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Author Topic: Father? (Bishop?) Lucifer aks Fr. Luc.  (Read 857 times)

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Father? (Bishop?) Lucifer aks Fr. Luc.
« on: February 25, 2014, 06:37:26 PM »
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  • Fr. Lucifer aka Fr. Luc....

    F r    L u c

    Profile Of Fr Luc

    I was born Geoffrey Francis MAYNE, on May 31, 1950, Feast of the Queenship of Mary [on what was to become].

    I am Australian by birth, having been born in Sydney.

    I was raised in a large Catholic family, attending Catholic schools, and with a Traditional Roman Catholic upbringing.

    At age 25 I went to a place of Marian Apparitions in El Palmar De Troya in southern Spain.

    In 1976 I received Priestly Ordination and Episcopal Consecration in El Palmar De Troya.

    I left there in early 1990 and returned to the Catholic Church in 1994.

    I attended modern day church services but had to work my way back to Tradition.

    In 1997 in Guatemala and Nicaragua I regained the True Catholic Faith and disassociated myself from the errors practiced in my home Diocese of Cairns, Australia.

    Our Lord was leading me to return to saying the Latin Tridentine Mass. This came to pass in September, 1998.

    Although my Orders come from Palmar de Troya, I cannot state forcefully enough that I am propelled on my current mission from the bosom of the Church.

    My mandate is from Heaven. Rome considers me to be schismatic in this hour of the Apocalypse and general apostasy; but Rome has fallen!

    Since then I have been living as a hermit monk taking jobs where and when available to gain a living. I have been moving extensively across the northern tropical belt of Australia.

    I am a tent dweller in this world and aspire only to the world that is to come.


    Orders Of Fr Luc

    I am a Thucite.

    From 1975 and during certain periods over the following eight years, the former Archbishop of Saigon, Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Thuc; ordained and consecrated a number of men without the consent of Rome. See Thuc consecrations this web.

    Thuc, a Traditionalist, performed all ceremonies under the Latin Tridentine Rite.

    Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc

    Those of this lineage are referred to as Thucites.

    The Archbishop did exactly the same thing as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

    The only difference is that those of Lefebvre have more 'respectability' than the Thucites.

    The validity of the Orders is unquestionable.

    When a Sacrament has been conferred correctly it is heresy to deny validity.

    The Church’s position regarding the Thucites is that the Church reserves to itself the question of the validity of these Orders.

    In the early 80’s they issued a statement saying that any Thucite should be treated as a lay person.

    The mentality behind this is to not admit that in these times, many have been given Episcopal powers.

    But what can one expect from the corridors of the Vatican.

    I maintain that Thuc knew he had a Divine Mission; and that is the only explanation for his actions. Time will tell, by observing how Our Lord is served in this Apocalyptic hour by the good sons of Ngo Dinh Thuc.

    As history 'pans out', mankind will discern more clearly that Thuc was a man lead all his life by Divine Providence, and indeed, that God did use him for His own ends.

    History will judge Thuc kindly when the battle of the True Faith has been won.

    I, and others like me, have Episcopal powers....end of story...and they will be used to propagate the True Faith in these dark times.

    The mystery of these times is that only one thing matters;and that is to profess and practice the True Faith.

    All else is secondary.

    Those who "crack this code" will enjoy much peace!

    I describe my own Orders as follows.

    In December 1975, Ngo Dinh Thuc went to Seville, Spain.

    He was taken there by Father Maurice Revaz, a Swiss Canon Lawyer who had been a Professor at Lefebvre's Seminary at Econe.

    Nearby to Seville was a place of Marian Apparitions at El Palmar de Troya.

    During early January, 1976,the Archbishop ordained five men.

    A few days later he consecrated as Bishop two of these men plus three Traditionalist Priests.

    The leader of this group was Clemente Dominguez Gomez, one of those who had been ordained and consecrated by Thuc.

    Episcopal Consecration of Fr. Clemente Dominguez Gomez

    I was subsequently Ordained and Consecrated by Clemente Dominguez Gomez four weeks later.

    Episcopal Consecration of Fr. Luc

    It is a very brave person to deny these Orders; people only do so for the convenience of their own argument.

    In these times of mass apostasy........why should Our Lord not use the good sons of Ngo Dinh Thuc?

    Why was Thuc denied entry to Vietnam after Vatican II. Preposterous some will say.

    I answer that his brother, Ngo Dinh Diem (Thuc and Diem are the Christian names) had just been disposed of by the C.I.A. for the perverse ends of the 'powers that be" in that war.

    Purely and simply, 'they', to pursue their own evil ends, wanted Thuc out of the way as well, and that 'they' forced their will upon the Vatican.

    In his journey he has made a great service to the Church.

    Ordination photo of Fr Luc [2nd from right]


    Mission Of Fr Luc

    I see my mission as follows:

    •To offer the Eternal Sacrifice daily.

    •To seek Him and His Will in this Apocalyptic hour.

    •To conserve the True Faith.

    •To gather into communities both Religious [actual communal life] and Faithful [loose knit gatherings].

    •To provide True and Valid Orders where required.

    •To assist Catholic conservatism at a time when antipopes are installed in Rome following the death of John Paul II.

    •To enter the Catacombs in this Apocalyptic Hour.


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    Father? (Bishop?) Lucifer aks Fr. Luc.
    « Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 06:46:12 PM »
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  • See the thread in the Crisis section: Palmer de troya clergy, Valid?