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Author Topic: What happened to the Alaric thread?  (Read 2337 times)

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Offline Cognorati001

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What happened to the Alaric thread?
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2012, 07:07:52 PM »
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  • No, Alaric, I do not like you. I do not like you because you do not value any spiritual development or interior conversion.  You are cruel and vicious.  You are committed to sowing discord and PERSECUTING people -- and yes, that is the word for it-- whom you do not know.  You want people to feel as much rage and hatred for people whom they do not know as possible, so all people everywhere can be in as much chaos and violence as possible.

    I do not like you because you believe spreading racism, in the guise of Catholicism, is God's work. People like you make it IMPOSSIBLE for Catholics of different races to worship, congregate, or form communities because of the overt hostility that will arise due to racism.  You never quit.  You are arrogant and nasty.

    You asked and that is the answer.  And no, most whites are not like you.  I can go all my life without encountering a white person like you -- in fact, I don't believe I have ever encountered anyone as profoundly racist as yourself.

    BTW: when you were kicked out of FE because of your racebaiting, someone originated a thread wishing you farewell.  Only 6 people responding.  You were NOT missed.
    Quote from: alaric
    Quote from: Cognorati001

    There is really no need to deny that you subscribe to Protestant-influenced white supremacy.  All your posts drip with venom and hatred of Black people whom you describe as violent, subhuman, revolting, dangerous.  

    And stop presenting your views as representative of "white people" and using the fallacy that people who dislike you and your views "hate" whites.  MOST WHITES AND CATHOLIC WHITES DISAGREE WITH YOU, BOTH NOW AND HISTORICALLY. You are not representative of all white people -- you are an atypical so stop making all whites look bad with your nonsense.

    You and roscoe are not representative of "white people" or Catholics.  Again, it's just you.
    Quote from: alaric
    "God created different "races" but you will never get me to believe that God hates me as much as you obviously do because I am Black."-Angry Black Woman

    And just who, pray tell, ever said they "hate" you because of your skin color?

    I know, no one.

    But anyone who disagrees with you leftists are automatic "haters", which, is the most terrible thing a human being can be.

    "Oh no! Aghast, why you're a hater! That's the most evil thing in the Universe! You need to get on your knees and beg me, er, I mean, god for forgiveness!"

    Uh, really? Well, first of all, I'm not buying into your little liberal meme about me "hating" anyone or anything. But, I won't go so far as to say hate is necessarily a bad thing, we actually are called to hate certain thing like sin or evil or liberalism.

    Even God declared his hatred in scripture.

    So, I'm not going to play your little game and tell you that I'm sorry and I really don't hate all black people because that's just a ridiculous accusation and I won't even entertain it. But I will tell you this, you really need to stop reading all that liberal, leftist, Marxist agitprop.

    Most whites don't agree with me? Lol! Yea sure, whatever.

    And there aren't any violent blacks out there? Yea sure whatever.

    Alright, enough about me, mean ol, "white supremacist" that I am.

    Why don't you, tell me, why you hate me so much, I can almost feel you seething animosity through this screen. So now, I want you, Miss perfect black Catholic woman, to tell me, why you despise a poor old  misguided sinner like myself. Please tell me how you reconcile that hatred  you have with people like me you perceive as "evil" and "venomous" with your Catholic beliefs?

    This is rampant on these forums, all these do-gooders and holier-than-thou types incessantly whining about "charity" and "forgiveness" without a drop coming from any of them.

    Take the beam out of your own eye miss.

    You and nobody else on here is any better than me.

    So stuff a sock in it sister.

    Offline alaric

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    What happened to the Alaric thread?
    « Reply #31 on: April 23, 2012, 08:23:44 PM »
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  • "No, Alaric, I do not like you. I do not like you because you do not value any spiritual development or interior conversion.  You are cruel and vicious.  You are committed to sowing discord and PERSECUTING people -- and yes, that is the word for it-- whom you do not know.  You want people to feel as much rage and hatred for people whom they do not know as possible, so all people everywhere can be in as much chaos and violence as possible.

    I do not like you because you believe spreading racism, in the guise of Catholicism, is God's work. People like you make it IMPOSSIBLE for Catholics of different races to worship, congregate, or form communities because of the overt hostility that will arise due to racism.  You never quit.  You are arrogant and nasty.

    You asked and that is the answer.  And no, most whites are not like you.  I can go all my life without encountering a white person like you -- in fact, I don't believe I have ever encountered anyone as profoundly racist as yourself.

    BTW: when you were kicked out of FE because of your racebaiting, someone originated a thread wishing you farewell.  Only 6 people responding.  You were NOT missed"

    See, I knew this is how you really feel. And don't give me this malarky you don't "like" me, you utterly despise me and everything about me. Because I won't cowtow or submit to your moral superiority or how you feel what a good Catholic should be. You say I don't have any "spiritual development", tell me, do you? Why don't you show by example? No, you're just happy sitting back pontificating to me about all my faults, people in glass houses shouldn't toss stones you know. you say I'm "cruel and vicious", I would like you to give an example of my cruelty, of course, if telling the truth is being "vicious", than you're right, I'm one nasty critter. You say I sow discord, again if I'm stating the facts, then yes, I'm sowing the seeds of truth, something that seems to bother you so very much. You say I "persecute" people.....hello? Id like to know from where on earth you come up with that one. Oh right, if I don't agree with you, I'm "persecuting" you. I think you wouldn't know the first thing about real persecution, I don't care what color or sex you are, you are the nasty vindictive one who doesn't like to be told she doesn't hold the moral high ground on the issues, regardless what brainwashing the racist, leftist, media has done to her.

    You aren't no moral or better than anyone, your BS "racism" charge doesn't fly here on this forum like it does over at FE or anywhere else, so you can't just fling labels at people without facts and make it stick, it's not going to work, so stop wasting yours and my time attempting to.

    You accuse me of wanting "rage and violence" when that's the very thing the lies in the media are trying to incite with their slanting of the facts, biased reporting and blatant anti-white propaganda. And you know it, but you not only approve of it, you attack people like myself who just ask for an accurate account of the facts of the case. But I know people like you, I know your works, you have an agenda and hide behind religion and use it to shame those who would oppose you, well I'm not buying it, never have never will.

    And again, how do you know what "most whites" are like? Why? Because their nice to your face and talk frank about your people when they're not in their presence? Just like black folk do? Don't give me this crap, I grew up with poor blacks and whites, I know just how they feel about each other and both of them have their strengths and shortcomings. We might not like each other at times, but one thing we couldn't stand was a phony and we could spot one a mile away. Regardless is they called themselves "catholic" or not. and i've encountered people like you my whole life, fakers and posers, cheap imitations of the real thing. don't pretend to me for a minute that you have any intention at all with forming community or congregating with whites, you'll have none of it. And that's the problem with many like you in the black community, it's your way or no way and then comes the shouting, threats and violence. Your type are like overgrown spoiled children, stomping and cursing the minute people don't agree with your agenda.

    And I really love the dig about FE and getting bounced. That's just so "charitable" of you, you would really love to stick to a guy you hate and despise so much don't you. Well guess what, Vox apologized for the banning because she did it on a false presumption and offered me to come back, which never happened. Probably because she's got enough feminists and old harpies like yourself screaming and wailing about my presence. That place has become about as feminized and liberalized as it can get and still call itself "traditional". And there was probably only about six  decent people left there posting when I left, so I'll take my banning as a badge of honor for that matter. They're really the flip side of the CA coin, not much more.

    So now, we know how we really feel about each other, we can really stop any more useless and time-consuming dialogue. It's not worth the bandwidth or effort.

    Have a nice life.

    Offline clare

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    What happened to the Alaric thread?
    « Reply #32 on: April 24, 2012, 10:53:15 AM »
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  • Quote from: Guest
    Quote from: clare
    Where does the Church teach that races must remain separate, and racial purity must be maintained?

    Where does the Church teach that races ought to mix and bloodlessly exterminate the existing racial groups?

    Such hysteria!

    I'm not saying people of different races must mix. Whereas some seem to be saying they must not.

    The Church does not say that people of different races may not mix.

    If it mattered that much, She would.

    Your grandchildren are still your grandchildren, no matter where your son-in-law or daughter-in-law comes from. It's still your family. The family is sacred.

    No one is exterminated, when Catholics marry and have children.

    And no one is exterminated when men are ordained and don't have children.

    Do you regard no children as better than mixed race children?

    Offline LaramieHirsch

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    What happened to the Alaric thread?
    « Reply #33 on: April 24, 2012, 11:08:01 AM »
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  • Quote from: Cognorati001
    ...I just don't care about the issues you addressed.

    Now, you see, this is discouraging.  It is troubling that you and perhaps the majority of black Americans are not interested in advancing the "race" dialogue in a positive direction by tackling this issue of the double standard.  It is especially troubling that whites have been working towards reconcilation with blacks since the Emancipation Proclamation, the beginning of the 20th Century generally, and the middle of the 20th Century specifically.  And it is ironic, too.  All this hand wringing and self deprecation on the part of whites, and yet the black community is apathetic to the double standard that whites have rasied on themselves.  

    You really ought to care.  You really should.  Because--and I am not advocating this--there is going to be a racial fight in this country, and it appears to be within a matter of years, or less.  I, for one, do not wish this conflict on you, myself, my children, your children, or any of us.  We really are supposed to be coming together in whatever way we can.  (I say, take the Richard Pryor/David Chappelle route, and make light of our differences.  It really brings folks together in an easier way.)  Whether you want to believe it or not, there are people in power trying to drive the two ethnic classes into this conflagration, whatever their terrible purposes are.  

    Sadly, I think you will continue to be apathetic to all attempts to open understanding on these fronts.  I doubt that you looked at my Youtube video link to the video "A Conversation About Race," otherwise, you'd have more input here.  (Link is here: )  And sadly, I think that the majority of blacks in this country will be apathetic to the urgent emergency that is befalling us all.  And I think we will continue to see more instances where mobs of blacks will beat the hell out of white people, while a majority of black onlookers remain silent when questioned, and secretly cheer the mob on in their hearts.  

    Quote from: Cognorati001
    Most people in the world have no time for any of this.

    You really ought to make the time for it.  Whites have.

    - - - - - - -

    Quote from: Cognorati001

    Most of your post was based on fallacies and false assumptions. Example:: "It's okay for Blacks to get on the streets and talk about killing crackers".  Nonsense.  Blacks have been historically killed and arrested for militant association almost always without trial.

    You are wrong.  I would direct you to the ramblings of Louis Farahkhan for starters.  Also, you stated that the New Black Panthers are no big deal.  Let's just have a look at what they say.  King Samir Shabazz in particular:

    "You want freedom? You're gonna have to kill some crackers! You're gonna have to kill some of their babies!"

    "You're about to be ruled by the black man, cracker."

    "I'm about the total destruction of white people. I'm about the total liberation of black people. I hate white people. I hate my enemy....The only thing the cracker understands is violence....The only thing the cracker understands is gunpowder. You got to take violence to violence."

    This man gets on the street and says these things.  What if a white man gets in the street, says these things, and is videotaped by the press?  Think that white man would not be incarcerated?

    Black americans are outraged at whites that a teenage black kid, sneaking around in a neighborhood to rob houses, who beat the hell out of a half mexican, was shot by that very same half mexican in defense.  One shooting.  And yet, you and others remain completely apathetic to the surge of black-on-white crime that has occurred in this country in the last two months, with black perpetrators stating "This is for Trayvon" after their crime.  And you remain apathetic to those silly "irrelevant" Black Panthers...  

    Quote from: Cognorati001
    New Black Panthers? They are a tiny, irrelevant, informal group whose significance has been magnified by right wing organizations to drum up antagonism and controversy.  Ordinary Black people don't give a crap about them.  

    You're damned right black people don't give a crap about them.  And so, the problem inflates because of the apathy of people like you.  

    I was browsing the тαℓмυd the other day, and came across this little number from Sanhedrin 57a: "When a Jєω murders a gentile, there will be no death penalty. What a Jєω steals from a gentile he may keep."  So, I wonder, if black people are apathetic to the crimes of black people, does that mean they are sort of "тαℓмυdic" in their apathy to that crime?  Christians, of course, are supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard than that.  

    In any event, here is video of Shabazz telling all the permissive non-outraged black people around him that they need to kill white babies.  I encourage you to watch the 1.5 minute video, since you do not believe that hate speech from blacks exists on the street:

    And here is an article by Malkin tackling the new hate movement coming out of that "irrelevant" New Black Panther Party, which you don't seem to care about.  I encourage the followers of this thread to read the short article:

    - - - - -

    And finally, you have put forth many assertions and blanket statements that you do not back up.  You have maligned Alaric and the majority of participants on this forum, backing up nothing.  You should follow up your generalized statements with back up proofs if you seek relevance.

    Before some audiences not even the possession of the exactest knowledge will make it easy for what we say to produce conviction. For argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct.  - Aristotle

    Offline s2srea

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    What happened to the Alaric thread?
    « Reply #34 on: April 24, 2012, 11:08:41 AM »
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  • Quote from: clare
    Quote from: Guest
    Quote from: clare
    Where does the Church teach that races must remain separate, and racial purity must be maintained?

    Where does the Church teach that races ought to mix and bloodlessly exterminate the existing racial groups?

    Such hysteria!

    I'm not saying people of different races must mix. Whereas some seem to be saying they must not.

    The Church does not say that people of different races may not mix.

    If it mattered that much, She would

    Your grandchildren are still your grandchildren, no matter where your son-in-law or daughter-in-law comes from. It's still your family. The family is sacred.

    No one is exterminated, when Catholics marry and have children.

    And no one is exterminated when men are ordained and don't have children.

    Do you regard no children as better than mixed race children?

    Thank you Clare- perhaps some people have bad vision; I hope this helps them out.

    Offline alaric

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    What happened to the Alaric thread?
    « Reply #35 on: April 24, 2012, 11:11:34 AM »
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  • Quote from: clare
    Quote from: Guest
    Quote from: clare
    Where does the Church teach that races must remain separate, and racial purity must be maintained?

    Where does the Church teach that races ought to mix and bloodlessly exterminate the existing racial groups?

    Such hysteria!

    I'm not saying people of different races must mix. Whereas some seem to be saying they must not.

    The Church does not say that people of different races may not mix.

    If it mattered that much, She would.

    Your grandchildren are still your grandchildren, no matter where your son-in-law or daughter-in-law comes from. It's still your family. The family is sacred.

    No one is exterminated, when Catholics marry and have children.

    And no one is exterminated when men are ordained and don't have children.

    Do you regard no children as better than mixed race children?

    It's not an either/or Clare.

    Look, just for the sake of asking, is it a crime or a sin to somehow want my grandchildren to look or speak a little like myself?

    But getting back to "extermination", if a whole race/ethnicity is decimated through the use of unmitigated immigration and social engineering, then it constitutes as mass genocide. Do you really believe that one race has the divine "right" to biologically replace another in the name of "multiculturalism"?

    Again, I'm not talking about the individual or a couple of persons of mixed race, I'm talking about a gov't approved and engineered systematic extinction of a dominate race and people in their indigenous lands. This should be considered immoral and destructive and not given the course of hiding behind "religion" or Catholic/Christian principle and doctrine.

    No hysteria here Clare, just logic and reason.

    Offline LaramieHirsch

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    What happened to the Alaric thread?
    « Reply #36 on: April 24, 2012, 11:25:00 AM »
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  • Quote from: alaric
    Look, just for the sake of asking, is it a crime or a sin to somehow want my grandchildren to look or speak a little like myself?

    Before I spoke of double-standards.  But now, I'll actually talk about race a bit--but specifically, one group's approach toward race.  The Jєωιѕн lobby's approach:

    We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.

    —  Israel Cohen, ''A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century'', 1912.
    Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957

    Why does the Jєωιѕн lobby want to mix the races?

    Before some audiences not even the possession of the exactest knowledge will make it easy for what we say to produce conviction. For argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct.  - Aristotle

    Offline alaric

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    What happened to the Alaric thread?
    « Reply #37 on: April 24, 2012, 11:35:08 AM »
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  • Quote from: LaramieHirsch
    Quote from: alaric
    Look, just for the sake of asking, is it a crime or a sin to somehow want my grandchildren to look or speak a little like myself?

    Before I spoke of double-standards.  But now, I'll actually talk about race a bit--but specifically, one group's approach toward race.  The Jєωιѕн lobby's approach:

    We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.

    —  Israel Cohen, ''A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century'', 1912.
    Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957

    Why does the Jєωιѕн lobby want to mix the races?
    Why do you think?

    It's good for them.

    What's not good for them are homogeneous cultures where they can't hide within as easy where they can operate from. The breakdown of a culture/people is their MO, they're very proficient at it and have been doing it for thousands of years, it's part of their survival mechanism. Once they've infiltrated they usually have success until that culture collapses or they're exposed and kicked out or the next pogrom or "h0Ɩ0cαųst" is instituted by the indigenous peoples. Then they move on after being accepted by another culture as "refugees" from persecution.

    That's why, in a way, we need the state of Israel where they can go and apply their craft on each other.