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Author Topic: Science: Original and Final Sin  (Read 440 times)

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Re: Science: Original and Final Sin
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2019, 08:27:04 PM »
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  • In the July 26, 2019 edition of the Rosary to the Interior: For the Purification of the Church, on the subject of why traditionally raised, even homeschooled, children lose the faith we read:

    It has been our contention in a number of articles that the primary and most extensive victims of the mental and spiritual disintegration, produced by reductive modern science, are children. It is here, for the most part, that the loss of faith begins. Most parents who have tried to raise their children to be faithful Catholics, and then find out that these same children abandon or compromise their faith later on, would probably take the position that this has occurred despite what they were taught when they were younger. We propose here, however, that even what is considered the best early education offered to our children, including home-schooling, usually contains powerful seeds of accommodation to the errors of this world which provide powerful inclination towards this loss of faith. It is unfortunately very true that most parents are very motivated by the desire not to feel backward in this modern world, and therefore seek to excel in all that this world deems most important. It is here where, very often, they make a fatal mistake. This is especially true in relation to the study of science.

    I recommend receiving this gem of an email, and spreading the message.

    Read more here:

    Help of Christians, guard our land from assault or inward stain,
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    Offline Nadir

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    Re: Science: Original and Final Sin
    « Reply #2 on: July 26, 2019, 09:37:13 PM »
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  • Another important extract especially for homeschoolers:

    Recently, in conversation with my daughter-in-law who home-schools her children, I mentioned a plan I have long nourished to write a series of small books for children at different grade levels in order to counter the effects of reductive science at the various stages of their intellectual development. I mentioned to her that I thought fourth or fifth grade would be an appropriate point to start, since this is usually when they begin to learn about such things as molecules and atoms.
    Her response to me was that this was not early enough. The threat comes much earlier. It comes in the form of evolutionary concepts, and it begins in what might first seem to be a very odd place – the concept of Time. In our modern world of invasive mass media, the child is, from the earliest years, assaulted by the concept that the material universe is virtually eternal, that our world is billions of years old, that simple life on earth is also billions of years old, and that human beings can trace their ancestry back through millions of years. Largely, this induces in the minds and hearts of these children the mental construct and ambience which says that they are inconsequential specks in an endless and impersonal process. As such, it makes a mockery of a personal and loving God.
    Help of Christians, guard our land from assault or inward stain,
    Let it be what God has planned, His new Eden where You reign.