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Re: Remember the Mass Rocks
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2024, 09:38:59 AM »
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    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Re: Remember the Mass Rocks
    « Reply #3 on: April 07, 2024, 09:43:39 AM »
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    Offline Philip

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    Re: Remember the Mass Rocks
    « Reply #4 on: April 07, 2024, 10:22:26 AM »
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  • Here is one at Knock Shrine in Ireland. I am not sure where it orignally was:" border="0

    Offline cassini

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    Re: Remember the Mass Rocks
    « Reply #5 on: April 10, 2024, 11:46:51 AM »
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    Absolutely br
    illiant and complete history of Catholicism in Ireland of the past Viva, the best I have ever read. thanks

    Offline cassini

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    Re: Remember the Mass Rocks
    « Reply #6 on: April 10, 2024, 12:18:35 PM »
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  • Here is one at Knock Shrine in Ireland. I am not sure where it orignally was:" border="0

    Thirty-three years after the apparition at La Salette, on 20th August 1879, a basilica at La Salette was consecrated, and the following day, August 21st, the cardinal Archbishop of Paris in France performed a canonical coronation of the statue of the Virgin of La Salette according to the prescription of the sacred Congregation of Rites.
    On the very same day as this coronation, 21st August 1879, as only heaven can co-ordinate, there occurred an active but silent apparition at Knock,  a small town (red dot) in west Connaught, Ireland.

    On a miserable wet evening, in a meadow field outside the gable-end of the Knock church of St John the Baptist, a small chapel ‘dedicated to all the nations of the world,’ there occurred an active but silent apparition (i.e., the figures were speaking but could not be heard). The vision, which lit the immediate area with a brilliant light, included images of a praying St Joseph, a crowned Virgin Mary, St John the Evangelist, and against the wall, the Lamb on a bare altar with a cross behind and above it in the traditional manner found in churches of the time, it of course representing Christ and the Sacrifice of the Catholic Latin Mass said inside the church of St John the Baptist, the Mass codified at the Council of Trent (1545-1563). Never before in history did such an altar and lamb appear in any such vision. Surrounding the altar were spots of brighter light, representing angels, as in Genesis I, ‘and God said, be light made.’ This vision, mounted on an invisible platform over the tall grass, showed St Joseph with hands joined, face bowed looking towards Mary and the altar; and the Blessed Virgin, with her arms held apart as the priest does at the sacrifice of the Mass, praying to heaven. Add to this was a vested and mitred St John, superimposed between Mary and the altar, holding a book (his Apocalypse?) in one hand while gesturing in a preaching stance with the other.

    How can it be interpreted?

    While there is no doubt the apparition is dominated by the lamb and altar, that is, the Catholic Mass of the time, the rock upon which the Catholic faith rests, in this case symbolised by a forlorn lamb on an empty altar backing on to the wall of the Church of St John the Baptist, other aspects of the vision are not clear at all. Accordingly it must be interpreted by way of allegory, by accuмulating knowledge of all with regard to the vision, its images, its timing, its place and then trying to draw conclusions from them. This way of interpretation was made known by St Paul in his Letter to the Galatians (Celts) 4:24: ‘things are said by an allegory’ - a form of exegesis thrown out by Martin Luther and one that is hardly ever found among modern Catholics. Scholars on the origin of European peoples tell us that a fair number of the old and true Galatians (Celts) had migrated up throughout Europe on to Ireland and settled here and even to this day many there still speak the Gaelic language. Thus there is a connection between the people of Knock and the allegorical nature of the Knock message.

    In response to Cromwell’s campaign to destroy the Christian Kingdom of Ireland, the Catholic Ecclesiastical Congregation of the Kingdom of Ireland met at Clonmacnoise on the 4th of December 1649, and issued a Motu Proprio, with reference to the English government’s intention to ‘extirpate’ (eradicate or destroy completely) the Catholic religion, warning Catholics not to be deceived by those supposedly acting in the name of God.  Given the universal nature of a proprio motu, i.e., a message for ‘all nations’, we feel there is a continuity and connection between the three elements mentioned here.   

    ‘Take away the Mass, destroy the Church’ said Martin Luther. ‘The Devil has always, by means of heretics, to deprive the world of the Mass. Making them precursors of the Antichrist, who before anything else, will try to abolish, and will actually abolish the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as a punishment for the sins of men, according to the prediction of Daniel, “and strength was given him against the continual Sacrifice.”’--- St Alphonsus.

    Final Interpretation

    God never leaves us ignorant. It is plain to see that God chose La Salette and then Knock to warn Catholics of the greatest battle of all to come, another attempt to try to eliminate traditional Catholicism and the Latin Mass of Trent by replacing it with one similar to that of Oliver Cromwell. Nowhere else in the history of the world after Holy Thursday was there a heavenly mention of an attack on the Mass of all time. In no other vision in history was the lamb on the altar portrayed. The Message here is delivered by St John the Evangelist, author of the Book of Revelation, the Book of Prophecy; the Book predicting a great apostasy incorporating the Beast, the forces of Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ.  Given the Mass is the source of grace that enables Catholics to know and keep the faith and thus Christianity alive and well, there is no doubt Knock was a reminder of Our Lady’s warning of an attack on the Mass, its priesthood, and Catholicism to come throughout all the Catholic nations on Earth.

    There is of course yet another means by which the interpretation of Knock can be known; by way of time itself. In 1884, five years after the apparition at Knock, Pope Leo XIII himself had an experience of his own, hearing the Lord allowing the Devil 75 to 100 years to try to destroy Catholicism on Earth. Unlike those trying to interpret the message of knock in 1879, and for many years after that, we now live in times well past those 75 to 100 years and can now see for ourselves what happened to Rome as La Salette predicted, what happened to the Catholic Mass of Knock and its priesthood, the one that Oliver Cromwell had tried to suppress and substitute; the Mass defended like this in 1570:

    On 28 October 1958 however, at age 76, Cardinal Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was elected pope taking the name Pope John of course; yes John, the first to do so in 500 years. Accordingly he became Pope John XXIII, the same name as the last Pope John XXIII (1410-1415) who was declared an anti-pope by the Church. Soon after his election Pope John called a council of the Church, Vatican II. He said the call came to him in a dream. From where that dream came from we can only guess. Pope John XXIII promised a ‘renewal’ in the Church that was flourishing at the time. History records tradition was ‘thrown’ out of Vatican II to be replaced by ‘renewal,’ especially by way of ecuмenism, not a renewed conversion of non-Catholics but an acceptance of non-Catholicism without conversion. As regards the Mass, well it too was renewed to make it more compatible to ‘all in the world.’ To begin with, it was proposed the language of the Mass be changed from the Latin to the vernacular, the language of peoples all around the world. But that was only the beginning. Soon thereafter, many churches were ripped apart to accommodate the new Mass that resembled Cromwell’s Protestant one. 

    Pope Paul VI says the first Mass in the vernacular, March 7, 1965
    Knock Today
    New flat roof church, Muslims, Protestants and Syrian schismatics welcome.

    President Biden’s invitation to Knock

    April 15th, 2023, world-renowned pro-abortionist, pro-ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ and pro-transgenderism ‘Catholic’ American President, Joseph Biden, while on as visit to Ireland decided to visit Knock where he was greeted by Fr Richard Gibbons, PP and rector of Knock Shrine and Mr John Conroy, Manager of Knock Shrine.

    Before he left. President Biden was presented with a stone from the original wall of the church of St John. Once again the warning message of Knock was demonstrated in our day.