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Re: Forgive So We Can Live and Let Live
« Reply #45 on: March 28, 2024, 09:28:45 AM »
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  • And then Pentecost.  Divine Mercy Sunday is no for me.  (  I can see why it was initially banned.)  The fact that Pope John Paul II was friends with McCarick lacks spiritual discernment. 
    May God bless you and keep you

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    Re: Forgive So We Can Live and Let Live
    « Reply #46 on: April 11, 2024, 05:25:54 AM »
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  • Fr Sean again:
    Jesus’ Final Words: Be Converted

        Jesus confirmed to His apostles and disciples that, indeed, He had arisen from the dead. On this occasion in Luke’s Gospel (24:35-48) they thought He was a ghost. Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures (Old Testament), and reminded them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in His Name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.”

      These were Jesus’ final words to His Apostles and disciples before He ascended to His Father. He wanted His disciples to remember and carry them out for the good of all who believed in Him. These were the words that summed up the purpose of His mission and the mission of His Church, namely to preach repentance and forgiveness in His Name to all nations. Sadly, today many of the Church’s bishops and priests seem to ignore this. Today especially, we need to recognize what part of His ministry Jesus chose to emphasize with these final words. He didn’t tell them to save the planet or be concerned about global warming, but rather to be concerned with saving men and women from sin.

      If He hadn’t spoken these words we might have assumed that His final message to His disciples would be, “Love one another!” Love was certainly central to Jesus’ teaching and the central ethic of life. But that wasn’t what He revealed in His last instructions. Love in itself isn’t the complete message of Jesus, though it may be central. There’s something more. A focus on love alone without understanding that it involves repentance and forgiveness of sin turns Christianity into a kind of touchy-feely religion where everybody is supposed to be nice and have a warm fuzzy feeling about everybody else – a religion based on feeling alone without bringing about any real change in people’s lives.

        The main task and essential gift of Jesus’ Church is to “preach repentance and the forgiveness of sins in His Name to all nations.” This is the message that every Pope, bishop, priest, and deacon along with every lay member must proclaim and practice in the world. The central task of the Church is to say to the world: “Repent of your sins and be converted to Jesus Christ if you want happiness after death!” Jesus came specifically to call sinners (Mk 2:17). He didn’t come to make us feel good, although we’ll definitely feel good when we repent and receive the forgiveness of God and His Church in Confession.

      What does it mean to repent? It literally means “to feel regret” or “feel sorry.” It means that we recognize our negative or selfish attitude and replace our sinful ways with graceful ways. It means turning our life around, converting to Jesus and heading in the direction that leads to where God wants to be and where we need to be if we want to be truly happy and fulfilled.

      Everybody is headed somewhere. The key question is, “Will where I’m headed bring me happiness or misery?” Ultimately there are only two destinations, namely Heaven or for hell.

    The mission Jesus gave His Church is to call everyone to embrace Him as their Savior. That requires asking for the grace of repentance so that He can forgive us and reconcile us with Him and with one another. The Church’s mission, then, is to say to everyone, “Turn your life around before it’s too late. Repent and be converted! God wants to save you from what pulls you down through the forgiveness of sins. God gives “His people a knowledge of salvation in freedom from their sins” (Lk 1:77). Jesus founded His Church to be His instrument through which He constantly addresses the world:  “For your own spiritual welfare and the wellbeing of your immortal soul, turn around while you can and before it’s too late. Repent and be converted to Jesus Christ!”

        Every one of us needs to examine our lives from time to time and ask the questions, “Where am I headed in life? Will the direction I am taking lead me to where God wants me to be?”

      Daniel Defoe, author of Robinson Crusoe, ran away from home as a teenager and went to sea, much to the distress of his parents. He wanted to do his own thing. On his first voyage the ship was wrecked and he barely escaped drowning. He saw his foolishness and the bad choices he had made, but he was afraid to go back home because he knew his friends would make fun of him and he’d have to admit to his parents that he took the wrong direction in life. Defoe came to the conclusion that people are less ashamed of sinning than they are of admitting their sin and repenting. People are more ashamed to repent – admitting they were wrong and needing to turn their life around – than they are of continuing in their sinfulness. Pride, Satan’s weapon and one of the deadly sins, is often the killer here. Our pride distorts our thinking and we become blind to the stupidity of our sinful ways. It deafens us to God’s call and blocks God’s merciful grace. We would rather fight than switch – even when we know that what we’re doing is evil and stupid beyond belief.

        You and I, as members of Jesus’ Church, are obligated to bring Jesus’ words to the world and say, even when we’re ignored or turned off, “Brother/sister, turn around. Please, for your own sake and for the sake of those who love you most, turn around. Repent and be converted!” We might be told to mind our own business and keep our nose of other people’s affairs. But Jesus tells us that we are our brothers and sisters keepers (Gen 4:8-10; 1 Peter 3:8), and it’s our business, our obligation, to show our love for them by calling them to change their direction when they’re headed for misery, pain, and self-destruction. Out of love Jesus says to every man and woman, “Repent and turn your life around.”

      Jesus’ Church must preach repentance and the forgiveness of sins to all nations so they can experience God actually saving them. The Church embraces everyone who accepts Jesus’ conditions, not on the conditions of those who want to be admitted into her world. Most of us have some regrets in life – something we did, didn’t do, or sinned against others. Now we wish we could erase that part of our life or handle a relationship differently. But if we repent God will forgive us and we can make restitution.

      It’s interesting to observe that people have a need to confess the wrong things they have done as is witnessed in phone-in confession lines, etc. Unresolved guilt is one of the great problems in people’s lives. It emerges in physical disorders, sleeplessness, depression, and numerous problems in building relationships. Many people aren’t even aware that it’s a problem. Because people are confused about the nature of sin, or because they don’t realize they are sinners, they aren’t aware of their need for the grace of repentance and the gift of forgiveness. The nature of sin is that we put ourselves at the center of the world and push God and others out. We sin when we use others for our own ends. We sin when we don’t live up to our potential as God’s children. We sin when we become takers rather than givers. We sin when we ignore God’s commandments. Sin creates division, distrust, disrespect whether in thought, word or action. Sin makes us less human and less alive as God’s people.

      We read in St. John’s Letter (1 Jn 2:1-5; 1 Jn 1:8-10)): “Those who say, ‘I know Him,’ but do not keep His commandments are liars, and the truth is not in them.” “Any man who says he has no sin is a liar.” At every Mass we begin by acknowledging ourselves as sinners “in what we have done and in what we have failed to do.” We all need to repent and seek forgiveness. This is why the Mass is the ordinary means of forgiveness for our venial sins and the sacrament of Reconciliation is the Sacrament is the visible sign in which Jesus offers us forgiveness when we repent of our grave and mortal sins.

      Turning our life around and receiving God’s forgiveness in the Name of Christ is what Jesus empowers us in and through His Church. This is why we need the Church so desperately in today’s world where sin abounds and people seem too proud to seek forgiveness or fool themselves into thinking they have no sin. The lack of repentance and forgiveness dooms us to eternal suffering and deprives humanity of the grace of salvation which Jesus won on the Cross and makes available through His Church. The greatest thing anyone can do for himself or herself is to repent, seek forgiveness and be converted to Jesus Christ as a member of His Church where He offers forgiveness to the repentant soul. This is what Jesus made possible through His Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension. (fr. sean)

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    Re: Forgive So We Can Live and Let Live
    « Reply #47 on: April 18, 2024, 06:07:19 AM »
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  • Fr Sean again:
    There’s only One Saviour and One Church

      One of the worst illusions is the belief that we can save ourselves from sin and make ourselves happy. Adam and Eve bought into this lie in the Garden of Eden. Another form of that lie prevalent today, even espoused by some Church leaders, is called universalism. This is the belief that every human being will eventually be saved regardless of their religion. That belief contradicts Jesus who stated unequivocally: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Jn 14:6), and “Whoever acknowledges me before men I will acknowledge before my Father in heaven. Whoever disowns me before men I will disown before my Father in Heaven” (Mt 10:32-33).  He didn’t say, “I’m only one way, truth, and life among many.” Jesus is the only One who can save us from our sins. Outside His Church there’s no salvation and those who don’t belong to His Church depend on the merits of His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church for their salvation. Jesus revealed to Peter and the other apostles as His Church’s leaders, “He who hears you hears me. He who rejects you rejects me. And he who rejects me, rejects Him who sent me” (Lk 10:16).  Neither Buddha, Mahomet, nor Confucius, nor anyone else can save us from eternal death except Jesus because He alone was raised from the dead by His Father and now sits at the right hand of God as the judge of the living and the dead (Col 3:1). Only those who die believing in Him and embracing His Church, His Bride on earth, will be saved. This is why Jesus urgently commissioned His disciples: “Full authority has been given to me both in heaven and on earth; go, therefore and make disciples of all the nations.  Baptize that in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you. And know that I am with you always, until the end of the world!” (Mt 28:18-20). He ordered them to teach what He taught them, not their own opinions or some synodal way. This is why Catholics are obligated out of love for others to bring them the truth that Jesus is the only Saviour.

      We can neither save ourselves from selfishness and sin, nor perfect ourselves. If we could save ourselves we certainly wouldn’t suffer, let alone die. Why, as intelligent creatures, do people think and behave so unintelligently? Instead of embracing Jesus as the Truth people make up their own truth which is founded on their opinion that are as flawed as they are. Jesus is the only person in history who conquered death through His Resurrection. Therefore, He’s the only one who can show us how to rise from death. He alone shows us the only path to joy, peace, and a happiness that lasts forever. Peter, the head of the Apostles, “filled with the Holy Spirit”, reminds us that, “There is no salvation in anyone else, nor is there any name under Heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved” (Acts 4:10-12), apart from Jesus. Knowing that He was the only means of entry into Heaven, Jesus commissioned and commanded His Apostles to bring this good news to the whole world. St. Paul reiterated Jesus’ command when he said, “Now you must realize that this salvation of God has been transmitted to the gentiles – who will heed it” (Acts 28:28).

      How does Jesus save us? Through uniting us with Him in His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. He prayed that His followers, and through their witness, that all peoples would be united with Him in His Church. “I do not pray for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their word, that all may be one as You, Father, are in me, and I in You; I pray that they may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent me” (Jn 17:20-21). Jesus saves us by making us His adopted brothers and sisters through baptism into His Church where He’s present to each member in the preaching of His Word and in the Sacraments. There He intimately nourishes our soul by giving us the gift of Himself especially in the Holy Mass which is the re-presentation of His sacrifice on the Cross. There we are privileged to receive the “… love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called children of God… we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” (1 Jn 3:1-2). Have you received that love as He unites your suffering to His and asks His Father to bless you in your suffering?

      If love is the essence of Christianity - the glue of togetherness through repentance and forgiveness - why are there divisions among those who call themselves Christian? How can we love God if we don’t love one another? We can’t. Jesus identified Himself as the “Good Shepherd” (Jn 10:11) who has an intimate relationship with His flock and also cares for those who are not yet members. “I know my sheep, and mine know me in the same way that the Father knows me and I know the Father. I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must lead them too, and they shall hear my voice. There shall be one flock then, one shepherd” (Jn 10:16). Jesus shows clearly that there can only be “one fold,” one universal Church, led by “one shepherd,” the Vicar of Christ, Peter and his successors. This is Jesus’ visible community to which those outside it are invited to join, not on their conditions but on Jesus’ conditions, namely by obeying His commandments. Jesus’ Church, under the leadership of the Apostles’ successors, re-sounds His voice calling all people to be saved through entering and participating in His “one fold” as His “one flock” shepherded by Him until the end of time. Anybody who tries to build a fold and collect a flock outside of the Church founded by Jesus on Peter causes division. Division is always a sign of Satan’s activity generating confusion and dissension. As Christians we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and pray daily with the Psalmist: “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His mercy endures forever. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.” (Ps 118:1)

      Division among Christians weakens the Church’s effectiveness as Jesus’ visible sign of His saving presence in the world. It’s an absurdity for Christians not to be united in one family. The Holy Spirit revealed that “There is one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all, and works through all, and is in all” (Eph 4:5-6). To heal division and restore unity, Jesus empowered His Church to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation so that her members may repent of their sins, be forgiven, and reconciled to God and to one another in order to witness His mission of supernatural and unconditional love. The human love with which we naturally love must be nourished with God’s supernatural love if we’re to mirror Jesus’ love, truthfully, mercifully, and justly. God’s spirit of love - the Holy Spirit - decries division since He leads everyone into the loving union enjoyed by Jesus and His Father. There’s only one Saviour and only one Church. This is God’s will for us to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. (fr sean)

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    Re: Forgive So We Can Live and Let Live
    « Reply #48 on: April 24, 2024, 12:02:34 PM »
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  • Fr Sean again.
    Are You Well-Connected?

      Bishop Fulton Sheen noted that the greatest insult you could heap on someone is to say he or she is useless. No one is useless. God creates everyone at the moment of conception with the ability to make a positive difference in the world. A reporter asked a businessman how he got to be so wealthy. He said that when he and his wife married they had only five cents between them. “I bought an apple, polished it and sold it for ten cents. Then I bought two apples for ten cents and sold them for twenty.” The reporter asked, “Then what?” The man smiled, “My relative died and left us twenty million!” Good connections make all the difference. To be successful in life we must have good connections. It’s not what we know but who we know that we can rely upon for help to achieve our goals. It is not what we know about Heaven that will get us there but who we know.

      In a book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey identified the key habits that enable people to be successful. He showed that effective people are proactive instead of reactive; they begin with the end in sight, put first things first, think win-win, seek to understand before seeking to be understood, synergize, and continue improving their skills. Habits, good or bad, are actions that we do repeatedly until they become embedded in our unconsciousness so that they become second nature to us. Our actions flow from our intellect and will, both of which are faculties of our soul. To develop good habits we need to seed our minds with the kind of thoughts that when planted in our soul shape us into effective people. To be effective Christians we must seed our minds with God’s thoughts and plant them in our soul. As God’s creatures our effectiveness depends on our adherence to the purpose which He gives us. Connection to the Creator assures us of achieving our purpose which is to know, love, and serve Him here on earth and after death to be with Him forever in Heaven.

      How do we connect with God? By letting God connect with us first. “It was not you who chose me, it was I who chose you to go forth and bear fruit” (Jn 15:16). How does God connect with us? He initiates His connection with us through Jesus’ presence in His Church in the Sacrament of Baptism. There Jesus enables us to “put on the new nature created in God’s image, whose justice and holiness are born of truth” (Eph 4:24), giving us a new identity, a new nature, and a new destiny as His adopted brother or sister. We can’t be effective if our sinful nature isn’t replaced by a new loving, life-respecting nature. The highly effective Christian, as is evidenced in the saints, is the man or woman who thinks and acts humbly, justly, mercifully, gracefully, and truthfully. Faith, hope, charity, humility, prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance, peace-making, prayerfulness, worship, and service are the habits of an effective Christian.

      To be an effective Christian community or parish or diocese we need to be continually connected to Jesus. That’s why He founded His Church on Peter to be His Bride, His Body on earthHe is the source of Christian fruitfulness. “I am the true vine and my Father is the vine-grower … Live on in me, as I do in you… I am the vine, you are the branches. He who lives in me and I in him, will produce abundantly, for apart from me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:4-5). Effective Christianity is impossible without Jesus since He is the vine and we are the branches. When we try to be effective while ignoring Jesus we, like branches cut off from the vine, wither and die. This is why so many baptized people have rendered themselves ineffective workers in the vineyard of the Lord.

      How does Jesus make us effective Christians?  Through His Church’s Sacraments, especially in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where we hear His Word, celebrate His real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, the re-presentation of His sacrifice on the Cross, and receive Him in Holy Communion. In that action of His, through the ordained priest, Jesus visibly inserts us into Himself as the branch is connected to the vine, and energizes our soul so that we can go out and effectively promote life, love, and enthusiasm in a world wallowing in death, hate, and apathy. This is a real connection with Jesus, not a symbolic gesture, as He Himself revealed. “Let me solemnly assure you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. He who feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has life eternal, and I will raise him up on the last day” (Jn 6:53-54). Jesus isn’t speaking symbolically but literally. He makes the reception of Him in Holy Communion the essential and effective nourishment for our soul: “For my flesh is real food and my blood real drink. The man who feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in Him” (Jn 6:56). No one can be in Christ unless Christ is in him or her. Thus Jesus guarantees a continual connection with Him since we need on-going spiritual nourishment to be effective witnesses to what is real, true, good, and beautiful. This is why He commanded His Apostles on Holy Thursday when He instituted the Holy Eucharist and ordained the Apostles to the priesthood to “Do this in memory of me!” (Lk 22:19).

      Jesus is the best connection we can ever have since He is the only one who has risen from the dead and has the power to raise us up from suffering and death. We couldn’t be better connected because He alone enables us to achieve the fullness of our potential. Look at the difference in Paul when Jesus connected him to Himself. He alone enables us to “love not in word and speech but in deed and in truth …and love one another just as He commanded us” (1 Jn 3:18-24). Actions speak louder than words. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit obeying the Ten Commandments assures us that God has connected us to Him. “Those who keep His commandments remain in Him, and He in them, and the way you know that He remains in us is from the Spirit He gave us.” The Holy Spirit urges us to “let the coming generations be told of the Lord that they may proclaim to a people yet to be born the justice he has shown” (Ps 22:26-32). If we’re not connected to Jesus we can’t hand on the Faith to our children. And since only Jesus can make human beings effective persons in a fallen world, if our children aren’t connected to Him they’re doomed to failure in eternal death. Is this the legacy we want to hand on to them? Wouldn’t that be an act of injustice to them? Don’t they deserve the best from their bishops, priests, and parents? Jesus acts justly towards us in His Church where He makes it possible to be connected to Him and thus achieve the fullness of our potential, namely to be God’s image and likeness and be co-heirs with Him (Rom 8:17) to His Kingdom. There is no connection with anyone that’s more important than being connected to Christ Jesus. Without that connection we wither and die and leave the world a worse place. (fr sean

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    Re: Forgive So We Can Live and Let Live
    « Reply #49 on: May 01, 2024, 11:09:37 AM »
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  • Fr Sean again.
    Love Is Command, Not a Feeling

      The singer, Tina Turner, sang, “Oh what’s love got to do with it? / What’s love but a second class emotion? / Who needs a heart/ When a heart can be broken?” The fact is that love’s got everything to do with everything that’s real, true, good, and beautiful. Since the word ‘love’ is too often used superficially to express what’s basically selfish, its true meaning is distorted. A meaningless description of love is to say “love is love.” In the area of human sɛҳuąƖity most of what’s called love is simply lust because it degrades chastity. A more descriptive word for love is ‘charity’. To be charitable is to be caring. Charity comes from Old English and means “service to the poor” or the “Christian love in its highest manifestation.” To be charitable is to hold someone or something dear to us. It’s love in its highest and broadest sense. To love is to wish good to another and contribute to his or her wellness and integrity. Love, for Christians, and indeed for anyone who wants to enter Heaven, isn’t simply a feeling or a second class emotion. It’s a command from Jesus.  Christians, if they want to be faithful to Jesus, have no option when it comes to being charitable. Christians are commanded to love one another and indeed everyone else as well. We must love our enemies. Real love is difficult because it demands sacrifice and forgiveness. Perhaps this is the reason why so many turn away from Jesus Christ and His Church. They want to define love on their terms rather than on Jesus’ terms. When we define love on our terms it isn’t love at all.

      Love is of God because He is love (1 Jn 4:7). God’s nature is to love.  Love must reflect God if it is to be true. It’s one of the three divine virtues, along with faith and hope. As a supernatural virtue, love is a gift from God which we cannot create on our own. Therefore for love to be real, it must reflect what God wants for us. Otherwise what’s called love is purely selfishness. This is what breaks hearts and betrays trust. What looks like love on the surface is self-serving underneath. Real love is by its nature self-giving, sacrificial, Godly. Jesus reveals that, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (Jn 15:13). To love means to serve the good of others. Jesus told His Apostles that, “The greatest among you will be the one who serves the rest” (Mt. 23:11). The greatest, in Jesus’ eyes, is the one who sacrifices the most, namely the one who gives without seeking a reward; the one who makes another’s integrity and wellbeing his or her first priority. This is what counteracts egotism and sinfulness. It makes the good of others my concern rather than my own desires. The more I’m concerned with the wellbeing of others the less tempted I’ll be to become self-obsessed. In today’s world we seem to be more self-obsessed than ever before as is evidenced in the popularity of so-called “selfies” and the need to be “liked.” Are we starved for attention? Are we afraid that no one notices us? We forget that the best way to get attention or be noticed is to attend to and notice others. A prayer has St. Francis reminding us that “It’s in pardoning that we are pardoned; in giving to all men that we receive. And in dying that we’re born to eternal life.”  That makes us channels of God’s peace comforting others.

      The pop culture’s shallow humanistic understanding sees love as self-gratification. Human love fades as is evidenced in the proliferation of broken relationships. Only God’s love lasts because it’s real and is freely chosen. Jesus tells us that true love isn’t love if God’s Commandments are disobeyed. Jesus demonstrated love and showed us what it entails in His life on earth.  “As the Father loves me, so I love you … If you keep my commandments you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in His love” (Jn 15:9).  We don’t love God if we disobey His Commandments. Missing Holy Mass on Sunday through our own fault is a rejection of the 1st and 3rd Commandments and it demonstrates a refusal to love God. This is a mortal sin and requires repentance and Confession in order to get back in God’s good graces. In obedience to His Father’s commandments Jesus showed His love for us by freely reaching out to us to save us from our sinfulness and enabling us to be productive men and women. “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain” (Jn 15:16). In freely choosing us, Jesus put us before Himself. He chose to save everyone who wanted to be saved from their sinfulness. St. Peter told the first members of Jesus’ Church, “In truth, I see that God shows no partiality. Rather, in every nation whoever fears Him and acts uprightly is acceptable to Him” (Acts 10:34). To fear God is to make sure that we don’t lose our relationship with Him because our eternal happiness totally depends on His love. To act uprightly means humbly obeying God’s commandments that keep us on the path that leads to Heaven. If God, who is love, shows no partiality then we must practise a love that’s impartial. A loving parent loves each child impartially. He or she doesn’t discriminate but is equally just and merciful in service to each child. Since Jesus wants everyone to be saved from sin, which can only be achieved by living charitably, He commands His followers to love. “This I command you: love one another” (Jn 15:17). That means we must be willing to repent of our sins, seek forgiveness and be willing to forgive one another. Forgiveness is loving as God loves. Sin is the loss of friendship with God and renders us as unloving creatures.

      Jesus didn’t command us to love when we feel like it but rather to choose to love continually. We cannot do this without the aid of the Holy Spirit who purifies our human spirit and helps us develop a charitable attitude. What does love or charity look like in our relationships? A newsletter called “Vision” pictures love as a choice rather than a feeling: “It’s silence when your words would hurt; it’s patience when another is curt; it’s deafness when some gossip flows; it’s compassion for another’s woes; it’s courage when misfortune falls; it’s firmness when one’s duty calls; it’s restitution made when due; it’s forgiving when asked of you.” This is charity in action. How do I know when I am loving? Your answers to the following questions tell you: Am I concerned for the other’s good? Do I acknowledge and affirm the other’s accomplishments? Do I have deep respect and reverence for the other? Do I contribute to the other’s integrity? Do I nurture the other’s gifts? Am I generous towards the other? A caring person answers “Yes” to each of these questions. No one cares more about us than Jesus Christ. We will choose to act  lovingly when we let God’s charity toward us fill our hearts. Jesus expresses the greatest act of charity towards us in the Holy Mass where He lays down His life for us. Imagine a world where charity reigns! It is possible through, with, and in Jesus Christ truly present in His Church. (fr sean)

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    Re: Forgive So We Can Live and Let Live
    « Reply #50 on: May 08, 2024, 10:28:11 AM »
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  • Fr Sean again.
    Heaven’s Door Is Opened

      The Ascension of Jesus marked the end of His mission on earth, namely to open Heaven’s door to mankind that had been closed since Adam and Eve sinned. For the first time, humanity entered Heaven in the Person of Jesus who brought His glorified human body into Heaven. It signified the new hope that man and woman could enjoy eternal happiness through following Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. God originally created man and woman to enjoy perfect happiness in Paradise. Their only requirement was to “Fill the earth and subdue it… (and) not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Gn 1: 28; 2:17). But Satan tempted them into thinking that they could be equal to God. In eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil Satan tricked them into thinking that they could determine what was good and evil themselves without having to rely on God’s wisdom. Thus they were led to think they could be gods and be independent of God. Satan lied. Mankind, destined by God for a life of happiness, now doomed themselves to a life of suffering and death because without God, who alone is good (Mk 10:18), they wouldn't be able to distinguish good from evil and so became subject to Satan’s lies. They lost their joyful life in Eden. “The Lord God therefore banished him from the garden of Eden” (Gn 3:23). Man and woman lost God’s protection and guidance and couldn’t redeem themselves from Satan’s grip that brought eternal suffering and death. Heaven was closed to them. All that awaited them was toil and hopelessness. As Dante wrote in his Divine Comedy, the sign over the gate to hell read: “Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”

      Jesus’ ascension into Heaven restored the hope of Heavenly happiness. This is why Jesus’ Ascension, as an article of Christian faith enshrined in the Nicene Creed, is worthy of joyful celebration. This is what sets the Christian Faith apart from all other religions. Christianity is the cake and Heaven is the icing. Christianity is the only religion that can assure its followers of entry to Heaven because its founder, Jesus Christ, is the only way to Heaven (Jn 10:9-16). The opportunity to go to Heaven makes life worth living despite suffering and death. To enter Heaven as the dot on our horizon fills us with hope and gives us a reason to begin each day with Faith in Jesus as He leads us to His heavenly home and into the arms of His loving Father. Jesus’ Ascension set the foundation for that hope. As St. Paul assures us, “This hope will not leave us disappointed, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” (Rom 5:5). His prayer for us is, “May the eyes of your heart be enlightened that you may know the hope that belongs to His call” (Eph 1:18).

      Jesus commissioned Peter and the other Apostles, as the first priests of His Church, to “Go out into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature … teach them everything that I taught you” (Mk 16:15). We detect a sense of urgency in Jesus’ command. Why? God creates everyone to enjoy His love, so He wants to save everyone from hell which is a loveless eternity. Therefore He wants everyone to hear and live the Good News that He taught, lived, and fulfilled in His Ascension. He promised Peter and the other apostles that He would ask His Father to send the Holy Spirit to His Church. The Holy Spirit would provide the wisdom and energy required to embrace Jesus, obey His commandments, and enter Heaven with Him. He promised His Apostles that, “John baptized with water, but within a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:5). To be baptized is to be cleansed spiritually, which means to be free from the grip of Satan and save our soul from corruption by sinful actions. The Holy Spirit’s truth exposes Satan’s lies and makes us wise to his wiles and ways so we can identify and resist his false promises. Jesus promised them: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on you; then you are to be my witnesses … to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

      Jesus was referring to Pentecost when the Holy Spirit would transform them into His courageous witnesses willing to die for their Faith in Him. What would they witness? The fact that God is their Father-Provider, Jesus their Redeemer, the Holy Spirit their Sanctifier,  good conquers evil and the promise of a joyful life after death. Heaven’s door is now opened and God welcomes all who are judged worthy of entering. How does one enter? By freely embracing Jesus as Lord and Saviour in the Sacrament of Baptism making us members of His Church, and obeying His commandments under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is the beginning of the journey that’s completed in Heaven. Jesus told His Apostles that acceptance or rejection of His Gospel determines our salvation or damnation. “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mk 16:16). Jesus has opened the door to Heaven but everyone has a choice to either accept or reject what’s necessary to gain entry. The difference in consequences is drastic. That’s why Jesus tells us, “Enter through the narrow gate. The gate that leads to damnation is wide, the road is clear, and many choose to travel it. But how narrow is the road that leads to life, how rough the road, and how few there are who find it!” (Mt 7:13- 15); “Try to come in through the narrow door. Many, I tell you, will try to enter and be unable” (Lk 13:24).

      The power of the Holy Spirit was visible in the Apostles as “They went forth and preached everywhere while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs” (Mk 16:20). The signs were both miraculous and sacramental. The greatest sign of all that Jesus was with them through the power of His Spirit was the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As Jesus has ascended into Heaven, so can you and me by entering His company, which begins here on earth in His Church. Jesus’ Ascension calls us, in the words of the Psalmist, to proclaim to the world, “God mounts His throne amid should of joy … sing praise to our King, sing praise” (Ps 472-9). We need to pray each day that the Lord judges us fit for Heaven. “Lord, teach us goodness, discipline, and wisdom, and these gifts will keep us from becoming hardened by evil, weakened by laziness, or ignorant because of foolishness” (Liturgy of the Hours). The Ascension reminds us that for believers the best is still ahead.    (fr sean)

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    Re: Forgive So We Can Live and Let Live
    « Reply #51 on: May 15, 2024, 12:44:25 PM »
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  • Fr Sean again.
    Pentecost: Jesus’ Church in Action

      Jєωs from all over the world were in Jerusalem to celebrate God’s gift of the 10 Commandments through Moses (Ex 20) and the Feast of Weeks (Acts 2:1-11). The Babylonians dispersed their ancestors 500 years earlier when they conquered the Kingdom of Judah. On Pentecost, they came together to remember their history, their Charter (Commandments), and give thanks to Yahweh for His blessings.

      A much smaller group of Jєωs also gathered in Jerusalem, but for different reasons. Peter, the other apostles and disciples were huddled together in prayer waiting expectantly for the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus. They were anxious about their future. Jerusalem was the scene of the brutal death of Jesus. His enemies were their enemies. While in prayer something marvelous happened to this little anxious but faithful band. Suddenly their fear was replaced by a spirit of courage and a zeal that was unimaginable. They left the security of the upper room and took to the streets led by Peter publicly proclaiming their faith in Jesus as the risen Lord and Messiah sent by God to save the world from sin.

      What happened to Peter and the others? They received the Holy Spirit who empowered them to show that the goodness of God is stronger than man’s worst inhumanity and stupidity. The Spirit of Truth spoke through Peter and was heard by all despite their different languages. Truth and Faith transcend language. Babel was reversed. The Holy Spirit influences and guides every human spirit that is receptive to Him. He is the Spirit of Truth. There is only one Truth, namely Jesus Christ. Everyone who embraces that Truth is free to speak it. Why? Because the Truth frees us from the lies that we shouldn’t speak it lest it offend or hurt others. The truth hurts or offends only when we try to deny our sin. People who are guided by the Spirit of Truth can’t help but recognize Jesus Christ as the one who gives us the grace of repentance and the gift of forgiveness.

      Since the Spirit fully reflects God, and God is a Community of Persons, the Spirit automatically creates community among all who receive Him. When people say they are “spirit-filled” but promote or contribute to disunity they’re led by the spirit of evil, not the Spirit of God.

      St. Paul highlights the Spirit as the power that enables people to recognize Jesus as Lord (1 Cor 12:3) so that all may unite with Him and with one another in Jesus’ Church. He uses the metaphor of the human body to show how the Spirit works in everyone for the good of the whole (1 Cor 12:12-13). He explains that every organ in the body performs its own unique task to keep the whole body healthy. If an organ refused its task, the body would become diseased. The body needs all of its organs to function fully for the sake of its overall health. Each member of the Church is an organ of Jesus’ body on earth. Since “to each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit,” St. Paul points out that the Holy Spirit equips every member of the Church with gifts to be used for the health, wealth, happiness, and efficiency of the whole Church body. Just as non-functioning body parts damage a person’s health, so also non-functioning members of the Church damage the Body of Christ on earth. Listen to St. Paul’s inspired words: “For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jєωs or Greeks, slaves or free persons, we were all given to drink of one Spirit.” The Holy Spirit, when embraced, generates unity among Jesus’ followers that gives credibility to His saving presence before a fallen world. Those who call themselves Christian but aren’t active participants in the Church haven’t embraced the Holy Spirit and, as a result, haven’t accept Jesus as Lord and the Church as His body, His Bride.

      1054 was a sad day for Christ’s body when the Patriarch of Constantinople declared the Church in the East to be no longer united under the leadership of the Successor of Peter and so caused a rupture in Christ’s body. It was a sad day for the Body of Christ when Martin Luther declared that the Bible was so self-evident and clear that men and women didn’t need any teaching authority to tell them how it should be correctly interpreted thereby creating Protestantism. He was not guided by the Holy Spirit. He called the Pope, Leo X, the antichrist. It’s interesting that there’s never been unity in Protestantism. The Truth never creates division except between those who embrace it and those who don’t. It doesn’t make sense for people to say they adhere to the same Truth, Jesus Christ, and don’t worship together. This is a scandal and weakens the Church’s ability to witness Jesus’ saving presence in the world.

      One of the reasons the Church on that first Pentecost was so powerful was because Peter and all the others, including Jesus’ Mother, were united in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. They presented a united front to all in Jerusalem. Their unity with Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and their willingness to die for that unity raised more than the eyebrows of the bystanders who heard Peter explain what was happening. It raised their curiosity and spurred their conversion. The strength of the Church down through the ages has been her adherence to what Peter and the other apostles experienced on Pentecost under the guidance of the Spirit of Truth expressed in her unity of governance, sacramental system, prayer and worship, theology, and service. The Mass is the ultimate expression of her unity with Jesus where the people identify themselves as sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus, celebrating His New Covenant and entering into a Holy Communion with Him empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Mass has been the constant and consistent sign of the Church’s unity with Her Lord and Redeemer under the guidance of His Spirit of Truth assuring her of His presence and the continuity of His teaching until the end of time. The Church herself declares, “The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life” and “the font from which she draws her energy and the center toward which she draws all her members.” The Mass has been, is now, and will continue to be the sign of Jesus’ one true Church in action in the world. In the Mass, we constantly identify ourselves as sinners and, as such, a people in constant need of forgiveness of venial sin made available in the Mass itself and grave and mortal sin in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This Sunday, when you participate in the Holy Mass, remember you’re part of the Church, which Jesus and His Father has empowered through Their gift of the Holy Spirit. We cannot know Jesus without the Holy Spirit who came to us in Baptism and Confirmation and whom we invite every day to guide, purify, strengthen and inspire our human spirit. Let our prayer be, “Come, Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with Your divine love and unite us with Jesus and His heavenly Father and with one another. Amen!” (fr sean)

    Act of Consecration to the Holy Spirit

    On my knees / before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses / I offer myself, soul and body / to Thee O Eternal Spirit of God. / I adore the brightness of Thy purity / the unerring keenness of Thy justice / and the might of Thy love. Thou art the Strength / and Light of my soul. / In Thee I live and move and am. / I desire never to grieve Thee by unfaithfulness to grace, and I pray with all my heart to be kept from the smallest sin against Thee. / Mercifully guard my every thought / and grant that I may always watch for Thy light / and listen to Thy voice / and follow Thy gracious inspirations. / I cling to Thee / and give myself to Thee / and ask Thee / by Thy compassion / to watch over me in my weakness. / Holding the pierced feet of Jesus / and looking at His five Wounds / and trusting in His Precious Blood / and adoring His opened side and stricken Heart / I implore Thee / Adorable Spirit / Helper of my infirmity, / so to keep me in Thy grace / that I may never sin against Thee. / Give me grace / O Holy Ghost, / Spirit of the Father and of the Son / to say to Thee always and everywhere / “Speak, Lord / for Thy servant is listening.”

    Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    O Lord Jesus Christ / Who, before ascending into heaven / did promise to send the Holy Ghost / to finish Thy work / in the souls of Thine Apostles and Disciples / deign to grant the same Holy Spirit to me / that He may perfect in my soul / the work of Thy grace and Thy love. / Grant me the Spirit of Wisdom / that I may despise the perishable things of this world / and aspire only after the things / that are eternal, / the Spirit of Understanding, to enlighten my mind with the light of Your divine truth, / the Spirit of Counsel / that I may choose / the surest way of pleasing God / and gaining heaven, / the Spirit of Fortitude / that I may bear my cross with Thee / and that I may overcome with courage all the obstacles that oppose my salvation, / the Spirit of Knowledge that I may know God and know myself / and grow perfect in the science of the Saints, / the Spirit of Piety / that I may find the service of God sweet and amiable, / the Spirit of Fear of the Lord / that I may be filled with a loving reverence towards God, and may dread in any way to displease Him. / Mark me, dear Lord, / with the sign of Thy true disciples / and animate me in all things with Thy Spirit. / Amen.

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    Re: Forgive So We Can Live and Let Live
    « Reply #52 on: May 23, 2024, 11:12:29 AM »
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  • Fr Sean again.
    God: A Community of Persons
    This Sunday the Catholic Church celebrates her creedal belief in God as a Trinity of Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, distinct and equal in all things – but One God. This belief has been part of the Church’s Tradition which she received from the Apostles under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and is enshrined in her Creed proclaimed by her faithful at every Sunday and Holy Day Mass. That God is a community of Persons isn't explicitly stated in the Bible. However, it can certainly be reasonably inferred from Jesus’ teaching. The Bible by itself doesn’t contain all of divine revelation. Jesus’ Church is also a source of revelation through the power of the Holy Spirit bestowed by the risen Jesus and His Father on her ordained leaders on Pentecost Sunday. Jesus told the Apostles before His Ascension, “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of Truth, he will guide you to all truth” (Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15). Not everything Jesus said was written down in the Bible. “There are still many other things that Jesus did, yet if they were written about in detail, I doubt there would be room enough in the entire world to hold the books to record them” (Jn 21:25). The teaching that God is a Community of Three Divine Persons, distinct and equal in all things is one that isn’t written in the Bible but yet is a central teaching of the Church. This teaching helps explain Jesus’ references to His Father and the Holy Spirit. This is why only the Church guided by the Holy Spirit has the authority to clarify and complete the Bible’s true message and meaning.
    Christianity is the only religion that believes in one God who has revealed Himself to be a community of Persons. This is what makes Christianity unique. God manifests Himself as Father who creates and sustains life; as Son who is the means through which creation takes place and who redeems and saves creation; and as Holy Spirit who empowers and sanctifies creation. God revealed His uniqueness and power in the formation of His people. Thus Moses, inspired by the Holy Spirit, reminding the Israelites of all God did for them, told them: “This is why you must now know, and fix in your heart, that the Lord is God in the heavens above and on the earth below, and that there is no other. You must keep His statutes and Commandments … that you and your children may prosper” (Deut 4:32-40).
    Belief in a Triune God has many implications for us. As Christians we believe that God created us in His image and likeness. If God is a Community of Persons, completely equal and one with each other, to be created in His image and likeness means that it is in community that we best image God and act like Him. Belief in a triune God requires us to be a community where love is the central characteristic. Jesus founded His Church to be that community wherein people image God and act like Him. Our God reminds us that if we’re to be His image and likeness we must work towards forming and sustaining community. Actually we cannot be Christian without being committed to community building. “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God … You received a Spirit of adoption through Whom you can cry, ‘Abbe –Father!’ The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God … heirs with Christ, if only we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him” (Rom 8:14-17). God entered the human world through a family, a community, wherein “He grew up in wisdom, age, and grace before God and man” (Lk 2:52). Jesus founded His Church as the family, a community, where His followers grow up in wisdom, age, and grace through uniting with Him and His Father empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Psalmist expressed his gratitude for being chosen by the Lord to belong to Him: “Our soul waits for the Lord, who is our help and our shield. May Your kindness, O Lord, be upon us who have put our hope in You …Happy the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen for His own inheritance” (Ps 33:4-22).
    Belonging is a basic human need. Only community satisfies that need. We need relationships to experience belonging and know that we belong. Belonging cannot take place without commitment to and participation in community. As human beings we need relationships for our fulfillment and happiness. The greatest human pain is the experience of loneliness and isolation – the absence of community. This is why prison can be so dehumanizing. God created us to belong to a community, not one that’s temporary but one that’s eternal, namely the community of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
    Can we build community? Not without God, we can’t. He is the Architect. When man and woman separated themselves from God they cut themselves off from the One who originates and sustains community. As a result their relationship was fractured and they became ashamed of each other. Jesus came to reunite man and woman in a new Covenant with God so they could begin to experience the community for which He created them. This is the reason Jesus brought the gift of forgiveness to mankind and why He empowered His Church with the gift of forgiveness and in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. On our own we want to create community but we cannot sustain it due to our sinfulness. We see this in marriage. A man and a woman express their love for one another at the altar but later one abuses the other. What happened? One or both forgot that God alone sustains a community of love. Love requires forgiveness and elimination of sin. On our own we cannot forgive. We can organize. We can have good intentions to change. Only God can take our organization and intentions and create a community that lasts. Only God can empower us to repent, forgive and be reconciled. This is one reason every husband and wife cannot succeed in marriage without God. They need Him to become a true community and enjoy a covenant relationship. They need Him in order to forgive. Without forgiveness, community cannot continue. With forgiveness, community grows stronger because love reigns. God the Father and the Son are one in the Love of the Holy Spirit who personifies their mutual love..
    Jesus commissioned Peter and the eleven apostles to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always, until the end of the world,” (Mt 28:16-20). He was commissioning them to call all peoples to be like Him by becoming a community of persons committed to the belief that, “There is but one body and one Spirit, just as there is but one hope given to all of you by your vocation. There is but one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all, and works through all, and is in all” (Eph 4: 4-6). Sadly, today this seems to be ignored or forgotten even within the Church whose mission it is to call all people to model themselves after the Holy Trinity. Those ordained leaders of the Church and her members who reject what Jesus handed on to the Apostles do not give witness to faith in the Trinity. Rebellion, alienation, separation, fragmentation, and disconnectedness among and within people reflect Satan who hates God. Where God is absent, whether through ignorance or rejection, community is impossible and human beings become dysfunctional. Many groups today referred to as “community” aren’t communities at all but only people who have a common agenda. They do not reflect the Holy Trinity and so can easily become instruments of Satan.

    Whenever we make the Sign of the Cross on our person we identify ourselves as believers in God the Father as our Father, God the Son as our Redeemer, and God the Holy Spirit as our Sanctifier and Advocate – One God who is a Community of Persons to which we belong through Baptism. We’re also reminding ourselves of our commitment to cooperating with God in the formation of community through building the Church. Our Triune God reminds us that He has destined us for community and sends us His Spirit to pull us into the eternal and unconditional love the Father and the Son have for each other. (fr sean)

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    Re: Forgive So We Can Live and Let Live
    « Reply #53 on: May 29, 2024, 12:33:04 PM »
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  • Fr Sean again.
    The Body of Christ: Visible Sign of the New Covenant

      When Jesus, during the Passover Supper with His apostles on Holy Thursday, “took” unleavened , “bread, blessed and broke it and said to His apostles, ‘Take it, this is my body’” (Mk 14: 12-26), He expressed His heartfelt desire for them to physically, spiritually and intimately participate in His life in a Holy Communion. Bread symbolizes physical nourishment. He also “took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them and they all drank from it. He said to them, ‘This is my blood of the covenant, which shall be shed for many.’” Blood symbolizes life. Thus Jesus entered into a New Covenant with God on behalf of mankind and signed it with His blood on Good Friday.  In this action He showed that His love for mankind would be unsurpassed. “No greater love does a man have than to lay down his life for his friends” (Jn 15:13). Jesus’ love was even greater because He laid down His life not just for His friends but also for His enemies in the hopes of saving them from their sins. He instituted the Holy Eucharist as the sign of His self-sacrifice and the beginning of a new covenant to break Satan’s grip on mankind. Eating His body would nourish people’s souls and drinking His blood would give them life everlasting.

        In the Book of Exodus (Ex 24:3-8) we have an account of a previous covenant between God and the Israelites. Moses assembled the people and reminded them of all that God had done for them and their ancestors. He related God’s words and ordinances that brought them protection and guidance. On hearing these from the Book of the Covenant they shouted, “We will do everything the Lord has told us… All that the Lord has said we will do.” Then Moses took the blood of a sacrificed animal saying, “This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words of His.”  He sprinkled half of it on the altar of sacrifice and the rest on the people symbolizing the special covenant relationship that God entered into with them and them with Him. The sprinkling of blood on the altar and the people symbolized the mutual investment of life on the part of God and the people. A covenant is an exchange of persons lovingly investing themselves unconditionally in one another to become a unified family. Covenants are for life and the highest expression of mutual love between God and His people or between a man and a woman in holy Matrimony.

      This is the love we’re called to witness and participate in at every Mass. In every Mass Jesus makes it possible for Himself to physically enter our life and for us to enter His life reflecting the covenant relationship between God and us. This is why the Mass is such a sacred covenantal experience. It motivates us to worship God with the Psalmist (116:12-18), “To You will I offer sacrifice of thanksgiving, and I will call on the Name of the Lord. My vows to the Lord I will pau in the presence of all His people.” In the Mass, God the Father unites us as His children by giving us the opportunity to join with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit as He sacrifices Himself for our freedom from sin. Reflecting this reality, the priest says in the Mass just before Holy Communion: “Blessed (happy) are those called to the supper of the Lamb” and the faithful respond:  “Lord I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say the Word and my soul shall be healed.” To be blessed and to be happy is to be loved by the Creator. The Mass is both a sacrifice and a sacrament in which God tells us how much He loves us. In the Mass you and I stand at the foot of Jesus’ Cross and at the same time sit with Him at His banquet in Heaven. The Altar is both a place where Jesus sacrifices Himself and a table where He nourishes us. This is a foretaste of Heaven which affords believers the happiness of being, even now here on earth, in the company of the Lord enjoying this covenant relationship.

      The term “Body of Christ” has two meanings, namely Jesus’ Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist and the family of believers we call His “Church.” In Holy Communion we receive the Body of Christ wherein He unites Himself with us in a nourishing companionship that cannot be fully expressed in words. He makes it possible for us to join our life with His in the most intimate relationship possible on this earth. His life is without end. In receiving Jesus in Holy Communion we receive life without end. We don’t receive Jesus in Holy Communion as isolated individuals but rather as members of His family covenanted together with God. Therefore, when we receive Jesus in Holy Communion along with other members of the Church, His presence in each of us calls for a deeper understanding, cooperation, and support between and among us in a Holy Community with Him as the Head leading us to His Father in the Spirit of charity. If we receive Jesus in Holy Communion and aren’t active members of the Church through using our gifts, whether in prayer or action or both, we’re not letting the Body of Christ form us into His body on earth whose mission it is to continue His mission to save mankind from sin by calling everyone into a new covenant relationship with Him. “He is the mediator of the new covenant: since a death has taken place for deliverance from sins under the first covenant, those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance” (Heb 9:12-18). The first covenant saw unfaithful man (Adam and Eve) bringing sin and death into the world. The new and last covenant sees faithful man (Jesus Christ) bringing life through sharing His Body and Blood that made repentance, forgiveness, and life after death possible.

      As baptized persons you and I belong to the body of Christ, the Church that He nourishes and energizes with His Body and Blood in the Holy Mass. We need to receive the Body of Christ in the Mass so that His light shines through us to dispel the darkness of the fallen world. The body of Christ – the members of the Church – needs the Body of Christ to become a credible witness to His presence in the world offering the opportunity to come to know and love Him. There’s no other saviour who can enable men and women to rise above their selfishness, sinfulness, and the death they carry in their bodies. Jesus wants everyone to have an opportunity to join Him in the new covenant fulfilled in Heaven. He makes this possible through His Church, where He promised to be until the end of time. His Church makes this promise especially visible and effective in the celebration of the Holy Mass where we can receive His Body and Blood and, in the words at the end of Mass, “go forth to live the Gospel with our lives.” The body of Christ, the Church, cannot exist without the Body and Blood of Christ, namely the Holy Eucharist. Likewise you and I cannot be truly Christian without receiving Jesus’s Body in Holy Communion. He is “the bread of life” (Jn 6:35) without which we can’t have His life in us.

      Please encourage all the baptized to keep the Lord’s Day holy by attending Holy Mass and renewing the covenant with God made possible by Jesus' sacrifice of His body and blood that alone gives life that's eternal (Jn 6:53-58). (fr sean)

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    Re: Forgive So We Can Live and Let Live
    « Reply #54 on: June 04, 2024, 10:36:33 AM »
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  • Fr Sean again.
    Keep Holy the Lord’s Day

      In forming His people God told them to take care to observe the last day of the week as a time to rest from their work and worship Him. “Six days you may labour and do all your work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. No work may be done then, whether by you, or your son or daughter, or your male or female servant …” (Deut 5:12-15). In Hebrew ‘sabbath’ means ‘day of rest’ meaning to ‘cease from work.’ Keeping the Sabbath holy was enshrined in God’s third Commandment and demonstrated the people’s adherence to the first two Commandments, namely their belief in God as the only God and reverencing His Name. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (Par 348) points out “the Sabbath is at the heart of Israel’s law. To keep the Commandments is to correspond to the wisdom and will of God as expressed in His work of creation.” So keeping the Sabbath holy by devoting to God in accord with His Commandments honoured His wisdom and will displayed in His creation, especially in creating human beings in His image and likeness. It also made sure in the words of the Psalmist that “There shall be no strange God among you nor shall you worship any alien God. I, the Lord, am your God who led you forth from the land of Egypt” (Ps81:10-11). He alone freed them from slavery.

      Since the Jєωιѕн Sabbath was the seventh day of the week why did the followers of Jesus make Sunday their Sabbath? The Catechism answers our question: “But for us (Christians) a new day has dawned: the day of Christ’s Resurrection. The seventh day completes the first creation. The eighth day begins the new creation. Thus, the work of creation culminates in the greater work of redemption” (Par 349). The Catechism goes on to state that, “Sunday is expressly distinguished from the sabbath which it follows chronologically every week; for Christians its ceremonial observance replaces that of the sabbath. In Christ’s Passover, Sunday fulfils the spiritual truth of the Jєωιѕн Sabbath and announces man’s eternal rest in God. The celebration of Sunday observes the moral commandment inscribed by nature in the human heart to render an outward, visible, public, and regular worship ‘as a sign of God’s universal beneficence to all’ (Aquinas). Sunday worship fulfils the moral command of the Old Covenant, taking up its rhythm and spirit in the weekly celebration of the Creator and Redeemer of His people. The Sunday celebration of the Lord’s Day and His Eucharist is at the heart of the Church’s life” (Pars 2175-2177). Because the Eucharist celebrated in the Holy Mass is the heart of the Church’s life it is also the heart of the Christian’s spiritual life. This is why the Church makes attendance at Sunday Mass obligatory because without it the person’s spiritual life will die. “On Sunday’s and other holy days of obligation the faithful are bound to participate in the Mass” (Par 21:80), because “The Sunday Eucharist is the foundation and confirmation of all Christian practice … Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin” (Par 2181). The sin is that in refusing to participate in the celebration of the Holy Mass the person is breaking the first and third Commandments, which means that the individual does not love Jesus Christ. Remember that Jesus said: “If you love me, keep my commandments (Jn 14:15); “anyone who says that he loves God but does not keep His commandments is a liar and the truth is not found in him” 1 Jn 2:4-7). Neglecting to attend Holy Mass on Sunday is an act of ingratitude to God who created the individual and bestowed gifts on him or her.

      At every Holy Mass the priest, on behalf of the people, addresses God in the Preface:  “It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give You thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God, through Christ our Lord.” Belonging to the Church involves being just to God which is our duty as Christians and essential for our salvation. If we want God to bring us to Heaven, then this is what we must do. If we don’t, then hell is our destiny. We attend Holy Mass because we cannot function without Him and so we are indebted to Him for everything. The Holy Spirit tells us: “ For God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts, that we in turn might make known the glory of God shining on the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor 4:6). Jesus brings us God’s glory, namely His surpassing power, because when “we are afflicted in every possible way, we are never crushed; full of doubts, we never despair; persecuted, but never abandoned; struck down but never destroyed. We carry in our bodies the dying of Jesus (that He suffered for us), so that in our bodies the life of Jesus may be revealed” (1 Cor 2: 8-10). It is in our weakness and frailty that God makes us victorious if we are faithful to Him.

      Jesus said that, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” (Mk 2: 23-26) along with the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The Church emphasizes the importance of keeping the Lord’s Day holy by participating in the holiest of actions, namely the Holy Mass. “Participation in the communal celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is a testimony of belonging and of being faithful to Christ and to His Church. The faithful give witness to this by their communion in faith and charity. Together they testify to God’s holiness and their hope of salvation. They strengthen one another under the guidance of the Holy Spirit” Par 2182). Besides attending Sunday Mass, keeping the Lord’s Day holy also involves “refrain(ing) from engaging in work or activities that hinder the worship owed to God, the joy proper to the Lord’s Day, the performance of works of mercy, and the appropriate relaxation of mind and body. Family needs or important social service can legitimately excuse from the obligation of Sunday rest. The faithful should see to it that legitimate excuses do not lead to habits prejudicial to religion, family life, and health” (Par 2184).

      Sunday Mass is the highpoint of keeping Holy the Lord’s Day, remembering Jesus’ sacrifice and Resurrection. We attend Holy Mass not for what we can get but for what we can give. What are we doing at Holy Mass? We are worshipping and praising God, our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier who created us, redeemed us, and saves us. We being just to God, giving Him His due. We are carrying out our duty to honour His wisdom and will that He has demonstrated in His creation. We are doing what is necessary to assure our salvation. We are witnessing that we belong to God’s family and expressing our faith in Jesus Christ. We are identifying ourselves as brothers and sisters in the Lord who calls us into community in imitation of Him who is a Community of Persons, the Holy Trinity. By not attending Holy Mass we demonstrate that we don’t belong to God’s family; we disobey God’s commandments; we don’t have faith in Jesus Christ; we don’t identify with those who believe as our brothers and sisters; we are being unjust to God on whom we depend for our salvation; and we reject what God says is necessary for our salvation. Sadly, on any given Sunday, this is true of many who say they are Catholic. Do they know what they are doing and where they’re headed? (fr sean)

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    Re: Forgive So We Can Live and Let Live
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  • Fr Sean again.
    The Reality of Sin

      The Church has celebrated all the major feasts of Jesus and now enters what she calls “Ordinary Time.” The liturgical colour is green, which symbolizes hope. During this time the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, calls her members to reflect on the state of their personal faith in Jesus. She begins this week by raising our consciousness of how sin came about, the reality of its effects on humanity, and the human need for a Saviour.

      Even though Jesus began His public ministry with the words, “Reform your life, repent and believe in the Gospel” (Mk 1:14-15) and stated that His purpose on earth was “to call sinners to repentance” (Lk 5:32), it is rare today, even in His Church, to hear about sin. Someone said that the only rich desserts are referred to as sinful today. What is sin? The Catechism answers: “Sin is an offence against God. It rises up against God in a disobedience contrary to the obedience of Christ … it wounds a man’s nature and injures human solidarity” (Pars 1871-1872). Sin  is forgetting or ignoring that we’re God’s creatures acting as if we were our own god determining good and evil for ourselves independently of God’s law. Sin is lawlessness. It’s any thought, word, or action that we commit or omit which endangers and undermines our relationship with God, our personal integrity, and our love for our neighbour. There are two kinds of sin: venial and mortal. Venial sin is omitting to love as we should; mortal sin is the deliberate disobedience of God’s Law. Those who say there’s no hell or that hell is empty are due for a rude awakening when they die.

      Where did sin originate? It began in the Garden of Eden when Satan, the “father of lies” (Jn 8:44), persuaded Adam and Eve into thinking they could have life independently of God. Later, when God confronted them about their sin of disobedience, Adam blamed Eve. He implied it was also God’s fault: “The woman whom you put here with me gave me fruit from the tree and so I ate it.”  When God asked Eve, “Why did you do such a thing?” she blamed the devil: “The serpent tricked me into it, so I ate it” (Gn 3:13). The blame game and the refusal to take responsibility for personal actions began. Sin epitomizes egotism. It’s the false thinking that we can be God and determine our own truth and moral standard.  Sin is the free act of man and woman myopically attempting to satisfy selfish and oftentimes intrinsically evil desires that create disorder in the person’s life and in society. This is why sin is delusional. It’s the false belief that we can satisfy our needs and be happy independently of God.

      The world today is riddled with sin which spawns a culture of death through legalizing abortion, assisted ѕυιcιdє, euthanasia, sodomy, and transgenderism. It rears its ugly head in sɛҳuąƖ trafficking and perversion, pornography, dishonesty, hopelessness, and a horrible disrespect for the dignity of the human person. It often disguises itself as compassion. This is why the world desperately needs Jesus Christ. This is why Jesus desperately needs His Church to “preach the Word; be ready in season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and teaching” ( 2 Tim 4:2).  The Psalmist wrote, “If You, O Lord, mark our evildoing, Lord who can stand? But with You is forgiveness, that You may be revered …He will redeem Israel from all their iniquities” (Ps 130:1-8).

      Jesus’ mission was, “…to call sinners to repentance” (Lk 5:32). This is what gives us the hope that St. Paul wrote about. “We have that spirit of faith of which the Scripture says, ‘Because I believed, I spoke out.’ We believe and so we speak, knowing that He who raised up the Lord Jesus will raise us up along with Jesus and place both us and you in His presence … We do not lose heart, because our inner being is renewed each day even though our body is being destroyed at the same time” (2 Cor 4:13-14, 16). The outer life of our body is daily ebbing away but our soul’s life is renewed daily through the Holy Spirit purifying and leading our spirit to repentance, forgiveness, and restitution for the damage caused by our sin. This is why Jesus gifted His Church with the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

      How do we renew our soul, our inner being? By making sure, in Padre Pio’s words, that it’s “a nest of love” for the Lord to reside in. To welcome Jesus as the most important Guest of our soul we must admit that we’re sinners in need of salvation. Since Jesus came to call sinners, only those who recognize their sinfulness or tendency to sin appreciate Him and show gratitude for His just and merciful presence. Recognizing ourselves as sinners keeps us aware that our spirit needs the Holy Spirit to keep it clean and directed towards God and His gifts of Heaven, freedom, and happiness. Since sin damages the humanity of the sinner and those sinned against, we must first repent, then seek forgiveness, and finally make restitution for the damage we caused. Self-righteous people think they have no sin and so feel no need for Jesus or His Church. To ease their conscience they try to manipulate the Church to suit their egotistical agenda. They shut out God’s Spirit and follow their delusional thoughts of saving the planet or controlling the climate, ignoring or rejecting God’s existence as essential for human fulfilment and saving mankind from self-destruction.

      Our spirit reflects who we are, what we believe, the state of our soul, and determines our relationships. My spirit reflects what’s in my heart, which reflects the state of my soul. It reflects either a sin-stained or a grace-filled soul. When God meets us it’s an encounter between our human spirit and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit encounters our spirit and vice versa. Since we can’t recognize God’s presence unless He reveals Himself to us through Christ whom we recognize through the power of the Holy Spirit, our spirit must be receptive to His. If it isn’t, then the Holy Spirit can’t touch our heart and sanctify our soul. This is why Jesus teaches us that the only unforgivable sin is that against the Holy Spirit. “I give you my word, every sin will be forgiven mankind and all the blasphemies men utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. He carries the guilt of his sin without end” (Mk 3:28-29).

      On a human level, if my spirit isn’t receptive to your spirit, we cannot have a relationship. Similarly if my spirit is closed to God’s Spirit He can’t help me. Self-righteous people sin against the Holy Spirit by refusing to admit their sin and so think they don’t need to be forgiven. It’s not that God won’t forgive them as much as they put themselves beyond forgiveness. God created us to love and be like Him. We cannot accomplish this without the Holy Spirit. Consciousness of our tendency to sin and our need to take responsibility for it makes us aware of our need for the Holy Spirit to purify our spirit and lead us to repentance, forgiveness, restitution, and amendment of our life. Thus Jesus’ presence in His Church saving us from our sinfulness should evoke our deepest gratitude and sense of joy. (fr sean)

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    Re: Forgive So We Can Live and Let Live
    « Reply #56 on: June 14, 2024, 04:18:21 AM »
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  • Fr Sean again.
    Have You Found God’s Kingdom on Earth?

      The theme of Jesus’ mission on earth was, “Reform your lives! The Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand” (Mt 4:17). The Kingdom of God is Heaven, which is beyond our ability to fully grasp. On earth, the Kingdom of God enables people to reform their lives. It is the visible social environment in which God fulfils His will in people’s hearts. Jesus used parables to describe God’s Kingdom. He said, “It is like a Mustard seed that, when it is sown in the ground, it is the smallest of seeds on the earth. But once it is sown it becomes the largest of plants and puts forth branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade” (Mk 4:26-32). This parable reflects God’s prophecy in Ezekiel (17:22-24): “I will tear off a tender shoot …It shall pour forth branches and bear fruit, and become a majestic cedar.”

      Jesus established God’s Kingdom on earth that began small but has grown mysteriously, providing shelter for mankind from Satan’s onslaughts. Since God’s Kingdom on earth is where Jesus is present, everyone who’s united with Him is in His Kingdom. That union is signified in the Sacrament of Baptism. It is in entering God’s Kingdom on earth that we’re helped to make sure that our Heavenly Father’s will is “done on earth as it is in Heaven” (Mt 6:9-10).  This is why Jesus taught His apostles and His followers to pray “Thy kingdom come …” (Mt 6:10). Praying for God’s Kingdom to come reflects the yearning of the human heart for freedom, justice, love, and peace that are fully experienced in His Kingdom. 

      God’s Kingdom is unique. “My Kingdom does not belong to this world … As it is, my Kingdom is not here” (Jn 18:36).  Heaven is the fullness of God’s Kingdom where human beings who are judged worthy of it are perfected.  Entry begins on earth through embracing Jesus as our King and is completed in Heaven as participants in the life of Holy Trinity.

      Belonging to God’s Kingdom on earth requires us to “walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor 5:6). St. Paul explains, “Now we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face. My knowledge is imperfect now; then I shall know even as I am known” (1 Cor 13:12). Therefore, in the inspired words of St. Paul, “Whether we are living in the body or away from it, we are intent on pleasing Him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense, according to what we did in the body, whether good or evil” (2 Cor 5:6, 8-10).

      How do we please God?  The Psalmist gives us the answer (Ps 92: 2-3, 13-16): “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praise to Your Name, Most High, to proclaim Your kindness at dawn and Your faithfulness throughout the night … They shall bear fruit even in old age; vigorous and sturdy shall they be, declaring how just is the Lord, my rock, in whom there is no wrong.”  We please God by worshipping Him and obeying His Commandments. To help us accomplish this Jesus founded His Church to be the visible and social environment wherein we receive what’s necessary to carry out God’s will.

      Jesus’ Church, which He founded on Peter, to whom He gave the keys of the Kingdom with the power to bind and to loose, aided and abetted by the other apostles, is the visible sign of God’s Kingdom here on earth. It’s the means through which we enter the Kingdom in Baptism, and within which we remain faithful to Jesus through receiving His grace of repentance and the gift of His forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and where He nourishes us with His Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist. God the Father “has put all things under Christ’s feet and has made Him, thus exalted, head of the Church, which is His body: the fullness of Him who fills the whole of creation” (Eph 1:22-23).

      As the Head of the Church, Jesus has made it the sign of His divine presence “until the end of the world.” He assures us that this is where we await us. Jesus’ Church speaks in His Name guided by the Holy Spirit. He assured His Apostles, as the ordained leaders of His Church, of His unity with them when he said, “Anyone who listens to you listens to me; anyone who rejects you rejects me, and they who reject me reject the One who sent me” (Lk 10:16).

      Jesus’ Church, made up of the Father’s adopted children, the visible sign of His Kingdom on earth, is holy and perfect in her Head, namely Jesus Himself, and in her soul who is the Holy Spirit of Truth. But the institutional Church is sinful in her human leadership and membership who are in the process of being saved since all are sinners. “If we say we have no sin in us, we are deceiving ourselves and refusing to admit the truth” (1 Jn 1:8). Jesus stated clearly, “It is not those who are well who need the doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Lk 5:31-32). So the Church is the visible sign of God’s Kingdom leading us to perfection so that we can experience its fullness in Heaven. That is why the Church’s enemies focus on the sinfulness of her members rather than on the holiness of her Head, Spirit, and members striving for holiness. It’s Jesus, the Church’s Head, who saves us from sin through the power of the Holy Spirit, not her leaders or members who themselves are in need of salvation.

      Jesus’ Church, then, gives visibility and entrance to His Kingdom. He is our King and we are members of His Kingdom. In His Church, the visible sign of His Kingdom, we unite with Jesus and receive His Spirit that informs, forms, and transforms us from sinners into saints in Heaven. In her Sacraments and worship we become a praying and worshipping community enjoying an intimate relationship with Jesus who calls us His friends rather than His subjects. The Holy Spirit inspires her to teach the truth about who God is, who we are, and our total dependence upon Jesus as “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”  In her we know we’re with Jesus because she is His Bride (Eph 5:22-33). If we want to belong to God’s Kingdom in Heaven, we must join Jesus’ Church, the visible sign on earth of His Kingdom. It is there we walk with Him by faith on earth and behold Him by sight in Heaven. (fr sean)