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Author Topic: Frustration  (Read 1255 times)

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Offline s2srea

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« on: March 13, 2012, 12:50:57 PM »
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  • Do you ever get the feeling of frustration or discouragement when thinking or reading about the NovusOrdo and the loonies who are in it. I do sometimes. I was reading a link that StevusMagnus put up which had to do with a priest whose bishop was suing him. This priest seemed very Trad oriented, and seems like a very holy man. This is this website I was reading. As I was reading the comments section, the NovusOrdites, I realized, are just so far gone. I mean, objectively, they have no Catholicity in them. And I would venture to say it reads as if they wouldn't want it if it was presented to them; this by their very own words.

    Many (most?) of the posters there actually attacked the priest for supporting Catholic Tradition, and some even questioned if he 'forced' the laity to accept it. I mean, really? Sometimes I just feel like beating some Catholic sense into, and beating the crap out of, these morons. I know its wrong, and I just need to pray for them, but the sense is there. I hope the Chastisement will come soon, and thank God that I have been given the Graces to know His Church. I just want everyone else to know it like I do.

    We need a little more of this I tell ya: :heretic: :heretic: :heretic:

    Offline Elizabeth

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    « Reply #1 on: March 13, 2012, 12:59:49 PM »
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  •  I think the responses are made by shills of the guy who fired the good priest.

    They don't claim to know anything about what was actually going on, because they

    know they would be found out.

    But frustrating all the same.

    Offline MrsZ

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    « Reply #2 on: March 13, 2012, 03:40:27 PM »
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  • It's very easy for certain temperaments to become overly attached to certain feelings, particularly negative feelings.  I, myself,  have experienced this due to my predisposition of being a critical, judgmental personality.  Instead of coming to Christ and embracing His example of charity and forgivess about those living in darkness...I instead focused my laserbeam attention on them and began keeping mental lists of all the transgressions of which my fellow parishioners were guilty.  I examined their clothes, posture and behavior at Mass and couldn't understand what was the matter with them? Didn't they know that what they were doing and wearing was wrong and an offense to our Lord?  They must be amazing arrogant and rebellious to be doing such a thing!  Hard-hearted sinners, they!

    All the while I conveniently forgot that it was God's grace that had pulled me out of similar ignorance and willful disobedience.  There was a time when I was in darkness.  When I didn't "know any better" and apparently someone was praying for me during that time.  God showed me the way out and I repaid him by acting like a Pharaisee.  

    In addition, I felt that (I)(we) were "doing everything right," "following all the rules" and yet we were still stuck in Novus Ordo Land with no way out.  Why was God allowing us to SUFFER like this?  Why was He allowing us to witness such idiocy and obtuse behavior amongst fellow Catholics?

    And then I looked at Him hanging on the Cross and realized that THIS fact, this fact of being alone amongst those living in darkness, those in ignorance of the Truth, was in fact Christ allowing us to suffer right along with Him.  Some people live amongst "their own" and have their own slings and arrows to deal with...and other's apparently are called to be "salt and light' amongst those who are not "their own."  

    God expects us to assume the best of these fellow "Novus Ordinarians."  He expects us to Forgive them "for they know not what they do."  He expects us to Pray and Sacrifice for them...for their enlightenment, for their salvation.  And then He expects us to look to ourselves first and foremost and remember when we didn't know any better ... when we maybe didn't dress modestly, or when we were consumed with things and entertainment.  When we didn't give much thought to God and His Will for our lives.  

    Most of these N.O.'s have NO CLUE about History or Tradition.  They go to Mass and they follow the lead of the priest.  They accept what he accepts and do what he does.  They haven't been given the Grace to question the way of things or to realize how out of "order" most N.O.'s are to the "Mass of All Time."  They just don't know.

    God Bless :)

    Offline s2srea

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    « Reply #3 on: March 13, 2012, 05:27:36 PM »
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  • Wow. Thanks for the sobering story MrsZ. Excellent words.

    Offline Marcelino

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    « Reply #4 on: March 13, 2012, 06:18:50 PM »
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  • It is disturbing how intense the differences between Trads and Novus can be.  Even the suggestion of violence, although he probably doesn't mean it, seems to smack of cινιℓ ωαr.  It reminds me of the opening pages to Pat Buchanan's new book, "ѕυιcιdє of a Super Power."  The idea being that Americans are rapidly losing the things that held them together (race, ethnicity, religion, politics/political process and economy/jobs and benefits).  

    You look at this huge rift forming in The Roman Catholic Church, between Traditionals and Progressives and you wonder how far it will go in tearing the church apart.  

    That priest's list of things seems quite nice.

    I'm not suggesting anything, it's just in the opening of his book Buchanan  mentions things like Abortion tearing the country apart.  That's an issue you could fight a cινιℓ ωαr over.  

    So, I guess that's what is discouraging to me.  The only comfort I can think of is that God is ultimately in control of it all.  Otherwise,  :stare:

    Offline SouthernBelle

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    « Reply #5 on: March 13, 2012, 10:46:47 PM »
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  • I currently attend a NO mass, no TLM anywhere near me. I'm very fortunate, in that my priest is very holy, and we have Latin, only altar boys, incense, organ, sacred music, etc. When I compare my current NO congregation and fellow Catholics with my previous TLM congregation, there's really very little difference. Faithful practicing Catholics are faithful practicing Catholics, no matter the mass.

    However, we often visit family in an area where the NO is excruciating. I've attended Holy Hour at that church before, and know that there are a lot of very faithful and traditional Catholics there (again, no TLM anywhere close), but the personality of the priest overwhelms the congregation and sets the whole tone for the parish. In that kind of environment it's inevitable that the loonies and dissidents are front and center. Consequently, I've learned not to lump everyone together based on my overall impression of the congregation; I've learned that the orthodoxy (and good taste) of the priest makes a huge difference.

    Offline copticruiser

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    « Reply #6 on: March 14, 2012, 01:02:19 AM »
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  • Quote from: SouthernBelle
    I currently attend a NO mass, no TLM anywhere near me. I'm very fortunate, in that my priest is very holy, and we have Latin, only altar boys, incense, organ, sacred music, etc. When I compare my current NO congregation and fellow Catholics with my previous TLM congregation, there's really very little difference. Faithful practicing Catholics are faithful practicing Catholics, no matter the mass.

    However, we often visit family in an area where the NO is excruciating. I've attended Holy Hour at that church before, and know that there are a lot of very faithful and traditional Catholics there (again, no TLM anywhere close), but the personality of the priest overwhelms the congregation and sets the whole tone for the parish. In that kind of environment it's inevitable that the loonies and dissidents are front and center. Consequently, I've learned not to lump everyone together based on my overall impression of the congregation; I've learned that the orthodoxy (and good taste) of the priest makes a huge difference.

    Understand what your saying. :cheers: Honestly though regardless of how wonderful the priest is or congregation (lots in evangelical circles too) when Protestants and possibly Masons tamper with the mass Im not sure if Truth Seeking Catholics should attend such services that are catholic in name only. YOU MUST watch  WHAT WE HAVE LOST by ISOC there is a thread on the dvd here somewhere. It really shows how ALL 7 SACRAMENTS have been altered. We really are not getting the real mc coy.

    I have NO PROBLEM attending the REAL THING even if the priest is awful and the congregation is too. We go to WORSHIP and RECEIVE our LORD in the EUCHARIST.

    St. Teresa of AVILA went to recieve HOLY COMMUNION one day. She was horrified to see TWO DEMONS on the shoulder of the priest grabbing his neck. Our LORD revealed to her an example of how a priest could be in MORTAL SIN and yet have the power to consecrate and give out the sacrament.

    Just my thoughts :dancing:

    Offline Raoul76

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    « Reply #7 on: March 14, 2012, 02:35:16 AM »
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  • S2Srea said:  
    Many (most?) of the posters there actually attacked the priest for supporting Catholic Tradition, and some even questioned if he 'forced' the laity to accept it. I mean, really? Sometimes I just feel like beating some Catholic sense into, and beating the crap out of, these morons. I know its wrong, and I just need to pray for them, but the sense is there.

    You sound mild compared to how I used to be.  I was known for my bad temper when I first came on this board, and that was a mere infinitesimal fraction of how bad it was before I was baptized.  Only God knows the miracle of how my soul has been changed.  I was like a roaring dragon.

    Make no mistake, these men are the worst enemies of the faith that have ever been seen.  Just because they call themselves Catholic doesn't mean anything; that only makes it worse.  We should want them to be defeated.  But there's a way to do this, and a way not to do it.

    I still say, Anti-Christ will be an extreme far-right tyrant figure who emerges at a time when the world has become super-liberal.  He will appear to be a messiah delivering the world from Satan but will in fact embody even more Satanic power than those he replaces.  The devil always loves to swing things to extremes, either one or the other.  There are certain events in my own life that I believe tipped me off to this.
    Readers: Please IGNORE all my postings here. I was a recent convert and fell into errors, even heresy for which hopefully my ignorance excuses. These include rejecting the "rhythm method," rejecting the idea of "implicit faith," and being brieflfy quasi-Jansenist. I also posted occasions of sins and links to occasions of sin, not understanding the concept much at the time, so do not follow my links.

    Offline Raoul76

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    « Reply #8 on: March 14, 2012, 02:38:27 AM »
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  • Marcelino said:  
    You look at this huge rift forming in The Roman Catholic Church, between Traditionals and Progressives and you wonder how far it will go in tearing the church apart.

    Many of what you call "progressives" are not even in the Church but SSPX insists that they are; which isn't helping.  Trads should have long ago cut all ties with the Novus -- all trads.  
    Readers: Please IGNORE all my postings here. I was a recent convert and fell into errors, even heresy for which hopefully my ignorance excuses. These include rejecting the "rhythm method," rejecting the idea of "implicit faith," and being brieflfy quasi-Jansenist. I also posted occasions of sins and links to occasions of sin, not understanding the concept much at the time, so do not follow my links.