The Voris Timeline:
1981-1991 Slept around with men and women. Hasn't ruled out animals.
1991-2001 "Confused" about sɛҳuąƖity, but sure enough to live with gαy men. Confused about how to split the rent probably.
2001-2004 Goes to Novus Ordo Mass but still sinning. Not yet abhoring sins against God and his own body.
2004-2006 Stops having sex with men after his mother's death. Decides to start his own traditionalist Catholic show and website complete with logo and tag line and thousands of dollars in equipment.. in Detroit.
2006-2013 Falsely presents himself as a formerly lukewarm Catholic, who just wants to defend the traditional Faith now.
-Snuggles up to every traditionalist personality he can get his hands on, culminating in his appearance at the 2013 Catholic Identity Conference. Five months after the 2013 conference and seven months ahead of the 2014 Synod of the Family, he makes an about face and slams all of his previous trad buds from the previous years. All the original links to CMTV's website are dead, but you can be assured it happened! Some reactions to it: -Gets exclusive access to Q&A sessions at the Vatican during the 2014 synod.
-Also happens to get access to Archbishop Dolan about the gαy parade on St. Patrick's day 2015.
2016- Two weeks after Amoris Laetitia is released, he comes out as a former ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ yet currently repentant man in order to circuмvent the actions of Fr. Nicholas and the Archdiocese of New York. Catholics and bloggers everywhere call him courageous and that his past doesn't matter!
Truth: He was a planted time-bomb within the traditionalist community and is most likely a very active ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ whose services are in high demand from the satanic gαy-sex cult currently operating under the guise of the Catholic Church. That's why you'll never see any of his ex-boyfriends come forward. Ever wondered how traditionalists must seem to the Satanic Elite? Here is their facsimile of one!
A quick mention about who he's been known to associate with.
Voris was equally surprised by evidence showing that his staff apologist and program host Simon Rafe – who is the webmaster at St. Michael's Media, and co-authored its “Saint Michael's Basic Training” apologetics course – had also written the “adult” role-playing game “Castle Dracula,” and fan-fiction depicting ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖity in the Star Wars universe. Per cna
Ok, let's form a checklist of deviant individuals from St. Michael's Media:
1. Anthony "Tridentine" Perlas, pornographer.
2. Simon Rafe
3. Michael Voris
Feel free to add as more are revealed!