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Author Topic: Progressive Anglo-Catholic "traditionalists" (Frs. Hunwicke and Ray Blake)  (Read 535 times)

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I occasionally check in with the blogs of former Anglicans who have an interest in the old Catholic traditions and TLM. I was all for the Anglican Ordinariate instituted by Pope Benedict. As it turns out, at least two of these 'converts' still cling to progressive Anglican views, and they don't really seem understand Catholicism at all.

Fr. Ray Blake makes a case for being more accepting of sinners (who don't repent), with the "God-meets-us-where-we-are" approach in his latest article:

Fr. Hunwicke makes a case where he thinks that Popes should be allowed to marry:

"It is licit to resist a Sovereign Pontiff who is trying to destroy the Church. I say it is licit to resist him in not following his orders and in preventing the execution of his will. It is not licit to Judge him, to punish him, or to depose him, for these are acts proper to a superior."

~St. Robert Bellarmine
De Romano Pontifice, Lib.II, c.29