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Antipope Francis Masonic membership
« on: March 31, 2014, 04:43:44 PM »
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  • Lunes 18 marzo 2013


    Este docuмento que os adjunto lo demuestra.
    Lo podéis comprobar en la web del Rotary Club Buenos Aires.
    Origen de la foto del docuмento

    ¿Qué dice la Iglesia sobre el Rotary Club? Aquí os lo transcribo (copiado del blog “Núcleo de la Lealtad”):
    Las primeras condenas de la Iglesia Católica al rotarismo se producen en España en 1928, por los Obispos de Palencia, Orense, Tuy, León y Almería, quienes sostienen que el movimiento rotario es «una nueva organización satánica, próxima a la masonería, execrable y perversa».

    La Declaración del Obispo de Palencia (28 de agosto de 1928), advierte entre otras cosas que «en los titulados clubs rotarios [...] no pueden estar los buenos católicos» y que «el rotarismo quiere ser una institución moral y moralizadora, que se propone influir en la vida de individuos, familias y pueblos, prescindiendo en absoluto, como asociación, de toda idea religiosa y de toda suerte de relaciones con Dios y con Jesucristo Nuestro Redentor».

    Todo ello implica que «la institución rotaria, como tal, explícitamente hace profesión de un laicismo absoluto, de una indiferencia religiosa universal e intenta moralizar a los individuos y sociedades por medio de una doctrina radicalmente naturalista, racionalista y aun atea» [1].

    El Aviso del Obispo de Orense a sus fieles, por su parte, mucho más breve y concluyente, considera que los clubes rotarios «no son otra cosa que nuevos organismos satánicos, de igual espíritu y procedencia que el masonismo, bien que procure disfrazarse y aparecer con el marchamo de humanitarismo puro y hasta de caridad cristiana y de fraternidad universal, generosa, amplia y legítima» [2].

    La Santa Pastoral Visita del Obispo de Tuy (Vigo, 8 de octubre de 1928), advierte que «para los buenos católicos no hay ni puede haber otros medios de perfeccionamiento en el orden religioso, moral y social, que los que tienen por base los principios de la religión, de la moral y de la sociología de Cristo, el único verdadero Salvador de la Humanidad» [3].

    La Carta pastoral del Obispo de León asocia a los rotarios a la lista de enemigos de la Iglesia Católica, en la que figuran los protestantes, los indiferentes y los masones, todos ellos en «amigable consorcio» maquinando «contra nuestra santa religión, contra la Iglesia y sus ministros» [4].

    La Carta pastoral con motivo del próximo Adviento del Obispo de Almería, pide a sus feligreses que se aparten de lo que pueda poner en peligro sus almas, señalando que el rotarismo, al poseer un «código rotario de ética», incurre en «laicismo» y «naturalismo», además de no circunscribirse «a la profesión especulativa, mercantil y de orden económico», y de invadir «la vida social y doméstica, a los amigos, a los esposos, a los padres, a los hermanos y a los ciudadanos en general para» supuestamente «hacerlos mejores» [5].

    La Iglesia Católica censura que los rotarios fundamenten la moral sin referencia alguna a Cristo y a Su única Iglesia; esto no es solo debido a que el magisterio enseñe que Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus [6] y que «la religión católica [...] por ser la única verdadera, no sin suma injuria se la iguala con las demás» (León XIII, Encíclica Humanum genus, 6).

    En efecto, para un cristiano católico no es posible vivir su relación con Dios de una manera doble, es decir, escindiéndola en una forma humanitario-supraconfesional y en una forma interior-cristiana. Éste no puede cultivar relaciones de dos tipos con Dios, ni expresar su relación con el Creador por medio de formas simbólicas de dos especies. Ello sería algo completamente distinto a aquella colaboración, que le es obvia, con todos aquellos que están comprometidos en la realización del bien, aunque partan de principios diversos. Por otro lado, un cristiano católico no puede al mismo tiempo participar de la plena comunión de la fraternidad cristiana y, por otra parte, mirar a su hermano cristiano, desde la perspectiva masónica o rotaria, como a un “profano”.

    Incluso si, como ya se ha dicho, no hubiese una obligación explícita de profesar el relativismo como doctrina, aún así la fuerza relativizante de una tal fraternidad, por su misma lógica intrínseca, tiene en sí la capacidad de transformar la estructura del acto de fe de un modo tan radical que no sea aceptable por parte de un cristiano “que ama su fe” (León XIII).

    Este trastorno en la estructura fundamental del acto de fe se da, además, usualmente de un modo suave y sin ser advertido: la sólida adhesión a la verdad de Dios, revelada en la Iglesia, se convierte en una simple pertenencia a una institución, considerada como una forma representativa particular junto con otras formas representativas, a su vez más o menos posibles y válidas, de cómo el ser humano se orienta hacia las realidades eternas.

    En la Admonición pastoral del Cardenal Primado de Las Españas y Arzobispo de Toledo (23 de enero de 1929), sobre las «instituciones neutras», entre las que se incluyen la «International Rotary Club», el Emmo. y Rvdmo. Dr. Pedro Segura y Sáenz (1880-1957), señala como maldad intrínseca de las denominadas instituciones neutras que «ocultan la negación de la moral verdadera y de la verdadera Religión, que tratan de sustituir con una moral y una religión que no es la de Jesucristo», «mientras predican una moral sin religión para llegar a la paz universal», «debajo de un aspecto comercial, recreativo, pedagógico, filantrópico, internacional, neutral, pero siempre laico».
    Ello conduce a incluir sin lugar a dudas al «Rotary Club» entre las asociaciones «suspectis aut quae se etudeant sese a legitima Ecclesiae vigilantia subducere», las asociaciones sospechosas o que procuran evadir la vigilancia legítima de la Iglesia del canon 336 del «Código de Derecho Canónico» (1917).

    El 4 de febrero de 1929, la Santa Sede prohibe a los sacerdotes participar en reuniones rotarias ya fuera como miembros o como invitados [el famoso «non expedire»]. Esta prohibición se reitera mediante Decreto de la Sagrada Congregación del Santo Oficio de 20 de diciembre de 1950.


    [1] Cf. Boletín Eclesiástico del Obispado de Palencia, año LXXVIII, sábado, 1 de septiembre de 1928, nº 77, pág. 391 y ss.

    [2] Cf. Boletín Oficial Eclesiástico del Obispado de Orense, año XVC, nº 14, 7 de septiembre de 1928, págs. 223 y 224.

    [3] Cf. Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Tuy, octubre de 1928.

    [4] Cf. Boletín Oficial del Obispado de León, 26 de noviembre de 1928, pág. 500.

    [5] Boletín Eclesiástico de la Diócesis de Almería, 30 de noviembre de 1928, págs. 316-319.

    [6] Cf. Sanctum Officium, Epistula ad Archiepiscopum Bostoniensem (8 augusti 1949): DS 3866-3872; Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, 846-848; Compedio del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, 171.

    «Las raíces de la apostasía moderna son el ateísmo científico, el materialismo dialéctico, el racionalismo, el laicismo y la masonería, madre común de todas ellas». Pío XII, Discurso a la Octava Semana de Formación Pastoral (24-07-58).
    Gracias a Alberto Navarro Vives


    Monday March 18, 2013


    This docuмent that I attached shows this.
    I can check on the website of Rotary Club Buenos Aires.
    Photo source docuмent

    What does the Church say about the Rotary Club? Here I transcribe it (copied from blog " Core Allegiance " ) :
    The first sentences of the Catholic Church to rotarismo occur in Spain in 1928 by the Bishops of Palencia , Orense, Tuy , Leon and Almería , who argue that the Rotary movement is "a new satanic organization , near the Freemasons , and execrable perverse ' .

    The Declaration of the Bishop of Palencia ( August 28, 1928 ) , says among other things that " graduates Rotary clubs [ ... ] may not be good Catholics " and that " the rotarismo institution wants to be a moral and moralizing , proposed difference in the lives of individuals, families and peoples , irrespective at all, as an association, of every religious idea and all sorts of relationships with God and Jesus Christ Our Redeemer . "

    This implies that " Rotary institution as such explicitly professes absolute secularism , a universal religious indifference and attempts to moralize individuals and societies through a radically naturalistic , rationalistic and even atheist doctrine " [1 ] .

    The Notice of the Bishop of Orense his faithful , for their part, much shorter and conclusive believes that Rotary clubs ' are nothing but new Satanic agencies , and the same spirit that masonismo origin , rather than try to dress up and show up with the mark of pure humanitarianism and even Christian charity and universal , generous , broad and legitimate fraternity "[2 ] .

    The Holy Pastoral Visit of Bishop of Tuy (Vigo , October 8, 1928 ) , notes that " for there is no good Catholics may be other means of development in the religious , moral and social order, that they have the foundation principles of religion , morality and sociology of Christ , the only true Savior of Mankind "[3 ] .

    Pastoral Letter from the Bishop of León associated Rotarians to the list of enemies of the Catholic Church , which include Protestants, Freemasons and indifferent , all in " friendly consortium" plotting "against our religion , against Church and its ministers "[4 ] .

    Pastoral Letter for Advent next Bishop of Almería , asks his parishioners to depart from what might endanger their souls , saying the rotarismo , possessing a " Rotary code of ethics ' incurs ' secularism ' and 'naturalism' , besides not confined " to speculative trade , commercial and economic order " and invading "the social and domestic life , friends , husbands , parents , brothers and citizens in general for " supposedly" make them better "[5 ] .

    Censorship Rotarians Catholic Church base the moral without reference to Christ and His one Church , this is not only because the teachers teach that Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus [6] and that "the Catholic religion [ ... ] by be the only true , without injury is the sum equals with the other "( Leo XIII , Encyclical humanum genus , 6) .

    Indeed, for a Catholic Christian can not live their relationship with God in a twofold manner , ie , dividing it into a humanitarian - supraconfessional and at an inner - Christian form . It can not grow two types of relationships with God , or express your relationship with the Creator through symbolic forms of two species. This would be something completely different from that collaboration , which is obvious to all those who are committed to the realization of the good, but start from different principles. On the other hand , a Catholic Christian can not simultaneously participate in the full communion of Christian brotherhood and , secondly , look at his Christian brother , from the Rotary or Masonic perspective as a " profane" .

    Even if , as has been said, there was no explicit obligation to profess relativism as a doctrine , yet the relativizing power of such a fraternity , by their very same logic , it has in it the ability to transform the structure of the act of faith such a radical way that is not acceptable by a Christian " who loves his faith" ( Leo XIII ) .

    The disorder in the fundamental structure of the act of faith is also usually gives a smooth way without being noticed : the strong adherence to the truth of God revealed in the Church, becomes a mere membership of an institution considered as a particular representative form along with other representative forms turn about possible and valid, how the human being is oriented toward eternal realities.

    In the pastoral admonition of Cardinal Primate of Spain , Archbishop of Toledo ( 23 January 1929 ) , on " neutral institutions ', among which include the' International Rotary Club ," the Cardinal . and Rt. Dr. Pedro Segura y Sáenz (1880-1957) , noted as intrinsic evil of so-called neutral institutions ' conceal the denial of true morality and true religion , trying to substitute a moral and a religion that is not the of Jesus Christ , "" while preaching morality without religion to reach universal peace ',' under a commercial, recreational, educational , philanthropic , international, neutral look, but always lay . "
    This leads to undoubtedly include the " Rotary Club " between the associations ' aut quae suspectis etudeant sese is a legitimate Vigilantia subducere Ecclesiae " suspicious associations or seeking to evade legitimate surveillance Church canon 336 of the " Code of Canon Law "( 1917).

    On February 4, 1929 , the Holy See prohibits priests participate in Rotary meetings either as members or as guests [ the famous " non expedire ']. This ban was reiterated by a decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office of 20 December 1950 .


    [1 ] See Bulletin Ecclesiastical Diocese of Palencia, LXXVIII year , Saturday, September 1, 1928 , No. 77 , p. 391 et seq.

    [2 ] See Ecclesiastical Gazette of the Diocese of Orense, XVC year , No. 14 , September 7, 1928 , p. 223 and 224 .

    [3 ] See Official Gazette of the bishop of Tuy, October 1928.

    [ 4] See Official Gazette of the Diocese of León, November 26, 1928 , p. 500 .

    [5 ] Ecclesiastical Gazette of the Diocese of Almería , November 30, 1928 , p. 316-319 .

    [6 ] Cf Sanctum Officium , Epistula ad Archiepiscopum Bostoniensem (8 augusti 1949) : DS 3866-3872 ; Catechism of the Catholic Church, 846-848 ; compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 171.

    " The roots of modern apostasy are scientific atheism , dialectical materialism , rationalism , secularism and Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ , common mother of them all ." Pius XII , Address to the Eighth Pastoral Education Week ( 07/24/58 ) .
    Thanks to Alberto Navarro Vives
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    Offline JohnAnthonyMarie

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    « Reply #1 on: March 31, 2014, 05:34:39 PM »
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  • The title says "honorary member".  You would need something more explicit to infer  freemasonic affiliation

    like, say, a known mason exchanging some masonic sign or signal with Jorge Mario Bergoglio
    Omnes pro Christo

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #2 on: March 31, 2014, 05:56:44 PM »
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  • You mean like this?

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #3 on: March 31, 2014, 06:04:40 PM »
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  • or this?

    Offline JohnAnthonyMarie

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    « Reply #4 on: March 31, 2014, 06:34:08 PM »
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  • I'm sure he was reaching for the transit fare in this pose...
    Omnes pro Christo

    Offline 2Vermont

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    « Reply #5 on: March 31, 2014, 06:41:09 PM »
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  • What are you guys talking about?  Is that some special handshake?  It doesn't look that odd to me.
    For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. (Matthew 24:24)

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #6 on: March 31, 2014, 08:08:05 PM »
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  • Quote from: 2Vermont
    What are you guys talking about?  Is that some special handshake?  It doesn't look that odd to me.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #7 on: March 31, 2014, 08:10:01 PM »
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  • Quote from: JohnAnthonyMarie
    I'm sure he was reaching for the transit fare in this pose...

    To me the handshake is more of interest.  In this case, he's probably holding on to his wallet (lots of pickpockets on mass transit in Argentina).

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #8 on: March 31, 2014, 08:12:27 PM »
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  • Benedict and Blair

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    « Reply #9 on: March 31, 2014, 08:15:44 PM »
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  • Paul VI

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    « Reply #10 on: March 31, 2014, 08:18:21 PM »
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  • Please correct me if I'm wrong,

    If a mason shakes a hand, he places his thumb on a knuckle of the other party so that masons can discretely identify each other. If he places his thumb on the knuckle of the index finger he is an initiate, if he places his thumb in between the knuckles of the index finger and the middle finger he is of middle rank(the title evades me) and if he places his thumb on the knuckle of the middle finger he is a master mason (level 3). I also read that if the mason pinches the flesh between the thumb and index finger of the second party, he (the mason) is into the higher degrees.

    God bless,
    Pray the Holy Rosary.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #11 on: March 31, 2014, 08:20:25 PM »
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  • This is what I found regarding the variants.  Benedict XVI seems to be the biggest culprit.

    Offline JohnAnthonyMarie

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    « Reply #12 on: March 31, 2014, 10:04:39 PM »
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  • Quote from: Ladislaus
    Quote from: JohnAnthonyMarie
    I'm sure he was reaching for the transit fare in this pose...

    To me the handshake is more of interest.  In this case, he's probably holding on to his wallet (lots of pickpockets on mass transit in Argentina).

    It is a historic posture called the hidden hand.
    Omnes pro Christo

    Offline JohnAnthonyMarie

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    « Reply #13 on: March 31, 2014, 11:47:02 PM »
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  • Omnes pro Christo

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #14 on: April 01, 2014, 06:32:23 AM »
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  • Quote from: JohnAnthonyMarie
    Quote from: Ladislaus
    Quote from: JohnAnthonyMarie
    I'm sure he was reaching for the transit fare in this pose...

    To me the handshake is more of interest.  In this case, he's probably holding on to his wallet (lots of pickpockets on mass transit in Argentina).

    It is a historic posture called the hidden hand.

    I'm aware of what this is, just really sure that's what he's doing here.  Give you pause to think of course.