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Offline MyrnaM

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"Judging" the Pope
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2013, 08:21:33 PM »
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  • Quote from: BTNYC

    So God positively willed the pontificate that brought us the Cadaver Synod? God positively willed the selection of open fornicators like John XII? God positively willed the selection of Alexander VI, a philanderer whose gross pride bordered on idolatry (commissioning more statues of himself than any other subject)? These were the best men for the job, and God selected them... how, using their electors as powerless automatons completely devoid of free will?

    Stubborn brought up about God choosing popes, I don't know if that is doctrine or not.   Talk to him about it.

    I do know that even when we have a true pope, they still have a free will, and some true popes were very evil.  The Bible says we all sin, so I suppose that would include popes as well.   To be honest, I don't know anything about the Cadever Synod, I will look it up. I remember learning in school that we had many antipopes (sinful popes), but none of them changed the doctrines of the Church as did Vatican II.  

    Going now to look up Cadever Synod...

    Our Lord chose Judas while He was here bodily on earth, and with perfect knowledge of the integral part Judas would play in His Passion and Death.

    Not sure if this is correct, it doesn't seem like God to predestined a person to do evil.  Or am I misunderstanding you.
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    Offline MyrnaM

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    "Judging" the Pope
    « Reply #31 on: September 15, 2013, 10:00:17 PM »
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  • Okay, after reading a little about that time period, I remember learning it was a time of truly, and really great political strife. Just did not recall that name Cadever.  

    The way the nuns explained to us students a long time ago, I remember learning  this time period God allowed to prove that His Church was a Divine Institution, not human, because if it was human, during all these things that happened it would have fallen and the gates of Hell would have prevailed.  Although many abuses happened and strange things like digging up the dead to put them on trial, Popes being strangled, etc. The doctrines of the Church were not tampered with successfully, such as today with Vatican II. In fact they were protected, unlike today.   That is the difference.  

    Whether the Holy Ghost actually picks the person of Pope, as He did St. Peter.  I don't know but I will ask Him when I face Him face to face.(interesting question)

    I do know that the Holy Ghost is invoked often, i.e.  in the Divine Office by the Hour of Tierce.  In fact the entire liturgy of the Church gives us the example of continual recourse to the Holy Ghost. Many functions of Holy Church opens with an invocation to the Holy Ghost.  So when you have holy men getting ready to elect a True Pope, I do believe the Holy Ghost would be invited.    

    However when Vatican II became full swing, unless you do not believe the Vatican was infiltrated with the enemy.  If you close your eyes to the fact that Protestants were there along with other enemies of the Church to make it more worldly,  if you turn your head so as not to notice the INTENT of these Freemasons, communists who now had control, of the property of the Church, do you really believe the Holy Ghost was there to help.  I don't.  God is not mocked.  
    Please pray for my soul.
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    Offline ThomisticPhilosopher

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    "Judging" the Pope
    « Reply #32 on: September 16, 2013, 04:11:18 AM »
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  • Quote from: Mithrandylan
    Quote from: John
    Imagine the absurdity of saying: “I have witnessed a murder, but cannot testify against the perpetrator because he has not yet been found guilty in a court of law.” Imagine if every witness said this.


    It is, therefore, legitimate and necessary, if we are accusing Vatican II of heresy and substantial deviation from Catholicism, to conclude to the heresy of the promulgators of Vatican II and its reforms, with the conclusion that (1) they are public heretics, and therefore outside the Church; (2) they do not intend the objective good of the Catholic Church through the maintenance of its traditional doctrines, disciplines, and liturgy.


    On the other hand, if we are not accusing Vatican II and its reforms of heresy and substantial deviation, then why do we have a traditional movement?
    - Bp. Donald Sanborn

    There a lot of traditional Catholics who don't call themselves sedevacantists that have concluded all of those points.

    Reminds me of H.E. Moises Carmona, when he was officially "excommunicated" from the Conciliar sect he responded, "Blessed excommunication!" "Bendita excomulgacion!"

    I don't mind being a called a Sedevacantist because it makes it more clear to those unfamiliar what sort of Catholic I am. The only problem is that many conclude because they are called Sedevacantist that it must teach something new or novel as a result, but to those familiar with the position it is something that is not a novel idea. Kind of like those that call Lefebvrist to the Recognize and Resist crowd, I would not say that it is necessarily a bad thing, but rather a good thing. It reminds me of Fr. Cyprian (Prior) of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery, he said when someone says are you a Lefebvrist the thing that comes to his mind will be whether he will answer like St. Peter during the Crucifixion. "I know not the man." And then again they will accuse you and tell you that your manner of speech is so close to him, everything that you say reminds them of +Lefebvre speech. Will you like St. Peter start cussing and cursing exclaiming to everyone, "I know not the man!" Some do it out of fear and human respect, it is somewhat understandable human response, but to those that have supernatural faith it is definitely showing a lack of character.

    The Apostles imitated Our Blessed Lord in everything, so that everyone could be able to recognize them as disciples of the Lord. Many in the indult especially the FSSP/ICK et al, are accused of being Lefebvrist by the Conciliarists, because their manner of speech is so close to the Archbishop's that it gives them away quickly. Some of them will not necessarily repudiate that, some others will be scandalized by that. So when Concilarist attempt to mention the "Sedevacantist" dilemma of trying to make them seem like a particular sect, be a little bit more circuмspect and realize that you will more then likely be called a Lefebvrist yourself. So that it really benefits no one to particularly be "dogmatic" about your sedeplenism. If you would get a group of traditionalists and you would write a survey of whether they consider sedevacantist schismatics, you would find the overwhelming majority of SSPX type of individuals answer that they are schismatic, ready for the fires of hell. Now if you had the same survey, with the SV'ist you will find that the majority of them would not consider the SSPX schismatic to the same degree that the SSPX folks consider SV'ist. The SV'ist will obviously respond that such a position tends towards Schism, and each individual would be judged accordingly to how badly their mentality is schismatic.

    We see ourselves as nothing more or less then Catholic, this is understood by all traditionalists but sometimes in an age where the modernist have completely destroyed all good manner of speech changing the meaning of words to pervert their meaning. So then this becomes a part of the reality of our everyday communication. The Conciliarists love to see themselves as "New Order Catholics" doing everything in the spirit of Vatican II. So that the Conciliarist will call us Sedevacantist/Lefebvrist to try to make us look like outside of the Church, but they stand condemned by the previous magisterium. So that they might be able to initially, get away with bloody murder for a little while. We will stand convicted (if we persevere to the end) if not within our lifetime in the life to come as to why we were right all along for taking a stand against the New Religion. Who matters more? Men or the Divine Supreme Judge who knows all things and the deepest recesses of the heart. So let us then be encouraged by living according to the reality of eternity, it is precisely eternity that we must strive for. Never let the sophistries of heretics discourage you, or alienate you from the truth of the faith on one single iota. Don't be afraid to be called SV'ist/Lefebvrist etc... At the end of the day it is precisely the Catholic faith that they are trying to impute to us by labeling us with these blessed names, this is why we should not be angry or upset about the labeling. Rather rejoice, because you have been found worthy to suffer for the Lord's sake ridicule by worldly men. , has all my other verified accounts including PGP key plus BTC address for bitcoin tip jar. A.M.D.G.

    Offline 2Vermont

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    "Judging" the Pope
    « Reply #33 on: September 16, 2013, 03:20:36 PM »
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  • Quote from: Mithrandylan

    Furthermore, Catholics show their allegiance to the pope by following his direction.  He is the proximate rule of faith.  Catholics love him and assent to what he teaches, and not just when he teaches ex cathedra.  Some traditional Catholics give Francis, Benedict, John Paul, et al. the title of pope, but they do not treat him as pope.  Actions speak louder than words.  They do not really consider this man to be pope.  If they did, they wouldn't be traditionalists in the modern world :)

    Yes, this is exactly how I see things.  They may not say the pope isn't the pope, but their actions say otherwise.
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

    Offline Thorn

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    "Judging" the Pope
    « Reply #34 on: September 16, 2013, 09:13:27 PM »
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  • Myrna, check your  spelling again!!  It's not a Cadever Council.  There's no such word as cadever so you'll never find it!  It's Cadaver which means 'dead body'.  I think BTNYC made that up to make a point.  Clever, too.
    And while I'm at it, no one can bann anyone, they can only ban.  Banns:  public announcement esp. in church of a proposed marriage.

    Methinks no one wanted to correct you, so let me be the bad guy again.  As Catholics  we need to be very careful - every letter is important.
    Your welcome.  I mean you're welcome.  LOL
    "I will lead her into solitude and there I will speak to her heart.  Osee 2:14