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Traditional Catholic Faith => Catholic Living in the Modern World => Topic started by: John Grace on May 30, 2017, 05:53:58 AM

Title: Ariana Grande: corrupter of children and destroyer of the soul
Post by: John Grace on May 30, 2017, 05:53:58 AM

Until last evening I had never heard of Ariana Grande. 
A few minutes on the internet this morning identified her as a promoter of sɛҳuąƖ libertinism, pornography, obscenity, profanity, feminism, and the LGBTQ agenda. Yet for all of this, it seems that parents have no qualms about sending their pre-teen and teen girls to listen and watch this loathsome individual. 

What kind of parent permits their child to listen to this woman's so-called "songs"? To attend her "concerts"? Objectively, a very evil parent. 

A brief extra minute searching the internet identified a Scott Samuel "Scooter" Braun as her manager. This vile man is nothing but a huckster and promoter of pornographic filth. A review of the types of show Grande stages, are what might be called "slutfests" and the promotion of ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖity. The promotion of sɛҳuąƖ libertinism and perversion is not the type of concert a good parent takes their child to.

A further review of a few Grande "songs" show them replete with graphic, street slang referring to sɛҳuąƖ acts, as well as the usual four letter words. Apparently, such evil did not concern the parents who permit mere children to listen and attend Grande shows. What kind of parent allows a young child to be exposed to the pornographic filth, profanity-laced, sɛҳuąƖ debauchery of  "Side to Side", or "Bad Decisions"? 

I cannot but be puzzled how parents who seemingly are so distressed about the killing of their children, but remained utterly unconcerned that their children were slowly being spiritually poisoned. Tragic as the murder of the human person is, a far greater tragedy is their eternal destiny. To murder the body as evil as it is, is not as evil as murdering the soul. 

It cannot be denied. Had parents showed vigilance and spiritual concern for their daughters, these children would be alive today. Sin breeds sin. 

It is interesting that the Islamist mass murderer, the apostate Catholic Grande, and her тαℓмυdic Jєωιѕн Manager have one thing in common: a hatred of Jesus Christ

Title: Re: Ariana Grande: corrupter of children and destroyer of the soul
Post by: Viva Cristo Rey on May 31, 2017, 01:11:54 AM


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Title: Re: Ariana Grande: corrupter of children and destroyer of the soul
Post by: Viva Cristo Rey on May 31, 2017, 01:25:44 AM
Seriously, what the hell is her problem? Once she said she wished her fans “would f*cking die,” according to media reports, and now when her fans do die, she stays silent.
Firestorm! Why won't Ariana Grande call out radical Islam for its bloodthirsty attack on her fans she hoped would( (
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) May 30, 2017 (

There’s more:
Ariana Grande won't condemn terror attack that slaughtered her young girl fans! Truly sick (
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) May 30, 2017 (

Of course, the socialist Pope Francis won’t speak out either:
Title: Re: Ariana Grande: corrupter of children and destroyer of the soul
Post by: Viva Cristo Rey on May 31, 2017, 01:46:54 AM
She has made comments that she hates America and Americans.   
She should be investigated.  
Her concert in Manchester should be boycotted.  

Title: Re: Ariana Grande: corrupter of children and destroyer of the soul
Post by: Student of Qi on May 31, 2017, 09:07:27 AM
*In a sarcastic voice* "Why does everybody hate Ariana Grande? Is it just because she left the Church 'cause it wouldn't accept her 'gαy' brother? Is it because she was a DISNEY CHILD STAR, and everyone thinks they are evil Jєωιѕн media? Is it that everyone is just jealous of her success? Or are you all simply being racist because she's a Latina?"

If you want to know what messed her up, just look at Ariana's career record. And by the fact she is a "Disney Star," you can be sure that her brain was fried while she was a child. If you want a comparison of what happens to children who do any kind of work for Disney, look no further then Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande and others like them. Yes, they are popular as hell (tongue in cheek) but also just as morally bankrupt.


Let it be known that anything bad you find in Ariana can easily be blamed on Disney. This happens to pretty much every child who works for them, seemingly with no exception.