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Author Topic: Popes praise Teilhard de Chardin's evolution.  (Read 366 times)

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Popes praise Teilhard de Chardin's evolution.
« on: September 12, 2018, 01:40:56 PM »
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  • Came across this interesting subject'

    “His prophetic vision has been and is inspiring theologians and scientists.”

    Many times during his life, Teilhard expressed the desire to die on the Day of the Resurrection. His wish was granted, because he died of a heart attack after attending Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City on Easter Sunday, April 10, 1955. He is buried in the Jesuit cemetery on the grounds of the former Jesuit novitiate in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. After his death, his works were published in New York, among them the Human Phenomenon (1959, English translation) and The Divine Milieu (1960, English translation), and had a big impact. This upset the Holy Office in Rome, then led by Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, and, on June 30, 1962, it imposed a “monitum” on his writings.

    The monitum noted that “several works of Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, some of which were posthumously published, are being edited and are gaining a good deal of success.” It declared that “prescinding from a judgement about those points that concern the positive sciences, it is sufficiently clear that the above-mentioned works abound in such ambiguities and indeed even serious errors, as to offend Catholic doctrine.” For this reason, the Holy Office asked bishops, superiors of religious institutes, presidents of universities and rectors of seminaries “to protect the minds,” especially of the young, “against the dangers presented by the works of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin and of his followers.”

    Four popes—Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and now Francis—have made “explicit references” to Teilhard’s work.

    Paul VI, who was elected pope almost exactly one year later, clearly had reservations about the monitum. This became evident when, in a speech to employers and workers of an important pharmaceutical company on Feb. 24, 1966, while expressing some reservations, he praised a key insight of the Jesuit’s theory on the evolution of the universe, pointed to it as a model for science and quoted the author’s statement: “The more I study material reality, the more I discover spiritual reality.”

    Fifteen years later, on the centenary of Teilhard de Chardin’s birth, Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, secretary of state to John Paul II, wrote a letter to Monsignor (now cardinal) Paul Poupard, head of the Institute Catholique in Paris, in which he praised the French Jesuit in words that were widely interpreted as a sign that his rehabilitation was on the horizon. But the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith denied this on July 24, 1981, drew attention to the fact that the cardinal’s letter contained reservations, and said the monitum was still in force. But on June 1, 1988, John Paul II in a letter to George Coyne S.J., director of the Vatican Observatory, also appeared to refer positively to the French Jesuit.

    Pope Benedict XVI did so, too, in a homily during Evening Prayer in the cathedral in Aosta, in northern Italy, on July 24, 2009. He commended an aspect of the French Jesuit’s vision when he said: “The role of the priesthood is to consecrate the world so that it may become a living host, a liturgy: so that the liturgy may not be something alongside the reality of the world, but that the world itself shall become a living host, a liturgy. This is also the great vision of Teilhard de Chardin: in the end we shall achieve a true cosmic liturgy, where the cosmos becomes a living host. 

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    Re: Popes praise Teilhard de Chardin's evolution.
    « Reply #1 on: September 12, 2018, 03:01:46 PM »
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  • Quote
    Four popes—Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and now Francis—have made “explicit references” to Teilhard’s work.
    "By their deeds you shall know them". 

    The Vatican II church - Assisting Souls to Hell Since 1962
    The Vatican II church - Assisting Souls to Hell Since 1962

    For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Mat 24:24