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Offline Traditional Guy 20

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Is Iran really a mortal threat?
« on: May 17, 2012, 05:13:43 PM »
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  • Perhaps we should reassess our relationship with Iran.

    Iran and the United States have no quarrels whatsoever, contrary to what the Israelis and the neoconservatives blabber about. First of all we actually have helped Iran become a major power player in the region by getting rid of her enemies in Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran has numerous times signaled that it does want an end to the 30-year old cold war between America and Iran and for the two countries to cooperate better. They showed this during the Clinton Administration, right after Kabul fell after 9/11, and after Obama was elected.

    The only thing that has stopped this process has been the Israelis like "Bibi" Netanyahu arguing that Iran is nαzι Germany and President Ahmadinejad is Hitler (didn't the neo-cons and Israelis say the same thing about Saddam... :rolleyes:) and our own neo-cons in this country who want Israel's enemies bombed and invaded. Of course another thing that Iran wants is for the United States to lift its embargo, which makes sense since Pakistan, Israel, Russia, China, etc. all have nuclear weapons. Why cannot Iran have nuclear weapons or even nuclear power?

    Finally, Iran of course doesn't want America intervening in their election process like what McCain and the neo-cons advocated back in June, 2009, which also makes sense. Do we Americans not react with outrage when foreigners pump money in our elections? And yet America does this all over the world.

    In conclusion: America and Iran have no quarrels whatsover. We need not be firends but we also need not be enemies, and our two countries should work closer together. It is also time for America to stop being Israel's poodle.

    Offline rowsofvoices9

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #1 on: July 05, 2012, 01:09:51 PM »
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  • I disagree completely, Iran does pose a mortal threat not only to Israel but the entire world.  Their president is an Islamic fanatic hell bent on ushering in WWIII.   The lunatic Ahmadinejad actually believes he is the chosen instrument of Allah to prepare the world for the return of the Islamic messiah Mahdi.   Ahmadinejad further believes that in order for the "savior" to appear there must be global chaos which Ahmadinejad is perfectly willing to instigate himself if need be.
    My conscience compels me to make this disclaimer lest God judges me partly culpable for the errors and heresy promoted on this forum... For the record I support neither Sedevacantism or the SSPX.  I do not define myself as either a traditionalist or Novus

    Offline theology101

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #2 on: July 05, 2012, 10:29:25 PM »
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  • Iran and Iraq are what was once Babylon. The αѕнкenαzι Jєωs are descendants of those Khazars who called themselves Ashenαzιm after Ashkenaz, who Jeremiah prophesied would conquer Babylon, and are the ones most interested in, well, conquering Babylon. And since America is an Israeli lapdog, off to conquer Babylon we will soon go...

    Offline Traditional Guy 20

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #3 on: July 07, 2012, 12:16:58 AM »
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  • Quote from: rowsofvoices9
    I disagree completely, Iran does pose a mortal threat not only to Israel but the entire world.  Their president is an Islamic fanatic hell bent on ushering in WWIII.   The lunatic Ahmadinejad actually believes he is the chosen instrument of Allah to prepare the world for the return of the Islamic messiah Mahdi.   Ahmadinejad further believes that in order for the "savior" to appear there must be global chaos which Ahmadinejad is perfectly willing to instigate himself if need be.

    I see you have been listening to the Zionist and neoconservative propaganda...

    Offline Traditional Guy 20

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #4 on: July 07, 2012, 12:57:16 AM »
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  • If Iran was out to destroy Israel and the United States why did not Ahmadinejad rocket Tel Aviv with his embattered allies? Why has Iran constantly considered an alliance with America? The thing speaks for itself. It is not an "Islamo-fascist" state and they don't want war with America or Israel.

    Offline Traditional Guy 20

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #5 on: July 07, 2012, 05:22:38 AM »
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  • By the way speaking of the Bin Laden's idea, "Death is better than letting the unbelievers live amongst us," did not Isabella and Spain feel the same way of the "unbelievers" and wanted them "removed" from their presence. Did not Elizabeth I feel the same way about Catholics? Religious tolerance is a fairly new idea and if we were to follow that standard Isabella's Spain and the Roman Empire would fall short along with the Islamic caliphate. Muslims don't believe in some secular-liberal or permissive democracy.

    Offline rowsofvoices9

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #6 on: July 08, 2012, 11:39:20 PM »
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  • For those who still think Iran is harmless.  This article points out that Iran has many terrorist sleeper cells within the U.S. perfectly willing to create unimaginable havoc if we or Israel attack Iran.

    Reza Kahlili, living in the shadows with a fake name and disguise, worked from inside the Revolutionary Guard. He warns of terrorist sleeper cells in the U.S. and a plot to destroy Israel.

    For the last two years, Kahlili has gone semipublic with a memoir, a blog, op-ed pieces and invitation-only speeches at think tanks. He warns that Iran operates terrorist sleeper cells inside the United States and is determined to build nuclear weapons to destroy Israel. The U.S. should respond, he argues, by supporting the opposition inside Iran.

    He travels furtively between appearances, working as a Pentagon consultant and as a member of a domestic security task force.

    “There’s probably nobody better on our side in explaining the mind-set of those in power in Iran,” said Peter Vincent Pry, a former CIA military analyst who directs the Task Force on National and Homeland Security. “He understands the ideological sources of Iran’s nuclear program.”

    “You’d be shocked by how easily agents from the Revolutionary Guard come and go inside the United States every day,” Kahlili says in a near-whisper, bent over a table in a dark corner.

    Kahlili says Iranian terrorist cells inside the U.S. have weapons, explosives, money and safe houses; they use contacts with Mexican and Latin American drug cartels to smuggle explosives and weapons into the U.S.

    “They have very detailed information about sensitive sites such as bridges, railroads, airports, military bases, power plants, nuclear sites, water plants, railway stations,” he says.

    Kahlili says Iran has intelligence agents inside American universities, Islamic cultural centers and charitable institutions, posing as academics, policy experts and officers of nonprofits. They try to influence policymakers to encourage negotiations in order to give Iran time to develop nuclear weapons.

    Kahlili says the Iranian leadership is motivated by Mahdism, the messianic belief that the 12th imam of Shiism, the Mahdi, will one day reappear to establish universal Islam. The trigger is the destruction of Israel.

    Sanctions against Iran won’t work, Kahlili argues. “It’s not about the economy. It’s about ideology,” he says.

    Inside the hotel lounge, Kahlili appears worn and weary. He glances around. He says Iranian agents are trying to find him and his family.

    “I have a lot of anxiety — I feel a lot of pressure,” he says. “I feel sick sometimes and I can’t sleep.”

    Full article: Former CIA spy advocates overthrow of Iranian regime,0,3089447,full.story
    My conscience compels me to make this disclaimer lest God judges me partly culpable for the errors and heresy promoted on this forum... For the record I support neither Sedevacantism or the SSPX.  I do not define myself as either a traditionalist or Novus

    Offline Traditional Guy 20

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #7 on: July 09, 2012, 01:25:40 AM »
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  • Yeah, yeah, yeah they said the same things about Iraq and Saddam.

    I tend not to,listen to the propaganda.

    Offline rowsofvoices9

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #8 on: July 14, 2012, 09:56:57 PM »
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  • Mahmoud is not someone who I place any confidence in (many question his sanity) and the ruling Mullahs are equally dangerous and crazy.  In every public address Ahmadinejad gives he starts with a prayer for the return of the 12th imam.  Do you really trust a government whose leadership are hardline fanatics who can't wait for a global cataclysm so that the fictional Islamic savior the 12th imam al-Mahdi will appear to usher in an Islamic paradise and world domination?

    Traditional guy, don't be naive.  Do you really think the U.S. would have gone to war against Iraq if it wasn't believed that Saddam possessed WMD?  There is ample evidence that the weapons were transferred into Syria right before we invaded.  If the whole reason for our invasion was predicated on a lie, how hard do you think it would be for our gov. to plant them?  We could have saved ourselves whole lot of embarrassment and well as lives.

    Satellite Photos Support Testimony That Iraqi WMD Went to Syria

    MI6 chief Sir John Sawers: 'We foiled Iranian nuclear weapons bid'

    MI6 agents have foiled Iran’s attempts to obtain nuclear weapons but the Middle Eastern state will succeed in arming itself within the next two years, the head of the Secret Intelligence Service has warned.

    Sir John Sawers said that covert operations by British spies had prevented the Iranians from developing nuclear weapons as early as 2008.

    However, the MI6 chief said it was now likely they would achieve their goal by 2014, making a military strike from the US and Israel increasingly likely.

    Sir John gave a secret briefing to the Cabinet in March about Iran’s growing military threat but this is the first time his views on the issue have been made public.

    It is extremely rare for the head of MI6 to disclose details of operations by the intelligence service.

    Sir John made the remarks at a meeting of around 100 senior civil servants in London last week in only his second public speech since he was appointed to the post in 2009.

    Speaking at the Civil Service Live event in Olympia he said that Iran was now “two years away” from becoming a “nuclear weapons state”.

    He said that “when that moment came” Israel or the United States would have to decide whether to launch a military strike.

    “The Iranians are determinedly going down a path to master all aspects of nuclear weapons; all the technologies they need,” he said. “It’s equally clear that Israel and the United States would face huge dangers if Iran were to become a nuclear weapon state.”

    Sir John said that without MI6’s work dealing with the threat, “you’d have Iran as a nuclear weapons state in 2008 rather than still being two years away in 2012.”

    Sir John said it was up to MI6 to “delay that awful moment when the politicians may have to take a decision between accepting a nuclear-armed Iran or launching a military strike against Iran.”

    When that moment came, he said: “I think it will be very tough for any prime minister of Israel or president of the United States to accept a nuclear-armed Iran.”

    Iran has previously accused Israel and the US of trying to disrupt its nuclear programme through covert operations by Mossad, MI6 and the CIA.

    Several Iranian nuclear scientists have been apparently αssαssιnαtҽd in recent years while a powerful computer virus known as Stuxnet attacked the computer systems of their nuclear facilities.

    Britain and America denied the allegations but Israel has remained silent on the issue.

    Sir John disclosed that MI6 has “run a series of operations to ensure that the sanctions introduced internationally are implemented, and that we do everything we can within the Middle East to slow down these remaining problems.

    “I take great pride in the fact that, in the last ten years, over a number of jobs, I’ve been involved in an issue of global concern, and I feel that I as an individual [have made] an impact in the outcome of events.”

    The session – which was open to visitors to the event – was titled “Unclassified chat: Sir John Sawers CMG” and was reported in Civil Service World, a publication which is dedicated to senior Whitehall officials.

    Disclosure of his remarks came as the US stepped up their sanctions against front companies suspected of supplying appaernt nuclear materials to Iran after an international oil embargo started earlier this month.

    His warning of a nuclear Iran in 2014 could throw the Coalition into turmoil just before the next general election.

    The Liberal Democrats have ruled out supporting any military action against the regime but David Cameron has repeatedly said that “all options” are on the table.

    Senior Conservatives believe that the issue could finally cause the Coalition to split as Britain would be forced to support any American action.

    In March, Sir John spoke to more than 20 ministers about the latest intelligence on the growing fear that Israel is poised to launch a pre-emptive strike against Tehran.

    The secrecy around the briefing was so high that ministers were ordered to leave their mobile phones outside the Cabinet room.

    There are claims that basic mobile phones, without specialist anti-eavesdropping security, can be converted into “listening devices” by foreign intelligence agencies.

    The highly unusual briefing was thought to have raised questions about Israel’s military capacity to destroy Iranian nuclear sites, which are buried deep underground.

    The MI6 chief was also understood to have warned about the potential threat to Britain from a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

    That came after Foreign secretary William Hague warned that Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons threatened to trigger a “new Cold War” that posed an even greater threat of nuclear conflict than the stand-off between the USSR and the West.

    In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Mr Hague said that Iran was threatening to spark a nuclear arms race in the Middle East which could be more dangerous than the original East-West Cold War as there are not the same “safety mechanisms” in place.

    “It is a crisis coming down the tracks,” he said. “Because they are clearly continuing their nuclear weapons programme…

    “If they obtain nuclear weapons capability, then I think other nations across the Middle East will want to develop nuclear weapons.

    “And so, the most serious round of nuclear proliferation since nuclear weapons were invented would have begun with all the destabilizing effects in the Middle East.

    “And the threat of a new cold war in the Middle East without necessarily all the safety mechanisms … That would be a disaster in world affairs.”

    My conscience compels me to make this disclaimer lest God judges me partly culpable for the errors and heresy promoted on this forum... For the record I support neither Sedevacantism or the SSPX.  I do not define myself as either a traditionalist or Novus

    Offline rowsofvoices9

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #9 on: July 14, 2012, 09:58:06 PM »
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  • Mahmoud is not someone who I place any confidence in (many question his sanity) and the ruling Mullahs are equally dangerous and crazy.  In every public address Ahmadinejad gives he starts with a prayer for the return of the 12th imam.  Do you really trust a government whose leadership are hardline fanatics who can't wait for a global cataclysm so that the fictional Islamic savior the 12th imam al-Mahdi will appear to usher in an Islamic paradise and world domination?

    Traditional guy, don't be naive.  Do you really think the U.S. would have gone to war against Iraq if it wasn't believed that Saddam possessed WMD?  There is ample evidence that the weapons were transferred into Syria right before we invaded.  If the whole reason for our invasion was predicated on a lie, how hard do you think it would be for our gov. to plant them?  We could have saved ourselves whole lot of embarrassment and well as lives.

    Satellite Photos Support Testimony That Iraqi WMD Went to Syria

    MI6 chief Sir John Sawers: 'We foiled Iranian nuclear weapons bid'

    MI6 agents have foiled Iran’s attempts to obtain nuclear weapons but the Middle Eastern state will succeed in arming itself within the next two years, the head of the Secret Intelligence Service has warned.

    Sir John Sawers said that covert operations by British spies had prevented the Iranians from developing nuclear weapons as early as 2008.

    However, the MI6 chief said it was now likely they would achieve their goal by 2014, making a military strike from the US and Israel increasingly likely.

    Sir John gave a secret briefing to the Cabinet in March about Iran’s growing military threat but this is the first time his views on the issue have been made public.

    It is extremely rare for the head of MI6 to disclose details of operations by the intelligence service.

    Sir John made the remarks at a meeting of around 100 senior civil servants in London last week in only his second public speech since he was appointed to the post in 2009.

    Speaking at the Civil Service Live event in Olympia he said that Iran was now “two years away” from becoming a “nuclear weapons state”.

    He said that “when that moment came” Israel or the United States would have to decide whether to launch a military strike.

    “The Iranians are determinedly going down a path to master all aspects of nuclear weapons; all the technologies they need,” he said. “It’s equally clear that Israel and the United States would face huge dangers if Iran were to become a nuclear weapon state.”

    Sir John said that without MI6’s work dealing with the threat, “you’d have Iran as a nuclear weapons state in 2008 rather than still being two years away in 2012.”

    Sir John said it was up to MI6 to “delay that awful moment when the politicians may have to take a decision between accepting a nuclear-armed Iran or launching a military strike against Iran.”

    When that moment came, he said: “I think it will be very tough for any prime minister of Israel or president of the United States to accept a nuclear-armed Iran.”

    Iran has previously accused Israel and the US of trying to disrupt its nuclear programme through covert operations by Mossad, MI6 and the CIA.

    Several Iranian nuclear scientists have been apparently αssαssιnαtҽd in recent years while a powerful computer virus known as Stuxnet attacked the computer systems of their nuclear facilities.

    Britain and America denied the allegations but Israel has remained silent on the issue.

    Sir John disclosed that MI6 has “run a series of operations to ensure that the sanctions introduced internationally are implemented, and that we do everything we can within the Middle East to slow down these remaining problems.

    “I take great pride in the fact that, in the last ten years, over a number of jobs, I’ve been involved in an issue of global concern, and I feel that I as an individual [have made] an impact in the outcome of events.”

    The session – which was open to visitors to the event – was titled “Unclassified chat: Sir John Sawers CMG” and was reported in Civil Service World, a publication which is dedicated to senior Whitehall officials.

    Disclosure of his remarks came as the US stepped up their sanctions against front companies suspected of supplying appaernt nuclear materials to Iran after an international oil embargo started earlier this month.

    His warning of a nuclear Iran in 2014 could throw the Coalition into turmoil just before the next general election.

    The Liberal Democrats have ruled out supporting any military action against the regime but David Cameron has repeatedly said that “all options” are on the table.

    Senior Conservatives believe that the issue could finally cause the Coalition to split as Britain would be forced to support any American action.

    In March, Sir John spoke to more than 20 ministers about the latest intelligence on the growing fear that Israel is poised to launch a pre-emptive strike against Tehran.

    The secrecy around the briefing was so high that ministers were ordered to leave their mobile phones outside the Cabinet room.

    There are claims that basic mobile phones, without specialist anti-eavesdropping security, can be converted into “listening devices” by foreign intelligence agencies.

    The highly unusual briefing was thought to have raised questions about Israel’s military capacity to destroy Iranian nuclear sites, which are buried deep underground.

    The MI6 chief was also understood to have warned about the potential threat to Britain from a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

    That came after Foreign secretary William Hague warned that Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons threatened to trigger a “new Cold War” that posed an even greater threat of nuclear conflict than the stand-off between the USSR and the West.

    In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Mr Hague said that Iran was threatening to spark a nuclear arms race in the Middle East which could be more dangerous than the original East-West Cold War as there are not the same “safety mechanisms” in place.

    “It is a crisis coming down the tracks,” he said. “Because they are clearly continuing their nuclear weapons programme…

    “If they obtain nuclear weapons capability, then I think other nations across the Middle East will want to develop nuclear weapons.

    “And so, the most serious round of nuclear proliferation since nuclear weapons were invented would have begun with all the destabilizing effects in the Middle East.

    “And the threat of a new cold war in the Middle East without necessarily all the safety mechanisms … That would be a disaster in world affairs.”

    My conscience compels me to make this disclaimer lest God judges me partly culpable for the errors and heresy promoted on this forum... For the record I support neither Sedevacantism or the SSPX.  I do not define myself as either a traditionalist or Novus

    Offline Traditional Guy 20

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #10 on: July 15, 2012, 01:01:27 AM »
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  • Rowsofvoices9 if you seriously believe the neoconservative propaganda you really need to go get your head expunged from the propagandist garbage. We attacked an innocent Arab country that did not threaten us, did not want war with us, and could not resist us on the supposed 'theory' that it had WMDs and ties to Al Qaeda, which we have found to be lies, nevermind the fact American imperialism over there has lead to the Arab hatred of us in that region. At one time the Arabs respected us as the last anti-colonial superpower. No more.

    Iran as a signer of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty says she has the right to peaceful power. As has been shown the Bombs-Away-Caucus is not the right formula in the Middle East. I assume you think that Iran is an 'Ilamo-fascist state' and Ahmadinejad the 'next Hitler' as well which is also neo-con and Israeli propaganda. You seriously need some help if you can still praise that moron Bush after 8 years of his disasterous Presidency.

    Oh and by the way the whole 'wipe Israel off the map' thing that is in dispute as to whether he actually said that. We talked to Stalin, Mao, Khruschev, etc. who were more murderous yet we can't talk with Ahmadinejad? Oh and the 2007 intel from the U.S. intelligence community said that Iran was not near a bomb. Whose war is this?

    It is a war for Israel and the neo-cons!

    Oh and by the way Bin Laden loathed Saddam and wanted Islamic warriors to bring him down not Americans. As for Iran she is anti-Sunni, anti-Taliban so both Saddam and Iran had no ties to Al Qaeda.

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #11 on: July 15, 2012, 01:06:00 AM »
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  • Also if you'd know what neoconservatism is they have roots in the Trotskyist, liberal, leftist, and socialist movements. As a strong anti-Communist I cannot stand that the Right has been taken over and converted by a bunch of Trotskyites.

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #12 on: July 15, 2012, 01:07:56 AM »
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  • Quote from: Traditional Guy 20
    'Ilamo-fascist state'

    'Islamo-fascist state'

    Offline Croix de Fer

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #13 on: July 15, 2012, 01:51:33 AM »
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  • Rowsofvoices, if you support an attack on Iran so much then why don't you seek employment at Academi or go join the Marines; or you can simply go there on your own and try to fight them. The Saudi royal family and Zionist Israel would love to use you as a pawn, a tool, for their agenda.

    Go ahead and fight for Wahhabism and Zionism. One is an inside-out version of the other and both are two heads of the same beast. They want global domination of the oil markets, and they want to eliminate any existing buffer (Iran and Syria) to finalizing the theft of Palestinian territory for the Jєωs, while expanding Israeli territory.

    Go ahead, pick up a rifle and volunteer to fight for Saudi Arabia and Israel. Those two countries like "infidels" and goys like you that do the dirty work.

    Leave the rest of America out of it.  
    Blessed be the Lord my God, who teacheth my hands to fight, and my fingers to war. ~ Psalms 143:1 (Douay-Rheims)

    Offline theology101

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    Is Iran really a mortal threat?
    « Reply #14 on: July 15, 2012, 04:16:52 AM »
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  • Funny how Americans are always so afraid of the things they created. Ever hear of the 1953 coup when American and British intelligence overthrew the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED government of Iran, and installed the very same theocratic system we complain so much about today? Wonder why Iranians are not too fond of us. All they wanted was control of their own oil, and Britain was having none of that. And now we get what we get.