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I think most here expect something like this from him so it's not the big news it should be, otoh, if he ever defends the Catholic faith in some way - THAT will be big news.
As of March 17, we can add a new item to the list of Bergoglian blasphemies. Dr. Emilce Cuda, the first woman to receive a doctorate in theology from the so-called Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, had an audience with Mr. Bergoglio on this day. Crux published a report on the meeting, which includes these lines:She says Francis urged them to do theological ethics with a “hermeneutic of unity in difference,” an idea that the network has already embraced before his election. It’s a theme that recurs in the pope’s intellectual passions: creating processes in which the Holy Spirit forges new synthesis out of disparities and disagreements.In the meeting, the pope jokingly likened this to the way the Holy Trinity functions. “Inside the Holy Trinity they’re all arguing behind closed doors,” Cuda says Francis told them, “but on the outside they give the picture of unity.”(Austin Ivereigh, “The woman who knows how to read Pope Francis”, Crux, Mar. 25, 2017; underlining added.)This blasphemy hardly needs commenting. For those here on Cathinfo who may dismiss this as “not a big deal”, you had better read up on and meditate on the Infinite Majesty of God. The Second Commandment — given right after the prohibition against idolatry — forbids even so much as taking God’s name in vain, i.e. using it carelessly: “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the name of the Lord his God in vain” (Ex 20:7). How much more terrible is the direct insulting of God as a Trinity of Persons that merely pretend to be unified and are not!The blasphemy in this is one aspect, but there is another one too: the implications for dogma. Such a statement attacks God’s infinite Perfection, the perfect harmony of His Will, His infinite goodness, etc. In short, the “joke” also implies a number of heresies.
I think yo are taking Pope Francis' words out of context.
This Conciliar Pope has said worse. I would suggest a sermon which held that Christ among us was stained with sin to be near an equal or perhaps a worse Bergoglianism, as there was thought put into that statement.
In the meeting, the pope jokingly likened this to the way the Holy Trinity functions. “Inside the Holy Trinity they’re all arguing behind closed doors,” Cuda says Francis told them, “but on the outside they give the picture of unity.”(Austin Ivereigh, “The woman who knows how to read Pope Francis”, Crux, Mar. 25, 2017; underlining added.)This blasphemy hardly needs commenting. For those here on Cathinfo who may dismiss this as “not a big deal”, you had better read up on and meditate on the Infinite Majesty of God. The Second Commandment — given right after the prohibition against idolatry — forbids even so much as taking God’s name in vain, i.e. using it carelessly: “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the name of the Lord his God in vain” (Ex 20:7). How much more terrible is the direct insulting of God as a Trinity of Persons that merely pretend to be unified and are not!
As of March 17, we can add a new item to the list of Bergoglian blasphemies. Dr. Emilce Cuda, the first woman to receive a doctorate in theology from the so-called Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, had an audience with Mr. Bergoglio on this day......How much more terrible is the direct insulting of God as a Trinity of Persons that merely pretend to be unified and are not!The blasphemy in this is one aspect, but there is another one too: the implications for dogma. Such a statement attacks God’s infinite Perfection, the perfect harmony of His Will, His infinite goodness, etc. In short, the “joke” also implies a number of heresies.
.The Pope has been hailed by the media as the new leader of the global Left. Like the Left, Pope Francis prefers the argument ad hominem to reasoned argument: he caricatures and vilifies people and positions he dislikes, piling on insult and invective in an attempt to delegitimize criticism by breeding contempt for his critics. And all of this is done in the name of compassion, just as the Left claims its increasingly nasty, totalitarian and sometimes violent actions are motivated by compassion for the supposed victims of bigotry and injustice, i.e. Muslims, illegal immigrants, criminals and anyone who might help to complete the dismantling of what remains of Western culture.The avid attention now given to current events, both in the Church and in the world, reflects the recognition that we have reached a civilizational crisis point: either we abandon traditional moral values and conform to whatever the managers of the nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr tell us is acceptable behavior (see: “A Harbinger of the Apocalypse?”), or we fight a last-ditch battle for the preservation of what we know to be true and good.Sister Lucy told Cardinal Caffarra that the final battle would be fought over marriage and the family. Can anyone now doubt the accuracy of that prophecy?.