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Author Topic: Pourquoi le "catholicisme" officiel nest mme plus une religion.  (Read 509 times)

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Pourquoi le "catholicisme" officiel nest mme plus une religion.
« on: December 05, 2013, 02:33:51 PM »
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  • Pourquoi le "catholicisme" officiel n'est même plus une religion

    Why the official " Catholicism " denies true religion.

    It seems to me who either in ' Short critical Exam on Novus ordo missae ' signed by cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci (and written by Mgr Guérard des Lauriers), or in critical works on Vatican City II as ' Conspiracy against the Church ' from Maurice Pinay, ' They dethroned it ' Mgr Lefebvre, and others, point out that the displacement inversion in 180 ° of the altar in the Catholic churches was a cosmic and historical revolution besides being a religious revolution.

    The christian churches are very orientated in effect in the East; the porch of entrance being located on the side of the setting sun across, on the West. In traditional mass, sacrificial worship is made facing the altar and in the tabernacle containing the Saint-sacrament, in the bottom of the apse, in the East, in the direction of the raising sun.

    Since Vatican City II, [Antipope] Paul VI mass - is not any more about a sacrifice to God, Christ is now considered only as a man (and not as the true Messiah, who is still expected by the Jєωs [their "future messiah" is the Antichrist]), but a commemoration of the Last Supper chaired by the priest."

    Original French here and below. Below that is machine translation. Totally valid comments by POC. He condemns both Noachism and the Conciliar Abomination and shows they are the same thing from Satan.

    Pourquoi le "catholicisme" officiel n'est même plus une religion

    Il me semble que ni dans le "Bref Examen critique sur le Novus ordo missae" signé des cardinaux Ottaviani et Bacci (et rédigé par Mgr Guérard des Lauriers), ni dans les ouvrages critiques sur Vatican II comme "Complot contre l'Eglise" de Maurice Pinay, "Ils l'ont découronné" de Mgr Lefebvre, ni ailleurs, on ait fait remarquer que le déplacement renversement à 180° de l'autel dans les églises catholiques était une révolution cosmique et historique en plus d'être une révolution religieuse.

    Les églises chrétiennes sont en effet toutes orientées à l'est; le porche d'entrée étant situé de l'autre côté, à l'ouest, du côté du soleil couchant. Dans la messe traditionnelle, le culte sacrificiel s'effectue face à l'autel et au tabernacle contenant le Saint-Sacrement, au fond de l'abside, à l'est, dans la direction du soleil levant.

    Depuis Vatican II, la messe dite de Paul VI n'est plus un sacrifice à Dieu, le Christ étant désormais considéré seulement comme homme (et non comme le vrai Messie, qui est toujours attendu par les Juifs), mais une commémoration de la Cène présidée par le prêtre. La communion, repas partagé symboliquement, est reçue debout par les fidèles et non plus à genoux comme l'était le Corps du Christ dans la messe traditionnelle (1). Cette nouvelle messe est célébrée sur une table-autel, au centre de l'église, face aux fidèles, c'est à dire face à l'ouest. Or, pour les peuples d'origine celtique comme pour la plupart des peuples de la terre; l'ouest, direction du soleil couchant, a toujours été le symbole de la mort. Le tabernacle est désormais placé sur le côté, "de côté".

    Cette inversion (2) d'une importance symbolique essentielle bouleverse donc l'ordre cosmique: source de lumière, de chaleur et de vie, le soleil ordonne la vie quotidienne des hommes, des animaux, des plantes et de toutes les créatures. Le Christ, "Soleil de justice", "Lumière de vérité", est aussi la personnification divine du soleil.

    Elle rompt non seulement avec la tradition chrétienne et humaine mais aussi avec la continuité de l'histoire. En effet, la conversion de Constantin au christianisme en 312 a mis fin au règne de Sol Invictus (Le Soleil Invincible) comme dieu de l'Etat romain. Constantin, qui avait été un adepte convaincu de ce culte, institua par décret du 7 mars 321 "Dies Solis", le Jour du repos, qui devint "Dimanche" et "Sunday" ("Jour du Soleil" en anglais) (3).

    L'empereur Héliogabale (218-222) avait institué un festival s'achevant le 25 décembre par le "dies natalis solis invicti" (jour de la naissance du soleil invincible). Le culte de Sol Invictus,  qui emprunta certainement beaucoup à ceux d'Apollon et de Mithra, devint religion officielle avec l'empereur Aurélien (270-275).

    Le 25 décembre, date où l'allongement de la durée du jour devient visible après le solstice d'hiver (21 ou 22 décembre), et de facto premier jour de la renaissance du soleil, est devenu Noël, jour de la naissance du Christ. Selon la tradition, c'est le pape saint Libère qui a fixé en 354 le jour de la naissance du Christ à cette date.

    La messe célébrée vers l'ouest dans l'hérésie conciliaire (4) ou "noachisme" (5) est donc une Nuit et une Mort et non une Lumière et une Résurrection.
    C'est la manifestation la plus symbolique de la théorie d'Oswald Spengler, l'Abendland, ou Le Déclin de l'Occident: une civilisation symboliquement renversée du soleil levant vers le soleil couchant et de la vie vers la mort.
     Vatican II est la manifestation de la transgression et de l'inversion de l'ordre naturel et divin (6) qui bouleversent les Etats, les peuples, les hommes et la nature elle-même.

    Cette transgression et cette inversion sacrilèges et criminelles sont d'abord celles de la vérité, et de fait l'oeuvre de Satan, père du mensonge (7). La négation de la vérité s'accompagnant de la falsification de la réalité.

    Le Vatican et la ѕуηαgσgυє de Satan ne font plus qu'un désormais.
    La négation de Dieu (La Sainte Trinité: le Père, le Fils et le St Esprit) a pour conséquence la négation de notre prochain, dont le Christ a dit que nous devions l'aimer comme nous-même. La négation de notre prochain, c'est aussi la négation de toutes les lois de la guerre et l'immoralité absolue des conflits militaires actuels et à venir, dans lesquels l'homme n'est plus considéré comme un homme, mais une chose.

    (1)  "La génuflexion, c'est l'adoration; elle est due à Dieu, et à Dieu seul. "Que tout genoux fléchisse sur la terre". Nous qui y sommes, nous qui adorons la présence réelle du Verbe incréé dans les espèces consacrées, il nous incombe de perpétrer sur terre cette tradition de la génuflexion." Mgr Guérard des Lauriers, dernière homélie prononcée le 3 janvier 1988 en la fête du Saint Nom de Jésus.
    (2) Que l'Abbé Meramo, ex-prieur de Vera Cruz au Mexique, expulsé de la FSSPX pour son opposition au ralliement à Rome, appelait justement "la diabolique sodomisation de l'Eglise" (au propre comme au figuré).

    Le thème de l'ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖité a été particulièrement étudié par la journaliste étatsunienne Randy Engel dans son ouvrage: " "The rite of Sodomy - ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖity and the Roman Catholic Church":


    Hutton Gibson, quant à lui, a déclaré récemment à la radio que Benoît XVI et la moitié des gens au Vatican étaient homosexuels:
    Article du The Hollywood Gossip  (9 août 2010) link
    Article de son blog:


    Saturday, August 7 at 5 p.m. PDT I participated in a broadcast of The Political Cesspool radio program. Asked whether I thought “Pope” Benedict XVI is ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ, I responded: “I certainly do.” I was amazed by the reaction in the press. It must have been a slow day so a hardly uncommon opinion ballooned into headlines.

    None of the media reacted much to what I developed in the rest of the hour – to the fact that the Catholic Church had been infiltrated from the top by organized enemies bent on total destruction – not only of the Church but of all morality.
    Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When an immoral society has blatantly and proudly violated all the commandments, it insists upon one last virtue, tolerance for its immorality. It will not tolerate condemnation of its perversions. It creates a whole new world in which only the intolerant critic of intolerable evil is evil.

    Sodomy and pederasty are among the vilest of perversions. They have no right to exist. Perpetrators of these crimes have no right to commit them, no rights permitting their perversions, and no right whatsoever to an unsullied reputation. They are scuм who must be exposed for the protection of the communities they infest. Their sole right is to early cremation.

    The absolute worst of these criminals are those who hide their vices behind clerical robes, and any and all superiors who cover up their crimes instead of defrocking and prosecuting them. And the worst of these superiors is the man in charge of dealing with the “problem".


    (3) C'est pour cela que la messe célébrée le samedi pour ceux qui sont absents le dimanche est une imposture. Le samedi est le jour du Sabbat des Juifs!

    (4) On ne peut parler de religion pour cette hérésie qui a usurpé le nom et le lieux de culte catholiques après Vatican II car toute religion suppose un culte et un sacrifice offerts à un dieu ou à plusieurs. Pour celle-ci (noachisme), Jésus-Christ n'est plus Dieu. Toute la théologie officielle depuis Vatican II va dans le sens de l'humanité de NSJC et  dans l'abandon et la négation de sa divinité.

    (5) Noachisme: "Hérésie où le christianisme est subordonné au judaisme, ce dernier étant considéré non plus comme simplement antérieur mais comme supérieur" (...) "Noachisme : de Noah (Noé en hébreu), doctrine selon laquelle la Révélation christique (ou le prophétisme mahométan) n'a nullement résilié l'Alliance entre Dieu et le peuple juif, mais a permis aux gentils (non juifs) d'avoir enfin une justification, cette justification supposant toutefois la subordination des non juifs au peuple de Dieu, Messie et Rédempteur. Bref, la Nouvelle Alliance ne modifierait pas le rôle prédominant des enfants fidèles de Sem sur leurs frères infidèles (Mahométans), mais surtout sur les enfants de Japhet et de Cham. Le développement, même descriptif, de cette théorie (illustrée jadis par Gougenot des Mousseaux, dans Le Juif et la judaïsation des peuples chrétiens, Paris, 1869 et 1886) semble impossible en France, eu égard à la législation répressive en vigueur (voir La Francophobie, p. 39-85). On lira avec intérêt, sur ce sujet, l'article publié récemment en Italie dans la revue Sodalitium, n° 34, janvier 1993, édition française, Località Carbignano, 36, I-10020 Verrua Savoia (To.), Italie." (in Eric Delcroix:LA POLICE DE LA PENSÉE CONTRE LE RÉVISIONNISME DU JUGEMENT DE NUREMBERG A LA LOI FABIUS-gαySSOT")

    Site internet link

    Définition du noachisme sur le site anglais  link
    "The Noachide Code: The Seven Commandments of the Covenant of Noah, the universal moral code for all mankind.

     Most people have heard of the so-called ‘Ten Commandments’, but what they don't know is that 'Ten Commandments' is a mistranslation. In the original Hebrew, ‘Aseret HaDibrot' correctly translates as ‘Ten Statements’, and it was ten statements that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai, carved in two stone tablets. Likewise many people are also unaware that Judaism is a religion of duel covenants, one for Jєωs and another for Non-Jєωs. According to Jєωιѕн tradition (which comes from the Divine revelation to Moses at Mount Sinai), the Torah of Moses contains a covenant binding on the Jєωιѕн people consisting of 613 commandments, and another known as the ‘Covenant of Noah’ consisting of 7 commandments which is binding on all the peoples of the world who are not Jєωιѕн.

     One of the commandments given to the Jєωιѕн people was to become ‘a light unto the (non-Jєωιѕн) nations’, and as part of fulfilling this task they have preserved in the тαℓмυd the universal code of seven noachide commandments.
     People who observe the Covenant of Noah are considered by the Rabbis to be ‘Righteous Gentiles’ and are known as Noachides or Bnai Noach in Hebrew, both these terms mean ‘descendants of Noah.’

     The biblical covenant of Noah (symbolized by the rainbow) is a Divine promise to never again destroy humanity. The Jєωιѕн tradition informs us that in return for this promise, all humanity must observe the seven universal Noachide commandments. This is the Divine plan for world peace."
    (6) La "pax deorum" des Romains. Celui qui la compromettait était passible de mort, car il mettait la Cité en péril.

    (7) "On peut dire que Satan ne ment jamais. Il est le père du mensonge. Il ne ment jamais. Mais il infiltre dans la vérité des choses qui sont dans l'erreur, de sorte que les gens qui ne sont pas suffisamment avertis, prennent, avec candeur et simplicité, cet ensemble et avalent le poison. Et peu à peu, c'est le poison qui fait son oeuvre." Mgr Guérard des Lauriers, dernière homélie prononcée le 3 janvier 1988, en la fête du Saint Nom de Jésus.


    Détail de la fresque du Jugement dernier, dans la chapelle du château de Châteaudun bâtie par Dunois, Grand Bâtard d'Orléans (1403-1468), compagnon de Jeanne d'Arc. Dans l'Enfer, un pape, un roi, un évêque, un cardinal bouillent côte à côte dans un grand chaudron au milieu des flammes, tandis que des démons d'affairent tout autour. Photo: Béthune, 2010.


    Why the official " Catholicism " denies true religion.

    It seems to me that neither in the " Brief Critical Review on the Novus ordo missae " signed Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci ( and written by Bishop Guérard des Lauriers ) or in critical books on Vatican II as " Conspiracy against the Church" of Maurice Pinay, "They dethroned " Archbishop Lefebvre or elsewhere , we have noted that the displacement at 180 ° reversal of the altar in Catholic churches was a cosmic and historical revolution in addition to being a religious revolution .

    Christian churches are all facing east end; entrance porch is located on the other side to the west , towards the sunset. In the traditional Mass , the sacrificial worship is done against the altar and the tabernacle containing the Blessed Sacrament at the back of the apse to the east, in the direction of the rising sun .
    Since Vatican II , said Mass of Paul VI is no longer a sacrifice to God , Christ is now considered only as a man (and not as the true Messiah , who is still expected by the Jєωs ), but a commemoration of the Last Supper chaired by the priest. Communion symbolically shared meal is received by the faithful standing and not kneeling as was the Body of Christ in the traditional Mass ( 1). The new Mass is celebrated on a table altar in the center of the church, facing the congregation , ie facing west . However, for people of Celtic origin like most of the peoples of the earth, west , toward the setting sun, has always been the symbol of death . The tabernacle is now placed on the side, " side " .

    This inversion (2) an essential symbolic importance so upsets the cosmic order : source of light, warmth and life , the sun directs the daily life of humans, animals , plants and all creatures. Christ, "the Sun of Righteousness ," "Light of Truth " is the divine personification of the sun .

    It breaks not only with human and Christian tradition but also the continuity of history. Indeed, Constantine's conversion to Christianity in 312 ended the reign of Sol Invictus ( Invincible Sun ) as god of the Roman state . Constantine, who was a staunch follower of the cult , instituted by decree of 7 March 321 " Dies Solis " Day of rest, which became "Sunday " and "Sunday " (" Day of the Sun " in English ) (3) .

    The Emperor Elagabalus ( 218-222 ) had instituted a festival ending on December 25 by the " dies natalis solis invicti " (day of the birth of invincible sun). The cult of Sol Invictus , which certainly borrowed a lot to those of Apollo and Mithras became the official religion with the Emperor Aurelian ( 270-275 ) .

    On 25 December , the date when the lengthening of the day becomes visible after the winter solstice ( December 21 or 22 ) , and de facto first day of the rebirth of the sun , became Christmas, the birth of Christ . According to tradition , the Holy Pope Liberius which set 354 the day of the birth of Christ on that date.
    The Mass westward into heresy conciliar (4) or " Noachism " (5) is a Night and Death and not a light and Resurrection.

    This is the symbolic manifestation of the theory of Oswald Spengler, the Abendland or The Decline of the West : a civilization symbolically reversed the rising sun to the setting sun and life to death.

     Vatican II is the manifestation of the transgression and inversion of the natural and divine order (6) disrupt the states, peoples , men and nature itself.
    This transgression and this sacrilegious and criminal inversion are primarily those of truth, and is the work of Satan, the father of lies (7). The denial of truth accompanied by the falsification of reality.

    The Vatican and the ѕуηαgσgυє of Satan are one now .
    The denial of God ( The Holy Trinity : the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ) has resulted in the denial of our neighbor, which Christ said that we should love as ourselves . The denial of our neighbor, it is also the negation of all the laws of war and the absolute immorality of current and future military conflicts , in which man is no longer considered a man but one thing .

    (1) " The genuflection is the adoration is due to God and to God alone. " That every knee should bow on earth " We who are there , we who love the real presence of the uncreated Word in . the consecrated species , it behooves us to carry on this tradition of land genuflection . " Bishop Guérard des Lauriers last homily January 3, 1988 on the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus.

    ( 2) That the Abbot Meramo , former prior of Vera Cruz in Mexico, expelled from the SSPX for his opposition rally in Rome, justly called " the diabolical sodomy of the Church" (literally and figuratively ) .

    The theme of ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖity was particularly studied by journalist Randy Engel étatsunienne in his book " " The Rite of Sodomy - ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖity and the Roman Catholic Church "


    Hutton Gibson , meanwhile , recently said on the radio that Benedict XVI and half the people in the Vatican were gαy :

    Article from The Hollywood Gossip ( 9 August 2010 ) link
    Section of his blog:

    " Enough ?

    Saturday, August 7 at 5 pm PDT I participated in a broadcast of The Political Cesspool radio program . Asked Whether I thought " Pope " Benedict XVI is ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ, I Responded : I was amazed by the reaction in the press " Certainly I do . " . It Must Have Been a slow day so Hardly uncommon opinion has ballooned into headlines .

    None of the media reacted much to what I Developed in the rest of the hour - to the fact That the Catholic Church HAD beens from the top Infiltrated by Organized enemies bent on total destruction - not only of the Church aim of all morality .

    Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society . When an immoral society HAS blatantly and proudly Violated all the commandments , it insists upon one last virtue , tolerance for immorality icts . It Will not tolerate condemnation of icts perversions. It Creates a whole new world in All which only the intolerant critic of intolerable evil is evil .

    Sodomy and pederasty are Among the vilest of perversions. They -have no right to exist . Perpetrators of crimes thesis -have no right to commit em , no rights Permitting Their perversions , and no right to an unsullied reputation Whatsoever . They are scuм Have you must be Exposed for the protection of the Communities They infest . Their sole right is to early cremation .

    The absolute worst of criminals thesis are Those Who Hide Their vices behind clerical robes, and Any and All Their superiors Have you cover up crimes INSTEAD of defrocking and Prosecuting em . And the worst of superiors thesis is the man -in-charge of dealing with the " problem" .


    (3) This is why the Mass celebrated on Saturday for those who are absent on Sunday is a sham. Saturday is the Sabbath of the Jєωs!

    (4) One can not speak of religion for this heresy that has usurped the name and Catholic places of worship after Vatican II because any religion implies worship and sacrifice offered to a god or more . For it ( Noachism ), Jesus Christ is not God. All official theology since Vatican II is in the sense of humanity of Our Lord Jesus Christ and in the abandonment and denial of his divinity.

    (5) Noachism : " Heresy where Christianity is subject to Judaism , the latter being regarded not as simple as previous but higher " (...) " Noachism : Noah ( Noah in Hebrew) , the doctrine that Christ Revelation (or Mohammedan prophecy ) in no way terminated the covenant between God and the Jєωιѕн people , but allowed the Gentiles ( non-Jєωs ) to finally have a justification, this justification , however, assuming the subordination of non-Jєωιѕн people of God Messiah and Redeemer. short, the New Testament does not change the predominant role of the faithful children of Shem their infidel brothers ( Mohammedans ), but especially children of Japheth and Ham. development, same description of this theory ( formerly illustrated by Gougenot Mousseaux in the Jєω and the Judaization of Christian peoples , Paris , 1869 and 1886) seems impossible in France , given the repressive legislation ( see Francophobia , p. 39-85 ) . were read with interest on the subject, the article recently published in Italy in the journal Sodalitium , No. 34, January 1993 French edition Località Carbignano , 36, I- 10020 Verrua Savoia ( TB ), Italy . " (in Eric Delcroix : THOUGHT POLICE AGAINST REVISIONISM JUDGMENT OF NUREMBERG THE LAW Fabius - gαySSOT " ) website : link

    Definition Noachism on English website : link
    "The Noachide Code : The Seven Commandments of the Covenant of Noah , the universal moral code for all mankind .

     Most people -have heard of the so- called Expired ' Ten Commandments ' They Do not Know what purpose is that ' Ten Commandments ' is a mistranslation . In the original Hebrew , ' Aseret HaDibrot ' Correctly Translates as ' Ten Statements ', and it WAS ten statements Moses That Brought down from Mount Sinai , two stone tablets carved in . Likewise Many people are unaware aussi That Judaism is a religion of duel covenants , one for Jєωs and Non- Jєωs for Reviews another . According To Jєωιѕн tradition ( All which comes from the Divine revelation to Moses at Mount Sinai ) , the Torah of Moses contains a covenant binding on the Jєωιѕн people Consisting of 613 commandments , and Reviews another known as the ' Covenant of Noah Consisting of seven commandments All which is binding on all the peoples of the world are not Jєωιѕн Have you .

     One of the commandments to the Jєωιѕн people Given To Become WAS 'a light unto the (non- Jєωιѕн ) nations ', and as share of fulfilling this task They Have preserved in the тαℓмυd the universal code of seven Noahide commandments .
     Have you people seen the Covenant of Noah are Considered by the Rabbis to be ' Righteous Gentiles ' and are known as golden Noahides Bnai Noach in Hebrew , both, thesis terms mean ' descendants of Noah . '

     The biblical covenant of Noah ( Symbolized by the rainbow ) is a Divine promise to never again destroy humanity . The Jєωιѕн tradition That Informs us in return for this promise , all humanity must observe the seven Noahide commandments universal . This is the Divine Plan for world peace . "
    (6) " pax deorum " Romans. Whoever was compromised punishable by death , because he put the city at risk.

    (7) " We can say that Satan never [just] lies [a little]. He is the father of lies . He never [just] lies [little]. But it permeates completely into the truth of things and absolutely perverts it, so that people who are not sufficiently warned, shall, with candor and simplicity, swallow this poison. Gradually, the poison does its work. " Bishop Guérard des Lauriers last homily January 3, 1988 , the feast of the Holy Name of Jesus.



    Detail of the fresco of the Last Judgment , in the chapel of the castle built by Châteaudun Dunois , Grand Bastard of Orléans (1403-1468) , companion of Joan of Arc. In Hell, a pope , a king, a bishop, a cardinal boil side by side in a large pot in the flames , while demons busy all around. Photo: Bethune, 2010.