. His work has long fallen out of favor by historians as new info has been discovered.
Yes, I do think this man was trying to preserve Catholic civilization. Unlike the Commie clerics in the Church's ranks that eventually triumphed at Vatican II.
Your absurd inanities make me question your soundness of mind.
If Hitler was trying to preserve Catholic civilization then why is it that so many Catholic bishops and priests of teh time were against what he stood for? Why is it that many priests and religious went to jail rather than to allow the Catholic Church to associate itself with him and his philosophy?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 25, 2018, 11:14:06 PM
If Hitler was trying to preserve Catholic civilization then why is it that so many Catholic bishops and priests of teh time were against what he stood for? Why is it that many priests and religious went to jail rather than to allow the Catholic Church to associate itself with him and his philosophy?
He already told you. They were Leftist clerics already in ascendancy just prior to Vatican II.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 25, 2018, 11:14:51 PM
He already told you. They were Leftist clerics already in ascendancy just prior to Vatican II.
All this happened before Vatican II.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 25, 2018, 11:18:13 PM
All this happened before Vatican II.
So every bishop/priest was 100% orthodox prior to Vatican II?? What time and date exactly??
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: St Ignatius on June 25, 2018, 11:18:57 PM
Poche, it's a real shame that you can't apply your fortitude of regurgitating error to that of the truth... the facts have been presented to you time and time again, and you persevere in error. Real sad my friend...
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cera on June 26, 2018, 05:00:22 PM
He already told you. They were Leftist clerics already in ascendancy just prior to Vatican II.
Um, yeah. Like St. Maximillian Kolbe?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Nadir on June 26, 2018, 07:01:34 PM
Um, yeah. Like St. Maximillian Kolbe?
Cera, what point are you making?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 26, 2018, 08:44:47 PM
Um, yeah. Like St. Maximillian Kolbe?
 Canonized ( by "Saint" John Paul II (  :facepalm:
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 26, 2018, 10:22:54 PM
So every bishop/priest was 100% orthodox prior to Vatican II?? What time and date exactly??
Pope Pius XI was orthodox when he wrote Mit Brennender Sorge. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 27, 2018, 12:16:28 AM
Pope Pius XI was orthodox when he wrote Mit Brennender Sorge.
That doesn't answer the questions
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on June 27, 2018, 01:19:54 AM
Pope Pius XI was orthodox when he wrote Mit Brennender Sorge.
Please do the whole forum a huge favor and never say the words Mit Brennender Sorge ever again. Stop talking about it.

The mayor of New York City in the weeks after 9/11 was Rudy Giuliani. Obviously, he had a big stage within the national and international purview because quite literally, the entire world watched the Twin Towers fall. 

With that exposure, he tried several times to run for national office like his mayoral successor, Michael Bloomberg.

When he ran for president in 2008, he participated in one of many debates, and his only talking point was that he was mayor of NYC during 9/11. 

Yes, it was a valiant effort and a good job in a broken and beaten city that was reeling from possibly the biggest act of Islamic terrorism the world has ever seen. That's not disputed. However, he made his only talking point that ad nauseam, or in the words of Joe Biden, a noun, a verb, and 9/11. (

You are the exact same way, Poche. This entire thread has you mentioning the Holy Father's docuмent on race in the context of the Catholic faith ad nauseam. And not in a constructive way, either. 

It's a noun, a verb and Mit Brennender Sorge
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 27, 2018, 02:11:52 AM
Please do the whole forum a huge favor and never say the words Mit Brennender Sorge ever again. Stop talking about it.

The mayor of New York City in the weeks after 9/11 was Rudy Giuliani. Obviously, he had a big stage within the national and international purview because quite literally, the entire world watched the Twin Towers fall.

With that exposure, he tried several times to run for national office like his mayoral successor, Michael Bloomberg.

When he ran for president in 2008, he participated in one of many debates, and his only talking point was that he was mayor of NYC during 9/11.

Yes, it was a valiant effort and a good job in a broken and beaten city that was reeling from possibly the biggest act of Islamic terrorism the world has ever seen. That's not disputed. However, he made his only talking point that ad nauseam, or in the words of Joe Biden, a noun, a verb, and 9/11. (

You are the exact same way, Poche. This entire thread has you mentioning the Holy Father's docuмent on race in the context of the Catholic faith ad nauseam. And not in a constructive way, either.

It's a noun, a verb and Mit Brennender Sorge.
I will stop saying Mit Brennender Sorge when you stop praising the nαzι philosophy. By the way it is not just a docuмent on race, it is a docuмent on the nαzι philosophy and an authentic Catholic response.  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on June 27, 2018, 05:24:07 AM
I will stop saying Mit Brennender Sorge when you stop praising the nαzι philosophy. By the way it is not just a docuмent on race, it is a docuмent on the nαzι philosophy and an authentic Catholic response.  
Praising the nαzι ideology? Poche, nαzιsm is tribalistic paganism that extols race and distorts the Catholic faith for evil motives. It's about as Catholic as a Buddhist temple.

The only thing to praise Adolf Hitler for is that he died, and not naturally. 

If we're going to start praising every non-Catholic hoohah in the room simply because of its perceived anti-Judaism, then what's the next thread?

"Allah is God and Muhammad is his messenger"?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cantarella on June 27, 2018, 01:47:35 PM
nαzιsm is tribalistic paganism

I am not sure about this. It looks like they were actually against old germanic Paganism (such as the tribal "Heathen").

They were against Liberalism also, attacks on Christianity (Evangelical & Roman Catholicism for being the core in Germany), and new substitutes for religion (as in creating a brand new religion). They were avidly against separation of Church and State.

Antagonism to Christianity was more seen in accord with the spirit of Jєωιѕн materialism, and Bolshevism. The Party's deadly foes, so I see a lots of common grounds, actually. Perhaps not in the way they went on and carry their actions; but in the ideology itself. They believed that the German peoples were the strongest nation capable of fighting the global powers of darkness threatening the complete overthrow of Christian culture (as we witness it today). 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on June 27, 2018, 04:51:32 PM
I am not sure about this. It looks like they were actually against old germanic Paganism (such as the tribal "Heathen").

They were against Liberalism also, attacks on Christianity (Evangelical & Roman Catholicism for being the core in Germany), and new substitutes for religion (as in creating a brand new religion). They were avidly against separation of Church and State.

Antagonism to Christianity was more seen in accord with the spirit of Jєωιѕн materialism, and Bolshevism. The Party's deadly foes, so I see a lots of common grounds, actually. Perhaps not in the way they went on and carry their actions; but in the ideology itself. They believed that the German peoples were the strongest nation capable of fighting the global powers of darkness threatening the complete overthrow of Christian culture (as we witness it today).
Indeed!  Finally an analysis which contains an accurate picture of the situation without the obligatory tipping of the hat to the propaganda of the west and the Jєωs.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cera on June 27, 2018, 05:36:56 PM
Cera, what point are you making?
Read the entire thread. The point is that nαzιs hated the Catholic Church.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 27, 2018, 05:49:30 PM
By the way it is not just a docuмent on race, it is a docuмent on the nαzι philosophy and an authentic Catholic response.  
Please quote where it says this.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 27, 2018, 05:53:03 PM
Read the entire thread. The point is that nαzιs hated the Catholic Church.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 27, 2018, 06:10:32 PM
Pope Pius XI was orthodox when he wrote Mit Brennender Sorge.
Was he "Orthodox" when he supported his election and the helping of the NSDAP's rise to power?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 27, 2018, 06:11:39 PM
Read the entire thread. The point is that nαzιs hated the Catholic Church.
BS. Prove it. I can prove the exact opposite. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on June 27, 2018, 06:12:44 PM
Indeed!  Finally an analysis which contains an accurate picture of the situation without the obligatory tipping of the hat to the propaganda of the west and the Jєωs.
Agreed. Asinine comments by Jezus.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: klasG4e on June 27, 2018, 06:55:50 PM

When he ran for president in 2008, he participated in one of many debates, and his only talking point was that he was mayor of NYC during 9/11.

Yes, it was a valiant effort and a good job in a broken and beaten city that was reeling from possibly the biggest act of Islamic terrorism the world has ever seen. That's not disputed.

Wow, did I hear you right?!  After 17 years of exposure are you actually going on record here to claim that 9-11 was carried out by Islamic terrorists?!
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 29, 2018, 10:46:52 PM
Praising the nαzι ideology? Poche, nαzιsm is tribalistic paganism that extols race and distorts the Catholic faith for evil motives. It's about as Catholic as a Buddhist temple.

The only thing to praise Adolf Hitler for is that he died, and not naturally.

If we're going to start praising every non-Catholic hoohah in the room simply because of its perceived anti-Judaism, then what's the next thread?

"Allah is God and Muhammad is his messenger"?
So why are you complaining when I bring up what Pope Pius XI, a contemporary of Hitler and the nαzιs, had to say about them to their face?  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 29, 2018, 10:53:48 PM
Was he "Orthodox" when he supported his election and the helping of the NSDAP's rise to power?
Pope Pius XI didn't support the NSDAP. The people who supported them were the Protestant people of Germany.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cantarella on June 29, 2018, 11:22:05 PM
Pope Pius XI didn't support the NSDAP. The people who supported them were the Protestant people of Germany.

The original docuмents supported both churches of Germany: 2 thirds Evangelical Christian and 1 third Roman Catholics.

The common enemy was Jєωιѕн Bolshevism (Marxism, Materialism, Liberalism, Free-Thinkers, etc).

I don't see anything remotely anti-Christian, at least in the party's official docuмents. If anything, it was pro-Christian. It was not pagan in any way, but defended the interest of Christianity. Hitler himself referred to those enthusiasts of old German paganism as "men in bear-skins".  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on June 30, 2018, 12:14:52 AM
Wow, did I hear you right?!  After 17 years of exposure are you actually going on record here to claim that 9-11 was carried out by Islamic terrorists?!
No, I'm just saying how Poche regurgitating MBS and Rudy Giuliani regurgitating the "I was mayor during 9/11" are the exact same; vomiting out the same series of words whenever convenient.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 30, 2018, 12:16:38 AM
The original docuмents supported both churches of Germany: 2 thirds Evangelical Christian and 1 third Roman Catholics.

The common enemy was Jєωιѕн Bolshevism (Marxism, Materialism, Liberalism, Free-Thinkers, etc).

I don't see anything remotely anti-Christian, at least in the party's official docuмents. If anything, it was pro-Christian. It was not pagan in any way, but defended the interest of Christianity. Hitler himself referred to those enthusiasts of old German paganism as "men in bear-skins".  
They didn't just arrest Jєωιѕн Bolsheviks. They also arrested Jєωιѕн converts and Catholics of Jєωιѕн descent.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 30, 2018, 01:11:26 AM
Pope Pius XI didn't support the NSDAP. The people who supported them were the Protestant people of Germany.
Do you have some reference that Pius XI opposed Hitler's appointment as Chancellor on 30 January 1933?
How about a reference against the NSDAP when they went from 12 to 107 seats in the Reichstag in the 1930 German federal election?
Or the majority of seats in both elections in 1932?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on June 30, 2018, 02:00:13 AMαzι-ideology/msg614700/#msg614700

It should be avoided like the New Mass.

Is there any other pre-Vatican II encyclical you equate to the level of the New Mass?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on June 30, 2018, 02:15:18 AMαzι-ideology/msg614700/#msg614700

Is there any other pre-Vatican II encyclical you equate to the level of the New Mass?
Can't think of any - but if there was one could surely reject it if one rejects the New Mass...
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 30, 2018, 10:39:25 PM
Do you have some reference that Pius XI opposed Hitler's appointment as Chancellor on 30 January 1933?
How about a reference against the NSDAP when they went from 12 to 107 seats in the Reichstag in the 1930 German federal election?
Or the majority of seats in both elections in 1932?

No, but I have reference that Pope Pius XI opposed the nαzι ideology. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on June 30, 2018, 10:42:08 PM
Can't think of any - but if there was one could surely reject it if one rejects the New Mass...
If you reject the pre Vatican II docuмents then how can you call yourself Catholic?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on July 01, 2018, 12:31:04 AM
Know Your Enemy



There is no doubt that a world dominated by Germany would suppress the Christian religion and introduce in its place the pagan German Wotan cult. The Christian moral principles and the doctrine of the German Master Race are irreconcilable. They cannot live side by side in the same world. In their attitude toward Christianity, as in so many fields, the nαzιs merely follow in the footsteps of the Pan- German movement of the last century. We shall illustrate this similarity by comparing quotations from the Pan-Germans with similar utterances of the nαzιs.

The Cross must fall


"We have no place for a symbol of gentleness (the Christian Cross), but only for a symbol calling us to war, to defense; and I know of no better symbol than that of our Teutonic divinity Thor: the Hammer!" (Pan-German Magazine "Heimdall," 1898, page 123.)


"We must never relax our efforts until Germany has been liberated from the Christian Cross." (Official nαzι publication "Nordland" 1934, No. 13.)


"The Cross must fall if Germany is to live!" ("Durchbruch" (Break-Through) 1936, No. 31.)


"Our task will not be completed until the day when we have triumphed over Christianity.” ("Durchbruch,” 1937, No. 6)

Christianity is Weakness


"This idea of neighbourly love, developed in the bosom of the Church, has acted like poison on the German national consciousness.” ("Volkserzieher,” (The Educator of the People), 1910, No. 1.)


"I think our decline has come because we have followed Christ and because we have lost our German soul, while trying to gain a Christian one.” (Ernst Wiechert, "Totenwolf,” 1924.)


"Our entire German education must be based on the recognition of the fact that we do not owe our moral code to Christianity, but that Christianity owes its enduring values to the German character.” (Alfred Rosenberg, the principal theorist of the nαzι Party, "Der My thus des XX. Jahrhunderts,” (The Myth of the Twentieth Century, 4th ed., 1932, page 623.)'

"But today a new faith is awakening: the concept of the blood, the faith . . . that Nordic blood represents the mystery that has replaced and overcome the old sacraments.” (Alfred Rosenberg, ibid., page 129.)


"Christianity no longer can help us; its aim is to make us gentle and meek again, so that we will drop our sword . . .” (Dr. Jankow Janeff, "Heroismus und Weltangst,” (Heroism and Cosmic Fear), 1937.)

The nαzιs — even as the Pan-Germans before them — have tried to deal with Christianity in two different ways. They either attack it outright, or they endeavour to adulterate it into a Germanic religion. The new German mysticism thus falls into the wiliest confusion: at times Christ is reviled and rejected as the Son of the Jєωιѕн God, while on other occasions He is claimed as an Aryan and as the Germanic hero of an exclusively German religious mysticism.

The German “Krist”


... the Krist (the orthography is ’racially pure’) and Father Wotan get on well together! . . . The Krist is Father Wotan’s heart.” ("Volkserzieher,” (The Educator of the People), 1913, page 47 — quoted in “Thus Speaks Germany,” page 7.)

Reich-Bishop Mueller and Valhalla


"Holy Writ, as a human and typical period docuмent, is so relative that, instead of Heaven, you may sometimes just as well say Valhalla.” (Reich-Bishop Mueller in a lecture at the Lessing Academy, Berlin, February 13, 1935.)

Der Deutsche Gott — The German God

"Either a German God, or none at all! The international God of Christendom is a patron of the Treaty of Versailles.” (Ernst Niekisch, Independent Socialist in Bavaria, 1923, quoted by Aurel Kolnai, "The War,, Against the West,” London, 1938, page 233.)


"I am tempted to believe rather in a Germanic God than a Christian one.” (Dr. Goebbels, Reich- 50 Minister of Propaganda and Enlightenment, speech in Cologne, May 19, 1939.)

The German Spirit of Christ


"It is true that our soldiers in France and Belgium have shot all the brigands, men, women, and children, and that they have destroyed their homes. But to see in that anything contrary to Christian teaching is to show that one has not the least understanding of the spirit of Christ.” (From an article in the leading liberal newspaper of Berlin, “Vossische Zeitung,” 1914, quoted in ’’Paroles allemandes,” Paris, page 134.)

God in the German Army


’’Just as God has revealed himself in the German people, so He now reveals himself in the German Army.” (’’Volkserzieher,” (The Educator of the People), 1915, No. 10.)


”Jesus of Nazareth would be right in front, in the first ranks of the sword-bearers who are fighting with implacable hatred. That is where he would be, and he would bless the bleeding hands and the death-dealing weapons, would perhaps himself grasp a sword of judgment and drive the enemies of the Germans farther and farther from the frontiers . . (Volkserzieher, (The Educator of the People), 1915, No. 10 .)


“God Almighty stands and falls with Germany’s mighty armies . . (“Deutscher Weckruf,” official organ of the nαzι Bund in New York, October 10, 1940.)

Germany needs a new God!

"We want no God except Germany itself.” (Adolf Hitler, as quoted by the Catholic newspaper "Bay- rischer Kurier,” (Bavarian Courier) for May 25, 1923.)

"In the eyes of its believers, National-Socialism is a religion. The National-Socialist movement is today the political church of the German nation.” (Dr. Goebbels, in a speech given in Danzig on May 9, 1937.)

"We call ourselves German pagans . . . We no longer believe in the Holy Ghost — we believe in our holy blood.” (From the Articles of Faith of the Hitler Youth Organization, quoted in "Kieler Hochschulblaetter der Christlichen Welt,” (Academic News of the Christian World), Kiel, for March 26, 1935.)

"In National Socialism the Movement of the German Liberation has revealed itself to us. We stand ready to proclaim our faith in it, even were it to be led in the name of the Devil.” (Pastor Mattias of Kerstlingerode, quoted by Edgar A. Mowrer in "Germany Puts the Clock Back,” London, 1933, 10th ed., page 158.)

“God has revealed Himself in Adolf Hitler"

"Not in Jesus Christ, but in Adolf Hitler has God revealed Himself.” (Reich-Vicar Engelke, assistant of Reich-Bishop Mueller, in an address in March, 1937, reported in "Deutscher Weg,” (The German Way), May 30, 1937.)

"The German teacher must firmly believe in the permanence and holiness of our Reich ... In Adolf Hitler, God has revealed Himself to us.” (nαzι-Educator Niemeyer, in a speech before the National-Socialist Teachers’ Organization in July, 1937.)

"We believe that the Lord God has sent us Adolf Hitler, so that Germany may be established for all eternity.” ("Schulungsbrief,” (Instruction Letters), April, 1937.)

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. The way has been shown us by the Fuehrer.” (Deacon Eckert, Sermon at Berlin-Tegel, February 10, 1935.)

God sent us Hitler! "Hitler was sent to us by God so that Germany may endure through all eternity ... We believe in Adolf Hitler alone on this earth, we know that National-Socialism is the only faith that can lead our people to salvation.” (Radio address of Labor Leader Dr. Robert Ley, reported in the newspaper "Duesseldorfer Nachrichten,” February 11, 1937.)

"Hitler has revealed to use the true meaning of religion. He has come to us to renew the faith of our fathers and to make new men of us.” (Hans Kerri, Reich-Minister of Churches, in an address reported in the newspaper "Frankfurter Zeitung,” November 20, 1935.)

A systematic campaign is being conducted to make Germany’s youth regard Christianity as worthless and uproot the last remnants of Christian thinking from their hearts. A concerted effort is made to befoul every Christian idea, make it the butt of ridicule and to debase everything that Christians hold sacred.

The “Satanic Bible"


Tear up that lewd Satanic Bible, the Old Testament!" ("Voelkischer Beobachter," August 11, 1921.)


"The Bible is the trashiest of literature." (Reich- Governor Roewer, in a speech at a meeting in Oldenburg, April 9, 1935.)

nαzι “Historical Research produces Blasphemy

"According to the nαzι magazine ‘Heimdall,’ the father of Christ was a Germanic official of the Roman Empire. Transferred to Palestine for a short time, he won the love of Mary. Their brief relationship was not without its consequences. Mary’s parents were delighted to find an elderly man, by the name of Joseph, who was ready to marry the pregnant maiden. Thus Jesus was only the foster son of Joseph. He had inherited the outward appearance of His Germanic father, but innerly His characteristics were those of a crossbreed: His nature was restless, brooding, self- tormenting, idealistic and overwrought. Jesus admired the Aryans as the race which exemplifies a chosen people to a greater degree than do the Jєωs.” (Re- ported in the independent Swiss newspaper, "National Zeitung," Basle, July 21, 1935.)

"The field-grey soldier throwing the last hand grenade, the dying Storm-Trooper whose last word is a call to the Fuehrer, are for us presentations of the divine, much more genuine than is the crucified Jєω." (From the German newspaper "Coburger Beobachter," May 13, 1935.)

The Gospel is fulfilled . . .

"The idea that Jesus Christ is the Son of God can no longer be maintained ... We must preach in our sermons that the gospel has found its fulfillment in Hitler ... In any case National Socialism is the fulfillment of the Christian message." (Reich-Minister of Churches Hans Kerri, in an address to the delegates of Confessional Churches, February 12, 1937.)

"He rose long ago from the old Jєωιѕн hordes
And was crucified by Roman Aryan (!) lords.
Today, as our Savior Hitler commands
We now to our swastika nail Jesus’ hands."
(From a song-book of the Hitler Youth, quoted in the French periodical, "Revue des Deux Mondes," June 16, 1933.)

“Hitler is greater than Christ"

In centuries to come, if our word today is judged by the proper criteria, it will be said, in retrospect: Christ was great, but Adolf Hitler was greater." (From an address of District Leader Willi Becker, reported in the newspaper, "Frankfurter Zeitung," October 20, 1935.)

"It is only on one or two exceptional points that Christ and Hitler stand comparison, for Hitler is far too big a man to be compared with one so petty." (District Governor Julius Streicher, in a speech be- fore the German Academy of Education in Munich, July, 1935.)

“We must smash Christianity!"

"Who was greater, Christ or Hitler? At the time of His death Christ had twelve disciples who did not even remain loyal to Him. Hitler, however, has a nation of seventy million behind him today. We cannot permit another organization, one filled with a different spirit, to exist side by side with us. We must smash it. National-Socialism commands in all seriousness: I am the Lord thy God — thou shalt have no other gods beside me!” (SS Division Leader Schulz, 55 in an instruction course given for theological students at Croessinsee, Pomerania, August, 1936.)

"Hitler is lonely. So is God. Hitler is like God.” (Reich-Minister Hans Frank, quoted by Professor Frederick L. Schuman, in his book: "Hitler and the nαzι Dictatorship," London, 1936, page 365.)

"20,000 storm troopers addressed their prayers to the Fuehrer." (From a report in the official organ of the Storm Troopers: "Der SA-Mann," (The Storm Trooper), August 21, 1937.)

It is hardly necessary to comment specifically on these hate-filled and blasphemous utterances against the Christian doctrine. Special emphasis should be given, however, to the systematic persecution of Christians. Soon after they came to power, the nαzιs set out to destroy Christianity by closing churches, staging mass-arrests of priests and nuns and ministers on morals charges, assaulting clergymen and churchgoers, prohibiting church newspapers, agitating for mass-resignations from the church, and forcing or persuading the youth to stay away from the church services. In a number of cases the nαzιs did not stop at the assassination of ministers and the burning of churches. The fury of the nαzιs against the Christian Church represents, in addition to the horrors in the cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρs and the regime of terror in the occupied countries, a particularly shameful chapter of German history under nαzι rule. Since 1934 the persecution of the Christian faiths in Germany has been the subject of numerous books with a wealth of facts and docuмents, from the hands of Protestant and Catholic authors.

Today it is a fact that on account of the systematic anti-Christian propaganda, considerable portions of the German people, among them the overwhelming majority of the German youth, have been alienated from the Christian Churches.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on July 01, 2018, 01:24:57 AM
Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition (p. 548-549). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.

Volume 2, Chapter 14

. . . an alliance which is not for the purpose of waging war has no meaning and no value. The object of forming an alliance is to wage war.

(. . .)

It must not be forgotten that the international Jєω, who is to-day absolute master in Russia, does not look upon Germany as an ally, but as a State condemned to the same doom as Russia itself.

One does not form an alliance with a partner whose only aim is the destruction of his co-partner.

Above all, one does not enter into alliances with people to whom no treaty is sacred, because they do not exist as the upholders of truth and honour, but as the protagonists of lying and deception, thievery, plunder and robbery.

What Hitler Wants



During his life in Vienna Hitler suffered under Trade Union pressure, and began to study the skill with which Communists and Social Democrats exploited the workers’ discontent for their own ends. He saw them as masters of the art of propaganda, and he set to work to study the principles of this art for himself— perhaps with a premonition that he would one day be able to turn these principles to good account.

The first conclusion he came to was that all great movements, whether religious or political, whether good or evil, derive their momentum from" the magic power of the spoken word ” reinforced by the Mass Demonstration.

Next in importance was the power of the popular press, the adult’s continuation school supplemented by poster, picture, and film. Thirdly, but of less significance, the more high-brow printed word of book, pamphlet, and better-class newspaper, which appeal to the educated strata of the population.

He debated the questions: Can spiritual ideas be eradicated by the sword? Can violence combat a philosophy of life ? He concluded that the answer to both questions was in the negative: force alone could never destroy an idea. Violence was necessary, but it must be backed by a new and inspiring thought, and he attributed the failure of Bismarck’s efforts to defeat Socialism to the fact that he offered no alternative doctrine.

Hitler’s later experience brought him face to face with war propaganda, and he was filled with reluctant admiration for the skill with which Germany’s enemies conducted it. “ While we fought for bread, England fought for ‘ Freedom,’ and not even for her own freedom, but for the freedom of the little nations ” (168 ). Hitler naturally gives England no credit for having been sincere, but a great deal for the brilliant hypocrisy of so stirring a slogan.

Despite his appreciation of the real injustices under which the workers laboured, Hitler has a low opinion of “ the masses,” to whom in various contexts he applies many opprobrious terms. They are “ an empty-headed herd of sheep ” (9) and the incarnation of stupidity. Their receptiveness is very limited, then- understanding is negligible (198 ).

Nevertheless, it is to the masses that propaganda must be addressed. It must not aim at instruction; the less it is weighted with fact or information the better, for at all costs it must avoid the risk of being above the heads of the hearers. It must work always and wholly on the emotions.

No amount of skill in concocting propaganda is of any use if the basic principle is forgotten, viz. that its subject-matter must be severely restricted and the content must be repeated over and over again. The presentation may be infinitely varied, but the theme must be always the same; the one refrain must eternally recur. The results which can be achieved by this procedure are simply incalculable (203). ‘‘The skillful and unremitting use of propaganda can persuade people to believe that Heaven is Hell or conversely that the most miserable existence is Paradise ” (302).

Similar calculations yielded the axiom that hate must be worked up against one enemy only, lest it lose force by dispersion. There may, in fact, be many enemies to combat, and they may have little relation to each other, or none; but the wise propagandist will succeed in making them all “ appear to belong to one category ” (129). This explains why, in Hitler’s mouth, the “ international Jєω,” the Communist, the Pacifist, the Democrat, the Liberal, the Revolutionary, and the Parliamentarian are equated with such entire absence of logic; one and all are "the Enemy.”

Hitler is proud of his readiness to learn from his enemies, of having stolen the technique of propaganda, first from the Social Democrats and Marxists of Vienna, then from the Allies. He claims further to have learned from the Jєωs “ the very sound principle ” that “ a definite factor in getting a lie believed is the size of the lie . . . for the broad mass of the people in the primitive simplicity of its heart more readily falls victim to a big lie than to a small one ” (252).

Acting on this last principle, Hitler has created the legend of the War; that an innocent and reluctant Germany was dragged into it by her fatal loyalty and chivalry to her worthless ally Austria, that the German armies were victorious all the time, and all along the line, and were stabbed in the back by a conspiracy of Jєωs, Pacifists, etc., and all the rest of the contemporary German legend, so big a lie so untiringly reiterated— to infants in the kindergarten in words of one syllable and to the mass of the nation on every occasion—that the sheer bigness of the untruth has had the hoped-for effect on “ the primitive simplicity ” of the German mind. Indeed, it is more than probable that by force of iteration Hitler has hypnotised himself into believing it. How long, the unhypnotised observer asks himself, will it be after Hitler and his regime have passed away before the German mind can be decontaminated ? How long before another Ranke will arise in Germany to write “ true history which deals with things as they actually were,” before the German ear is again attuned to hear the voice of Goethe: “There is no Wisdom save in Truth”?

The doctrine of the big lie enables Hitler unblushingly to state, in his Reichstag Speech of May 1935 (for foreign consumption):  ‘ We are prepared to do everything to arrive at a true peace and a real friendship with the French nation,” while he continues to present to every newly-wedded couple in Germany free copies of Mein Kampf (the price of which is covered by an enhanced marriage-fee), in which he still shouts in 1938 that “ France is the deadly enemy of our nation ” (755), that the prerequisite for every success is “ to concentrate all our will-power and all our physical force on a thrust into the heart of our most infamous foe ” (718 ).

The same Reichstag speech assures the world that “ the present German Government has no other wish than to live on peaceable and friendly terms with all neighbouring States . . . not only the larger States, but also the surrounding smaller States,” while Mein Kampf continues to state for home consumption that “ Germany sees in the annihilation of France only a means to an end, so that we may thereafter give our people room for expansion in another direction ” (767), and that room for 250 million Germans must be found at the expense of Russia and the small countries on her borders.

The same big-lie principle enabled Hitler to reaffirm, in his Reichstag speech of February 20, 1938, the accord with Austria of July 11, 1936, by which the Reich Government recognised the full and independent sovereignty of the Austrian Federal State, while he was perfecting, or had already perfected, the elaborate and minute preparations for the sudden and overwhelming invasion of Austria on March 12, 1938.

The News Chronicle (September 28,1938 ) has tabulated some facts which Parliament would do well to digest:

May 17, 1933.—“ Germany will tread no other path than that laid down by the treaties. The German Government will discuss all political and economic questions only within the framework and through the treaties. The German people have no thought of invading any country.”— Reichstag speech of Herr Hitler, the new Chancellor.

October 14, 1933.— Germany left the League and the Disarmament Conference just when Sir John Simon was making a statement at Geneva aimed at achieving a compromise between the French and German views on disarmament.

October 14, 1933.—“ When the Saar territory has been restored to Germany, only a madman would consider the possibility of war between the two States (France and Germany). No one could demand that millions of men should be annihilated for the sake of a readjustment of our present frontier.”— Speech on radio.

November 10,1933.—“ When has the German people ever broken its word ? ”— Speech in Berlin.

January 30, 1934.—“ After this question [the Saar] has been settled, the German Government is ready to accept, not only the letter, but also the spirit of the Locarno Pact.”— Speech in Reichstag. March 13, 1934.—“ The German Government have never questioned the validity of the Treaty of Locarno.” —Note to France.

March 19, 1934.—“ German boundaries have always changed. They will continue to change until all German peoples arc united in one."—Speech at Munich.

February 3, 1935.—Britain and France invited Germany to co-operate in “a general settlement” which would, among other things, free Germany from the one-sided military restrictions of Versailles. Hitler, insisting on separate, private talks, instead of an open conference, invited Sir John Simon to Berlin. March 7 was the appointed day.

March 5, 1935.—Invitation to Sir John Simon suspended because Hitler had caught a cold.

March 10, 1935. —General Goring announced the existence of a German Air Force (forbidden by the Peace Treaty).

March 16, 1935.—Hitler decreed Conscription (forbidden by the Peace Treaty). March 20, 1935.—Hitler’s cold was pronounced better, and the invitation to Sir John Simon was renewed, and accepted.

May 21, 1935.—“The German Government will scrupulously observe every treaty voluntarily concluded. In particular, they will hold to and fulfill all obligations arising out of the Treaty of Locarno, so long as the other partners are ready to stand by that treaty.” —Reichstag speech. “ Germany neither intends nor wishes to interfere in the internal affairs of Austria, to annex Austria, or to conclude an Anschluss.”— Same speech.

March 7, 1936.— Germany denounced the Treaty of Locarno and reoccupied the demilitarised Rhineland zone.

March 7, 1936.—“ Germany will never break the peace of Europe. After three years, I can regard the struggle for German equality as concluded to-day. We have no territorial demands to make in Europe.”— Reichstag speech. April 1, 1936.—Germany submitted a “ Peace Plan,” including a “ Twenty-five Year Pact of Non-Aggression.”

May 7, 1936.—Britain sent a questionnaire to Germany on the “ Peace Plan.” To this questionnaire Germany has never replied.

August 27, 1936.—Germany adhered to the Spanish Non-Intervention Agreement.

August 30, 1936.— Twenty-eight German 'planes arrived at Cadiz {to be followed by many more).

January 30, 1937.—“ The period of so-called surprises is now over. . . . Peace is our dearest treasure.” —Reichstag speech.

February 12, 1938.—In the agreement reached with Dr. Schuschnigg at Berchtesgaden, Hitler reaffirmed his recognition of Austrian sovereignty, already expressed in the Austro-German Agreement of July 1936. March 11, 1938.— Germany annexed Austria.

March 14, 1938.—Mr. Chamberlain told the House of Commons that Germany had given assurances that she had no hostile intentions against Czechoslovakia. (Goring gave the Czech Minister in Berlin his “word of honour” on this.)

September 24, 1938.— Germany sent her seven-day ultimatum to Czechoslovakia.

September 26, 1938.—“ And now the last problem which must be solved confronts us. It is the last territorial claim which I have to make in Europe, but it is one I will not renounce.”— Speech in Berlin.

Working the Big Lie, and completely controlling press and publishing, wireless and cinema and every branch of publicity, Hitler has deliberately evoked in the German people that “fanaticism and compelling hysteria ” (above, p. 23) that were necessary to compass his ends. For five years the “ empty-headed herd of sheep,” of whom he has made himself the Leader, has been convinced that the world had formed a sinister conspiracy to encircle and annihilate them. They have brought themselves a willing sacrifice to an unprecedented bondage. Every shred of personal freedom has been laid on the altar of the nαzι state (see below, Chapter XI) in the service of Hitler’s hatred of Freedom, especially the freedom of democratic states like Czechoslovakia, France, and Britain. And verily the Germans are reaping their reward. Czechoslovakia is gone. With the wealth, resources, and man-power of the Danube and the Balkans at Hitler’s command, the annihilation of France seems within sight. Hitler may well calculate that a complacent British Cabinet will offer him France on a golden platter and set him free to devote his undivided attention to the enslavement of Britain and the dismemberment of the British Empire.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 01, 2018, 01:33:12 AM
Why would anyone want to promote this ideology on a Catholic forum?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on July 01, 2018, 11:02:09 AM
They didn't just arrest Jєωιѕн Bolsheviks. They also arrested Jєωιѕн converts and Catholics of Jєωιѕн descent.
As we know with Jєωs, you cannot be sure of their conversions and as a subversive group, most were suspected of anti-government activities.  Besides which most of those arrested, had been arrested for actual anti government activities.
The Jєωs had previously, as a nation, declared war upon the Germans and as such were considered enemy agents. The Jєωs were involved in an international boycott of Germany which hurt all of its citizens. This began years before war was declared, and by further intrigues and deceptions, they actively sought, and accomplished the involvement of the U.S. in the war, just as they had done in the war before this, at a cost of millions of lives.  And you think that they could be trusted to behave?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 01, 2018, 10:30:32 PM
As we know with Jєωs, you cannot be sure of their conversions and as a subversive group, most were suspected of anti-government activities.  Besides which most of those arrested, had been arrested for actual anti government activities.
The Jєωs had previously, as a nation, declared war upon the Germans and as such were considered enemy agents. The Jєωs were involved in an international boycott of Germany which hurt all of its citizens. This began years before war was declared, and by further intrigues and deceptions, they actively sought, and accomplished the involvement of the U.S. in the war, just as they had done in the war before this, at a cost of millions of lives.  And you think that they could be trusted to behave?
When we have people who go regularly to mass and bring their children up as Catholics then I think you can be more sure than some other people who don't practice their faith.
As far as Jєωs declaring 'war' on the German nation the last time the Israelites were a nation was in 70AD and there is no contigous border between Israel and Germany for them to declare war upon.  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on July 02, 2018, 12:42:33 AM
No, but I have reference that Pope Pius XI opposed the nαzι ideology.
Which is?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 02, 2018, 01:56:56 AM
Which is?
Mit Brennender Sorgeмents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on July 02, 2018, 01:58:47 AM
Mit Brennender Sorgeмents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html
Rubbish. Says nothing about "nαzιs", National Socialists, NSDAP.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on July 02, 2018, 08:06:58 AM
When we have people who go regularly to mass and bring their children up as Catholics then I think you can be more sure than some other people who don't practice their faith.
As far as Jєωs declaring 'war' on the German nation the last time the Israelites were a nation was in 70AD and there is no contigous border between Israel and Germany for them to declare war upon.  
You are wrong again. The Jєωs are an international nation, they have no borders and they act as one throughout the world. The Jєωιѕн people and the Jєωιѕн nation are one and the same. And the current day Jєωs, have nothing in common with the religion of, or the Israelites of the old testament.  Ask Queen Isabella about the fidelity of Jєωιѕн conversions. True conversions are very few.

Read the newspaper headlines from that period, international Jєωry declared war  on Germany in 1933.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on July 02, 2018, 09:10:07 AM
Mit Brennender Sorgeмents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html
Have you listened to anyone in your entire life other than yourself and the menu of the nearest black soul food restaurant?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: klasG4e on July 02, 2018, 09:32:51 AM
Could it actually be that Hitler saved more Jєωs than anyone in recorded history?  I think that proposition is quite plausible.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 02, 2018, 07:46:30 PM



There is no doubt that a world dominated by Germany would suppress the Christian religion and introduce in its place the pagan German Wotan cult. The Christian moral principles and the doctrine of the German Master Race are irreconcilable. They cannot live side by side in the same world. In their attitude toward Christianity, as in so many fields, the nαzιs merely follow in the footsteps of the Pan- German movement of the last century. We shall illustrate this similarity by comparing quotations from the Pan-Germans with similar utterances of the nαzιs.

The Cross must fall


"We have no place for a symbol of gentleness (the Christian Cross), but only for a symbol calling us to war, to defense; and I know of no better symbol than that of our Teutonic divinity Thor: the Hammer!" (Pan-German Magazine "Heimdall," 1898, page 123.)


"We must never relax our efforts until Germany has been liberated from the Christian Cross." (Official nαzι publication "Nordland" 1934, No. 13.)


"The Cross must fall if Germany is to live!" ("Durchbruch" (Break-Through) 1936, No. 31.)


"Our task will not be completed until the day when we have triumphed over Christianity.” ("Durchbruch,” 1937, No. 6)

Christianity is Weakness


"This idea of neighbourly love, developed in the bosom of the Church, has acted like poison on the German national consciousness.” ("Volkserzieher,” (The Educator of the People), 1910, No. 1.)


"I think our decline has come because we have followed Christ and because we have lost our German soul, while trying to gain a Christian one.” (Ernst Wiechert, "Totenwolf,” 1924.)


"Our entire German education must be based on the recognition of the fact that we do not owe our moral code to Christianity, but that Christianity owes its enduring values to the German character.” (Alfred Rosenberg, the principal theorist of the nαzι Party, "Der My thus des XX. Jahrhunderts,” (The Myth of the Twentieth Century, 4th ed., 1932, page 623.)'

"But today a new faith is awakening: the concept of the blood, the faith . . . that Nordic blood represents the mystery that has replaced and overcome the old sacraments.” (Alfred Rosenberg, ibid., page 129.)


"Christianity no longer can help us; its aim is to make us gentle and meek again, so that we will drop our sword . . .” (Dr. Jankow Janeff, "Heroismus und Weltangst,” (Heroism and Cosmic Fear), 1937.)

The nαzιs — even as the Pan-Germans before them — have tried to deal with Christianity in two different ways. They either attack it outright, or they endeavour to adulterate it into a Germanic religion. The new German mysticism thus falls into the wiliest confusion: at times Christ is reviled and rejected as the Son of the Jєωιѕн God, while on other occasions He is claimed as an Aryan and as the Germanic hero of an exclusively German religious mysticism.

The German “Krist”


... the Krist (the orthography is ’racially pure’) and Father Wotan get on well together! . . . The Krist is Father Wotan’s heart.” ("Volkserzieher,” (The Educator of the People), 1913, page 47 — quoted in “Thus Speaks Germany,” page 7.)

Reich-Bishop Mueller and Valhalla


"Holy Writ, as a human and typical period docuмent, is so relative that, instead of Heaven, you may sometimes just as well say Valhalla.” (Reich-Bishop Mueller in a lecture at the Lessing Academy, Berlin, February 13, 1935.)

Der Deutsche Gott — The German God

"Either a German God, or none at all! The international God of Christendom is a patron of the Treaty of Versailles.” (Ernst Niekisch, Independent Socialist in Bavaria, 1923, quoted by Aurel Kolnai, "The War,, Against the West,” London, 1938, page 233.)


"I am tempted to believe rather in a Germanic God than a Christian one.” (Dr. Goebbels, Reich- 50 Minister of Propaganda and Enlightenment, speech in Cologne, May 19, 1939.)

The German Spirit of Christ


"It is true that our soldiers in France and Belgium have shot all the brigands, men, women, and children, and that they have destroyed their homes. But to see in that anything contrary to Christian teaching is to show that one has not the least understanding of the spirit of Christ.” (From an article in the leading liberal newspaper of Berlin, “Vossische Zeitung,” 1914, quoted in ’’Paroles allemandes,” Paris, page 134.)

God in the German Army


’’Just as God has revealed himself in the German people, so He now reveals himself in the German Army.” (’’Volkserzieher,” (The Educator of the People), 1915, No. 10.)


”Jesus of Nazareth would be right in front, in the first ranks of the sword-bearers who are fighting with implacable hatred. That is where he would be, and he would bless the bleeding hands and the death-dealing weapons, would perhaps himself grasp a sword of judgment and drive the enemies of the Germans farther and farther from the frontiers . . (Volkserzieher, (The Educator of the People), 1915, No. 10 .)


“God Almighty stands and falls with Germany’s mighty armies . . (“Deutscher Weckruf,” official organ of the nαzι Bund in New York, October 10, 1940.)

Germany needs a new God!

"We want no God except Germany itself.” (Adolf Hitler, as quoted by the Catholic newspaper "Bay- rischer Kurier,” (Bavarian Courier) for May 25, 1923.)

"In the eyes of its believers, National-Socialism is a religion. The National-Socialist movement is today the political church of the German nation.” (Dr. Goebbels, in a speech given in Danzig on May 9, 1937.)

"We call ourselves German pagans . . . We no longer believe in the Holy Ghost — we believe in our holy blood.” (From the Articles of Faith of the Hitler Youth Organization, quoted in "Kieler Hochschulblaetter der Christlichen Welt,” (Academic News of the Christian World), Kiel, for March 26, 1935.)

"In National Socialism the Movement of the German Liberation has revealed itself to us. We stand ready to proclaim our faith in it, even were it to be led in the name of the Devil.” (Pastor Mattias of Kerstlingerode, quoted by Edgar A. Mowrer in "Germany Puts the Clock Back,” London, 1933, 10th ed., page 158.)

“God has revealed Himself in Adolf Hitler"

"Not in Jesus Christ, but in Adolf Hitler has God revealed Himself.” (Reich-Vicar Engelke, assistant of Reich-Bishop Mueller, in an address in March, 1937, reported in "Deutscher Weg,” (The German Way), May 30, 1937.)

"The German teacher must firmly believe in the permanence and holiness of our Reich ... In Adolf Hitler, God has revealed Himself to us.” (nαzι-Educator Niemeyer, in a speech before the National-Socialist Teachers’ Organization in July, 1937.)

"We believe that the Lord God has sent us Adolf Hitler, so that Germany may be established for all eternity.” ("Schulungsbrief,” (Instruction Letters), April, 1937.)

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. The way has been shown us by the Fuehrer.” (Deacon Eckert, Sermon at Berlin-Tegel, February 10, 1935.)

God sent us Hitler! "Hitler was sent to us by God so that Germany may endure through all eternity ... We believe in Adolf Hitler alone on this earth, we know that National-Socialism is the only faith that can lead our people to salvation.” (Radio address of Labor Leader Dr. Robert Ley, reported in the newspaper "Duesseldorfer Nachrichten,” February 11, 1937.)

"Hitler has revealed to use the true meaning of religion. He has come to us to renew the faith of our fathers and to make new men of us.” (Hans Kerri, Reich-Minister of Churches, in an address reported in the newspaper "Frankfurter Zeitung,” November 20, 1935.)

A systematic campaign is being conducted to make Germany’s youth regard Christianity as worthless and uproot the last remnants of Christian thinking from their hearts. A concerted effort is made to befoul every Christian idea, make it the butt of ridicule and to debase everything that Christians hold sacred.

The “Satanic Bible"


Tear up that lewd Satanic Bible, the Old Testament!" ("Voelkischer Beobachter," August 11, 1921.)


"The Bible is the trashiest of literature." (Reich- Governor Roewer, in a speech at a meeting in Oldenburg, April 9, 1935.)

nαzι “Historical Research produces Blasphemy

"According to the nαzι magazine ‘Heimdall,’ the father of Christ was a Germanic official of the Roman Empire. Transferred to Palestine for a short time, he won the love of Mary. Their brief relationship was not without its consequences. Mary’s parents were delighted to find an elderly man, by the name of Joseph, who was ready to marry the pregnant maiden. Thus Jesus was only the foster son of Joseph. He had inherited the outward appearance of His Germanic father, but innerly His characteristics were those of a crossbreed: His nature was restless, brooding, self- tormenting, idealistic and overwrought. Jesus admired the Aryans as the race which exemplifies a chosen people to a greater degree than do the Jєωs.” (Re- ported in the independent Swiss newspaper, "National Zeitung," Basle, July 21, 1935.)

"The field-grey soldier throwing the last hand grenade, the dying Storm-Trooper whose last word is a call to the Fuehrer, are for us presentations of the divine, much more genuine than is the crucified Jєω." (From the German newspaper "Coburger Beobachter," May 13, 1935.)

The Gospel is fulfilled . . .

"The idea that Jesus Christ is the Son of God can no longer be maintained ... We must preach in our sermons that the gospel has found its fulfillment in Hitler ... In any case National Socialism is the fulfillment of the Christian message." (Reich-Minister of Churches Hans Kerri, in an address to the delegates of Confessional Churches, February 12, 1937.)

"He rose long ago from the old Jєωιѕн hordes
And was crucified by Roman Aryan (!) lords.
Today, as our Savior Hitler commands
We now to our swastika nail Jesus’ hands."
(From a song-book of the Hitler Youth, quoted in the French periodical, "Revue des Deux Mondes," June 16, 1933.)

“Hitler is greater than Christ"

In centuries to come, if our word today is judged by the proper criteria, it will be said, in retrospect: Christ was great, but Adolf Hitler was greater." (From an address of District Leader Willi Becker, reported in the newspaper, "Frankfurter Zeitung," October 20, 1935.)

"It is only on one or two exceptional points that Christ and Hitler stand comparison, for Hitler is far too big a man to be compared with one so petty." (District Governor Julius Streicher, in a speech be- fore the German Academy of Education in Munich, July, 1935.)

“We must smash Christianity!"

"Who was greater, Christ or Hitler? At the time of His death Christ had twelve disciples who did not even remain loyal to Him. Hitler, however, has a nation of seventy million behind him today. We cannot permit another organization, one filled with a different spirit, to exist side by side with us. We must smash it. National-Socialism commands in all seriousness: I am the Lord thy God — thou shalt have no other gods beside me!” (SS Division Leader Schulz, 55 in an instruction course given for theological students at Croessinsee, Pomerania, August, 1936.)

"Hitler is lonely. So is God. Hitler is like God.” (Reich-Minister Hans Frank, quoted by Professor Frederick L. Schuman, in his book: "Hitler and the nαzι Dictatorship," London, 1936, page 365.)

"20,000 storm troopers addressed their prayers to the Fuehrer." (From a report in the official organ of the Storm Troopers: "Der SA-Mann," (The Storm Trooper), August 21, 1937.)

It is hardly necessary to comment specifically on these hate-filled and blasphemous utterances against the Christian doctrine. Special emphasis should be given, however, to the systematic persecution of Christians. Soon after they came to power, the nαzιs set out to destroy Christianity by closing churches, staging mass-arrests of priests and nuns and ministers on morals charges, assaulting clergymen and churchgoers, prohibiting church newspapers, agitating for mass-resignations from the church, and forcing or persuading the youth to stay away from the church services. In a number of cases the nαzιs did not stop at the assassination of ministers and the burning of churches. The fury of the nαzιs against the Christian Church represents, in addition to the horrors in the cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρs and the regime of terror in the occupied countries, a particularly shameful chapter of German history under nαzι rule. Since 1934 the persecution of the Christian faiths in Germany has been the subject of numerous books with a wealth of facts and docuмents, from the hands of Protestant and Catholic authors.

Today it is a fact that on account of the systematic anti-Christian propaganda, considerable portions of the German people, among them the overwhelming majority of the German youth, have been alienated from the Christian Churches.
T.H. Tetens was a Jєω. Nice try.....
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 02, 2018, 07:57:34 PM
You are wrong again. The Jєωs are an international nation, they have no borders and they act as one throughout the world. The Jєωιѕн people and the Jєωιѕн nation are one and the same. And the current day Jєωs, have nothing in common with the religion of, or the Israelites of the old testament.  Ask Queen Isabella about the fidelity of Jєωιѕн conversions. True conversions are very few.

Read the newspaper headlines from that period, international Jєωry declared war  on Germany in 1933.
Precisely. The war the Jєωs were intent on waging was 3 fold. Economic, the genocide of the white European race through the final step, getting to traitorous goy to do their bidding through paying them off to start and fight the war. 
You are ignorant, Poche, about this subject and way out of your depth.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 02, 2018, 08:10:55 PM
They didn't just arrest Jєωιѕн Bolsheviks. They also arrested Jєωιѕн converts and Catholics of Jєωιѕн descent.
The Church did the same thing in Spain. Hmmm......something to do with something called crypto Jєωs.....
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on July 02, 2018, 08:40:12 PM
The Church did the same thing in Spain. Hmmm......something to do with something called crypto Jєωs.....
Maybe he hasn't heard of the Inquisition...
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cantarella on July 02, 2018, 09:06:14 PM
There is no doubt that a world dominated by Germany would suppress the Christian religion and introduce in its place the pagan German Wotan cult.

# 24 of the Nationalist Socialistic Party Programme contradicts this. It did not promote Old German Paganism; but "Positive Christianity".

24. We demand freedom of religion ( for all religious denominations ( within the state so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral ( senses of the Germanic race ( The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity ( without binding itself confessionally to any one denomination. It combats the Jєωιѕн-materialistic spirit within and around us and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our nation can only succeed from within on the framework: "The good of the community before the good of the individual".[10] (
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: St Ignatius on July 02, 2018, 10:14:53 PM
Poche, few Americans of your generation would disagree with the fact that General George Patton was one of the greatest generals in American history... Please do read this article, then read it again. Hopefully, it'll persuade you to exit your propaganda circus and just MAYBE shake the marbles in your thick skull so that you just might shed those chains that bind you to just being a typical goy...


Patton On Communism
And The Khazar Jєωs
General Patton's Warning
Edited by Raquel Baranow

At the end of World War II, one of America's top military leaders accurately assessed the shift in the balance of world power which that war had produced and foresaw the enormous danger of communist aggression against the West. Alone among U.S. leaders he warned that America should act immediately, while her supremacy was unchallengeable, to end that danger. Unfortunately, his warning went unheeded, and he was quickly silenced by a convenient "accident" which took his life.

Thirty-two years ago, in the terrible summer of 1945, the U.S. Army had just completed the destruction of Europe and had set up a government of military occupation amid the ruins to rule the starving Germans and deal out victors' justice to the vanquished. General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army, became military governor of the greater portion of the American occupation zone of Germany.

It was only in the final days of the war and during his tenure as military governor of Germany -- after he had gotten to know both the Germans and America's "gallant Soviet allies" -- that Patton's understanding of the true situation grew and his opinions changed. In his diary and in many letters to his family, friends, various military colleagues, and government officials, he expressed his new understanding and his apprehensions for the future. His diary and his letters were published in 1974 by the Houghton Mifflin Company under the title The Patton Papers.

Several months before the end of the war, General Patton had recognized the fearful danger to the West posed by the Soviet Union, and he had disagreed bitterly with the orders which he had been given to hold back his army and wait for the Red Army to occupy vast stretches of German, Czech, Rumanian, Hungarian, and Yugoslav territory, which the Americans could have easily taken instead.

On May 7, 1945, just before the German capitulation, Patton had a conference in Austria with U.S. Secretary of War Robert Patterson. Patton was gravely concerned over the Soviet failure to respect the demarcation lines separating the Soviet and American occupation zones. He was also alarmed by plans in Washington for the immediate partial demobilization of the U.S. Army.

Patton said to Patterson: "Let's keep our boots polished, bayonets sharpened, and present a picture of force and strength to the Red Army. This is the only language they understand and respect."

Patterson replied, "Oh, George, you have been so close to this thing so long, you have lost sight of the big picture."

Patton rejoined:

"I understand the situation. Their (the Soviet) supply system is inadequate to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. They have chickens in the coop and cattle on the hoof -- that's their supply system. They could probably maintain themselves in the type of fighting I could give them for five days. After that it would make no difference how many million men they have, and if you wanted Moscow I could give it to you. They lived on the land coming down. There is insufficient left for them to maintain themselves going back. Let's not give them time to build up their supplies. If we do, then . . . we have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe; we have lost the war!"

Patton's urgent and prophetic advice went unheeded by Patterson and the other politicians and only served to give warning about Patton's feelings to the alien conspirators behind the scenes in New York, Washington, and Moscow.

The more he saw of the Soviets, the stronger Patton's conviction grew that the proper course of action would be to stifle communism then and there, while the chance existed. Later in May 1945 he attended several meetings and social affairs with top Red Army officers, and he evaluated them carefully. He noted in his diary on May 14:

"I have never seen in any army at any time, including the German Imperial Army of 1912, as severe discipline as exists in the Russian army. The officers, with few exceptions, give the appearance of recently civilized Mongolian bandits."

And Patton's aide, General Hobart gαy, noted in his own journal for May 14: "Everything they (the Russians) did impressed one with the idea of virility and cruelty."

Nevertheless, Patton knew that the Americans could whip the Reds then -- but perhaps not later. On May 18 he noted in his diary:

"In my opinion, the American Army as it now exists could beat the Russians with the greatest of ease, because, while the Russians have good infantry, they are lacking in artillery, air, tanks, and in the knowledge of the use of the combined arms, whereas we excel in all three of these. If it should be necessary to fight the Russians, the sooner we do it the better."

Two days later he repeated his concern when he wrote his wife: "If we have to fight them, now is the time. From now on we will get weaker and they stronger."

Having immediately recognized the Soviet danger and urged a course of action which would have freed all of eastern Europe from the communist yoke with the expenditure of far less American blood than was spilled in Korea and Vietnam and would have obviated both those later wars not to mention World War III -- Patton next came to appreciate the true nature of the people for whom World War II was fought: the Jєωs.

Most of the Jєωs swarming over Germany immediately after the war came from Poland and Russia, and Patton found their personal habits shockingly uncivilized.

He was disgusted by their behavior in the camps for Displaced Persons (DP's) which the Americans built for them and even more disgusted by the way they behaved when they were housed in German hospitals and private homes. He observed with horror that "these people do not understand toilets and refuse to use them except as repositories for tin cans, garbage, and refuse . . . They decline, where practicable, to use latrines, preferring to relieve themselves on the floor."

He described in his diary one DP camp,

"where, although room existed, the Jєωs were crowded together to an appalling extent, and in practically every room there was a pile of garbage in one corner which was also used as a latrine. The Jєωs were only forced to desist from their nastiness and clean up the mess by the threat of the butt ends of rifles. Of course, I know the expression 'lost tribes of Israel' applied to the tribes which disappeared -- not to the tribe of Judah from which the current sons of bitches are descended. However, it is my personal opinion that this too is a lost tribe -- lost to all decency."

Patton's initial impressions of the Jєωs were not improved when he attended a Jєωιѕн religious service at Eisenhower's insistence. His diary entry for September 17, 1945, reads in part:

"This happened to be the feast of Yom Kippur, so they were all collected in a large, wooden building, which they called a ѕуηαgσgυє. It behooved General Eisenhower to make a speech to them. We entered the ѕуηαgσgυє, which was packed with the greatest stinking bunch of humanity I have ever seen. When we got about halfway up, the head rabbi, who was dressed in a fur hat similar to that worn by Henry VIII of England and in a surplice heavily embroidered and very filthy, came down and met the General . . . The smell was so terrible that I almost fainted and actually about three hours later lost my lunch as the result of remembering it."

These experiences and a great many others firmly convinced Patton that the Jєωs were an especially unsavory variety of creature and hardly deserving of all the official concern the American government was bestowing on them.

Another September diary entry, following a demand from Washington that more German housing be turned over to Jєωs, summed up his feelings:

"Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch of a Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working. hαɾɾιson (a U.S. State Department official) and his associates indicate that they feel German civilians should be removed from houses for the purpose of housing Displaced Persons. There are two errors in this assumption. First, when we remove an individual German we punish an individual German, while the punishment is -- not intended for the individual but for the race.

Furthermore, it is against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person from a house, which is a punishment, without due process of law. In the second place, hαɾɾιson and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jєωs, who are lower than animals."

One of the strongest factors in straightening out General Patton's thinking on the conquered Germans was the behavior of America's controlled news media toward them. At a press conference in Regensburg, Germany, on May 8, 1945, immediately after Germany's surrender, Patton was asked whether he planned to treat captured SS troops differently from other German POW's. His answer was:

"No. SS means no more in Germany than being a Democrat in America -- that is not to be quoted. I mean by that that initially the SS people were special sons of bitches, but as the war progressed they ran out of sons of bitches and then they put anybody in there. Some of the top SS men will be treated as criminals, but there is no reason for trying someone who was drafted into this outfit . . ."

Despite Patton's request that his remark not be quoted, the press eagerly seized on it, and Jєωs and their front men in America screamed in outrage over Patton's comparison of the SS and the Democratic Party as well as over his announced intention of treating most SS prisoners humanely.

With great reluctance, and only after repeated promptings from Eisenhower, he had thrown German families out of their homes to make room for more than a million Jєωιѕн DP's -- part of the famous "six million" who had supposedly been gassed -- but he balked when ordered to begin blowing up German factories, in accord with the infamous Morgenthau Plan to destroy Germany's economic basis forever. In his diary he wrote:

"I doubted the expediency of blowing up factories, because the ends for which the factories are being blown up -- that is, preventing Germany from preparing for war -- can be equally well attained through the destruction of their machinery, while the buildings can be used to house thousands of homeless persons."

Similarly, he expressed his doubts to his military colleagues about the overwhelming emphasis being placed on the persecution of every German who had formerly been a member of the National Socialist party. In a letter to his wife of September 14, 1945, he said:

"I am frankly opposed to this war criminal stuff. It is not cricket and is Semitic. I am also opposed to sending POW's to work as slaves in foreign lands (i.e., the Soviet Union's Gulags), where many will be starved to death."

Despite his disagreement with official policy, Patton followed the rules laid down by Morgenthau and others back in Washington as closely as his conscience would allow, but he tried to moderate the effect, and this brought him into increasing conflict with Eisenhower and the other politically ambitious generals. In another letter to his wife he commented:

"I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is 'Liberty, then give me death.' I can't see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it."

And in his diary he noted:,

"Today we received orders . . . in which we were told to give the Jєωs special accommodations. If for Jєωs, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc? . . . We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the cινιℓ ωαr to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles."

His duties as military governor took Patton to all parts of Germany and intimately acquainted him with the German people and their condition. He could not help but compare them with the French, the Italians, the Belgians, and even the British. This comparison gradually forced him to the conclusion that World War II had been fought against the wrong people.

After a visit to ruined Berlin, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945: "Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It's said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed."

This conviction, that the politicians had used him and the U.S. Army for a criminal purpose, grew in the following weeks. During a dinner with French General Alphonse Juin in August, Patton was surprised to find the Frenchman in agreement with him. His diary entry for August 18 quotes Gen. Juin: "It is indeed unfortunate, mon General, that the English and the Americans have destroyed in Europe the only sound country -- and I do not mean France. Therefore, the road is now open for the advent of Russian communism."

Later diary entries and letters to his wife reiterate this same conclusion. On August 31 he wrote: "Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. it's a choice between them and the Russians. I prefer the Germans." And on September 2: "What we are doing is to destroy the only semi-modern state in Europe, so that Russia can swallow the whole."

By this time the Morgenthauists and media monopolists had decided that Patton was incorrigible and must be discredited. So they began a non-stop hounding of him in the press, a la Watergate, accusing him of being "soft on nαzιs" and continually recalling an incident in which he had slapped a shirker two years previously, during the Sicily campaign. A New York newspaper printed the completely false claim that when Patton had slapped the soldier who was Jєωιѕн, he had called him a "yellow-bellied Jєω."

Then, in a press conference on September 22, reporters hatched a scheme to needle Patton into losing his temper and making statements which could be used against him. The scheme worked. The press interpreted one of Patton's answers to their insistent questions as to why he was not pressing the nαzι-hunt hard enough as: "The nαzι thing is just like a Democrat-Republican fight." The New York Times headlined this quote, and other papers all across America picked it up.

The unmistakable hatred which had been directed at him during this press conference finally opened Patton's eyes fully as to what was afoot. In his diary that night lie wrote:

"There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. They are trying to do two things: first, implement communism, and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and non-Jєωιѕн antecedents are thrown out of their jobs.

"They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says he is a nαzι. They were evidently quite shocked when I told them I would kick nobody out without the successful proof of guilt before a court of law . . .

"Another point which the press harped on was the fact that we were doing too much for the Germans to the detriment of the DP's, most of whom are Jєωs. I could not give the answer to that one, because the answer is that, in my opinion and that of most nonpolitical officers, it is vitally necessary for us to build Germany up now as a buffer state against Russia. In fact, I am afraid we have waited too long."

And in a letter of the same date to his wife: "I will probably be in the headlines before you get this, as the press is trying to quote me as being more interested in restoring order in Germany than in catching nαzιs. I can't tell them the truth that unless we restore Germany we will insure that communism takes America."

Eisenhower responded immediately to the press outcry against Patton and made the decision to relieve him of his duties as military governor and "kick him upstairs" as the commander of the Fifteenth Army. In a letter to his wife on September 29, Patton indicated that he was, in a way, not unhappy with his new assignment, because "I would like it much better than being a sort of executioner to the best race in Europe."

On October 22 he wrote a long letter to Maj. Gen. James G. Harbord, who was back in the States. In the letter Patton bitterly condemned the Morgenthau policy; Eisenhower's pusillanimous behavior in the face of Jєωιѕн demands; the strong pro-Soviet bias in the press; and the politicization, corruption, degradation, and demoralization of the U.S. Army which these things were causing.

He saw the demoralization of the Army as a deliberate goal of America's enemies:

"I have been just as furious as you at the compilation of lies which the communist and Semitic elements of our government have leveled against me and practically every other commander. In my opinion it is a deliberate attempt to alienate the soldier vote from the commanders, because the communists know that soldiers are not communistic, and they fear what eleven million votes (of veterans) would do."

In his letter to Harbord, Patton also revealed his own plans to fight those who were destroying the morale and integrity of the Army and endangering America's future by not opposing the growing Soviet might:

"It is my present thought . . . that when I finish this job, which will be around the first of the year, I shall resign, not retire, because if I retire I will still have a gag in my mouth . . . I should not start a limited counterattack, which would be contrary to my military theories, but should wait until I can start an all- out offensive . . . ."

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: rum on July 02, 2018, 10:27:05 PM
Not to put a damper on Patton's views on the Jєωs, but the editor of that piece is a freak:

Looks like a man in drag.

As far as Hitler is concerned he's a bit of a mystery to me. But a devout Catholic would not have committed ѕυιcιdє. There's the claim that he didn't kill himself, and died in Argentina in the late-60s under an assumed identity.

Another thing about Hitler that I find unusual is that, if we assume he wasn't a believing Catholic, I see no reason why he wouldn't have wanted to genocide Jєωs. An abhorrence to genociding Jєωs is native to Christianity (and maybe to Islam). It shouldn't be abhorrent to other groups. A big question mark is why Hitler didn't attempt to genocide them, assuming he wasn't Christian.

Perhaps because he knew that many Christians were aligned with him and they would not get on board with such an endeavor. He would put it on the back burner and leave it to a later date.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: klasG4e on July 02, 2018, 10:42:22 PM
Could it actually be that Hitler saved more Jєωs than anyone in recorded history?  I think that proposition is quite plausible.

So who saved more than Hitler?  Hitler sent many to the relative safety of work camps and some to Palestine.  I don't know of any of the work camps having been firebombed or shelled by the Allies and after the war they didn't have to face the conditions of much of the non-Jєω population especially the German POWs who got starved to death under Eisenhower.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on July 02, 2018, 10:42:42 PM
THE nαzι PRIMER. Official handbook for schooling the Hitler Youth, 1938, translated by Fritz BrenneckeαzιPrimerTheHitlerYouthManual

pg. 9-10

Times gone by have ignored the obvious unlikeness of men, or have consciously acted contrary to better knowledge. During the colonization of Paraguay by the Jesuits early in the 19th century, for example, a marriage law was promulgated, according to which the white settlers might marry only natives, Indian women. Perhaps it was thought that in this way natives could be raised to the level of the whites. In reality, this mixing produced unfortunate hybrids, which were to be counted neither as whites nor as natives. They inherited in most cases, the worst characteristics of the groups, being uncertain and unstable both in spirit and in soul. Even in our day, the fact is shown many times that certain men have no feeling for race honor or race shame. The many hybrids resulting from unions with Germans of black troops occupying the Rhineland and of Jєωs are tragic witnesses of the fact. Even those occupying the highest places in governmentduring the "System Time" 1 consciously closed their eyes to the facts of race. They refused, for example, to allow the well-known student of races, Ludwig Schemann, to continue his studies regarding the nature of races and deprived him of the means for his researches.

1 The phrase "System Time" refers to the period from 1918 to 1933 when Germany was governed by a "system" of coalition parties.

Even today, the racial ideas of National Socialism have implacable opponents. Free Masons, Marxists, and the Christian Church join hands in brotherly accord on this point. The worldwide order of Free Masons conceals its Jєωιѕн plans for ruling the world behind the catchword "Mankind" or "Humanity." Masonry can take much as credit for its effort to bring Jєωs and Turks into the fold, as does Christianity itself. Marxism has the same goal as Free Masonry. In this case, to disguise its real intentions the slogan "Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity" is preached. Under Jєωιѕн leadership, Marxism intends to bring together everyone "who bears the face of man."

The Christians, above all the Roman Church, reject the race idea with the citation 'before God all men are equal." All who have the Christian belief, whether Jєωs, bush niggers, or whites are dearer to them and more worthwhile than a German who does not confess Christianity. The one binding bond, above and beyond all restrictions, is the Belief which alone brings salvation. One proof that the Roman Church rejects the race idea against its own better judgment is shown by the following facts. At one time, there existed the danger that the aims of the Jesuit order would be jeopardized or perverted by its Jєωιѕн members. A rule forbidding admission of Jєωs into the Jesuit order was issued. Today, since the danger is long since past, the church disregards it. Now why do we find in Free Masonry, Marxism, and the Christian church this mistaken teaching of the equality of all men? All three are striving more or less for power over the whole earth. Therefore, they must necessarily be "international." They can never acknowledge the human ties of race, community, or nation if they do not wish to give up their own aims.

pg. 25-26

Formerly it was assumed that there were only as many species on the earth as God had created in the beginning. This belief was also the conviction of scientists for a long time. Yet one finds today petrifactions of living beings that died out centuries ago. At first, they were regarded as triflings of nature. Nevertheless, when people began to deal with them seriously they made an important discovery. It showed that these petrifactions form a series, which, from the oldest strata to the most recent, show an ever-closer approach to the living types of today. The conclusion has been drawn that the types today have developed gradually out of the older forms. This assumption is in fact generally accepted today after experiments have demonstrated that race and consequently species transformation occur on the earth. The study, which has to do with this question, is called the study of evolution. Closely associated with it is the name of the Englishman Charles Darwin (1809-1882).
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 02, 2018, 10:43:24 PM
You are wrong again. The Jєωs are an international nation, they have no borders and they act as one throughout the world. The Jєωιѕн people and the Jєωιѕн nation are one and the same. And the current day Jєωs, have nothing in common with the religion of, or the Israelites of the old testament.  Ask Queen Isabella about the fidelity of Jєωιѕн conversions. True conversions are very few.

Read the newspaper headlines from that period, international Jєωry declared war  on Germany in 1933.
That was after Hitleer won and started to mistreat the Jєωs of Germany.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 02, 2018, 10:49:57 PM
Rubbish. Says nothing about "nαzιs", National Socialists, NSDAP.
It describes their behavior and condemns it. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 02, 2018, 10:52:08 PM
You are wrong again. The Jєωs are an international nation, they have no borders and they act as one throughout the world. The Jєωιѕн people and the Jєωιѕн nation are one and the same. And the current day Jєωs, have nothing in common with the religion of, or the Israelites of the old testament.  Ask Queen Isabella about the fidelity of Jєωιѕн conversions. True conversions are very few.

Read the newspaper headlines from that period, international Jєωry declared war  on Germany in 1933.
Sr.Benedicita of the Cross was a convert a Discalced Carmelite and a canonized saint. There are other people who I know of who are converts and the descendants of converts who are practicing Catholics. St Teresa of Avila was the descendant of a converso. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: rum on July 02, 2018, 10:57:53 PM
Sr.Benedicita of the Cross was a convert a Discalced Carmelite and a canonized saint. There are other people who I know of who are converts and the descendants of converts who are practicing Catholics. St Teresa of Avila was the descendant of a converso.

What do you think about this, (repetitively uninteresting troll) poche?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 02, 2018, 11:11:12 PM
What do you think about this, (repetitively uninteresting troll) poche?
I was unable to access that link.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: rum on July 02, 2018, 11:48:02 PM
I was unable to access that link.
Do you live in the United States, or in some country Jєωs have made h0Ɩ0h0αx denial illegal?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on July 03, 2018, 12:52:42 AM
WARNING: one of the books featured on the publisher's catalog has nudity. I have decided to remove the links to each excerpt, to avoid the occasion of sin.

SS Culture – Volume Five: Germanic First Millennium

Translated from original SS publications. Starts at the time of the late Roman Empire and ends with the early First German Empire.


We must free ourselves from many passed own views and perceptions. Even if they are still often in print in textbooks of the old period, they have not thereby become more correct. They have, on the other hand, caused a lot of ill and put weapons in the hand of our world-view opponents, which they still use against us today. We can beat them, if we have the necessary knowledge. It is not about individual, historical dates, rather the view of the great connections.
We must especially refute two false perceptions: first, that Germanic-German history only started when Germanic man came into contact with the mediterranean culture of the Romans. Second, that most of the Germanic tribes voluntarily converted to Christianity, and that this faith was quite suited to their nature!
Regarding the first, earlier educational material has taught us that there was Germanic history long before they had contact with the Romans and later with Christianity. We can trace back the cultural history of our ancestors more than four thousand years before Christ, hence more than six thousand years before our own time. That we know less about the actual history, is only because we lack the earlier, written accounts, and we are hence solely dependent on finds and excavations and what other folks report about Germanic man. But that alone suffices for the proof, that they were, for example, at least equal to the Romans in terms of real culture, but were superior to them especially in terms of concepts of honor and morals. We truly do not have to be ashamed of our ancestors – they were not “wild men”! They also did not adopt Christianity for the sake of allegedly higher “moral values”.
We thus come to the second point. Many Germanic tribes did indeed voluntarily convert to Christianity. But why did they adopt the new teachings, if they did not completely correspond to their views? The correct answer was in the past prudently not given.

More or less always, the leaders and high ranking were the first to convert! For them there were many reasons, which had little to do with the faith. Only so did they, alone or with their followers, enter the Roman Reich and its service. It was simply a step of political cleverness to then adopt the state religion, especially since it was presented to Germanic man in a significantly modified form, adapted to their nature. These reasons became more important when Germanic man no longer entered Roman service individually or in small groups, rather formed his own states on the basis of Roman law and hence come into close contact with the Christian-Roman populace. The followers, however, were obligated to the leaders by unconditional loyalty – for them it was self-evidence, to accept baptism at the same time as the leader. The rest of the people then followed them; the church then had the opportunity to step-to-step take back the concessions to German folk-feeling and to take up the struggle against the remnants of “pagan superstition”.

In the previous issue, we learned of the Germanic treks and their first collisions with the mighty, organized state of the Roman world empire. In order to survive against this power, they had to give themselves a firm, state organization. However, alien institutions and views were thereby brought into the Germanic tribes, which indeed enabled them to create states too, but at the cost of the folk substance. That meant that the folk that had to bear the state was weakened and soon the state, too, collapsed as a consequence. We already learn this from the example of the Roman world empire, which was composed of a mixture of folks, infiltrated by Germanic man, and soon had to capitulate as a state. We then learn it as well from the example of the Germanic states of the so-called folk-wandering period, which collapsed from the same causes. We see it especially in the Frankish state, which could nonetheless, before its fall, perform educational work on the Germanic tribes of today’s Germany, that later enabled the formation of a German state. The struggle for the preservation of a healthy folk and at the same time a strong state, which can secure the life foundations of the folk, is something we will be able to follow through the whole subsequent course of German history.

Here we will see how the Germanic states, and especially the Frankish state, used foreign, Roman-Christian concepts in order to above all strengthen their own power, but later fell victim to precisely these forces. More than from the successes, we learn from the mistakes of the past!

SS Culture – Volume Seven: Christianity

Translated from original SS publications. The articles are about the impact of the Christian church on Germanic man.


The priest portrayed the blessedness of the baptised and painted the hell torments of the damned who did not want to listen to the word of the high priest in Rome. Now Wulfram of Sens turned to Ratbod himself:

“So take then, king, the water of baptism, so that you, freed from all sin, one day enter heaven with the flocks of the faithful, to sit at the right of all-knowing God from eternity to eternity, while all those go to hell who died without baptism!”

Ratbod’s voice interrupted the talking bishop.

He asked in the language of his ancestors: “You have said, priest, I shall come into heaven, if I have myself baptised? Now tell me, priest, where are my parents, who are all dead and were not baptised?”

Horror swept through the ranks of the band of priests, because the sacred act had unexpectedly been interrupted. The bishop, completely in the fervor of the conversion, uttered the words:
“All of them are with the devil in hell, because they died as heathens!”

Then Radbod smashed the earthen pan basin with the sacred water, so that the pieces fell to the ground crashing. And he hurled his free word into the cleric’s face:
“Then I wish to tell you, priest, I go rather to my parents to the devil in hell than with you priests to heaven!”

Volume One: Germanic Crusade in the East

Translated from the very first issue of the SS magazine “Germanische Leithefte” published in 1941 for the non-German Waffen-SS volunteers. Emphasis on Germanic kinship and the war against Russia. Reveals the heart and soul of the Third Reich’s fighting elite. (Note: This is the one and only volume of this set that was actually published a few years ago, although with a different cover, as item #547-A.)


“Just as the discovery of the earth’s revolution around the sun led to a revolutionary change of the general view of the world, so will the blood and race teachings of the National Socialist movement produce a transformation of the knowledge and hence of the view of the history of the human past and its future.”
– Adolf Hitler

This realization of the fateful significance of the laws of nature of blood and race form the basic idea of the SS. It is an order of Nordic-determined men and their clans.

Helped by the laws it chooses itself, the SS wishes to make a living contribution to the victory of the blood idea in Europe. It wishes to preserve and practice the highest virtues such as loyalty, bravery, comradeship and noble attitude. It is a team in which the following’s Germanic loyalty is unconditionally given to the Führer.

The SS is the protector of the inner security of the Reich and the toughest battle troop against the external enemy. The present struggle is against the anti-life forces of international Jєωry, against the world bolshevism allied with him and with the Jєω-dependent, greedy, English money rule and Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ.

The goal of the present, turbulent conflict is the formation of a natural and hence enduring New Order of Europe. This task of new ordering has been assumed by the Reich founded on the Greater Germanic development in close cooperation with brave allies.

Europe should find the lasting foundation for a splendid future, however, in the active community of fate of the Germanic folks. The SS fights for this noble goal. And so in the Führer’s SS – next to the Reich Germans – ethnic Germans from all parts of the world, especially from Romania and the rest of southeast Europe, are also assembled for battle.

Furthermore, for the first time volunteers from Flanders, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden also find alongside the Reich German SS-men.

SS Creed – Volume Three: Blood

Translated from original SS publications.

Specially, these articles come from the January and March 1939 issues of the SS Leitheft. They deal with the significance of blood and even blood type, selection and reverse selection, the causes for the death of a folk, perpetuation of the clan and the duty of German youth to ensure the survival of their folk. The original illustrations are also included.


A decade ago people of our folk as well still even believed in a necessary decline. Oswald Spengler’s prophecy that the occident had to decline due to fate, was held to be true by the weaklings and cowards, who no longer possessed any faith in life. They did not see the mistake and the errors in Spengler’s line of thought, which spoke loudly and urgently of the fateful decline of all Europe’s folks. Spengler claimed: According to an inner law every folk and its culture must one day die, after it has lived through its youth and its peak time. Like a tree or a person ages in order to then necessarily perish, so must a folk also age and finally die.

The comparison of a folk with the coming and passing of an individual tree or an individual person, however, is false. For each organism receives with birth new, young life and fresh life energy. This is, after all, the miracle of life, the sacred secret in procreation and birth, that through the continued procreation eternal youth and the renewal of life is possible. The life of the individual is limited, the individual ages and must die. The individual tree comes and passes away, but the forests are eternal. The individual person as well comes and must pass away, but the folks live eternally!

Folks need not die like the individual person or the tree, but folks can die.

There are three natural causes for the death of a folk. History teaches that as well as the present. The culture folks of antiquity did not die in accordance with a fate which cannot be proven, rather because they violated the divine laws of life.

The Führer once said: “Man should never make the mistake of believing that he has advanced to master over nature, rather he must understand the fundamental necessity of nature’s rule and comprehend how his existence as well is subservient to these laws of eternal struggle upward. He will then feel that – in a world where planets and suns orbit, moons orbit around planets, in which strength is always master over weakness and forces it to be an obedient servant or destroys it – there can be no special laws for man. The eternal principles of this wisdom apply to him as well. He can try to grasp them, but he can never separate himself from them.”

Life wants the eternal triumph of the strong and healthy over the weak and sick. The wisdom of nature hence created three principles:
First: The living must always profusely breed new life.

Second: In the struggle of life, only the capable preserves himself. Through constant selection of the strong, the weak and inferior perishes.
Third: In all of nature the breeds remain loyal to themselves. Breed belongs to breed.

The folks who perished in history violated the wisdom and causality of nature. The natural causes of their decline and extinction are thus:
First: Violation against the duty to numerous profuse self-preservation.

Second: Violation against the law of natural selection.

Third: Violation of the demand for keeping pure of the breed, the keeping healthy of the blood.

My Part in Germany’s Fight by Dr. Joseph Goebbels. His diary from early 1932 until spring 1933 – while the nαzι party was achieving power and giving birth to nαzι Germany.


This is the personal diary of one of the most prominent figures in the stirring events that occurred in Germany from the beginning of 1932 to the middle of 1933, and resulted in Hitler’s accession to power.

The diary grips the reader owing to the fact that it enables him to follow the struggle between the nαzιs and the Communists. Street fights, virulent speeches and press-campaign, daylight murders, fiercely-fought election battles, the organization against the Jєωs and the plan adopted by the nαzιs to counter adverse propaganda in foreign countries, are some of the myriad facets of Hitlerite activity that are set before us vividly.

The story is dramatically told and cannot fail to hold the attention of every reader.

The historical revolution which, beginning on January 30th, 1933, wrought itself out thenceforth in the public life of the Reich before the eyes of the world, has a significance and bearing not immediately to be plumbed and measured. This event rightly bears the name of the German Revolution, for it has to do, indeed, with a revolution in values, with the overthrow of an entire world of thought which up to that date had been accepted as a matter of course by the German people.

The revolution was achieved with a clarity hitherto unknown, at least in political matters, in German public life. Its effects have placed the economical, cultural, and political life of the nation on an entirely new basis. Not only has the mental outlook of 1918, one quite alien to German nature, been given up, but those who had it, both individuals and parties, have had to abandon public life in favour of new men and new ideas.

The sheer speed by which the revolution was carried out, and the self-evidence with which it was accepted by the broad masses of the German people, have caused its effects to penetrate deeply into the national consciousness. No one in Germany today dreams they are irrevocable. They have come to stay.
Once more the government stands at the head of the country as the strong source of its will. Currents of fresh energy and resolution flow thence throughout the mass of the people, to the very last village and the very last man.

On account of the great rate at which the German Revolution went through, the contemporary onlooker may have lost, somewhat, clear perception as to how these historical events are brought about. What which yesterday was paradox, has become a triviality today. Things unthinkable, chimerical but a few months ago, are become today mere matters of course, about which no one makes any further ado.

The idea of this book is to offer a summary of the historical happenings in Germany during 1932 and the beginning of 1933, in the form of a diary. The author had neither the wish nor the power to write a comprehensive objective history of so significant a period for Germany. He stood back then, and still stands, in the midst of events. He was called upon to take an active part in them. It was neither his temperament nor his wish to watch their sequence from out the quiet of the professional study, or to treat them in an impersonal and neutral manner. From the very outset he actively espoused them, and furthered them with all his might and main, so that they might be brought about.
Whoever takes up this book looking for a history, in the ordinary acceptance of the word, will seek it there in vain. All inscribed in these pages was jotted down in the hurry and flurry of the day, and often by night. It bears evidence of the shocks and fierce emotions aroused by the events recorded, which carried away everyone who actively took part in them. It is strongly coloured by the passions of the moment, and deeply impressed by them.

God’s hand has been upon it all. He has visibly directed the Leader and his Movement. Only the faithless affirm that it has been luck that has favoured us. In reality, General von Moltke’s saying, “In the long run only the clever man is lucky,” applies to the Leader and his Party. That which had long been preparing, and which had grown organically, broke forth like a torrent on January 3oth, 1933, onwards, and swept over the whole country.

The German Revolution has imposed personal and material sacrifices on leaders and men, of which the public up to now has no idea. The peaceful unrolling of events often leads those who took no part in them to suppose that power fell into our laps like fruit, without us doing anything about it. This supposition is unfortunate, in that it ignores the wealth of sacrifice which the Movement, following its own compulsion, was bound to exact, and might even lead to the idea that we had not really deserved to come to power.

The express purpose of this book is to dispose of such errors once and for all. The unprejudiced reader will come to the conclusion that if anyone, we National Socialists, and none others, had a just claim to power, and that everything that took place was a natural consequence of the unalterable laws of higher historical development.

The adversaries of the National Socialist Movement never wearied, when opposed to us, of trying to drive a wedge between the Leader and his original colleagues. From their point of view this was easily to be understood. They were not so foolish as not to know that their only chance of deflecting the Movement from its objects, and of ruining it at length, lay in breaking up the community of National Socialist leadership.

It was seldom that the men round Adolf Hitler elected to fight the adversary with his own weapons. They knew only too well that they could not put a stop to the campaign of lies in the press. However deep they might have to wade in the mud themselves there was one thing so sacred nobody dared impugn it, but which they would or1ly openly profess under strong inducement, i.e. their unshakable love, fidelity, and devotion to the Leader.

They felt themselves one with the political troops entrusted to their guidance. They shared their sacrifices, and shared their blind devotion for the man to whom they had given themselves, and to whose hands they hoped to confide the German Nation.

This book is a monument to the Party in its great struggle, and to the “Sturm Abteilung” (S.A., Storm Troops). It offers more to the world than could be gathered from any erection of stone or marble.

Dr. Joseph Goebbels

Basic Ideas of National Socialist Cultural Policy

Translated from the Third Reich original Grundgedanken nationalsozialistischer Kulturpolitik by Munich university professor Wolfgang Schulz, which was published by the central publishing house of the NSDAP (Franz Eher Verlag) in 1939 after the author‘s death. The objective of this policy was a culture that remained true to folk and race and hence promoted the spiritual and biological health and integrity of both.


…The false doctrine that all human beings are the equal still haunts heads and resists the fundamental truth of the inequality of human beings according to their appearance, their genes and their accomplishments. The valuation of human beings that results from this is portrayed as arrogance of the more valuable, yes, as injustice.
One scorns our desire as racial arrogance, without noting that we do not judge the individual according to race, rather according to accomplishment. But in regard to the folk whole, we are concerned about the race, because the Nordic race alone has over the course world history passed a performance test that is so mighty that it obligates us to also employ this race for the new, even far greater accomplishments that matter now…

…Or one says: Culture must grow, one cannot manufacture it artificially. Just what previously proliferated among us were the weeds, and we want to exterminate them so that the beautiful and noble plants, which up until now often withered or even died, can better thrive.

Cultures need their care like forest, field and garden, and indeed a reasonable one that accounts for the laws of nature and increases them to greater beauty and order.
Forester, farmer and gardener must love nature, must understand it intimately, but must also know and have learned much about it so that the growth entrusted to them does to grow wild or become desolate…

…We speak of race, if a larger group of individual beings within their species agree in the special and balanced constitution of many and precisely the most important genes, and hence in the characteristics and traits in which the genes show themselves. Corresponding to the unity of body and soul, it is about the physical and psychological characterizes, and in man, whose soul produces spiritual and moral forces, also about the spiritual and moral and about the genes that determine this. Race is hence so comprehensive that may sciences are involved in researching and portraying the various sides of its essence, its physical and its psychological, spiritual, moral, its meaning in the present and its working in the past…

…The genes in which the members of a race must agree so that the race exists at all determine through the characters and accomplishments that grow from them the value of this race. These characteristics and accomplishments can hence be designated as racial properties…

…The valuable, cultural-creative characteristics of the culture-bearers are the foundation; the inherited goods, their products, build upon them. So it is justified to designate the respective supply of gene-based characteristics as racial properties of the first order and the tradition values as racial properties of higher order…

…Third, an effeminacy of cultured man through his cultural institutions, which enrich his life of feeling, broaden his knowledge, beautify his existence, but all too easily paralyze his decisiveness down to the bone.

It is as if the creations of culture had become independent, as if the culture-bearers had lost their mastery over them, even though they are still able to ever increase and perfect the accomplishment itself, and as if the cultural institutions rebelled against their creators…

…Genes are fate. Their application and development, however, elevates itself above fate and juts into the realm of freedom. The products finally, which the racial properties of the first order bring into the racial properties of the higher and highest order, make us really free, if we apply them correctly and make sure that they continue to work according to the law from which they have been breed, according to the law of the spirit of our own nationality and the culture-bearing race determining it.

For the freedom for which we strive does not consist of us renouncing our own folk’s essence, rather of fulfilling it. We want to finally be, and be allowed to become, those who we actually already always were, and we want the freedom to act accordingly.

The insights according to which the dangers of high culture are banished, and being able to move the forces that work in the wrong direction into the right one, demand that we develop a conscious cultural technology…

…The educators of the old school believed that all people are equal and education can achieve its goal with everybody. If one encounters difficulties, then one only needs to employ more and better educators and teachers.

Insight into the processes of hereditary and the fatefulness of the genes has destroyed this delusion. There are limits to rearing, even education. They can be broadened under favorable conditions and through suitable means, but not overcome. Much that the individual educator does not achieve can be performed by the educating force of a well delineated community. If the necessary traits are lacking or if they are too weak, than all effect is ultimately in vain, however.

On the other hand, if the traits are especially valuable and decisively effect in a certain direction, they triumph even if rearing and education have been lacking for long stretches. The young mind seizes at the decisive moment with natural force what is necessary for its thriving and growth and constructs for it its inner and outer life. It triumphs even against an oppressive environment or at least can do it, in the event the outer conditions are not all too unfavorable.

But this it not true for the average person; he needs rearing and education, and even the extraordinary talents are endangered without it.

The teachers of the old school believed that it depends on knowledge. Knowledge was supposed to encompass everything worth knowing. And what would not be worth knowing? So the subject matter burst the school, but one did not take that too seriously. The pupils learned for test and diploma and thereby earned their right to advancement and employment. Certainly, if he wanted to achieve more, he had to sit longer. The ability to devote oneself to a cause, even an intellectual one, was killed in favor of flat practicality considerations. Nobody portrayed the moral damage of this system of justification better than Lagarde…

…The statements by Lagarde characterized the situation already back then. The first: We cannot educate in our schools as long as the parents of the children who sit in front of us are not educated. The second: The pupil sits in school, gaze fixed on the door and not at the object of instruction. The third: One cannot educate generally, rather only for something…

Eternal Front

Anton Holzner (the pseudonym for SS-Sturmbannführer Albert Hartl) was a former Catholic priest (!) who left the priesthood and the church and became an SS officer!


In all millennia, serious people have researched and pondered about the meaning of this life. Some found their life goal in enjoying the pleasures of this life as much as possible. They became superficial materialists. Others figured this life is only a brief, but difficult, test, a bridge to a better afterlife or eternal damnation. The most diverse religions portrayed this afterlife each according to the racial nature of its promotors and spreaders. The diverse priest castes did more or less good business with this afterlife. Each claimed sole and absolute knowledge about this afterlife. They sold – following diverse cult ceremonies – to living and dead places, advantages, honorary offices and mercy-gifts. It was the simplest and most primitive business, because no person returned from the afterlife and held the priest accountable. The witchdoctor of the Negro Bushmen ran as little risk as the oriental magician, if he sold the afterlife to the believers as a business.

In all periods there have also been people who opposed this afterlife materialism. A medieval story relates: Two monks portray the afterlife to each other again and again in their conversations. They imagine all the individual choruses and departments of angels and holy-men, the rank differences of the individual heavenly places, the otherworldly music, the heavenly hallelujah songs, God’s throne etc.. They promise each other that the one who dies first will appear to the other the first night in a dream and tell him what it looks like in the afterlife. If it is as they imagined it, he will simply say “totally”. If it is different, he will say “different”. When one of the monks died, he actually did appear to the other the first night. But he did not say “totally” or “different”, rather “totally different”.

That is the old wisdom of Nordic man: The Almighty has put in curtain in front of life after death. It is a secret to us. No person may presume to possess any privileged knowledge about life after death. And yet, our faith and our knowledge go beyond our earthly life. We know that each of us is a link in an endless chain that stretches from the oldest ancestors to the most distant descendants, that our river of blood comes from distant times and flows across our earthly life into the distant future. And this knowledge broadens our view and leads it across hundreds of thousands of years. And this knowledge gives us the strength of millennia and lets us surmise eternity. It places us into the endless cycle of creation.

We know that even the person who is the last link of his clan can secure an eternal future through his works and deeds. The unknown worker who chisels, transports, and puts together the building blocks for the great protective wall of the German folk or for the splendid buildings of the Third Reich, will live on in these works just like the great intellectual creators of these works. The soldier and the policeman who were the guarantors for the safe return of lost German territories to the Reich, and the quiet fighters for the freedom of the German folk, will live on forever in the Greater German Reich just like its great shapers.

Our reverence for the Almighty, however, is so great that we reject portraying the afterlife materialistically. We openly affirm here: About an afterlife we know nothing and will never know anything.

This affirmation leads us with doubled energy to this side, to earthly life. The creator put us in the life cycle of our folk. The meaning of our life is to fulfill the task given us in the organism of this folk.

We fulfill the meaning of our life, when we do everything possible to manifest and shape, to train and perfect the energies and abilities the Lord has given us. We are on earth so that we continue God’s work of creation in our blood and body, in our intellect and our soul.

Father of All Things

Translated from the Third Reich original Vater aller Dinge. It is exactly what the subtitle states: A book of war!


Whoever has experienced war in its reality, knows the terrors of blood and wounds, of destruction, annihilation, desperation, of deprivation, of sacrifice and renunciation.
Whoever has suffered it, unlearns praising it in the fanciful mood of a romantic.

War has in no way become more “humane” through the “progress” of a mankind pledged to unconditional civilization.

Quite the opposite, the more war was elevated from the plane of the power thought of ambitious and particularistic princes and unscrupulous power groups into the sphere of mighty and passionate struggles of ideas of whole folks and races, all the more ruthless became the clash of the troops filled with these ideas, and the more “total” became war itself.

Is war then a fate, a judgement, that folks in history hold over each other? Enthusiasts and utopians, dreamers and ideologues have tried through an allegedly “ennoblement”, which, in reality, lead to a psychological and blood, character and will weakening, to divert from the conduct of war, yes, even of warlike bearing. The bourgeois decadent pacifism of the most recent period was just as little able to fundamentally change the warrior instincts of the folks as already previously also the Christian pacifist teaching, despite the most unscrupulous application of all means of power, was not able to create a peaceful world of “little children”.

War is a reality, which can be covered over with neither slogans nor theories. Warlike bearing, the having-to-defend-oneself for reasons of self-preservation, is a security measure, dictated by instinct, of a healthy folk based on its life right and its life duty.

It is also not acceptable that war is presented as just an unavoidable evil. Whoever is not able to see in war an idea and in the conduct of war a hypothetical necessity, must at some time fail mentally or psychologically due to the distress caused by the conduct of war.

No “justification” of war is required. It is much more about that a correct position, a just standpoint on war is found.

The reality of war is harsh and brutal. Its state is for the soldier who has overcome Russia’s ice fields, the swamps of impenetrable forests, the scorching heat breeze of the sand-storm whipped deserts, who in rain and cold, day in and day out, must wait for countless nights for an ever looming enemy, for an unknown fate, which can fulfill itself destroying at any moment, sometimes hardly bearable. The state of constant threat can have such a burdening, such a hopelessly crushing effect that the soldier forced to live in this state can be driven by the desperate idea of having to be smashed by the pressure of this state.

The moment of war conduct shows only the destructive side of war, it sometimes requires the thought of an entire generation until war itself is recognized and experienced as rejuvenating and testifying power.

The soldier acting in war requires less an “intelligence” esteemed in bourgeois life than instead precisely the character often enough despised in eras of bourgeois imperturbability.
If the great soldier Boyen posited the demand that the soldier should look forward to war, then precisely this teacher of war means by this not, say, a vain patriotism, which wants to acquire cheap laurels in the often enough quoted happy-go-lucky wars, rather that bearing of the soldier, determined and ready for action, who wants to experience in war the great test of his ability in order to know himself and his warrior essence confirmed.

God and Folk – Soldierly Affirmation

Translated from the Third Reich original Gott und Volk – Soldatisches Bekenntnis, which was published by the Theodor Fritsch Verlag in Berlin. The author describes himself as a youth of the Weimar Republic generation, soldier and National Socialist activist. But his name is not provided. Christianity is rejected. Service to the God-given folk is proclaimed true meaning of life and ultimate religious act. Fulfillment of duty replaces salvation and heaven. And honor outweighs love. The chapter titles are: Our Path, Decision, Revolution of the Soul, God, Germany, Life, Death, Duty, Honor, Love, Hate, Guilt, Our Task.


Our faith is carried by two ideas: God and folk. They are the holiest and highest ideas that we know. As old as the human species is the question about the deepest sources of our life. As long as human beings exist, they have pondered and searched: Who is God? Where is God? Some found him in light, in nature, in life. Their religions have been young and strong, because they derive from the eternal. And only healthy and strong folks could be bearers of this healthy faith.

Others have not penetrated so deep. Because their hearts no longer pulsed pure and powerful, because their blood was poisoned. Or because their nature demanded a Biblical God. How could a folk in whose land “milk and honey flowed”, to whom heaven brought the harvest with arms spread wide, achieve that serious faith of fate [Schickalsglaube] of Nordic man, who struggled with the earth and with his fate. The oriental, from whose homeland Christianity came to us, has only remained an observer of God. His soul has never been able to soar into those pure heights in which Nordic man strides powerful and devout. Since he never had to win his God over doubting and seeking, rather just saw how he bestowed and punished, his last question went: Who is God? So he created for himself an image of that power that we dare only to surmise. He gave him the shape and language and the weaknesses and strengths of human spirit. He forced the divinity into letters and formulas. And a Christian church finally set them into chains. God just was no longer a clever, powerful being in human form, who sat on his throne up there in heaven as a kind father or punishing master, with whom one could talk and trade, yes, whom one could deceive and trick. The “Holy Scriptures” are full of such blasphemy. The Christian God is derived from this Jєωιѕн God of imperfection. The dear, all-knowing father, who also sits in heaven and gave his commandments to us sinful earth worms.

God’s Law

Anton Holzner (the pseudonym for SS-Sturmbannführer Albert Hartl) was a former Catholic priest (!) who left the priesthood and the church and became an SS officer!


Providence rules over the fate of people and folks.

This affirmation of a higher power should stand at the beginning of this book.

Countless Germans – laymen, priests and monks – have waged the most difficult inner and outer struggles for their simple belief in a God since natural German faith has been supplanted by foreign missionaries.

Millions of people struggle today for the Almighty and his laws. “God’s Law” reports of this.

This account has grown from my own personal experience and the same experiences of more than a dozen friends – former Catholic priests and monks – which correspond to reality in their overall result and in their individual features. My wife, who stood at my side in building a new world, also participated in the composition of this publication.

Natural faith incorporates the highest moral responsible within it.

From that arose the obligation to publish this book.

Anton Holzner

Rome Against Reich: A Chapter of German History Around Bismarck

by Kurt Eggers. Translated from the Third Reich original published in 1935. This English translation by Gerhard Lauck was first published in 2007. A condemnation of political Catholicism in the Bismarck era.


The ship of the church danced on the waves, and the storm whipped into the rotten sails. It cracked and crackled in the beams and the old ship had more than one leak. One still tried to plug a leak here and there, and by appearances it seemed to work. But for how long? The ship would have probably held its own in calm times, but it is no longer up to the storm of the new time. It may be hard for the captain and the officers to see their ship’s end coming, and we can laugh with understanding, when they like to emphasis their soul-seller is seaworthy.

Today we do not want to talk at all about the situation in Germany. The memory of the church-political fighting is still too clear to have to refresh it. The most severe debates in the Evangelic camp as well have shown that the church definitely wishes to remain a spiritual reservation within – and, if necessary, against – the state. It is only a small step from spiritual to political struggle. Here as well, details are superfluous.

The spiritual power that we designate as the church – individual denominations do not count now – summons all its power, all its allies, in order to construct out of the daily struggle a struggle of ideas. Already audible are the voices of evil spirits beyond the border, those spirits that quickly fled upon the awakening of German spirit, and they speak of confederacy.
One seeks to lead the credulous church folk into the fight under the pretext as if dear God was personally at stake. And many a sheep in the pious herd emits a pitiful bah, because this or that bell-wether cut loose a cry of terror.

The struggle for the German soul must be waged with all determination. What is at stake is leading Germans out of the discord between blood and alien doctrine. What is at stake is eliminating the material of conflict in precisely the spiritual sphere that has cost the blood and soul of countless thousands of Germans.
Not by force! For the churches have in every era only gained from martyrdom,

Rather with knowledge! Through the clear seeing and researching of historical connections, through the presentation of secret cross-connections that intentionally sought to drive wedges into the folk.

In times when the life and honor of the folk are at stake, no considerations may be taken. Where freedom and honor compel action, the truth may no longer remain unspoken.
The treasonous activities of certain centralist circles in Germany are known. Too little known are the facts that led to the lost of German territory in the east and west! Too little known are the tricks of that Erzberger whom the folk judged.

Much of the background of separatist activity still awaits investigation.

In Austria, Christian cliques are at work to prevent and slay German freedom. Reflection and gathering of freedom-loving and nation-conscious circles on the one side, intensification of agitation, clouding of spiritual fronts, defamation and slander against everything conscious of its own kind on the other.

It is no longer about a struggle for the spirit, for the spirit has long since triumphed over the obscurantists. It is solely about power. Where the obscurantists cannot rule and pull strings unhindered, they scream about supression of freedom. Where they are in power and suppress freedom, they speak ingratiatingly about pacification in the name of God!

Germany’s spirit calls us to step forward in order to testify for the truth of the nation. We must administer the legacy of Walther von Vogelweide and Hutten, we must push forward in their spirit for the freedom of the folk.

We do not want a German to still suffer pains of conscience, whether he should obey the voice of his blood or the commands of whatever priests who serve an Asiatic god.
We want the great German unity, the genuine community of all German wanting, feeling and thinking.

The front of the church and of Christianity have been shaken, shot up and melted in the experience of the war.

Christians have wielded weapons against “Christians”. Christians have fetched “heathens” in order to kill Christians

The folk awakening followed the Christian disenchantment. Ask the assault soldiers, whether they went into the horror the battles of material with a Christian conception. Ask them, if you have the courage, ask those who sacrificed themselves again and again to speak of the cross!

Go to the young and old workers whose yearning is louder and stronger than the pulsating and hammering of motors and ask them, if they want to have the sweet comfort of the beyond!
Go to the young Germans whose yearning for folk and expanse, for struggle and heroism, is awake and admonishing, and ask them, if they want to renounce the struggle of this world for the sake of heaven!

The voice of the blood has cried out from the thousand-fold rape of everything German, which was carried out by agents of a foreign power, who claimed its kingdom was not of this earth, but which nonetheless took everything of this world, even the most primitive things, so seriously that no concordat emerges that does not deal with the question of money and possessions in the very earthly sense. One had indeed been able to silence Germans at the funeral pile, but not their souls. Stronger than the fanatical hatred of the weak against the strong; stronger than the drivel of morality puffed up decadence has remained the healthy sense of the folk, which only turned its back to the raging of men of the beyond with sublime contempt – unfortunately, sometimes as well when a fist-blow would have been more appropriate.

The German heart that undaunted overcame the horror of black barbarism is hated by the obscurantists. Germany has always dared to confront the cross of humiliation with the sun-symbol of victory, and hence those obsessed with the cross began a systematic war of extermination against the strong and life-centered people of the north. That is why one never wanted Germany to become a Reich. That is why one mocked that Germany would tear itself to pieces under Rome’s clever leadership!

This book about the culture battle that the champion of a strong, great, warrior-like Germany – Bismarck – had to endure, should show how Rome as well as certain circles of the “Evangelic center” spun a web in order to shackle and subjugate the young nation before it had really awakened to freedom.

Perhaps the book also contributes to proving as lie the claim of certain interested circles that Bismarck had been a Christian statesman.
And may then things be learned from the past for the present and for the future!

SS Mate Selection and Race

Translated from the SS original.


Summary of Our Demands

First, safeguard your health and, as long as you are at the age of development, be above all abstinent in regards to pleasure poisons (alcohol, nicotine) and sɛҳuąƖ activity. (In this regard it should be remembered that precisely the Nordic person in general only reaches full maturity late.)

Second, marry as early as possible. Only then will you and your wife fully enjoy family joy.

Third, do not marry a breed-alien wife. You are responsible to your folk and your offspring for the purity of the blood.

Fourth, do not marry a genetically ill woman. You otherwise bear guilt for the suffering of your own children and grandchildren.

Fifth, choose a completely healthy woman for yourself. The true picture of the health condition and of the characteristics of your future wife are shown you by her clan.
Sixth, your wife should be racially at least as valuable as you.

Seventh, strive to get yourself and your children back to the land.

Eighth, avoid marriage with a relative, for unfavorable genetic traits almost always remain hidden to you and then manifest themselves twice as strong in your children.

Ninth, you must preserve your gene pool for your folk in the largest possible number of children. In your children you live on.

SS Viewpoint – Volume Five: SS Lead Articles 1941-1942

Translated from the SS newspaper Das Schwarze Korps, select articles from 1941 to 1945. Each volume is focused on a specific theme. If you enjoyed our SS Culture and SS Creed series, you’ll enjoy this series as well.


We do not presume to rule the world, to tell Indians how they should arrange their existence, or to tell Americans how to better organize their continent. Our opinion that East Asia belongs to the East Asians comes from our most sincere heart. We only want to establish ourselves where we can also maintain ourselves in the long-run. Our living space should not be larger than our life can really fill with the strength of our hearts, with the might of our swords and the fertility of our clans.

The plutocrats, however, indeed traders, shopkeepers and speculators, live in a world of unrealities. Only during the short apparent bloom of mercantilism did they appear to be the great realists, whose “sense of reality” dominated the world. On what is their claim based and on what is their power based?

In Australia, the descendants of a handful of adventurers occupy a continent. Their land acquisition met no resistance from the infinitely primitive natives. Literally taken, they moved into an empty house. But does an empty house always belong to whoever moves in? The Australians were only happy with their property so long as nobody showed up to contest it. They have nothing to show except right of custom. No folk energy, no weapons, not even a colonial achievement. But Japan knocks at the gate of their still empty house with its overwhelming folk energy, with the might of its weapons and with its mission to creatively shape Greater East Asia, which is assigned to it by fate. The 100 million Japanese must live in this space. The 6 million Australians do not have to.

The 100 million Japanese are a reality. The 6 million Australians are just the victims of a false world-view that confuses the transitory power of money with history-forming forces.

Because the many millennia old Chinese Empire has in the last centuries experienced a political-spiritual depression, the British and American traders, missionaries and their armed guards have been able to established themselves in its life centers and strangle. Their legal rights were only to be read by the rates of a few East Asian stock shares. They held as long as East Asia was weak and disunited. Their days are numbered since Japan sets out to fulfill its “Prussian” task in Greater East Asia.

The Subhuman

Translated from the rare original SS picture book “Der Untermensch”.


As long as there are men on the earth, the struggle between man and subhuman with be the historical rule; this Jєωιѕн-led struggle against the folks, as far back as we can look, belongs to the natural course of life on our planet. One can safely be convinced that this struggle for life and death is just as much a law of nature as the struggle of an infection against a healthy body.”
Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler 1935
Just like night rises against day, just like light and shadow are eternally hostile – so is the greatest enemy of world-dominating man, man himself.

The subhuman – that biologically apparently same shaped creation of nature with hands, feet and a kind of brain, with eyes and mouth, is nonetheless a totally different, a terrible creature, is only an approximation of man, with human-like facial features – spiritually, psychologically, however, standing lower than any animal. Inside this being a chaos of wild, uninhibited passions: nameless will to destruction, most primitive desires, most undisguised baseness.

Subhuman – nothing else!

For not everything with a human face is equal.

Woe to whomever forgets that!

Whatever this earth possesses in great works, ideas and arts – man has conceived, created and perfected it; he reflected and invented, for him there was only one goal: to work his way upward into a higher existence, to shape the inadequate, to replace the insufficient with something better.

So developed culture.

So developed the plough, the tool, the house.

So did man become social, so developed family, so developed folk, so developed state. So did man become good and great. So did he rise far above all living beings.

So did he become second to God!

But the subhuman also lived. He hated the work of the other. He raged against it, secretly as thief, openly as slanderer – as murderer. He associated with his own kind.

The beast called the beast.

Never did the subhuman give peace, never did he give rest. For he needed the half-dark, chaos.

He shunned the light of cultural progress.

He needed for self-preservation the swamp, hell, but not the sun.

And this underworld of subhumans found its leader: the eternal Jєω!

He understood them, he knew what they wanted. He fed their most base lusts and desires, he let the terror come over humanity.

It began in the historical time of the annihilation of the Persians, the Purim Fest, the first glorification of organized mass murder. 75,000 Aryan Persians fell victim to Jєωιѕн hatred. Even today, Jєωry celebrates this deed of horror as its greatest “religious” holiday.

Eternal is the hatred of the subhuman against the light figures, the carriers of light. Eternally does the decline of the west threaten from the deserts.

Eternally do the powers of destruction gather together in the distant steppe, do Attila and Jenghiz Khan mass their hun hordes and race across Europe, leaving behind a living apocalypse, fire and death, rape, murder and terror, so that the world of light and thousand-fold knowledge, the powers of progress and human greatness, sink back into the abyss of primeval condition.
Eternal is the subhuman’s desire:

That it again becomes desert, where the light of sublime knowledge creatively illuminates the darkness, then his final goal would be achieved, chaos.

So does the struggle of both opposites happen for millennia in accordance to terrible, incalculable laws; again and again there is an Attila, a Jenghiz Khan, who rips open Europe’s gate, who knows only one thing: the total destruction of everything beautiful!

The embodiment of this will for destruction is today called Bolshevism! But this Bolshevism is not a manifestation of our time. It is not a product of our days! It is also nothing new in the framework of human history. Rather it is as old as the Jєω himself. His pioneers are named Lenin – Stalin.

“The leading minds in a folk are butchered, and then it comes into governmental, economical, cultural, spiritual, psychological and bodily slavery. The rest of the folk, robbed of its own value through countless blood mixtures – becomes deformed – and in the historically short course of centuries one knows at best that such a folk had once existed.”

Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler 1935

SS Picture Book: River of Life

English-translation of an original SS picture book extolling the Aryan family and home.


Germanic Life Will

Our National Socialist worldview replaces the liberal concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity with the folk, which is based on blood and soil. A very simple statement, yet with huge ramifications.

For perhaps the first time in human history, in our land we realize that of all the tasks we face, the most noble and hence the most holy for men is the preservation of our Godgiven, blood based kind.

It is not for men to judge why Providence created races, rather just to realize that it punishes those who mistreat its creation. Just as the knowledge that the earth revolves around the sun led to a great change in the general worldview, so will the blood and race teachings of the National Socialist movement produce a major change in the view of human history and the future.
This will not lead to an alienation of the folks – quite the contrary, it will lead for the first time to genuine understanding.

If the first time in its history the German folk has achieved greater unity, this is due to the influence of this inner experience.

Countless prejudices will be destroyed, many barriers will be brushed aside as inconsequential, bad traditions will fade, old symbols will lose their value, out of the impotence of regional, dynastic, ideological, religious and political division arises the German folk carrying its banner of unity, which symbolically does not docuмent the victory of a state, rather of a racial principle.

Adolf Hitler

Reichstag Speech of January 30, 1937

Defender Against Bolshevism

by Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler. English translations of Himmler’s writings are rare! Here’s your chance to get one at low cost. Translated from the original SS Third Reich book.


Today much is said about BOLSHEVISM. Most people think Bolshevism is phenomenon that emerged during the present time. Many even believe that Bolshevism – this Jєωιѕн ORGANIZED and led struggle of sub-humanity – is totally new in world history.

We believe it is important to establish that as long as there have been men on earth, the STRUGGLE BETWEEN HUMANS AND SUB-HUMANS HAS BEEN THE HISTORICAL RULE. This Jєωιѕн led war against the folks has belonged to the natural course of life on our planet as long back as we can see. One can comfortably say this struggle for life and death is as much a law of nature as man’s fight against pestilence and the attack by pestilence against the healthy body.

It is hence necessary to study a few very clear EXAMPLES of the METHODS OF THEIR STRUGGLE FROM THE PAST TO OUR PRESENT TIME in order to recognize the TACTICS OF THE Jєωιѕн-BOLSHEVIK ENEMY.

SS Culture – Volume Three: SS Faith

Translated from original SS publications. The articles are about SS “religiosity”. They are arranged in the chronological order of the SS magazine issues where they appeared, ranging from volume four in 1938 to volume ten in 1944. The original illustrations are also included.


We are Germans. As Germans we also want to step before our God. We want to step before him upright as that, which we are, as soldiers.

Soldiers know their law. They have sworn to a leader and a flag. They await the call, they heed the order, they obey it.

Who has sworn to a leader, no longer doubts. He was gained a firm faith.

This faith gives him his security, his proud straightness, his silent readiness. Who is always so on the march to a great goal, who is so ready, to risk his life as well, has already won eternity in the earthly. When he then steps before his God, before the God of his folk, he will not ask him for what men can give and present him, he will not ask for what he is always ready to risk in this great struggle; God is not a trader, God is not a kind old man who is smilingly inclined to childish wishes.

We feel him as the strength that allows us to give ourselves strength.

Lord, do not let me become cowardly, called the unknown soldier of the World War when he demanded the hardest from himself.

That we do not lose our courage, that we not over-esteem all joy, that we gain new strength from suffering, that is what we ask for.

The peasant’s harvest may be destroyed by hail, his hard labour may be annihilated by drought, can be just go there and complain and want to do nothing more? No, he should step before his God and ask for what alone can help him to overcome this blow, he should ask for the strength that pulls him up again, that again gives him light in the eyes, defiance in the fists and the courage to try it again.

One may have given everything to people whom he valued and whom he loved, and now one disappoints and deceives him; should his heart be allowed to turn to stone, to mock loyalty and disavow the noble? No, he should step before his God and has him for what alone can still help him, he should ask for the strength that shows him that loyalty is stronger than betrayal, that faith conquers doubt, that courage is more compelling than distress. Has he not recognized everything that threatens him? Has he not nonetheless dared the path and the struggle?
We have sought comrades who can still laugh in distress, who in death still believe in victory. And so many died, and they believed in victory, because they believed in us. Because we remember them, we are already stronger; because we remember them, the path has already been shown to us.

So for all of us the order is valid to anew look for people, who believe in us, for their sake and for our sake.

As the peasant again draws his plough, so must our love again be active and our loyalty.

Not according to those should we orient, who are smaller than we, rather according to those who provide us with an example.

We are Germans, and if we ask for help, he directs us to those who once stood great in our folk.

They are not dead, we feel that in such an hour. They are not dead, because their faith, their courage, their will was greater than everything that stood against them, even greater than dying.

And so they today still speak to us, and God speaks through them. For as he had us awaken to this life as Germans, so do we feel his command when we strive to think and to act as the best Germans managed.

Although we cannot make for ourselves a picture or image of God, so nonetheless sense his presence in everything, and we sense it most deeply where we approach the high and noble. In the great Germans he has spoken to us. There will probably come hours when we sl
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 03, 2018, 04:21:40 AM
One other thing I think we should take into account is that this nαzι ideology foes against the thinking and spirit of Pope St Pius X.

  I have always been on good terms with Jєωs. Only the other evening two Jєωs were here to see me. After all, there are other bonds than those of religion: courtesy and philanthropy. These we do not deny to the Jєωs. Indeed, we also pray for them: that their minds be enlightened.

Pope St Pius X demonstrates that the ideology of the nαzιs is a contradiction to his thinking,
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cera on July 03, 2018, 12:58:53 PM
Why would anyone want to promote this ideology on a Catholic forum?
To make the SPLC look good?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cera on July 03, 2018, 12:59:56 PM
Mit Brennender Sorgeмents/hf_p-xi_enc_14031937_mit-brennender-sorge.html
Thank you for posting this Poche; it helped me tremendously.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on July 03, 2018, 10:11:32 PM
Streicher, Julius. Poisonous Mushroom (Jєωs!) (Kindle Locations 100-107). Kindle Edition.

Why the Jєωs let themselves be baptised

Baptism didn't make a Gentile out of him.

Anne says:
Do you know our Girls' Leader once told us: Just as little as a Negro can be made into a German by baptism, can a Jєω be made into a non Jєω.

Grete stamps her feet angrily on the ground:

I do not understand these priests who go on baptising Jєωs even today. By doing so they admit a criminal mob into the churches.

Anne concludes:  I believe a time will come when the Christians will curse the clergy who once allowed Jєωs to enter the Christian Church. For the Jєωs only want to destroy the Christian Church. And they will destroy it if our clergy go on allowing Jєωs to enter.

There is a saying:
If a Jєω comes along
Wanting a priest to baptise him,
Be on your guard and beware:
Jєω remains always Jєω! Baptismal water helps not a jot.
That does not make the Jєω any better!
He is a Devil in time
And remains so through eternity!

Rosenberg, Alfred. Memoirs . Introduction. Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition. 

In 1923, after the failed Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler, who had been imprisoned for treason, appointed Rosenberg as a leader of the National Socialist movement, a position he held until Hitler's release. He continued to play a leading role in party affairs, founding in 1929 the Militant League for German Culture and several organizations devoted to the study and promotion of Nordic affairs.

He also formed the "Institute for the Study of the Jєωιѕн Question," dedicated to identifying Jєωιѕн influence in German culture and to recording the history of Judaism. He was elected to the Reichstag for the NSDAP in the 1930 elections, the same year he published the book for which he is best known, Der Mythus des Jahrhunderts (The Myth of the 20th Century). While dealing with a large number of issues, it was the remarks on Christianity in that book which drew the greatest opprobrium.

The Sanctum Officium of the Catholic Church in Rome recommended that The Myth of the 20th Century be put on its Index Librorum Prohibitorum (“ forbidden books list”) for “scorning and rejecting all dogmas of the Catholic Church, indeed the very fundamentals of the Christian religion."

Rosenberg, Alfred. Memoirs (p. 61-62). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.

When the Mythus was published in October, 1930, it was greeted with enthusiastic applause on the one hand, and by extraordinary attacks on the other.

In Catholic regions doubts arose even in the ranks of the party. I told everyone that freedom of the spirit embraced not only the Catholic and Protestant confessions, but also such confessions as I had made, and pointed out in the personal, and thus non-party, aspects of the book.

The situation was particularly difficult for some of the Catholic clergymen who were in accord with quite a few of the social demands of the party. This was especially true for good old Abbot Schachleitner. He called the attention of several party functionaries to the fact that, in his opinion, I was endangering our entire movement.

Thereupon I wrote Hitler a letter asking him to ignore my person completely, and to dismiss me from the service of the party if this seemed desirable. He replied— if memory serves me correctly, on the same sheet of paper— that he wouldn’t think of it. Thus the book made its way through edition after edition. By 1944, a million copies had been distributed.

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 03, 2018, 10:26:09 PM
Streicher, Julius. Poisonous Mushroom (Jєωs!) (Kindle Locations 100-107). Kindle Edition.

Rosenberg, Alfred. Memoirs . Introduction. Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.

Rosenberg, Alfred. Memoirs (p. 61-62). Ostara Publications. Kindle Edition.
This contradicts what the Catholic Church teaches about the Sacrament of Baptism.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on July 03, 2018, 10:38:46 PM
Lane, Barbara Miller and Rupp, Leila J.. nαzι Ideology before 1933: A Docuмentation (Kindle Locations 2719-2860). University of Texas Press. Kindle Edition.

In A New Aristocracy Based on Blood and Soil (Munich: Lehmann Verlag, 1930), a chapter of which is excerpted here, Darré proposed a comprehensive eugenics program.

(. . .)

Marriage Laws and the Principles of Breeding

R. W. Darré

The German Empire will not rise again until the good German blood rises again – Ruedolf

“It annoys me to see how much trouble is taken to cultivate pineapples, bananas and other exotic plants in this rough climate, when so little care is given to the human race. Whatever people say, a human being is more valuable than all the pineapples in the world. He is the plant we must breed; he deserves all our trouble and care, for he is the ornament and the glory of the Fatherland” (Frederick the Great).1 Doubtless if Frederick the Great had had the misfortune to be our contemporary, the host of his historic enemies would have been swelled by a group of Germans who would damn him utterly for his audacity in wanting to apply the laws of plant cultivation to the human race. For today it is part of the intellectual equipment of the “complete idealist” that he views the application to mankind of any breeding principles, learned from the world of plants or animals, as an expression of the worship of matter. He regards such things as “materialism” in the worst sense of the word.

This kind of negative attitude toward the application of principles of “breeding” to mankind is generally rooted in ideological considerations. Let me say something about that now, because one cannot very well create “aristocracy” without somehow subjecting it to principles of breeding.

The fact that today’s German sees any effort to couple breeding questions with those of the public good as contrary to idealism is in itself a peculiarity in intellectual history. What these Germans now condemn was for centuries considered by our people to be an expression of custom and morality. It is perhaps even more peculiar that this is happening in a people which as recently as about a century ago would not permit an apprentice to become a master unless he could show proof of his unobjectionable descent; nor could he retain the rank of master if he chose a girl of unknown or undesired origin as his wife. In Germany until well into the nineteenth century, not only the nobility, but also groups of craftsmen and Germanic peasants very consciously pursued a policy of selective breeding. It is surprising to discover in the old traditions the extent to which German marriage laws were filled with wisdom about the interdependence of blood and culture, especially in those cases where the Germans intentionally erected a blood barrier, as for example toward the Slavs. Today our people seem to have lost all this wisdom, and we have carelessly gone so far that he who points out the need to pay attention to such things runs the risk of antagonizing some of the best of our people.

Today antagonism begins quite often with a certain excitement about the word breeding. But it is not so that the application of this term to human propagation would import something new from animal and plant breeding! No, in earlier times the word “breeding” was used for everything living; only later did the term nearly disappear in its application to mankind, while remaining in use for animals and plants.

The derivation of the word Zucht [breeding, cultivation] is very clear, too: Our word Zucht belongs to the verb ziehen [to pull, to draw, to grow]. One of the meanings of the verb ziehen is illuminated by the usage das und das ziehen [to grow such and such], in the sense of “to cultivate,” züchten. Old High German zuhtîg-pregnant, with child-is derived from the same verb stem; in Middle High German it was still zühtic-polite, well-bred-but having the essential meaning of “fertile,” “fruitbearing.” The component meaning of “cultivation” in ziehen can also be shown in its Germanic prototypes: Dutch tucht, Afrikaans tocht-procreativity, procreation; Gothic ustaùhts-completion (Weigand, Deutsches Wörterbuch). In this way usages in Middle High German such as Züchten [in Züchten) to mean “chastity” are explained. A züchtige maiden was thus not one who ignored sex, but a girl constantly conscious of her “obligation to breed.”

Zucht was actually for our ancestors everything related to procreation within the framework of accepted possibilities. Therefore the contrary of Zucht in this sense was Unzucht [unchaste behavior, prostitution]. Unzucht was applied to all sɛҳuąƖ actions which grossly violated the limits placed on sɛҳuąƖ intercourse by popular morality and custom. It must be emphasized that the word Unzucht has been differently understood in the course of German cultural history. Thus, for example, our ancestors did not describe illegitimacy as unchaste if nothing disadvantageous could be brought up against the descent of the parents of the child; such behavior was perhaps improper, perhaps even immoral (at least in the view of the Christian church), but in no way unchaste. Today, on the contrary, a married person who gives birth to an illegitimate child is punishable by civil law, that is, indirectly punishable, since illegitimacy is grounds for divorce, and therefore, strictly speaking, is considered unchaste….

Züchtung [breeding] is applied knowledge of heredity. It is unimportant whether this knowledge of heredity has been gained by belief in a divine creation of the clan, or by belief in descent from an original ancestor, or by observation of human life, or by both of these together (as was obviously the case with our forefathers), or whether one uses modern instruments, like calipers, tape measure, magnifying glass, learned experiments and calculations, to establish that physical and mental abilities are indeed hereditary, that human beings are hereditarily different. The fact that until well into the nineteenth century, the whole status system and social order of our people originated in equality of birth in marriage is enough to show clearly that our people had been inspired by the idea of breeding (in the earliest sense of the term) for one and a half millennia-and this in spite of Christianity, which circuмstance is really the greatest peculiarity. Each rank consciously engaged in breeding: each rank supervised its own procreation by rejecting in marriage the next of kin and selecting from among other suitable girls. It does not matter whether the model for selection was firmly anchored in the consciousness, easily grasped, as it were, in material terms (and underlying racial evaluations, as is more or less clear in the case of the prescriptions against the Slavs), or whether it was only an indirect result of mental and physical merits of more immediate importance (such as might have come up, for example, in evaluating a girl as a housewife, etc.). In either case they understood the significance of the woman with her genetic inheritance for the ups and downs of the clan and tried to the best of their knowledge and ability to protect from harm the institution of marriage, which controls the direction of the clan’s journey into the future, toward good or evil.

If therefore until about a hundred years ago no journeyman-not to speak of noblemen or urban patricians-could become a master without having proved that he was born in “legal wedlock,” and that for his four grandparents the same was true, it proves that for one and a half millennia German culture consciously built upon the concept of breeding: a concept of breeding which controlled the legal order and was itself conditioned by it, and which must be seen as the rock upon which the culture of the German people rested, as if created for eternity. It therefore shows either simple thoughtlessness or serious ignorance of the history of German culture and customs when Germans among us today attack the science of heredity by arguing that it is degrading to the German soul to use the word “breeding”-this concept of “animal” breeding-in any connection with Germans.

The old German marriage law, fused with the goals of breeding and with the prerogatives of rank, worked on the one hand as a filter which permitted complete procreation only to that blood which had been tested in constructive work; on the other hand as a safety device to protect the tested blood against the struggle of life sufficiently so that the founding of families and the number of children would not suffer. This old German marriage law was the wall which protected valuable German humanity, which kept subhumans outside the German social order and limited very considerably their opportunities to reproduce themselves, even sometimes making it impossible. It must be emphasized that the present victory of “subhumanity” (which caused the North American Lothrop Stoddard to write his well-known work, The Cultural Revolution, the Threat of the Subhuman,2 and has made our geneticists look for the cause of the population excess among the inferior and undesirable races, that is, those races which influence the German social order in an undesirable way) could only become a problem to the German people when, about a hundred years ago, Hardenberg adopted a course which necessarily had to end in the final dissolution of all marriage restrictions, a situation which has now been reached.3 Read what Freiherr vom Stein, with his clear understanding of the causal interrelationships within the German people, prophesied as the result of these insane measures: it is easy to see that our present situation is solely the result of having at that time turned away from German views of marriage, thereby creating the foundation for a rank proliferation of inferiors of all colors. When today people talk about the “birthrate war among the races” as the cause of decline, they are confusing cause and effect.

Every legal order has not only an educational but also a breeding effect upon the whole of a people, even if this is not always apparent to the individual. The social order is the formal expression of the law, come alive. To use an analogy from natural science: the social order burns up as fuel the residual values of the people. It is less important that something is burned up than what is burned up. This “what” determines the “how” of the social order, which is directly dependent on the legal order. Therefore one can say that the legal order has the decisive significance for the fate of the hereditary values of a people, since it determines which human values are furthered and which limited or even eliminated. The form of the law in turn is an expression of a certain world view. So we get the following chain of causes and effects: world view-legal order-social order-breeding-human physical characteristics. As applied to our people this means: Christianity and the late Roman Empire changed the world view of the Germanic peoples; hand in hand with this change went a change in legal concepts in an un-Germanic direction; it is therefore, as shown above, thoroughly logical that Germanic-German culture and the Germanic physical characteristics of Germans are being more and more displaced by an un-Germanic humanity.

Wildhagen (in his excellent The English National Character) points to the selective and thus shaping force of the English social order which, erected on the foundation of the old Saxon law, was formed by English history but not essentially changed.4 Of course Wildhagen underestimates the value and significance of race. For neither the developments which we observe in a thousand years of English history nor the English social order of today produced the Englishman as he is today. It is rather the case that the Englishman had within himself the power to endow his political life with a legal order which through its fixing of a goal and its selective effects created a social order which by itself kept the original Germanic humanity of the Anglo-Saxons alive. This social order was to some extent able to maintain itself surprisingly unchanged up to the present and also to respond to external challenges in a reasonably consistent manner.

He who leaves the plants in a garden to themselves will soon find to his surprise that the garden is overgrown by weeds and that even the basic character of the plants has changed. If therefore the garden is to remain the breeding ground for the plants, if, in other words, it is to lift itself above the harsh rule of natural forces, then the forming will of a gardener is necessary, a gardener who, by providing suitable conditions for growing, or by keeping harmful influences away, or by both together, carefully tends what needs tending, and ruthlessly eliminates the weeds which would deprive the better plants of nutrition, air, light and sun. Exactly thus, speaking now of the folk, was the old German legal order intended, whose weeding and tending (which no doubt arose out of the blood consciousness of the Germanic peoples, based on an ideological foundation) created the conditions of existence needed for life and growth.

Thus we are facing the realization that questions of breeding are not trivial for political thought, but that they have to be at the center of all considerations, and that their answers must follow from the spiritual, from the ideological attitude of a people. We must even assert that a people can only reach spiritual and moral equilibrium if a well-conceived breeding plan stands at the very center of its culture….

It has become apparent that what we call human culture and what “history” shows as its essential meaning were obviously dependent on some very specific races and still are. Thus the concept of race left the purely scientific realm and began to become an instrument in evaluating people in relation to culture and customs. This racial theory was developed by ethnology; today applied ethnology is already attempting to utilize the findings of ethnology for human society.

Actually the procedures of this evaluation should be very simple. If it can be established that this or that race is exclusively or predominantly responsible for creating a culture, and that the condition and persistence of this culture depend upon the race concerned, then basically the task is very easy: that race, upon which the culture to be sought or to be maintained depends, is to be preserved and furthered. But strangely enough this simple conclusion is drawn by only a few; even fewer are those who set forth demands based on it. A great proportion of the ethnologists, together with a correspondingly large audience, want to transfer the scientist’s objectivity toward natural phenomena to races and cultural questions as well. But we are evading life itself if we are unwilling, or no longer able, to express our opinion of life….

Today we pursue only population increase, not breeding. We are surprised that German culture more and more disappears. But the general public in Germany is already too cowardly-for ultimately it is a question of cowardice!-to analyze these phenomena and find their causes. Or has the logical ability of the German people already diminished so much that it can no longer recognize the causes? Population increase alone is of no use at all; the important thing is the heredity of the children. But if we could ask our children what they have to say about this, they could only answer:

We are becoming fewer and fewer!


We are becoming more and more inferior!5

And thus our customs are condemned to death: they are useless! That is the truth! Let us at least have the courage to admit at last that it is the truth, and that fine speeches about our “belief in Germany’s future” and similar subjects help matters not at all, even if made in frock coat, top hat, and officially; we are helped even less by sentimental, edifying discussions of the evils of modernity and the superiority of a pure and noble German soul.

Let us return to the customs of our forefathers: they sufficed to keep German culture alive for one and a half millennia. Let us reeducate our girls to a full understanding of the old German concept of Züchtigkeit [chastity]. For our ancestors it was not that bashful girl who had no knowledge of the facts of her sex who was züchtig [chaste], but she who consciously prepared herself to become a mother and as a mother to rule over a large number of children. Having children, for these women, was not exercising the right of selfdetermination but fulfilling their responsibility to the next generation; for them, service to the clan was still a guiding principle of life: their task was the preservation, furthering and increase of their kind. These women knew about breeding and it was their pride.

They did not feel degraded to a “brood-mare,” as is the silly objection voiced today by those who apparently understand the highly praised “personal freedom” of the woman to mean only the freedom to taste all the joys of a “bedfellow” at their discretion and preferably without limit. Instead it was the pride of these women to become the ancestress of a noble clan and to receive the confirmation of her own value in her noble son. There’s nothing better for a boy than to Have had a good and noble father and To marry well. I can’t approve of those Who go below their station out of love And compromise their sons through their own lust. (Euripides, Heraclides)6 If in our plan to create a new nobility, the concept of marriage includes breeding, we are not thereby importing anything animallike and unworthy of human beings. We are but resuming the best spiritual and moral traditions of our ancestors, while cleansing and clarifying them with the findings and researches of modern genetics. Thus we can thereby discredit any suspicion of “materialism.”

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 03, 2018, 10:44:21 PM
Not to put a damper on Patton's views on the Jєωs, but the editor of that piece is a freak:

Looks like a man in drag.

As far as Hitler is concerned he's a bit of a mystery to me. But a devout Catholic would not have committed ѕυιcιdє. There's the claim that he didn't kill himself, and died in Argentina in the late-60s under an assumed identity.

Another thing about Hitler that I find unusual is that, if we assume he wasn't a believing Catholic, I see no reason why he wouldn't have wanted to genocide Jєωs. An abhorrence to genociding Jєωs is native to Christianity (and maybe to Islam). It shouldn't be abhorrent to other groups. A big question mark is why Hitler didn't attempt to genocide them, assuming he wasn't Christian.

Perhaps because he knew that many Christians were aligned with him and they would not get on board with such an endeavor. He would put it on the back burner and leave it to a later date.
This ideology of Hitler is a contradiction to what it is to being Catholic.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on July 03, 2018, 11:12:34 PM
Ludecke, Kurt G. W.. I Knew Hitler (The Third Reich From Original Sources) (Kindle Location 929-944. Coda Books Ltd. Kindle Edition.

It was a bitter disappointment, and to it was added the sorrow of his beloved mother’s death. Lonely and baffled, with only fifty crowns to his name, he went to Vienna early in 1909 to get along as best he could. He was then almost twenty.

(. . .)

A Roman Catholic, but never a good one, he soon ceased going to Mass and to confession.

Ludecke, Kurt G. W.. I Knew Hitler (The Third Reich From Original Sources) (Kindle Locations 9227-9282). Coda Books Ltd. Kindle Edition.

We were cut short by the arrival of wine, coffee, sandwiches, ‘and cakes, and we all settled down round Hitler, who had ‘stretched himself in a chair near the window, obviously enjoying ‘his role of host and master, with disciples at his feet. Our talk ran on at random for a while, until I was able to tug it round to a subject I was much interested in. Something gave me occasion to remark that it was fortunate for the nαzι movement that it had been born in Catholic Bavaria, which was more Church-ridden than Protestant Prussia; it would have been harder to bring Bavaria into a racial movement which hadn’t originated there.

I was thinking of an article in which I had said that religious and social energy must be developed in equal strength in the German liberator, and I wanted to see how clearly Hitler was foreseeing the religious controversy that must inevitably come, and also to know what role he was going to play in it.  The Fuehrer took my bait and began to lecture rather professorially. “Yes, it was indeed good fortune that National Socialism started in Black Bavaria, and that’s why Munich will always remain the capital of the movement. Naturally, practical politics demands that, for the time being at least, we must avoid any appearance of a campaign against the Church.” He was careful to emphasize again that he was a Politiker, with no ambition to become a prophet. But National Socialism, he said, was a weltanschauung and in fact a religion which was now building itself up and disseminating itself, except that its forms of activity and of propaganda were different.

In ancient Rome, for example, Christianity had been able to mobilize masses in a way that the old polytheistic religions never could. “And now in turn,” he added, “National Socialism is able to influence greater masses at once than the Church possibly can.” By this time he was talking entirely to me; it is his habit to centre himself on one person when he gets warmed up. The others were listening intently enough except the good Hoffmann, who seemed slightly bored and had concentrated on the wine with such good effect that just about here he dumped the bottle over, and the precious liquid spilled over the priceless little table at his side and on to the priceless rug. Hitler stopped. He looked up frowning, lifting his shoulders in annoyance, but said nothing. There was an awkward silence, in which Hoffmann blushed like a child, mumbled something, and disappeared.  Hitler spoke at last. “Na-ach-where was I?” he said, snapping his fingers. “Oh, yes, Ludecke, if you want to see my meaning illustrated, you need only go to the funeral of a fallen nαzι and watch the Storm Troopers ranked about the grave. Watch their faces, blank while the priest is reading the service”-and here he stopped long enough to imitate a priest mumbling the litany, fingering an imaginary rosary, and spreading hands in blessing (an excellent performance, as always)-“and then see them light up when the nαzι leader lifts the flag and begins to speak words of flame over the dead.

“Yes, National Socialism is a form of conversion, a new faith, but we don’t need to raise that issue-it will come of itself. Just as I insist on the mathematical certainty of our coming to power, because might always attracts might, and the traditional wings, whether they be Right or Left, constructive or destructive, will always attract all the activist elements, leaving only a juiceless pulp in the middle-just so do I insist on the certainty that sooner or later, once we hold the power, Christianity will be overcome and the ‘Deutsche Kirehe’ established. Yes, the German Church, without a Pope and without the Bible-and Luther, if he could be with us, would give us his blessing.”  Hitler was ablaze now, and I could see the ideas of Rosenberg’s Mythus working in him. When he shouted with passionate energy: “Of course, I myself am a heathen to the core!” it seemed to me that the form this church might take was implicit in the words.  “No, Ludecke, we don’t need to declare this fight openly. It would be political stupidity to show the masses too many enemies at once. The political victory can only follow if the fight is concentrated against the fewest possible number of enemies-for the time being, the Marxists and the Jєωs. Then will come the turn of the Reaktion, and the end of that will mean the end of the Christian church-and the opening of our own temples, our own shrines.

The French Revolution, Bolshevism, all of Marxism, in fact, our whole deformity and atrophy of spirit and soul would never have come into being except for this oriental mummery, this abominable levelling mania, this cursed universalism of Christianity, which denies racialism and preaches suicidal tolerance.”  Someone remarked here that the Jєωs were pointing to Christ as the first Communist.  “Quite so,” Hitler nodded. “Jesus Christus,” he said thoughtfully, in a quieter, almost solemn voice. “It is the tragedy of the Germanic world that no German ‘Heiland’ was born among us; that our organic, spiritual evolution was suddenly violently interrupted; that Jesus was judaized, distorted, falsified, and an alien Asiatic spirit was forced upon us. That is a crime we must repair.”

There was much more talk that night, but none so portentous as that I have reported here. I thought of Hitler’s words months later when, as Chancellor, he put on the great show in Potsdam that he had foretold in our talk at the Kaiserhof--a tremendous, solemn celebration to proclaim the epochal nature of the great change in Germany. It was done in full harmony with tradition; the ceremonies were opened with both Lutheran and Catholic services, attended as a matter of course by all the potentates - Hindenburg and all the dignitaries of Church and State. But while these preliminaries were in progress, Hitler went with Goebbels to lay a wreath on the grave of Horst Wessel in a Berlin cemetery. As the act not only of a party leader but of the Chancellor of a Christian country, it was an intended affront to the Christian nature of that country and a challenge to the Catholic Church, of which the Fuehrer was nominally a member. The story went about that Hitler did it because he had been refused communion by the Church -sheer nonsense in view of the fact that for years he had not set foot in a church to confess and pray, probably never since the war. He was plainly throwing down his glove to the Church that had refused church funerals to dead SA heroes and had threatened Catholic nαzιs with excommunication. And the Catholic Church evidently weighed the gesture and realized its own situation, for it adopted a more conciliatory attitude.

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on July 03, 2018, 11:29:04 PM
Mann, Erika. School for Barbarians: Education Under the nαzιs (Dover Books on History, Political and Social Science) (pp. 85-94). Dover Publications. Kindle Edition.


Religious study in the Third Reich has no meaning different from that of other instruction: it means lessons in National Socialism, the religion of the National Socialists. Baldur von Schirach, the Hitler Youth Leader, cries, “The experience of comradeship in battle, the experience of unity is, for us, not only a political but a religious experience as well.” And Alfred Rosenberg is even clearer: “When an S. A. man puts on his brown shirt, he is no longer a Catholic, a Protestant or a believer in Germanhood” (not even that!) “but only a German fighting for his entire nation.”

That Religion is still taught in the schools seems, at first glance, merely a tactical concession, to make it possible to remain within acceptable limits and avoid battle with the strong power of the Church. An attempt is made to turn this necessity into a virtue, to enlist simple faith, which demands no proof, into the service of the cause. “Faith” is to replace “knowledge.” The German must believe in the world mission of Germans; in German superiority; in the divine purity of his Führer. The lessons in Religion are an opportunity to bring up children in a faith which, to be sure, is at the other pole from Christianity, in that it preaches hate as against love; arrogance versus humility; force versus charity.

Nevertheless, it is called by the National Socialists “positive Christianity.”

Every class in Roman Catholicism opens with the formula: “Heil Hitler! Blessed be Jesus Christ, in all Eternity, Amen,” and closes with: “Blessed be Jesus Christ, in all Eternity, Amen. Heil Hitler!” The sequence, sandwiching everything else between Heils, is enforced by an edict of January 5, 1934. And the Protestant religious lessons, which include the same formulas, must, according to the “Plan for Teaching Evangelical Religion in Public Schools in the National Socialist Spirit,” emphasize “that the existence of our people, in their racial peculiarity, has been willed by God and that it is an act of unfaithfulness toward God if racial values are not considered or if they are destroyed.”

All of this is simple, if you accept the premise that Hitler has come to his people directly from God. After that, there can be no scruples: his plans are God’s plans, his methods God’s methods, and his will God’s will. It is so easy that a man like the Reichsstatthalter of Saxony, Martin Mutschmann, can exclaim, “Our faith is nothing but the Weltanschauung of the Führer! No one can serve two masters! This world-theory gives expression to the will and to the conscience given us by God!” And Dr. Robert Ley, leader of the German Workers’ Front, adds, “Our only aim and purpose must be to live according to the teachings of Adolf Hitler, which are the gospel of the German people.”

“Our only purpose,” they say, “our only aim. The gospel,” they assert. Nothing could be less complicated.

Of course, at the beginning, while the regime was still expecting an opposition (which never materialized), it must have been difficult to combine the “New Gospel” with the lessons in Christian faith which had been hastily prepared for school use. Edicts, then, were ambiguous and complex, lacking the admirable directness of Mutschmann or Ley today.

The edicts addressed to teachers of religion may be summarized: Both faiths, National Socialism and Christianity, draw their strength from the God of the Universe. Teachers must remember that they have to do away with differences of opinion, and emphasize the German experience of God. The Old Testament must be carefully expurgated. Only those portions of it which treat of biological questions or are necessary for the understanding of the New Testament are to be used. For, as a whole, the Old Testament mirrors the Jєωιѕн spirit, and tells of the downfall of a people having nothing to do with godly matters.

This official description of the Bible is a gentle one. At mass meetings other opinions appear: Gau-Obermann Krause described the Old Testament in the Sport Palace in Berlin as a “book for cattle-drivers and procurers”; and he was never reprimanded.

Officially, the nαzιs demand the recognition of Jesus. But they convert him into a hero without fear, a Siegfried of Nordic stamp who waged war on the Jєωs until he was killed by them. Side by side with the gentler words intended for export, there are any number of Krause-like comments. The Fountain, in the Jan. 2, 1934, issue, declares: “How high Horst Wessel towers over that Jesus of Nazareth! That Jesus who pleaded that the bitter cup be taken from him! How unattainably high all Horst Wessels stand above this Jesus!”

It must be repeated that nothing can be said in Germany without official sanction. Thus, the words of journalists are, in their way, as “official” as government statements. Journalists write what Ministers think; but the Ministers are careful.

In the schools, too, the Ministers have helpers, with “Lines of Direction” and “Plans for Education,” which enlighten the populace as the Ministers desire. One group of Hanover teachers published a three-part curriculum for religious instruction.

1. God and Nature:

Christian tradition and its explanation. The mechanical-materialistic concept of the world and its end-products, namely, Liberalism and Marxism [in France, Germany, Russia]. The modern scientific concept of the world and its religious meaning. Biology and Christianity.

2. Religion and Race:

a. Hebraism and Christianity.

b. Roman Christianity from the Council of Trent to the present time.

c. Islam, Buddhism.

d. The German Faith Movement.

3. Christianity and the Germanic Weltanschauung:

Germanic faith in God and the Christian mission. The Savior. The ideals of monks and knights in the Middle Ages. Parsifal, Ekkehard. Luther [here the addition of suitable letters from Paul]. Arndt [a militarist playwright] and Schleiermacher [a philosopher whose place here is arbitrary] with retrospective accounts of Pietism and Idealism. Statesmen and soldiers: Bismarck, Hindenburg, W. Flex. Christianity and National Socialism. Struggles for a National Church in past history and in the present.

It would be superfluous to remark that the whole curriculum is an insult to the Christian religion, “Biology and Christianity” — it is difficult to find two other such remote concepts, anywhere. And “Hindenburg and Walter Flex” — a general and a writer on military subjects, in the religion course! Yet these gentlemen find room in their curriculum for “race,” “the ideal of knighthood,” “Arndt” — whatever pleases the nαzι leaders is taught. German children learn that Hitler is pious and reverent; this is one of the things they must believe — it cannot be proved. After the blood bath of June 30, 1934, they were informed that the Führer had piously and reverently retired to the solitude of his little house in Berchtesgaden, near Munich. He was visited there by a little old woman, who asked him how he hoped to accomplish his mission, and how he had come to arrange the blood bath. “Silently the Führer pulled a volume from his pocket... it was the New Testament.”

There is a “Twenty Questions” game in Religion, as there is in Geo-politics, and with the same purpose.

“Who, children, is it in these days who most reminds us of Jesus — through his love of humble people and his readiness for self-sacrifice?” And the answer is: “The Führer.”

“Who most reminds us of the disciples, because of their loyal attachment to the Führer?”

“General Goering, Dr. Goebbels, and (before the blood-bath) Captain Roehm.”

One teacher went further. The pupils in the Public School in Wanne, Queen Louise’s School, had to copy this “Credo” from the blackboard: “I believe in Germany, God’s other beloved Son, Master of His own Self, conceived under the Nordic Heavens, born between the Alps and the Sea, suffered under Papists and Mammonists, calumniated, beaten, and thrust into misery, tempted into Hell by Devils of all sorts after decades of poverty and affliction, arisen again from the national Death into Ekkehardt’s, Bach’s and Goethe’s world of the Spirit, where He sitteth at the side of His brother of Nazareth, at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from whence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.”

The writer of that lunatic passage is named Deppe. It was quoted in the General Evangelical-Lutheran Church Newspaper on May 14, 1937.

There are slogans provided for German youth. The children must learn one a week, and recite it each day of that week. “Judas, the Jєω, betrayed Jesus, the German, to the Jєωs.” What impressive madness! And no one can distinguish the religious slogans from the National Socialist ones:

Versailles ist Lüge, Schmach und Schand,
Versailles ist Dein Tod, O Vaterland,—
Du bist ein deutsches Kind, so denke dran,
Was Dir der Feind in Versailles angetan!

Versailles was a lie, a shame, a brand,
Versailles was your death, O Fatherland,—
You are a German child, so think thereon,
What at Versailles your enemies have done!

“But the Fatherland sitteth on the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty. . . .” Is it National Socialism or is it religion?

It is both; it has to be. The words and concepts are synonymous and interchangeable. At morning chapel, the platform is decorated with the swastika. Hitler’s photograph hangs under the crucifix. Choirs of children sing the heroic deeds of the nαzιs: the glorious explosion of a bridge by Leo Schlageter; the death of Horst Wessel. Even such Christian festivals as confirmation are utilized. “Just after dark,” a report begins, “the school was lined up on the parade ground with lit torches; a central flame was kindled, and the boys to be confirmed were admitted into the first hundred, or upper school. The headmaster made an address in which he stressed their new obligations in pursuing those personal ideals of Honor, Cleanliness, and Courage, which their country demanded. He then presented each boy with a side-arm, which his new status in the first hundred requires him to wear, and with a text. These texts closely resembled the ‘Graces’ said occasionally before meals; for example: ‘One does not beg for justice, one must fight for justice.’”

Pagan festivals, too, are given the same rank and importance, and are celebrated everywhere. The Sonnenwendfeiern (solstice festivals) are in particular favor. Participants leap the bonfires, swearing eternal faithfulness to National Socialism, which “continues in its course like the sun.” And the nαzιs rejoice over the “lovely custom.” Political Education, the organ of the Saxon N.S. Teachers’ Union, writes: “What has suffered most in the course of the last thousand years of our history has been the connection with the religious treasure of our ancestors, which, however, could not be entirely done away with. That is easy to understand — in spite of the methods of force used in Christianizing our ancestors — which resulted in the conscious and stubborn derogation of the so-called heathen worship of idols, the memories of whose festivals, however, could not be entirely obliterated from the memory of the people. . . .”

To retain the respect of the outer world, the nαzιs have taken the easiest way out, placed the “so-called” before the “heathen,” and referred to “the religious property of our ancestors.”

The ensuing confusion is great. The faithful of all religions in Germany fight passionately for their beliefs, and, because of outside pressure, have the only organizations in the country which could not be suppressed or driven underground. A few members of these groups do still protest — and our wholehearted respect and sympathy goes to them. They are the relatively small number who, because of their moral qualities “and their fear of God,” are not qualified to take part in the “conquest of the world by the nαzιs.” They are persecuted, like the Jєωs, with every kind of slander, pseudo-science, and open pornography. And the nαzιs see to it that school-children learn what evil-doers the clergy are — the clergymen who are imprisoned for the sake of their faith, these “moral criminals” and “seducers of the young.” Care is taken to “enlighten and inform” German children on this point.

A newspaper, chosen haphazardly, lies before me. It is the Freiburger Zeitung of June, 1937, and two closely-printed pages deal exclusively with reports of “immorality” trials throughout the Reich. Even if the material disgusts the editors, they have no choice; it is an official report, and must be printed. “A sequence of horrors. . . . Monks trespass against cripples. . . . The lunatic asylum as a place of refuge. . . . With dragging steps and trembling limbs, physically deformed, these poor victims stood stuttering and weeping before the judge in order to repeat, with horrible gestures, their despairing accusation against the bestial criminal. . . . All kinds of unnatural lechery. . . . Debauches of greatest magnitude. . . . Horrible ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ crimes. . . . Thirteen poor crippled children subjected to abominable misdemeanors in the cell of a cloister. . . . The child raped, and a bunch of roses given to the mother! . . . Disgusting shamelessness of a criminal in a priest’s cassock. . . .” Page after page, in three thousand other German papers as well as in Freiburg; day by day, for weeks. And the verdicts of “Not guilty,” which the judges are again and again compelled to hand down, are, by decree, printed in a corner, in small type.

A credible report from the Rhineland states that pupils have become possessed by pathological sɛҳuąƖ aberrations, as a result of reading newspaper accounts of criminal actions. Usually the school does nothing to cure this disease; on the contrary, it promotes it. The children swarm in front of the Stürmer stands, discussing these things excitedly. sɛҳuąƖ psychosis is already so widespread that trust is failing; the doctors in the public schools are, even now, not permitted to examine girl pupils except in the presence of the teacher. A true incubus has taken possession of large sections of the population. Its political use is clear: the Catholic Church “is to be made impossible and to be destroyed.”

The campaign fought on a sɛҳuąƖ basis has assisted this attempt of Hitler’s. Shortly after the “immorality” trials, Catholic priests were forbidden to teach Religion in German schools, losing one of the oldest privileges of the Church, and giving the nαzιs a final sphere of influence.

But what had happened, actually? Where were the “thousand sɛҳuąƖ crimes” referred to by Goebbels in the Sport Palast and in his attack on Cardinal Mundelein of Chicago? Out of 30,719 Catholic priests and monks in Germany, the nαzιs themselves have accused 120, found 68 guilty, and left 52 still awaiting trial. In the nαzιs’ own balance, 0.39 per cent of the priests have been accused; and, whether just or unjust, the important fact is that, with tremendous pressure from those in power, and after a scarifying public denunciation, the nαzιs were able to accuse only one-third of one per cent of the priesthood, and condemn no more than one-sixth of one per cent.

In Rome, the Church recognizes this war against it. The Vatican knows how undeclared wars can break in all their violence, and an editorial in the Osservatore Romano of September 14, 1937, says:

“Proofs of this hidden and open war against the Church and against the rights guaranteed to the Church by the solemn concordat, are the continuous campaigns on the part of the immoderate and, to say the least, indecorous press, and the recent ordinances tending to take religious teachings out of the hands of competent authorities — that is to say, the clergy — or demanding that the clergy reform the catechism in the National Socialist sense, which implies a negation of the fundamental truths of the Christian faith. The Nuremberg Congress, moreover, showed that the penetration of Nordic paganism into the nαzι movement is constantly progressing, and the official representatives of the nαzι Party, far from opposing this penetration, are encouraging: it. Formerly the Holy See received repeated assurances in writing, and orally, that Rosenberg’s works were his private affairs, for which the Reich Government assumed no responsibility. But the official propaganda of Rosenberg’s ideology is assuming even greater proportions. His ideas have become the basis of all courses for teachers depending on the State and the nαzι Party, and have entered the schools, with the result that the German Government’s declarations and assurances have lost their value.”

The fanatic war of National Socialism against the Church is being fought on so large a field that the history of any one battle is a broken epic of victories that are not victories at all, apparent retreats, offers of peace, agreements made to be withdrawn. One thing is clear: the stake of the war is the souls of the children. Both sides are battling for their future.

“If there are still individuals in our generation who believe they cannot change any more, then we shall take their children and educate them to be what is necessary for the German people.” — Adolf Hitler.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on July 03, 2018, 11:55:30 PM
Evola, Julius. Notes on the Third Reich (Kindle Locations 659-764). Arktos. Kindle Edition.


After this we shall pass to a brief examination of aspects of the Third Reich that are relevant to race, its worldview and the Jєωιѕн problem.

 We have already mentioned the racial background presented by the concept of Volk, which gave rise to a type of ‘ethnic nationalism’ or ‘nationalism of birth.’ Point 4 of the original programme of the National Socialist Party already distinguished the true citizen (Reichsbürger) from the ‘member of the state’ (Staats-angehöriger) on a biological and racial basis in the following terms: ‘He alone is to be considered a citizen with full rights who is a comrade by birth (Volksgenossen) and is of German blood without regard to religious confession.’

The concept of ‘member of the state’ is, on the other hand, purely juridical. It refers to all those who are bound by a simple, formal membership in the state only by not being foreigners. Hitler had considered scandalous the fact that, for so long, the ethnic-racial concept of citizenship was not taken into account, that acquisition of citizenship could ‘take place no differently from admission to an automobile club;’ that is, all it would take is ‘a request so that, by the decision of a bureaucrat, something happens that not even Heaven can do: a stroke of a pen and a Zulu or a Mongol becomes a pure German.’[136] Birth in a German territory could define the simple quality of being a ‘member of the state.’ By itself, it should not give the right to hold public office or exercise political activity.

According to the views expressed by Hitler in his Mein Kampf, becoming a ‘citizen,’ a real member of the Reich, would require a further validation, based, in addition to race, on physical health and then on an oath of allegiance, solemnly sworn and shown to the Volksgemeinschaft, the community of birth. Only then would the applicant receive a ‘certificate of citizenship,’ which would be ‘like a bond that unites all classes and covers every abyss.’ Hitler goes so far as to affirm that ‘being a street cleaner in a Reich like this would signify a greater honour than being a king in a foreign state.’[137] With these words and others like them that attest a completely plebeian spirit, Hitler offered as much as was needed so that any German who was not born from the mixture with ‘non-Aryan’ or Jєωιѕн blood could raise his head.

In addition, in Point 6 of the original programme of the nαzι party he says, ‘The right to decide on the direction of the state can be recognised only for citizens who are comrades by birth. Therefore we request that any public office in the Reich, in the provinces and the districts be occupied by a citizen of the Reich.’ Once he had seized power, he began implementing this programme. Early retirement was granted all those bureaucrats who did not merit the full qualification of ‘comrade by birth.’ (The requirement for this was not having Jєωιѕн blood, or blood from another non-Aryan race, in one’s ancestry going back three generations.)

The same provision was then adopted in regard to those functionaries who, although they were ‘Aryan,’ had nevertheless married or planned to marry a woman who belonged to a non-Aryan race. In the case of a fait accompli, that is of a functionary, official, professor, and so on who had married a non-Aryan women before the promulgation of these laws, the choice was left of divorce or losing his position. At first some exceptions were made for veterans or relatives of decorated veterans who had fallen in the First World War. Other exceptions could be considered by the Ministry of the Interior in agreement with an official who was a specialist in matters related to functionaries stationed abroad, for whom an essentially discretionary and pragmatic criterion was followed. Other exceptions could be dictated by reasons of state for those who had deserved well of the Reich. Hence the curious qualification of Ehrenarier, or ‘honorary Aryan,’ which however should strictly speaking have had as counterpart the title of Ehrenjude, that is, ‘honorary Jєω,’ ‘honorary Levantine,’ and so on, to be applied to the many who, although biologically ‘Aryan,’ were not so in character, behaviour or spirit. Other laws extended similar measures even beyond the narrowly political and governmental sphere to the cultural, professional and even religious sphere.

In regard to religion, the ‘Aryan clause’ created conflicts with both Catholics and Protestants because, on the basis of the clause, pastors and holders of other religious offices in the two churches who had had ancestors of non-Aryan blood up to the third generation could not be authorised to exercise their functions in the Third Reich. This was naturally unacceptable from the Christian point of view, which is that of the essential equality of all creatures and of the super-racial character of the priesthood, which in Catholicism is established only by a sacrament. The only Christians who accepted the new disposition were the so-called German Christians in the Protestant camp, who voted for certain laws and elected bishops who were dependent on a central bishop of the Reich who was obliged to swear loyalty to the head of state, that is, Hitler. Similarly, there were plans to form a ‘German National Church’[138] (Rosenberg, Hauer,[139] Bergmann,[140] etc.).

The racial idea affected the political idea so strongly that Hitler wrote, ‘The state represents not an end but a means. It is the premise for the formation of a superior human culture, without being, however, the principle that creates such a culture. This principle, or cause, is uniquely the presence of a race that is fit for culture. Even if there had been hundreds of model states on the Earth, should Aryan man, the bearer of culture, become extinct, there would no longer be a culture at the spiritual level of today’s superior nations… We must distinguish with the greatest accuracy the state, which is the “vessel,” from the race, which is the “content.” This vessel has a purpose only if it is capable of holding and protecting the content. Otherwise it makes no sense.’[141] ‘The defence of the race’ is therefore proposed as the primary goal of the state. This is the source of the so-called ‘Laws for the Defence of German Blood and Honour.’[142]

On the one hand, prohibiting mixed marriages and even mixed unions, under the penalty of suffering the consequences, was intended to protect the racial substance of the body of citizens of the Reich from further mutating crossbreeding. Later, various eugenic measures were considered that were intended to prevent, even among ‘Aryan’ Germans, offspring who were genetically tainted.  The role that ‘myth’ played in all this is clear, as well as its confusing the concept of ‘race’ with the concept of the nation (which ends up basically democratising and degrading the former). Further, no thought was given to defining in positive, even spiritual, terms the concept of ‘Aryan.’ It implicitly allowed every German to think that he was preeminently the ‘Aryan’ to whom was attributed the creation and origin of every higher culture. This was the incentive for a baleful arrogance that was more than nationalist (and completely foreign to the traditional Right). It had, on the one hand, an undeniable efficacy in the emotional mobilisation of the German masses, but also deleterious consequences, inter alia, in the policy followed by nαzι Germany in occupied territories, as we shall discuss later. In reality, when the more serious racialist authors had spoken of the ‘Aryan,’ they had had in view a rather extensive genus in which ‘German’ (and also ‘Germanic’) could figure only as a particular species.

Houston Stewart Chamberlain himself,[143] who was highly respected by Alfred Rosenberg, the principal ideologue of nαzιsm, had used ‘Aryan’ to refer to a ‘Celtic-German-Slavic complex.’ If, therefore, the concept of race had an unclear content in National Socialist propaganda and legislation and suffered a collectivising degradation, on the other hand a different and more selective direction was asserted in the Third Reich, although less officially. Here the reader can return to what we have said in considering the sense, purpose and acceptable aspects of the ‘racist’ turn of Italian Fascism. If generic racism was a simple expedient for reinforcing national self-consciousness — here, as we have said, the attitude was not very different from the one assumed by England in its empire concerning other races, for instance — since modern race doctrine does not consider only the large-scale anthropological divisions, but also ‘races’ as special articulations inside each race, including the White or ‘Aryan’ race, we should recognise that, in reference to this scholarship, Germany does not represent the expression of a single, pure and homogeneous racial stock, but in general is a mixture of several ‘races’ (in this second, more differentiated sense). This is the basis for the move to a second-level racism, so to speak.

The collectivist idea that the Aryan-German Volk and Volksgemeinschaft should be delimited, defended and manipulated in a totalitarian fashion on the basis of Gleichschaltung came to be replaced by the idea that not all the racial components of the German people had the same value, and that the higher, more qualified element was that of the Nordic or ‘Nordid’ race. In addition, plans were developed that were intended to develop this component in the Third Reich, to guarantee it positions of supremacy. With an eye now not only on the biological element, but also on definite gifts of character and a definite vision of life, the term Aufnordung was coined, that is the ‘Nordification,’ of the German people. To elevate it, it would be necessary to try to give a prevalent ‘Nordic’ stamp to the German people. If this initiative was not asserted in the Third Reich in the official seats of power, it was, however, viewed from on high with sympathy and played a significant role in some organisations of which we shall soon speak, notably the SS. Nevertheless, to the German man in the street there was no lack of motives for rather ironic reflections about the state of affairs, because, in relation to race, Hitler was not at all a pure ‘Nordic’ type, nor were his closest collaborators and the heads of the Party, like Goebbels, Himmler himself, Ley, Bormann, and so on. (At most one could mention Rosenberg, Heydrich and von Schirach).[144] On the other hand, Hindenburg and Bismarck were physically of Nordic stock, but ‘Phalic,’[145] while the Nordic element in the Prussian was strongly mixed with the ‘Ostid’ (Slavic). If anywhere, the Nordic element could be rather clearly recognised especially in the officer corps, the aristocracy and some non-urban stocks in the provinces. 

At any rate, from our point of view, for a global evaluation of German racism, the German-Aryan presumption under which, as Hitler proclaimed, being a street sweeper in the Reich should be considered a greater honour than being the king of a foreign country, should seem a demagogic aberration. Nonetheless, the fact remains that, even from the point of view of the Right, a certain balanced consciousness and dignity of ‘race’ can be considered as salutary, if we think where we have ended up in our days with the exaltation of the Negro and all the rest, the psychosis of anti-colonialism, and ‘integrationist’ fanaticism, all of which are phenomena occurring parallel to the decline of Europe and the West as a whole. In the second place, when dealing with Fascism, we have already recognised the legitimacy that could be offered by the ideal of a new, superior human type at the centre of a general process of crystallisation, rectification and formation of a nation’s substance, on the condition that we do not excessively emphasise the biological aspect in this ideal, but only if we particularly stress the ‘race of the spirit.’ Instead, in National Socialist racism it was precisely this biological aspect that played a significant role and indulged in wishful thinking by means of a ‘scientistic’ mental deformation, when it was thought that all that had to be done was to discover prophylaxis and erect barriers against crossbreeding and miscegenation, along with more eugenic measures, so that lost virtues would reappear, the idea being that, almost automatically, man would arise again as the creator of a higher culture.

Today we see populations like the Norwegian, Swedish and Dutch that present a high degree of racial and even ‘Nordic’ purity, but within they are more or less lifeless, spiritually bastardised, and deprived of the virtues that characterised them in other epochs.  An essential point that cannot be overlooked in the present essay, but cannot be adequately developed either, is National Socialism’s anti-Judaism and our judgment upon it. For Hitler, the Hebrew is the mortal enemy of the Aryan race, in particular of the German people. He is the bearer of a force that acts in a destructive sense, the subversive contaminator in the bosom of the cultures and societies within which he seeks, on the other hand, to assure himself power and influence. We should recognise that in Hitler anti-Semitism played the role of a true idée fixe, of which, in this almost paranoid aspect, it is not possible to completely explain its origins and which had tragic consequences. In his writings and speeches, Hitler over and over again attributes to the Jєω the cause of every evil. He truly believed that the Jєω was the only obstacle to the creation of an ideal German national society, and he made this obsession an essential ingredient in his propaganda.

( . . . )
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: trad123 on July 04, 2018, 12:11:43 AM

Background: Adolf Wagner was the Gauleiter for Munich. In this article from Der Schulungsbrief, the party monthly for political education, he goes after the Church for failing to grant total power to National Socialism. This was published during a general public assault on the Church and its institutions alleging sɛҳuąƖ improprieties, among other things. This article is apparently exerpted from a speech, although the details are not given..

The source: “Männer der Bewegung sprechen,” Der Schulungsbrief, 3 ( August 1936), 293-294.

Men of the Movement Speak

Good fortune probably determined that Adolf Hitler began his battle against the destruction of our German people in Munich. Here in Munich he found the concentrated strength that wanted to restore the roots of the German nation. And when the Red Internationale was replaced by the Black Internationale [a reference to religious opponents of nαzιsm] it did not change the battlefront for the young National Socialist movement since the enemy remained the same, even if its color changed.

Through tough and bitter fighting, the National Socialist movement threw these destructive forces to the ground. Finally the National Socialist revolution triumphed in the entire Reich; here in Bavaria the old leaders were tossed out on 9 March [1933]. There are not many Red Internationalists left in Bavaria. The most dangerous are in Dachau.

We do not need to bother with those noble and bourgeois elements that look with hopeful but nervous hearts to plans to restore the Hapsburgs in Austria and something similar in Bavaria. These elements are old and insignificant.

Things are entirely different in the churches, particularly with the Catholic Church. We must unfortunately recognize that although the great majority of the lower-level clergy have come to loyally support the state, the higher-level clergy, most prominently several bishops, have taken nearly every opportunity to oppose the National Socialist state and our movement.

I say this today not only because I have the opportunity to speak to you gathered in this room. I mention it because of a report of a sermon at the end of May by the Bishop of Eichstätt, Dr. Michael Nackl at confirmation in Ingolstadt. The Bishop of Eichstätt said in a subtle, but unmistakable way that the Church had sole claim to the worldview education of baptized Catholic youth. He proclaimed the same right with regards to Catholic organizations. He was just as subtle but unmistakable in objecting to a ban of political activity on the part of priests. He said that the party’s slogan of the previous year, that the political revolution was over and that ‘the National Socialist movement’s worldview battle for people’s minds’ was an attack on the Church, on Catholic bishops, priests, indeed on Catholicism in general. He said that he had to speak the truth openly since he was German, loyal and honest.

I want to reply to the Bishop of Eichstätt in just as German a manner, just as loyally and honestly: If a worldview claims political power, that worldview must demonstrate its right to claim political power by its achievements. During its three years of total power in Germany, the National Socialist worldview has proven in Germany that its demand for total power was justified, and that it also has the right in the future to maintain this total demand for power. 99% of the German people approved of this [in the referendum] on 29 March. And the National Socialist worldview’s economic achievements of the past three years have proven that it was, and will remain worthy, to claim that total economic power. National Socialism’s total power in political and economic matters has lifted an oppressed, defeated, economically ruined people into a free, proud, and hard-working people.

If the National Socialist worldview further demands the totality of youth education, it is equally as justified, since the German youth has left behind the fragmentation under which it once suffered and is on the way to becoming a healthy, productive youth. We know that our youth is better off in the hands of the HJ and the BDM than in the hands of some sort of monastic institution which is today the subject of criminal investigation, the findings of which are a disgrace not only for the Church, but for the entire German people.

The laws of National Socialism are unalterable. The laws of the National Socialist worldview are the laws of the Third Reich. We require and demand that everyone respect these laws, even bishops. All the questions that the Bishop of Eichstätt mentions are clearly regulated. It is senseless to object.

We recommend putting the time to better use: keeping order, cleanliness, fear of God, and honesty in the ancient body of the Church and its institutions. The National Socialist worldview will follow its path, not resting until the German nation is once again great and splendid.

Our daily worship is go to our workplaces to build the German nation. And our daily prayer is work for the nation.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 04, 2018, 01:42:08 AM

Background: Adolf Wagner was the Gauleiter for Munich. In this article from Der Schulungsbrief, the party monthly for political education, he goes after the Church for failing to grant total power to National Socialism. This was published during a general public assault on the Church and its institutions alleging sɛҳuąƖ improprieties, among other things. This article is apparently exerpted from a speech, although the details are not given..

The source: “Männer der Bewegung sprechen,” Der Schulungsbrief, 3 ( August 1936), 293-294.

Men of the Movement Speak

Good fortune probably determined that Adolf Hitler began his battle against the destruction of our German people in Munich. Here in Munich he found the concentrated strength that wanted to restore the roots of the German nation. And when the Red Internationale was replaced by the Black Internationale [a reference to religious opponents of nαzιsm] it did not change the battlefront for the young National Socialist movement since the enemy remained the same, even if its color changed.

Through tough and bitter fighting, the National Socialist movement threw these destructive forces to the ground. Finally the National Socialist revolution triumphed in the entire Reich; here in Bavaria the old leaders were tossed out on 9 March [1933]. There are not many Red Internationalists left in Bavaria. The most dangerous are in Dachau.

We do not need to bother with those noble and bourgeois elements that look with hopeful but nervous hearts to plans to restore the Hapsburgs in Austria and something similar in Bavaria. These elements are old and insignificant.

Things are entirely different in the churches, particularly with the Catholic Church. We must unfortunately recognize that although the great majority of the lower-level clergy have come to loyally support the state, the higher-level clergy, most prominently several bishops, have taken nearly every opportunity to oppose the National Socialist state and our movement.

I say this today not only because I have the opportunity to speak to you gathered in this room. I mention it because of a report of a sermon at the end of May by the Bishop of Eichstätt, Dr. Michael Nackl at confirmation in Ingolstadt. The Bishop of Eichstätt said in a subtle, but unmistakable way that the Church had sole claim to the worldview education of baptized Catholic youth. He proclaimed the same right with regards to Catholic organizations. He was just as subtle but unmistakable in objecting to a ban of political activity on the part of priests. He said that the party’s slogan of the previous year, that the political revolution was over and that ‘the National Socialist movement’s worldview battle for people’s minds’ was an attack on the Church, on Catholic bishops, priests, indeed on Catholicism in general. He said that he had to speak the truth openly since he was German, loyal and honest.

I want to reply to the Bishop of Eichstätt in just as German a manner, just as loyally and honestly: If a worldview claims political power, that worldview must demonstrate its right to claim political power by its achievements. During its three years of total power in Germany, the National Socialist worldview has proven in Germany that its demand for total power was justified, and that it also has the right in the future to maintain this total demand for power. 99% of the German people approved of this [in the referendum] on 29 March. And the National Socialist worldview’s economic achievements of the past three years have proven that it was, and will remain worthy, to claim that total economic power. National Socialism’s total power in political and economic matters has lifted an oppressed, defeated, economically ruined people into a free, proud, and hard-working people.

If the National Socialist worldview further demands the totality of youth education, it is equally as justified, since the German youth has left behind the fragmentation under which it once suffered and is on the way to becoming a healthy, productive youth. We know that our youth is better off in the hands of the HJ and the BDM than in the hands of some sort of monastic institution which is today the subject of criminal investigation, the findings of which are a disgrace not only for the Church, but for the entire German people.

The laws of National Socialism are unalterable. The laws of the National Socialist worldview are the laws of the Third Reich. We require and demand that everyone respect these laws, even bishops. All the questions that the Bishop of Eichstätt mentions are clearly regulated. It is senseless to object.

We recommend putting the time to better use: keeping order, cleanliness, fear of God, and honesty in the ancient body of the Church and its institutions. The National Socialist worldview will follow its path, not resting until the German nation is once again great and splendid.

Our daily worship is go to our workplaces to build the German nation. And our daily prayer is work for the nation.
This demonstrates that the nαzι ideology is a contradiction to the Catholic Church.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on July 04, 2018, 09:51:35 AM
This demonstrates that the nαzι ideology is a contradiction to the Catholic Church.
It demonstrates that Bishops involved themselves in political matters, and thus came into conflict with the government of their country.  The Germans were preoccupied with the Bolsheviks both in and out of their country. 
They were harsh to those who impeded this end. They were right. Thanks to the allies, the communists won the war and now the whole of Europe and most of the world is a contradiction to the Catholic Church. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 05, 2018, 11:08:33 PM
It demonstrates that Bishops involved themselves in political matters, and thus came into conflict with the government of their country.  The Germans were preoccupied with the Bolsheviks both in and out of their country.
They were harsh to those who impeded this end. They were right. Thanks to the allies, the communists won the war and now the whole of Europe and most of the world is a contradiction to the Catholic Church.
When a political issue involves morality then the bishops have the obligation to speak up. Abortion for example,  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on July 05, 2018, 11:19:16 PM
When a political issue involves morality then the bishops have the obligation to speak up. Abortion for example,  
Wrong again. That would've been a breach of the Reichskonkordat.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 05, 2018, 11:28:01 PM
Wrong again. That would've been a breach of the Reichskonkordat.
Jesus told the apostles to preach the Gospel to all nations. He didn't say preach the Gospel to all the nations except Germany. When an issue involves faith and morals the bishops have the obligation to speak out. There is no "deal" or concordat that can do away with that obligation.   
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on July 06, 2018, 01:00:00 AM
Jesus told the apostles to preach the Gospel to all nations. He didn't say preach the Gospel to all the nations except Germany. When an issue involves faith and morals the bishops have the obligation to speak out. There is no "deal" or concordat that can do away with that obligation.  
You sound like a protestant. The clergy were not to involve themselves in politics as the Holy See agreed to.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 06, 2018, 02:31:08 AM
You sound like a protestant. The clergy were not to involve themselves in politics as the Holy See agreed to.
I join you in our joint opposition to the Church being involved in partisan politics. However it is the obligation of the Church to address issues relating to faith and morality.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 09, 2018, 07:53:02 PM
This is a timely podcast and confirms what I've been saying.

Pius XI was addressing in his encyclical those that were self claimed National Socialist's that were imposing individual ideals that were never officially endorsed by the party or government. I suspect Pius XI knew this, hence not mentioning the NSDAP by name because he knew it was not official policy. This would also solve the issue on why he endorsed Hitler and the NSDAP and told the Catholic Center party to stand down after the NSDAP won the election and agreed to the concordant. We still don't know the authenticity of the encyclical, but that still leaves the issue of enemies within the clergy who were flat out aiding and abetting the Communists, as they were ones themselves, that people like Poche just flat out refuse to address.

So, this senseless back and forth with Poche is defused by simply understanding the mechanics of what was going on leading up to the war. The outbreak of the war forced Hitler to prioritized winning a war against anti Christian Masonic hordes and then deal with the dissent of those that were pushing ideals that he himself never promulgated later when the war was won. You have to understand, Hitler was juggling Catholics and Protestants, trying to defeat the Marxist's who were hell bent on destroying Europe. It's easy to call make pot shots from the "citadel" of the Church. 

Hitler did not create the religious dissent between Catholic and Protestants, nor the diverging opinions of the German people on how the Church should function within the nation. That was something he inherited that was in part the doings of the Church itself. 

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 09, 2018, 11:01:38 PM
This is a timely podcast and confirms what I've been saying.

Pius XI was addressing in his encyclical those that were self claimed National Socialist's that were imposing individual ideals that were never officially endorsed by the party or government. I suspect Pius XI knew this, hence not mentioning the NSDAP by name because he knew it was not official policy. This would also solve the issue on why he endorsed Hitler and the NSDAP and told the Catholic Center party to stand down after the NSDAP won the election and agreed to the concordant. We still don't know the authenticity of the encyclical, but that still leaves the issue of enemies within the clergy who were flat out aiding and abetting the Communists, as they were ones themselves, that people like Poche just flat out refuse to address.

So, this senseless back and forth with Poche is defused by simply understanding the mechanics of what was going on leading up to the war. The outbreak of the war forced Hitler to prioritized winning a war against anti Christian Masonic hordes and then deal with the dissent of those that were pushing ideals that he himself never promulgated later when the war was won. You have to understand, Hitler was juggling Catholics and Protestants, trying to defeat the Marxist's who were hell bent on destroying Europe. It's easy to call make pot shots from the "citadel" of the Church.

Hitler did not create the religious dissent between Catholic and Protestants, nor the diverging opinions of the German people on how the Church should function within the nation. That was something he inherited that was in part the doings of the Church itself.
The encyclical was authentic. The National Socialist philosophy is a contradiction to what the Catholic Church teaches. Marxism is evil but it is not the only evil philosophy. National Socialism is also evil. It is not they themselves that are evilbut their philosophy that is evil. What Pope Pius XI had to say is true then and it is true today. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on July 09, 2018, 11:40:47 PM
The encyclical was authentic. The National Socialist philosophy is a contradiction to what the Catholic Church teaches. Marxism is evil but it is not the only evil philosophy. National Socialism is also evil. It is not they themselves that are evilbut their philosophy that is evil. What Pope Pius XI had to say is true then and it is true today.
The encyclical never mentions National Socialism you clueless fool.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 10, 2018, 02:45:49 AM
The encyclical never mentions National Socialism you clueless fool.
It describes their behavior.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 20, 2018, 11:59:07 AM
Fantastic explanation of what seems to be eluding some on this thread.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 21, 2018, 04:04:47 AM
Fantastic explanation of what seems to be eluding some on this thread.
They are all still a contradiction to the Catholic Faith.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on July 21, 2018, 03:22:00 PM
They are all still a contradiction to the Catholic Faith.
So is conciliarism, yet that does not bother you. Most of its teaching has been the object of condemnation by the true Church but you are not here defending the Catholic faith against the interloper.  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 21, 2018, 11:18:48 PM
So is conciliarism, yet that does not bother you. Most of its teaching has been the object of condemnation by the true Church but you are not here defending the Catholic faith against the interloper.  
I am defending the Catholic Faith against those interlopers who seem to think that Hitler was some kind of defender of Catholic civilization when in fact he was not. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on July 22, 2018, 11:23:56 AM
I am defending the Catholic Faith against those interlopers who seem to think that Hitler was some kind of defender of Catholic civilization when in fact he was not.
Hitler lost the cause that he was fighting for, and now look at what formerly Christian Europe looks like, A degenerate Jєωιѕн multicultural sewer where the Church has been thoroughly emasculated and reduced to an object of ridicule and scorn, with more than half of the clergy either homo or worldly SJW.  The actual history is dead set against you, as it is provable that National Socialism contained a great deal that was based upon Christian principles, and like it or not they fought to preserve Christian Europe against the Freemasons, the Jєωs, and the Jєωιѕн communists who are now our rulers and dictate to the Catholic Church.  Hitler and the National socialists were right!
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: klasG4e on July 22, 2018, 03:18:19 PM
Hitler lost the cause that he was fighting for, and now look at what formerly Christian Europe looks like, A degenerate Jєωιѕн multicultural sewer where the Church has been thoroughly emasculated and reduced to an object of ridicule and scorn, with more than half of the clergy either homo or worldly SJW.  The actual history is dead set against you, as it is provable that National Socialism contained a great deal that was based upon Christian principles, and like it or not they fought to preserve Christian Europe against the Freemasons, the Jєωs, and the Jєωιѕн communists who are now our rulers and dictate to the Catholic Church.  Hitler and the National socialists were right!

Hitler was not a practicing Catholic nor was he an "instaurare omnia in Christo" type of guy (as if the two could be separated).  For a Catholic he was the obvious lesser of two evils and I would add the much lesser.  He accomplished a great amount of good in overcoming and replacing a great amount of evil.  There can be no denying that.  That said, let us never forget the uncompromising words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: "He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth."  Matt. 12:30

Finally, it should be said that as far as we know, Hitler may be in purgatory or even in heaven at this very moment.  I personally don't tend to believe he is in either, but that is quite irrelevant.  Between the squeeze of a trigger (if indeed that narrative is true as relates to Hitler's demise) and death God can suspend or prolong time to offer His mercy if the person chooses to truly repent.  It is in God's hands, not ours.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Cera on July 22, 2018, 08:54:38 PM
I am defending the Catholic Faith against those interlopers who seem to think that Hitler was some kind of defender of Catholic civilization when in fact he was not.
God bless you Poche! :applause:
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on July 22, 2018, 09:11:22 PM
God bless you Poche! :applause:
Poche is actually right for once.

National Socialism is not a good ideology, but neither were the Allied Powers good in the War. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 22, 2018, 11:43:15 PM
Poche is actually right for once.

National Socialism is not a good ideology, but neither were the Allied Powers good in the War.
At least the Western half of the allied powers did not persecute the Church.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 23, 2018, 01:54:16 PM
Poche is actually right for once.

National Socialism is not a good ideology, but neither were the Allied Powers good in the War.
Poche was wrong as soon as he got out of bed this morning....
Explain what the official NSDAP ideology was.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 23, 2018, 01:55:44 PM
It describes their behavior.
It doesn't work that way. In order for Pius XI to be precise, he has to mention who he is talking about officially, not some charlatan like yourself.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 23, 2018, 01:56:25 PM
At least the Western half of the allied powers did not persecute the Church.
Are you joking?!?
You are myopic.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 23, 2018, 01:58:23 PM
Hitler lost the cause that he was fighting for, and now look at what formerly Christian Europe looks like, A degenerate Jєωιѕн multicultural sewer where the Church has been thoroughly emasculated and reduced to an object of ridicule and scorn, with more than half of the clergy either homo or worldly SJW.  The actual history is dead set against you, as it is provable that National Socialism contained a great deal that was based upon Christian principles, and like it or not they fought to preserve Christian Europe against the Freemasons, the Jєωs, and the Jєωιѕн communists who are now our rulers and dictate to the Catholic Church.  Hitler and the National socialists were right!
Quite right.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 23, 2018, 01:58:49 PM
They are all still a contradiction to the Catholic Faith.
Did you actually watch it?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on July 23, 2018, 03:53:51 PM
At least the Western half of the allied powers did not persecute the Church.
Tell that to the hundreds of Church's, monasteries, convents, and religious houses that were bombed by the allies in all countries during the war many times the first things that they bombed and were considered targets of opportunity.
And the half of the German populace that was captured, starved, incinerated or otherwise murdered by them.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Nadir on July 23, 2018, 06:10:06 PM

There are none so blind as those who will not see.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 23, 2018, 10:45:03 PM
It doesn't work that way. In order for Pius XI to be precise, he has to mention who he is talking about officially, not some charlatan like yourself.
That is not true. When the Pope writes an encyclical he doesn't necessarily have to name names. That way the timelessness of what hes says comes through. When he condemned the racial policies of the nαzι government what he said about the issue doesn't just apply to them. It also applies to us also.  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 23, 2018, 10:46:17 PM
Are you joking?!?
You are myopic.
I am speaking the truth.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 23, 2018, 10:47:29 PM
Tell that to the hundreds of Church's, monasteries, convents, and religious houses that were bombed by the allies in all countries during the war many times the first things that they bombed and were considered targets of opportunity.
And the half of the German populace that was captured, starved, incinerated or otherwise murdered by them.
If Hitler hadn't started this war by invading Poland then there would have been no allied bombings.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on July 24, 2018, 09:17:30 AM
If Hitler hadn't started this war by invading Poland then there would have been no allied bombings.
Are we back here again with the falsehoods about Poland?  Hitler tried repeatedly to settle with the Poles to address the Jєωιѕн directed inequities of Versailles. He was refused time after time and the mistreatment of Germans living in the Poland of the treaty was increased to an intolerable level. He therefore did what he had to do, but he was unfortunately manuvered into invading by the Poles and the British so the could go to war against Germany whom Britain saw as their main competitor in the world.  Get your facts straight.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 24, 2018, 01:20:00 PM
That is not true. When the Pope writes an encyclical he doesn't necessarily have to name names. That way the timelessness of what hes says comes through. When he condemned the racial policies of the nαzι government what he said about the issue doesn't just apply to them. It also applies to us also.  
In this case, you're wrong. Pius XI did not describe official NSDAP policy, but those within it that attempted to go a direction that the government policy never endorsed. Nothing more. 
Think about it. The NSDAP policy was spelled out by 1933 when the Vatican backed there rise to power. Nothing changed between then and 1938. Just like there were those that were amongst the clergy prior to Vatican II that claimed to be Catholic that the Church warned about that was never Church policy, such as what Pius XI wrote about in Mortalium Animos. 
You are just flat out wrong about this Poche. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 24, 2018, 01:31:39 PM
I am speaking the truth.
The hell you are. You are spewing falsities. 
Do you really think the Vatican would have granted Hitler's request to have the robe of Christ sent back to it's rightful home in Trier, Germany for veneration by the faithful if he was an enemy? Please.....
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 24, 2018, 01:36:05 PM
If Hitler hadn't started this war by invading Poland then there would have been no allied bombings.
Hitler started this?!?! My goodness, have you lost your mind? I and others have provided mountains of evidence of what triggered the war. Hint: it's the same ones that infiltrated the Church. 
The PM's I receive about your obstinance have proven to be accurate.....
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 24, 2018, 10:59:48 PM
In this case, you're wrong. Pius XI did not describe official NSDAP policy, but those within it that attempted to go a direction that the government policy never endorsed. Nothing more.
Think about it. The NSDAP policy was spelled out by 1933 when the Vatican backed there rise to power. Nothing changed between then and 1938. Just like there were those that were amongst the clergy prior to Vatican II that claimed to be Catholic that the Church warned about that was never Church policy, such as what Pius XI wrote about in Mortalium Animos.
You are just flat out wrong about this Poche.
He described their behavior and in this case everybody understood who and what he was talking about. Pope Pius XI ordered that this encyclical be read in every parish at the same time on Palm Sunday 1938. The very next da possession of this encyclical in Germany was a crime.  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: OHCA on July 26, 2018, 09:39:17 PM
Praising the nαzι ideology? Poche, nαzιsm is tribalistic paganism that extols race and distorts the Catholic faith for evil motives. It's about as Catholic as a Buddhist temple.

The only thing to praise Adolf Hitler for is that he died, and not naturally.

If we're going to start praising every non-Catholic hoohah in the room simply because of its perceived anti-Judaism, then what's the next thread?

"Allah is God and Muhammad is his messenger"?
Liberal Poche & Neo-Con JezusDeKoning
A pair of zionist NWO tools infighting over the best way to perpetuate h0Ɩ0h0αxery.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on July 26, 2018, 09:48:44 PM
Liberal Poche & Neo-Con JezusDeKoning
A pair of zionist NWO tools infighting over the best way to perpetuate h0Ɩ0h0αxery.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: OHCA on July 26, 2018, 09:50:26 PM
Hitler started this?!?! My goodness, have you lost your mind? I and others have provided mountains of evidence of what triggered the war. Hint: it's the same ones that infiltrated the Church.
The PM's I receive about your obstinance have proven to be accurate.....
Evidence means absolutely nothing to Poche.  He just keeps repeating his mushy flower-child brand of liberalism supporting Jєωry, race-mixing, new church, etc. :barf: 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: St Ignatius on July 26, 2018, 09:58:22 PM
OHCA, good to see posting again to slap around poche, HE'S out of control... as usual...  :fryingpan:
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on July 26, 2018, 10:05:44 PM
OHCA, good to see posting again to slap around poche, HE'S out of control... as usual...  :fryingpan:
They say a broken clock is right twice a day... Poche's been right maybe twice ever. Seriously, he'll have that one moment of clarity once a millennium. But other than that, he's obnoxiously liberal.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: St Ignatius on July 26, 2018, 10:15:38 PM
They say a broken clock is right twice a day... Poche's been right maybe twice ever. Seriously, he'll have that one moment of clarity once a millennium. But other than that, he's obnoxiously liberal.
I missed something... when was he right?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on July 26, 2018, 10:21:39 PM
I missed something... when was he right?
Poche: "I think we should focus our attention on Jesus, who is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.
( ( ("

The ONE correct thing he has ever said. Ever. One. He espoused Catholic truth for the first time in his life.

But then he blasphemed and called the Holy Family illegal immigrants.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 26, 2018, 11:01:50 PM
I just want to point out to you that all of this applause of the nαzι ideology and regime is a contradiction to the thinking of Pope St Pius X. It was condemned by Pope Pius XI. And the late Archbishop Lefebvre's father was a prisoner of the Germans curing the German occupation.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on July 26, 2018, 11:08:11 PM
I just want to point out to you that all of this applause of the nαzι ideology and regime is a contradiction to the thinking of Pope St Pius X. It was condemned by Pope Pius XI. And the late Archbishop Lefebvre's father was a prisoner of the Germans curing the German occupation.
You repeat the same point about either Pope Pius XI or Mit Brennender Sorge every three days. Come on, be original.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 27, 2018, 04:19:10 AM
You repeat the same point about either Pope Pius XI or Mit Brennender Sorge every three days. Come on, be original.
I also included Pope St Pius X and Archbishop Lefebvre. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 29, 2018, 09:22:33 PM
If Hitler hadn't started this war by invading Poland then there would have been no allied bombings.
I want to further address the totally asinine and idiotic comment made here. 
Polish leader Marshal Jozef Pilsudski had been on good terms with Hitler. Pilsudski had actually congratulated Hitler on winning the 1933 elections, and the German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact was signed just 10 months afterwards. Not surprisingly, the Polish Communist Party denounced Pilsudski as a “fascist and a capitalist”.
According to the Non-Aggression Pact, both countries pledge to resolve their problems through negotiations, not armed conflict. 
Just before his death, Pilsudski re-emphasized that Poland should maintain neutral relations with Germany.
The popular Marshal will eventually be succeeded by the pompous warmonger, Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly. Pilsudski’s death, and Smigly’s rise, will prove to be great setbacks for Germany - facts which Hitler will reiterate during the closing weeks of World War II.
Here is Hitler attending Pilsudski's funeral.
In March of 1938, Poland’s Marshal Rydz-Smigly issues an ultimatum to the tiny Baltic State of Lithuania. Lithuania had refused to have diplomatic relations with Poland after 1920, protesting the annexation of the Vilnius Region by the new Polish state. The ultimatum demands that Lithuania unconditionally agree to establish diplomatic ties with Poland within 48 hours. The establishment of diplomatic relations would mean a renunciation of Lithuanian claims to the region containing its historic capital, Vilnius.
Tiny Lithuania, preferring peace to war, accepts bully-boy Smigly's ultimatum and conditions. Had Lithuania stood firm, it's quite possible that Stalin would have used the ensuing war as pretext to take the Baltic States (which he eventually will in 1940) and start the 2nd Polish-Soviet war. Such is the recklessness of Marshal Rydz-Smigly of Poland. Many in the "democratic" West, including the New York Times, express dismay over Poland's militaristic bullying of Lithuania; a development deemed so dangerous that it causes jitters among Wall Street investors.
In October of 1938, the Polish regime continues its aggressive foreign policy by taking advantage of the Sudetenland Crisis and demanding a portion of Zaolzie and some other smaller Czech areas. The Czechs are powerless to stop the forced annexations.
The Polish Army annexes areas with a population of 227,399 people. Again, the "democratic" West shakes its head in dismay, but has to hold its nose and bite its tongue because it was understood that the fool Rydz-Smigly and his gang would be needed for bigger things; namely, picking a fight with Hitler’s Germany.
In 1939, the “free city” of Danzig is 95% German. Along with its surrounding German area of East Prussia, Danzig was isolated from the German mainland by the Versailles Treaty. Formerly German territory now belongs to Poland, cutting right through the Prussian/Pomeranian region of Germany. As had been the case with Germans stranded in Czechoslovakia, the Germans in Poland (those not brutally expelled in 1919) are a persecuted minority.
Throughout all of 1939, Hitler tries to solve the problem of the "Polish Corridor” peacefully. He proposes that the people living in Danzig and the “corridor” be permitted to vote in a referendum to decide their status. If the region returns to German sovereignty, Poland will be given a 1 mile wide path, running through Germany to the Baltic Sea so that it would not be landlocked.
The Polish military dictatorship of Edward Rydz-Smigly and friends is urged by Britain and, from behind the scenes and across the ocean, Roosevelt, to not make any deals with Germany. (20) When it becomes apparent to Hitler that Poland will not allow a referendum, he then proposes another solution – international control of the formerly German regions. This sensible offer is also ignored. The Globalists intend to use foolish Poland as the match which ignites World War II.
Side bar: In May 1939, the warmongering faction of Great Britain continues to press for war with Germany. The hawks are openly threatening to dump Neville Chamberlain if he refuses to deliver. (21) Having failed to ignite the war in Czechoslovakia, the warmonger’s “Plan B’ is to draw Stalin into a war alliance with Britain and France; and to then use Poland to start a war with Germany. After Poland picks the fight, the western allies will attack Germany from the west as the Soviets advance from the east; an exact replay of how they imposed a two-front war on Germany 25 years ago.
Britain assures Stalin that in case of war, the USSR would not be expected to join until the British and French are in it first. But Stalin is hesitant to join the alliance at this time because he has plans of his own. Hitler is well aware of the plots being cooked up against Germany. While the British openly court Stalin, Germany reaches out to Pope Pius XII – quite a contrast! The Vatican offers to mediate an international conference between Germany, Poland and the western powers. Germany and Italy are all in, but Britain refuses the Vatican’s offer.

I continue. On August 25th, 1939, the Polish-British Common Defense Pact contains promises of British military assistance in the event that Poland is attacked by another European country. This builds upon a previous agreement (March 1939) between the two countries, and also France, by specifically committing to military action in the event of an attack.
With this agreement, Zionist-Globalist forces in the UK have trapped the reluctant Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, as well as France. All that is left to do now is for Polish-Jєωιѕн border thugs, under the protection of Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly, to deliberately provoke Germany into action and get the war started. On the nights of August 25 to August 31 inclusive, there occur many violent attacks on German civilians as well as German officials and property.
"German men and women were hunted like wild beasts through the streets of Bromberg. When they were caught, they were mutilated and torn to pieces by the Polish mob. . . . Every day the butchery increased. . . . Thousands of Germans fled from their homes in Poland with nothing more than the clothes that they wore.. On the nights of August 25 to August 31 inclusive, there occurred, besides innumerable attacks on civilians of German blood, 44 perfectly authenticated acts of armed violence against German official persons and property."-William Joyce, Irish defector to Germany
On August 31st, 1939, overestimating their strength, underestimating German strength, and believing that France and the UK would now back him, Marshal Smigly allows Polish-Jєωιѕн partisan terrorists to cross the border and attack a German radio station in Germany. It is actually the latest in a string of deliberate border instigations against Germany.
The "Poles" then broadcast a message (in Polish) urging others to take up arms and start killing Germans. German police quickly arrive and retake the station, killing one of the Red terrorists. Jєωιѕн Red terrorists, their Polish government protectors, and their Globalist-Zionist masters have picked a fight with Germany!
Modern fake historians claim that the Gleiwitz incident was staged by Germans dressed as Polish terrorists. But as is the case with the Reichstag Fire conspiracy theory, they offer no evidence to support this oft-repeated lie, (beyond a forced “confession” obtained after the war) to support this theory – a theory that ignores the outrageous and repeated pattern of provocations directed at Hitler's Germany ever since 1933, the numerous border incidents, and also Hitler’s sincere attempts to negotiate a fair resolution to the Corridor and Danzig controversies.
"I lived in Germany during the 1980's when many people who lived during the war were still alive. I sought out anyone who lived near Poland in 1939 and was lucky enough to meet several people. One was a customs official who said it was so bad on the border they were armed and also had grenades in their office ready for attacks. Another told me his farm animals were often stolen by Polish (Jєωιѕн?) terrorists. Another told of his niece being raped by a Pole (Jєω?) who crossed the border. He told me in 1940 they caught the man and showed me a copy of the death order signed by Heydrich, in which he ordered the man be put to death.

This is just one of many stories told to me by German civilians who witnessed these border incursions just like had happened in 1919-1928. One thing many people fail to see is that Poland openly attacked Germany right after World War I, which led to many border battles. Once Germany started pressing Poland to work out a solution to the corridor, the attacks started again. And one thing that is clear to me is that Germany did not make up these attacks." - George H. Ohio, USA
I will post more when time permits, but this shows the total buffoonery of Poche.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: St Ignatius on July 29, 2018, 10:32:29 PM
I will post more when time permits, but this shows the total buffoonery of Poche.
Thank you for the time that you do invest on this forum on this important issue... I don't believe that it'll persuade poche one iota, but there are others who don't quite grasp the truth and find themselves easily agreeing with poche with his nonsensical lies!
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 29, 2018, 11:12:42 PM
I want to further address the totally asinine and idiotic comment made here.
Polish leader Marshal Jozef Pilsudski had been on good terms with Hitler. Pilsudski had actually congratulated Hitler on winning the 1933 elections, and the German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact was signed just 10 months afterwards. Not surprisingly, the Polish Communist Party denounced Pilsudski as a “fascist and a capitalist”.
According to the Non-Aggression Pact, both countries pledge to resolve their problems through negotiations, not armed conflict.
Just before his death, Pilsudski re-emphasized that Poland should maintain neutral relations with Germany.
The popular Marshal will eventually be succeeded by the pompous warmonger, Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly. Pilsudski’s death, and Smigly’s rise, will prove to be great setbacks for Germany - facts which Hitler will reiterate during the closing weeks of World War II.
Here is Hitler attending Pilsudski's funeral.
In March of 1938, Poland’s Marshal Rydz-Smigly issues an ultimatum to the tiny Baltic State of Lithuania. Lithuania had refused to have diplomatic relations with Poland after 1920, protesting the annexation of the Vilnius Region by the new Polish state. The ultimatum demands that Lithuania unconditionally agree to establish diplomatic ties with Poland within 48 hours. The establishment of diplomatic relations would mean a renunciation of Lithuanian claims to the region containing its historic capital, Vilnius.
Tiny Lithuania, preferring peace to war, accepts bully-boy Smigly's ultimatum and conditions. Had Lithuania stood firm, it's quite possible that Stalin would have used the ensuing war as pretext to take the Baltic States (which he eventually will in 1940) and start the 2nd Polish-Soviet war. Such is the recklessness of Marshal Rydz-Smigly of Poland. Many in the "democratic" West, including the New York Times, express dismay over Poland's militaristic bullying of Lithuania; a development deemed so dangerous that it causes jitters among Wall Street investors.
In October of 1938, the Polish regime continues its aggressive foreign policy by taking advantage of the Sudetenland Crisis and demanding a portion of Zaolzie and some other smaller Czech areas. The Czechs are powerless to stop the forced annexations.
The Polish Army annexes areas with a population of 227,399 people. Again, the "democratic" West shakes its head in dismay, but has to hold its nose and bite its tongue because it was understood that the fool Rydz-Smigly and his gang would be needed for bigger things; namely, picking a fight with Hitler’s Germany.
In 1939, the “free city” of Danzig is 95% German. Along with its surrounding German area of East Prussia, Danzig was isolated from the German mainland by the Versailles Treaty. Formerly German territory now belongs to Poland, cutting right through the Prussian/Pomeranian region of Germany. As had been the case with Germans stranded in Czechoslovakia, the Germans in Poland (those not brutally expelled in 1919) are a persecuted minority.
Throughout all of 1939, Hitler tries to solve the problem of the "Polish Corridor” peacefully. He proposes that the people living in Danzig and the “corridor” be permitted to vote in a referendum to decide their status. If the region returns to German sovereignty, Poland will be given a 1 mile wide path, running through Germany to the Baltic Sea so that it would not be landlocked.
The Polish military dictatorship of Edward Rydz-Smigly and friends is urged by Britain and, from behind the scenes and across the ocean, Roosevelt, to not make any deals with Germany. (20) When it becomes apparent to Hitler that Poland will not allow a referendum, he then proposes another solution – international control of the formerly German regions. This sensible offer is also ignored. The Globalists intend to use foolish Poland as the match which ignites World War II.
Side bar: In May 1939, the warmongering faction of Great Britain continues to press for war with Germany. The hawks are openly threatening to dump Neville Chamberlain if he refuses to deliver. (21) Having failed to ignite the war in Czechoslovakia, the warmonger’s “Plan B’ is to draw Stalin into a war alliance with Britain and France; and to then use Poland to start a war with Germany. After Poland picks the fight, the western allies will attack Germany from the west as the Soviets advance from the east; an exact replay of how they imposed a two-front war on Germany 25 years ago.
Britain assures Stalin that in case of war, the USSR would not be expected to join until the British and French are in it first. But Stalin is hesitant to join the alliance at this time because he has plans of his own. Hitler is well aware of the plots being cooked up against Germany. While the British openly court Stalin, Germany reaches out to Pope Pius XII – quite a contrast! The Vatican offers to mediate an international conference between Germany, Poland and the western powers. Germany and Italy are all in, but Britain refuses the Vatican’s offer.

I continue. On August 25th, 1939, the Polish-British Common Defense Pact contains promises of British military assistance in the event that Poland is attacked by another European country. This builds upon a previous agreement (March 1939) between the two countries, and also France, by specifically committing to military action in the event of an attack.
With this agreement, Zionist-Globalist forces in the UK have trapped the reluctant Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, as well as France. All that is left to do now is for Polish-Jєωιѕн border thugs, under the protection of Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly, to deliberately provoke Germany into action and get the war started. On the nights of August 25 to August 31 inclusive, there occur many violent attacks on German civilians as well as German officials and property.
"German men and women were hunted like wild beasts through the streets of Bromberg. When they were caught, they were mutilated and torn to pieces by the Polish mob. . . . Every day the butchery increased. . . . Thousands of Germans fled from their homes in Poland with nothing more than the clothes that they wore.. On the nights of August 25 to August 31 inclusive, there occurred, besides innumerable attacks on civilians of German blood, 44 perfectly authenticated acts of armed violence against German official persons and property."-William Joyce, Irish defector to Germany
On August 31st, 1939, overestimating their strength, underestimating German strength, and believing that France and the UK would now back him, Marshal Smigly allows Polish-Jєωιѕн partisan terrorists to cross the border and attack a German radio station in Germany. It is actually the latest in a string of deliberate border instigations against Germany.
The "Poles" then broadcast a message (in Polish) urging others to take up arms and start killing Germans. German police quickly arrive and retake the station, killing one of the Red terrorists. Jєωιѕн Red terrorists, their Polish government protectors, and their Globalist-Zionist masters have picked a fight with Germany!
Modern fake historians claim that the Gleiwitz incident was staged by Germans dressed as Polish terrorists. But as is the case with the Reichstag Fire conspiracy theory, they offer no evidence to support this oft-repeated lie, (beyond a forced “confession” obtained after the war) to support this theory – a theory that ignores the outrageous and repeated pattern of provocations directed at Hitler's Germany ever since 1933, the numerous border incidents, and also Hitler’s sincere attempts to negotiate a fair resolution to the Corridor and Danzig controversies.
"I lived in Germany during the 1980's when many people who lived during the war were still alive. I sought out anyone who lived near Poland in 1939 and was lucky enough to meet several people. One was a customs official who said it was so bad on the border they were armed and also had grenades in their office ready for attacks. Another told me his farm animals were often stolen by Polish (Jєωιѕн?) terrorists. Another told of his niece being raped by a Pole (Jєω?) who crossed the border. He told me in 1940 they caught the man and showed me a copy of the death order signed by Heydrich, in which he ordered the man be put to death.

This is just one of many stories told to me by German civilians who witnessed these border incursions just like had happened in 1919-1928. One thing many people fail to see is that Poland openly attacked Germany right after World War I, which led to many border battles. Once Germany started pressing Poland to work out a solution to the corridor, the attacks started again. And one thing that is clear to me is that Germany did not make up these attacks." - George H. Ohio, USA
I will post more when time permits, but this shows the total buffoonery of Poche.
If the countries pledged to solve their differences by negotiations rather than by armed conflict then obviously Hitler was lying or he changed his mind. In any event it was Germany that invaded Poland.  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 29, 2018, 11:19:55 PM
Thank you for the time that you do invest on this forum on this important issue... I don't believe that it'll persuade poche one iota, but there are others who don't quite grasp the truth and find themselves easily agreeing with poche with his nonsensical lies!
My intent is not persuade Poche. He is beyond reason. It's for the benefit of those looking in and see the lack of substance in his responses.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 29, 2018, 11:22:31 PM
If the countries pledged to solve their differences by negotiations rather than by armed conflict then obviously Hitler was lying or he changed his mind. In any event it was Germany that invaded Poland.  
Again with the idiocy. Hitler is supposed to wait until all the Germans behind the Polish border are murdered under a new Communistic regime that took over AFTER the agreement?
Thank God that morons like you weren't calling the shots when the Holy Crusades were declared to rescue the dying Catholics in the Holy Lands.....
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 30, 2018, 03:26:27 AM
Again with the idiocy. Hitler is supposed to wait until all the Germans behind the Polish border are murdered under a new Communistic regime that took over AFTER the agreement?
Thank God that morons like you weren't calling the shots when the Holy Crusades were declared to rescue the dying Catholics in the Holy Lands.....
If the Polish regime was such a Communistic regime then how was it that Hitler invaded in collusion with the Communist Soviet Union?  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on July 30, 2018, 08:52:11 AM
If the Polish regime was such a Communistic regime then how was it that Hitler invaded in collusion with the Communist Soviet Union?  
Poche, you know nothing about actual history, you have simply absorbed a lot of false Jєωιѕн narratives.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 30, 2018, 08:54:26 AM
Poche, you know nothing about actual history, you have simply absorbed a lot of false Jєωιѕн narratives.
It wasn't a false Jєωιѕн narrative. The Soviet Union invaded in the east and Germany invaded from the west. The Soviet Union also absorbed Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.     
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on July 30, 2018, 09:40:30 AM
It wasn't a false Jєωιѕн narrative. The Soviet Union invaded in the east and Germany invaded from the west. The Soviet Union also absorbed Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.    
Germany was interested in giving relief to ethnic German who were being abused and murdered by Poles.  There were numerous efforts to negotiate a settlement with the Poles but they outright refused because they had British guarantees if the got into trouble. The British wanted war, and they got it by using the Poles, and they said nothing about the Soviet bolsheviks invasion.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 30, 2018, 09:46:46 AM
If the Polish regime was such a Communistic regime then how was it that Hitler invaded in collusion with the Communist Soviet Union?  
At the risk of having another denial of what I've posted, or ignoring it, and getting in return the comment of blah, blah, blah, Mit Brennender Sorge, I will ask that you first address the murder of Germans by the Poles in the former German land that Poland was given in the aftermath of WWI.

Were Germans being murdered by Poles leading up to the war? Did not Germany plead repeatedly for a solution only to have Poland not just ignore them, but mobilized their forces? What do have to say about all those Germans being murdered for racial reasons?
Did Poland invade Czechoslovakia and take their land and imprison people in violation of the treaty before the war? What do you have to say about that?

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 30, 2018, 09:50:05 AM
It wasn't a false Jєωιѕн narrative. The Soviet Union invaded in the east and Germany invaded from the west. The Soviet Union also absorbed Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.    
Who cares what they did. We are not speaking of them. Everyone knows the vile actions of the Soviets. What does that have to do with Germany? 
The Germans only took back what was theirs before Versailles. It was wrongfully taken from them and cost many Germans their lives at the hands of the Poles. Address that.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 30, 2018, 11:56:23 AM
Who cares what they did. We are not speaking of them. Everyone knows the vile actions of the Soviets. What does that have to do with Germany?
The Germans only took back what was theirs before Versailles. It was wrongfully taken from them and cost many Germans their lives at the hands of the Poles. Address that.
In the interest of truth it should be noted that Germany and the communist Soviet Union were allied in their invasion. Germany invaded Poland from the west while the communist Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east. They also invaded Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania.  
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 30, 2018, 12:06:31 PM
In the interest of truth it should be noted that Germany and the communist Soviet Union were allied in their invasion. Germany invaded Poland from the west while the communist Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east. They also invaded Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania.  
In the interest of truth, answer the damn question.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: GottmitunsAlex on July 30, 2018, 12:50:46 PM
In the interest of truth, answer the damn question.
He and many other liberals will not answer coherent questions objectively. Why? Because when it comes to facts, they cannot compute. Just change the subject.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 30, 2018, 01:29:14 PM
He and many other liberals will not answer coherent questions objectively. Why? Because when it comes to facts, they cannot compute. Just change the subject.
I understand. The purpose was to further demonstrate the contemptible and diseased state of the liberal mind for others to see. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on July 30, 2018, 09:02:12 PM
Poche's Heroes:

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 30, 2018, 10:27:30 PM
In the interest of truth, answer the damn question.
49 years of persecution of the Catholic Church in Lithuania because of the unholy alliance between Stalin (aka communist big shot) and Hitler 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 31, 2018, 08:30:28 AM
49 years of persecution of the Catholic Church in Lithuania because of the unholy alliance between Stalin (aka communist big shot) and Hitler
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on July 31, 2018, 08:54:39 AM
Poche's Heroes:

The Twentieth Century Triumpharate of Mass Murderer
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on July 31, 2018, 08:58:32 AM
49 years of persecution of the Catholic Church in Lithuania because of the unholy alliance between Stalin (aka communist big shot) and Hitler

What fan fiction do you live in where Stalin and Hitler had an alliance?! The USSR had a non-aggression pact signed in 1939 to avoid them getting the piss beaten out of them by nαzι Germany, and that still happened.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on July 31, 2018, 12:06:03 PM

What fan fiction do you live in where Stalin and Hitler had an alliance?! The USSR had a non-aggression pact signed in 1939 to avoid them getting the piss beaten out of them by nαzι Germany, and that still happened.
Precisely. A non aggression pact is not the same as an alliance. And we have the benefit of historical hindsight through discovery that Hitler made the pact to keep the Soviets at bay while he dealt with the issue on the Western front. It was a brilliant move. Stalin wanted Germany, France and Britain to wipe each other out or least weaken each other so he could then invade from the East and take all of Europe. We know now from Russian archives that Stalin was approx 10 days away from invading from the East when Operation Barbarossa was launched. It proved that Hitler was right all along about Stalin's intentions and Hitler made the right move. Keep in mind that the USA was supplying the Soviets for the invasion in the East as early as 1939 before the USA was ever in the war, unbeknownst to the American people. It was a clear violation of US law and a betrayal of the promises FDR made to Americans and congress.
As is usually the case, Poche will not address the issue of Germans being murdered by Poles behind the border before the war and Poland invading Czechoslovakia, in clear violation of the international law at the time.
At the this point, I am fairly certain that Poche is either Polish himself or hails from some other Eastern European country and therefore lets his emotions and the tripe that has been served up as truth cloud his ability to grasp the realities of what really happened. In fairness, he is no different from all the other brain washed effeminate gits out there that will not allow truth to get in the way of the narrative that they want to believe.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 31, 2018, 10:41:46 PM

What fan fiction do you live in where Stalin and Hitler had an alliance?! The USSR had a non-aggression pact signed in 1939 to avoid them getting the piss beaten out of them by nαzι Germany, and that still happened.
A non-aggression pact which involved them jointly invading Poland, and the Soviet Union also invading Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland. The invasion of Finland failed because the Finns fought back and the Soviet Union had overextended itself. The Soviet Union continued with its occupation of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania for over 40 years.     
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on July 31, 2018, 10:42:36 PM
Precisely. A non aggression pact is not the same as an alliance. And we have the benefit of historical hindsight through discovery that Hitler made the pact to keep the Soviets at bay while he dealt with the issue on the Western front. It was a brilliant move. Stalin wanted Germany, France and Britain to wipe each other out or least weaken each other so he could then invade from the East and take all of Europe. We know now from Russian archives that Stalin was approx 10 days away from invading from the East when Operation Barbarossa was launched. It proved that Hitler was right all along about Stalin's intentions and Hitler made the right move. Keep in mind that the USA was supplying the Soviets for the invasion in the East as early as 1939 before the USA was ever in the war, unbeknownst to the American people. It was a clear violation of US law and a betrayal of the promises FDR made to Americans and congress.
As is usually the case, Poche will not address the issue of Germans being murdered by Poles behind the border before the war and Poland invading Czechoslovakia, in clear violation of the international law at the time.
At the this point, I am fairly certain that Poche is either Polish himself or hails from some other Eastern European country and therefore lets his emotions and the tripe that has been served up as truth cloud his ability to grasp the realities of what really happened. In fairness, he is no different from all the other brain washed effeminate gits out there that will not allow truth to get in the way of the narrative that they want to believe.
They acted in concert. Call it what you like it was an unholy alliance.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on August 01, 2018, 01:36:04 PM
A non-aggression pact which involved them jointly invading Poland, and the Soviet Union also invading Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland. The invasion of Finland failed because the Finns fought back and the Soviet Union had overextended itself. The Soviet Union continued with its occupation of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania for over 40 years.    
They did not jointly scheme to invade Poland. Stalin took advantage of what Hitler did in taking back what belonged to Germany.

Why won't you address the murdering of Germans by Poles before the outbreak of the war?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on August 01, 2018, 01:38:50 PM
They acted in concert. Call it what you like it was an unholy alliance.
By that idiotic line of reasoning, the Poles had an unholy alliance with the Allies. The Poles invaded Czechoslovakia while the Germans came into the Sudetenland without notifying the Allies. Are we to assume that Germany and Poland acted in concert?

I'm going to love to see you explain this away. :popcorn:
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 03, 2018, 11:51:48 PM
What I would like to discuss is the barbaric manner in which the National Socialist regime treated the Church. The largest cemetery for priests is Dachau.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Struthio on August 04, 2018, 12:20:06 AM
What I would like to discuss is the barbaric manner in which the National Socialist regime treated the Church. The largest cemetery for priests is Dachau.

There were quite some priests which engaged in political action against the regime. Against the well known rule "give the emperor what belongs to the emperor".

The largest cemetery for priests is Dachau.

Did you invent or did you copy this lie?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on August 04, 2018, 02:30:06 AM
What I would like to discuss is the barbaric manner in which the National Socialist regime treated the Church. The largest cemetery for priests is Dachau.

Were any priests sentenced to death by the National Socialists because they were priests? 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 04, 2018, 03:03:32 AM
There were quite some priests which engaged in political action against the regime. Against the well known rule "give the emperor what belongs to the emperor".

Did you invent or did you copy this lie?
The priests were engaged in teaching Catholic Truth as it applies in our lives. They gave to the emperor what belonged to the emperor, but tehy also gave to God what belongs to God and for doing so they were put to death. It is no lie.   
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 04, 2018, 03:04:07 AM
Were any priests sentenced to death by the National Socialists because they were priests?
Obvioiusly that is why they were sentenced to death.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Hermenegild on August 04, 2018, 03:06:52 AM
Obvioiusly that is why they were sentenced to death.
No sorry, wrong again. That's what actually happened under Communism.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 04, 2018, 04:38:54 AM
No sorry, wrong again. That's what actually happened under Communism.
It happened under both regimes.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Struthio on August 04, 2018, 09:31:05 AM
The priests were engaged in teaching Catholic Truth as it applies in our lives. They gave to the emperor what belonged to the emperor, but tehy also gave to God what belongs to God and for doing so they were put to death. It is no lie.  

Look, poche. KL Dachau was a cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρ with a so-called Pfarrerblock (block of barracks for parish priests) . Allied propaganda on wikipedia says that there were 2720 priests (2579 of which were catholic). Most of them (>1700) were polish (i.e. enemy). For details see allied propaganda on wikipedia:

Priest Barracks of Dachau cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρ (

Looking at the statistics section: no priest was killed.

Here is a picture of some polish priests in what you call "the largest cemetery for priests" Dachau:



I recommend to study about martyr priests in Spain or Mexico to look for "large priest cemeteries".
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 04, 2018, 10:27:53 PM
Look, poche. KL Dachau was a cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρ with a so-called Pfarrerblock (block of barracks for parish priests) . Allied propaganda on wikipedia says that there were 2720 priests (2579 of which were catholic). Most of them (>1700) were polish (i.e. enemy). For details see allied propaganda on wikipedia:

Priest Barracks of Dachau cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρ (

Looking at the statistics section: no priest was killed.

Here is a picture of some polish priests in what you call "the largest cemetery for priests" Dachau:



I recommend to study about martyr priests in Spain or Mexico to look for "large priest cemeteries".
Somebody already did a survey. The largest is Dachau.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on August 05, 2018, 12:22:17 PM
Somebody already did a survey. The largest is Dachau.
Killed by the Allies from their carpet bombing cutting off supplies, so no, it wasn't the Germans. Poche won't address the subversive priests operating as communist agents as well as the fαɢɢօt "priests" who were molesting boys. Poche is myopic as usual. 
Poche still won't address Poland's murdering of Germans before the war, but will keep pointing to Germany invading. So he is of bad will.
Poche won't explain why Poland invaded Czechoslovakia "in concert" with the Germans. Again, showing he is of bad will.
Every time you dodge these issues, you prove my case to others watching. So thank you, you are a great witness to the truth of what I have been saying. 
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Struthio on August 05, 2018, 08:59:49 PM
Somebody already did a survey. The largest [priest cemetery] is Dachau.

I am sure then, that you can tell me, how many priests were buried in Dachau, and in which country we find the second largest priest cemetery found by the survey.

I guess you can't, you probably fell for a random nonsense remark and the survey is from alice's lampshade land.

Alojs Andritzki was a priest and inmate of KL Dachau. Wikipedia tells us that his body was incinerated and

His ashes were sent in an urn to his parents and the urn was interred in a Dresden cemetery on 15 April 1943.

Look: Dresden, not Dachau. (That's an estimated 4 hours at 100mph)

You will understand that readers of your posts may want to know more about the survey you mentioned. When was it done? Where can we read it? Who wrote it? What do they make soap from in the land where the authors of the survey live?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 05, 2018, 11:32:23 PM
Killed by the Allies from their carpet bombing cutting off supplies, so no, it wasn't the Germans. Poche won't address the subversive priests operating as communist agents as well as the fαɢɢօt "priests" who were molesting boys. Poche is myopic as usual.
Poche still won't address Poland's murdering of Germans before the war, but will keep pointing to Germany invading. So he is of bad will.
Poche won't explain why Poland invaded Czechoslovakia "in concert" with the Germans. Again, showing he is of bad will.
Every time you dodge these issues, you prove my case to others watching. So thank you, you are a great witness to the truth of what I have been saying.
I join you in your condemnation of murders of Germans by Poles in the time immediately before World War II. However governments have to weigh the overall situation and act proportionately. There are other channels other than launching a major invasion to address this type of criminal activity.     
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on August 06, 2018, 12:16:42 PM
If you will review the history, you will see that all and every attempt was made by Germany to secure the welfare of the ethnic German people as well as  a narrow corridor for the free movement of Germans to and from Germany.  All were thwarted or downright refused. In fact the Poles were armed and encouraged by the British to invade Germany, and they were preparing for that. The overconfident Poles believed that they could defeat Germany and take Berlin
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on August 06, 2018, 02:44:27 PM
I join you in your condemnation of murders of Germans by Poles in the time immediately before World War II. However governments have to weigh the overall situation and act proportionately. There are other channels other than launching a major invasion to address this type of criminal activity.    
This proves that you never read any of what has been posted all these months in regards to this exact point and have acted in bad will.
As JPaul stated, they exhausted every avenue with the Poles all the while Germans were being slaughtered by Poles. At what point does the German government have a responsibility to the German people who begged for help from them? When they are all dead?!?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 06, 2018, 10:40:49 PM
If you will review the history, you will see that all and every attempt was made by Germany to secure the welfare of the ethnic German people as well as  a narrow corridor for the free movement of Germans to and from Germany.  All were thwarted or downright refused. In fact the Poles were armed and encouraged by the British to invade Germany, and they were preparing for that. The overconfident Poles believed that they could defeat Germany and take Berlin
You have it backward. It was Germany that invaded Poland.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 06, 2018, 10:51:14 PM
This proves that you never read any of what has been posted all these months in regards to this exact point and have acted in bad will.
As JPaul stated, they exhausted every avenue with the Poles all the while Germans were being slaughtered by Poles. At what point does the German government have a responsibility to the German people who begged for help from them? When they are all dead?!?
In diplomatic endeavors what is important is to remember the big picture. What was the result of Germany's invasion gain for Germany? The end result was the almost total destruction of the nation. In diplomacy many times we have to set the priorities in proportion so that the long term goals can reasonably be met. In this case Hitler made a huge mistake.
In any event the National Socialist policy was a contradiction to what the Catholic Church teaches.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on August 07, 2018, 10:43:41 AM
In diplomatic endeavors what is important is to remember the big picture. What was the result of Germany's invasion gain for Germany? The end result was the almost total destruction of the nation. In diplomacy many times we have to set the priorities in proportion so that the long term goals can reasonably be met. In this case Hitler made a huge mistake.
In any event the National Socialist policy was a contradiction to what the Catholic Church teaches.
Big picture? The saving of German lives was and should have been the big picture. What was Poland's responsibility in this? They did not trigger the war by their own actions?
Again, would you apply your same line of reasoning to the Holy Crusades? Christians were being slaughtered by Muslims and their lands being taken.
If you had bothered to read any of the evidence, Poland wanted to invade Germany and felt comfortable that they could engage in their crimes and still have France and England watching their backs. Beautifully, Poland got hung out to dry by France and England and got their asses handed to them for their treachery. Serves them right.
Why do you think there were so many Germans being murdered in "Poland" at time? Hint: these lands were illegally taken from Germany at Versailles. East Prussia was theirs, not Poland's. Poland connived with the Allies to land grab from the Germans and had blood on their hands. You would sit here and tell us about what is "proportional" when the Allies, Poland included, were conspiring to once again cut Germany down and then tell us that it was Hitler's fault for acting as he should have?
You are outside your mind and are trying to protect an false image that is exists only in your imagination and many other mindless sheep out there.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 10, 2018, 10:32:39 PM
Big picture? The saving of German lives was and should have been the big picture. What was Poland's responsibility in this? They did not trigger the war by their own actions?
Again, would you apply your same line of reasoning to the Holy Crusades? Christians were being slaughtered by Muslims and their lands being taken.
If you had bothered to read any of the evidence, Poland wanted to invade Germany and felt comfortable that they could engage in their crimes and still have France and England watching their backs. Beautifully, Poland got hung out to dry by France and England and got their asses handed to them for their treachery. Serves them right.
Why do you think there were so many Germans being murdered in "Poland" at time? Hint: these lands were illegally taken from Germany at Versailles. East Prussia was theirs, not Poland's. Poland connived with the Allies to land grab from the Germans and had blood on their hands. You would sit here and tell us about what is "proportional" when the Allies, Poland included, were conspiring to once again cut Germany down and then tell us that it was Hitler's fault for acting as he should have?
You are outside your mind and are trying to protect an false image that is exists only in your imagination and many other mindless sheep out there.
At what cost. In the end Hitler's response destroyed the nation.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on August 11, 2018, 11:19:55 AM
At what cost. In the end Hitler's response destroyed the nation.
The German nation was destroyed by the Jєωs, Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ, and the communists and there use of the proxy allies
Did you know that the average German city or town was on average bombed close to 200 times each. This is not the act of a moral enemy by any measure.
And now it is occupied and controlled by Jєωs.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on August 11, 2018, 04:10:07 PM
Consider trying to reason with Poche a lost cause. Maybe he's a Mongoloid or something, but he tends to be awful at this.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 11, 2018, 10:43:37 PM
The German nation was destroyed by the Jєωs, Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ, and the communists and there use of the proxy allies
Did you know that the average German city or town was on average bombed close to 200 times each. This is not the act of a moral enemy by any measure.
And now it is occupied and controlled by Jєωs.
The German nation was destroyed by Hitler and his insane desire to control the greater part of central Europe. His invasion of Poland caused the destruction of Germany. If he had not invaded Poland then the National Socialists might still be in power.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on August 12, 2018, 09:49:47 AM
The German nation was destroyed by Hitler and his insane desire to control the greater part of central Europe. His invasion of Poland caused the destruction of Germany. If he had not invaded Poland then the National Socialists might still be in power.
Poche, you cannot be that obtuse?
Headline 1933 Judea declares war on Germany!  It was inevitable that Germany would go to war. The Jєωs were deposed under Hitler and they wanted their priviledge and their power back. The Communists were preparing to invade and they were infesting all of the European nations.
The Poles were deliberately abusing the ethnic Germans, and England refused all, and every effort to settle, and all peace proposals of Germany. Stop repeating propaganda.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: Smedley Butler on August 12, 2018, 11:38:14 AM
Everyone should see Dinesh D'Souza's new film "Death of a Nation."

Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 12, 2018, 11:13:14 PM
Poche, you cannot be that obtuse?
Headline 1933 Judea declares war on Germany!  It was inevitable that Germany would go to war. The Jєωs were deposed under Hitler and they wanted their priviledge and their power back. The Communists were preparing to invade and they were infesting all of the European nations.
The Poles were deliberately abusing the ethnic Germans, and England refused all, and every effort to settle, and all peace proposals of Germany. Stop repeating propaganda.
In 1933 there was no Jєωιѕн nation to speak of. The state of Israel did not come into being until after World War II. this 'state of war' was obviously some form of hostile rhetoric that comes out from time to time. Smart statesmen know how to differentiate between priorities and see the larger picture and not to respond every time somebody says 'boo.'
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on August 13, 2018, 09:51:57 AM
International Jєωry holds that they are a nation based upon race and ethnic cohesion, in whichever country they reside they see themselves as members of a supranational organization, and their loyalty is never to their host country but first to Jєωry.

The illegal formation of the terrorist state is but one work of this group.

It was not just hostile rhetoric, there was a worldwide boycott of Germany as well as a lot of manipulations by international banking to hurt the German people.  The Jєωs by their malicious behind the scenes manipulation managed to have the world declare war upon the German nation. This happened in both the first and second war, a truly diabolical group of people.

You can see the Jєωιѕн hand in almost every war or the twentieth and twenty first century. Their parasitism survives and profits upon the chaos that they create in the world.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 13, 2018, 10:45:39 PM
International Jєωry holds that they are a nation based upon race and ethnic cohesion, in whichever country they reside they see themselves as members of a supranational organization, and their loyalty is never to their host country but first to Jєωry.

The illegal formation of the terrorist state is but one work of this group.

It was not just hostile rhetoric, there was a worldwide boycott of Germany as well as a lot of manipulations by international banking to hurt the German people.  The Jєωs by their malicious behind the scenes manipulation managed to have the world declare war upon the German nation. This happened in both the first and second war, a truly diabolical group of people.

You can see the Jєωιѕн hand in almost every war or the twentieth and twenty first century. Their parasitism survives and profits upon the chaos that they create in the world.
Of course the hostile rhetoric of the National Socialists had nothing to do with it.
::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on August 14, 2018, 08:38:21 AM
Hostile rhetoric did not cause multiple world wars and numerous smaller wars.  Backstabbing and financial gain were, and are more likely the cause.
We are ruled by Jєωs as Germany has been since the Freemasonic/Jєωιѕн victory of WW II.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JezusDeKoning on August 14, 2018, 08:44:18 AM
Were the National Socialists correct/justified in deporting the Jєωιѕн population during the War?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on August 14, 2018, 01:06:50 PM
Were the National Socialists correct/justified in deporting the Jєωιѕн population during the War?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: poche on August 14, 2018, 11:26:16 PM
Were the National Socialists correct/justified in deporting the Jєωιѕн population during the War?
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on August 15, 2018, 08:02:58 AM
You have it backward. It was Germany that invaded Poland.
Only because Germany correctly, acted first to defend innocent ethnic Germans.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: LeDeg on August 15, 2018, 03:49:53 PM
Were the National Socialists correct/justified in deporting the Jєωιѕн population during the War?
This is a loaded question, akin to the wife beater gotcha question.
Jєωs left on their own, Jєωs stayed and served in the SS, Wehrmacht, OKW (High Command), civilian and otherwise. Jєωs entered into the Haavara agreement with the Germans and willfully went to Palestine.
And of course, there were those that were outright enemies because of being Communists.
Title: Re: nαzι Ideology
Post by: JPaul on August 15, 2018, 07:43:09 PM
It has never been possible to weed out the subversives from the few "good" Jєωs who weren't subversives. The Church had to deal with them as a whole people. Perhaps if Germany was not in the middle of a Jєωιѕн inspired war they could have dealt with Jєωs in a more individual manner, and the greater number of Jєωs were more loyal to their racial brethren than they were to Germany. As stated, the loyal Jєωs were already in the service of Germany against the bolshevik menace.