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Author Topic: Heaven - Antonio Cardinal Bacci's Meditations For Each Day  (Read 1507 times)

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Heaven - Antonio Cardinal Bacci's Meditations For Each Day
« on: January 13, 2007, 07:16:59 PM »
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  • Heaven

    1. Faith teaches us that the soul which is in the state of grace and has expiated all the temporal punishments due to its sins, goes immediately to Heaven when it is separated from the body. There the soul enjoys eternal happiness. It sees God face to face. It sees Him without any intervention of created things, but as He is in Himself in the Unity of Trinity of His infinite perfections.

    In this beatific vision the intellect remains completely satisfied, because in God there is every truth, beauty and goodness. The will abandons itself entirely to the will of God, desiring nothing else and loving nothing else but God alone. There springs from this abandonment a love which satisfies every desire, an inexpressible joy and a boundless peace. The happy soul will see the Blessed Virgin, too, and she will smile upon it with maternal tenderness. It will see the Angels and Saints gathered around the King of Kings and the Queen of Heaven, singing their praises. St. Paul, who was taken up to the third Heaven, tells us that it is impossible to imagine or to describe the unknown joys which are experienced there. In comparison with the eternal happiness of Heaven, the poor pleasures of this world are empty shadows. We cannot imagine the happiness of those who have gained Heaven by their good lives upon earth. The concept of Heaven is so beautiful and immense that it caused the Saints to desire death as a means of going there. They welcomed suffering, too, because it brought them nearer to their goal.

    2. Our souls have an innate desire to be ahppy. God Himself has placed this desire in our hearts. What else are we doing all our lives but trying by every possible means to be happy? Unfortunately, we seek happiness where it is not to be found. Some seek it in material gain, others in honours, others in pleasure. But our hearts are much wider than the riches and honours and pleasures of this world. In comparison with the riches of the human spirit, worldly wealth is a very insignificant thing. Worldly honours are shadows which pass. As the "Imitation of Christ" reminds us, we are what we are before God, not what we appear before men (Bk. III, Chapter 50:8). Pleasure also passes quickly, and when it is immoderate it leaves in our hearts a sense of emptiness and disgust. St. Augustine had a good deal of experience of the deceptiveness and complexity of human happiness. He had reason to exclaim: You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless except in You (Confessions, II, 2:4). We should follow the example of the Saints and aim at Heaven in everything we do. This should be the goal of our earthly journey. We should make sure that all our actions are in conformity with the will of God and directed towards this end.

    3. God desires our salvation. God wishes all men to be saved (1 Tim. 2:4). We are all aspirants of Heaven. We shall not be denied the grace of God so long as we ask for it with confidence and perseverance. St. Augustine tells us that Paradise is ours if we wish: You are not called to embrace the earth, but to prepare yourselves for Heaven; not to be the successes of this world nor to a short-lived and transient prosperity, but to eternal life together with the Angels (Serm. 296, 6:7).

    Contemplate this true and everlasting happiness. Let us direct towards it our intentions and desires and all our work. Then the day will come when we shall be really happy for all eternity.

    Offline Trinity

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    Heaven - Antonio Cardinal Bacci's Meditations For Each Day
    « Reply #1 on: January 13, 2007, 07:32:25 PM »
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  • ...shall bring forth from the storehouse both the old and the new.   Thank you, obscurus.  You seem to have a veritable treasure house of good things.  Thank you for sharing them.
    Please pray for the repose of her soul.

    Offline Matthew

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    Heaven - Antonio Cardinal Bacci's Meditations For Each Day
    « Reply #2 on: January 13, 2007, 07:33:43 PM »
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  • I also appreciate your edifying contributions.

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    Offline Trinity

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    Heaven - Antonio Cardinal Bacci's Meditations For Each Day
    « Reply #3 on: January 13, 2007, 08:38:19 PM »
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  • I got this from my daughter's old theology textbook.

    On the joys of heaven they speak first of the beatific vision, than of our glorified bodies and companionship in heaven.  Under Other Joys of Heaven they write:

    In heaven all of man's faculties, esp. the noblest, the intellect and will, will be brought to their highest perfection.  They will be given supernatural capacities for knowing and loving far beyond that supplied by the supernatural virtues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit on earth.  This will vary according to the capacity of each individual and will depend on the grace and glory that he has gained for himself on earth.

    The intellect on earth was aided in knowing God by the natarual power of reason and by the supernatural power of the infused theological virtue of faith, of the infused moral virtue of prudence, and of the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel and knowledge.

    The intellect, having gained possession of Truth Itself, will be given yet far greater supernatural knowledge and understanding. It will be aided to see and know God as He is, by a special supernatural gift called the light of glory.  It will see the unity of everything in the ineffable unity of the Triune God.

    So, too, the will, having possession of uncreated, eternal, infinite Goodness, will rest quietly in supernatural joy and peace, realizing that it has attained the eternal possession of everything that is or could be desirable.
    Please pray for the repose of her soul.

    Offline Trinity

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    Heaven - Antonio Cardinal Bacci's Meditations For Each Day
    « Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 01:12:27 PM »
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  • I think that now we have no idea.  In heaven we will find what we truly desired without knowing what it was.  It will be an "Ah ha!" moment.
    Please pray for the repose of her soul.

    Offline Matthew

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    Heaven - Antonio Cardinal Bacci's Meditations For Each Day
    « Reply #5 on: January 14, 2007, 05:27:31 PM »
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  • Well, let's put it this way...

    If we could see God now (before death), besides being physically unable to live, we would find everything in life utterly distasteful, and would long for death constantly.

    The more we come to know God, the more we love Him and yearn to live forever with Him. Just read any saints biography. :)

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